Pa Ragis
Pa Ragis
Pa Ragis
Angelyn Peregil II
Garcia, for her continuous support, for her patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. We
would also like to thank our English teachers for their guidance as we were in the process of
We would also like to thank our family, our parents, and our brothers and sisters for
And lastly, we would like to thank God for giving us the strength and wisdom to continue
our studies.
Title Page
Statement of the problem………………………………………….1
a) Background…………………………………..1-2
b) Objectives…………………………………….2
c) Hypothesis……………………………………..2
b) Conclusions……………………………………..12
c) Recommendation…………………………….12
d) Bibliography…………………………………….13
e) Appendices…………………………………….14-15
Statement of the problem
Can paragis (Galium aparine) be an effective component of hair conditioner for hair fall
The Philippines faces many economic problems nowadays such as power shortage, food
shortage, and aggravated by the increasing cost of medicines which includes treatment for
diseases. Everyone loses some hair every day. Losing up to 100 hairs a day is normal. But if hair
loss runs in your family, you could lose a lot more hair. With this kind of hair loss, you may end
up with bald spots if you are a man. These problems urged the researcher to help people who are
experiencing hair fall due to stress, Pregnancy, aging, and lack of protein. The researcher came
up with the idea of producing a treatment that can prevent hair fall. Since Paragis
backyards, mostly in warm areas. Goose grass or Paragis is considered one of the finest herbal
cleansing tonics known that helps to purify the blood and It has vitamin C. The Researcher make
up an idea and gather some information about Paragis, and produced hair conditioners that can
To produce hair conditioner for hair fall defense out paragis (Galium aparine)
To test if the Paragis(Galium aparine) hair conditioner is effective for hair fall defense
To test if the Paragis (Galium aparine) hair conditioner has side effects.
Taking care of our hair is a necessary thing that we should do. In active treatment, the basic
function of shampoo is to cleanse the hair and scalp, removing its oiliness. In this wash, shampoo
opens the scales of the cuticle to make hair cleaning. As the shampoo removes all the oiliness of
the wires, the hair becomes electric, so it is necessary to open the scales back to close to prevent
hair is dried with the appearance and dull. That's where the conditioner comes in. The
conditioner has the function to return the natural oils of the hair that was removed by shampoo,
leaving it as close to the natural. The conditioner closes the hair scales, eliminating wires of
electricity, acquiring an invisible protective layer that facilitates combing and provides nutrition
The rationale of the study is to benefit people who are suffering from hair fall due to stress,
Pregnancy, aging, and lack of protein. Paragis is proven to have protein and its leaves contain
silicon monoxide, calcium oxide, and even chlorine compounds. It can also help to prevent
Scope and Delimitation:
It is only focused to infer and prove if Paragis(Galiumaparine) can treat hair fall. The study is
and chemical free. The product will be tested through applying it in an animal (dog).
Paragis went viral on social media sometime in 2017. The weed once perceived an eyesore in
anyone’s garden is claimed to have curative powers.
It’s a xerophytic weed that grows almost everywhere. It can thrive even in areas where there is
only a little bit of soil. Aside from my garden, of course, it grows on the side of the roads or even
on cracks of pavements. You can also find it along river banks and in any settled areas.
Paragis is also named as the miracle weed.
The weed is particularly abundant in warm countries, like in the regions of Asia and Africa.
Although there is evidence of some of its varieties growing somewhere in Europe, Australia,
New Zealand, Mexico, South and Central America.
Paragis is an erect, tufted, and glabrous grass with long and tapered leaves. It can grow between
10 centimeters and 1 meter in height.
Weed as it may, but paragis is found to be antihelmintic, diuretic, diaphoretic, and febrifuge.
Studies particularly show that it contains these important properties:
● Anti-inflammatory
● Antibacterial
● Anticonvulsant
● Antidiabetic
● Antileishmanial
● Antioxidant
● Antiplasmodial
● Cytotoxic
● Pancreatic lipase inhibitory
● Phytoremediative
● Arthritis, wounds, and parasites. A poultice consisting of a handful of paragis leaves mixed
with scraped coconut can effectively relieve arthritis and stop bleeding wounds.
And since paragis has strong laxative properties, a glass or two of the tea removes worms and
other parasites in your body.
● Bladder disorder
● Cancer. The antioxidant and antibacterial properties of paragis prevent cancer cells from
developing in the body. It was found that extracts of wire grass and D. aegyptium (another
variety of the grass) performed selective inhibitory growth on human lung cancer and cervical
cancer cells.
● Cystitis, urinary tract infection (UTI), and other urinary problems
● Dandruff. A mixture of minced paragis leaves (including its stems) and coconut oil can be
used as a shampoo to eradicate dandruff.
● Diabetes and high blood pressure. rinking paragis tea regularly can free you from diabetes
problems. The boiled leaves and stem helps balance and lower your risk of hypertension. This is
what they do in Myanmar. In Nigeria, they drink the tea to treat malaria, too.
● Dislocation of bones and lumbago
● Dysentery
● Epilepsy
● Eczema
● Fever
● Gallstone problem
● Hemoptysis
● Infertility in women
● Jaundice
● Kidney problems. The diuretic property of paragis increases the amount of water in your body,
flushing out toxins and expelling the salt content through urine.
● Liver problems
● Malaria
● Ovarian cyst and myoma. Drink a boiled paragis tea in the morning and before bedtime to
dissolve ovarian cyst and myoma. ● Psoriasis
● Respiratory problems. Many herbal practitioners drink paragis tea to cure asthma, colds,
cough, flu, and fever. ● Sprain
In the olden times, goosegrass was used by mariners to cure scurvy since the weed is seen to be
rich in Vitamin C.
And, just a bit of trivia: the grain of paragis is a famine food in India and some parts of Africa.
There have been several propositions regarding paragis’ scientific name, one of the accepted
ones is Eleusine indica. It’s commonly called goosegrass or wire grass in English. But the weed
is also known by many different names, depending on the local dialects or country where it
Having mentioned the properties of paragis, studies further reveal that the weed offers a lot of
health benefits to mankind. Many users also testified to its efficacy in preventing or treating
numerous diseases. In the Philippines, many rural folks use paragis to relieve some discomforts.
Aside from Filipinos, local peoples of Malaysia, Indonesia, Africa, and other countries have also
been using paragis to cure certain health conditions.
Unless specified otherwise, paragis is prepared as a tea. Users boil a bunch of the weed in one
liter of water for 10-15 minutes. They drink it hot, lukewarm, or cold, depending on personal
Most of the people who experienced the healing power and benefits of Paragis Grass agreed to
the statements below and support the idea that this weed can really help alleviate and ultimately
cure the following illnesses:
1. Cancer – Paragis’ antioxidants prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.
2. Ovarian cyst and myoma – Ovarian cyst can be treated by Paragis tea.
3. Kidney problems – Paragis increase the amount of water in the body and expels the salt as
urine because of its diuretic property.
4. Arthritis – Apply the heated leaves of Pargis with scraped coconut on the affected area.
6. Wound bleeding – Stops wound bleeding by applying the mixture on the affected area.
9. Hypertension – It’s boiled leaves and stem helps balance and lower the risk of hypertension.
12. Dandruff – Mixed the minced and stem of Paragis on coconut oil. Use it as a shampoo. It also
uses for hair growth and stops falling hair.
13. Dysentery – Drinking boiled roots of Paragis help cure gastroenteritis (Diarrhea with blood).
Additionally, Paragis can also cure asthma, epilepsy, malaria, infertility(women), bladder and
liver problems, hemoptysis, and jaundice.
Having said the above Paragis Grass Health Benefits and healing properties, which could be
enough to conclude that this grass can really help to prolong people’s lives, it is still best to put
everything into a kind of test. Again, knowing by experience removes all that tiny pieces of
In recent times especially in most rural areas, Paragis Grass is used to treat a bunch of ailments
by just boiling it with a cup of water and by drinking it like tea. It has a kind of grassy odor and
some people say it smells like a boiled baby corn. But the thing is, it really helps to alleviate
patient's condition and get better in just a matter of days. Today, as you can see above, you can
have it in a capsule form for a much easier intake.
Aetas, an indigenous people in the mountainous parts of the Philippines: they burn the dried
leaves and stems of Paragis to drive away hematophagous insects. The Bangladeshis mix Paragis
roots with other herbal plants to cure a prolapsed uterus.
In Cambodia, the locals use Paragis tea to relieve fever and liver condition. The Malays, an
ethnic group of Austronesian peoples, make a juice out of the Paragis leaves and give it to
mothers after childbirth to help remove the placenta.
In Malaysia, the locals boil the roots for asthma treatment. In Myanmar, the Paragis leaves are
used to treat hypertension. In Sinhalese, the native group of Sri Lanka: they believe that the weed
is effective for sprains and dislocation. They make a poultice of the entire weed, scraped coconut
and a piece of Curcuma domestica and apply it on the painful areas.
In Nigeria, a decoction of leaves is a home remedy for diabetes and malaria. Also in Colombia,
A Paragis tea is used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and convulsions. In the coastal region of
Guyana, South America, a boiled goose grass makes a good tonic drink. It’s also used to relieve
abdominal muscle strain and bladder disorder. They also poultice wounds with it. In Venezuela,
a decoction of Paragis seeds is given to infants suffering from black jaundice.
Paragis Grass really is. But when it comes to health and well-being, until human consciousness
remains a victim of the old beliefs that we embraced for hundreds of years, everyone would still
believe that the medicine and the pharmaceutical industry are the only doors to knock on when
we get sick.
The researchers used the following ingredients: 5 drops of olive oil, 30ml of honey, 50
mL milk cream, 100 mL paragis extract and 15 grams of banana.
Prepare all the materials needed. Cut out the roots of Paragis plant, Then wash it
thoroughly. Place the Paragis plant in the blender. Once the extract of the Paragis plant came out,
strain it, Its extract will be our main component in making the product. Put the 5 drops of olive
oil, 30 mL of honey, milk cream, 15 grams of banana and the 60 mL Paragis extract in a bowl .
Stir the mixture until it thickens. Pour it into a clean bottle and seal it properly.