Thinhha Asm2 Bi
Thinhha Asm2 Bi
Thinhha Asm2 Bi
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Grading grid
P3 P4 M3 D3
Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:
1.1. Benefits of BI
The Benefits of Business Intelligence:
• Fast and accurate reporting. Due to the time-consuming and labor intensive nature of
business reporting, multimodal tools impact businesses. Employees will be able to monitor
KPIs by using tools like templates or custom reports. Besides, there are a variety of data
sources, including financial and operational data.
• Significant business Insights. If there has to be a combination of actions in the business
world, nothing better than to put together business data and its analysis. All with the purpose
of allowing organizations to come up with better business decisions. These decisions are led
by improved business processes. This will allow valuable business insights and information
fundamental for the company.
• Competitive analysis. Business Intelligence are the tools, software and systems of a
business. They are key and essential to an organization’s strategic planning process. Also,
there is competitive intelligence. This refers to analyzing a company’s industry and its
competition with the purpose to make strategic business decisions that will help differentiate
the company from other market representatives.
• Better BI data quality. Data analysis is the base of BI, so, the organization will not only
collect, but will also analyze data. So, its quality about BI, is a measurement that evaluates
the accuracy and reliability of the data in an organization. It also determines the
completeness and the usability of the analyzed data. Thus, one of the many other benefits of
Business Intelligence is that it will improve the quality of the data.
• Higher Margins. Thanks to BI, businesses can lower their production costs and identify
opportunities in demand that offer them higher margins, thus improving their ROI