Nutrition in Animals Answers
Nutrition in Animals Answers
Nutrition in Animals Answers
The process of intake of food is called During the process of digestion, some part of
ingestion. the food may not get digested. This
undigested food is expelled from the body
along with some water in the form of
faeces through the process of egestion.
4. Draw a neat diagram of human digestive system and name and label the following parts in it:
a. Where digestion begins : Salivary glands
b. Where acid is produced: Stomach
c. Where bile is stored : gall bladder
d. Largest gland: Liver
e. Where digestion is completed : Small intestine
f. Where most water is absorbed: Large intestine
Where digestion
begins : Salivary glands
5. Explain the role of pancreas in the process of digestion.
6. A slice of bread gives a positive iodine test. However, if the slice is thoroughly chewed,
the test is negative. Explain giving reasons.
7. Explain the process of digestion in ruminants. How do ruminants digest their food
in two steps?
8. Explain how Amoeba takes in nutrition with the help of a diagram.