LSP 16
LSP 16
LSP 16
Assess the patient’s general functioning over the past three months, taking into account their
age, social and cultural context. Do not assess functioning during crises when the patient
was ill or becoming ill. Answer all 16 items by circling the appropriate response.
0 1 2 3
1 Does this person generally have any difficulty No difficulty Slight Moderate Extreme
with initiating and responding to conversation? difficulty difficulty difficulty
2 Does this person generally withdraw from Does not Withdraws Withdraws Withdraws
social contact? withdraw at slightly moderately totally or
all near totally
3 Does this person generally show warmth to Considerable Moderate Slight No warmth at
others? warmth warmth warmth all
4 Is this person generally well groomed (eg, Well Moderately Poorly Extremely
neatly dressed, hair combed)? groomed well groomed poorly
groomed groomed
5 Does this person wear clean clothes generally, Maintains Moderate Poor Very poor
or ensure that they are cleaned if dirty? cleanliness cleanliness cleanliness cleanliness
of clothes of clothes of clothes of clothes
6 Does this person generally neglect her or his No neglect Slight Moderate Extreme
physical health? neglect of neglect of neglect of
physical physical physical
problems problems problems
7 Is this person violent to others? Not at all Rarely Occasionally Often
8 Does this person generally make and/or keep Friendships Friendships Friendships No
up friendships? made or kept made or kept made or kept friendships
up well up with slight up with made or
difficulty considerable none kept
9 Does this person generally maintain an No problem Slight Moderate Extreme
adequate diet? problem problem problem
10 Does this person generally look after and take Reliable with Slightly Moderately Extremely
her or his own prescribed medication (or attend medication unreliable unreliable unreliable
for prescribed injections on time) without
11 Is this person willing to take psychiatric Always Usually Rarely Never
medication when prescribed by a doctor?
12 Does this person co-operate with health Always Usually Rarely Never
services (eg, doctors and/or other health
13 Does this person generally have problems (eg, No obvious Slight Moderate Extreme
friction, avoidance) living with others in the problem problems problems problems
14 Does this person behave offensively (includes Not at all Rarely Occasionally Often
sexual behaviour)?
15 Does this person behave irresponsibly? Not at all Rarely Occasionally Often
16 What sort of work is this person generally Capable of Capable of Capable only Totally
capable of (even if unemployed, retired or full time work part time of sheltered incapable of
doing unpaid domestic duties)? work work work
LSP-16 item elaboration and clarification
The following item clarifications were developed as part of the training materials for the
Victorian Mental Health Outcomes Strategy and are offered as a useful adjunct to the
basic LSP-16.
1 Does the person generally have difficulty with initiating and responding to conversation?
Measures the ability to begin and maintain social interaction, ensuring the flow of conversation; taking
turns in conversation, silence as appropriate.
2 Does the person generally withdraw from social contact? Does the person isolate themselves
when part of a group? Does the person participate in leisure activities with others? Spend long hours
alone watching TV or videos?
3 Does the person generally show warmth to others? Does the individual demonstrate affection,
concern or understanding of situation of others?
4 Is this person generally well groomed (eg, neatly dressed, hair combed)? Does the person use
soap when washing, shave as appropriate/ use make-up appropriately, use shampoo?
5 Does this person wear clean clothes generally, or ensure that they are cleaned if dirty? Does
the person recognise the need to change clothes on a regular basis? Are clothes grimy, are collars
and cuffs marked, are there food stains?
6 Does this person generally neglect her or his physical health? Does the person have a medical
condition for which they are not receiving appropriate treatment? Does the person lead a generally
healthy lifestyle? Does the person neglect their dental health?
7 Is this person violent to others? Does the person display verbal and physical aggression to others?
8 Does this person generally make or keep friendships? Does the person identify individuals as
friends? Do others identify the person as a friend? Does the person express a desire to continue to
interact with others?
9 Does this person generally maintain an adequate diet? Does the person eat a variety of nutritious
foods regularly? Do they watch their fat and fibre intake?
10 Does this person generally look after and take her or his own prescribed medication (or attend
for prescribed injections on time) without reminding? Does the person adhere to their medication
regimen as prescribed? The right amount at the right time on a regular basis? Does the person need
prompting or reinforcement to adhere to their medication regimen?
11 Is this person willing to take prescribed medication when prescribed by a doctor? Does the
person express an unwillingness to take medication as prescribed, bargain or inappropriately question
the need for continuing medication?
12 Does this person cooperate with health services (eg, doctors and/or other health workers)? Is
the person deliberately obstructive in relation to treatment plans? Do they attend appointments,
undertake therapeutic homework activities?
13 Does this person generally have problems (eg friction, avoidance) living with others in the
household? Is the person identified as ‘difficult to live with’? Do they have difficulty establishing or
keeping to “house rules” or are they always having arguments about domestic duties?
14 Does this person behave offensively (includes sexual behaviour)? Does the person behave in a
socially inept or unacceptable way demonstrating inappropriate social or sexual behaviours or
15 Does this person behave irresponsibly? Does the person act deliberately in ways that are likely to
inconvenience, irritate or hurt others? Does the person neglect basic social obligations?
16 What sort of work is this person generally capable of (even if unemployed, retired or doing
unpaid domestic duties)? What level of assistance/guidance does the individual require to
undertake occupational activities?
LSP-16 scoring and subscales
All items are answered on an anchored four-point scale, with higher scores indicating
a greater degree of disability. In the 16-item version, a score of 3 represents greater
dysfunction and a score of 0 represents good functioning . Specific anchor points are
provided for each item. For example, in relation to the medication compliance item,
the specific anchor points are (0) “reliable with medication”, (1) “slightly unreliable”,
(2) “moderately unreliable” and (3) “extremely unreliable”.
A total LSP scale score is calculated by adding individual scores for the whole scale
together. Therefore, for the LSP-16, the total score can range from 0 to 48. Items
with missing data are excluded from the calculation.
Four subscale scores can be also be calculated by adding together the scores for the
items that form each subscale as shown in below.