Adhd For Counselors
Adhd For Counselors
Adhd For Counselors
Characteristics of ADHD
Professional counselors in community agency and school settings may help child
clients with ADHD and their families through a variety of interventions. Although
academic impairment is often addressed directly by teachers, professional counselors
may specifically help children learn to cope with social impairments that occur with
ADHD in order to treat the full spectrum of symptoms (Herr, 2009; McConaughy, Volpe,
Antshel, Gordon, & Eiraldi, 2011). Research on counseling children with ADHD
suggests that action-oriented approaches are vital and that play therapy may be effective
when working with young children coping with ADHD symptoms (Portrie-Bethke, Hill,
& Bethke, 2009; Schottelkorb & Ray, 2009). Group counseling for children with ADHD
has also been suggested (Webb & Myrick, 2003) along with adopting a systemic
intervention approach incorporating regular parent and teacher consultations
(Shillingford, Lambie, & Walter, 2007).
Regardless of the particular setting or counseling approach, three areas of focus
are of importance when counseling children with ADHD. These three areas, including
conflict resolution, motivation and self-efficacy, and self-esteem, may help counselors
organize and structure their interventions. Furthermore, these focus areas can help
counselors when consulting with parents, caregivers, teachers, and other healthcare
Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2014
providers to develop a collaborative and active treatment plan which is critical to ensure
success (Herr, 2009).
Conflict Resolution
Children with ADHD often experience interpersonal conflict and rejection in their
home, school and other social environments as a result of not paying attention, being off
task, and difficulty controlling talking or other impulses (Deater-Deckard, 2001).
Teachers redirecting students back to individual work, parents repeating instructions, and
peers expressing different ideas may be exceptionally challenging for a child with ADHD
and lead to conflict and potentially aggressive behavior. Therefore, helping children with
ADHD develop conflict resolutions skills and strategies may help reduce the
interpersonal difficulties that they often experience.
Peer mediation programs in school settings have shown a high degree of
effectiveness in helping children resolve conflicts with peers, teachers, and parents.
Elementary and secondary children who do not receive training in peer mediation
programs frequently fail to resolve interpersonal conflicts and further strain their social
relationships. However, after peer mediation training, children learn to successfully
utilize negotiation and mediation skills and have more productive outcomes in their
relationships with others (Johnson & Johnson, 1996). Likewise, helping children with
ADHD and their parents learn skills to resolve disputes in the home setting can be
especially important to reinforce conflict resolution skills in multiple environments.
Given the proclivity to interpersonal conflict among children with ADHD,
professional counselors should continually assess the ability of the child with ADHD to
manage and resolve conflict in a constructive manner. With young children, bibliotherapy
and narrative-based interventions (Kamali & Looyeh, 2013) may provide an effective
avenue for introducing skills in conflict resolution. Numerous age-appropriate conflict
resolution books for children are available in print and electronic formats. Older children
and adolescents may benefit from therapeutic adventure-based interventions designed to
help facilitate stronger interpersonal relationships and reframing negative behaviors into
potential strengths (Portrie-Bethke et al., 2009). Professional counselors can also help
parents of children with ADHD understand the biological and environmental factors that
may lead to conflict and develop skills for facilitating parent-child interactions
(Ghanizadeh, 2007). Ultimately, helping children with ADHD develop conflict resolution
skills helps minimize social alienation and improves their self-esteem and a sense of self-
Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2014
on household chores, finishing games or other activities, and frequently losing things
(NIMH, 2012). Children who have had successful experiences at school and at home are
less likely to struggle with motivation. However, children with ADHD often have
accumulated a series of negative experiences in multiple settings that decreases their
willingness to engage in new behaviors. In addition, issues with rejection and motivation
can be particularly challenging for minority youth struggling with ADHD and their
families due to numerous systemic and institutionalized barriers when seeking help
(Tucker & Dixon, 2009).
Self-efficacy is considered a central component of successful living and is closely
related to motivation. Bandura (1977) found that if a child does not expect to be
successful in a particular activity, he or she will be less likely to put forth the effort to
successfully engage in the activity. Children with ADHD often struggle with self-efficacy
concerns that may result from repeated experiences of failure and rejection in school and
at home. Although motivation is considered part of the initial energy directed towards an
activity, it is the child’s feelings of potential success (i.e., self-efficacy) that determines
how long he or she will continue to exert energy on the activity (i.e., motivation.).
Professional counselors can address motivation and self-efficacy by helping
children with ADHD to identify and promote strategies to engage in, and successfully
complete, activities both at school and at home. In particular, helping children develop
intrinsic motivation through the counseling process is critical to help children gain
confidence in their abilities and desire to try new behaviors. For older children and
adolescents, cognitive-behavioral interventions may be of use in helping assess self-talk
and negative self-statements that may contribute to low motivation (Shillingford et al.,
2007). A child who impulsively moves from one activity to another might be challenged
to examine thoughts that precede the desire to switch activities and come up with new
self-statements that will encourage completion of the initial task. The professional
counselor also may utilize reflective statements that emphasize intrinsic motivations of
the child (Watts, Cashwell, & Schweiger, 2004). For example, the counselor can use
reflections that help the child make decisions rather than relying on the counselor, such as
“You are working hard to figure out what to do next.” Additionally, the counselor should
refrain from using praising statements that foster an external locus of control such as
“Good job!” or “Excellent work!” Instead, the counselor can reflect on the child’s
internal efforts and motivation by using statements such as “You are feeling proud of
your success,” or “You are keeping yourself focused right now.” These strategies for
fostering intrinsic motivation can help alleviate some of the struggles with motivation and
self-efficacy experienced by children with ADHD.
In the school setting, students and teachers alike perceive children with ADHD to
be more socially rejected than students without ADHD (Barkley, DuPaul & McMurray,
1990; Johnston, Pelham & Murphy, 1985; Pope, Bierman & Mumma, 1989). Because of
frequent experiences of rejection, self-esteem may be a significant concern for children
coping with ADHD. Maslow (1943) originally developed a theory of human motivation
emphasizing the need for individuals to value themselves and to believe that others value
them. In Maslow’s theory, self-esteem is a deficiency need and therefore must be met
before a child can focus on learning, which is considered a growth need. Low self-esteem
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The number of children diagnosed with ADHD has risen in the past decade (CDC,
2014) and many of today’s professional counselors working with children will work with
a client affected by the disorder. Although psychostimulant medication has been the
primary intervention in the past, the inclusion of counseling in combination with
medication is becoming more commonplace (Hoffman, 2009; Portrie-Bethke et al.,
2009). Numerous strategies are available to professional counselors when working with
children coping with ADHD and their families. By focusing on the three areas of conflict
resolution, motivation and self-efficacy, and self-esteem, professional counselors can
help provide comprehensive behavioral support to ensure the lifelong success of children
with ADHD.
Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2014
Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2014
Note: This paper is part of the annual VISTAS project sponsored by the American Counseling Association.
Find more information on the project at: