06-Soil Tilth and Tillage
06-Soil Tilth and Tillage
06-Soil Tilth and Tillage
Soil tilth
The process of loosening and
turning the soil is called ploughing (tilling).
Before sowing the seeds, it is necessary to
loosen and turn the soil in the fields as to
break it to the size of the grains which is done
with the help of three main implements or tools
to plough are hoe and cultivator.
How is ploughing done?
1. Min or no-till has become popular in recent years. Min and no-till
systems minimise soil disturbance and are claimed to sequester
additional carbon over time, as organic matter increases and with it
soil carbon levels.
2. Min till also offers the potential for lower costs of machinery use
(lower energy use), less damage to soil structure, less risk of soil
erosion, less environmental damage from nitrogen leaching and
pesticide run-off from bare (ploughed) land, and environmental
benefits such as increased soil fauna and habitats for birds.
3. Min or no-till is not a guaranteed method of cutting
farming’s greenhouse gas emissions. The role of no-till in
mitigating climate change “is widely overstated”
4. Min or no-till systems generally rely on herbicides to kill crop
residues and weeds. This may have a damaging impact on
soil biodiversity and the surrounding environment—in
particular, evidence is emerging of damage to earthworm
5. Non-organic arable farmers who use min or no-till
systems have frequently suffered severe outbreaks of
grass weeds such as blackgrass, leading to a resumption
of ploughing.
6. Min or no-till is not the only way to increase soil carbon.
Farming practices, such as organic farming systems
contribute to raising the levels of soil organic matter and
soil carbon.
7. Better performance of organic farming in sequestering
soil carbon may be because organic systems have
between 32% and 84% greater microbial biomass; and
organic farming systems appear to have positive effects
on soil microbial community size and activity.
Organically managed soils store more carbon for longer
periods and have on average 44% higher levels of
humic acid—the component of soil that sequesters
carbon over the long term—than soils not managed
8. Min and no-till bring other benefits to soils, including
greater concentration of organic matter near the soil
surface, better soil structure, enhanced seedling
emergence and water infiltration and water retention,
making them more resilient in the face of droughts or
floods. However, other practices will bring similar
benefits, including farming practices inherent in
organic farming but available to all farmers, such as
tree planting (including integrating trees with farmland
– agroforestry), conversion of arable land to grassland,
and inclusion of temporary grassland in arable
cropping systems.
Soal (bahan diskusi)
Apa itu soil tilth?
Apa perbedaan antara “soil tilth” dan “soil tillage”?
Apa Bahasa Indonesia soil tilth?
Apa perbedaan antara struktur tanah (soil structure)
dengan soil tilth?
Jelaskan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi soil tilth
yang dihasilkan dari suatu pengolahan tanah?
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