Pedestrian Safety Management System Using Automatically Retractable Bollards
Pedestrian Safety Management System Using Automatically Retractable Bollards
Pedestrian Safety Management System Using Automatically Retractable Bollards
Abstract—Pedestrian Safety in urban settings has been a rea- detection technologies, the system can accurately identify the
son for concern. Statistics show that the fatal accidents at a zebra presence of pedestrians at the crosswalk, enabling timely and
crossing are as a result of drivers or pedestrians failing to give appropriate actions to ensure their safety [3]. This real-time
the right of way. This negligence on the road can present itself
in the form of speedy drivers, pedestrian jaywalking, ignored detection capability is crucial in mitigating potential accidents
crosswalks, neglected stop signs and traffic lights, etc. A system and ensuring smooth traffic flow.
designed to create a safe and smart pedestrian crossing should Furthermore, the paper emphasizes the importance of op-
find a way to enforce traffic rules on both drivers and pedestrians. timizing traffic light synchronization to enhance pedestrian
Smart cities have been centering on pedestrian safety when it safety. Traditional traffic light timing strategies often prioritize
comes to traffic management. This conference paper presents
a novel approach for optimal pedestrian safety management vehicular traffic, which can result in pedestrians facing unsafe
at crosswalks through the integration of pedestrian detection crossing conditions. By dynamically adjusting traffic light
and synchronized control of traffic signals with automatically timings based on real-time congestion levels and pedestrian
retractable bollards. The proposed system leverages computer demand, the proposed system aims to create a more pedestrian-
vision-based pedestrian detection techniques to accurately iden- friendly environment [4]. This optimization strategy ensures
tify pedestrians in real-time, enabling the allocation of dedicated
pedestrian crossing phases. Upon pedestrian detection, the system that pedestrians are given sufficient time to cross safely, while
activates automatically retractable bollards, creating a physical minimizing traffic congestion and delays for vehicles.
barrier to prevent vehicles from entering the crosswalk area, To further enhance pedestrian safety, the paper introduces
thus enhancing pedestrian safety. The synchronization between the concept of automatically retractable bollards. These bol-
bollard activation and traffic signals ensures a harmonized inter- lards, strategically placed at the entry points of the crosswalk,
action between pedestrians and vehicles, improving overall traffic
flow efficiency. The effectiveness of the proposed solution has been can be activated to physically block vehicles from entering
demonstrated through various research studies, highlighting its the crosswalk when pedestrians are present. This additional
potential to minimize accidents and optimize pedestrian safety. physical barrier serves as a strong deterrent to prevent vehicles
Future advancements can explore the integration of advanced from encroaching on the crosswalk space, reducing the risk of
technologies and multi-sensor fusion for more robust detection accidents caused by driver negligence or non-compliance with
capabilities. The implementation of this system holds significant
promise in creating pedestrian-friendly urban environments and traffic rules [5].
enhancing the overall effectiveness of traffic management sys- The integration of pedestrian detection, traffic light synchro-
tems. nization, and automatically retractable bollards in a coherent
Index Terms—Pedestrian safety management, Crosswalk op- and optimized manner holds great potential for improving
timization, Pedestrian detection, Traffic light synchronization, pedestrian safety at crosswalks. By combining these compo-
Automatically retractable bollards, Urban pedestrian safety,
Intelligent crosswalk solutions, Real-time pedestrian monitoring, nents, the proposed system not only addresses the immediate
Pedestrian-vehicle collision prevention, Adaptive traffic infras- safety concerns but also offers an efficient solution that mini-
tructure mizes delays for both pedestrians and vehicles.
However, it is important to acknowledge that the imple-
I. I NTRODUCTION mentation of such a system may present certain challenges
Pedestrian safety management is of paramount importance and limitations. One challenge lies in the integration of vari-
in urban environments, where heavy traffic and busy cross- ous technologies and infrastructure modifications required to
walks pose significant risks to pedestrians. Ensuring the safe support the system. This may involve significant initial costs
movement of pedestrians across crosswalks requires efficient and logistical considerations, particularly in existing urban
and effective solutions that address the complex dynamics environments with limited space and resources. Additionally,
between pedestrians and vehicles. In this context, this paper the effectiveness of the system may vary depending on factors
presents a novel approach to optimize pedestrian safety man- such as weather conditions, pedestrian density, and driver com-
agement at crosswalks through the integration of pedestrian pliance. Therefore, careful planning, comprehensive testing,
detection, traffic light synchronization, and the use of auto- and continuous monitoring are essential to ensure the system’s
matically retractable bollards [1]. reliability and effectiveness in diverse real-world scenarios.
The proposed solution recognizes the need for a com- In summary, this conference paper proposes an innovative
prehensive system that combines advanced technologies and approach to optimize pedestrian safety management at cross-
infrastructure enhancements to create a safe and efficient walks through the integration of pedestrian detection, traffic
pedestrian crossing experience [2]. By leveraging pedestrian light synchronization, and the use of automatically retractable
bollards. The synergistic combination of these components lights, along with audible warnings, aim to alert both drivers
aims to create a safer and more efficient pedestrian cross- and pedestrians, thereby reducing car accidents. However, it
ing experience. While challenges and limitations exist, the does not address the potential impact of external factors, such
potential benefits in terms of pedestrian safety and traffic flow as weather conditions, on the system’s performance.
optimization make this solution a promising avenue for further An automated transportation system was proposed to elevate
research and implementation in urban settings. the waiting pedestrians horizontally across the road within a
span of 2-3 seconds [8]. This system is promising in terms
II. L ITERATURE R EVIEW of economizing on the waiting time period of vehicles and
Research in pedestrian safety management is extensive ensuring a congestion free traffic flow. It goes further to ensure
and thorough. There are a number of solutions with varying accessibility to the physically challenged pedestrians, children
optimization to facilitate safe pedestrian movement across and elderly. However the implementation of this system at the
heavy traffic roads. A few of the most optimal solutions to site of the crossing is an infrastructural challenge. IoT based
the presented problem have been summarized in this section models, on the other hand, can be built over the existing traffic
with due speculation on their limitations. The efficiency of management infrastructure. Moreover, it poses another safety
implementation of a system changes with the contextual risk in terms of elevator and vehicular collision as a result of
settings. A highly efficient elevator based zebra crossing driver’s negligence. This system is efficient in urban settings
might be suitable for an infrastructurally sound urban setting with proper infrastructure however, fails to solve one of the
while it will be a maintenance challenge in a setting with main concerns stated in the problem statement and furthers
limited resources and structural integrity. Similar reflection on the fatality of accidents if there occurs one. Another similar
a number of studies has been presented in the following text. system was proposed involving an IR sensor module that is
The first problem to deal with in this paper is to figure out used to monitor pedestrian and traffic congestion continuously
the most optimal method for detection of pedestrian traffic [9]. When the pedestrian density is high, the traffic signal
on and near both ends of the crosswalk. There is sufficient turns red for vehicles, and a motorized platform placed on the
literature of various detection methods using different kinds zebra crossing line automatically uplifts to allow pedestrians
of sensors. Categorizing broadly, we can detect pedestrians to safely cross. However, limitations on such a system remain
using either computer vision techniques or infrared sensors. such as the risk of pedestrians falling or the impact of the
Moreover, using computer vision techniques we can not only platform on wheelchair users or individuals with mobility
detect pedestrians but we can delve deeper into their intention challenges. Again, implementation of the motorized platform
or movement mapping to create a better understanding of or its maintenance and operation also poses infrastructural
pedestrian movement prediction for preemptive measures. challenges.
In a study in 2007, a method to detect pedestrians and their Another system utilizes image processing software, specifi-
real-time positions was proposed using Kalman Prediction [6]. cally Open Computer Vision, to detect zebra lines and reduce
The method allows for a preemptive judgment of potential the speed of vehicles [10]. The main objective is to control
pedestrian-vehicular collision points and communicates the the speed of vehicles and horn noise in zebra crossing zones,
same to drivers who can then in turn avoid those specific aiming to improve pedestrian safety. There are limitations
points and move on safely. The study demonstrated that the related to different lighting conditions or road surface vari-
algorithm performed well in terms of the reliability and real- ations that may affect zebra line detection accuracy of the
time operation. However, due to the lack of generalizability system. Moreover, there are insights provided into the potential
of the algorithm to different scenarios and road and weather scalability or adaptability of the system to different traffic
conditions, the implementation of such a system is highly scenarios or road environments.
limited. Some methods for increasing pedestrian safety in vehicles
Furthermore, research has been conducted on an experi- heavily relies on smartphones. Smartphone use generally re-
mental crosswalk assistance system based on Visible Light sults in fewer fatal pedestrian-vehicle collisions. The driver
Communication [?]. This system works on capturing and and the pedestrian both receive alerts from this device. Honda
communicating information derived from pedestrian detection and Qualcomm have collaborated for the past two years to
in the form of visible lights with the driver’s phone within make the most of the safety system so that vehicles can easily
the range of 20-40 meters. Communication based systems communicate with one another via mobile devices and an-
like these are good for ensuring an interactive zebra crossing ticipate potential pedestrian-vehicle collisions. The initiative’s
and keeping the pedestrians and drivers alert. However, efforts objective was to warn both the driver and the pedestrian so
need to be extended to ensure that the pedestrians and drivers they can take swift alternative action to prevent a collision.
are not alerted but only given regulated freedom of movement For areas without traffic lights or crosswalks, a model was
around a crosswalk. developed and tested on how pedestrians and cars interact. The
In a more recent pedestrian safety management system author’s primary goal is to create a simulation model to better
based on cloud convergence, when pedestrians are detected understand how vehicles and pedestrians cross at unsignalized
crossing the zebra crossing, warning lights based on a pre- intersections. On pedestrian collisions, driver responses, and
programmed operation strategy are activated [7]. The warning delays brought on by pedestrians, tests and demonstrations are
conducted. Improved efficiency and safety are demonstrated by
the simulation model.
In conclusion, the different methodologies have presented
viable solutions to the problems illustrated in the introduction.
However, issues like stopping pedestrians from jaywalking and
accounting for driver negligence while implementing smart
traffic lights and automatically retractable bollard barriers
isolating the crosswalk have not been implemented in a single
coherent study. This paper aims to provide an economically
viable solution that is infrastructurally coherent with the
existing traffic management systems.
A. bollards
Automatically retractable bollards are innovative traffic Fig. 2. Bollard positioning top view
management devices that serve as physical barriers to restrict
vehicles from entering the crosswalk while pedestrians are
crossing the road. In order to address the critical issue of ensur- Once all pedestrians have safely crossed, the bollards auto-
ing pedestrian safety at crosswalks, we propose the integration matically retract into the ground, allowing vehicular traffic to
of automatically retractable bollards as an effective traffic resume without disruption. This innovative solution combines
management solution. These bollards would be strategically real-time detection, intelligent control, and physical barriers to
positioned at the entrance of crosswalks, creating a physical optimize crosswalk safety and foster a harmonious interaction
barrier to restrict vehicles from entering the pedestrian space between pedestrians and vehicles.
during crossing intervals. Top and sectional views of these B. Operational mechanism
bollards post installation are illustrated in Fig 1. By deploying
The operational mechanism of the proposed system as illus-
this technology, we aim to enhance pedestrian safety, improve
trated in Fig. 3 involves the integration of various components,
traffic flow efficiency, and promote a pedestrian-friendly envi-
including pedestrian detection sensors, smart traffic manage-
ment algorithms, and the automatically retractable bollards.
Pedestrian detection sensors, such as video cameras or infrared
sensors, would be deployed near the crosswalk to detect the
presence of pedestrians. These sensors would feed real-time
data to the smart traffic management algorithms, which would
analyze the information and determine the appropriate times to
activate the retractable bollards. When pedestrians are detected
The proposed system incorporating automatically re- F. Pilots and Field Trials
tractable bollards, pedestrian detection, and synchronized traf- Conducting pilots and field trials in real-world settings is
fic signals presents a promising approach to enhance pedes- crucial to validate the system’s performance, identify chal-
trian safety at crosswalks. However, there are several areas lenges, and gather practical feedback. Collaborative efforts
for future improvements and potential implementations that between transportation authorities, research institutions, and
can further enhance the system’s effectiveness. This section technology providers can facilitate such trials, allowing for
discusses these aspects and outlines the possibilities for future iterative improvements and fine-tuning of the system based on
development and implementation. real-world data [30].
A. Advanced Sensor Technologies G. Integration with Smart City Initiatives
Continued advancements in sensor technologies hold great Integrating the pedestrian safety management system with
potential for improving pedestrian detection accuracy and broader smart city initiatives can unlock additional benefits. By
reliability. Technologies such as LiDAR (Light Detection and integrating with intelligent transportation systems, traffic man-
Ranging) and stereo vision provide richer depth informa- agement platforms, and real-time data analytics, the system
tion, enabling better detection and tracking of pedestrians, can enable more proactive and data-driven decision-making.
This integration can lead to optimized traffic flow, improved in real-world scenarios, contributing to the goal of creating
pedestrian safety, and efficient resource allocation [31]. pedestrian-friendly cities and reducing pedestrian accidents at
In conclusion, future improvements in sensor technologies, crosswalks.
machine learning, and integration with V2X communication
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