Business Studies Notes 2
Business Studies Notes 2
Business Studies Notes 2
Human wants are goods and services that people desire but they are not necessary for survival. Wants
make life comfortable and enjoyable but people can still survive without them. Human wants include
mobile phones, cars, pets, entertainment and holidays abroad.
Needs Wants
1. Needs are basic necessities required for Wants are luxuries that only make life better but
survival. are not necessary for survival.
Needs are few and limited. Wants are endless and unlimited.
3. Needs are easy and cheap to satisfy. Wants are expensive and very difficult to satisfy.
Factor Explanation
1. Land Land refers to all natural resources found on earth together with space
required to set up factories for production take place.
2. Capital Capital refers to money, machinery, equipment and buildings required
for production to take place.
3. Labour Labour refers to the human effort involved when goods and services are
produced. People who produce goods and services are paid wages and
4. Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship refers to people who take the risk to start businesses.
(enterprise) These people are rewarded through profit earned from their businesses.
The above factors of production (resources) are not always available to meet all the needs and wants of
people. This leads to an economic problem. This economic problem is called scarcity.
Therefore, scarcity means that there are limited (fewer) resources to meet unlimited wants.
Thus, a choice must be made since resources used for one product cannot be used for another. The choice
made is called opportunity cost.
Opportunity cost refers to something forgone (sacrificed) for the next best choice.
A business may be faced with two choices; (1) to buy a delivery vehicle or; (2) to
build a new office. Due to limited capital, only one choice must be made.
(a) Which choice should be made?
(b) What is the opportunity cost of that choice?
Review Questions
(a) Define the following terms:
(i) human needs
(ii) human wants
(iii) scarcity
(iv) opportunity cost [8]
(b) Identify and explain two advantages and two disadvantages of specialisation. [4]
Selling price
$1 800 Cost of inputs
Added value
$1 200
Method Explanation
1. Increasing the selling price If the business has the opportunity to increase selling prices while
costs remain unchanged, it can do so. This means more revenue
(income) is earned, increasing added value.
2. Buying cheaper raw The business can look for cheaper suppliers who can provide the
materials same raw materials at a lower price.
3. Using cheaper labour If the business is able to employ workers at a lower wage rate, it can
do so. The worker employed should be able to maintain the same
quality of the product.
4. Branding Branding involves the business coming up with a unique name,
colour or packaging for its product. Branded products can be sold at
a higher price leading to added value.
5. Reducing waste Reducing waste means saving on cost of production. This means the
business produces the goods or services at a lower cost, increasing
added value.
6. Adding extra features to the The business can include extra features or services that customers
product. can pay for as they buy the product. This further increases the
selling price for the product.
2. Secondary sector
The secondary sector is made up of businesses involved in changing raw materials into finished goods.
Activities involved in the secondary sector are: manufacturing, processing, construction and assembly.
3. Tertiary sector
The tertiary sector is made up of businesses that provide services to individuals. These are called personal
services. Services are also provided to businesses. These are called commercial services. Activities involved
in the tertiary sector are: transport, banking, insurance, education, health care, catering, retailing, training
and communication.
Review Questions
Jean owns a restaurant in the city centre. She provides meals including meat and vegetables. All ingredients
are imported from other countries. A village close to the city has farmers producing restaurant ingredients.
Jean’s friend, Pearl, has advised her to increase value added at her restaurant.
(a) What is added value? [2]
(b) In which sector of the industry is Jean’s restaurant? Give a reason for your answer. [2]
(c) Identify and explain two ways in which Jean could increase added value as suggested by Pearl. [6]
What is a mixed economy?
Another way of classifying businesses in a country is by the way they are owned and controlled. A mixed
economy is a country that has both private sector businesses and public sector businesses.
The private sector involves businesses that are owned and controlled by individual and companies. The
public sector involves businesses that are owned and controlled by the government or government
agencies such as councils. Public sector businesses exist to provide services to citizens of a country while
private sector businesses are formed to earn profit for their owners.
What is entrepreneurship?
An entrepreneur is a person who takes the risk to start and operate a business enterprise. An entrepreneur
brings together the other three factors, land, labour and capital, to produce goods and provide services.
1. Risk taker An entrepreneur should have the courage to start a business enterprise
even if it may lead to loss of money invested.
2. Hard working Successful entrepreneurs work long hours including rest days in-order to
achieve their goals.
3. Creative A good entrepreneur is one who comes up with new ideas to create new
(innovative) product or to be ahead of competitors.
4. Self-confident The entrepreneurs should have trust in their ideas and be able to
convince others that the idea can work.
5. Ambitious The entrepreneur should have a strong desire to succeed.
6. Optimistic The entrepreneur should always look forward to a better future even if
the business is making a loss.
7. Good A good entrepreneur is one who is able to share ideas with employees,
communicator customers and other investors.
Section Details
1. Business details This shows names of owners, business address and a brief summary of
(Executive summary) the main activities of the business.
2. Aims and objectives Outlines the intentions and targets of the business.
3. Marketing plan Shows the product and the different ways it will be sold to customers.
4. Production plan It outlines how the product will be made and the resources required.
5. Finance plan It shows the source of finance for the business, the cash flow forecast
and the profit forecast.
Why new businesses may not plan?
(a) Lack of knowledge – entrepreneurs may lack the necessary knowledge to prepare business plans. This
demotivates them, hence, they will not prepare a business plan.
(b) Time consuming - the process of preparing a business plan is time consuming due to the amount of
detail required. As a result, new entrepreneurs just ignore it.
(c) May never use the plan - some businesses have no need for following laid down plans. As a result
having a business plan is not useful to them. They will never follow it.
Review Questions
Kemo was bored with her job in a clothing factory. Her main passion was fashion and she had always been good
at selling clothes, since she helped her father at his market stall. She encouraged her parents and some friends
to invest in her idea of opening a shop selling good quality ladies clothes. Kemo would put her personal savings
into the business. “I think I should draw up a business plan”, said Kemo to Pearl. “I don’t think you will need it,
your business will be too small to need a business plan”, replied Pearl.
(a) What is a business plan? [2]
(b) Give two reasons why the government may assist new entrepreneurs such as Kemo.[2]
(c) Do you agree that a business plan is not useful to Kemo? Justify your answer. [6]
1. Number of employees
This method involves comparing the number of workers employed by each business. In this case, a large
business is the one that employs many employees.
Name of business PetroChina Walmart
Activities involved Oil and gas producer Retailer
Employees 550 000 2.2 million
Value of assets (capital) $350 billion $200 billion
Annual sales $850 billion $850 billion
Value of output $640 billion $430 billion
Market share 20.9% 35.7%
In the above illustration, Walmart may be considered to be a large business when compared to PetroChina
because it employs 1.650 million more employees. Using number of employees to compare business sizes is
easy as it only involves counting employees for each business.
However, some businesses employ less people because they use machines and equipment which are
automated. This makes their output to be higher than businesses employing humans. Other businesses hire
employees on a part-time basis. These employees may not be included in the records of the business but
they would have contributed to production for that business.
2. Capital employed
Capital employed is money invested in a business to buy productive assets such as buildings, machinery and
equipment. This money comes from owners or it is borrowed from banks. A business with more capital has
a higher chance to produce more products and expand its activities. Thus, a business with higher capital
employed is considered to be a large business.
In the above illustration, PetroChina may be considered to be a large business because it has $150 billion
more assets than Walmart. Using capital employed is suitable when comparing businesses in different
However, some businesses may be labour intensive which means they may require more employees than
machines. Such businesses may still be large but they are considered small due to low capital employed.
3. Value of output
This method involves comparing businesses basing on value of their annual production. Thus, a business
that produces goods with more value in a year is considered to be a large business. In the above
illustration, PetroChina is considered to be a large business because it produces $210 billion more than
Walmart. Using value of output is suitable when comparing businesses in the same industry as the output
(goods being produced) will be the same.
However, not all goods produced by a business are sold. A business may produce more but fail to sell all
goods produced. This makes it to be a smaller business when value of sales is used. This method is not
suitable when comparing businesses producing different products like in the case of PetroChina and
Walmart above.
4. Value of sales
Value of sales compares businesses using annual sales income made by a business. It is often used to
compare businesses in the retail industry as the success of those businesses depends on selling more.
In the above illustration, both businesses have an annual sales value of $850 billion. They are considered to
be of the same size.
Value of sales is suitable when comparing businesses in the same industry and the same market.
However, the nature of products sold differs between businesses. One business may sell only one product
to reach the same sales value as a business with many branches and employing many people. This method
is only useful when comparing businesses in the same industry and same market.
5. Market share
Market share refers to the percentage of the total market that is controlled by a business. A business has
high market share when it can sell to many customers. In the above illustration, Walmart controls 35.7% of
the market while PetroChina controls 20.9% of the market. Thus, Walmart is considered to be a large
business basing on market dominance.
Comparing business sizes using market share is suitable for businesses selling similar products and
operating in the same market.
However, a lot of research and data collection is required for this method to be useful. Some businessesg
may not provide true sales figures for the market share to be calculated. It is not useful to compare
businesses basing on market share when they are not operating in the same market and selling similar
products like in the case of PetroChina and Walmart above.
Review Questions
1. The following table shows details for businesses in Country X.
The Finance Minister for Country X thinks that Business C is the largest business in Country X. Do you agree?
Justify your answer. [6]
(a) Survival
Survival is the most important objective for new businesses. This is because the business is entering a
market with businesses already operating there. Competition will be very high. So, the business’ goal will be
to survive before making a profit. If a new business does not seek to survive, it may fail. Survival can be
achieved through lowering prices to attract customers, advertising and creating unique products that are
not currently offered by existing businesses. Survival is also important to large businesses when there is an
economic recession. Demand for goods and services will be low and unemployment is high.
(b) Profitability
Profit is the objective of every entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs set up businesses to earn profit. Profit is the
rewarded for their investment. A business makes profit if its sales revenue is greater than its costs. Profit is
important to a business because:
▪ it is a measure of business success.
▪ it is used to reward entrepreneurs for their investment.
▪ it can be used to expand the business.
▪ it attracts investors.
In-order to maximise profit, businesses should find ways to reduce costs such as buying from cheaper
(c) Growth
Growth means expanding the business. Business owners are interested in increasing the size of their
businesses to increase sales, market share and to fight competition. A large business has advantages such
as; ability to get loans from banks, gaining trade discounts when buying goods and producing more goods
at a lower cost. These are called economies of scale.
Growth involves; opening new branches, buying additional machinery and equipment, developing new
product and employing more employees.
Review Questions
Waste Concern (WC) is a private sector business in country X. The business was formed to recycle waste. It
achieves its aims by collecting waste from households and factories and turning it into organic fertiliser that is
sold at cheaper prices to communities in country X. The Managing Director, Yan Yem, believes that besides
achieving its objectives, the business is also helping the government of country X to achieve its objectives.
(a) What is a business objective? [2]
(b) Give two objectives of Waste Concern. [2]
(c) Do you agree with the Managing Director that Waste Concern is assisting the government to achieve its
objectives? Justify your answer. [6]
2. External growth
External growth involves a business expanding by taking over or merging with another business. The
process of taking over or merging with another business is called integration.
(i) To take over a business means to buy it completely and take full control of that business. This may
happen with or without an agreement with the original owners of that business.
(ii) To merge means to join two businesses into one business that operates under one name or a shared
1. Takeover
Tiger Airways
Airways Buys Fast become (now larger
than before)
Jet s
2. Merger
Tiger Fast Tiger
Airways Airways
Join with Fast become (now larger
Jet s than before)
Car Dealer shop
Car Car
manufacturer manufacturer B
1. Horizontal integration
Horizontal integration is when two businesses producing similar goods or services merge or takeover each
other. Usually such businesses are competitors. In the above illustration, two car manufacturers join to
form one business.
2. Vertical integration
Vertical integration is where by a business merge or takes over another business at a different level of
production. The other business taken over or merged with is usually a supplier or a customer to that
business. In the above illustration, a car manufacture takes over a car dealer (shop). This is called forward
vertical integration. The car dealer is a customer to the car manufacturer.
If the car manufacturer takes over a car parts supplier, it is called backward vertical integration.
3. Conglomerate
Conglomerate involves the business merging or taking over businesses in completely different industries. In
the illustration above, the car manufacture may buy a cloth manufacturing business or a fishing company.
This is called diversification.
2. Rufas is a fruit jam producer. He buys the fruits from a nearby farm and sells his jam to a grocery shop
in the city centre. In the past five years, his jam business was doing well and it earned him enough
profit to save. Recently a new jam producer came into the city. The demand for his jam is declining.
Rufas wants to grow his business.
Explain the one advantage and one disadvantage to Rufas of using each of the following methods to
grow his business.
(a) opening a new branch in the city centre.
(b) merging with the farm.
(c) taking over the new jam producer. [9]
Review Questions
Glass Warehouse (GW) is a glass manufacturing company that makes glassware products such as windows
and bottles. The company is owned by two partners Grace and Kai. Grace thinks that they can expand their
business to other cities in the country as it has managed save $400 000. Kai is afraid because he has read that
80% of business fails when trying to expand.
(a) Give two reasons why some business owners may want their business to remain small. [2]
(b) Identify two reasons why new businesses might fail. [2]
(c) Do you agree with Grace that they should expand their business to other cities in the country. Justify
your answer. [6]
1. Sole trader
A sole trader is a business owned and controlled by one person. It is the most common type of business set
up by new entrepreneurs.
The following are the key features of a sole trader:
➢ It is owned and controlled by one person.
➢ The owner is both the employee and the manager.
➢ The owner has unlimited liability- the owner has legal responsibility to pay for the debts of the
business if the business fail to pay its debts.
➢ A sole trader is unincorporated – there is no separation between the owner and the business.
Review Questions
Keren is an accountant. She wants to set up her accounting consultancy company. Her research has shown
that she needs $12 000. She has managed to save $8 000. Her sister who is a teacher is willing to join her
as a partner but she will continue to teach at a local school. Keren has approached a city bank and the
branch manager has advised her to provide a business plan.
(a) What is a sole trader? [2]
(b) Give two features of a partnership. [2]
(c) Identify and explain two advantages and two disadvantage of Keren forming a partnership with her
sister. [12]
3. Companies
A company is an incorporated business formed by shareholders and managed by a board of directors.
An incorporated business is one in which there is separation between the business and its owners. The
business is responsible for all its debts. The company can take legal actions against its owners and the
owners may also take legal action against their own company. Companies are divided into private limited
company and public limited company.
❖ Public limited companies have high status. They are very large companies with branches in several
parts of the world that are well known. Every other business wants to associate with them.
❖ The shareholders have limited liability. This means that if the company fails to pay its debts, the
shareholders may not lose private assets to pay for the debts of the company. They only lose the
capital they have invested in the company.
❖ The company has continuity. If one shareholder dies or retires, the business will continue to operate
because it is regarded as a separate person.
❖ Public limited companies can easily get loans from banks because banks trust them. They are
considered to be less risky to lend them money.
Review Questions
Kallis Engineering (KE) is a private limited company. It is a small engineering company responsible for
manufacturing and repairing of farm equipment. The directors of KE are planning to expand their business to
other parts of the country. A specialist has advised them to change their business into a public limited company.
(a) What is limited liability? [2]
(b) Identify and explain two advantages of Kallis Engineering operating as a public limited company. [4]
(c) Do you agree that Kallis Engineering should change to a public limited company before it expands? Justify
your answer. [6]
4. Joint ventures
A joint venture is a business enterprise formed and controlled by two or more businesses that join for a
specific purpose. Businesses may form joint ventures for the following reasons:
• To develop a new product.
• To undertake a large construction project.
• To expand into a new market.
• To share knowledge and expertise.
The following are the features of a joint venture company:
➢ A new company is formed (the joint venture company).
➢ The two companies remain separate from each other.
➢ The joint venture is for specific period.
➢ The two businesses share profits and losses.
➢ A manger is appointed to oversee the joint venture.
Company A Company B
(China) (Africa)
5. Franchises
A franchise is a business agreement in which one business sell its products under the name or identity of
another business. Thus, a franchise agreement involves three things namely; the franchisor, the franchisee
and the franchise.
The franchisor is the business with well-known brand name, logos, trading rights and products that
another business wants to use.
The franchisee is any other business that pays for the right to use the brand name, logo, product or
trading rights of another business.
The franchise is the agreement allowing one business to use the brand name, logo, products or trading
rights of another business.
Review Questions
Diamond is a car repair mechanic. He operates a successful workshop, Diamond Car, in a small town in
country X. The success of his workshop has motivated him to think of expanding his car repair business to
three major cities in the country. The expansion requires $120 000. Diamond is considering two options to
use for expanding.
Option 1: Diamond Car enters into a joint venture with another motor repair company from country Y, which
will bring new workshop equipment. Diamond will manage the new company formed. The joint venture
partner will get 60% of profit made.
Option 2: Diamond Car buys a franchise for Xtreme Cars, a leading car repair business in country Y. The
franchise will provide the full amount required by Diamond but he will pay 20% for every car repaired.
(a) What is a joint venture? [2]
(b) Give two advantages to Xtreme Cars of selling their franchise to Diamond. [2]
(c) Which option do you think Diamond should choose? Justify your answer. [6]
Internal stakeholders
Stakeholders Why are they important? What are their main objectives?
Owners or These are people who invested money They want the business to make profit.
shareholders to start and expand the business. Profit is the reward they get from their
They might lose their investment if the investment.
business fails. Profit also increases their wealth. They use profit
to expand the business.
Managers Managers are people who hold higher Managers are interest in the success of the
positions in the business. They make business because it gives them more power, more
important decisions that determine the status and they may earn higher salaries through
success or failure of the business. bonuses.
Employees Employees are people who work for Employees want the business to succeed so that
business and in return they are they continue to be employed and receive their
rewarded with wages and salaries. salaries and wages. They also expect an increase
in salaries and wages and improved working
External stakeholders
Suppliers These are people or businesses that sell Suppliers are more interested in selling to a
goods and provide services to the business that is able to pay them on time.
businesses. They may supply the goods Suppliers may refuse further credit if a business is
and services on credit to the business. failing to pay them.
Banks Banks lent money to the business. They Banks are more interested on the ability of a
check the business’ finances to see if the business to repay the loan plus interest. A
business is making enough cash to get a business that has a poor cash position may not
loan. get a loan from a bank.
Customers These are people or other businesses Customers are interested on good quality and
that buy goods and services from the reasonably priced products. Customers prefer to
business. If customers are not satisfied buy from businesses they trust and which protect
they leave for other businesses. their rights.
Governments The government, through its various Government departments are interested in:
departments departments, put in place laws that the profit made by a business so that they
affect the operation of every business. can levy tax on the business.
supporting new and small businesses so that
the economy may grow.
checking whether the business is following
laws relating to environmental, employment
and consumers protection.
Trade unions A trade union is an organisation formed Trade unions are more concerned with higher
by a group of workers who join together salaries and wages for employees and better
to fight for their rights. working conditions for their members.
Trade unions may organise labour action
that can disrupt productivity of the
The The community is made up of different The community wants the activities of the
community people and organisations that benefit business to improve the living standards of the
from the business’ goods and services. community. They want businesses to employ
The community is also negatively affected people from their own communities and to
by the activities of the business such as produce goods and services without damaging
pollution, damage to the natural the environment or causing pollution.
environment and unemployment.
They may form pressure groups to
disrupt or stop productivity of the
Review questions
TurnUp is a private limited company that makes bricks by recycling waste plastic. The company is located in a
small busy town. The main objective of TurnUp is to maximise profit by keeping wages and other costs low.
One of the community leaders has written to the government requesting that the company should be closed
as its ovens are ‘a hazard to the town’. The company employs 50 full time employees and over 200 recyclers
from the town.
(a) What are stakeholders? [2]
(b) Identify and explain the interests of two stakeholders of TurnUp. [4]
(c) Do you agree with the community leader that the government should close TurnUp? Justify your
What is motivation?
Motivation is the desire or drive that makes employees work hard and produce more goods and services.
Employees are motivated by the following factors:
1. Money (salaries and wages)
People require money for them to pay for goods and services and to take care of their families. They work,
even more, if there is a promise of being paid higher wages and salaries. Some manufacturing businesses
pay their employees according to number of units produced in order to encourage them to produce more
2. Their work
Employees work more because they are enjoying the job they are doing. They have an internal feeling that
their job is interesting. They feel more satisfied by doing their work and achieving set targets. This is
common for sports personnel.
3. Recognition
Employees are more motivated if their effort is acknowledge by positive comments and awards of
achievement. They feel that they have something to contribute to the job and society. Employers may also
delegate important duties to employees who are performing better to further encourage them.
4. The working environment
The physical and social working environments are very important for employees. Employees should be able
to contribute their effort in an environment that is free of injury, pollution and other dangers. The working
environment should offer employees an opportunity to give their opinions without fear.
5. Job security
People are motivated if the job offers them an assurance of being employed for a long time. Employees
work harder if they are sure that their jobs are safe. A workplace where employees regularly lose their jobs
is demotivating to employees.
f. Satisfied customers
Motivated employees are willing to work extra hard to ensure that customers’ needs and wants are
satisfied. This may include providing free advice to customers and making follow up on products sold to
them. At the end, when customers are satisfied, they come to buy again leading to more sales for the
Esteem needs:
promotions, recognition
Safety and Security The business must ensure that employees are working in an
needs environment free from injury, pollution and death.
Employees must be provided with adequate protective clothing suitable
for their work.
Employees should be afforded the opportunity to sign employment
contract so that they feel confident to perform their duties and have job
The business can pay for medical insurance for its employees so that if
they are injured at work, they can be treated without paying for their
medical bills
Social needs The business should ensure that employees feel belonging to the
organisation by involving workers on issues that affect them.
Employees should be able to build friendships, build teams and share
ideas about their work.
The business can hold events that unite and encourage social
interactions such as ‘end of year parties’ and sporting events.
Review Questions
CWB is a small business owned by Cherry. The business makes a range of pottery products that includes
plates, cups and display pets. The products are sold to overseas markets. It employs 30 employees. Most of
the work done in CWB involves human skill. Machines are only used when drying the products. The owner,
Cherry, is looking at ways of motivating employees in order to meet production targets.
(a) What is motivation of employees? [2]
(b) Identify two effects of a demotivated work force. [2]
(c) Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, identify and explain ways that could be used by Cherry to motivate
employees to achieve the following.
(i) Physiological needs.
(ii) Self-esteem.
(iii) Self-actualisation. [6]
Review Questions
CWB is a small business owned by Cherry. The business makes a range of pottery products that includes
plates, cups and display pets. The products are sold to overseas markets. It employs 30 employees. Most of
the work done in CWB involves human skill. Machines are only used when drying the products. The owner,
Cherry, is looking at ways of motivating employees in order to meet production targets.
(a) What are ‘hygiene factors’? [2]
(b) Give two proposals made by Herzberg in his theory. [2]
(c) Using Taylor’s theory, identify and explain two ways that could be used by Cherry to motivate
employees to meet production targets. [6]
(a) Salaries
Salaries are normally paid to office employees and public sector employees such as teachers and nurses. A
salary is a fixed monthly payment. The salary is not linked to the effort of the employee. It is mostly based
on time (month). A salary is not based on units produced. It is an agreement between the employee and
the employer. Salaries are not normally motivating for employees to work harder. Employees who earn
salaries are motivated if they are promised bonuses or promotions.
(b) Wages
Wages are financial rewards for employees who are paid according to units produced or time worked.
Wages are paid daily or weekly. They are classified into piece rate and time rate.
(i) Piece rate
Piece rate are wages paid based on number of units produced. The basic rule is that an employee who
produces more units will also earn more wages. Paying employees using piece rate has the following
▪ The business is able to reward employees who are putting more effort to their work as their work can
be measured easily.
▪ The business is able to meet orders from its customers as employees produce more goods in order to
earn more money.
(d) Commission
A commission is paid in addition to a wage or salary for sales staff. Thus, an employee who sells more
goods and services will also earn more money. This motivates them to find more customers. However,
paying a commission to employees may be stressful to them in times when the products are not in
Fringe benefits
o Providing accommodation. o Free or discounts on products produced by
o Providing transport to and from work for low the business.
level employees. o Retirement pension paid by the business.
o Company car and company house for senior o Free membership to a sport or social club.
managers. o Paid school fees for employee children.
o Paid health care insurance. o Free holiday abroad.
o Meals at work (breakfast and lunch).
(iv) Teamworking
Teamworking involves giving groups of employees responsibility for certain tasks which they do with little
or no supervision. Each team has the opportunity to decide its objectives and design ways of achieving
those objectives. This method is used most in production. Teamworking has the following advantages:
➢ Less supervision is needed as each team has the opportunity to set its targets and achieve them.
➢ It encourages planning and organisation on the part of employees.
➢ Employees become more involved in problem solving and decision making.
➢ Employees are more motivated as they have more control of their work.
However teamworking can have the following disadvantages:
➢ Employees may need training for them to be able to take responsibility of their work. This may add
costs to the business.
➢ Working in teams may create conflicts among workers if they do not share the same vision. This may
have reduces productivity.
➢ Employees might demand a salary increase if they realise that their responsibilities have increased.
Review Questions:
Metal King is public limited company that mine iron and process it into iron sheets that are sold to other
manufacturing companies. The company employees 1 300 employees. The Human Resources Manager is
concerned as many employees are leaving the company. ‘I don’t understand why motivation is poor. We
time rate and offer bonuses’.
(a) What is meant by bonus? [2]
(b) Give two fringe benefits that Metal King can use to motivate its employees. [2]
(c) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of each of the following methods of motivating employees
for Metal King.
(i) Job rotation
(ii) Job enrichment
(iii) Teamworking. [9]
Manging Director
Factory Staff
Managing Director
span of control
❖ The chain of command- this refers to the different levels within the organisational structure that allows
instructions to be passed from senior management to lower level employees. In the above
organisational structure, the chain of command has three levels from the Managing Director to Branch
❖ The span of control – this refers to the number of sub-ordinates working directly under one manager.
In the above organisational structure, there are two branch managers directly under Area Manager 2.
❖ Delegation of tasks - it shows subordinates that can be given authority by management to perform
important tasks.
What is a tall organisational structure?
Tall organisational structures have a long chain of command because there are many levels of
Tall organisational structures have the following challenges:
Communication problems as information take longer to reach lower level management and employees.
There is a possibility that the information may get distorted before it reaches employees. Thus,
instructions may not be carried out as intended by senior management.
Senior managers have less control of lower level employees. Employees only interact with their
immediate managers. They only listen to instructions from their managers than from senior managers.
Employees are less motivated as their feedback is less valued. Due to the many levels of management,
issues raised by employees are not given value because it passes through many levels before it reaches
senior managers.
The business has high costs as there are many managers in the structure who are paid high salaries.
However, with a tall organisational structure;
Managers have fewer subordinates to supervise and therefore, managers are able to interact with their
Managers and employees are able to specialise because they have fewer responsibilities.
Review Questions
LFC owns a chain of ten sports clubs across country K. Each club has a similar structure. The Directors of LFC
believes that a good organisational structure is important for the success of the club. The directors propose
the following structure for each club.
Managing Directors
What is Delegation?
Delegation means giving subordinates the authority to perform important tasks and make decisions.
The subordinates are given authority but the responsibility remains with management. That is, any decision
made by the subordinate that may have negative effect on the organisation will still be the responsibility of
management who delegated the authority. They cannot blame the subordinate.
What is leadership?
Leadership is the ability of a manager to guide employees to achieve business objectives. Managers use
different leadership styles to achieve the goals of the organisation they are leading.
1. Autocratic leadership
Autocratic leadership is where leader is the only one with authority and power to make decisions without
consulting subordinates. An autocratic leader relies on specific rules and instructions to control all
processes within the workplace. Everything rests with the leader and employees follow instructions without
questioning them. That means all creative decisions originate from the leader.
2. Democratic leadership
Democratic leadership is where by the manager encourage subordinates to participate in decision making.
Democratic leaders are willing to accept ideas from subordinates. It creates a form of shared leadership
where each team member is invited to share their ideas, knowledge and experience.
3. Laissez-faire leadership
The Laissez-Faire management style is one that is based on delegation. It involves the manager delegating
decision making to subordinates. Employees are free to make important decisions that affect the business
or productivity.
(d) It creates more time for the leader to focus on important matters
Since most of the decision making process has been delegated to lower level employees, the manager has
enough time to make the most important decisions of the organisation.
Review Questions
Sasha owns a business which produces furniture. She employs 150 workers in the Production department, 15
in the Administration department and 2 security personnel. She uses a laissez-faire approach as she believed
her employees were responsible for their work. Productivity is low and she has delegated the Factory
supervisor to investigate.
(a) What is delegation? [2]
(b) Give two disadvantages to Sasha for delegating work to the factory supervisor. [2]
(c) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage to Sasha of using laissez faire leadership style. [4]
(d) Do you think Sasha should change her leadership style to autocratic style? Justify your answer. [6]
Selection involves choosing the suitable candidate to fill up the job vacancy.
Selection involves:
• receiving curriculum vitae from various applicants.
• short-listing candidates for interviews.
• interviewing candidates.
• choosing a suitable candidate.
2. Job description
Job description gives the duties, roles and responsiblities of the required person. It also show the
supervisor of that person.
5. Receiving applications
The business will receive letters of application and curriculum vitae from various candidates.
6. Short-listing candidates
A short list of suitable candidates is made and invited for an interview.
7. Interviewing candidates
Interviews involves oral and written questions for candidates to prove themselves. Candidates are
tested on various skills required for the job.
They save wage costs – part-time employees are paid wages that are lower than full time employees
because they work fewer hours than full time employees.
They provide more skills and experiences – part-time employees may have worked for various
organisations. They bring the experience gained from those organisations to improve productivity.
Review Questions
Slash Active is health restaurant in a large city. The restaurant employs 6 full time employees and 2 part-
time employees recruited from the local communities as follows:
Tasks Number of full –time Number of part-time
employees employees
Preparing food and cooking 2 1
Making hot drinks 1 0
Serving tables 2 1
Cashier 1 0
The owner, Kausk, uses democratic style of leadership. He pays all members of staff the same wage of $8.00
per hour. The normal week has 35 hours and part time employees work 12 hours per week.
(a) What is recruitment? [2]
(b) Identify two stages in the recruitment and selection of employees. [2]
(c) Give two differences between job description and job specification [2]
(d) Identify and explain two advantages to Splash active of employing part-time employees. [6]
1. Induction training.
Induction training is offered to a new employee who has just joined the company. Induction training
involves giving an introduction to the employee about the company activities, customs, procedures and
employees. New employees are usually taken through the various departments of the company and
provided with company policy manuals to read and familiarize themselves. Induction training takes few
hours to a week depending on the size and nature of the organisation.
2. On-the-job training
On the job-training involve employees learning while doing their work by observing more experienced
employees doing the same tasks. This training is normally offered to unskilled and semi-skilled employees.
What are the advantages of on-the-job training?
• Work can continue whilst new employees are being trained. This reduces delays in productivity.
• The training is directly related to the work that the new employee will be doing. This increase chances
of producing better quality work.
• Employees get the opportunity to interact and know each other while still doing their work.
• The training is less expensive as the trainer is just paid a normal salary.
3. Off-the-job training
Off-the-job training involves employees learning away from their work place. This may involve taking up a
course at a college or training institution.
What are the advantages of off-the-job training?
The employees are taught a wide of skills by more experienced trainers.
Employees are able to focus on the training without having to worry about productivity.
Employees learn new skills and technology that is not currently being used by the business. They will
transfer those skills to other employees when they re-join the organisation.
The employee has chances of being awarded a certificate that can be used in future.
Review Questions
Wheels of Africa a business that sells new and used trucks to various African countries. They also provide
garage services for truck repairs. The garages are operated by highly trained workforce. They have recently
expanded their operations by opening a new show room and a garage in Country Z. This requires them to
recruit 50 new employees. The new employees will need to be trained.
(a) Explain the term “induction training.” [2]
(b) Identify two benefits to Wheels of Africa of having a highly skilled work force. [2]
(c) The Managing Director is considering using on-the job training for the new employees. Do you agree?
Justify your answer. [6]
1. Employment contracts
When a business hires employees, they should be given the opportunity to sign an employment contract.
An employment contract is a document that specifies conditions of employment. This may include wages
or salaries to be paid, hours of work, rest days and fringe benefits. An employment contract is important
because it can be used as evidence when there is a disagreement between the employer and the
Review Questions
Honey Moon is a luxury hotel. It has 45 rooms and it is located near six other hotels. Honey Moon has 20 full-
time employees and 40 part-time employees. Only full time employees are registered with the Catering
Employment Association. The owner, Honey Bee does not want part time employees to be members of any
employee association. When the hotel is busy, all employees work overtime. Part-time employees are paid
$4.50 per hour while full-time employees are paid $9.10 per hour. The catering industry minimum wage is $7.80
per hour. The Association wants it to be revised to $9.30 per hour.
(a) What is a trade union? [2]
(b) Give two reasons why a legal minimum wage is important for Honey Moon employees? [2]
(c) Do you agree that the legal minimum wage should be increased? Justify your answer. [6]
What is communication?
Communication is the exchange of information between two or more people.
2. On the message
• The language used in the message may be difficult to understand for the receiver. The language used
may not be suitable type of business involved.
• The message may be too long to read or listen to. Thus, the receiver may end up missing important
parts of the message.
4. On the medium
❖ The message may be lost before it reaches the receiver due to the communication method used. For
example, poor network connection may make the sender and receiver fail to pass messages between
each other.
❖ The sender may use a wrong method to send the message. For example, posting a letter for an urgent
matter instead of calling.
❖ The channel may not provide the opportunity for feedback. Thus, the sender may not be able to check
if the receiver has received the message and acted upon it.
5. On the feedback
• There may be no feedback from the receiver.
• The feedback may take more time to be received.
2. E-mails • Messages are send directly to the • Employees may ignore the e-mails.
employees concerned. • E-mails require internet connection
• Other documents such as reports and which might not be available where
minutes of meetings may be attached the employees are located.
to the e-mail. • Not all employees may have e-mail
• They offer a permanent record for addresses for them to be reached.
future reference.
4. Notice ▪ Notice boards offer visual impart to ▪ Employees may not visit the notice
boards message. board regularly to read the messages.
▪ Messages posted on the notice board ▪ If the notice board is overloaded,
offer a constant reminder to employees may not see a new
employees. message.
▪ Notice boards are suitable for other ▪ It is difficult for the sender to check if
methods such as memos, posters and all employees have seen the message
instructions. and understood it.
5. Internal ❖ They are suitable for updating ❖ They are not suitable for giving
reports and employees for events that have taken instructions that require urgent action.
company place. ❖ The language contained in these
magazines ❖ They offer a permanent record of documents may not be understood by
information communicated for future all employees.
reference. ❖ Reports may not allow for feedback. A
❖ They are suitable where detailed meeting to discuss the report is
information is requires such as cash required.
flow forecast, financial performance
and future vision of the business.
3. Websites ✓ Websites offer visual, verbal and ✓ Websites are expensive to maintain
motion pictures which help to as a monthly fee is charged to keep
emphasise the message. the website active.
✓ While passing messages, websites ✓ People without internet connection
can also be used for advertising may not be able to access
products. information on the business
✓ Information on websites can website.
reach people in different parts of ✓ It is difficult for recipients to know
the world. that there is new information on
the business website.
5. Posters ➢ Posters are good for attracting ➢ Posters can be ignored by the
attention hence they can be used intended recipients making them to
together with notice boards. be less effective.
➢ Posters are an effective way of ➢ There is no way readers can seek
advertising products and giving clarification about information
instructions to the public within a displayed on a poster.
small community. ➢ It is difficult for the sender to get
➢ Posters provide a permanent feedback to ensure that people
reference. They can only be have read and understood the
removed if the communication information on the poster.
Review Questions
FBC is a commercial bank. It has 50 branches and 800 employees across country X. The Managing Director, Mr
Chingwena, wants to improve internal communication by introducing new technology into its branches. He says,
“customers complain about slow service. Memos never reach me, documents are everywhere and many part-time
employees complain, they don’t know what is happening”.
(a) What is internal communication? [2]
(b) Give two barriers to effective communication in FBC. [2]
(c) Identify and explain why improving internal communication is important for FBC. [4]
(d) Identify and explain two methods that can be used to communicate with customers to reduce complaints. [6]
1. Changes in incomes As disposable incomes rise, people will demand goods and services they
could not afford previously. If unemployment is rising in an economy,
people demand less goods and services. They focus on survival.
2. Technological New technology has makes it possible for businesses to develop products
changes that were previously not possible to make. Thus, people shift to new
products in order to improve their lives.
3. Changes in prices Price influence demand. As prices rise, customers demand few goods. They
focus more on basic items such as food. A lower price makes it possible for
customers to buy more.
4. Changes in style, Demand for other products depends on the development of new styles,
fashion and tastes. designs and tastes. This very common in the clothing industry.
5. Seasonal factors The demand for certain products depends on the time of the year. For
instance warm clothes are demanded in winter.
Why some markets have become more competitive?
More often, there are many businesses trying to sell to the same customers. This makes a market to be
highly competitive. Competition means two or more businesses produce or sell similar products to the
same customers. Markets become competitive because of the following factors:
(a) Globalisation
Globalisation means people and businesses have been exposed to international markets. This has allowed
more choices to be available for consumers even beyond national boundaries. People can buy products
they want from other countries.
3. It encourages innovation.
Businesses are forced to look for better ways of satisfying consumers at cheaper prices.
(c) Branding
Branding helps to differentiate the business’ products from its competitors. This allows the business to
advertise and charge high prices for its products to earn more profit than competitors. Branding also help
the business to identify its market segment and increase market share.
Review Questions
Trainer Sport is a public limited company that makes athletics shoes for Olympic athletes. The Marketing Director
has been looking at some data for the past two years. The market share for TS has been dropping.
30% R-Sport
(a) What is ‘customer loyalty’? [2]
(b) Outline two roles of marketing. [2]
(c) Give two reasons why the athletics shoe market has become competitive. [2]
(d) Identify and explain two ways that the Marketing Director could use to increase market share for their
product. [6]
market, 20%
luxury cars
Car Market
sports cars
pick up trucks
family cars
From the different segments, a business will then chose the customers it wants to serve. This is called a
target market. So, a target market is a group of customers that a business chooses to offer its product.
Review Questions
Wyne is a qualified teacher. He has been unemployed for two years after college. He wants to set up a home
tutoring business. There are three private schools in his suburb. His target market is school drop-outs who
want to complete their IGCSE. This will be a niche market to his business. He is hoping to maintain customer
(a) What is niche market? [2]
(b) Identify two factors that can consider when segmenting the market. [2]
(c) Identify and explain two benefits to Wyne of targeting a niche market. [6]
Market research is the process of finding information about customers and products they prefer.
Businesses cause use both primary and secondary researches to find data about from its customers.
Government Data for secondary Data obtained from these agencies is There is a certain cost applicable
2 and non- research can also be authentic and trustworthy. to download or use data available
government collected from some These agencies provided up to date with these agencies.
agencies. government and non- information about countries and The data obtained may not be
government agencies their economic performance. specific to the business.
e.g tax office,
government statistics
office, the WTO.
Publications Local newspapers, These commercial information The data obtained may not be
and journals, magazines, sources provide first hand, up to specific to the business.
3 information radio and TV stations date information on economic Commercial agencies charge a
channels. are a great source to developments, products and new fee to provide relevant data to
obtain data for market researches. the business. This increases the
secondary research. Businesses can request to obtain cost of the research.
data that is relevant to their industry
or customers.
Method Explanation
1. Random Random sampling involves picking people without using any particular
sampling method (at random). Every person has an equal chance of being
selected for the research.
Random sampling is important because it reduces bias on the part of the
2. Quota sampling This involves choosing people according to certain characteristics. For
example, the sample can be made up of people of the same age, gender
or income. This approach is necessary when the research is interested in
a specific group of people in the research. It means the researcher will
not waste time and money collecting data from people who are not
relevant for that research.
4 Line graphs It is useful in showing trend over a Line graphs are not visually
A line is drawn joining points plotted period of time. interesting like other graphs.
on a paper. Two or more lines can be plotted on the
same paper to help compare them. For
instance, a business can use line graphs
to show sales of each product over
Line graphs can be useful in predicting
future trend and any missing
Review Questions
Brown Delight produces chocolate bars that are sold to retail shops across country S. During the period 2016
to 2019, the business collected the following sales data for its three best-selling. The average sales figures and
market share for each chocolate are provided in the table below.
Sales and market share
Chocolate name Sales Market share
$’000 (%)
Nutcake 2 000 10%
Brown milk 5 000 60%
Brown diamond 3 000 30%
The data was part of primary research about consumer preference of Brown Delight’s chocolates.
(a) What is primary research? [2]
(b) Give two advantages of using secondary research when conducting market research. [2]
(c) Using data in the table, use the following methods of data presentation:
(i) a bar chart for sales
(ii)a pie chart for market share [6]
What is a product?
Product refers to anything offered by business to satisfy consumer needs and wants. Products can be in the
form of goods or services. Goods are classified into consumer goods and capital goods.
Consumer goods are products used by consumers on a day to day basis. Consumer goods that are used for
a long period of time are known as durable goods such as cars, radios and furniture. Consumer goods that
are perishable (used up quickly) are known as non-durable goods. Examples include food, clothing, soaps
and cosmetics.
Capital goods are products that mainly used in the production of other goods. They include machines,
equipment and raw materials used in the production of other products.
Services refer to intangible products. Services are classified as personal services and commercial services.
Personal services are offered directly to consumers. They include health care, banking, education and
Commercial services are offered to businesses involved in producing goods or services. They include
banking, communication, transport, insurance, security, transport and marketing research.
❖ The business will have a Unique Selling Point (USP). That is, the business will have a product with
unique features that differentiate it from competitor products. Thus, customers are able to recognise
the new product.
❖ To stay ahead of completion. A business may not continue to offer the same product. At some point, it
must be creative and develop a new product to stay ahead of it.
❖ New or improved products have high chances of satisfying the needs and wants of consumers giving
the business a competitive advantage and an increased market share.
❖ New products allow the business to diversify its products. This means that a business will now have a
wide range of products to sell, reducing the risk of failure if demand falls, especially, where it sells only
one product.
❖ New products allow the business to expand into new markets that were not previously served by
existing products. This allows the business to extend its influence and increase market share.
❖ It maintains customer loyalty. There are customers who are willing to continue buying the business’
products for as long as the business continues to improve its products.
❖ New products may boost the sales of existing product if it becomes successful on the market.
Customers will begin to associate the success of the new product to all products in the business.
➢ Productive time is reduced. Before a product is fully put on the market, some designs and testing will
have to be carried out. The process is repeated several times before a final product is sold. This process
takes away productive time that can be used for improving sales of the existing products.
➢ Loss of sales of existing products. The new product may end up competing with existing products of the
same company. This may result in overall sales revenue declining as only the new one is demanded on
the market.
➢ Marketing costs may rise. Launching a new product requires active advertising for customers to aware
of its existence. This may reduce the potential profits to be earned from the new product.
Review Questions
Choc Home produces chocolate bars that are sold to supermarkets across country S. Its bestselling brand of
chocolate is ChocDelight. It is put in expensive wrappers of aluminium foil and packaged in small glittering
boxes and transported in large card board boxes. The sales of the ChocDelight are at their highest level. The
business has been fined by the Environmental Management Authority for causing littering.
(a) What is branding? [2]
(b) Give two advantages of branding a product. [2]
(c) Identify and explain two disadvantages to Choc Home of packaging a product. [6]
2 Growth The business starts to enjoy economies of Promotional pricing is used where the
scale. Sales and profits are gradually rising. business lowers the price for short
Prices are being influenced by competitors. period in order to attract customers.
A lot of promotion is implemented. New Competitive pricing can also be used
businesses enter the market attracted by the in which the price is set at the same
success of the product. level as competitor prices.
3 Maturity At maturity, the product is well established. Prices are based on competitors. The
Sales are no longer rising significantly. business can use psychological pricing
The product is widely available. The business in which prices are set slightly below
concentrates on maintaining market share competitor prices.
and customer loyalty. There is product
modification and improvement.
Promotion is aimed at reminding customers
about the product.
4 Decline The market becomes saturated. Sales are Prices are lowered to maintain
declining. Customers are now switching to customers.
competitor products. The business looks for Cost based pricing is also used to
cheaper production methods in-order to determine the break-even point.
maintain profits. Prices are lowered. Promotional pricing is used to boost
Decision on whether to maintain the product sales in the short-run while waiting to
or stop it will have to be made. make a decision.
Review Questions
MHC makes a wide range of electrical products including cameras and phones. It operates in a competitive
market with many phone and camera producers. All its products are sold under the same brand name. The
Marketing Director has suggested that one model of its cameras, Fotoshoot, has reached its decline stage as
its sales are below normal. The Managing Director thinks that Footshoot can still sell.
(a) What is the product life cycle? [2]
(b) Identify and explain one advantage and one disadvantage to MHC of developing a new product. [4]
(c) Explain two extension strategies that MHC could use to increase sales of Fotoshoot. Which extension
strategy would you recommend? Justify your answer. [6]
2. Competitive pricing
Competitive pricing is used in a market where competition is very high. The market has many businesses
selling the same product to the same customers. Customers have many choices. The objective is to
discourage competitors from entering the market by setting prices at the same level as competitors or
slightly below them. This pricing method may result in price wars in markets that have large businesses that
are highly competitive. That is, any attempt to lower prices will cause competitors to lower their prices
much more leading to cycles of price fights. Competitive pricing may not be profitable to most businesses.
3. Penetration pricing
This involves entering a new market at a lower price to attract customers, including those customers from
competitors. This strategy is suitable for new businesses or when launching a new product. The business
can gradually increase prices as it gains market share.
However, penetration pricing may not be profitable enough for the business as it may fail to recover costs.
It may take too long for the business to become profitable.
4. Price skimming
Price skimming is when a very high price is set when launching a new product on the market. Price
skimming is used for products that are seen as of high quality. This strategy is suitable where a new product
has been produced and the objective is to recover research and development costs before competitors
start to produce it. Price skimming is successful if competition is low.
However, price skimming may lead to high prices that may not be afforded by many customers leading to
low sales revenue. Price skimming cannot be used for a long period as a strategy because competition will
rise and sales will drop.
5. Psychological pricing
Psychological pricing is based on the customers’ perception about the product. Marketers recognise that
customers link prices to product quality and value. A high price may suggest a high quality or high
performance product. Thus, high income earners may purchase the product as a status symbol.
Psychological pricing may also involve charging a price just below a whole number, ($0.99 instead of $1.00),
giving an impression that the product is cheap.
However, psychological pricing may lead to small loss in sales revenue due to the small reduction in price.
Competitors may use the same strategy making this pricing strategy less effective.
6. Promotional pricing
Promotional pricing involves charging a lower price for a product for short period of time. The objective is
to increase sales and market share by attracting new customers. Businesses may also use ‘buy one get one
for free’ strategy in which customers get two or more products after paying for one. This method is suitable
as a product extension strategy and also to increase sales of slow moving inventory.
However, profit is sacrificed in-order to boost sales. Competitors may also use the same strategy to retain
their customers. This promotional pricing is suitable for customers that look for bargains, usually, low
income earners.
7. Dynamic pricing
Dynamic pricing involves selling the same product to different groups of customers at different prices. It is
possible to charge the customers different prices because they have different preferences and they are also
price sensitive. For instance, passengers are charged different air fares in the same flight by classifying
different parts of the airplane.
Dynamic pricing has the following advantages:
increased sales revenue as prices can be adjusted according to demand.
increased market share as the business is able to satisfy different groups of customers using the same
encourages demand by creating different social classes among customers.
What is price elasticity of demand?
Price elasticity measures the change in demand for a product when prices change. A product has a price
elastic demand if a small increase or decrease in price may lead to a very high change in demand.
Therefore, if the demand for a product is price elastic, it is not a good idea to raise the price. This is because
customers may quickly switch to competitor products.
Review Questions
GPS produces a wide range of sports based computer games. It is in a competitive market. The Marketing
Manager has been looking at the information of two products.
Game C is in maturity stage of the product life cycle. It is sold in most sports shops. Demand is believed
to be price elastic.
Game D is about to be released. It has been very expensive to develop. It includes latest graphics.
Demand is expected to be high. It will be sold in a few exclusive sports shops.
(a) Explain the term ‘price inelastic demand’? [2]
(b) Suggest two pricing strategies that can be used at maturity to boost sales of Game C. [2]
(c) Which pricing method could GPS use to launch Game D? Justify your answer. [6]
What is place?
Place refers to the various methods of making the product available to consumers. If the product is not
available where consumers can buy it, they may give up looking for it. This may reduce the sales and profit
of the business. A business can use different distribution channels to make their products available to
A distribution channel is a method or route by which a product is passed from the producer to the
consumer. There are four common distribution channels as follows:
Channel 1
Producer Consumer
The producer sells directly to the consumer. There is no intermediary in this channel. This is done through
the use of factory shops, sales agents and e-commerce.
• This method is suitable for specialised goods such as machinery, cars and houses.
• The method is used for personal services since services depend on the good relationship between the
customer and the service provider.
• It is the quickest method to sell perishable goods such as fruits and vegetables. They can reach
customers whilst still fresh.
• The producer receives direct feedback from consumers.
• The producer enjoys increase sales revenue as there are fewer distribution costs involved in this
o Access to the market may be difficult where the producer is selling to an international market.
o The cost of transporting goods to individual customer may be higher than when goods are distributed
in bulk.
o The market may not be large enough to give the business enough sales revenue.
Channel 2
Producer Retailer Consumer
Goods are sold to customers through retail shops. Retailers act as intermediaries by buying from producers
and selling to consumers.
• Sales volume increase as retailers buy in bulk.
• Retailers may advertise the products on behalf of the producer.
• The producer saves distribution costs such as transport and storage.
• Any losses from expired goods are bone by the retailer.
o The producer may offer trade and cash discounts to the retailer which reduces the revenue earned.
o The producer may not get enough feedback from consumers.
o Large retailers may end up controlling the producer in order to monopolize the distribution of goods.
Channel 3
Producer Wholesale Retailer Consumer
This channel involves two intermediaries: wholesaler and retailer.
• The wholesaler breaks bulk. That is, the wholesaler buys goods in large quantities, repackage them and
sell the goods in small quantities to retailers. This saves the producer from processing too many small
• The wholesaler provides additional storage space for the producer. Wholesales have large warehouses
that can store large quantities of inventory.
• The producer saves costs in handling, transporting and storage of goods as these are functions
performed by wholesalers and retailers.
• The wholesaler is the one who suffers the risk of loss from damages and unsold inventory.
• The wholesaler can offer credit terms to retailers, helping the producer to sell goods much quicker.
o The producer loses some profit as there are many intermediaries before goods reach customers. Any
attempt to increase prices may be resisted by wholesalers.
o The producer may not get enough feedback from consumers. Important information may be lost
between the retailer and wholesaler.
o Wholesalers demand huge trade discounts and credit terms. This may leave the producers facing
financial problems.
o This channel is not suitable for perishable products as they may reach consumer after they are expired.
Channel 4
Producer Agent Wholesale Retailer Consumer
An agent is another intermediary that can be used by producers. Agents do not buy goods for resale but
they arrange sales on behalf of the producer. Agents receive a commission for their services.
• Agents are suitable where the producer sells to international markets. In this case, the producer has
little knowledge about the local market it is serving.
• Agents perform marketing and distribution on behalf of the producer. This reduces the costs of
employing a marketing specialist.
• Agents may offer specialist services such as repairs and training on behalf of the producer. This further
increase customer satisfaction and increase sales.
o The producer has less control in the way the product is distributed as the agent has more information
of the local market than the producer.
o The final price charged for the product will be higher due to the commission paid to the agent. This may
make the product to be more expensive for customers.
Review Questions
D & D manufactures sports balls and sportswear. The products are sold throughout the whole world
using agents in different countries. D & D thinks that they can increase market share if they sell through
other channels.
(a) What is meant by direct distribution? [2]
(b) Identify and explain one advantage and one disadvantage of two other channels that D & D could
use for its sports products. [8]
Promotion is a marketing strategy done to inform customers about the product, price and place to buy it.
Promotion aims at the following:
❖ informing customers about the product.
❖ reminding customers about the product.
❖ encouraging the customers to buy the product by showing the benefits of the product to them.
❖ increasing customer loyalty and brand awareness.
❖ increasing sales and market share.
Promotion involves two main activities namely advertising and sales promotion.
1. Advertising
Advertising is done to inform or persuade customer to buy the product.
Informative advertising provides factual information about the product such as instruction on use.
Persuasive advertising provides information aimed at influencing customers to try the product or switch
from competitor products. This may lead to increase in sales.
2. Leaflets and ➢ They are suitable for small to medium ➢ Leaflets may be wasted as not
brochures. businesses. everyone who receives them will read.
➢ They can be physically distributed to ➢ Leaflets placed in letter boxes may just
individual customer in that area. be thrown away.
➢ Leaflets are generally cheap to produce
than advertising in newspapers.
3. Posters and ➢ They are usually large to attract ➢ Billboards are expensive to install.
billboards attention from a distant. ➢ If billboards and posters stay for too
➢ They are permanent. They continue to long, they will no-longer attract
emphasise the message. attention.
➢ They are suitable for local events hence ➢ They contain fewer details.
they can be placed in the area in which ➢ People are not able to seek clarity
the event is taking place. because they will be passing.
Electronic media
4. Television ➢ It combines both sound and moving ➢ Producing and broadcasting adverts on
pictures. This helps to reinforce the television is quite expensive.
message. ➢ The messages are too short, hence,
➢ Adverts can be targeted to different they may not give a complete message.
audiences depending on the ➢ Viewers may be annoyed by the advert
programmes on offer. especially when they are watching
➢ Adverts can be repeated many times to their favourite programmes.
reinforce the message.
5. Radio ➢ It is cheaper than a TV advert. ➢ Visual messages cannot be broadcast.
➢ The message can be heard by a wider ➢ Listeners may not pay attention to
audience, especially, in rural areas radio adverts. They may take that
where there are no TVs. opportunity to do other things such as
➢ Adverts can be aired according to discussing the previous programme.
6. Internet ➢ A large amount of detail can be placed ➢ Customers may not view the website
on the company website. unless they are looking for that site.
➢ It is suitable for both local and ➢ Pop ups and other websites are seen as
international markets. a scam, hence, people may not take
➢ Pop ups can be used at different them seriously.
websites, increasing chances of users ➢ It is expensive to maintain a website
seeing the advert. due to monthly data charges paid to
the service provider.
2. Sales promotion
Sales promotions are incentives offered to the customers to encourage them to buy the product. Sales
promotions are aimed at increasing sales for short period of time. Sales promotion can be done as support
to adverting. The following are the different methods of sales promotion.
4. After-sales- Businesses can make a follow up on products sold to customers with the aim of
service assisting customer to use them or repairing them when they are not working properly.
This is suitable for capital goods and other specialist products. This approach gives
confidence to customers.
5. Point of sale Products are displayed close to the point where customers pay for them. This highlight
displays the product as it becomes more distinct. This may encourage impulse buying.
6. Loyalty cards Retails shops issue customers with cards that are used to earn points each time
customers make a purchase. After some time, customers are able to exchange their
points for certain goods in the shop.
Review Questions
Able Bakery (AB) makes arrange of oven products including cakes and bread. The products are sold in a
variety of shops and supermarkets across country J. The Marketing Director wants to increase sales. She
cannot decide on the best method of promotion to use.
Explain how each of the following three methods of promotion could help AB increase its sales.
• Free samples
• Display shops
• Discounts
Which method do you think AB should use? Justify your answer. [12]
What is e-commerce?
E-commerce is the process of buying and selling goods through the internet. Businesses think much about
how to attract attention of consumers at their website and achieve a sale. E-commerce is done mainly
through websites and social networking sites.
Failure to develop a good marketing strategy may lead to failure to achieve the desired objectives as:
➢ products which meet customer needs are priced very highly.
➢ products that meet the needs of consumers are not well known by potential customer.
➢ customers know about the product but they cannot find where to buy it.
1. Lack of knowledge-the business may lack proper understanding of buying patterns of local
customers and their preferences.
2. Cultural differences- different countries have unique cultures that if the businesses fail to
understand them, it reduce chances of success. Some products have been rejected in certain countries
because they undermined the cultures of those countries.
3. Legal restrictions- countries have laws that sometimes make it impossible for foreign businesses to
operate freely. This makes foreign businesses to have a disadvantage when competing with local
4. Exchange rate risk- the differences between the value of the local currency and that from an
international country may cause a loss to a business selling abroad.
What is production?
Production is the process of making goods and providing services to satisfy consumer needs and wants.
In manufacturing businesses, production involves adding value as raw materials are converted to finished
Review Questions
TXW makes car parts which are sold to international car manufacturers. The Production Manager has been
looking at productivity data. The data for 2015 and 2016 is shown in the table below. All employees work 40
hours per week.
There are several types of waste that occur during the production process. Some of them are:
1. Over-production- this involves producing goods without finding customers for them. This may lead
to high storage costs and damage of goods stored in warehouses.
2. Transporting goods unnecessarily – goods are normally damaged during transportation to
3. Defects- faulty goods require goods to be repaired or redone before they are delivered to customers.
1. Job production
Job production involves making a product according to the customer’s specifications. The customer places
an order with details of the preferences to be made on the product. The job is unique to the customer.
Examples products produced using job production include suits, wedding dresses, houses or jewellery.
2. Batch production
This involves producing a limited number of identical products in a block or batch. Batches allow for
variation in products due to colour, size or quantities. Bread, cakes, shirts medicines can be produced in
3. Flow production
Flow production involves making large quantities of identical products using a continuous process. It is also
called mass production. Large numbers of identical units are produced on a production line. Examples of
products produced through flow production include drinks, cars and food.
Review Questions
Carlos produces luxury leather hand bags for female celebrities around the world. Most of the work is done by
hand. Carlos has two skilled workers and 12 assistant employees. The demand for hand bags is rising due to the
coming fashion festival. In order to meet demand, Carlos is planning to use batch production using automated
(a) What is batch production? [2]
(b) What is just in time inventory management? [2]
(c) Give two advantages of using job production in the production of hand bags. [2]
(d) Do you agree that Carlos could use automated robots to produce his product? Justify your answer. [6]
Big Ball Ltd produced the following cost data for May 2019:
Average costs per unit (unit cost) = Total costs
Number of units
(i) $35 000/10000 = $3.50 per unit
(ii) $55 000/ 20000= $2.75 per unit
(iii) graph paper required here.
Review Questions
AFC makes a wide range of animal feed. The Operations Manager produced the following data from the
previous month
Product A Product B
Fixed costs per month $60 000 $45 000
Variable costs per kilo $4 $3
Selling price per kilo $6 $6
Planned sales for next month (kilo) 80 000 30 000
(a) Calculate the BEP output for the two products. [4]
(b) Calculate the profit to be made next month if AFC sells all the 30 000 units planned for product B. [4]
(c) Draw the break –even chart for AFC for product A. [6]
Review Questions
Brown Cake is a large bakery that makes bread, biscuits and cakes using batch production. The Operations
Director says, ‘I have been told of that lean production techniques in the bakery would help to increase profit’.
Brown Cake has 45 employees who are always looking for ways to improve how things are done. The business
is also looking at ways of achieving economies of scale in its production.
(a) What is meant by ‘lean production’? [2]
(b) Identify and explain two lean production methods that Brown Cake can implement to improve profit.
(c) Identify and explain two economies of scale that might benefit Brown Cake.[6]
Quality assurance
Quality control
1. Quality control
Quality control is the process of checking for quality of goods and services at the end of the production
process. The idea is to stop faulty and defective products from being sold to consumers.
2. Quality assurance
This involves checking for quality at each stage of the production process. The aim of quality assurance is to
achieve quality at every stage of the production process from designing, purchasing materials, delivery to
customers and after sales services.
Review Questions
Kemo owns a successful restaurant in the city centre. He employs 8 chefs and 16 kitchen assistants. Customers
expect Kemo to provide quality service. Kemo believes that total quality is the best way to improve annual profit
of $30 000 and remain competitive. In the same city centre, there is a Café with a well-known brand.
(a) What is ‘total quality management’? [2]
(b) Identify two difficulties that Kemo may face when introducing Total Quality Management at his
restaurant? [2]
(c) Explain how the following factors may help Kemo to achieve total quality.
(i) Employees working for Kemo.
(ii) Ingredients used in the restaurant [6]
Factor Explanation
1 Availability of raw Businesses that deal with bulky or heavy raw material may locate closer to
materials sources of raw materials to reduce transport costs. This also applies to
businesses that use perishable raw materials which should be processed
quickly while they are still fresh.
2 Availability of labour Manufacturing businesses that are labour intensive locate their factories in
areas where wage costs are low or where there is high unemployment.
3 Availability of good Transport is important for both the supply of raw materials and the
transport networks distribution of goods to retailers. For businesses that supply fresh, perishable
products, they should have good access to transport to take those products to
the final consumer before they perish.
4 Close to market If finished goods are bulky or expensive to transport to the market, being
close to the market will help reduce transport costs.
5 Availability of energy Most manufacturing firms require energy and water to operate machines and
and water sources purify products. They need reliable sources of energy and water for
production to take place. Being close to sources of energy and water saves
production costs making products to be competitive on the market.
6. Government influence Some government offer subsidies and grant to businesses willing to set up
manufacturing businesses in certain areas. The government can allow such
businesses to operate for some years without paying tax.
Factor Explanation
1. Availability of market Being close to customers is very important for service businesses as most
services are offered directly to users. However, the use of internet has made it
possible for service businesses to reach customers located in different parts of
the world.
2. Availability of labour Some services depend on the skills of labour available. Locating service
businesses in places where people with the necessary skills stays is important
to reduce the cost hiring and training unskilled workers.
3. Access to Most services depend on transport and communication. These days,
communication businesses network through internet connection. For international businesses
networks to invest in a country, they require good transport and communication
4. Availability of Services depend on direct access. Businesses locate services in places where it
premises is easy for customers to receive the services. However, services may be
located away from busy areas because the rentals in cities and central areas
are very high. Services located in centralised areas are normally expensive due
to rentals involved.
Review Questions
Kape Foods (KP) processes a wide range of frozen foods such as fish, meat and vegetables. Its products are sold
to various supermarkets around country Y. the company is planning to open two new branches. The Production
Manager has advised that finding the right location was important. The new branches will create 300 jobs each.
(a) Identify two ways in which the government of country Y may influence the location of KP’s new branches.
(b) Explain why the following factors are important to KP when deciding the location of its new branches.
(i) competitors
(ii) water sources
(iii) road networks. [9]
1. To start up a business
Businesses require money to start operating. This money is called start-up capital. The capital is required to
purchase assets such as motor vehicles, land and buildings. Money is also required to purchase goods that
are sold to customers or to buy raw materials for producing other goods.
2. To expand an existing business
An existing business may need money in-order to expand it. Expansion can be done by opening new
branches in other locations, increasing assets such as buildings and machinery or taking over other
3. To provide working capital
Working capital is the money needed by a business to pay for day to day expenses. Such day to day
expenses may include wages, raw materials, rentals and electricity bills. A business may have all other
assets it needs to operate but if it fails to have enough working capital, it may fail to operate.
3. Selling inventory
This involves selling goods held for resale. Selling inventory is necessary when the aim is to increase
liquidity (cash available).
What are the advantages of selling inventory?
➢ Selling excess inventory reduces other costs such as inventory holding costs (storage and security
costs). This helps the business to raise money for other purposes such as opening new branches.
➢ Selling inventory is a quicker way of improving liquidity if there are ready buyers for that inventory.
➢ Selling inventory saves the cost of borrowing money. Banks are not willing to lent money to small
What are the disadvantages of selling inventory?
➢ Sometimes inventory is difficult to sell, especially, where the demand for the goods being sold is price
elastic and there is high competition.
➢ The business may not raise the required capital as inventory only improve liquidity but not overall
capital of a business.
➢ Over-selling inventory may result in stock-outs and disappointment to loyal customers.
1. Retained Profits
Businesses may not distribute all the profit earned to shareholders. Some profits are kept in the business
for future use.
Review Questions
Amvita wants to start up a flower shop. The business requires $1 000 start-up capital. She has managed to
raise $800 from her previous job. She thinks that by selling her personal car for $500, she can raise the balance.
(a) What is ‘start-up capital’? [2]
(b) Why is start-up capital important for Amvita? [2]
(c) Give two internal sources of finance that a business could use other than sells of assets and capital from
the owner. [2]
(d) Identify and explain one advantage and one disadvantage to Amvita of selling her personal motor
vehicle to raise the balance of the start-up capital. [4]
2. Bank overdraft
A bank overdraft is an arrangement between the business and its bank in which the business is allowed to
overdraw its bank account. The business spent more cash than its bank balance.
What are the advantages of bank overdrafts?
• The business can still write cheques to its suppliers even though it does not have enough money in its
bank account.
• If a bank overdraft is used properly, it allows the business to pay other short term debts.
What are the disadvantages of bank overdrafts?
• Interest is paid daily on the amount overdrawn. The interest charged on overdraft is usually higher than
on a loan. This further increases the cost of financing a business.
• A business cannot rely entirely on a overdraft for its operations. The availability of overdraft depends
entirely on the trust between the business and its bank.
3. Micro-finance
Micro finance refers to small loans that are provided to less privileged people or small entrepreneurs to
finance their businesses. The loans are provided because:
(i) Commercial banks are not willing to lent money to small businesses.
(ii) Small loans are less profitable to banks.
(iii) Less privileged people lack assets that can be used as collateral for them to get loans from banks.
1. Issue of shares
A limited company can issue new shares to existing and new shareholders to raise capital.
What are the advantages of issuing shares?
❖ Shares are a permanent source of finance to a business. The business is assured of long term expansion
as the capital will not be paid back.
❖ Since issuing shares is raising capital from the owners, no interest is paid for it. This reduces the
expenses of the business.
❖ Issuing new shares improves the liquidity of the business. This is because cash is injected into the
business when investors buy shares.
❖ More capital is raised since a large number of investors are free to buy shares from the stock exchange.
What are the disadvantages of issuing shares?
❖ The original shareholders may lose control of the business as new shareholders become owners as well.
This may affect the objectives of the original owners.
❖ The shareholders expect to receive dividends from their investment. If dividends are not paid they may
end up withdrawing their investment leaving the business with less capital again.
2. Issues of debentures
A debenture is a long term loan to a limited company. This loan is raised by issuing debentures to various
individuals and businesses willing to lend money to the business.
What are the advantages of debentures?
• Debentures are long term sources of finance that can be used for a long period without the need to
repay them. This ensures that the business grows and become profitable before the debentures are
• No collateral security is required. Companies are not required to pledge their assets in order to raise
• The original owners of the business will maintain control of their business because debenture holders
do not vote to make decisions.
• Debentures can be redeemed if the business no-longer require them. Cancelling debentures reduces
interest payments.
What are the disadvantages of debentures?
• Since debentures are a loan, the company will have to pay interest to the debenture holders, whether
the business makes a profit or not. This will reduce the profit available to shareholders.
• Paying interest and repaying the loan reduces the liquidity of the business. The business may end up
having less cash to pay for day to day expenses.
• Repaying the debentures may deplete the capital of the business. This may create more capital
problems for the business if the debentures are not replaced by another source of capital.
3. Leasing
Leasing involves a business using an asset by renting it. The business pays monthly instalments for using the
What are the advantages of leasing?
➢ The business has an option to buy the leased asset in future when profit and cash becomes available.
➢ The business is able to use up to date expensive machinery and equipment that the business may not
be able to buy.
➢ The business will reduce liquidity problems since it will not use a lot of cash to pay for the asset.
➢ Care and maintenance of the asset is done by the leasing company. This means that the business will
save costs from operating the leased asset.
What are the disadvantages of leasing?
➢ The total value of monthly lease payments is higher than buying the asset. This makes leasing to be an
expensive source finance.
➢ At the end of the lease agreement, the leased asset may be returned to its owner, leaving the company
without an asset to use.
➢ The leased asset does not belong to the business. Therefore, it cannot be used as collateral when
borrowing other loans.
4. Hire purchase
Hire purchase is a method of buying an asset on credit in which the buyer pays a deposit and make monthly
What are the advantages of hire purchase?
o Unlike leasing, under hire purchase, the asset is owned by the business even before it is fully paid for.
o Hire purchase agreements are spread over a long period of time. This ensures that businesses do not
have liquidity problems as they pay the monthly instalments.
o The business has the opportunity to earn revenue and cash while still paying for the asset.
Review questions
Lara is a sole trader. She has successful small taxi business. Lara wants to expand by offering an airport taxi
service to and from the city centre. Lara needs to buy an eight-seater vehicle to carry people and their luggage. It
will cost $9000. She has fewer savings as she has invested everything into the business. Her current overdraft is
$1500. She thinks she has three options to raise the required finance.
Consider the following three options that Lara might use to raise the required finance. Recommend the option
that Lara could use. Justify your answer.
• Bank overdraft
• Leasing an eight seater vehicle
• Partnership with her uncle. [12]
What is cash?
Cash refer to notes, coins and bank balances that a business can use to pay for goods and services. Cash is a
liquid asset. That is, it can be used to pay for short term debts such as paying suppliers of goods and
services or to reverse a bank overdraft.
5. Repayments of debts
A business with a high level of debt faces cash flow problems as they repay the debts plus interest.
Which method of How it works? What are the limitations of that method?
overcoming cash flow
1. Increasing bank loans Loans improve the cash available Paying interest on loan reduces profit available to
for working capital purposes. owners.
The loan will have to be repaid at a future date, creating
more cash flow problems.
2. Delaying payments to Cash is kept in the business for The business may lose the opportunity to buy on credit
suppliers other purposes. in future.
The business may lose cash discounts and trust from
3. Make credit customers pay Cash will increase in the short term. It is expensive to collect debts as debtors may have to be
early allowed cash discount for them to pay early.
4. Cash sales Cash is always received after each Customers may switch to businesses that offer credit.
sale. Some products are difficult to sell for cash.
5. Delay buying non-current Not buying non-current assets The long term efficiency of the business may be reduced
assets reduce cash outflows. since assets are needed to generate revenue for the
6. Introduce more cash The cash available will increase for The owners may not have additional cash to inject into
a long time as more cash is brought the business.
in by owners.
Review Questions
Star Cruise makes luxury boats. The Managing Director is always worried about cash flow. She says, ‘I pay all
suppliers after 30 days. My customers take 3 months to pay. Look at my cash flow? I need to do something ’.
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
$’000 $’000 $’000
Cash inflows 20 80 40
Cash outflows 30 40 30
Net cash flow (10) 40 Y
Opening balance (20) (30) 10
Closing balance (30) X Z
(a) What is a ‘cash flow forecast’ [2]
(b) Calculate the figures X , Y and Z. [4]
(c) Identify and explain two ways the Managing Director of Star Cruise can improve cash flow in Month 1. [4]
Review Questions
Tickers make watches and clocks. The following is Tickers’ income statement for the year ended
31 December 2019.
Revenue X
Cost of sales 180 000
Gross profit 120 000
Expenses Y
Profit 30 000
(a) Calculate X and Y [2]
(b) Tickers has made a profit of $30 000 and thinks that the business can be more profitable. Identify
and explain two ways of improving profitability of the business. [4]
(c) Even after making a profit of $30 000, Tickers had $4 000 bank overdraft in its bank account. Identify
and explain two reasons for this. [4]
Review Questions
Paul has a take-away shop. He provides the following details for June 2019.
Definition of terms
1. Non-current assets are items owned by the business for a period of more than one year. Examples
of non-current assets are; motor vehicles, equipment and property.
2. Current assets are items owned by the business for a period of less than one year. Examples of
current assets are; inventory (stock), trade receivables (credit customers) and cash.
3. Inventory refers to goods held for resale, raw materials held for production and goods still in the
process of production.
4. Current liabilities are debts that should be paid with one year. Examples of current liabilities are
credit suppliers of goods and bank overdrafts.
5. Shareholders’ equity is the capital invested in the business by the owners plus any profit earned.
For limited companies, shareholders’ equity is made up of share capital plus reserves.
6. Non-current liabilities are long term debts of a business. Non-current liabilities are made up of
long term loans.
7. Capital employed refers to the long term capital of a business used by the business to earn revenue.
Capital employed is made up of shareholders’ equity plus non-current liabilities.
Review Questions
Buckle Up is a successful transport company. It plans to expand its business by offering more services to
its customers. The Finance Director provided the following statements of financial positions:
(a) What are ‘non-current assets’? [2]
(b) Calculate X and Y. [4]
(c) Using the financial information provided by the Finance Manager, do you agree that Buckle Up
should expand its services? Justify your answer. [6]
1. Profitability ratios
Profitability ratios show the ability of a business to increase profit made by the business. Profit is important
it is the reward to investors.
Gross profit is the profit earned by a business after paying for cost of sales.
Gross profit is increased by:
▪ Increasing selling prices.
▪ Buying from cheaper suppliers
▪ Negotiating for trade discounts from suppliers.
The best approach is to increase profit using the same capital or to earn the same profit using less capital.
All factors that increase gross profit and net profit, also, increases return on capital employed.
Tickers make watches and clocks. The following is Tickers’ income statement for the year
ended 31 December 2019.
Revenue 300 000
Cost of sales 180 000
Gross profit 120 000
Expenses 90 000
Profit 30 000
The capital employed at 31 December was $850 000.
(a) gross profit margin.
(b) net profit margin
(c) return on capital employed (ROCE)
Review Questions
Zee Foods produces mealie -meal and flour. The raw materials are obtained from local farmers. The
Finance Manager provides the following income statements for 2018 and 2019.
2018 2019
$’000 $’000
Revenue 300 450
Cost of sales 180 300
Gross profit 120 150
Expenses 80 60
Net profit 40 90
Capital employed amounted to $1 400 000.
(a) Calculate the following ratios:
(i) Gross profit margin
(ii) Net profit margin
(iii) Return on capital employed (ROCE), for each year. [6]
(b) Identify and explain two reasons for the changes in the ratios calculated in (a) above. [6]
2. Liquidity ratios
Liquidity measures the ability of a business to pay its short term debts using cash. Liquid assets are cash and
other assets that can be converted into cash easily. A low ratio for liquidity shows cash flow problems. A
too high ratio shows that the business is not efficient in using cash resources.
MT Wholesale sells agriculture inputs. Their summarised statement of financial position is given below.
2018 2019
Inventories 20 000 30 000
Trade receivables 50 000 40 000
Cash 60 000 50 000
Total current assets 130 000 120 000
2. External users
(d). Banks
Banks provide loans to businesses. Banks want to see if the business will be able to pay back the loan. They
are more interested in the liquidity position of a business.
(e ). Creditors/ Suppliers
Creditors are people or organisations that supplied goods and services to the business on credit. They want
to see if the business will be able to pay for the goods in the near future. Businesses that are able to pay
creditors often get better credit terms such as cash discounts and longer credit periods.
(f). Government agencies
Companies are required by government to pay tax on profit made. Tax authorities check the profit made
by a business so that they can calculate tax to be paid by the business. Other government departments
check the business’ compliance to environmental and safety laws by assessing money spend on these
(g). Customers
Customers want to buy from businesses that will continue to exist for a long time. Customers want to see
if the business will continue to supply them goods in future.
Practice Questions
Buckle Up and Slik Ride are two businesses in the tertiary sector. Their statements of financial position are
given below.
2. Reducing unemployment
Unemployment refers to people who are able and willing to work but could not find suitable jobs.
Unemployment means fewer people have money to spend on goods and services. Demand for goods
and services decreases and economic growth is slow. The government may have to spend more money
in providing social services and social security payments to support unemployed families.
Reducing unemployment means more people are working and earning regular incomes. As
employment increases, demand for goods and services rises. Businesses are created to produce more
goods and services leading to economic growth and higher standards of living of people in a country.
Government spending on social services is reduced saving the money for further expansion of the
3. Reducing inflation
Inflation refers to a general increase in the price levels of goods and services in a country over time. An
increase in prices by one business in a country is not inflation. As inflation rises, people will not be able
to buy the same goods as they bought in the previous year. For those who are working, the value of
their salaries and wages decline.
When there is inflation, business costs increase as a result of rising prices of goods and services and
demand for higher wages from employees.
If the government is able to lower inflation, businesses are able to produce goods and services that are
affordable to both local and export markets. Consumers will continue to demand more goods and
services leading to a rise in GDP.
Review Questions
Country G is enjoying an economic boom. Economic data for the past two years has shown that GDP has
increased from 4% to 11%. The Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) department of country G has registered
an increase of 30% new start-ups. The Foreign Affairs department has recorded a rise of 35% in foreign
business registration. DZL is a private limited company in country G that produces and sells electrical gadgets
to both local and international markets. The components used by DZL are imported from other countries
(a) What is an economic boom? [2]
(b) Give two characteristics of an economy with high inflation. [2]
(c) Give two economic objective of the government of country G. [2]
(d) Identify and explain two benefits of the economic boom to DZL. [6]
1. Fiscal policy
(a) How the government influence business activity using taxes?
The government can encourage economic growth by reducing taxes for individuals and businesses. Lower
taxes for individuals mean they have more disposable income to spend on goods and services.
Lower taxes for businesses mean they buy raw materials and machines at cheaper prices. This leads to a
reduction in the cost of production. Businesses are able to charge low prices. Goods and services becomes
affordable to consumers hence they demand more goods and services leading to low unemployment and a
rise in the general standard of living for the whole country.
Low tax, also, means that businesses have more profits that can be used to expand their businesses by
opening more branches or extending their factories, employing more people.
The government may also use import tariffs and quotas. An import tariff is a tax charged on goods
imported from another country. An import tariff is aimed at reducing imports so that people buy products
produced locally. Import tariffs make imported products to be more expensive than local products. Thus,
consumers will buy locally made products leading to a rise in the GDP of a country.
An import quota is a limit on the quantity of goods that can be imported into a country. Quotas are mainly
used by the government to protect certain domestic industries from foreign competition.
2. Monetary policy
How the government influence business activity using interest rates?
An interest rate is the cost of borrowing money. The government, through the central bank, is the one that
determine the interest rates charged by lenders to people and businesses.
A reduction in interest rates means the cost of borrowing is lower. It becomes cheaper for businesses and
individuals to borrow money to use for expanding their businesses or starting new businesses. Low interest
rates means that businesses have low expenses, hence, they can produce goods and services cheaply
making them affordable to consumers.
Low interest rates in a country may discourage people from saving their incomes to build wealth.
People who save money gain from interest earned from their savings.
At the same time, foreign businesses are not willing to invest or deposit their money in a country with
low interest rates because their reward will be very low.
Review Questions
Country G is enjoying an economic boom. Economic data for the past two years has shown that GDP has
increased from 4% to 11%. The Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) department of country G has registered
an increase of 30% new start-ups. The Foreign Affairs department has recorded a rise of 35% in foreign
business registration. DZL is a private limited company in country G that produces and sells electrical gadgets
to both local and international markets. The components used by DZL are imported from other countries
(a) What is an import tariff? [2]
(b) Give two reasons why the government of country G can implement import quotas. [2]
(c) Identify and explain two ways in which a business like DZL, producing luxury electrical gadgets, could be
affected by a rise in taxes in country G. [4]
(d) Identify and explain two ways in which an increase in interest rates by the government of country G
could affect DZL. [6]
1. Positive externalities
Positive externalities are social benefits that come as a result of business activities. These are gains that
society enjoys as a result of the business activities. The following are some external benefits:
➢ Local communities are employed when businesses produce goods and services.
➢ Consumers will have a variety of goods and services near them.
➢ Businesses may develop infrastructure such as road, dams, malls and school that can be used by
communities to improve their lives.
➢ The government may charge tax and collect more revenue that can be used to improve social services.
➢ Small businesses may provide services to bigger businesses.
2. Negative externalities
Negative externalities are sometimes called social costs. These activities lead to suffering of communities.
Examples of external costs are:
➢ Waste products that cause pollution.
➢ Land destruction when mining.
➢ Deforestation.
➢ Global warming.
Other people and the government may incur additional costs in order to reverse negative externalities.
Review Questions
Red Tigers is a popular football club. It has top quality players as it scout players from local sports
academies. Each week, about 60 000 people visit their stadium to watch its matches. The stadium is located
in a small town 10 km from the city centre. The local community pressure group, Ever Concern, has
expressed concern on negative externalities arising from the activities of the football club. He noted that
besides other issues, very young children were included in top matches. The club president has promised to
look into the concerns raised by the community.
(a) What are externalities? [2]
(b) Give two negative externalities arising from the activities of the football club. [2]
(c) Identify and explain two measures that the club president could use to create positive externalities for
the community. [6]
What is Globalisation?
Globalisation is the free movement of goods and services, labour, capital and technology all over the world.
Globalisation has been facilitated by:
The rise in free trade agreements in which countries agree to import and export goods without
restrictions in the form of tariffs and quotas. Consumers can purchase goods and services from other
countries with little import controls.
Improved and cheaper travel links and communication between all parts of the world have made it
much easier for free movement of people from one part of the globe to the other. This makes it easier
for customers to compare costs involved before they buy since the information is available on the
The increase in industrialised countries such as China, India and Brazil has made it possible for goods to
be affordable and accessible globally.
Benefits Explanations
1. Infrastructure development. Multinational develop other structures such as roads, clinics
and water points that will benefit society.
2. Employment opportunities As they set up factories and shops to produce and distribute
goods and services, locals will have the opportunity to be
3. Increased choices for Multinational companies bring new products that were not
consumers previously available in the local market. This gives consumers
the opportunity to buy a variety of products.
4. Increase in economic growth Having companies from other countries means an increase in
investment as these companies bring in capital to a country.
This increases the economic activities of a country, increasing
its GDP.
Review Questions
Net Care is a multinational company that produces and sell cosmetics and health care products such as toothpaste
and shampoos. It has several branches in other countries. It plans to open a new branch in country C. Unemployment
in country C is very high but market research has shown that Net Care will obtain cheaper raw materials in country C
reducing the cost of production. There are several small producers of cosmetics and health care products in country
C. The new factory will employ 400 workers at a wage rate of $8 per hour. The trade minister in country C thinks this
is too low. The Managing Director of Net Care says, “Everyone can benefit”.
(a) What is the difference between an import quota and an import tariff? [2]
(b) Identify and explain two advantages to Net Care of opening a new branch in country C. [6]
(c) Do you think the trade minister should allow Net Care to open a new branch in country C? Justify your answer.
1. Currency appreciation
Currency appreciation is a rise in the value of a country’s currency when compared to another currency.
That is, the currency of a country is now worth more than the currency of another country. It can now buy
more of the other currency than before. A currency may appreciate because of the following reasons:
➢ The country exports more than it imports.
➢ The country has a favourable balance of payment. Thus, customers outside the country must sell more
of their currency to buy products from the country.
➢ The interest rates in the country are relatively high to attract foreign savings.
➢ Inflation is lower than in other countries.
2. Currency depreciation
Currency depreciation is the fall in the value of a country’s currency when compared to another country’s
Currency depreciation means that the country’s currency is now worth less than another country’s
currency. It can now buy less of another country’s currency than before. This is caused by:
❖ The country imports more than it exports.
❖ Interest rates have fallen relative to other countries and as such depositors have moved their savings to
other countries.
❖ Inflation has risen than in other countries.
Currency appreciation is good for importers and bad for exporters while currency depreciation is
good for exporters and bad for importers.
Review Questions
Denzel owns a successful candy manufacturing business in country X. The sugar used to manufacture the
candies is imported from country S. In the past year, the currency of country X has fallen by 10% against
that of country S. Denzel is worried about the movement of the exchange rate.
(a) What is meant by exchange rate? [2]
(b) Give two effects to Denzel of a drop of 10% in the exchange rate. [2]
(c) Identify and explain two benefits to Denzel of an appreciation in the currency of country X. [6]