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Class X SST

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Suggested test and

project work to be
Topics/ Sub- topics

methodology or

days and No. of

Practical work,
No. of working

pedagogy like
periods in the

learning etc.
Name of the





1 1.The Rise of • Watch Videos/ read Textual materials/ read related 1. Slip test 1.Demonstration
India and the Contemporary World – II

Nationalism in novels on the French revolution followed by a Class 2. MCQ and discussion.
Europe room discussion and presentation. 3. Picture 2.Concept
based test Mapping
• World café/ Panel discussion/ debate using 4. CCT 3.Case study
5. Case 4.PPT
Collaborative learning, to explore the diverse social
Contemporary India – II

Based 5.AIL
groups and present it as a group.

21 & 35 Questions
6. Competen
• Use of maps, charts, and other tools to identify
2.Resources cy Based
and patterns and trends of land utilization Questions
Chapter- 1/1

• Case study and debate on the topic “Is the
development acting as an adversary for conservation”
and present a report in the form of PPT.
Power Sharing Classroom discussion on challenges faced by 1. Slip test 1.Demonstration

Understanding Economic Development

Belgium& Sri Lanka in ensuring effective power 2. MCQ through chart,
sharing. 3. Diagram PPT, Video,
Discuss various forms of power-sharing. based test
Model and
• Read Textual resource and other resources and 4. CCT
5. Picture discussion
present findings through graphic organizers

Democratic Politics – II
based test
Development • Case study to analyse and infer how the per capita 6. Competen 3.Concept
income depicts the economic condition of the nation. cy Based Mapping
• Graphic organizer to compare and contrast the Questions

Chapter- 1/1
relation between HDI and PCI
• Declamation to Analyses the multiple perspectives
on the need development

2 1. Slip test 1.Demonstration

• Declamation to Analyses the multiple perspectives 2.MCQ through video or
Development on the need development 3.Competency PPT and
4.Quiz Mapping
Understanding Economic Development

May / June

9 & 10 • Group discussion on the distribution of powers Discussion

between Union and state Government and present the
outcomes through presentations.
Democratic Politics – II

• Debate on policies and politics that strengthens
Federalism in practice and present through mind
Chapter- 1/2
3 Nationalism in •Panel discussion and seminar on life of Gandhiji and 1. Practice 1.Map skill
India other leaders in the different movements in India. test for
•Students will examine textual content and other different 2.Concept
references and Present through PPT. Movement Mapping
2. Slip test
3. MCQ 3.AIL
•Read newspaper articles/ watch videos on 4. CCT
Forest and deforestation and need for conservation and through 5. Source 4.Case study
Wildlife world café strategy present your findings. Based
Resources •Debate how developmental works, grazing wood Questions
cutting have impacted on the survival or otherwise of
India and the Contemporary World – II

Understanding Economic Development

the forests.
Contemporary India – II •Use art integration strategy to summarize and
present the reasons for conservation of biodiversity in
Chapter-2/2&3/2 India under sustainable development.

Water •Brainstorming session to discuss the scarcity of


24 & 35 Resources
water and present through graphic organizers
•Prepare a PPT to Summarize the roles of
Multipurpose projects in supporting the water
requirement of India.

•Data analyse various sectors and their contribution

Sectors of the
Indian in GDP and NDP.
Economy •Research based strategy to propose solutions to
identified problems in different sectors based on their
•Read Newspaper articles and group discussion to
Summarize how the organised and unorganised
sectors are providing employment and the challenges
faced by them
4 Gender, •Skit/ street play to enumerate how the differences in 1. Practice 1. Demonstration
Religion and gender, religion and caste impact the practicing test through video or

Democratic Politics – II / Contemporary India – II / India and the Contemporary World – II /

Caste healthy or otherwise in a Democracy. 2. MCQ PPT and
3. CCT discussion
•Graphic method to Analyse and infer how different 4. Competen 2.Concept
expressions based on differences in Gender, Religion cy Based Mapping
and Caste are healthy or unhealthy in a democracy. Questions 3.AIL
5. Quiz 4. Map skill
Agriculture • Discusses the challenges faced by farmers, such as 6. Oral Test 5.Inter
low productivity, lack of modern technology, Disciplinary
inadequate irrigation facilities, and post-harvest Project

Understanding Economic Development

The Making of losses and presents the findings through PPT
a Global • Use of graphic organizers to distinguish the
World. traditional and modern farming methods
(To be
evaluated in
• Students examine the photographic display/ new
the Board paper cutting that depict the destructive impact of

Examination - colonialism on the livelihoods of colonised people and

25 & 36
Subtopics:1 to •present their understandings in the form of
1.3 Pre Newsletter/ cartoon strips/ Inter Disciplinary Project
Modern World
to Conquest,
• Watch relevant Videos/ Visuals/ documentaries/ the
Disease and
movie clippings on features of Pre & Post economic,
political, social features of Pre and Post
The Age of
• Debate on the impact of Industrialisation in the
on(To be colonies with specific focus on India.
assessed as a
part of • Case based study to Analyse and infer various
periodic sources of Credit
Assessments • Guest Speaker Programme (bank manager/ a self-
help group member) to Summarizes the significance
Money and and role of self-help groups in the betterment of the
Credit economic condition of rural people/ women
5 Money and • Group discussion to Enumerate how money plays as 1. MCQ 1.Demonstration

Understanding Economic Development

Credit a medium exchange in all transactions of goods and 2. Match the through virtual
services since ancient times to the present times. column mode and
3. Fill in the
Globalization • Watch videos on globalisation followed by an blanks
and the Indian 4. CCT 2.Concept
interactive group discussion to enumerate the concept
Economy 5. Competen
of globalization and its definition, evolution, and Mapping
cy Based
impact on the global economy Questions 3.AIL
6. Quiz
• Read Textual and other resources to analyse and

infer the key drivers of globalization and their role in

shaping the global economic landscape.

22 & 33

Minerals and • Use graphic organizers to Infer the resource 1. MCQ 1.Demonstration
Energy distribution to real-world situations and proposes 2. Fill in the through virtual
Resources strategies for sustainable use of natural resources blanks
Contemporary India – II

mode and
3. CCT
• Use of flow chart to Differentiate between the 4. Competen
conventional and non-conventional sources of energy cy Based 2.Peer Leaning
5. Quiz 3.Concept
Chapter- 5


6 Political • Role play the role, purpose and no. of Political 1. Work 1.Presentation
Parties Parties in Democracy sheets through video or
2. Case PPT and
• Reads newspapers, watches video clippings to Questions

Democratic Politics – II
justify the contributions /non contributions made by 3. Competen 2.Concept
national and regional political parties in successful cy Based
functioning of Indian democracy. Questions
3.Role Play

Chapter- 4
7 Print Culture • Flow chart to depict the development of Print 1. Work 1.Presentation
India and the Contemporary

and the • Declamation on the profound transformation of sheets through video or

Modern World people due to the print revolution. 2. CCT PPT and
• Use of Venn diagram to compare the advantages of 3. Case
hand written books and the printed books Based

• Interpret and infer from pictures, cartoons, extracts Questions 2.Concept

16 & 20 4.Competency
from propaganda literature on important events and Mapping
issues with focus on print culture. Based
Chapter- 5
World – II

8 Manufacturing •Use of flow chart to differentiate between various 1. Slip test 1.Interactive
Industries types of manufacturing industries based on their 2. MCQ session with
input materials, processes, and end products. 3. CCT suitable case study
4. Case
from NCERT
• Utilizes the textual information (data given through Based
Questions 2.Peer Learning
various maps/ graphs) to Enumerates the impact of

Contemporary India – II
manufacturing industries on the environment, and 3.Discussion
develop strategies for sustainable development of the Questions 4.Map
manufacturing sector. 6.Quiz

Chapter- 6
• Uses Case Studies to Infers the relation between
availability of raw material and location of the

9 Outcomes of • Graphic organizer to enumerates how a success of 1. Slip test 1.Discussion

Democracy democracy depends on quality of government, 2. MCQ
economic wellbeing, in equality, social differences, 3. CCT 2.Peer Learning
Democratic Politics – II

conflict, freedom and dignity 4. Case

3. Concept

• Case study to Analyses and infers why sometimes Questions Mapping
the gap occurs between expected outcome and actual 5.Competency
outcome effects the success of Democracy. Based
Chapter- 4

10 Life Lines of Refer 1.Discussion
National Inter disciplinary project with chapter 3 of History: Annexure IV 2.IDP: Collage
Economy The making of a Global world and chapter 4 of Of CBSE preparation with
(i.Only map Economics: Globalization and the Indian Economy Curriculum
paper cuttings
pointing to be

Contemporary India – II
evaluated in 3.Concept
23/31 the Board approx 19- period for revision
ii.Interdisciplin 4.Map
ary project

Chapter- 7
assessed for 5

11 19/15 PRE-BOARD- 15-period-Revision


12 22/As PRE-BOARD- Revision: As Available


available II

Note:Project work:- Consumer Rights OR Social Issues OR Sustainable Development (Refer Annexure – III)

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