E Book++500+Activities+ +english+ +update+15.02.2023
E Book++500+Activities+ +english+ +update+15.02.2023
E Book++500+Activities+ +english+ +update+15.02.2023
All the activities exhibited here are just suggestions for you to
apply in your classes, it should be noted that many of them are not our
own, we only gather them here for you. Therefore, we are not
responsible for any planning error or even in their applications. As
mentioned, these are just suggestions. So it is up to you, as a
professional, to choose and apply the activities according to your reality
and your planning.
If you encounter any error in your approach, any content you think
is inappropriate and should not be composing such content, typo, or any
other subject matter about this material, please contact us at
I hope that our material will make your knowledge great, and be
useful to your planning and that you enjoy it well. For, there are several
activities, of different contents and gave muchooooo work!
Att. Organizers!
INstagram: @edfvida
Separate the group into teams; arrange the
arches in a row, and in the first arch should
have 5 balls or more (you can change the balls
by another material, e.g. cones); at the
teacher's sign, the first student of each team
must take one ball at a time and move to the
next arc, after that starts again, moving one
by one to the next arc and so on, until all the
balls are in the last arc. Marks the point for your team who accomplishes the task
first and according to the rules.
One participant says the name of another and throws the ball far away. While the
others are hiding, whoever had the name mentioned should take the ball and shoot
the others. It's the mix of the shot and hide-and-seek. Whoever finds it is shot with
the ball. When everyone's been shot, the one you shot does the initial procedure.
Students form a
column, one holding
the other's waist, and
have a student loose
in front of the
column, who will try
to catch the last
student in the column and the companions should
not leave (can not let go).
You choose who's going to be the bardor. The barter will be in the center of the
ground and should try to prevent participants (one at a time) from overtaking and
reaching the end. The barrador may run after the intruder, the important thing is to
touch it. If the intruder manages to reach the end of the ground without being
caught, he returns to make up the group of people who are waiting to play. If the
barrador can catch the intruder (he'll say, "Bari!") , he joins him with his hands and
also becomes a barrador, with the same goal. The game will end when everyone sees
INstagram: @edfvida
Students form two or more groups that run around the court. The teacher
determines which group should form a circle of holding hands. The group that did
not form should separate them as soon as possible. Students in the circle who
release their hands should run around the court again.
The teacher will divide the class into two or more
rows and say in the ear of the first person of each
rows very long sentences and write them down on
a paper for when you get to the last this turn, will
go ahead and say what has come to his ear. Note:
Use small phrases of songs, rhymes and tongue
locks. Wins the game in the row, which hit the
largest number of sequences.
The students moving around the court, each with
a basketball. At the sign of the teacher, they will
try to hit the ball with one hand on the teammate,
throwing it away, and not being able to lose
control of his ball.
INstagram: @edfvida
Players put themselves in a circle and pass the ball between their teammates and
count (1, 2, 3... to 5). The fifth person who receives the ball tries to throw it at any
of the players who must escape at the interval of the 4th player, who passes the
ball for the 5th to receive. If the ball thrown hits someone, that player is
eliminated. Otherwise, whoever launched is eliminated. The goal of the game is to
stay one player.
The students form a circle. The teacher throws a ball at a player and he says "I saw
a fool". This student throws the ball to another player who must change the name of
the animal. Those who don't respond quickly get out of the game. The last one to
stay will be the king of animals. You can't repeat the names of the animals.
INstagram: @edfvida
Like a hoop throw, but with a hula hoop. One person will be the
victim and will be 5 meters from the players. Makes 1 point who can
fit the hula hoop into the person first. Win whoever has the most
In a wide, delimited space, a catch game; the student who is chasing must drive a
basketball, the others will drive a ball and whoever is touched by the handle will
exchange ball and function with him.
INstagram: @edfvida
A handleand the other students scattered in a given area. The handle should take
the students who are alone. If three students are holding hands, they cannot be
caught, if more than three students are holding hands, they may be caught. The
students caught become catchers.
They play two teams. Teams form next to each other, behind a demarcated line. At
20 meters is scored a point for each team. At the master's signal, the first of each
team will race to the marked point and return, taking the second team member with
him in the second race, and will return, repeating the action, until all team members
are holding hands. The team that first manages to reach the marked point with all
its members will win.
INstagram: @edfvida
Chinese monkey, stands next to a wall,
facing the wall, and with its back to the
others, which are placed side by side,
about ten meters or more. The Chinese
monkey hits his hands on the wall saying,
"One, two, three, Chinese monkey." While
this says the phrase, the others advance
toward the wall. As soon as the Chinese
monkey finishes the sentence immediately
turns to others, trying to see someone
running. Anyone seen moving back to the
starting line. So the kids can only move forward when the Chinese monkey says the
phrase, because he can pretend to turn to the wall and look back, see if he catches
someone moving. The first child to get to the wall will be the next Chinese monkey
They play one participant from each team. Initially, each participant will have 1
minute to try to sit on the floor. However, your opponent will try to stop this. If the
player can sit down, point to him. If you can't, point to the opponent. In the event
of a draw, the time of 1 minute drops to 30 seconds, then 15 seconds and finally 10
seconds. If the tie prevails, both teams score.
Students form two columns and should position themselves alternately, sitting and
standing, with their legs apart. At the sign of the teacher, the last jumps or passes
under the legs of the companions, placing himself in front, in the different position
of the last companion behind. Other students should make the same move.
INstagram: @edfvida
Participants form a gigantic wheel and choose a fool who will be in the center of it.
Each round, the fool will order two people to switch places. E.g. BOBINHO: - Maria
and Beto. Immediately, Mary must go to the place of Beth and Beto must go to mary's
place. While this happens, the silly tries to get into one of the empty seats. If you
can't, make another round. If you can, whoever lost the job is the new fool.
INstagram: @edfvida
37. SACI
They play two teams and two helpers. The game works like a basketball game, but
there is only one basket, which are actually two people, arm in arm and open.
Whoever makes a basket, picks someone from the duo to replace him in the team
and he will be the new half of the basket. The team that makes the most baskets
wins the game.
After dividing the participants into two groups, request that they spread throughout
the play area. The game will start with the ball in the top. The possession team
should try to make seven passes, without interruption of the opponent's team. Every
seven successful passes, the team will score a point, thereby restarting the count.
Pick a player to be the catch. He must have his eyes blindfolded. The catch counts
up to ten while the other players move away
from him. It's not worth running. After
counting to ten, the handlepick goes out
looking for the others. When he catches
someone, he says CAT MIA! The person who
got caught has to meod. If the handle hits
who it is, the person becomes the next
catch. If you don't, keep trying to...
Play one double at a time. On some pieces of paper, numbers from 1 to 12 are
written. On other pieces of paper, 4 body parts are written (HAND, FOOT, ASS,
HEAD). On the floor, a large square is divided into 12 squares, approximately 40 cm
each, numbered from 1 to 12. Take par or odd to see who starts. The number and
part of the body are drawd. The mission is to place the part of the body drawn in the
drawn number. E.g. Head on 7, Foot on 11... And that's where someone's going to
get unbalanced. Whoever wins, chooses the new opponent. Beat the champion of
the last round.
He's a catch." Choose the handleand the runner. The other participants must form
pairs, which should walk arm in arm. Those who don't have a partner should run from
the handle, giving an arm to a double player. In this case, the pair on the other side
turns aisle and runs away, to pick up another person from another pair, where the
same will happen. Whoever gets caught is the new catch.
Players stand and form a wheel, except one, which will be the silly one. The goal of
the players is to hit some of the silly's feet by throwing the ball with his hands. No
one can get off the wheel except whoever catches the ball that fell away. If someone
on the wheel can shoot the fool's foot, it'll be the new fool.
INstagram: @edfvida
Two competitors lean on each other with their hands on each other's shoulders and
try to take each other down without their hands. Whoever can take down the
opponent without using his hands wins.
This class usually works with those who only want football and those who want to
play with their hands. You make two teams with a reasonable number of students on
each side and you start playing with your feet. When the ball crosses the back line
of a certain crossbar, the game resumes with the hands, wins who scores the most
First, the teacher should spread the colored floating objects (letters, pets, geometric
shapes, etc.) in the pool in equal amounts of each color, for each student. The
teacher will be the 'goldfish', which will be at one end of the pool. The 'goldfish' will
speak: Colorful goldfish! And the students will ask: What color? Then the teacher will
say a color, each student should seek an object of the said color, this with the leg of
the crawl swim the complete swim, depends on the level of the class.
The profcs sing each verse and then the students repeat. The rhythm is easy, just
accentuate well the 'ê', the tropical can be exchanged for 'a very cool dance': Tchu-
tchu- ê, tchu-tchu-ê is a tropical dance! Thumbs forward! Tchu-tchu-ê, tchu-tchu-ê
is a tropical dance! Thumbs forward! Knee bent! Tchu-tchu-á, tchu-tchu-á is a
tropical dance! Thumbs forward! Knee bent! Elbows back! Tchu-tchu-ê, tchu-tchu-
ê is a tropical dance! Thumbs forward! Knee bent! Elbows back! Head to side! Tchu-
tchu-ê, tchu-tchu-ê is a tropical dance! Thumbs forward! Knee bent! Elbows back!
Head to side! AND THE TONGUE OUT! Tchu-tchu-ê, tchu-tchu-ê is a tropical dance!
The pike beam there is only one catch, whoever he catches turns into the handleand
he becomes a fugitive like the others. The beam is the pike, but with one detail, the
student who takes his hand from it, can only hold the crossbar of the other goal of
the court. That is, he's going to have to run at high speed.
Divide students into 2 teams. Teams should be seated on the side lines of the court,
a team on each side. Stretch/fasten the rope on the two cones and place in the
middle of the court (between the teams). At the command of the prof. team 1 must
INstagram: @edfvida
run and jump the rope, collect all the balls, which were thrown by the prof. on the
opposite side, jump the rope again and put them in the box. At the same time group
2 should take a running around the court. The team that first completes the task
wins. Team 2, which is running is the clock.
The students form two circles, one internal and one external, moving in the
opposite direction. At the teacher's sign, students from the outer circle will move
to a place determined by the teacher (e.g., the bottom line of the court). From
there, the students in the inner circle will try to touch as many students in the outer
circle before they reach their goal
Students in pairs, inside a bead. A duo will be the
double pick, who must play in another duo, which will
become the catch.
INstagram: @edfvida
There's a representative of each team in this one-way race. Each participant must
run on a stripe that is drawn on the floor. Whoever comes out of the crosstop sits
back on the beginning and resumes the race. If after a long time no one succeeds,
the representatives are exchanged. Whoever does the job correctly wins first.
There's a representative of each team in this one-way race. The goal is to run with
a book in your head. If the book falls before the finish line, the runner goes back to
the beginning and starts all over again. If after a long time no one succeeds, the
representatives are exchanged. Whoever does the job correctly wins first.
All dancing, to the sound of lively music. Development: When the music stops, form
groups of three people and quickly answer a question asked by the facilitator
(whatever comes into the head). The facilitator, at each stop, suggests new groups:
four, five, six... Even the whole group
INstagram: @edfvida
It begins by telling a story where the main character is called "Dona Maricota". This
story includes movements characterizing stretching, remembering that we aim at
this with children between 0 and 8 years old mainly, where "we play stretching". It
INstagram: @edfvida
is important to emphasize that the child at this age learns activities and performs
them with great trickness and creativity. It can also be worked with other age groups
and 3rd Age
They play two teams and two shooters. Each team has its own field, which will be
divided by a line. When the shooters shout "NOW," the teams will have to switch
fieldimmediately. During the rush, the shooters will try to shoot someone. If you
can't, make another round. If you can, whoever gets shot will be on the side of
whoever shot him. The game continues until there's no one left. Then you beat the
shotr who got the most people.
INstagram: @edfvida
The class is divided into two groups, numbering them from right to left and left to
right, all queued facing each other. A ball in the center, under the command of the
teacher when calling a number or asking for the result of a problem, each number
called, will pick up the ball and bring it to your team. You'll earn a score if the
student takes the ball without being touched to your team or touching whoever has
the ball.
Round-trip race where two representatives of each team run. The contestants
should run like the butcher's dance, panic on TV. On the way, go ahead. On the way
back, he comes back. If you fall, get up and go on. Whoever gets there first wins.
INstagram: @edfvida
A persecution activity, with practitioners only being able to move through athletic
gait (one foot should always be in contact with the ground). The handle will only
come out of this position if you touch the trunk on another student. It's not worth
taking with your arms and hands.
INstagram: @edfvida
80. TACT
It only fits if there's a lot, a lot of people. Half of the participants form a wheel and
within it is the other half of players. Those who are forming the wheel will try to
shoot those inside. Whoever is forming the wheel can leave temporarily to pick it up
(if you have gone far away). Whoever gets shot becomes part of the wheel. You win
the last one inside the wheel.
Take 0 or 1 to know what the initial double will be. On pieces of paper, various
physical conditions will be written in which runners must run. E.g. "Without the left
arm", "Without the direct leg", "Without both arms", "Without both legs"... Anyway,
the object is to draw as each runner should run. As in every race, whoever comes
first wins. Whoever wins, chooses the new opponent. The race wins the race, the
winner of the last pair.
INstagram: @edfvida
In a corner of the ground, the "palace" is marked, where a player, the "saci-rei", is
located. The other "sacis" disperse at will throughout the countryside. At the
beginning sign, the sacis head,
jumping on one foot, to the royal
palace, to provoke the king. Suddenly,
he announces, "The king is angry!",
going out to chase them, also in leaps.
He himself leads to the palace the first
who picks up and names him his
"helper". The joke resumes, as before,
leaving now the two, after further warning, in pursuit of others and so on. The last
one caught will be the new king, in the replay of the game. No one can rest both
feet on the ground, under penalty of being imprisoned, except in the following cases:
a) when the player is inside the palace; b) when the player is tired, but should be
standing in the same place, when he may be caught. The imprisoned player will stay
inside the palace until another is arrested, only then being able to return to the
place where he was before.
Kind of catch-up, played in a very wide space and that has walls at both ends.
Whoever gets caught should take the person who caught him before she runs and
touches the wall. If the participant can touch the wall before he is caught, he is the
one who takes it, which will cause the handleto become a victim. But if he gets
caught, he should catch whoever's got him before he touches the wall and becomes
a grabber. Whoever touches the wall more often wins.
Students form a circle of holding hands. A student runs around the circle, and must
simultaneously touch the arms of two students. One of them will run to the right and
the other to the left, around the circle, which finally reaches the starting place will
restart the activity, running around the circle.
Students in circles, with a bow in front of each student, in the middle of a student
circle. The teacher should determine how students should move around the circle,
for example, running, jumping, crawling, etc. At the sign of the teacher, everyone
should look for an arch, as well as the student from the center of the circle.
INstagram: @edfvida
Draw on the ground a very large rectangle (being the forest). Inside are three
participants who are the picks, outside are the others,
at ease. Given the start sign, players outside try to cross
the rectangle, that is, the "forest", without getting
caught. The three players
inside try to catch the other
"outsiders" who cross the
forest from side to side.
Whoever gets arrested starts helping the hookers.
It's identical to dragnet. But when the handles are in 3, what is on the tip should
come loose from the hands of the companion and integrate into the group of runners.
Therefore, only two people can take the others and, whenever a third is caught, the
other end comes out. E.g.: John and Mary take Gaius. Soon, John letlooses and Mary
and Gaius catch Luke. Then Maria lets go and Gaius and Luke take another one and
so on. Just doubles!
They play two groups, each group in a side row, separated by a reasonable space,
containing each row an equal number of players. The first of each of the rows will
put a box of matches on the nose and try to pass the box without the help of hands
to the nose of those next to them. This one, receiving the box, will pass on in the
same way. If you drop it, just take it and start where you left off. The row that ends
first wins.
INstagram: @edfvida
They play two teams with equal numbers of participants. Players from each team
must be arranged on each side of the court, zigzag. The first of each group will be
with a ball. At the signal, you must pass it on to the next companion, who will pass
it on to the other, until you reach the last one. When he receives, he returns to his
companion, even those who started the activity. The team that fulfills the task first
wins the race. NOTE: If the ball falls, whoever should catch can catch and continue
the game, because there are no penalties.
INstagram: @edfvida
Just like the previous exercise, only with the students seated.
The teacher sequests a student to be the victim, the other students put themselves
in a row. The players stand side by side and the victim with his back to that row. The
victim throws a ball back and someone in the row must pick it up and everyone should
put their hands behind them in order to confuse the victim, who must give a guess
about who took the object. If you make a mistake, do it again. If you get it right,
INstagram: @edfvida
Kind of shot. The player says one color and the others
must run after something that has that color. Anyone who
touches the color can no longer be shot. However,
anyone who does not touch something that contains the
color dictated in time should be shot. The first to be shot
is the next to restart the game.
They play one participant from each team. In the center of the place of the race, a
string is stretched, where an apple or bombom will be hung, at the height of the
participants' mouths. Each player will be blindfolded and, at the sign, they should,
with their hands behind their backs, try to take a bite of the apple. Whatever you
INstagram: @edfvida
Students in column, each holding a ball near the gluteal region, should run, touching
with their heels on the ball.
Two teams play. One player will face the other, i.e. each player will have a person
with whom they will come face to face. The team begins. Each participant must
INstagram: @edfvida
dance in his or her own way. The rival in front of you should imitate your dance
moves. Then it's the team that's going to do the same thing. Both teams will have a
minute to do.
Two circles are drawn on the floor, one inside the other. One team is in the smaller
circle and the other, with the same number of participants, in the larger circle. When
the teacher shouts the name of a place, the staff of the smaller circle should move
there, without being grabbed by the students of the other circle. After a while,
reverse the roles.
INstagram: @edfvida
115. 7 shards
Two teams, each on their field. The fields are separated by 7 shards. One person
from each team tries to throw the ball and knock down the shards. The team that
knocks down the shards must lift them again, but protecting themselves from the
other, which now has autonomy to shoot. Whoever's shot can't help the team in the
shards. If the team can get the pieces back before everyone gets shot, she wins. But
if everyone gets shot and the shards stay on the ground, the other team wins.
All in pairs, having a bat for each pair; at the sign of the teacher the
pair will have to transport the baton to a certain point and return, using
only one of the feet of each of the participants.
The players, standing and with their arms crossed, will form a circle. One will occupy
the center and have the ball. He will shoot or pretend to throw the ball to a
teammate, who must catch it; but he won't uncross his arms if he's deceived. The
one who drops the ball or uncrosses his arms when he is deceived will be eliminated.
If all goes well, whoever caught the ball is next.
As the group moves away, the master hides paper balls all over the field in the most
varied places you can imagine. At the start signal, players return to the field where
they seek to find the paper balls, with 5 minutes to gather what they can. After this
deadline, each presents what he found, winning who accumulated more paper balls.
The winner will be the next to hide the paper balls.
INstagram: @edfvida
They play a representative of each team. One will be the shotr (who will be at the
finish line) and the other will be the fugitive (who will be on the line if broken). The
goal of the fugitive is to get as close as possible to the finish line without being shot,
since the shotr will have at his disposal dozens of paper balls to throw at the fugitive.
When the fugitive is shot, the exact place where he was shot is scratched on the
ground. After that, the roles are reversed. The fugitive who gets as close as possible
to the finish line wins the race.
INstagram: @edfvida
INstagram: @edfvida
126. RELAY
130. CAGE
Players , arranged in circles (side by side without holding hands) form the cage. The
other group, whose elements represent the animals, disperses across the terrain.
The master will use whistle or bell. At the sign of the master, the animals run, now
INstagram: @edfvida
entering, or coming out of the cage. At a new whistle, the participants of the circle
hold hands by closing the cage and thus trapping those who remained within the
circle. These will then be part of it, joining those who form the cage. Then the game
resumes until all the animals have been trapped
131. GRIP
133. JUMP
They play two representatives from each team. The goal is to get there first, jumping
with one foot (as if they were measuring some distance in meters). Each player will
be entitled to one jump at a time. However, he can only use one leg to jump, and
during that jump, he should leave the other leg in the same place where he was.
Only after you stand firm can you bring the other leg to the place that you managed
to arrive with your jump. Whoever crosses the finish line first wins.
INstagram: @edfvida
137. STEPS
It's a one-way race where multiple participants must race as if they were measuring
a distance in feet. When stepping on your right foot, you should step on your left
INstagram: @edfvida
foot immediately glued to the front of the right and so on. Whoever gets there first
Students must be divided into two teams, arranged in two columns, in front of a
circle formed by the materials, one next to the other with the same obstacles. At
the sign of the teacher, the first two students must leave, one of each team, passing
through the obstacles. Score point for your team the student who raise the flag
INstagram: @edfvida
One participant is bent over and the other ones jump over
it. When everyone's already jumped, the first one who
jumped bends over, too. The joke continues to the point
where the number of people is so large that you can no
longer jump on everyone. Whoever doesn't, will be the
first to bow next time. You can split into teams to see
which team does in less time.
INstagram: @edfvida
148. TRAP
INstagram: @edfvida
following in the joke the next ones that have not yet been arrested.
You can perform in teams by selecting two teams, competing between them; in
which each team will have a certain number of times to set the trap and then will
be counted how many were caught; soon after it will be the turn of the other team
to have the same number of chances and in the end will be counted who managed
to capture more opponents. Create different shapes with this game, use according
to your reality.
Two rivals vie to put the ball into the opposing goal
through a broom. Whoever scores the most goals
The dynamics of the activity will have two groups in each play area, one inside and
the other occupying the sides and bottom of the area. After the play, the receiving
team tries to return the ball to the opposing field. The group that is outside the
playing area (side and bottom of the court) participates in the game, returning the
balls that go out (to their field), opportunistizing, to the group, another attempt to
pass the ball to the opposing field. If the team that draws stakes points, the
participants outside the team that suffered the point reverse the roles with the group
from within, that is, who was playing inside the court will play off the court and vice
INstagram: @edfvida
157. Pula-Pula
Two lines are crossed on the ground, separated by a few meters away. Behind one
of them line up the players (crouched). When the master says "Jump," everyone
jumps ahead with their feet together and stop. At a new signal they advance with
another jump and thus continue until they reach the finish line. Those who jump out
of time (due to the master's pranks), should take a leap backwards. Whoever crosses
the finish line first wins, being the new master.
INstagram: @edfvida
It's a round-trip race, but the participants, instead of running, roll around the
ground. Whoever gets there first wins.
161. SNAIL
Three-way race. Each trio consists of two people who join their arms and form a
INstagram: @edfvida
chair and a king who will climb the chair (union of arms). The goal is to run and down
the king at the finish line. The trio that get it first wins.
Just like the relay of athletics, but before running you have to go around on a
broomstick. They are participants by team and the team whose last participant
arrived first wins. If you fall, get up and go on.
Two teams in two fields separated by a line. At the end of each field, a pet bottle is
placed. One person from each team tries to throw the ball and knock down the
opponent's bottle. The team that knocks down the bottle should lift it again, but
protecting itself from the other, which now has autonomy to shoot. Whoever's shot
can't lift the bottle. If the team can get the bottle back up before everyone gets
shot, she wins. But if everyone gets shot and the bottle's still on the ground, the
other team wins.
The participants (seated) form a circle. In the center there will be one, holding some
INstagram: @edfvida
object with his hands behind his eyes closed. One of the circle comes and picks up
the colleague's object, goes back to the place and hides it. When the master warns,
the center opens his eyes and guesses who the tail is with. If you get it right, pick a
replacement, if not, whoever's got the tail goes to the center
They play two groups. It's a round-trip race where the participants of each team will
run clutched at each other's waists. To return, it is necessary to make the turn on a
person who will be at the finish line. The team that gets to the starting line first
wins, since the race is round trip.
INstagram: @edfvida
They throw two people, each with their own manioc in half. Each has his turn to hit
the manioc that the other holds with all the force. Whoever breaks the opponent's
manioc first wins.
179. BOWL
They play two teams and two leaders. Each leader must be 2 meters from his team.
Next to each leader, there should be a bowl on a table. At the master's sign, the
teams will start throwing paper balls at the leader, who must pick them up and put
them in the bowl. It's not worth picking up the balls that fall to the ground, you have
to pick them up whenthey're in the air. In 1 minute the leader who can catch the
INstagram: @edfvida
INstagram: @edfvida
Students form a column, the student should place his left hand on the shoulder of
the companion in the front and with his right hand, should hold the leg of the same
companion. They should move in that position.
Students form a column, with their left hand they hold the shoulder of the companion
in front, and with the right hand hold the right leg of the companion from behind.
They move forward in that position.
Students form a column, with all holding on the shoulders of the front mate, and
should move forward with lateral extension, or left leg, or right leg.
Students form a column with everyone holding on to the front mate's shoulder, and
must move in that position. At the teacher's signal, they change position and continue
to run in the new direction.
It is identical to Handball (football with your hands). There are two teams and players
must play the shuttle for their teammates. Whoever holds the shuttlecock gets a red
card, because it's only worth hitting the shuttlecock up, like every shuttlecock game.
If the shuttle falls, it is worth taking it, but you should launch it normally within 5
seconds. Instead of goals, there are two limited roof regions, where the shuttle
should hit to make the goal. The team that scores the most goals wins.
INstagram: @edfvida
They play two couples from each group in this race, whose goal is to cross the finish
line (the man with the woman in his lap, like grooms). Wins the pair that comes first.
They play two runners, who must travel a distance and reach the end, facing
obstacles (obstacles will be curved people). Whoever crosses the finish line first wins.
INstagram: @edfvida
A wheel is formed, all standing and with legs slightly apart, so as to touch the foot
of the companions on the side laterally. The goal is to score between the legs of the
teammates, who will try to defend themselves from the balls that possibly come
towards him. It is not allowed to touch the ball with another part of the body other
than the hands and the ball should always run at a shallow run. Taking a goal (passing
ball between the legs) the person must turn, standing with his back to the wheel,
but still being able to score goals. Adding the number of balls during the game is
interesting. This activity fits well into a class start, for a quick warm-up, etc.
197. GOLF
INstagram: @edfvida
Two teams in two fields separated by bottles arranged next to each other, with a
space of 30 cm between them. One person from each team will try to get the ball to
pass to the other field without touching any bottle, that is, the ball must pass
between spaces. The team that knocks down one or more bottles should put it(s) in
place again, but protecting itself from the other team, which now has autonomy to
shoot. Whoever is shot cannot help the team accomplish the task. If the team can
refit the bottles the same way they were before everyone was shot, she wins. But if
everyone is shot and the bottle(s) continue to fall, the other team wins.
They play two teams arranged in semicircles, and the union of teams will form a
wheel. The master will also help form the wheel. On your left side, the semicircle
of team A. On your right side, the semicircle of team B. The master will give a ball
to each neighbor (the one from the direct and the left). In your ALREADY,
participants must pass the ball to their neighbors. When the ball reaches the last
person of the team (exact half of the wheel), the team must return it in the same
INstagram: @edfvida
way, passing through everyone's hand, until it reaches the player who is on the
master's side, who must deliver the ball. The team that delivers the ball to the
master first wins.
INstagram: @edfvida
Students must arranged in two columns, having the first student of the column a
cone in front of them, fifteen meters away. At the teacher's sign, the first student
in each column must run toward the cone, bypass it, and return toward his team.
When you arrive, you must hand in the second of the column and make it the same
route. When they reach the column again, the first must go to the end of the column
and the second should give the hand to the third. On return, the second must be last
and the third to give a hand to the fourth and so on, until all are towed by the
colleague in front. The team that finishes the course before.
INstagram: @edfvida
It's a catch, but it's made on top of a tree. Whoever gets caught, he gets it. No one
can fall out of the tree, if it falls, it's out.
INstagram: @edfvida
Two groups of children are divided. One of them is drawn to stand next to a pole,
squatting hugging the pole and the other holding his waist and maintaining the same
height. The first component of the other group, takes distance of about 2 meters
and climbs on the back of those in the column next to the pole. Then another
component rises, until the entire second group is over the first. At that moment, the
bottom group begins to swing screaming: - Straw or Lead? The game ends when
everyone from above is knocked down, by verifiaging the positions.
A wheel is formed, all standing and with legs slightly apart, so as to touch the foot
of the companions on the side laterally. The goal is to score between the legs of the
INstagram: @edfvida
teammates, who will try to defend themselves from the balls that possibly come
towards him. It is not allowed to touch the ball with another part of the body other
than the hands and the ball should always run at a shallow run. Taking a goal (passing
ball between the legs) the person must turn, standing with his back to the wheel,
but still being able to score goals. Adding the number of balls during the game is
It's a doubles race, round trip. Each pair should run like this: one must step on the
foot of the partner, but the two will be looking forward, that is, whatever is on top,
will have his back to his partner. On the way, go ahead. On the way back, he comes
back. Wins the pair that comes first.
In ample space,
draw a straight
runner who can run
players at the same
time, with a starting
line and a final. You
divide the class into
teams. One team
will burn and the
other will go down
the hall. Whoever's
going to burn will be positioned off the aisle line. Whoever goes through the corridor
will have to hit the ball that will be thrown by the teacher as far as possible and
travel the distance to the end of the runner. While this runs the other team seeks
the ball and tries to burn that person. It's only worth burning off the side lines of the
INstagram: @edfvida
hall. If the person managed to go back and back the distance without stopping at the
end line and pass the starting line without being burned he will score two points. If
the person has only managed to go, she to the end line and waits for the next in line
to bat to return, in which case she will score only one point. If burned in the hallway,
he'll be eliminated. The team won't change functions until everyone's burned. The
winning team will be the one that scored the most points.
The corner of each team is marked on the playing field, and the paper balls are
placed in it. A large circle is also marked, which can cover the corners of all teams.
It is explained to the group of players that everyone should run clockwise. The game
consists of each team member, running clockwise, picks up a ball in each hand, and
places it in his corner, running through the entire circle. The team will beat the team
that at the end of a given time has the most balls in its corner. When the game's
closing signal is given, young people who have balls in their hands should take them
to their corner.
They play a representative of each team in this one-way race. The goal is to cross
the finish line first (where the master will be with both hands open, waiting for the
winner to hit one of them). Every TIME the master says, the kangaroos must take a
INstagram: @edfvida
single jump (as far away as they can). As the master will (sometimes) try to deceive
the kangaroos, pretending that he will speak ALREADY and says only "J...", or things
like that, is quite able for someone to jump out of time. In this case (or if it takes
too long to jump after the Already), the player must return to the beginning and
start again the race, which continues in the same way, the master speaking ALREADY
and them jumping. Whoever hits the master's hand first wins, who will be at the
finish line. That is, who get first (jumping, of course).
They play two teams. One of prisoners, and one of guards. The prisoners will be in a
large circle drawn on the ground (prison). The goal is to get out of this circle without
getting caught by the guards and get to another circle drawn several meters from
there. Whoever doesn't make it gets caught, goes back to prison. Whoever manages
to reach the other circle (round), is already immune and can no longer be arrested.
However, those who are already immune have the autonomy to help the other people
get out of prison. The game ends when all the prisoners escape, which will lead to
the reversal of roles.
Agility activity where each student will be responsible for placing 3 balls inside their
INstagram: @edfvida
bow; initially will have 6 balls in the center; at the teacher's sign each student runs
and picks up 1 ball at a time, just after finishing the balls of the center can steal the
balls of opponents, but always searching for one ball at a time; Whoever completes
first 3 balls inside his bow will be the winner.
Distribute 6 chairs, 3 on one side and three on the other, placed next to each other
(3 meters from each other). Dividing the total group into two, 3 players from each
team will be seated in the chairs. The goal of the team is to make the ball reach the
students of the chair, the chairs of the tip are worth 1 point and the middle chair is
worth 3 points. Whoever has the ball can not be touched and those with the ball can
not stay more than 5 secs. with it, the player in the chair cannot lift to receive the
ball. Wins the team that gets the most points
INstagram: @edfvida
They play two teams. Several cones (or buckets, benches...) are randomly scattered
throughout the courtyard. Each team is in a side row. Only two players (one from
each team) compete at a time. Team A player needs to "burn" the opponent with a
ball. The B player aims to knock down the cones as quickly as possible and with any
part of the body. When b player is hit, he is replaced by the next in line. The same
goes for team A player as soon as he throws the ball. When the queue ends, the roles
are reversed. Wins the team that knock down all the cones in less time.
A group hands over and forms a wheel, whose goal is to prevent the victim from
leaving. A victim is chosen who will be in the center of the wheel. She'll try to break
some arm-in-arm union and get away from the wheel. If you can do it, everyone's
going after the victim. Whoever can catch the victim will be the next victim.
Students form two columns, all lying on the ground. At the sign of the teacher, the
last student jumps on his companions and places himself in front of the column, in
the position of the companions. The penultimate, like the other students, will make
the same move.
INstagram: @edfvida
Common race, one-way. Wins the runner (BLINDFOLDED) who cross the finish line
Participants form a wheel. Whoever has the ball should say the name of a participant
and throw the ball at him, asking a mathematical question. E.g. "50 + 20", "14 x 2"...
The person who picks up the ball should answer the account and continue the joke
by preparing another question for the other person. It is eliminated who drops the
ball or who misses the account. You win the last one left and don't miss once.
Students positioned in a circle. In the center are placed three cones and a guardian.
The students pass the ball between them and, when he so chooses, a player throws
to try to knock down the cones, the keeper will have to stop. The one who can't
knock down a cone swaps places with the guardian.
INstagram: @edfvida
Activity just like the previous one, but instead of the students placing themselves
under the legs of their companions, they should hold hands with their classmates in
the other circle.
Activity just like the previous one, with students having to climb on their classmates'
Exercise equal to the previous one, with the displacement of the students being done
on one foot.
INstagram: @edfvida
They play two teams. Players from each team must arm their arms and stand next
to each other, forming two rows (one facing the other). One row will be the defense
and the other will be the attack. Given the signal, the pushers (holding hands, as
well as the defense) should try to break the current formed by the other team and
move to the other side. Remembering that it is not worth letting go of hands and, if
this happens, it is necessary to take the companion's hand again. If the offense can
cause the defense to break, it wins and the roles are exchanged.
Two circles, one internal and one external. One stands facing the other, holding
hands, forming a circular tunnel. Someone will run inside the tunnel; when you stop
in the middle of one of the pairs, you'll be in the inner circle. At this point, the pair
INstagram: @edfvida
should fall apart, and their components should run outside the circle as follows: the
two will run, in opposite directions, on their right, outside the thresum. Whoever
arrives first at their place of origin will give their hands to what is still, waiting. And
whoever comes later will run inside the tunnel, looking for a new pair.
Activity equal to the previous one. Students should lift the cones that are knocked
Two columns are formed one facing the other and sitting
on the floor, so you will have formed pairs, where you will
have a student in front of the other so that one will
compete against your opponent. Between the two must
have an object (which will be picked up in the "JÀ"). The
teacher begins the game by distracting the students,
asking them to put their hand on everything the teacher
says, e.g. ear, head, shoulder, belly... and at some point
he says "JÀ" or "ball" ... "cone" ..., and the one who
touches the object first and the winner.
Children arranged in x columns. The front of each column at a distance of x from the
first place, will be the captain of each team. This one will hold the ball. At a given
INstagram: @edfvida
signal, the captain will throw the ball to the first of his spine that will return it and
then lower it. The captain will throw the ball to the second of the column which will
act as the first and so on. The last child in the column when receiving the ball will
scream . scoring point for your team
256. SACI
They play a double from each team. Each pair participates in their turn. The duo
looks like this: one in front of the other. One holds the right leg (which is extended
and raised to the front) of the other. The right hands are placed on the shoulders.
At the master's signal, they will make 360° turns for 1 minute. The pair that can
make the most spins, wins. If any duo falls, it will be replaced by a new double
delegate, who will have a new time to perform the task.
They play two teams. Each team will stay within a circular field and have an initial
leader. Each initial leader must be alone in a large field away from the other fields
by a space. In the master's "Now," the initial leaders will leave their field and must
run towards their team's field, from where they will take a person and, holding them
by the hands, will take them to their field. This person, in turn, should do the same.
Go back to the team field and get one more, which will do the same thing. The team
that completes first wins.
fugitive to capture him. If the handle captures it, the functions are reversed. In the
course of the game can change the picks and fugitives.
They play two teams alike. The components of each team should be side by side,
causing the teams to come face to face. Participants will be with their legs stretched
forward and their arms back, resting on the ground. A ball will be placed on the legs
of the first players of each team. At the sign of the master, they must pass the ball,
without the aid of the hands. The ball has to go to the last of the column and go back
to who started the activity, passing through the legs of all students. The team that
completes the task first wins the race.
They play two groups and two leaders, who will not participate in the current. Each
team will form a chain, that is, each will take the neighbor's hand. The players at
the tips will touch the wall and can't take their hand out of there. The leaders of
each team will begin to eliminate components of the opponent's team, making
participants need to extend their arms and legs more so as not to break the chain. If
INstagram: @edfvida
the chain breaks or if the participants at the tips take their hands off the wall, the
other team scores.
They play two teams. Each team has its own field. The fields are separated by an
empty space of 8 meters. You mark the center of the field where you put a ball.
Players will form two parties arranged behind the line. All will be numbered. Each
party with the same numbers. The master will shout a number and the so-called
players will run to the center, aim to catch the ball and return to their row. In case
one manages to catch the ball, the other must chase it and touch it before it can
reach the row. The player who manages to catch the ball and back the row wins
without being touched.
They play two teams. Each group will have two captains, who will occupy the squares
in the opposing field. The other players (guards) will be scattered on the field itself.
In the center of the field the judge will throw the ball between two opposing guards.
They will experience it, or it is not possible, to touch it so that a party can do so.
Any guard in possession of the ball should throw it to a captain of his party or another
guard who, in a favorable situation, can throw it more likely to succeed. The
opposing guards tried to intercept the ball for continuous act, sending it to one of
their captains. When the player commits one of these fouls: ( - The captain leave
the square, because he will only be allowed to advance one of the feet. - The guard
enters one of the squares in the corner. – Run with the ball in hand),the ball will
be delivered to an opponent, who will play to the captain without the opposing group
being able to interfere. You score a point every time the captain picks up the ball
high. Beat the team that has the most points.
INstagram: @edfvida
Exercise equal to the previous one, with students rendo color backwards.
Exercise just like the previous one, with the students, going, running forward and
back, on their backs.
Two parallel lines are drawn 10 meters apart. Behind the lines will be the field of
each of the teams. Teams will have an equal number of children. When starting the
game, the team chosen for the match picks up the ball and one of its components
throws violently to the opposite field. If the ball is not caught in the air, the one that
catches it on the ground will also have to return it violently to the opposite field; if
the ball is caught in the air, the one who does it will move to the opposite field as
your team's spy. The spy must always try to catch the opponent's ball, so that he can
pass it into the hands of one of the components of his class. And if he can catch the
ball before he falls to the ground, he will also move on to the opposite field as a spy.
The team that gets the most spies on the opposite field will beat.
Separate students into two columns, the first of each column should run and stack
the pratinhos and cones as quickly as possible. This activity aims to work beyond the
ludicity, manipulation, agility and balance. Simple and very fun activity.
270. HUNT
Players holding hands form two circles. To the center stands one of them, the thief,
and outside the circle stands the guard. Given the start sign, the guard goes out in
pursuit of the thief who runs looking to escape and seeking complicated paths
between the two circles. The guard must follow exactly the same path as the thief,
if he misses he will be deleted and replaced by the player on his right at the time
the foul is committed. If the thief is arrested two other players, one from each circle
will be chosen.
This activity aims to improve agility, develop the kick and still work the reaction
time of the goalkeeper, where he must defend three balls kicked consecutively ...
Note. not much resources are needed to be done a good job, congratulations to
INstagram: @edfvida
Two lines are drawn on the ground about 20 meters apart. The pikes. In the center
will be the teams - Heads or Tails - with the same number of players, in 2 rows,
facing each other. The master will toss the coin up and players will wait for the fall
to check if it was heads or tails. The master, after doing suspense, will announce
aloud and the group corresponding to the announced face will flee to his pikes (his
rear), pursued by the players on the other side. Those that are achieved will be
incorporated into the opponent's team, starting to act together with the new
teammates. Again the two teams will approach the center and the master will toss
the coin. The team that has the most players wins.
Two lines are scratched on the ground far from each other in order to limit the field.
Behind one of them, the players line up with the master of possession of the ball. To
start the master shouts: "- Correbol! " and propels the ball forward by rolling it with
speed, toward the other line. To that voice the players run out, trying to reach the
finish line before the ball. Victory is one of those who achieve such a thing.
Students must be arranged in columns, and the last student in the column will have
a sand bag in his hands. One of the cones should be placed at a reasonable distance
from the first student in the column, while another cone will be the same distance
INstagram: @edfvida
as the last student. At the sign of the teacher, the student who has the bag in his
hands runs towards the cone that is in front of the column, skirts it, returns to the
cone behind, skirts it and returns to its place in the column, passing the sachet of
sand to the next one in front of him, which should make the same movement. The
team that finishes before the established course wins.
It's a family-sized target shot. They play two teams, each on their field. In front of
each field, a giant circle will be drawn, which will have 3 more circles inside it (one
circle within the other). Each team will receive a flat paper ball, and each round, a
member of each team will play that role in the circle. If you fall into the circle or
line of the smaller circle, you get 40 points. If you fall into the circle or line of the
circle surrounding the smallest, you get 30 points. If you fall into the circle or line
of the circle that surrounds what is worth 30, you get 20 points. And if you fall into
the circle or the line of the larger circle, you get 10 points. If it falls out of the giant
circle, the team loses 10 points. In the end, the team that has the most points wins
They play 10 representatives from each team. Each team will have their
representatives in line. On the ground, two parallel lines will be crossed, far from
each other from 30 to 50 meters. One will be the starting line and the other will be
the finish line. In the "NOW", the first of each row runs to the finish line. When he
crosses the line, the second in line runs. When the second crosses the finish line, the
third runs. Whoever burns and runs before the partner crosses the finish line, returns
and restarts the race. The team that finishes the race first wins.
They play multiple participants and two runners (each from a team). The goal of the
runners is to cross a terrain and cross the finish line. However, this land will be full
of people who will stop you from doing this. These people (who will have their hands
behind their backs) will serve as a barrier, but they cannot line up or extend their
arms and legs. It's only worth barring with the body. Of the two participants, the one
who gets first scores for the team. After a few rounds, the team that gets the most
points wins.
The same rules as the "Relay of sacis", but the participants will run on all fours.
Players will be grouped, 10 meters from the round (space where no one can be
caught). In front of the team, the master, who must choose a number from 1 to 30
and keep it in memory. Then the participants, one by one, will have a chance to
speak the number they think. When someone gets it right, the master should shout,
"Save yourself who can!". Then, the player who hit the number should pick up one of
the participants, who at this point should be running towards the round. Whoever he
can get, he's out of the game. The master continues with the joke, in the same way,
until there is a champion left.
INstagram: @edfvida
Two equal groups are formed, arranged in parallel columns, behind an output line.
In front of each group and 2 meters from that line, a circle is scratched on the
ground. The captains of the various parties receive a bag of corn. At the start sign
the first captain passes the bag back over the head to the second player of his party,
this one does the same in relation to the third (so on until the bag reaches the end
of the column). Upon receiving it, the latter runs with him from the left side of his
party to the circle, where he lets him come to post himself in front of the column.
The first to return earns a point for his party as long as they are posted behind the
exit line and the bag has stayed inside the circle, without bumping into the
circumference. Each time the last player in a column leaves, each group takes a step
back so that it is free to first place. Whoever drops the bag must pick it up and return
to its place in order to proceed. Annotated the winner, the bags are delivered to the
now placed first, to the signal to resume the passage of the bag. The game goes on
until everyone runs, beating the group that gets the most points
Players will be arranged in a side row, behind the starting line, at some distance will
be marked the finish line. The master will draw the attention of the players and say
the word green very loudly, everyone runs. Hearing the red word, everyone stop.
The master will repeat the words to his liking. Whoever first reaches the finish line
- It consists of crossing from one side to the other without touching the "Bombs",
blindfolded and with a person guiding without being able to enter the field or touch
the participant... Excellent activity to be applied within the school environment,
improving affectivity among students; experience visual impairment... so that more
students can participate just use the whole court with various obstacles and form
several pairs, one being blindfolded and the other the guide.
INstagram: @edfvida
The children are in rows, except one, the hunter, situated far away from the group.
Each one scratches a circle on the ground to mark its place. For starters, the hunter
walks through the field approaching the players, who asks: - Who wants to hunt
jaguars with me? Everyone who wishes to accompany him puts himself behind him in
column one by one and follows him on his tour. Then he makes another invitation,
changing the name of the animal, always putting himself with his companions in line
behind him. When everyone is following him, he leads the column to a place far away
from the places, screaming unexpectedly: "Boom! "." Upon hearing the shot,
everyone rushes to get hold of a circle, representing hunting. The first to do it will
be the new hunter in the restart of the game. If the hunter thinks the companions
are taking too long to accepthis invitations, he can order: "- All on the hunt! " and
must be attended to by colleagues.
INstagram: @edfvida
291. ZIG-ZAG
Students form two columns of equal numbers, where the first student of each column
at the teacher's sign must go out in a shot and zigzag
among his classmates; coming to the end the next will do
the same and so on until everyone performs the task;
wins the team that runs first by passing all its
Two teams in two fields separated by 3 bottles arranged next to each other, with a
space of 30 cm between them. One person from each team will try to get the ball to
pass to the other field without touching any bottle, that is, the ball must pass
between spaces. The team that knocks down one or more bottles should put it(s) in
place again, but protecting itself from the other team, which now has autonomy to
shoot. Whoever is shot cannot help the team accomplish the task. If the team can
refit the bottles the same way they were before everyone was shot, she wins. But if
everyone is shot and the bottle(s) continue to fall, the other team wins.
It fills with water soda bottles (plastic and large) and tightens the lids tightly. You
clean the bottles on the floor at least a foot apart. You make a throwing line a few
feet away. Each participant receives five rings (or bracelets) to make five attempts.
Whoever hits the most rings in the necks of the bottles wins.
INstagram: @edfvida
They play two teams. All components should blow a cotton, without touching with
any part of the body and without dropping it to the ground. The faults are: let the
cotton touch a part of the body and let the cotton fall being the last to blow. The
team that has the fewth misses wins. NOTE: If the cotton falls to the ground, a rival
participant to the last to blow, should continue the joke.
INstagram: @edfvida
They play one participant from each team. Each receives a string (or cord) with the
same number of knots. Whoever untie sits all the knots first wins.
Same exercise as the
previous one, with all students in pairs, including the
They play one participant from each team, one at a time. The master gives any
theme (what do you think of the school, how is Brazil, wake up early...) Each
participant has 5 minutes to speak. When the master whistles for the first time, he
starts by saying all the advantages of the theme and why he likes it. When beeping
INstagram: @edfvida
again, he should speak ill of the subject and detail all the disadvantages. The master
will whistle again and he will speak well again. You can't stop talking for two seconds.
Then it's the opponent's turn. It works and it's super fun to hear.
The challenge for each team is to be able to put as many people within a limited
space. In a minute, the team that gets the most people wins the race.
Each team will consist of 6 people. Five of them will be in a row before the starting
line and each will have a matchbox. The other component will be 7 meters away
facing the queue and will serve as a "turning mark". On the side (distant about 3
meters), should be the master, with a candle extinguished in his hand. At the signal,
the first in the row should run towards the "turning mark" and should take 25 laps
around it. After the turns, you should try to go towards the candle to light it with
the match. Once lit, the coordinator will quickly turn off with a blow, allowing the
second to exit the same procedure. The team that completes the race first wins.
307. PITCH
Game to strengthen the basketball pitch, only those who hit the basket can make
the play in the old woman's game. Super interesting game to teach the foundation
of the pitch.
As a platoon, participants will be arranged in rows of 8, except two, which will serve
INstagram: @edfvida
as cat and dog. Given the start sign, the dog will chase the cat and the members of
the rows, holding hands will limit the paths of the maze. The dog and the cat may
run between the rows, but they are not allowed to cut them. The replacement will
be made when the cat is caught by the dog.
There's a couple of each team running in this round-trip race. The pairs will position
themselves behind the starting line. Each pair consists of a mounted and an
assembler. The assembler must mount on the neck of the mount. At the sign, the
pairs must run to the finish line. There, the assembler descends and the mounted
climbs on its neck, that is, the roles are reversed. Then the pairs return to the
starting line. Whoever completes the task first wins the race.
Children will be divided into teams. each child will have to support the ball to the
ground and slap causing the ball to enter the pocket (bow). Each ball color equals a
score. At the end of the game will be added the points to see which team was the
They play a representative of each team, but teammates can help. Each player will
be two meters from each other and blindfolded. The goal of the game is to shoot one
player. However, as they are blindfolded, they will need the help of the team to
achieve this. The "blind" who shoots the other game wins the game.
It should be done in a closed place (with four corners). One person is chosen and
stands in the middle of "silly John", while four other people occupy the corners of
the compartment (each person in a corner). When the game is started, the people
who are in the corners should keep switching places with each other, without letting
the "fool" occupy their corner first. The 'fool' is waiting for someone to bobear to
catch his corner, the person who gave silly and lost the corner becomes the 'fool' and
the joke continues.
Three participants play the role of hunters; the others are divided into groups,
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representing one type of animal: the group of lions, tigers, elephants, etc. Each
group chooses 2 places away from each other to be their hiding places. The head of
the joke says, for example, "Let the tigers come!". Then the players representing the
tigers run from one hiding place to another, and the hunters try to catch them. The
trapped children start helping the hunters. And so it continues with the other
Divide players into two or more matching teams. Each team forms a queue. Mark two
lines on the ground: one is the starting line where the first player in each row is. In
the other, at a distance of approximately six meters, two players hold the clothesline
to extend clothes. At the sign, the first player of each team goes to the clothesline,
hangs the clothes and returns to the end of the line. The second player goes to the
clothesline, takes off his clothes and returns, delivering to the third and going to the
end of the line. The sequence repeats until all players have participated. Beat the
team that finishes first.
They play a lot of doubles. The players ride around the necks of their teammates and
try to take down the rivals by giving mischievous. But you can only hit whoever's on
top of your neck. Whoever falls is eliminated. When there's only two pairs left, we'll
know who wins.
Each monitor should have a pen with various colors, with one with the color black.
Each group will receive a sequence of different colors. Ex: 1st group: yellow, blue,
red, pink and orange. 2nd group: blue, pink, yellow, orange and red. So on. The
monitors should be scattered around the site. Participants should walk together.
When you find a monitor you should ask: What color do you have? Monitor: What
color do you want? The participant speaks the color in the received sequence, if the
monitor has the color, it scratches in the hands of the participants. If you don't, tell
them you don't have it and the group goes after another monitor. If the monitor has
the black pen, it scratches the entire sequence, canceling everything, causing the
participant to start again. In the course of the activity, monitors can switch pens.
Wins the group that finishes the sequence first.
Form pairs through the singing of the animals for social integration and knowledge
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by the group, through the imitation of the animals (e.g. donkey and donkey, mare
and horse, parrot and maritaca, rooster and chicken, cat and cat, etc.). Each
participant receives the name of an animal, given the start sign, begin to imitate the
animal, try to find its pair.
The participants form a circle, sitting in chairs, getting a vacancy. The fool will be
in the center of the wheel. He should sit in the chair that is vacant and the other
participants should always move to the direct, making the vacant chair is further and
further away from the silly. This will be repeated until the fool manages to occupy
the vacant chair, causing the person who allowed this to happen replaces him.
Two rows are formed, with an equal number of participants, who sit face to face,
each with a dessert spoon. The first in the row receives in his spoon, attached with
the handle in his mouth, an egg, which must pass to the neighbor's spoon. The game
begins and, under an order given by the animator, each one must pass the egg, with
the spoon in his mouth, to the spoon of the neighbor, without help from the hands,
which are crossed on the back. Every time the egg falls, you can collect it with your
hand and continue the game. The row that first manages to pass your spoon object
to the end will be won.
Students form a circle, with the center of this circle the center circle of a Futsal
court. Students must pull their mates for someone to touch in the middle circle of
the court. Whoever touches or breaks the circle loses a point.
322. ARENA
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In a circle painted on the ground, four students are placed, and a fifth of them should
try to touch any of them without touching the circle. If you succeed, switch places
with the student caught
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Four components of each team are divided by getting one team in front of the other,
having the first component of the row an apple. At the sign of the leader, the first
two peel the apple, passing to the companion, this part in half and passes to the
third that the part in four and passes to the last that will eat it. The one who first
finished eating will give notice of this. Singing like a rooster and you're the winner.
Students in pairs, one facing the other, each with a bat. At the sign of the teacher,
they must throw their bat horizontally to the top, and run to catch the fellow's bat,
before he falls to the ground.
331. PISA!
The Manager places a bucket full of water in front of each group and an empty bottle
a few meters from the starting line. Given the signal, the first of each team fills the
plate with water, runs into the bottle, pours the water inside it, without touching it,
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and will deliver the dish to the next, which does the same. The winning team that
fills the bottle first is.
This is a recreation for the entire unit formed in line. The first pathfinder in each
row holds a lit candle. When giving the voice of command, the voice runs forward,
passes around a chair at a certain distance, returns, and then delivers to the second
pathfinder, without letting the candle go out. If this happens, the pathfinder must
go to a table on which there are matches in order to light the candle again. This path
extends until the last pathfinder completes the task. Win the unit that finishes first.
assigned to start the race, will come out in reverse, one of a team and the other
otherwise. The race should be held without delay, deliver the flag by the rod in the
hand of the opposite companion. Participants must not leave the line to receive the
flag. As soon as you receive it you will run to your partner in front who hopes to
receive it, and so on until you finish with all the players and the last one who receives
it will run to the center to plant it on the finish line or deliver it into the hands of
the judge. This will declare winning team to which corresponds to the flag received
first at the end of the game, red or blue.
Participants stand behind the exit line. Give each team a ping pong ball and a fan.
Given a sign, the first participant of each group should put the ball on the ground
and shake it with the fan, trying to lead it to the goal. You can't touch the ball with
your hands, but you should be careful to protect it because you are allowed to shake
the opponent's ball to hinder your course. After the goal, the person comes running
back with the ball in his hands and delivers to the next participant, who will repeat
the operation. Whoever scores the most goals wins.
At one end of the ground you mark the pike. With his back to him and on the opposite
side of the field, the children are available in semicircle, around an isolated player.
At the start sign, the central player starts telling a story. Iunexpectedly, he
announces, "In this, the boiler exploded,"" they all run to the pike chased by the
storyteller. The first to be caught switching places with him, it is up to him to restart
the game, as long as he did not let himself be caught on purpose. Who, in the eagerto
escape, disrespect the lateral boundaries of the field is considered caught.
338. AIM
A group of five people form a circle and each has the tip of a thin rope tied at the
waist and the other end tied to a pencil (or pen). In the center of the circle is placed,
on the floor, a bottle of mouth thick enough to pass a pencil. Participants will be
left behind and will not be able to say a word. Only with the body movements can
you try to put the pen in the bottle. The group you can get wins in the shortest time.
INstagram: @edfvida
Divide participants into two groups and queue them. About 5 meters in front of each
row scratch on the ground a circle about 60 cm in diameter, and mark the north on
each. Next to the circle place a stack of 16 cards written with the names of all
cardinal points, facing down. At the signal, the first of each row runs, takes one of
the cards, reads it and places it in the right position in relation to the North, in the
circle. Then run back, tap the second of the row, which repeats the same path,
continuing until all cards are in the circle. If you win a point for each card placed in
the right position and another point to finish first. The team with the most points
Participants will be divided into teams seated in the column chairs. The 1st
participant of each team with a large scarf tied between the elbow and shoulder
(left arm). At the given sign the player unties the scarf with his right hand turns back
and ties on the left arm of the next. So follow until the last untie the scarf and come
to the front and tie it to the arm of the 1st. The team will win as the player raises
his left arm with the scarf tied.
Participants will stand in a circle, sitting or standing. The coordinator puts the lid of
the matchbox on the nose of a participant, this, without taking his hands off his back,
should put it on the nose of his neighbor, and so on. Whoever drops the lid should
catch it with his nose and without the help of his hands. If you don't, you'll give way
to another colleague. When all participants have tested.
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Players will be divided into two teams, with the same number of members, sitting
on the ground, at a distance of two meters from each other. Mark a rectangle on the
ground, indicating the boundaries of the "cancha". The ball will be placed in the
center and can be boosted with any part of the body except hands and arms. No one
can get up. Hands (or at least one of them) should always be supported on the floor.
When the ball transpems the back line of the playing field, a goal is scored. In sitting
football there is no goalkeeper. The surface of the rectangle will be varied, according
to the number of players and taking into account that they place themselves at such
a distance that they do not touch each other. The team that scores the most goals
All players will participate except one. Form a circle of a few meters in diameter.
The player who has not entered the composition of the circle, should stay in the
center, holding the bat, which will have one of its ends supported on the ground.
The game begins when the center player says the name of one of the components of
the circle and at the same time releases the baton. The
player cited must run to the center and pick up the bat
before he falls to the ground. If you succeed, you'll be the
"bastoneiro", if you fail, you'll be back in your seat. The
center player will not be able to call the loser again, before
everyone else has played. The player who manages to stay
the longest in the middle of the circle will win the match.
The student in static balance on a tire or other similar material; around you will have
5 cones in a circle, in which you will have 5 bows to try to hit the cones.
VIDEO ACTIVITY: https://youtu.be/IFZUattYpcI
Participants must stand in a row behind an exit line. The coordinator will be among
them, holding a ball. The coordinator throws the ball rolling to another line, the
finish line, saying "run comadre". All participants must run trying to reach the finish
line before the ball. Players who are able to cut the finish line before the ball will
win the match.
348. CLAP
Divide students into groups with colleagues. Form a semicircle, a student away from
the other to throw the ball. The student away from the other will throw the ball to
one of his teammates, but he can only grab it after clapping. The student who has
the ball can threaten and not throw it. Students should be attentive and clap after
the ball is thrown towards them. The negative points will be counted at the end of
the game.
Two parallel lines are drawn twenty meters away, one of the other. In the center of
the court you put a handkerchief on the floor. The players, divided into two equally
numbered groups form two rows facing the center, behind the parallels. The owners
of the same number face each other diagonally. Given the start sign, the numbers
"one" run out toward the handkerchief in order to pick it up and return to your row.
He who succeeds must be persecuted by the other who will strive to touch him before
he reaches his place. If this happens, the persecuted and otherwise the stalker will
be eliminated. The other handles will repeat the action of the first two in numerical
order or sautéed, obeying the teacher's call. The game will end with the total
exclusion of one of the groups.
The students will be in teams, column by one, sitting in the chairs. Each first student
in each column, with five clothes fasteners on the class. At the start sign, the student
takes one by one of the fasteners and places on the fingers of the left hand, turns
back and removes one by one placing on top of the class, until the last one places
the fasteners on the fingers, comes forward, removes one by one, placing them on
the class of the first student. The fastest and most organized team will win to finish
INstagram: @edfvida
the game.
Players will be in a circle, except for one, which will be next to the chair placed in
the center. Given the signal, any player in the circle will kick the ball, aiming to hit
it against the chair. What defends it, will not allow it, returning the ball, incontinent,
without, however, having the right to touch the chair. The one who achieves the
goal of the game will exchange with that of the center.
Students freely distributed throughout the room. A volunteer retires. The gang hides
a classmate. When the student who has retired returns, he/she must identify who is
missing, saying his or her name before the stipulated time runs out. The class can
give clues or accept that the colleague describe the missing, instead of saying his
name. The teacher stresses the need to call themselves by name and the importance
of the complete knowledge of the group. The class can stipulate the number of
chances the detective will have, as well as the penalty in case he doesn't get it right.
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Players will be arranged in a circle, with their feet regularly apart, joining the right
and left, respectively those of the neighbors on the right and left. They will remain
with their bodies a little bent forward, keeping their hands on their knees. In the
center will be a player. Given the signal, the child in the center will try to pass the
ball between the legs of the others. These will avoid, pushing it with their hands,
then taking the primitive position. The one who lets the ball pass will replace the
center, which will come to the circle, or, as a previous combination, will be
eliminated. This way the circle will shrink until it disappears.
Demarcae a square of about 7x7 meters where the baskets will be distributed. The
baskets will correspond to points according to the degree of difficulty of hit (for
example baskets more difficult to hit are worth 200 points, 50 for the intermediate
and 10 points for the easy ones). Inside the lines is not allowed to enter to make
baskets or to collect the balls. Participants are divided into pitchers on one side and
ball collectors on the other. Starting the game, pitchers throw the balls toward the
baskets, while the catchers pick up the balls that did not enter the baskets and return
them to the pitchers. Collectors can't make baskets. At the end of the game time,
the points scored by the group are counted. The playing time is 1 minute, and can
be played in 2 strokes, or the more it interests the focuser and players. In the time
interval there may be an exchange of functions between pitchers and gatherers. The
team that has the most points wins.
Groups of four to six people, forming small circles, looking out. They must be united
and grabbed by their arms. The facilitator places the ball on the ground inside the
circle and explains that he should take the ball away without using his hands.
The game is in quartets. Each quartet forms a team. Players must be numbered and
must hit the ball with their hand so that it hits the wall (inside the marked rectangle,
which is the playing area), drip once on the ground and return for the next player to
hit. The players, in the order of their number, take their time batting the ball. The
number 1 starts and then the 2, the 3, the 4 and continues with the 1 repeating the
sequence. The team starts with 0 points. With each mistake – if the ball rolls, does
not hit the wall, does not hit the playing area, drip two or more times on the ground
before being hit – one point is lost. You also lose a point if the ball is hit out of
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order. The round lasts as long as it is preset, at the end of which the score of each
team is verified.
Divide the play location into two parts so that one side cannot see the other (tie a
rope and place a sheet on top). Next, people on each team choose a location for
themselves and can't move from there. When the game starts, each team wins one
ball and must try to hit the other team with these bombs. If someone gets hit by the
bomb, they're outside and sits by the court until the game's over. It's not worth
moving to dodge the ball. Whoever gets last wins.
Students should stand in rows facing each other. Spaces between one student and
another of x meters. Each student must have a number so that the equal numbers
are on opposite and diagonal sides. Students are arranged within the arches (which
can also be marked with scratched circles on the floor), each student has a number
in advance assigned to him. When the Teacher says a number, students whose cash
corresponds must run toward the rubber balls and throw at the empty basketball in
order to move it out of the square and in the direction of their opponent. Done this
will be computed a point for the team that managed to move the ball to the side of
their challenger.
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Activity in pairs, where the teacher will position the pairs from
coast to each other and sitting an area demarcated by the
teacher. The duo will be in the middle of the demarcated area.
The teacher can use a mattress to be the area or just mark with
chalk/brush. The activity takes place in the participants
pushing each other using only the back. Whoever can push the
other person out of the area wins.
VIDEO ACTIVITY: https://youtu.be/KREkWo01Uvo
On a ping pong table, remove the net and place a ball in the middle. In each round,
they play a representative of each team, one on each side of the table. With their
hands behind their backs, they must blow the ball to make it fall from the opposing
team's side. When this happens, the duo is replaced. If the ball rolls down the side
of the table, put it back in the center. The team that makes the ball fall from the
opponent's side more often wins.
A representative of each team runs One of the people in each group is chosen as the
lizard, and the rest of the group wrap it in plastic film (from the neck to the feet,
also involving the arms and legs). In THE JÁ, the lizards, already lying on their
stomachs on the ground, must crawl to the finish line. Whoever does it first wins the
Two groups in the play area, setting a participant for the goal. The students exchange
passes with their hands between their team, but can only perform the goal with their
feet or with their heads, concluding the throw.
Participants will be separated into two teams, each team will have a paper bracelet
of different color (example: blue and red): one team will have to strategically defend
a bridge (space marked by a rope to the ground) while the other will aim to destroy
the bridge by introducing a pump (bottle of soda x ml, water) within the demarcated
space. The possibility of victory will take place by eliminating all team components
(ripping off the bracelet of all members of the opponent's team), destroying the
bridge by using the bomb or eliminating the person carrying the bomb.
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Everybody takes off their shoes and socks and put their socks on their hands. The
goal of the game is to rip off the socks of others and be the last of the game with at
least one sock in the hands.
Place -- balls in the center of the patio. All players stay off the field line. No Already,
the game begins. Whoever catches a ball can throw it at others, and whoever gets
hit falls out of the game. Everything happens at the same time, without
interruptions, and it's every man for himself. If anyone holds in the air a ball that
was thrown at him is the person who touched the ball that falls off. But whoever is
holding a ball can not walk! The only way to move a ball is to kick it without carrying
it. If someone walks with a ball, they'll get out, too.
Children in a very open circle. Ball in the center where a player will be. The child in
the center will throw the ball to a fellow circle, who must catch it, place it in the
center, and finally leave where it suits him, in pursuit of the first. Meanwhile, having
left by the vain, left in the circle, the child who was in the center will try to touch
the ball again without being hit by the pursuer. You will beat both, the one who
achieves his own goal. The winner will occupy the center in the replay of the game
The children are on wheels, holding hands, all facing the center. A couple of players
stay out. At the start sign, the pair shifted around the circle suddenly touches the
united hands of two wheel companions. They run, without letting go of their hands,
in the opposite direction to the pair that challenged them. Each pair then tries to
turn the wheel around, occupy the now vacant seats in the circle. If you can't, you
go outside. It will resume the race around the wheel in order to provoke two other
children. The pair that does not keep hands in hand loses the right to vacate the
empty seats
Two parallel snares are scratched on the ground, well apart from each other, in order
to limit the field. Behind one of them, the players are lined up with the teacher of
the ball p osse. Development: To start the teacher shouts: "Run, compadre! " and
propels the ball forward by rolling it with speed, toward the other line. To that voice
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the players run out, trying to reach the finish line before the ball. Victory is one of
those who achieve such a thing.
Two teams, one face and the other grimace. Each positioned on top of the two lines
of x meters of the court, one facing the other. When the master shouts "CARA", the
CARA team must run and catch the members of the CARETA team, eliminating them.
When the monitor shouts "CARETA", the CARETA team must run after the CARA team,
to catch them. There is a limit at the end of each side of the court where the team
that is picking up, can not overcome, and if that happens, whoever overtook is
considered caught as well. Whoever gets caught sits next to your team, and waits
for your team to win. The team that eliminates all members of the opponent's team
Two groups in the playing area, locating the benches on the goals (goals), place, on
each bench, a cone or a can. The game begins with the exchange of passes and
throws with hands between the groups, the point being scored, each cone knocked
down with the pitch. Beat the team that can knock down all the cones. The point
will only be validated with the total fall of the cone. The defense will obey the
handball area marking.
Participants must be divided into two teams. Each team must be queued next to
each other at the end of the basketball court. The teacher speaks a number (not
repeated in the same team). A student will stand in the middle of the court with two
basketballs, when he says the number of a participant, he must run to the middle of
the court, pick up a ball and run toward the basketball basket in order to make it.
When one of the participants of one of the teams makes the basket, the two must
put the ball back in the center of the court and the monitor should say another
number. The team that makes the most basket numbers wins.
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Organization: Ask the group to position themselves, each in a play area, separated
by the network. Each participant in possession of a balloon must fill it. Development:
With the beginning of the song, all participants must pass the balloon to the opponent
field, returning those who pass to their field. With each interruption of the music
the monitor will count. At the time of interruption the group that has fewer balloons
in its point mark field. The monitor should build the rules together with the students,
at the time the infractions occur.
Participants must be divided into two teams arranged in line. Each student will be
positioned inside a hula hoop. The first student of each team, will make a pass of
the chest (basketball) to the second and so on until the last, which must catch the
ball and come out beating, until you position yourself in the hula hoop of the first
student, the students of always change their positions. Beat the team that finishes
The components should draw their luck to see who gets the whip. You should sit on
the wheel with your legs crossed. Whoever is holding the whip runs around the wheel
and then asks: - Can I play? And everyone says, " You can! Then he drops the whip
behind someone on the wheel. This should realize, take the whip and run after who
played before this feels in its place. If he can catch the one who played he will be
the next to throw the whip, if he does not get who threw the whip will continue
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Players will be scattered throughout the space in the sitting position. There will be
a catch (cat) and a fugitive (mouse). At the master's start sign, the mouse must flee
and the cat seeks to catch him. The mouse can when you want to touch the head of
anyone who is sitting and this will be the new mouse and who the mouse was now
The stalker counts to 20 while the other children hide, then he goes out looking for
who is hiding. There's a can, and every time the handle finds one of the hidden
companions, he should go down to the can and kick it, saying "1, 2, 3 guy in such a
place." To save himself, the hidden has to kick the can and say "1, 2, 3 save me". The
first one found will be the next handle, but this can be avoided if the last hidden one
kicks the can and says "1, 2, 3 save all". Then the same handle will look again.
Participants form a wheel and a player will start the game. At the start sign, the
separate player runs around the wheel and must unexpectedly hit a colleague's
shoulder. This comes out on its trail, while the other continues to run around the
wheel to try to occupy the seat, now vacant in the circle, before being caught. If he
succeeds, the challenged runner restarts the game by going to play another.
Otherwise, the achieved goes to the center of the wheel. There you stay until
another one makes a mistake similar to yours, switching places with him.
It's a frozen one, but whoever gets caught, besides standing still, should squat. It can
only be thawed after someone jumps over it three times.
Two masters hold a rope crossed on the court and the teams place each side of the
rope. Your goal now is not to drop the ball to the ground. It's a volleyball, with the
same rules, the two teams together must reach the points. At the same time that
the participants play, the two must move around the court so that the court changes
at every moment, that is, players in addition to moving around the game, now need
to be aware of the physical changes that the court is undergoing as the rope is moved.
INstagram: @edfvida
388. FISH
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The participants form a wheel and, as the countdown, pass the gift (which should be
written on a piece of paper). The master begins to do the counting and everyone
helps "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1". The participant who has the gift at 1, must pay
the tamarin that is written, but will not be eliminated. New gifts are placed on the
wheel until the b rincadeira is weary.
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The game will start with the ball in the top. The team
of possession, exchange passes, using only the
fundamentals of volleyball (touch, headline,
withdrawals, withdrawals, cut), trying to make
There will be two teams. The players will be side by side, all ready to run. The teams
will be separated from each other. In each round, one player from each team will
participate. It is a common race (50 meters shallow), but the runner can choose his
rival. E.g. It's team A's turn to choose. Team A's runner is Bruno. Bruno must shout
the name of someone from the other team (e.g., Caio). Immediately after the
choice, Bruno and Caio must run to the finish line. Whoever gets there first
eliminates the other one. Now, it's team B's turn to choose... And so on. The team
INstagram: @edfvida
398. MELON
The children are wheeled, having to the center a player of the ball pose, that is, the
melon. Everyone marks their places by scratching a small circle on the floor. At the
start sign the child in the center runs through the wheel, throwing the ball into the
circle and picking it back pretending to throw it to another, always doing all sorts of
feats with it, until suddenly he jumps high and will throw it over his feet to someone
behind him. This player must pick her up before she hits the ground, but without
leaving the place. If you can change your position with the center, otherwise you're
still in the middle of the same child who repeats the whole process trying to catch
another distracted player. The victory is one of those who stay the longest in the
Two groups in each play area, one inside and the other occupying the sides and
bottom of the area. After the play, the receiving team tries to return the ball to the
INstagram: @edfvida
opposing field. The group that is outside the playing area (side and bottom of the
court) participates in the game, returning the balls that go out to their field,
opportunistizing, to the group, another attempt to pass the ball to the opposing field.
If the team that draws stakes points, the participants from outside the team if they
suffered the point reverse the roles with the group from within, that is, who was
playing inside the court will play off the court and vice versa.
With pairs of hands in hand. It's a regular football game. However, each team is
made up of pairs (or threes) that must remain holding hands. We play without
goalkeepers and expand the dimensions of the field (or court) to the maximum.
Depending on the number of participants we use more than one ball simultaneously.
With each goal we encourage new partnerships, which provides a constant challenge
of "good coexistence".
402. SNAIL
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Students sitting in a circle. One of them will be chosen by the teacher to withdraw
for a few moments from the classroom, while the students who stayed in the room
should agree that everyone will always repeat gestures initiated by one of the
members of the group, this person is the "commander", if this person starts clapping
everyone should clap, if scratching their heads everyone will have to scratch their
head and so on. After the prank has been explained and designated the "commander",
the student who was outside the classroom will be called into the circle and should
try to find out who is commanding the movement changes. The "commander" in turn
must be very discreet to try to disguise for as long as possible. In turn, this person
should pay close attention to find out who is commanding the movement. When the
commander is discovered, he is asked to withdraw from the room and another person
is chosen to command the movement, and so follows the joke until everyone has had
Children in a very open circle. Ball in the center where a player will be. The child in
the center will throw the ball to a circle mate, who must catch it, place it in the
center, and finally leave where it suits him, in pursuit of the first. Meanwhile, having
left by the vain, left in the circle, the child who was in the center will try to touch
INstagram: @edfvida
the ball again without being hit by the pursuer. You will beat both, the one who
achieves his own goal. The winner will occupy the center in the replay of the game.
407. MINE
The groups will occupy the playing area, each side being divided into four parts,
numbering as follows: attack zone numbers three and four, and defense zone,
numbers one and two. The game will follow the dynamics of volleyball, and the score
is performed from the fall of the ball in the numbered zones. Example: the ball
touching the ground in the attack zone three is worth three points. The group must
define a number of points for the match to be won, allowing teams to option attacks
in certain zones and making it difficult to close the match due to the need to reach
an exact number from the points. The group can, along with the monitor, add rules
such as: the team that exceeds the pre-established number will lose ten points. The
team can add up the points according to the receipt of the ball. Example: the
participant receives the ball in zone number four, passes the ball to the participant
of zone number three, in this all must shout the sum of these numbers, in case seven.
And so on. You get the point you can score the most points.
All students in doubles in a limited space, minus two, one with a ball will be the
catch and the other without the ball will be the fugitive. The catch should dribble
with the basketball, and touch (not worth throwing the ball) with the ball on the
player who is free; this can give a double hand, and the player on the other side
should let go and become the pursued.
INstagram: @edfvida
The group forming a circle, with everyone facing out. The facilitator will tie the
group, and this will aim to move through an obstacle course.
You can only score with your head, the ball must be passed with your hands.
Whoever's with the ball can't walk. To score goal you have to get the ball from a
INstagram: @edfvida
Exercise equal to the previous one, with the student having to stand
over the shadow of the companion.
It's kind of a synchronized ride. A line of people is formed, one behind the other, and
the master is on the tip. Whatever the master does, the participants must do as well.
Wherever he comes in, the others should come in, too. If the master does body
exercises, positions and funny movements, surely the activity will be a lot of fun.
419. SHOT
It's like a catch-up, but with a ball. Only the first time, the master should throw the
ball up and quote the name of someone, who must catch the ball and shoot a runner,
saying: "I shot so-and-so". Whoever is shot should take the ball and shoot one more,
which should do the same.
You can only score with your head, the ball must be passed with your hands.
Whoever's with the ball can't walk. To score goal you have to get the ball from a
Excellent activity to work space - temporal orientation. You must tie a rope
stretched from side to side, at a height enough that no one can lean against it. On
this rope, several pendulums will be tied at a distance of 1 meter away from one to
the other. In the same direction of the rope, several hula bolus will be placed on the
ground (the path of the corridor). The other colleagues should swing the pendulums
so that they go back and forth, while the other colleague passes through the hula
bolus jumping and making sure that none of the pendulums hit him.
INstagram: @edfvida
After dividing the participants into two groups, request that they spread throughout
the play area. The game will start with the ball in the top. The possession team
should try to make seven passes, without interruption of the opponent's team. Every
seven successful passes, the team will score a point, thereby restarting the count.
The counting of passes should be done in a loud and clear voice. With each ball
intercepted by the opponent's team the count restarts from scratch
Divide the play location into two parts so that one side cannot see the other (tie a
rope and place a sheet on top). Next, people on each team choose a location for
themselves and can't move from there. When the game starts, each team wins one
ball and must try to hit the other team with these "bombs". If someone gets hit by
the bomb, they're outside and sits by the court until the game's over. It's not worth
moving to dodge the ball. Whoever gets last wins.
In this activity can only be developed if it has a material such as a jump canvas, so
that there is no risk of tearing etc. All participants hold firmly on one end of the
canvas and a colleague climbs on top and everyone starts throwing it up.
INstagram: @edfvida
The participants sit in a circular form, and the animator, who is in the cent of the
circle, summons four volunteers to hold the four ends of a towel. Every time the
animator has given an order, the four players holding the towel tips must run it
backwards. So when you say, "Lift up the towel," you should put it down. You can
also say "to the right", "Forward", etc. The player who mistakenly does not execute
the opposite order will be replaced, winning the one that stays longer participating,
executing contrary orders.
Students form two columns. At the teacher's sign, the second student climbs on the
belly of the first student, who must move in this position to a certain point. Upon
arriving the third student, will rise in the belly of the second, and so on.
INstagram: @edfvida
430. BULL
Initially a person is chosen to be the bull, then all the other children form a wheel
and hold hands. The bull is placed in the center of the wheel! The bull's obligation is
to escape! First he has to manage to escape the wheel, and the children who are on
the wheel must do everything not to let him out (Holding his hands as strong as
possible), attentive to the fact that they can not let go of their hands. Usually the
bull runs and throws himself with all the force on top of the arms of the children of
the wheel and manages to get out. After the bull manages to get rid of the wheel he
must run as far as possible and all the children who were composing the wheel should
run after it, until they catch it. The child who manages to catch the bull wins, and
that child has the right to choose the next bull (which may not be the same as
Doubles are formed where each will make a "cat bed" with their arms, when formed
all must remain side by side, forming a kind of passage over the arms; a student
should lie on his arms and the team should lead him to the end of the passage,
without dropping him to the ground... When you're nearing the end, you're asked to
stay two other colleagues to help you get down... Note. It is advisable to perform
the activity in an environment such as lawn, sand or even with mattresses, because
if the student falls to the ground, he may get hurt.
Hand in hand the players form a circle. By pushing your right foot to the side, they
will hold the left, leaving room on your right. At the sign one will kick the ball with
his right foot trying to get it through the span left to the right of another teammate.
This will prevent the ball from passing and deflect by kicking it to the opposite side.
It will be eliminated which let the ball slip to your right.
Students in a circle, with a ball. The teacher starts with a word and passes the ball,
whoever received the ball will have to start a word with the end of the letter of the
word that was said. Ex: Animal, the next will have to speak a word quickly with the
letter "L" ... (Orange) and the next one continues (Love) ... (Mouse)...
Two teams participate. Each team chooses its representative. The two players have
their eyes blindfolded and will take 25 turns around themselves. In the meantime,
the master will hide an object in a hard-to-reach location and tell the hunters: "Look
for one (object name). Aim for each hunter and find the object and catch it. Whoever
does. Note. It can be stipulated that the whole team help just by saying "hot and
cold" "front, back, direct and left" until your representative finds the object, so the
whole team works in cooperation.
For the beginning of the game should be placed chairs in a circle, facing with the
back inwards and the seat outwards, should be placed one chair less in relation to
INstagram: @edfvida
the number of students, one of the students will be chosen by the teacher to be the
king, who will receive a paper crown to put on the head, the other students are
placed in a circle, around the chairs; the king stays out. At the sign of the teacher
students should walk at normal speed around the chairs, being observed by the king,
when he decides can give a slight slap on the back of someone who has just passed
him. When giving this sign everyone should sit in a chair, minus the king and the
person who has been touched, the king must run at least an entire turn in relation
to the place where it was stationed, and then look for the empty chair to sit, the
person who was touched in turn must chase the king and try to touch him, if he
succeeds before he sits in the chair, he will have managed to steal his crown, that
person will then become king, but if the king can sit down before he is touched, he
will have defended his crown. All the other participants get up, and the joke
440. MOUNT
Doubles race, round trip. A player gets on all fours while his teammate rides on his
back. On the way, you go head-on, back, back, i.e. you can't turn. If you fall, get up
and go on. Whoever gets there first wins.
Separate 2 empty cans of milk powder, 2 large pieces of string, nail and hammer.
INstagram: @edfvida
First, drill two holes in each can. They should be made near one end, in opposite
positions of the can. Then pass the string very long through the holes and tie a knot
to hold in the tin, as if it were a handle. Place the cans on the floor, with the hole
part up and climb into them. Holding the barbers, a representative of each team
must run. Whoever crosses the finish line first wins the race.
The wheel is made and all extend their arms forward and at the monitor signal, the
wheel closes and each person must hold two other hands (whoever it is). Each hand
holds (one) another, i.e. one hand cannot be holding another two for example. The
goal is to untie the knot that forms, without loosening hands at any time.
INstagram: @edfvida
The class will be divided into four columns, one facing the other, each column pair
with a ball, and distributed on top of the volleyball line, distant from each other. At
the command of the teacher, the chest passes will have to be executed between
each pair of columns, after the pass is executed, the student goes to the end of his
queue, the exercise only ends at the command of the teacher. The first pass to be
trained will be the chest pass, after performing this, will be performed the pass over
the head and then the pass chopped.
You split the class into two great teams. Students must perform the basketball game
without bouncing or walking with the ball, i.e. just using the pass. To score points
you can throw the ball just outside the goal area line (futsal or handball). If the ball
touches the table, the team scores 1 point, when the ball hits the bead, it marks 2
points, if the ball enters the basket marks 3 points and if the ball does not touch any
of the three, zeroes the amount of points.
Make two columns in each basket. A column (1) will pass the ball to the companion
of the other column (2) who will go to the free throw line, receive the ball and pass,
the student of column 1 will move to get back and throw to the basket of the dead
zone. After that, what he threw goes to the end of the line of what passed the ball
and what passed the ball goes to the end of the line of what he threw and so on. The
teacher will determine a time to perform this activity.
449. PITCH
Divide the group into two teams. Numbered arcs are distributed inside and outside
the restrictive area, within which teams must throw. Each arc will have a pre-
established score. The first of each team starts in the easiest position (1) if hit goes
to 2 and the next in the row starts again at 1. Students are progressing from position
to position. If you miss the student must go to the end of that row (position) in which
he is and if he wins progresses in arc. The team that can beat the whole team in
every position wins.
INstagram: @edfvida
One child will be the dog, one will be the owner of the dog and watermelons and
another will be a neighbor. The other ones will be the watermelons. The
watermelons are placed squats next to each other, at a distance of approximately
one meter, will be the dog and close to this, its owner. The neighbor approaches and
asks the neighbor to let her pick up something in her backyard. The dog's owner
replies: - Go, but watch out for the dog! The other approaches the children
(watermelons) as if choosing the best giving "shock" and takes a run. The dog runs
after barking. The stolen watermelons are glued to a nearby location. The game
continues until all watermelons are stolen. After that, the owner goes out with the
dog looking for the watermelons. The game ends with the watermelon owner running
after the neighbor trying to retrieve the watermelons.
A wheel forms. One of the players is randomly chosen to leave the room for a few
moments. The rest of the group remains seated. One of the players on the wheel is
covered with the sheet (it is important that no body part appears and that the player
remains silent). Soon the player who is outside the room comes back and must guess
which colleague has been covered. At another time two participants can switch
places or even the whole group, making it difficult for those who are guessing.
Participants can discuss on the wheel the position they were sitting in, who was on
one side, who was on the other and what changed (the exchanges), or when there is
a decrease in interest in the game.
Arrange students through the courtyard or court freely. One of them will be the
handle and will take the position of arms raised laterally imitating the plane. At the
sign the student handle must touch the companions and these to avoid getting
caught, will be on one foot with arms raised laterally.
INstagram: @edfvida
Two parallel lines are drawn a part of each other, 10 m apart. The students will be
behind one of the lines, which will be the starting one. An student will be between
the two lines (will be the catch), this will call a month of the year, and whoever has
birthday this month runs, trying to reach the other line, the arrival. If he's caught,
he'll help the catcher.
Students in pairs, facing each other, both holding a bat, feet attached, must push
the baton in order to remove the opponent from the place.
Students form two columns, with students supported with their hands and feet on
the ground. At the teacher's sign, the last student of each column must go under
neath the classmates and put himself in the same position, in front. Soon after, the
penultimate student will make the same move, and so on.
INstagram: @edfvida
Students form a circle with their hands in hand, to the center another student
standing. At the sign of the teacher, everyone has to pull to avoid being driven
against the student from inside the circle. Whoever leans against the student in the
center or breaks the circle, will change position with the student of the center.
Exercise equal to the previous one, with an arc in the center of the circle, and
students cannot step on the arch or break the circle.
Students sitting on the chairs, a blindfolded student will be in front of the class and
next to the teacher, this will have two minutes to observe the position of colleagues
before putting the sale. At a sign given by the teacher, two students will change
places, after the change the chosen student, takes the sale and the teacher asks,
"Who changed places?", if this student finds out, will choose a colleague to replace
him and indicate the new exchange of seats, if not right, the companions will
indicate the exchange and he himself will make another attempt.
In the classroom, the teacher divides the class into two teams. Students must remain
seated in the chairs. Development: On the board the teacher writes the 1st letter of
a word, placing "tracinhos" in place of the other letters that make up the word, next
to, two gallows will be drawn, one for each team. The teacher begins the game by
asking students to try to guess the word, giving the opportunity for all students on
the team to speak a letter. As they get the letters that make up the word, the
teacher is writing them in their respective places. Each time a student misses a
guess, the teacher draws on the gallows a part of a doll, starting with the head, until
it is completely completed (body, arms, legs, eyes, nose and mouth). The teacher
will score a point for each team that can find out the word. You will be the winner
who makes the most points.
INstagram: @edfvida
Two to two - one throws a ball for the other to pick up, once with his right hand and
again with his left hand. Two to two one makes basket with his arms and the other
throws the ball trying to hit the basket. First with your right hand and then with your
left hand. A hula hoop attached to the crossbar the students about five meters try
to hit inside the hula hoop with his right hand and with his left hand.
Students sitting in a circle, in such a way that everyone can see everyone, are made
small paper notes in the exact number of participants, write in a paper "killer", in
another "detective" and in all others write "victim", explain to the students that
everyone will receive a ticket, where one among them will be the "killer", one will
be the "detective" and the other will be "victims". The function of the killer will be
to try to "kill" the largest number of people ("victims"), this he will do by blinking
with an eye to the "victim", when receiving a wink of an eye, the "victim" should drop
his head, pretending to be dead, the "killer" must act discreetly, because the
"detective" in turn will try to find out who is the "killer". Explained the joke, the
tickets are folded and distributed to students, and so the joke begins, the "killer"
tries to make his "victims", while the "detective" tries to find out, with observation
and insight who is the "killer". When he thinks he has discovered he must reveal his
suspicion, being correct, the "killer" surrenders and the joke moves on to the second
round (new ticket distribution). Not getting it right, the "killer" must keep making
his victims until it is discovered, then the tickets are collected, mixed and distributed
again. And the game begins again.
INstagram: @edfvida
the previous catch, this for his will be the fugitive and should position himself behind
another pair and so the activity continues ...
Students divided into two large groups, two of which are students, one from each
group, will be chosen to distance themselves from the other participants, and
combine one word in common. The two speak this word to the teacher, but in such
a way that the other participants do not listen. After this these students return to
the two groups and before them, they must simultaneously mime, trying to show by
gestures the combined word, without being able to make a sound or open their
mouths. Members of the only groups can observe the mime of the two students at
the same time. The group that first guesses the word gets a point. Having guessed
the word, two other students walk away and combine a new word to be guessed, and
so the joke continues, the group that first score ten points is the winner.
INstagram: @edfvida
This is a catch-up game, in which all people must run away from a catch. The
facilitator will choose a handleand the game begins. Those who get caught have to
stay still, and with their legs open. Those who have not yet been caught can go under
the legs of those who are still, and this will be safe. Each participant has double
mission, escape and save their game partners.
Students are divided into two groups, each group on one side of the space
demarcated and each student in possession of any type of ball. The teacher will
throw a target up and the students, in the commanding voice, should try to hit that
target. Note: They could be socks balls.
The students will be divided into pairs and the teacher will demarcatise the space
to be traveled. The (double) students of each group will attach a ball or other object
to the forehead and encased with a bow to the waist. In the voice of command,
these, with their hands behind them, will take this object without letting the bow
fall to the duo of their group.
Students in pairs, the teacher will put a strip of elastic (or similar) on the arms and
legs, holding each other. In the voice of command, these will walk out combining
INstagram: @edfvida
the steps and deliver the ball to the other duo, winning the group that finishes all
the doubles first.
The students, in the same previous formation, with their arms and legs attached to
each foal, will have to reach their companions, but will pass through the arch,
delivering the bow to the classmates.
Students dispersed in the courtyard in an area bounded by the teacher, except two
students chosen by the teacher and assigned one to be the "glue" and the other to
be the "takeoff", this will have possession of a ball. At the teacher's signal, students
should try to escape the colleague assigned to be the "glue", when a student is
touched, should immediately stop running and move away a little legs
1 - Playing one of the players who are standing, including who has the ball, when the
player should sit as an ameba;
2 - If you get possession of the ball, remembering that the amebas can not leave the
Are scattered all over the four corners of the court, field or patio space that I was
available, 4 boxes with the colors and names of the materials that should be placed
inside. The paper corresponds to the color blue, the metals the color yellow, the
INstagram: @edfvida
glass the color green and the plastic the color red. Done in the center of the court,
field and etc. are placed in another box all the mixed materials that will be deposited
in their proper places. After having organized the place, we divided the class into
two teams, with equal numbers of participants. The race is held with one team at a
time, all in line at the teacher's sign the first in the row puts his hand inside the box,
removes the recyclable material and goes towards one of the corners of the court
according to material removed. Being taken out an old newspaper the student runs
and deposits in the blue box and so on. Win that you do the most correct recycling
in less time.
The two players stand in front of each other, join their right hands and cling by the
fingers, leaving the thumb loose. The two say at the same time 1,2,3 Now! From that
moment on, each will try to hold with his opponent's thumb, but without opening or
letting go of his hands. The player holding the other player's thumb must immobilize
it 3 seconds and count 1,2,3. If during that time the other does not escape you, you
will be the winner. Otherwise the game continues.
INstagram: @edfvida
The teacher divides the class into two groups or teams, delimits an area of the court
where one of the teams will be inside it, and the students of the other team, will be
scattered around the same area having possession of a ball. The team that has
possession of the ball should try to hit the penalties of the students of the opponent's
team. The player hit will leave the court, the playing time will be five minutes for
each team, and at its end the teams will change position, those who were throwing
the ball will run away from it, students who are being chased can defend themselves
by grabbing the ball, and those who are trying to hit the teammates can pass the
ball between the components of your team. The team that has a larger number of
components in the game will win.
You can only score with your head, the ball must be passed with your hands. Whoever
has the ball can't walk and can only take up to four steps with the ball. To score goal
you have to get the ball from a teammate.
The students are divided into two groups and placed in the center of the futsal court,
a group with their backs to the other at a distance of two meters between the groups.
It is also delimited two neutral zones, one ahead of each group, that when the
components of the groups enter their area can no longer be "caught" by the other
team. One group is called "cat" and the other by "rats". The teacher commands the
game by shouting "cat" or "mouse". When shouting for example "cat", the members
of the "cat" team should try to get over the line that demarcations the neutral zone
of their team as soon as possible, meanwhile the "rats" should try to touch (catch)
the "cats" before they reach the neutral zone, those who reach the neutral zone will
be saved. All return to the initial position, and if the game continues, the group that
can first touch five components of the other team, wins the game.
Two teams are formed, each on a half of the volleyball court, and there will be a
captain who will position himself behind the opponent's team. Each participant will
have a mass (can be replaced by plastic bottles with sand or something like that) to
protect the ball that will be thrown by the opponent team with the aim of dropping
the dough, this mass will be on the ground and after being placed can not be removed
until the end of the game, if this occurs the player loses the mass and will help the
captain in the background or on the sides of the court of the opponent team. The
team that loses all members of the half volleyball court will lose the game. If the
game is slow, one more ball can be inserted into play.
INstagram: @edfvida
The students form two circles, one within the other. In the middle circle some
students will be blindfolded. At the beginning of the song the circles begin to rotate
in opposite directions to each other, one going to the right and the other to the left.
When stopping the music, students stop in front of a classmate and using touch should
try to guess who it is, and speak the name aloud.
The game begins with the exploration of the material. It is important to emphasize
that the goal is not to let the bag touch the ground. Students should handle the
object in different ways: playing behind their back, under the arm, playing, and
turning on the shaft itself. After this phase and the recognition of the material, the
student should open the bag over the head, looking up, try with a strong blow keep
it in the air. Toss the bag and beat as many palms as possible before receiving it.
Throw the bag, hit a palm in front of the body, another behind the body, one under
INstagram: @edfvida
Even number of participants, forming two concentric circles (one facing the other).
Rotate the circles in opposite directions, and when the facilitator claps, the circles
should stop, hold the first person's hands in front of them, and go on discovering
what this person is like. Over time, the facilitator will be able to expand to trios,
quartets, etc.
495. START
Arranged in pairs, a colleague holds each other's waists offering resistance to her
running. The exit and arrival locations must be marked on the ground, always
instructing students to change roles each round trip, i.e. if on trip A goes running
and B offers resistance, on lap B runs and A offers resistance. Teachers should
establish shorter distances so that students can travel more times the route. This
activity can also be done with ropes, pieces of tire tube, pieces of cloth, etc., to
hold the colleague in front.
Students should sit in the center of the room forming a circle. Then, without anyone
seeing, they should write a task or joke that they would like the colleague on their
INstagram: @edfvida
right to perform. After everyone has written, the teacher announces that, in fact,
the person himself will perform the gift he wrote to the colleague next door.
Each student will receive a piece of string and a bladder. You should fill the air
balloon, tie it to the string and attach the
string to the ankle. Divide the class into
4 teams. Each student must move
through a predetermined space carrying
the ball attached to the foot always in
front of the body, without bursting it. In
addition to the student controlling his
ball he must dodge other students so that
his ball does not burst easily.
The teacher divides the group into teams, which place themselves in parallel starting
queues. The first representatives of each team receive, in the shortest possible time,
the ball on the tray to the goal. The balls that reach their destination are deposited
in the bag. Soon after, the second person repeats the same procedure, and so on,
until all the members have participated. Beat the team that finishes first
INstagram: @edfvida
INstagram: @edfvida
Five beacons formed by cones are distributed on the court. The two teams in
confrontation can score in the 5 goals, but the goal is only valid when a player
executes a pass between the cones and another player from the same team welcomes
the ball on the other side. Note: It is not allowed to score two goals in a row in the
same goal.
At the sign of the teacher, the students move from one side of the court to the other,
performing movements previously determined by the teacher and (or) by the
students themselves. For example: raising your knees, raising your heels, moving
laterally, bouncing, crawling, walking on tiptoe, running.
INstagram: @edfvida
INstagram: @edfvida
With students scattered around the court, they will be jumping freely across the
court and, upon hearing the whistle, they should perform what is suggested by the
teacher and (or) the students themselves. Examples: 5 flip flops, 10 bounces on one
foot, 5 bounces, pushing away and joining the legs, jumping with the feet together,
Two teams of four to six players. A player from each team (tower player) puts himself
inside an arc over the back line of the court and cannot leave. The other players play
a match where only each player will be allowed to touch the ball by two touches. If
the tower player receives a pass from a mate, he gets a point. In this case, the ball
passes to the opposing team.
INstagram: @edfvida
This activity aims to develop body awareness, general motor coordination, visual,
cognitive and rhythmic, stimulating the combination of rules. All players stand in a
circle and advance the right foot, so that the tips of the shoes touch each other. 2)
Everyone says at the same time: "one, two, three, zic, zac, zuc, one, two, three." 3)
Immediately each player chooses whether to leave the right foot inside or outside
the circle. 4) Players who have been in the minority, either with their foot in or out
of the circle, continue to play. The rest of you get out of the game. 5) The last to
remain in the game is who starts.
They play two groups, each with their own field and their flag. At the bottom of each
field, place the "flag" of the team, which can be any object. The game starts when
someone says "flag-arreou". The goal is to steal the flag of the opposing team and
bring to your field. But the player who enters the field of the opposing team and is
touched by someone gets stuck in place. You can only leave if you're saved by
someone on your own team. The team that captures the opposing flag more often
INstagram: @edfvida
A student runs toward the cone, skirts it and returns, when then two students from
his group must run together to the cone, go around and return, so that three students
in the group do the same, on an increasing scale, until all the components perform
the activity.
finally, create your rules and modify according to the objectives and interests
of students.
All at ease, for the space allocated to the group. Development: The facilitator
chooses a participant who will be the catch. The game starts, and people run freely
through the space destined for the game. The facilitator whistles three times, and
everyone must form groups of three. The catch is currently trying to catch someone
who hasn't formed groups yet. The facilitator beeps two, four, six, eight, etc.
Students should run to the rope, jump it and maintain balance in the fall. The teacher
may suggest different forms of fall: with both feet, with legs apart, with legs joined
together, in four supports, in one (right or left).
Each student will have a ball that will be positioned on the ground in front of them,
INstagram: @edfvida
at the sign stipulated by the teacher (whistle, for example), everyone should pass
the ball to the colleague who is on the right, and he should position it in front of him
on the ground. Once students have understood, the teacher can whistle once every
three or four seconds. It should change, also the side that students will pass the ball,
in addition to changing the beep. Now everyone will pass the ball to the left when
the teacher hits a palm. It is advised that you only do it for this side until everyone
has understood. In the last step, the teacher will tell the students that he will switch
the beeps and that, therefore, students should be attentive to know which side
should pass the ball, whistle to the right and palm to the left.
Two circles of 2 meters in diameter are drawn apart from each other. Inside them
two other concentric circles. Far away 6 meters are one on the horizontal line.
Players divided into two columns are placed next to their circles. The first player
will get a bag of corn. Starting with the first between columns and will stay in the
horizontal row. From there they throw the bags into their circle, then appear to
deliver to the second and sit down. The following repeat the actions of the first and
so on. We'll give you three points if the bag falls into the center circle. 2 points for
the second circle and a point for the outer circle and zero on the lines. The winner
will be the party that scores the most points and will earn 5 points the column that
finishes the game first.
INstagram: @edfvida
Initially the children form pairs, the "brothers", who are available in two columns.
After each has become aware of its "brother", each column will form a circle, with a
distance of approximately two meters. Development: The two circles rotate, while
the children sing cheerfully. At a sign given by the teacher (whistle or palm) the
circles are undid and each child searches for his brother. Finding him should both
hold hands and get down. The last to do so will be temporarily deleted. The game
continues to form again the two primitive circles.
Students are distributed in a circle, all seated. The teacher chooses a student who
is in the center. That'll be the kitten. This in turn should crawl and approach a
INstagram: @edfvida
student who is sitting on the wheel and give a very funny meow. The student who
receives the meow should put his hand on the head of the student who is in the
middle and without laughing should say: "poor my kitten". If you laugh have to go
downtown and become a kitten, if you don't laugh, the kitten should make another
attempt with another student.
INstagram: @edfvida
With chairs placed in rows, each person should sit in his chair, and the goal of the
game will be to take the chairs to the demarcated line on the ground. The game has
some rules, such as: you can't put your hands or feet on the ground. For the goal to
be achieved it is necessary for the group to discover a cooperative strategy.