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Argo Flux Whitepaper

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Argo CD

vs. Flux
Unveiling the path to effortless
GitOps orchestration


Brought to you by Akuity

Table of Contents

Introduction 3
1. Philosophical Differences 3
1.1. Argo CD 4
1.2. Flux 4
1.3. Different Sides to the Same Coin 5
2. Technical Differences 5
2.1. UI 5
2.2. CLI 6
2.3. Helm 6
2.4. Authentication 8
2.5. Multi-tenancy 9
2.6. Syncing Policies 11
2.7. Multi-Cluster Management 11
2.8. Custom Tooling 13
2.9. Application Templating 14
2.10. Product vs Toolkit 14
Conclusion 15
GitOps has undoubtedly been a hot topic for quite some time now. Ever since the
emergence of the popularity of Kubernetes, many organizations that have been adopting
Kubernetes come to quickly realize the challenges that come with managing it. Necessity,
being the mother of invention, has given rise to the paradigm known as “GitOps”. A
method of operationalizing a Kubernetes platform, GitOps has been the operating model
for Kubernetes in many organizations - to which it has been adopted by Platform
Engineers, DevOps Engineers, and SRE teams alike. In fact, it has become so popular that
an open standard of how GitOps is implemented has emerged in the form of
OpenGitOps (CNCF Sandbox project).

When organizations are on their Kuberntes adoption journey, they undoubtedly run into
two big players when researching GitOps: Argo CD and Flux. A tale as old as Ford vs
Chevy and VIM vs Emacs - the two major players in this space both have a large
community, large user base, and seemingly have the same end goal of easing the use of
Kubernetes via GitOps. Both projects have reached graduation status in the CNCF and
both projects continue to grow.

So, the elephant in the room, is the very question that the title of this whitepaper alludes
to. What are the differences between Flux and Argo CD? What kind of things do you
need to take into consideration when deciding? What are some of the advantages and
disadvantages of their different approaches?

In this whitepaper, we’ll explore these questions in depth in order to get a clear
understanding on what to look at when exploring both solutions. It’s important to
disclose that, while I spent a lot of time evaluating (and yes even using) both tools, I am a
contributor to the Argo Project working for Akuity.


Kubernetes v1.27.3 July 2023
Argo CD v2.7.7 July 2023
Flux v2.0.1 July 2023

1. Philosophical Differences
First thing to take into account is the background of each tool. It’s important to know how
each tool came about and their respective philosophies before you try to analyze the
technical differences between them. Here, I’m going to explore the background and
some of the philosophical differences between the two tools.

Introduction — Philosophical Differences 3

1.1. Argo CD

Argo CD is a part of a suite of DevOps centric tools developed internally at Intuit, known
as the Argo Project. Other tools include Argo Workflows, Argo Rollouts, and Argo Events.
The Argo Project has its roots at Applatix, and continued to flourish after the acquisition
by Intuit. The goal of the Argo Project was simple: operationalize Kubernetes while
making it easy for developers to onboard their applications to the platform. In a way, the
Argo Project can be seen as an early attempt at an Internal Development Platform (IDP).
The focus of the tools within the Argo Project was to abstract away Kubernetes primitives.
When Argo CD was introduced; the approach was to make Kubernetes accessible and
easy to use for Administrators and Developers alike.

Another important aspect of Argo CD, was that it is Kubernetes-centric - meaning that it
was built as a true interface into the Kubernetes environment. This is the reason why the
choice was made to make Argo CD “act” like a Kubernetes client (namely: kubectl). To
that end, one of the most important philosophical choices was made - Argo CD will only
interact with RAW, Kubernetes native, manifests. In other words, only JSON/YAML of
objects that Kubernetes “understands”.

1.2. Flux

It’s important to note that while there was a previous version of Flux, this whitepaper will
concentrate on the latest version known as “Flux v2”. Just for the sake of simplicity,
anytime we mention Flux; I am referring to Flux v2.

Flux was developed internally at Weaveworks, then open-sourced/donated to the CNCF.

Weaveworks developed Flux out of their SRE/DevOps teams. They needed a way to not
only manage their infrastructure, but also wanted the ability to recover fast if they needed
to and wanted to prevent any drift on their infrastructure. Flux was a controller that
reflected how the SRE/DevOps engineers managed Weaveworks SaaS offerings at the
time. It was born out of the principles these engineers used by which they operated their
Kubernetes system.

Building on their experience with managing their Kubernetes systems, Weaveworks

released Flux (“version 1” as it’s known now) and was open-sourced. After feedback from
the community, the Flux project refactored the codebase to build on top of “The GitOps

The GitOps Toolkit is a set of composable APIs and specialized tools that can be used to
build a GitOps centric toolset on top of Kubernetes. Flux (version 2 as it’s called now) is
constructed with the GitOps Toolkit components, and can be seen as the baseline
implementation of it. The idea behind the GitOps Toolkit is to use native tooling via Go
(for example Kustomizations use the Kustomize Go library and HelmReleases uses the
Helm Go library) to interact with manifests being deployed to the target Kubernetes


Philosophical Differences 4
1.3. Different Sides to the Same Coin

It’s important to note that there are a lot of similarities (at least at the core) between Argo
CD and Flux. The venn diagram of functionality overlaps a LOT and any technical
differences often stem from their philosophical approach. Although both tools reached
(almost) the same conclusion, they reached it from different perspectives.

The thing to keep in mind is that Argo CD was built for Developers, and with the
Developer Experience in mind. Flux was built for the SREs and with the SREs experience
in mind.

2. Technical Differences
Since each tool came from a different philosophical background, the technical
differences are small but significant.

2.1. UI

The biggest difference between the two tools that folks will notice is their UI. That
difference comes in the form of, to put it bluntly, one tool having a native UI and the other

Argo CD

Argo CD comes with a native web UI that is feature-rich for both Developers and
Operations teams alike.

Technical Differences 5
This is one of the most attractive features of Argo CD. Since the UI is part of the core
codebase, anyone using Argo CD can receive the benefit of any and all updates and new
features released.


Flux does not have a native UI, however there are other projects that attempt to build a UI
for it - like Weave GitOps Core by Weaveworks. However, there’s nothing built into the
upstream Flux project.

2.2. CLI

Both Flux and Argo CD can be managed, exclusively, via their command line client. The
differences are nuanced, but important to point out.

Argo CD

Argo CD’s CLI client (argocd) is feature rich and Argo CD can be fully managed with it.
Administrators can manage users and clusters, set repository settings, initiate syncs, diff
state, and create/manage/update Applications. However, Argo CD CLI client doesn’t (nor
Argo CD itself) have a concept of “bootstrapping”, instead, it leaves that responsibility to
the end user. Also, it’s possible (and advisable) to use Argo CD to manage Argo CD itself.
Using the model of Argo CD managing itself, is mainly done using the App of Apps
Pattern (which can be seen as a form of bootstrapping). Also, there are projects like Argo
CD Autopilot, that aim to give a bootstrapping interface. Autopilot isn’t an official Argo
Project tool; which is why it is in the Argo Project Labs repository.


Flux CLI client also has all the features needed in order to manage everything on a
system managed by Flux. In fact, its CLI is the primary interface to work with Flux. Where
Flux stands out is that it has a native bootstrapping ability. This takes care of a few things
for the end user: it installs Flux on the target system, it sets up the Git repository (on
either Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, or any git compatible repository via ssh), and an
opinionated directory structure. An end user would just have to start adding things to this
repository and Flux will take care of deploying those on to the target system. Flux treats
bootstrapping like a first-class citizen and is the primary entry point for users to start
using Flux.

2.3. Helm

The starkest difference between the two tools is how they manage Helm deployments.
While each method has its roots in the philosophical underpinning of each tool, there are
also technical advantages/disadvantages to each.

CLI — Helm 6
Argo CD

Since Argo CD uses helm template to render Kubernetes manifests and apply them to
the target cluster, the helm CLI can’t be used to manage Helm releases.

$ helm ls -A

The reason Argo CD uses this method is twofold. First, Argo CD’s philosophical stance of
only working with native Kuberentes manifests. Secondly, Argo CD wants to be able to
detect differences between the running state and the desired state. The bottom example
shows scaling a Deployment included in a Helm release after it was installed via Argo CD
(i.e. out of band change with kubectl scale)

$ argocd app diff argocd/quarkus-app

===== apps/Deployment demo/quarkus-app ======

< replicas: 3
> replicas: 1

You can also see this diff in the UI as well.

From here you can make the choice of reconciling those differences by syncing the Argo
CD Application or doing this automatically by having auto-sync enabled.


Flux uses the native Helm Golang library in order to install Helm Charts, which means
that it works natively with the helm CLI. This emulates the experience of how most folks
would interact with Helm on a Kubernetes cluster.

$ helm ls -A
quarkus-sample quarkus 1 2023-06-30 21:47:53 +0000 UTC deployed quarkus-0.0.3

While using the Helm Golang library gives you the ability to interact with Helm charts the
way you’re used to, there is an issue with noticing when there’s a configuration change.
The following is the same example of scaling the replica count to 3 on a Helm release
that was installed via Flux.

Helm 7
$ flux diff -h
The diff command is used to do a server-side dry-run on flux resources,
then prints the diff.

flux diff [command]

Available Commands:
artifact Diff Artifact
kustomization Diff Kustomization

-h, --help help for diff

As you can see, there’s currently no way to diff Helm releases with Flux. In fact, trying to
reconcile this drift won’t work because of this very fact (can’t reconcile differences if you
can’t detect them).

Drift detection and reconciliation for Helm releases is still considered experimental by
Flux. This creates a situation where you can inadvertently have a system that has drifted
from its desired state and will stay that way, if you keep the default Flux configuration.

2.4. Authentication

Authentication and Authorization are table stakes features that many organizations will
absolutely need to rely on, especially if Multi-Tenancy is something they are going to

Argo CD

Argo CD has native support for SSO (Single Sign On) using OIDC (Open ID Connect), and
Argo CD bundles Dex for those users that are using something that’s not OIDC compliant
(like SAML or LDAP). Administrators can create rules targeting users that have logged in
(by either username or by group membership). Once set up, users can login to Argo CD
using the configured SSO backend (for example using GitHub below)

Authentication 8
Once logged in, you’ll be able to see the information passed down by the authentication
provider (in this instance GitHub) and any group affiliations.

RBAC can then be mapped to this user or any groups this user belongs to.


Flux relies on Kubernetes for users and groups and leverages the built in Kubernetes
RBAC system. Now, although users/groups can be provided to Flux via Kubernetes, Flux
is designed to work with Kubernetes ServiceAccounts, and it runs synchronization tasks
using specific service accounts (depending on how it’s configured).

2.5. Multi-tenancy

As the adoption of Kubernetes grows, so does the need for support of multi-tenancy
within those Kubernetes deployments. Both Argo CD and Flux support multi-tenancy but
approach it in fundamentally different ways.

Argo CD

Argo CD was built from the ground up with multi-tenancy in mind. It provides a feature
rich/granular RBAC system that can target specific users, groups, clusters or Application
Projects. It also can restrict what action can be performed on a variety of things that Argo
CD manages.

Taking a look at Argo CD, you can see that you can configure a variety of things that
Argo CD can manage:

Multi-tenancy 9
All these objects can be scoped to RBAC policies set by an administrator. These RBAC
rules can be global or they can target a logical grouping known as an Argo CD
Application Project.

Argo CD AppProject is a construct that logically groups together Argo CD Applications.

This can be seen as a logical barrier between tenants. From within an AppProject, an
administrator can restrict not only specific groups or users to an AppProject, but also
restrict what a user/group can do within an AppProject. As an admin you can restrict
what can be deployed (scoped down to the specific Git repo or group of Repos), restrict
where it gets deployed to (either a specific cluster, namespace, or combination of them
both), and also restrict what kinds of objects can be deployed (for example you can allow
only Pod definitions to be deployed)


Flux has the concept of Multi-tenancy, but relies heavily on Kubernetes RBAC policies to
control what can be deployed where and by whom. Flux does this by relying on the
service account that is configured to do the action (which has to be set up beforehand by
an administrator). While you can target specific Kubernetes clusters via the kubeConfig
field in a Kustomization or HelmRelease, there is no central way to manage clusters or
any custom RBAC that specifically targets cluster configurations.

Flux restricts things based solely on Kubernetes objects and Kubernetes RBAC. If
someone needs more fine grained control, they would need to rely on a 3rd party tool in
order to get some of the same functionality that’s built natively into Argo CD.

Multi-tenancy 10
2.6. Syncing Policies

Syncing, for the purposes of this comparison, is the attempt to match the running state of
the system to the desired state of the system. Both tools do automatic syncs and both
tools have a mechanism to pause syncing (the “break glass” concept) for debugging/
issue triage. From a functional perspective (core GitOps principles), both tools are very
similar in regards to syncing, but there are a few substantial differences.

Argo CD

Syncing in Argo CD can be done in a variety of ways, which allows for fine-grained
control in how your application gets deployed. One method that Argo CD supports is
partial and selective syncs. You can specify what resources get synced and even elect to
only sync items that are out of sync (which can also be set as the default). On top of that,
you can also set up Sync Windows (a time of day where syncing is allowed) so that
changes to the system only happen during, say, a maintenance window.

Argo CD has also a concept of Syncwaves and Sync Phases/Hooks that can be used for
more fine-grained control on how things are deployed. Syncwaves, is a sync setting that
allows you to order how your manifests gets deploy. For example: you may want to make
sure your Deployment and PVC are healthy and bound before your ingress object gets
updated, or you want to create a service account before a Deployment, or ensure that
network policies exist before a Deployment so that it doesn't briefly have unrestricted
access. Sync Phases help in the event where you need a Job to run right before a sync
happens or right after (also, you can run a phase in the event something fails as well).


Flux takes the approach of retrying reconciliation in case the first attempt fails for
whatever reason, relying on the “eventual consistency” design of Kubernetes. While you
can’t customize how syncs happen, you can ignore certain resources during
reconciliation with a label or specifying them in the Kustomization object. Flux does
support phases/hooks by the way of Helm (meaning you have to write a Helm Chart if
you want to take advantage of hooks in your application with Flux).

2.7. Multi-Cluster Management

Managing multiple clusters is an important topic for many organizations. More often than
not, organizations are managing multiple clusters across multiple regions that span
multiple environments. Being able to make sense of what is deployed, and where
something is running, becomes paramount to operating Kubernetes at scale.

Syncing Policies — Multi-Cluster Management 11

Argo CD

As mentioned in the Multi-Tenancy section, Argo CD’s UI is feature-rich and can be used
to configure a variety of things. One of which is the ability to add/remove/update clusters.
Argo CD's UI makes it easy to understand what is happening across all clusters in your
environment. It also has things like kubeconfig management built-in to the platform.

In the overview page, you can filter out Argo CD Applications based on which cluster
they are running on for a clear view of running workloads.

Multi-Cluster Management 12
Not only can you further refine the overview page to really dig down into your workloads,
cluster configurations can also be targeted by Argo CD’s RBAC system as well. This gives
Admins and Developers fine-grained control to not only what cluster can be deployed to,
but which namespace and which specific manifest as well.


Flux does not have a concept of “clusters”. Instead, Flux relies on the user providing a
Kubeconfig file for each Kustomization/HelmRelease to achieve its multi-cluster design.
This potentially means that users/admins must keep track of all KubeConfig files for each
cluster. While it’s possible for Kustomizations/HelmReleases to “share” these KubeConfig
files; end users might still need to keep multiple copies in the event that there are
different KubeConfig files with different ServiceAccounts for the same cluster.

2.8. Custom Tooling

When it comes to tooling around Kubernetes, there is no shortage of tools in the CNCF
landscape. Still, Kustomize and Helm have become the two most popular (and in some
cases the default) ways to modify and/or templatize your manifest before they get applied
to your clusters. Both Argo CD and Flux support Kustomize and Helm, but what about
other tooling?

Argo CD

Earlier in this whitepaper, we explored the philosophical approach that Argo CD took
with Helm and using the Helm template. We went over some of the advantages this gives
users with diffing and reconciliation. But stepping back, Argo CD uses this method to
abstract itself away from any one templating engine. In order to not tie itself down by
writing support inside of Argo CD’s codebase; Argo CD introduced ConfigManagement
Plugins (CMPs)

CMPs are the way Argo CD supports custom tooling beyond just Kustomize and Helm.
It’s also a method to chain together different tools in order to get a desired result. Since
Argo CD just works with “Raw” Kubernetes manifests, you can provide any custom
tooling as long as the end result is a Kubernetes Manifest. The most popular CMP is
Helmfile but really anything that can generate a Kubernetes manifest can be used.


Flux, as mentioned earlier, is an implementation of the GitOps Toolkit. This toolkit

includes custom controllers for Kustomize (known as Kustomizations) and Helm
(known as HelmReleases). These controllers are used by Flux to deploy workloads onto
the target cluster. While it’s possible to do a Helm postRender with Kustomize, there isn’t
an ability to use other configuration tools on the deployment. For example, in order to
support Cavel’s YTT a controller needs to be written for it. Flux requires deeper
integration in order to use other tooling.

Custom Tooling 13
2.9. Application Templating

Defining your source of truth and your destination is the cornerstone of every GitOps
implementation. Reconciliation can only happen when you define your state and where it
needs to be applied. As your implementation grows, the need to be able to template out
these definitions becomes something that is needed when you scale out.

Argo CD

Argo CD has a concept called “Applications”, which acts as the interface (and the atomic
unit of work) into Argo CD. Users can use Argo CD Applications to define the type (Git,
Helm, OCI), the source and destination of their deployments; and Argo CD takes it from
there. The challenge comes when organizations start implementing entire stacks across
multiple clusters across multiple environments. A definition needs to exist for every
instance you want your deployment to run on. The App-of-Apps pattern helps in this
regard but there is also a need to templatize.

Argo CD introduced ApplicationSets. ApplicationSets can be seen as an “Argo CD

Application Factory”; users can define various inputs to use to generate Argo CD
Applications. Within ApplicationSets, there is a concept of “Generators”. Argo CD
ApplicationSet Generators defines “how” to get the inputs. Some of the most popular
Generators are “List Generator” (which a users just define key/value pairs) and the
“Cluster Generator” (Where values are generated based on the information about the
target cluster).


Flux has the concept of Kustomizations (even using “just plain YAML” uses Kustomize
under the hood) and “HelmReleases”. These are, effectively, analogous to the Application
paradigm that Argo CD has. In many ways, both tools are identical in this regard (In that
they both have a CRD that defines a source and destination).

Flux does not have native support for templating out Kustomizations or HelmReleases.,
Instead, it relies on users creating Helm templates for Kustomizations and HelmReleases

2.10. Product vs Toolkit

Since Flux is an implementation of the GitOps Toolkit, other implementations exist; for
instance Weave GitOps, Azure Arc, and Gitlab GitOps Agent. This is why some
implementations have a UI, like Weave GitOps, and others (like Flux v2) do not. In
contrast, Argo CD was built as a complete, feature rich, platform.

This means that once you’ve installed Argo CD, you’re ready to start using the platform
and all its “batteries included” toolsets. In fact, many of Argo CD features (like Argo CD

Application Templating — Product vs Toolkit 14

ApplicationSets and Argo CD Notifications) started off incubating in the Argo Project
Labs repo before being merged into the main Argo CD codebase in order to provide end
users with a more feature rich experience.

With all that Flux provides to you, you need other tools in order to really get the most out
of all you’re getting with it. This is why most implementations of the GitOps Toolkit add
additional functionalities.

In this whitepaper, we’ve covered some differences between both Argo CD and Flux;
arguably the two most popular GitOps toolsets. There are a lot of similarities and the
differences can seem nuanced at times.

In the end, the choice is ultimately up to the end users and what those users find
important. The old adage of “try it and see” comes to mind here, still, the differences
(while subtle) are important to take into account when testing out these two tools.
Hopefully this document helped you in some way to see the differences and save
some time in doing your own research.

The following table outlines the important points brought up in this whitepaper.

Features Argo CD Flux

OpenGitOps Compliant (core GitOps Functionality) Yes Yes
Support for Helm and Kustomized deployments Yes Yes
Native UI Yes No
Native Bootstrapping Capability No Yes
Multi-tenant Support Yes Yes
Support for Partial/Selective Syncs Yes No
Support for native Helm (cli) tooling No Yes
Natively Support Helm diff-ing and reconciliation Yes In Alpha
Support for Enterprise SSO integrations Yes No
Pause/Restart reconciliation for incident handling Yes Yes
Support for hooks to pre/post jobs Yes via Helm
Support for deployment templating Yes via Helm
Feature Rich RBAC System Yes No
Support for extending Configuration Management tools Yes No
like Carvel’s YTT, Tanka, Cue, etc

The End 15
Brought to you by Akuity

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