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NT51 Stephen - USA

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The account of Stephen is found in Acts 6-7. This passage can be a difficult Bible story for kids to understand.
It is a sad story, but it is also a story of great courage. In this story, Stephen, a man full of faith, is obedient to
God even when faced with death. It reminds us we can be a witness for Jesus even in �mes of great suffering.
Key Points
� Serve God no ma�er what
� Tes�fy to others about Jesus
� Forgive those who wrong you

Lesson Guide
Talk about things that are easy and things that are hard. You can adjust the degree of difficulty depending on
the age of the child. For instance, is it easier to wash a car or wash a plate is an easy ques�on to answer, but is
it harder to go through the alphabet saying the names of animals or fruits? Use crea�vity to discuss with your
Speak about how Stephen served people (Show God’s love for them) and preached (Telling people about
God’s love for them). Some people accepted the good news about Jesus but others wanted him to stop.
Stephen chose to tes�fy about Jesus to the Sanhedrin even though they did not like it. Even if others are
angry at us for talking about Jesus, we should do it anyway. It might not always be easy, but God will give us
Go outside and take two s�cks or stakes. Have your child try to push one into the ground using just their
hands. Now, use a hammer to drive the other one into the ground un�l it is deep in the soil. Ask your child to
try to move them. Talk about how the hammer hi�ng the s�ck allowed the s�ck to be driven deep into the
ground and become strong. God uses trials to help us grow strong in Him.
Think about �mes in the Bible that God rescued someone in trouble (Peter in prison, Daniel in the Lion’s Den,
The Israelites at the Red Sea, and so on). Talk about how God could always rescue someone, but some�mes
He has a bigger purpose even if it’s difficult for us to understand.
The Sanhedrin killed Stephen. Yet, Stephen prayed and asked God not to hold it against them. Talk about
forgiveness. Jesus commands us to forgive others as God has forgiven us. Remind them how Jesus also prayed
on the cross “Father forgive them.’ Stephen followed Jesus' example. We should do the same.
Discuss �mes that wrong was done. You may choose to illustrate this in a graphic way by wri�ng wrongs on a
whiteboard, chalkboard or on a piece of paper.
On two separate pieces of paper or divided on the chalkboard, you may write down sins commi�ed against
God and wrongs commi�ed against selves. Explain that God forgives us by wiping the slate clean when we
repent and trust in Jesus. In the way that God forgives us, we should forgive others. You may then wipe the list
of sins commi�ed against us.
We should follow Stephen’s example by sharing Jesus and forgiving others.
Talk about how Saul was in the crowd, watching coats as people stoned Stephen. Saul later became the
Apostle Paul who wrote much of the New Testament. Saul witnesses Stephen’s forgiveness and trust in God at
a �me of suffering. Even when things are difficult, we can be a witness to others.
Pray and ask God to help you be a good witness for Him even at difficult �mes.

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From that day on, people began The early church grew very quickly.
trying to hurt the church in
Jerusalem. There was far too much for the
Apostles to do on their own.
Saul, who had watched the coats, One time, people were upset that
went from house to house. He food was not being shared fairly.
dragged out men and women and put
them in jail. The apostles told the people, “We
cannot stop preaching the Word of
All the believers, except the apostles, God to the lost to give out food.
went to different places in Judea and Choose some godly men to serve the
Samaria to be safe. table.
Everywhere they went, they told The people selected seven men. One
people the Good News about Jesus. was called Stephen, and he was full
of faith and of the Holy Spirit.

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Stephen did great signs and wonders, The Sanhedrin were so anger that they
but the Sanhedrin hated him. grabbed Stephen and dragged him
They arrested him and asked people to outside to stone him.
lie about Stephen so that he could be
punished. But Stephen looked up and said, “I see
the heavens opened and Jesus
And as the Sanhedrin looked at standing by the right hand of God.”
Stephen, his face was like that of an
angel. A man named Saul watched the coats of
Stephen began to preach to them. He those who murdered Stephen.
told them all about the Old Testament But Stephen prayed, “Lord, receive my
and Jesus.
spirit, and do not hold this sin against
But this made the religious leaders them.” And then he died.
even more angry.

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Games and Activities
Serve out food
At meal or snack �me, ask your child to be
responsible for sharing the food for
everyone. You could use one item such as
pizza, or grapes. Alterna�vely, you could
create a fruit salad and ask them to share
equally the grapes, apples slices,
strawberries and so on.
Remind your child how the early church
shared everything they had with each other.

Describing game
Print out some cards with pictures of objects. Include words
for older children.
Take turns to pick up the cards and describe who or what is on
the card.
The other players should try to guess correctly.
Picture cards on following page.
E.g., Something you can drive = car

Stone hunt
Go for a short walk and look for stones.
Talk about how the stone feel.
Compare the stone to see how they are
the same and how they are different.
Measure and weigh the stones.
Create some stone artwork or characters
by pain�ng a face on some stones.

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Stephen spoke to the people about


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Find 7 differences

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Saul looked after the coats of the people hurting Stephen.

Count the coats below

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2 tephen

Circle the words which begin with S

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Stephen light Craft

What you need:

Template page on card
Coloring Equipment
Small light or phone torch

What to do:

Color the page. DO NOT Cut out the parts and fold Glue to make a cube. Glue
color Stephen’s face. Color along lines. Bible verse on top. Place
background in a dark cube over a small light or
color. torch to see Stephen’s
face glow.


See also our lesson “Seven chosen to serve” for more cra� ideas and templates featuring Stephen:
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All the people in the
mee�ng were watching
Stephen closely. His face
looked like the face of an
Acts 6:15

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Worship Time
Recommended worship songs. Not produced by Trueway Kids. YouTube Videos to be
used for personal use only.
Stephen - Bible Story Video - Trueway Kids
Choose to Serve the Lord - by Blake Gillette
and Angie Killian

Thank God for helping us to speak
about him to others.
Ask Him to help you be a good witness
even when it’s difficult.

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