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NT37 Pentecost

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In Acts 2, we read about the beginning of the church on the Day of Pentecost, where God gave the gi� of the
Holy Spirit to the church.

Key Points: Video playlist

• The Holy Spirit empowers us

• We must wait for God’s �ming
• God always keeps His promises.

Lesson Guide
Before you begin this lesson, assess your child’s knowledge of the Holy Spirit and explain as needed.
Ask your children if they remember what Jesus told the disciples before ascending to heaven. (Review last
week’s lesson). Jesus instructed his followers to go to Jerusalem and await the Holy Spirit.
When are some�mes we need to wait? Do we ever try to do something without wai�ng?
Share that the disciples didn’t know how long they would have to wait. But we can read it was about ten
days. (Day of Pentecost was 50 days a�er the Passover - Levi�cus 23:15-21). Try to remember what you did
ten days ago. Does it seem like a long �me?
Acts 1:1 says, ‘When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.’ Share how special it is
that we can spend �me with other believers. Think about church or a prayer mee�ng where we can enjoy
fellowship together.
Ask your child if they understand what ‘Suddenly’ means? Explain that it a bit like a surprise. The disciples
knew the Holy Spirit would come, but not when. Play a scenario game where something ‘suddenly’ happens.
For example, what would you do if you suddenly saw a hippo? Share how suddenly there was a mighty wind
and what looked like tongues of fire came on each of the apostles. The Holy Spirit arrived just as Jesus
promised. Jesus always keeps his promises.
Explain how God’s �ming is always perfect. As it was the Feast of Weeks, thousands of Jews gathered in
Jerusalem from all over the known world.
Ask your child if they know the name of any other languages. Explain that there are many languages in the
world. Try to learn a simple word in a few languages like hello or thank you. Share how we can learn another
language, but the Holy Spirit gave the apostles the ability to instantly speak in other languages and dialects.
It was a miracle because everyone could hear the apostles speak in their own language.
Share how the Holy Spirit enabled Peter to preach and people to understand. Share how the Holy Spirit
enable us and equips us to serve God. Remove the ba�ery from a ba�ery powered toy. Invite your child to
play with it. When they no�ce it is not working share how they could s�ll play with it, but not how it is
intended. Put some ba�eries in the toy and turn it on. Show how the ba�ery gives the toy power. Reflect on
Jesus promise that the Holy Spirit gives power to the church.
When people listened to Peter’s sermon they responded, and 3,000 people were added to the church.
Pray together and thank God that He is s�ll building his church around the world.

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The people were amazed and ask When Jesus returned to heaven,
Peter what they should do, the apostles went to Jerusalem.
Peter told them to “Repent and be Jesus had told them to wait there
baptised.” until the Holy Spirit came.
3,000 people believed and were They joined together with Jesus
baptised. family and other believers.
This was the beginning of the They prayed together and spoke
church. about Jesus’ promises.

4 1
Suddenly, one day, a very strong Jerusalem was full of people from all
wind began to blow. over the world.
Then the apostles saw flames come The apostles went to the temple
down and rest above their heads. area and began to preach to them.
The wait was over. Something amazing happened. The
The Holy Spirit had come. people from other countries could
understand what they were saying.
Peter preached the good news
about Jesus.

2 3
Games and Activities
Where are you? Foreign language
At Pentecost, there where people from all around
the world who spoke different languages. Teach
your child how to ask, “where are you?” in
another language.
For example: Spanish “¿Dónde estás? Or German
“Wo bist du?”
Take turns to hide in the room. When the
someone asks “where are you?” in the foreign
language, the people hiding should make a funny
noise un�l they are found.

Wind ac�vi�es
Go or look outside and find as many things as you
can that blow in the wind. For example, clouds,
flags and leaves.
If you have �me fly a kite or build a windmill.
Speak about how even though you can’t see the
wind, its effect is obvious.
Share how the Holy Spirit came with a mighty
wind at Pentecost.

Wai�ng game
Everyone should begin by si�ng on the ground.
Explain when you say “go”, they should wait x
seconds and then stand up. The person closest
to the correct �me wins. Start off with low
Speak about how we must wait for God’s perfect

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Which things blow in the wind?

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Find 7 differences

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1 2 3

+ =?
+ =?
+ =?
+ =?
4 5 3 2
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Follow the lines on the kites

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Tongues of fire mobile
This mobile will blow
around in the wind while
reminding children how
the Holy Spirit enabled the
Apostles to share the
Good News about Jesus.
Flames include Jesus
name in many languages
and a blank flame for you
to fill in.

What you need:

Template page (black and
white or coloured),
Colouring pencils,
Hole punch
Wool or string.

What to do

Cut out the template page. Glue strips together to Punch holes and tie flames
Colour the pages first if form a ring. to ring. Add string to hang.
using the black and white

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Jesus Jesús Jésus

Иисус 예수 耶稣

Giê-xu Yeshua
Write your language here if missing

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Glue here

Glue here

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Jesus Jesús Jésus

Иисус 예수 耶稣

Giê-xu Yeshua
Write your language here if missing

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Glue here

Glue here

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Worship Time
Recommend worship songs. Not produced by Trueway Kids. YouTube
Videos to be used for personal use only.
Holy Spirit Fills Me Up
Spirit of God
God Is On The Move
Video playlist

Thank God that He always keeps His
promises and send the Holy Spirit to
empower us to live for Him.

Next Week
Seven Chosen to Serve
(Acts 6:1-7)

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to receive future lesson by email.

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