Human Following Robot Using Arduino Uno
Human Following Robot Using Arduino Uno
Human Following Robot Using Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno
Fig.-5: DC Motors
Fig.8: Switch
Tools Needed
Some tools names are given below:
1. Soldering Iron
2. Glue gun
3. Cutter
4. Knife
5. Screwdriver
6. Tweezer
7. Wire Strippers
8. Needle nose Pliers
We have successfully made the human following robot which is used to follow objects as well as humans. This
robot uses ultrasonic range sensors and Infrared sensors. The test was performed on the both ultrasonic
sensor and infrared sensor that the sensor was working accurately within the range of 10 cm. An ultrasonic
sensor is used to move the robot forward and backward. Infrared sensors are used to move the robot in the left
or right direction accordingly. Then we test the serial communication of Arduino, motor shield, and various
motors .
This robot took a lot of time to complete this project. We were faced lots of problems regarding the program
code, as there was huge numbers of error in the code which was further rectified it and lastly it works. Motors
drivers connections got interchanged which was rectified and our robot works perfectly fine. Finally, after the
lots of effort and time our objective was achieved which was to implement a good Human-Robot interaction.
In the world the robotics generation is coming. In this Object Following Robot, we can add a GSM module that
will give us the location of the robot, or we can add wireless remote controls to our robot to work as a remote
controller or to work as an automatic object following the robot. My project can be use in many areas like
hospitals for more accuracy and fast work in any emergency cases , in shpping malls to carry items , we can
attach various sensors and cameras to get more features. This project challenged the group to co-operate,
communicate, and expand understanding of electronics, mechanical systems, and integration with
programming . In this way, we completed this project by believe that our project will be helpful in future and it
will help human to do any kind of works & hence my purpose will be successful.
No volume of words is enough to express our gratitude towards our guide sir Mr. Tashi Rapden Wangchuk
Bhutia, Sr. lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering who has been very concerned
and guided for all the ideas and solve quires in the preparation of this project. They have been very
cooperative and sincere us through to see our hard work become fruitful.
We are very thankful to Mr. Mukesh Kumar Sharma, project coordinator for giving us the opportunity to carry
out this project. Also we are very much thankful to the owners of, Sapan Pradhan and Aakash
Prajapati for providing the required components at very low price and for providing every details and working
of parts and components.
We also want to express our thanks to our parents for giving us the time and money for this project. And finally,
I would like to express my gratitude towards my team members for giving their 100% effort and their hard
work to make our project succeed, without them and their support it was not possible to complete this project.
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