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Absurdity in Mahanatka

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 3, May-June 2023 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Absurdity in "Mahanatka"
Anurag Pandey
Student, Central University of Odisha, Koraput, Odisha, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Anurag Pandey

Ramesh Prasad Panigrahi is a well-known face of Odia drama. He "Absurdity in "Mahanatka"" Published
entered in literature as a poet. He has shown his skills in major fields in International
such as stories, essays, novels, essays, criticism, etc. His contribution Journal of Trend in
to the world of orthodox travel is no less. Through his drama, he has Scientific Research
and Development
given a new style of drama to the Odia literature. He has
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
experimented and applied a lot in the post-independence drama. 6470, Volume-7 |
Among the plays composed by him are ‘Mukti Mandap’, ‘Mu Ambhe Issue-3, June 2023, IJTSRD57491
Amhemane’, ‘Dhrutarastrara akhi’, ‘Mahanataka’, ‘Gunda’, ‘Ananda pp.788-790, URL:
Nagaraku jatra’, hathi ku Homeopathy’, etc. He was awarded by www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd57491.pdf
Odisha Sahitya Academy for his play ‘Mahanatak’. It was first
performed at Krishnachandra Gajapati medical college, Brahmapur Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
under the name 'Panchamaswara'. 'Mahanataka' is the true International Journal of Trend in
manifestation of Indian political and social reality. Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
KEYWORDS: drama, absurdity in drama, nabanatya andolan Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The range of literature is wide. Stories, novels, plays, modern theology, philosophy and the arts, in which it
poems, biographies are filled with these. Among expresses the failure of traditional values to fulfill
them, the tradition of drama is very ancient. Modern man's spiritual and emotional needs”.
drama was not as it is in ancient times. Just as
This absurdity has entered the odia literature from
language changes, drama changes itself over time.
western literature. "The dramatic elements such as
The change that took place in Western literature over
plot, character, dialogue, conflict, tension, etc are
time left its mark on the whole world. A lot of
absent in the tradition of absurd drama”. This phrase
experiments have been applied mainly in the
is accepted by many critics and some do not. Because
composition of drama known as 'Nabanatya Andolan'.
there are many plays written in which all these
Due to this, many changes were made in the physical
elements are fulfilled but many plays are not. It is
and spiritual aspects of the drama and the dramas
written in which there is no innovation to some
were created with various new plot, themes and
extent, but in this sense we can also classify
styles. Psychology, sexual consciousness, absurdity,
‘Mahanataka’ in the range of criticism.
expressionism, existentialism etc entered the drama.
There are many discussions about 'Udbhat'(absurd) or Mahanatak is a freelance drama. It uses the
‘Udbhat drama’. While some critics accept this play, 'daskathia’ style of folk drama. The plot of the play is
others do not. the introduction of a dictatorship by the main
character bajrabahu and the self-destruction of his
First let's talk about what is 'Udbhat'(absurd) or
vices. Although written on the basis of political satire
‘Udbhatata’(absurdity). “The English word for
and social reality, there are descriptions of many
udbhata is 'absurd'. Which means inconsistent or
absurdity issues. king Bajrabahu is an absurd ruler.
unreasonable. Its dictionary meaning is inconsistent,
He think ‘heis the equivalent of Devaraj Indra’. He
unreasonable, or absurd, contrary to reason and
think that he is great and liked king. Despite all the
tradition”. “The Danish philosopher Kierkegaard used
problems and oppression in his country, he thinks that
the word absurd in the ‘modern’ sense for the first
socialism has been established. Minister Brahmadatta
time in world literature”. The Encyclopedia America
is accompanied by a huge water-filled pot of water in
define the term ‘absurd’ – “Absurd is a term used
his hand when bajrabahu enters the stage. The king
originally to describe a violation of the rules of logic.
looks at this water-filled sculpture during a political
It has acquired wide and diverse connotations in

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD57491 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 3 | May-June 2023 Page 788
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
trial and laughs like a donkey. He comes back to the sun. Apart from this, order to flood. These are strange
stage in a dog pulled chariot, which no king has ever and absurd thinking.
done or will ever do. It creates a sense of humor in Another example of this wonder comes from this
the mind. play. The dead people who lost their lives due to
A prime example of absurdity can be found During various natural calamities during bajrabahu's reign are
the praise of the emperor, minister Sheelabhadra is the characters of the play. In any realistic drama, it is
specially employed to describe the virtues of the not possible for the dead to become character. The
emperor. As soon as he enters the stage, he sings the conversation between the dead man and the king
praises of the king and says – “bira shree birabara bajrabahu is as follows -
prabala parakrami samrat bajrabahu. K.C.I.E, B.L; “bajrabahu - Are you that dead Human?
M, M.S; M.B.B.S; SABHAPATI, IAF; Dead man - I do not understand anything!
PRATISTHATA, BISHWESWAR MANDIR; bajrabahu - I ask you are the dead person?
SAMPADAKA; ICS nka JAYA HEU”. All the Dead Man - Yes, but I don't recognize you.
adjectives used here are useless because the king is bajrabahu - Amatya! It is very surprising how
very ancient and these adjectives cannot be found in this dead
his time.
person does not recognize the powerful
At the beginning of the play, two characters enter the emperor Brajbahu of Hastinanagar.
stage playing daskathi (music instrument). King
bajrabahu and his state management are extolling the During this conversation, King bajrabahu became
vastness of the absurdity- angry and ordered the execution of the dead person.
The revolution of these dead people in the last stage is
“Eniki shasan heba pramoda shalare another amazing event.
Rati hele rajakarya shoibe dinare
Queen Ketkigandha is one of the main characters of
Kshyiripitha bhasuachhi nalare nalare the play. He is a helpless character in this play. She is
Rasagola manankara pahada rastare.” deprived of the glory of motherhood. Because the
While managing the state, the problems of the leaders king is the eunuch. Even the queen cannot dream
of different states and their solutions are also strange. because of king. So the Queen decided buying a
The Landlord of Karnat came and expressed his dream from Avanti Sadhaka and giving a free heart in
problem to King bajrabahu that - "There is a problem exchange for it. From Avanti Sadhaka's voice comes -
in Karnat. He feels strongly that the country does not “Abanti nagarara jane samanya sadhaka;
need two hands and two legs. There is no peaceful swapna bikri
coexistence among them. That is why they are cutting pesha mora
off each other's hands and feet." As a solution
Sparshe mo tangara bhui shyamalangi hue
bajrabahu is supporting this and has called for cutting
off the hands and feet of Karnat landlords. He also Marubhumi gai uthe madira malhara
said that the severed hands and feet should be buried Mo sparshare padma phute puskarini neere
in the place where they were cut. This will create a Mu chhuile ange ange kauri sihare
beautiful crop of hands and feet and it shall be kept in Pallabita hue kete lalita romancha
store, so that the disaffected hands and officers may
be supplied where necessary. The second comer is Brukshyasama snigdha chhaya puspasama
landlord of Gouda. His problem was that the fish of madhu
the kingdom had disappeared from the pond and bitarana
turned into virgins due to magic. As a solution, the Mora byabasaya.
king said that all the girls of Gouda land should be Mulya kintu tara bimukta hrudaya.”
drowned in the river so that they will become fish.
Apart from this, punishing sun, punishing nature, Although all the topics written above are funny or
punishing water, creating raspberry hills, punishing weird, the playwright Ramesh Prasad Panigahri has
rivers for floods, building sky roofs and ordering successfully and consciously applied Indian political
disciples and teacher to add bricks and stones for this. satire and social reality. No such drama has been
Also dealing with Shrugalsen for business of wit is a composed in the odia literature which has no
strange issue. King bajrabahu orders the commander completely absurdity. What we see in Western
to bring all the kingdom's wit and offer a new sun in literature. Like Samuel Beckett's ‘waiting for godot’.
return. Because good light is not coming from the old So in the end it can be said that ‘Mahanataka’ is not

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD57491 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 3 | May-June 2023 Page 789
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
entirely an absurd play, but it is absurdity in many [4] Chaini, ratnakara, udbhata natya Parampara,
aspects. 1980 (odia Bibhaba-pdf)
REFERENCE [5] Das, hemanta kumar, odia natakara
[1] Panigrahi, Ramesh, mahanataka, odisha book bikashdhara, 1988 (odia bibhaba-pdf)
store, 2017
[6] Harichandan, niladri hushan, adhunika odia
[2] The shorter oxford dictionary 1965 natakare bastaba o udbhata Chetana, 1988 (odia
[3] Encyclopedia americana: page-57

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD57491 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 3 | May-June 2023 Page 790

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