XiO IMRT Training Guide Release 5.10
XiO IMRT Training Guide Release 5.10
XiO IMRT Training Guide Release 5.10
Training Guide
Revision History
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© 2015 IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Do not make printed or electronic copies of this guide, or parts of it,
without written permission from IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc.
The information in this guide is for the sole use of IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc. personnel, authorized users and licensees of
IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc. products, and no other purpose.
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Document ID: LTGXIOIMRT0510
Part Number: C#98914-EN
Table of Contents
XiO IMRT Training Guide
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XiO iii
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
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XiO v
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
Table of Contents
XiO vii
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
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XiO ix
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction to XiO IMRT
IMRT Overview
• It is editable.
• It is a mathematical
• No real physics
4 intensity levels
Two Intensity Levels
Intensity = x
Intensity = 2x
Segment Creation
+ +
Generate Treatment Aids
If using MLCs and Smart Sequencing:
1) Set your Minimum MU/Segment
2) Set Minimum Segment Area
3) To help minimize the total number of
Segments, Input Segment Suppression
• Sliding Window produces segments are typically long and vertical in shape.
In general, the segments progress in a smooth, logical fashion from one
side of the field to another. The purpose of the design is minimize the
change in segment movement.
• Smart Sequencing is a Hyperion-based segmenter that produces segments
based on Clusters or groups of similar intensities. In general, the segments
take the shape of squares and rectangles and do not necessarily follow a
logical sequence. The purpose of the design is to produce fewer segments
which may help to reduce treatment time.
• You can use all current options including Smoothing, Field Extensions, and
Segment Weight Optimization (SWO) with both the Sliding Window and
Smart Sequencer sequencers.
• The following slide contains visual examples of each.
Generate Treatment Aids
Segment Progression from Sliding Window is independent of site
Location (breast, head and neck, prostate, etc).
IMRT Overview
Contouring is a very important part of the IMRT process. Field sizes are
smaller and more conformal in IMRT plans than in traditional 3D plans, so
creating contours that actually represent the volume of the structure is
imperative. You should note that any structure for which you intend to
deliver dose or restrict dose in the IMRT prescription must be contoured. A
text book that may be useful when beginning contouring for IMRT is, Clinical
Target Volumes in Conformal and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, V.
Gregorie, P. Scalliet, K.K. Ang.
XiO® 2-1
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
3D Auto-margin Generation
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
The following example demonstrates the effect of clipping inside the patient
surface. The yellow line represents the original contour of breast tissue. To
improve the optimization by removing tissue that is in the buildup region,
use the Clip at Patient Surface option to produce a contour that is shown
here in light blue. Only the contour at the surface is affected using this tool.
If you have more than one target, you should create a 3D auto-margin that
encompasses all targets. The structure margin is not used in the IMRT
prescription, but rather, used for isocenter placement as well as conforming
the collimator jaws.
XiO® 2-3
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Transition Volumes
In cases where you have abutting target structures, target structures within
target structures, or abutting target structures and organs at risk that have
different dose prescriptions, it is often necessary to create a structure called
a "transition volume." A transition volume is a structure that you can create
using 3D auto-margin to help transition the dose in a high gradient region
between two structures with different prescriptions. Refer to the Planning
Suggestions discussed in Section 3 of this guide for information on creating
and prescribing to a transition volume.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Beam Requirements
You must model machines for IMRT. You should use asymmetric jaws, and
remove wedges from IMRT-specific machines. XiO does not support the
Clarkson algorithm for IMRT planning.
Isocenter Placement
You should place the isocenter as such so that you cover all targets as
symmetrically as possible. If you have only one target volume, you should
place the isocenter in the center of that target. If you have two or more
targets, you should place the isocenter in the center of the structure
combination that encompasses all targets. You could create this structure
combination using the 3D Auto-margin function.
XiO® 2-5
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Before you begin planning, you should automatically set your collimator
jaws to create field sizes that encompass all beams symmetrically or
asymmetrically around the target(s). For compensator-based IMRT, you
should create a conformal MLC or conformal block/aperture for each beam,
as the compensating filter cannot attenuate enough of the beam outside of
the target area for adequate shielding. Ensure there is an adequate margin,
0.5 cm is a good starting point for compensator-based IMRT. For all other
forms of IMRT, a margin of 1.0 cm is a good starting point. There is no need
to create static MLC ports for the segmented MLC delivery, but conforming
the collimator jaws to the target(s) with a margin greater than the
optimization margin is recommended.
The optimizer will not move the jaws during the optimization process.
Therefore, if you do not want your beams to split, you should manually set
the jaws up to be smaller than the split limit. Portions of a target that are
not included in the reduced field should be treated by another field.
Click the Port drop-down menu and select the Auto, Active Beam, and
Multiple Beams options to create the jaw setting or ports for multiple beams
at once.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
There are five major IMRT buttons (shown in the above toolbar) that walk
you through the IMRT process.
• IMRT Parameters
• IMRT Prescription
• Start Optimization
Reviewing each of these buttons will assist you in creating an IMRT plan in
IMRT Parameters is where you select your modulator type and the
beams to be optimized.
XiO® 2-7
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• Compensating Filter
If you choose compensating filter as the modulator type, XiO allows you to
select a filter type of .decimal, Huestis, or Par Scientific and edit the filter
material, the tray distance, and the filter effective attenuation coefficient for
each beam. Setup in Source File Maintenance (SFM) is required for each
compensating filter type before being it can used for planning. The
compensating filter tray factor can be edited for non .decimal compensators.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Under the heading Opt Yes/No, set the beams you want to optimize to Yes;
set all others (if any) to No. Use the following scenarios to guide you when
determining which beams to optimize.
If you are creating a single IMRT plan, XiO lists all the IMRT beams on the
IMRT Parameters page.
If you are creating a boost IMRT plan, XiO lists beams from the original plan
on the IMRT Parameters page as long as they meet the beam requirements
for IMRT planning (Photon beam, not Clarkson algorithm and contain no
blocks). If the original beams are turned to the On position on the Weights
page when you create the boost plan, the dose from the original plan will be
taken into consideration when planning the boost (synchronous IMRT).
Therefore, you will need to enter total doses in the prescription, or turn the
original plan’s beams off on the Weights page and plan the boost alone.
If you are creating a boost IMRT plan and the original plan was an IMRT
plan, XiO lists beams for all the plans on the IMRT Parameters page. When
you plan the boost, do not optimize the original plan’s beams. Set them to
No, or you will lose the integrity of the first plan. The dose from the original
plan is taken into consideration when planning the boost (synchronous
IMRT), that is, unless you turn the original plan’s beams off on the Weights
page and plan the boost alone. In the latter case, only the boost IMRT plan
beams is listed on the IMRT Parameters window.
XiO® 2-9
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Refer to the Planning Suggestions section of this guide for more information
on composite planning and synchronous IMRT.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
XiO activates the scrollbar at the right side of the prescription window if the
number of structures contoured exceeds the available space on the page.
There is also an interactive DVH where you can manipulate the DVH curves.
When filling out the prescription panel for the first time, the only system-
populated fields are the Structure, Type, and Rank fields.
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XiO lists all structures that have been contoured for this patient. Before
filling out the IMRT prescription panel, you should determine which
structures you want to optimize. In Task 1, it was suggested to create 3D
auto-margins around some targets and OARs. You may want to prescribe to
these structures. However, when you review your DVH after optimization,
analyze the coverage of the original targets and OARs.
If you would like to sort your structures by type, click the Type heading. XiO
lists all targets at the top of the list or all targets at the bottom of the list.
The structure assigned the higher priority "owns" the voxels in the overlap
region. Therefore, the objective function for the higher priority structure
includes the contribution of these voxels, but the objective function for the
lower priority structure does not include these voxels. One (1) is considered
the highest priority; higher numbers have lower priorities.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Rank (cont.)
In this example, the PTV
"owns" the voxels in the
overlap region. The
PTV rank = 1
optimizer applies the
Rectum rank = 2
objectives associated
with the PTV to this
portion of the rectum
that is in the overlap
Rectum region.
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Rank (cont.)
In this example, the
voxels in the overlap
region are shared. The
PTV rank = 1 optimizer decides the
Rectum rank = 1 dose to put in this region
based on the Prescription
taking weight and power
assigned to each
Rectum structure into account.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Once you determine the structures to be optimized and assign a type and
rank, the dose objectives can be set. To set the objectives, right-click on the
line where you want to add your first objective. XiO shows a drop-down
menu with the options available for that structure type.
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A good starting point for an IMRT plan is to enter the actual required dose as
the minimum and enter a maximum 3-5% above the minimum.
After you add these doses, you then have the opportunity to select the Add
Goal dose. This is an optional parameter. By default, the goal is set half way
between the minimum and maximum. The goal is the point between the
minimum and maximum where there is no penalty applied. In some cases,
you would want to move the goal toward the minimum dose objective. This
is because you most likely want to avoid large cold spots in the target, but
are willing to accept larger hot spots.
With the prescribed dose set as the minimum objective, setting the goal dose
the same or close to the minimum can be very useful when the
minimum/maximum spread is very large. By changing the goal dose, you
shift the linear portion of the objective function curve from the center
toward the minimum or the maximum dose. Consider an example where the
minimum dose is 6600 and the maximum dose is 7000. If you do not add a
goal, the objective function assumes the goal is 6800. If you change the goal
to 6700, the objective function curve shifts as shown on the following page.
Any dose above 6700 will be penalized by the maximum dose function, and
any doses below 6700 will be penalized by the minimum dose function.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
For an OAR, your first option is to add a Maximum objective. Once you select
the objective, you can enter the dose value for that objective. This objective
sets the maximum dose you would like to achieve within that structure. The
minimum dose will be zero. You are not required to enter a maximum dose
(i.e., zero is an acceptable maximum).
The second option is to add a Dose Volume objective. Placing dose volumes
can help shape the DVH curve. Once you select this option, you can edit the
Volume (%) value. For example, a dose volume would be placed if you want
no more than 50% of a structure to receive a dose in excess of 3000. You
can place up to five dose volume objectives per OAR.
After you select either one or both of these options for objective dose for the
OAR, you can set a Threshold dose. This is an optional parameter similar to
a goal dose for a target. By default, the threshold is set to zero, since ideally
you would like all doses to the OAR to be zero. But, if you would like to allow
no cost to be applied up to a certain delivered dose to the OAR, you can set
that dose as your threshold. The penalty will be applied only after that dose
has been reached.
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The spinal cord is an organ that may benefit from having a threshold dose as
it is acceptable to give a dose up to the tolerance dose but not above it. A
threshold dose of 4000 cGy with a max of 4500 cGy means that the cord does
not incur penalties for doses received up to 4000 cGy only those once the
4000 cGy has been met.
There are several other options available on the drop-down menu for any
structure type:
Delete All Objectives deletes all the objectives for the structure selected.
All Objectives On and All Objectives Off turns the selected structure on or off
for the optimization.
Show/Hide Unused toggles the structure list from showing all the structures
contoured, to showing only the structures where you have entered
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Power is an option you can use to increase the penalty to those voxels with
doses in violation of a structure’s objective. It should be used instead of
weight and only used when increasing the weight does not achieve the
desired objectives. Power is particularly useful when applied to a max dose
constraint that is not being achieved with the default values. The numerical
value of this field determines the exponent for the non-linear portion of the
objective function curve. The values range from 2.0 to 5.0 in increments of
0.1. A value of 2.0 indicates a standard "quadratic" penalty.
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IMRT Planning and Workflow
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XiO® 2-21
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You can move any minimum, maximum, goal, or threshold dose point on the
DVH graph by left-clicking on the DVH point and dragging it to a new
Expand the graph by dragging the small box located at the lower left corner
of the graph to the left.
Zoom in on any portion of the graph by holding down the Ctrl key and
dragging a selection box around the part of the graph that you want to zoom.
When you right-click in the DVH window, XiO offers you the following
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
XiO® 2-23
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The step increment value sets the size of your beamlets in the direction of
leaf travel at isocenter for MLC-based optimization. In the case of MLC-
based IMRT, you can only set this value in the X direction. (The Y direction
is a function of the MLC width.) If using compensating filters, you can set the
resolution in both the X and Y directions. The step increment you choose
must be the same as or larger than the calculation volume grid spacing.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
The following intensity maps demonstrate the effect of decreasing the step
increment from a 1 cm increment to a 0.5 cm increment using MLC leaves.
Since the leaves are 0.5 cm in width, this dimension stays the same on both
intensity maps. Note however, that the length of the intensity bixels on the
first intensity map is 1 cm and the length on the second is 0.5 cm.
1.0 x 0.5 cm
0.5 x 0.5 cm
The Minimum Transmission Multiplier is a tool you can use to account for
transmission dose in areas mainly covered by closed leaves during the
delivery of a segmented MLC beam. The product of the user-definable
Minimum Transmission Multiplier, the MLC transmission (defined in Source
File Maintenance) and the maximum beamlet intensity (calculated for each
intensity map) are used to establish the minimum value for beamlet
intensities. In cases where there is significant modulation, increasing this
value should improve the agreement between the optimized dose
distribution and the final dose distribution of your final plan due to
underestimation of transmission. For example, consider an ideal map
composed of two peaks that are delivered one at a time.
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Solid DP - Min. Transmission Multiplier 1 The yellow line across the transverse image
Dashed DP - Min. Transmission Multiplier 6 represents the location of the dose profiles.
Until you become more comfortable with this tool, we suggest that you
optimize using the default value of 1.0. If you find that the doses to critical
structures in the final plan are excessively degraded, try re-optimizing with
a higher Minimum Transmission Multiplier. The range is 1 to 10.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Enter a value that represents how often you would like the scored DVH to
update during the optimization. The range is from 0 to 300. If you never
want it to update, enter 0. Enter 1 if you want the DVH to update with each
iteration. If you have a slower computer or just do not want it to update
with each optimization, enter a higher number.
Initial Optimization
These settings affect the initial fluence optimization, which results in the
generation of ideal intensity maps. In this step, individual beamlet weights
are optimized.
Convergence Criterion
The Convergence Criterion sets the termination point for the IMRT
optimization iterations. When the difference in the Score Function from one
iteration to the next goes below the Convergence Criterion, the iterations
will stop. The lower you set this value, the more iterations it performs. To
ensure the optimizer does not stop short, set a value of 0.001.
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Maximum Iterations
This function allows you the freedom to set the maximum number of
iterations very high or very low depending on your objective for the
optimization. The optimization will stop when the convergence criterion or
the maximum number of iterations have been met, whichever comes first.
The bulk of the optimization occurs in the first 30 iterations. After these
small improvements are made to a point where there is no significant
change in the plan, 60 iterations is a reasonable value to set for the
maximum number of iterations.
Scatter Extent
When XiO applies the beamlet dose model, scatter is taken into account
during the optimization. Scatter extent is the distance any beamlet
contributes dose beyond its geometric edges. XiO measures scatter extent
from the edge (not the center) of the beamlet. If the scatter extent is zero,
the optimization algorithm ignores scatter altogether. The larger you set the
scatter extent, the better the optimized plan will represent the final plan
once treatment aids are generated. Increasing the scatter extent also
increases the optimization time. A minimum of 1.5 cm should be used, but
higher values should be used for more complex sites. The scatter extent
should be set large enough to fully span narrow critical organs such as the
spinal cord or optic nerves. If your treatment-planning computer has a
limited amount of memory that causes problems, you may need to limit the
scatter extent to a value of 1 cm.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Optimization Margin
XiO® 2-29
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Smoothing Parameters
Until you become more familiar with the smoothing options, you should use
the predefined ones as outlined here. The GeneralHighSmoothing option is a
good general smoothing option that could be used in many cases. In general,
Simple, Intermediate, and Complex smoothing options refer to the
complexity of the case and the level of smoothing is scaled accordingly.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Initial Optimization
See the physics section on Adaptive Diffusion Smoothing for more detailed
information regarding the smoothing algorithm.
XiO® 2-31
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Fluence Optimization
Dcurrent is the current dose to a voxel
D prescribed is the prescribed dose to a voxel
a is the weight
n is the power
Score Function = Target max doseobjective + Target min doseobjective + OAR max doseobjective
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Initial Optimization
The score function is a measure of how close the dose distribution is to the
user- defined dose objectives. You control the maximum number of
iterations and the convergence criterion.
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Once the initial optimization and segmentation takes place, XiO calculates
the final plan and optimizes the beam weights. Beam Weight Optimization
uses the same prescription as the initial optimization to determine the final,
optimum beam weights. Individual segment weights are not optimized in
this step; only the weights of the entire beams are adjusted. Beam Weight
Optimization optimizes the loss between the optimized plan and the
segmented or compensated plan.
Convergence Criterion
The convergence criterion sets the termination point for the IMRT
optimization iterations. When the difference in the Score Function from one
iteration to the next goes below the convergence criterion, the iterations will
stop. The lower you set this value, the more iterations it performs. To
enable the optimizer to reach a good solution, the value here should be
Maximum Iterations
This function allows you the freedom to set the maximum number of
Setting the Convergence Criteria and Maximum Iterations too low could
cause premature optimization convergence and therefore result in a set of
beam weights that are truly not optimized. Allow the optimizer to reach a
good solution. Set at least 30 iterations. Given the improvements made to
XiO IMRT in version 4.2 (i.e., the pencil beam model), you may find this final
round of optimization unnecessary and sometimes elect not to perform
beam weight optimization altogether (that is, set maximum iterations to
zero). It is better to perform no beam weight optimization than to run an
insufficient number of iterations, and therefore converge at a non-optimum
set of beam weights. If powers were used in the dose prescription, the beam
weight optimization could be skewed to favor those select criteria, resulting
in a sub-optimal final dose distribution. In this case, either set the number of
iterations to 0 (to skip the optimization), or set it to a high number such as
50 to allow the optimizer to work on all entered dose constraints.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Once you set up the optimization criteria, you can begin the optimization.
To do this, click the Start button. Before the optimization process begins, all
beams are divided into beamlets whose dimensions depend on the user-
defined values for step increment if using MLCs, or resolution, if using
compensators. This calculation is done using a pencil beam algorithm
calibrated against Convolution or Superposition, depending on the algorithm
you chose in the beginning. The optimization engine is then initialized and
an iterative process using a ‘conjugate gradient’ method is used to vary
individual beamlet intensities until a solution is reached. The variation in
beamlet intensities from one iteration to the next depends on the total
penalty calculated with each iteration. As the optimizer runs through its
iterations, the DVH updates based on the value set for Iterations between
DVH Update. When the difference from the previous iteration to the current
iteration meets the convergence criterion or when the maximum number of
iterations is reached, the optimization terminates and the Status is listed as
Optimization Complete. If necessary, you can stop the iterations manually by
clicking the Stop button.
If you need to adjust the objectives, return to the prescription page, make
adjustments, and start the optimizer again.
The same options as the prescription graph apply to the optimization graph,
such as toggling the legend, grid, etc. For more information, review the
Prescription DVH Options.
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IMRT Planning and Workflow
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XiO® 2-37
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To quickly evaluate the DVH of the optimized plan, click the Histogram
button on the IMRT supporting toolbar and select the structures you want to
show. At this point, the doses are based on the ideal intensity map doses
only. Use the DVH as a tool to evaluate the prescription you have given, and
to verify that it results in structure doses are reasonable.
NOTE: If you have overlapping structures, the voxels that are in the
overlap region will always be included in the DVH for every
structure. Structure priorities only affect the optimization and
optimization graph, not the DVH calculation.
To quickly evaluate the isodose for the optimized plan, click the Isodose
Lines button on the IMRT supporting toolbar and enter the isodose lines
you want to view. To view the isodoses in 3D, click the Dose in MPV
button on the IMRT supporting toolbar. Remember, these isodoses are
based on the ideal intensity map doses only and will change when this ideal
intensity map is converted to deliverable segments. The isodoses help you
evaluate hot and cold volumes on your optimized plan
You can quickly evaluate the plan’s statistics on the DVH Statistics tab of the
Histogram dialog box.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Select DVH Statistics from the mouse menu in the DVH window.
2. You can see multiple goals for a structure. Click on the structure name
and select Add Goal from the mouse menu to add a new for a structure.
3. You can remove goals from a structure. Click on the structure name
and select Remove Goal from the mouse menu to remove the row.
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4. You can print a DVH Statistics Report. Click in the table and select Print
DVH Stats. XiO prints the report.
Min Dose (cGy or Gy): Type the minimum dose the structure should
receive. You can see the minimum dose to the structure in the Actual
column. If the Actual minimum dose is greater than or equal to the
minimum dose you entered, XiO highlights the Actual cell in green.
Max Dose (cGy or Gy): Type the maximum dose the structure should
receive. You can see the maximum dose to the structure in the Actual
column. If the Actual maximum dose is less than or equal to the
minimum dose you entered, XiO highlights the Actual cell in green.
Target Mean (cGy or Gy): Type the mean dose the structure should
receive. You can see the mean dose to the structure in the Actual
column. If the Actual Mean dose is greater than or equal to the mean
dose you entered, XiO highlights the Actual cell in green.
OAR Mean (cGy or Gy): Type the mean dose the structure should
receive. You can see the mean dose to the structure in the Actual
column. If the Actual Mean dose is less than or equal to the mean dose
you entered, XiO highlights the Actual cell in green.
Min DVH Volume (% or cc): Type the volume (either % or cc) and the
minimum dose that volume should receive. You can see the volume
receiving that dose in the Actual column. If the Actual Volume is
greater than or equal to the volume you entered, XiO highlights the
Actual cell in green.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Max DVH Volume (% or cc): Type the volume (either % or cc) and the
maximum dose that volume should receive. You can see the volume
receiving that dose in the Actual column. If the Actual Volume is less
than or equal to the volume you entered, XiO highlights the Actual cell
in green.
Min DVH Dose (cGy or Gy): Type the minimum dose and the volume
that should receive this dose. In the Actual column, you see the Dose
to the Volume you entered. If the Actual Dose is greater than or equal
to the Dose you entered, XiO highlights the Actual cell in green.
Max DVH Dose (cGy or Gy): Type the maximum dose and the volume
that should receive this dose. In the Actual column, you see the Dose
to the Volume you entered. If the Actual Dose is less than or equal to
the Dose you entered, XiO highlights the Actual cell in green.
You can load and save templates which include the structures and
Goals you use frequently.
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10. Select the template from the list of choices in the drop-down box. XiO
replaces the structures currently shown in the histogram with the
structures from the template. XiO loads the values for the Structure
Name, Goal Type, Goal Volume (%) and Goal Dose. After loading the
template, XiO recalculates the Volume, Min Dose, Max Dose, Mean Dose,
and Goal Volume (cc), Actual values and % Inclusion.
Re-display a Histogram
If you create a histogram, then change something about the plan that forces
a re-calculation, such as generating treatment aids, XiO removes the DVH
structures from the graph. Once the calculation is complete, XiO re-displays
the structures on the DVH graph.
The Create Structure from Isodose feature lets you move or remove a hot
spot if you change the isodose curve to an optimization structure, and then
set objectives in the IMRT Prescription page. You can also use this tool to
find the volume inside a specific isodose level.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
NOTE: When you select Create Structure from Isodose, the system
assigns 1.0 as the default density. This density is not “forced”
or overridden for pixel-by-pixel calculations. If you want to
assign a density other than 1.0 to the converted isodose, then
change the assigned electron density of that structure after
you create it
2. Note the Isodose Value corresponds to the hot spot used to create the
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3. In the Isodose Lines dialog box, select Create Structure. This selection
shows the Create Structure from Isodose dialog box.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
4. In the Create Structure from Isodose dialog box, type a value less than
1.0cc in the Minimum Volume (cc) field to create a structure that more
closely matches the volume inside the isodose level.
5. Proceed to the IMRT Prescription page and set objectives for the new
After you evaluate your optimized plan, you can make changes to the IMRT
prescription. If this is your intention, go back to the IMRT Prescription page.
To do this, click the IMRT Prescription button, make changes, and then re-
optimize. To do this, click the Start button on the Start IMRT Optimization
dialog box.
NOTE: While you review the DVH and isodoses of the optimized
plan, note that IMRT Dose appears in the bottom right corner
of the window. In its place, Dose Valid and OPT DOSE show on
the DVH. You can also look at the Source Data. But, no
monitor units show until XiO calculates the final dose.
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
After the optimization is complete, you have the ability to turn on the ideal
intensity map in a BEV or ABV window. The Ideal Intensity map is a
graphical representation of the IMRT beam used to show the optimized
intensity (the ideal fluence) of the beamlets projected to isocenter in the
absence of the patient. The ideal intensity map is essentially a mathematical
concept. It shows the configuration of beamlet intensities that the optimizer
has determined would be needed into order to satisfy the prescription goals.
It does not take into account limitations due to treatment aids (MLCs or
compensators). You can quickly turn on the intensity map using the Display
Intensity Maps/BEV button , or click the Tools drop-down menu and
select Display Intensity Maps to view more options. From the Display
Intensity Maps dialog box, you have the additional options of changing the
highest intensity to black or white and viewing the anatomy in outlines or
full structures. You can print ideal intensity maps from the File drop-down
menu by selecting the Print and Intensity Maps options, or send to an ASCII
file from the Tools drop-down menu and selecting the Output Intensity Maps
in ASCII option.
You can also edit the ideal intensity map. If you would like to change the
intensity of individual pixels, right-click in the BEV or ABV window and
select the Edit Intensity Map option. Use the mouse to point to a pixel where
you want to change the intensity, then hold your left mouse button down
and drag right to increase the intensity or left to decrease the intensity. You
can sample the intensity map without editing by clicking your right mouse
button on the BEV or ABV window and selecting the Sample Intensity Map
option. If you edit an intensity map, XiO updates the isodoses to reflect the
changes due to the new intensity value. The DVHs may be recomputed and
will also reflect the changes due to the new intensity value.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Continue here if you are using MLCs for modulation. If you are planning with
Compensating Filters, go to Sub-task 4B.
Once you optimize and are satisfied with the DVH and/or isodoses of the
optimized plan, you can continue by generating treatment aids. XiO creates
MLC patterns in the form of segments in an attempt to generate intensities
that mimic the ideal intensity map.
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Depending on the type of treatment machine you plan with, the fields on the
IMRT Segmented MLC Parameters dialog box vary. Depending on the
segmentation method and the treatment machine you use, you may or may
not have all these options.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
XiO® 2-49
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IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Delivery Method
XiO supports two delivery methods. The Step and Shoot method of IMRT
delivery is such that a set of static MLC segments are treated where the
beam is off while the MLC leaves are positioned for each segment. The
Dynamic method of IMRT delivery is such that the MLC leaves are moving
while the beam is on.
Segmentation Method
If you are planning Step and Shoot IMRT, you have two options for
segmentation method:
Sliding Window creates segments that step across the field from left to right.
If you have a Siemens accelerator and purchased ImFAST™, XiO offers you
several other segmentation options. If you are licensed for internal ImFAST
and all of your optimized beams use Siemens MLCs, XiO shows the ImFAST
segmentation algorithm options in the Segmentation Method drop-down list.
If you are using External ImFAST and all of your optimized beams use
Siemens MLCs, XiO offers you the option of exporting the intensity maps to
an external copy of the ImFAST program for segmentation. See your ImFAST
literature for more information on the effects of the different selections on
the segmentation. XiO does not support ImFAST for the 82 leaf MLC.
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
This option is available anytime there is a beam that extends beyond the
surface of the patient. Distance to Extend and Averaging Distance deal with
extending intensity maps at the patient’s surface. For example, if you are
planning an IMRT Breast, you may want to extend the intensity map out past
the surface to account for breathing and flash inclusion. The field is
extended towards the surface using the value entered for Distance to Extend.
You also have the capability of using the Averaging Distance value to average
over a specified distance, the intensity along a given row to determine an
average extension value. This provides a smoother intensity map on the
patient’s surface and smoother MLC segments. Clicking Extend Map Edges
applies the Ideal Map Extension values.
Intensity maps are only extended in the direction of MLC leaf travel. The
averaging distance starts (at the edge to be extended) from the first pixel
with intensity greater than leakage. The number of pixels into which this
side of the row is extended is the integer multiple that is greater than, or
equal to, the specified Distance to Extend (cm), but is extended into any
pixels fully under the jaw. The initial field size must be wide enough in the
flash direction to include the extension. All of the pixels in the extension and
averaging regions are set to the new pixel value.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Intensity Map not extended for Flash Intensity Map extended for Flash
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IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
There are three options to try if your weight points are not acceptably
1. Change the split field parameters when the system warns you it’s about
to split the beam.
2. Move the weight point manually after the dose calculation is finished.
This changes the isodose distribution slightly.
3. Re-optimize the plan. Keep only the beams that have not been split and
the created child beams from the original plan. Delete the parent
XiO® 2-55
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
Minimum Field Width: This is the minimum field width you want XiO to
create when it creates the child beams. XiO uses an algorithm incorporating
the value for minimum field width and the value of overlap extent to
determine the location of the parent beam split. This algorithm is dependent
on the left side of the field, so often the overlap extent will be created to the
right of the center of the field. If you would like to move the split towards
the left, enter a larger minimum field width value. Depending on the
location of the collimator field edge, the minimum field width could end up
slightly smaller that the value entered.
Overlap Extent is the extent in the width direction where the fields of the
child beams overlap. An algorithm determines the location of the overlap
extent and the value you enter determines the width. The overlap extent
spans across the same set of bixels from row to row on an intensity map.
Split Extent is the distance along an intensity row over which the dose
delivered from the first child beam goes from 100% to 0% and the dose
delivered from the second child beam goes from 0% to 100%. This allows
for dose feathering in the beam abutment region. The split cannot be larger
than the overlap extent, but can have the same value. The split extent will be
the same width but may be in a different location from row-to-row on the
intensity map. XiO searches each row within the overlap extent to find the
lowest contiguous average intensity over the width defined for split extent.
This is where the dose feathering between child beams occurs for that row.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Delete Parent Beam: If you answer yes, XiO automatically deletes the parent
beam from the plan and only the child beams remain. If you choose to make
further edits to the prescription, XiO uses the child beams with the overlap
extent as already defined. There will be no "split extent," so no "feathering"
will occur. Optimization takes longer when using child beams, as there are
more beamlets to be considered due to the overlaps. If you answer no, the
parent beams remain, but are turned off on the Beam Weight and Beam
Spreadsheet dialog, and turned off for optimization. To re-optimize with
parent beams only, delete the child beams and turn the parent beams back
on, or alternatively revert to the saved pre-segmentation plan.
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IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
XiO® 2-59
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• Min MU/Segment = 3
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
If Segment 1 has MU1 MU, and Segment 2 has MU2 MU, then:
XiO® 2-61
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
Once you enter all the required values on the IMRT Segmented MLC
Parameters page, click the Start Segmentation button to begin the generation
of the MLC segments.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
If you would like to review the created MLC segments, complete the
following steps.
1. Click the Review MLC Segments button. XiO shows the IMRT Leaf
Segment Review dialog box.
XiO® 2-63
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
NOTE: When you stop the movie, understand the shown dose
fraction or MU value may not match the values on the
MLC Segments index because the movie may have
stopped between segments. If you want to see the actual
segment dose fraction or MU value shown, use the
previous and next buttons to movie through the
5. At this point, if you are not satisfied with the number of segments per
beam, change the number of intensity levels and regenerate segments.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
If you are planning IMRT using compensating filters, XiO shows the
following dialog box.
XiO® 2-65
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
When XiO creates the IMRT compensating filter, smoothing of the intensity
map is performed to smooth peaks between pixels so that the compensating
filter is easily mill-able. The smoothing algorithm uses the average of the
intensity values over the number of pixels selected. The default value for
Intensity Map Smoothing Distance is three pixels. However, the value is
editable if you would prefer an even smoother compensating filter. Be
aware that applying more smoothing may cause deterioration of the
optimized solution since this process occurs after optimization.
Generate Compensators
1. Once you enter all required values on the IMRT Compensating Filter
Parameters window, click the Generate Compensators button to begin
the generation of the compensating filters.
Be aware that once XiO launches the final dose calculation, it generates
the compensators and deletes the initial intensity maps. Now, it is not
possible to edit the intensity maps. To do this, you must re-optimize or
alternatively return to the previously saved pre-segmentation plan.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Once the dose calculation is complete, you can review the compensating
filter or relative fluence intensity maps.
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu and select the Display Intensity Maps
option. XiO shows a window that allows you to select the map type you
want to review. You also have the options of changing the highest
intensity to black or white and viewing the anatomy in outlines or full
XiO® 2-67
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
To send an ASCII file, click the Tools drop-down menu and select the
Output Intensity Maps in ASCII option.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
When XiO applies the segment weight optimization, it optimizes the segment
weights and calculates the dose contribution from each segment using the
same optimizer, IMRT Prescription and algorithm as was used for the IMRT
fluence optimization and full dose calculation.
It may not be appropriate to use SWO for every IMRT plan. Note that the
global max dose for a plan using SWO is usually higher than a plan that does
not use SWO. See the Planning Suggestions section of this training guide for
more information.
XiO® 2-69
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
This is the grid spacing that XiO uses to calculate each segment. Setting a
grid spacing that is too small, could cause your systems to run out of
memory depending on your hardware.
Convergence Criterion
The Convergence Criterion sets the termination point for the segment
weight optimization iterations. When the difference in the Score Function
from one iteration to the next drops below the Convergence Criterion, the
iterations stop. The lower you set this value, the more iterations it performs.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Maximum Iterations
This function gives you the freedom to set the maximum number of
iterations very high or very low depending on your objective for the
optimization. The optimization stops when the convergence criterion or the
maximum number of iterations has been met, whichever comes first. The
bulk of the optimization occurs in the first 30 iterations. After these, small
improvements are made to a point where there is no significant change in
the plan.
Revise Iterations
XiO removes segments that fall below the Minimum MU per segment and the
remaining segments are re-optimized. The optimizer re-runs until this
specified number of iterations is met.
Minimum Segment MU
This value is the minimum MU value you are willing to accept per segment.
XiO removes segment MUs that fall below this value and re-optimizes the
remaining segments.
You only see this option if you have chosen Superposition as the algorithm
for the full dose calculation. This gives you the opportunity to choose Fast
Superposition instead of Superposition for Segment Weight Optimization,
thus reducing the time it will take to calculate segment doses.
XiO® 2-71
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
To start the dose calculation, click Cancel to close the IMRT Segmented MLC
Parameters dialog box.
Be aware that once XiO launches the final dose calculation, it finalizes the
segments and deletes the optimized intensity maps. At this point, it is not
possible to edit the intensity maps. To do this, XiO requires that you re-
optimize, or alternatively return to a previously saved "pre-segmentation"
Once XiO completes the dose calculation, you can review the Segmented MLC
or Relative Fluence intensity maps. The segmented MLC intensity map is a
graphical representation of the beamlet’s relative intensity (that is, the
fraction of MUs "seen" by each bixel) derived from the segmented MLC’s leaf
segment shapes and weights. The relative fluence map is a graphical
representation of the beam fluence in the absence of the patient and is
computed on a fanline-by- fanline basis from the beam photon spectrum.
The term "relative fluence" refers to the fact that these fluences are
expressed relative to the open field fluence on the CAX of the reference field
1. Click Tools | Display Intensity Maps. XiO lets you select the map type
you want to review. You also have the options of showing the highest
intensity to black or white, and viewing the anatomy as outlines or full
Click Tools | Output Intensity Maps in ASCII. XiO sends to an ASCII file.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Follow these steps if you would like to print MLC Segments for verification.
1. Click File | Print | MLC Segments. This shows the Print MLC Segments
3. Type a range of segments that you want to print for that beam in the
Segments to Print field.
You can print the MLC Segment MU report from the Reports drop-down
menu by selecting MLC Segment MU.
You can print the MLC leaf positions from the Reports drop-down menu by
selecting MLC Leaf Positions. In order to select this option, you must have a
BEV or ABV shown that contains the active beam. The active beam must
contain either a conformed MLC or MLC segments.
XiO® 2-73
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
Once you have completed you plan, from the File drop-down menu, select
Save Plan, XiO shows the save permanent plan dialog window.
You can save your segment dose files along with the plan. However, the files
take up a large amount of disk space. We suggest that you save segment dose
files when you are in the middle of planning and need to close the patient,
but will re-open and continue planning at a later date. This prevents you
from having to re-calculate dose for the segments. Segment dose files will be
removed any time a full dose calculation is performed.
You can also delete the segment dose files. From the File drop down menu,
select Delete then Segment Dose Files. You can delete all segment dose files,
those that are older than a certain date, or the files for the current plan.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Once you complete and save your IMRT plan, you should verify the plan
using any or all of the following Quality Assurance tools. XiO offers four
separate tools you can use to ensure that treatments are verified and
delivered properly. These tools consist of modeling the delivery of a single
beam to a flat phantom, creating a single beam QA plan, creating a
Composite QA plan, creating a Max Extent DRR, and visualizing and
exporting Intensity Maps.
XiO lets you to recreate the dose for individual beams perpendicular to a flat
phantom without creating a separate QA plan. After the IMRT plan is
complete, click the Tools drop-down menu and select the Modulation QA
option. Here, you are able to enter values for the SSD, depth, material, and
density to create a homogeneous phantom on which to calculate the dose for
the individual beams. You can also edit filenames and monitor units for each
Consider the following aspects when using this method for IMRT QA:
• The grid spacing used is the smaller of 0.25 cm or the grid spacing of
the original beam calculation.
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
To delete these QA files, click File | Delete | QA Files. You can delete All QA
files, QA files that are older than a number of days, or individual QA files.
XiO lets you recreate the composite IMRT plan on any QA phantom. After
you complete and save the IMRT plan, close the plan and open a New QA
Plan. Here, you are able to select the phantom you want to use and select the
IMRT plan you want to recreate on that phantom. XiO calculates dose using
the monitor units from one fraction of the original patient plan. If bolus is
present on the original patient plan, XiO uses the bolused MU. XiO does not
add a bolus to the QA plan. Once the QA plan is calculated, you can select to
export the doses from any transverse, sagittal, or coronal view. Click the
Dose Profile button, select a sub-window that contains the plane you want to
QA, and then click the Dose Plane Output button. Enter a user-definable
filename. The files are written in ASCII text format to
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Consider the following aspects when using this method for IMRT QA.
You can specify interest points in the QA phantom. XiO reports the
dose to those points. XiO will either calculate the dose or interpolate
the dose to the interest points, depending on how you have the
preference set. Select Edit | Preferences | General to set this
You can use any number of beams to create the dose plane.
XiO allows projection of the largest leaf extent onto a Digitally Reconstructed
Radiograph. You can use these as field verification films.
XiO allows you to visualize, sample, print, and/or export intensity maps
created in the IMRT plan or the QA IMRT phantom plan. You can find
exported intensity maps in /FOCUS/tmp/network/QA/IMAP. You can also
use intensity maps for qualitative QA purposes. You can use fluence maps
for quantitative purposes if you have the appropriate dosimetry equipment.
For more information on IMRT QA, see the document QA of IMRT Beams-
Technical Considerations under the Technical References heading in the
Online Help.
XiO® 2-77
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
To make IMRT planning easier and more consistent, you should consider
reviewing and setting the available IMRT preferences found under Edit |
Preferences | IMRT. The following IMRT specific preferences are available.
In Edit| Preferences | IMRT, there are four preference options from which
you can make a selection.
• Optimization
• Delivery
• Intensity Map
• Smoothing.
These are the preferences you can set for the optimization parameters.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Optimization (cont.)
IMRT Graphs
2. Click the drop-down arrow in the Grid field and select On or Off as the
default value for showing the grid.
3. Click the drop-down arrow in the Legend field and select On or Off as
the default for showing the legend.
5. Click the drop-down arrow in the Modulator field and select the
preferred preference for your IMRT modulator. Your choices are MLC
or Compensating Filter.
6. Click the drop-down arrow in the Compensating Filter Type: field and
select the compensating filter type. Your choices are Huestis, Par
Scientific or decimal.
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Optimization (cont.)
Initial Optimization
The optimization stops when either the difference between successive score
functions is less than the convergence criteria, or the maximum number of
iterations has been reached.
10. Type a value in the Convergence Criterion (%): field. Acceptable values
range from 0.0001 to 100, in steps of 0.0001. Tip: Use a starting
convergence criterion of 0.001.
11. Type a value in the Maximum Iterations: field. Acceptable values range
between 0 and 300, in steps of 1.
12. Type a value in the Scatter Extent (cm): field representing the distance
that is measured from the edge (not from the center) of the beamlet.
Acceptable values range from 0.0 cm and 3.0 cm, in steps of 0.1 cm.
13. Type a value in the Optimization Margin (cm): field representing the
area to which the optimization is restricted around the target (which
includes some margin for penumbra). Acceptable values range from
0.0 cm and the value of Scatter Extent, in steps of 0.1 cm.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Optimization (cont.)
The optimization stops when either the difference between successive score
functions is less than the convergence criteria, or the maximum number of
iterations has been reached.
15. Type a value in the Convergence Criterion (%): field. Acceptable values
range from 0.0001 to 100, in steps of 0.0001. Tip: Use a start
convergence criterion of 0.01.
16. Type a value in the Maximum Iterations: field. Acceptable values range
between 0 and 300, in steps of 1.1.0
XiO® 2-81
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Select Delivery from the drop down list to show the IMRT Delivery
Preferences dialog window.
2. Click the drop down arrow in the Delivery Method field and select a
preferred default delivery method. Options are Step and Shoot and
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Delivery (cont)
3. Click the drop-down arrow in the Segmentation Method field and select a
segmentation algorithm. For MLC-based IMRT, the options are:
If your clinic uses ImFast, you also have these segmentation algorithm
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Delivery (cont.)
Use the ideal map extension in IMRT when you need to extend the MLC field
beyond the patient’s surface for flash or movement. This is most frequently
used for IMRT breast tangents.
4. Type a value in the Distance to Extend (cm): field to extend the edge of
the ideal intensity map. Acceptable values range from 0.0 cm to 3.0 cm,
in steps of 0.1 cm.
XiO extends the edge of the intensity map along the direction of the leaf
travel and outward from the patient.
XiO averages these intensities and assigns the average to the extended
portion of the intensity map.
Type the preferred preferences to use on beams that need to be split after
optimization. Some users can have IMRT fields that need to be split due to
the field width limitation of their Linac’s MLCs.
7. Type a value in the Minimum Field Width (cm) field representing the
smallest allowable width for the beams resulting from the beam
splitting (also called child beams). Acceptable values range from 0.5
cm to 10.0 cm, in steps of 0.5 cm.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
9. Type a value in the Split Extent (cm) field representing the width
direction, over which the intensity of the original (parent) beam will be
distributed to the child beam intensity maps. Valid entries lie in the
range of 0.0 cm to the value defined for Overlap Extent in steps of 0.5
NOTES: If the Split Extent is set equal to the Overlap Extent, XiO
distributes the intensities in the entire overlap region
between the resulting child beams.
10. Click the drop-down arrow in the Delete Parent Beams field and select
the action you would like XiO to take after the beam splitting has been
accomplished. Yes means XiO deletes the parent beams when the final
dose calculation is launched after segmentation.
No means XiO turns the parent beams off and does not delete the parent
beams when the final dose calculation is launched.
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Delivery (cont.)
Sliding Window
11. Type a value in the Minimum Segment Size (cm): field. Acceptable
values range from 0.0 cm and 3.0 cm, in steps of 0.1 cm.
Smart Sequencing
13. Type a value in the Minimum Segment Area (cm^2) field. Acceptable
values range from 0.1 to 100.0 in steps of 0.1.
Compensating Filter
15. Click the drop-down arrow in the Compensating Filter Intensity Map
Smoothing Distance (pixels): field and select a value for the preferred
number of pixels. Acceptable values are 3, 5, 7, or 9 pixels. The default
value is 3.
18. Type a default value in the Minimum MU/Segment field. Range is 0.0 to
10.0 in steps of .1.
19. Select the default of yes or no for using Fast Superposition for the
segment dose calculations.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
2. If you would like to send MLC segments as individual beams, click the
drop-down arrow next to the field Export Segments as Beams and
select Yes. If you answer yes, each MLC segment is exported as an
individual beam. This preference only applies to step and shoot
segmented beams. Exported beams are numbered according to BBSSS,
where BB is the two digit beam number, and SSS is the three-digit
segment number for that beam.
3. You can change this option at the time you export the plan from the
Export DICOM dialog box.
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Intensity Map
1. Select Intensity Map from the drop down list to show the IMRT
Intensity Map Preferences dialog box window.
Display Print
2. Click the drop-down arrow in the Highest Intensity field and select the
preferred color for showing intensity maps.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Intensity Map
3. Click the drop-down arrow in the Anatomy Outlines field and select On
(meaning the preferred preference for the anatomy outlines is on and
they are included in the output).
Output Map To
4. Click the drop-down arrow in the Output Map To: field and select the
preferred output device.
NOTE: If you only have one device set up. XiO shows it as the
5. Click the drop-down arrow in the Paper Size: field and make a
The choices available depend on your output device.
6. (This field only appears for PostScript Output.) Click the drop-down
arrow in the Spooler: field and select an output device (Laser Printer or
Plotter) on which the intensity maps are to be printed. Plotter is the
XiO® 2-89
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ASCII Output
Use the following fields to define the format for the file names used when
XiO outputs intensity maps in ASCII. This format becomes the default
filename; you can change it, if necessary, when you output the intensity map.
8. Enter the first part (prefix) of the filename in the Prefix: field (up to
three alphanumeric characters). The default is blank.
10. Click the drop-down arrow in the Include Beam Number field and
Yes to include the beam number in the filename.
12. Enter a suffix in the Ideal Map Suffix: field for ideal map filenames. You
can enter up to three-alphanumeric characters. The default is blank.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Intensity Map
13. Enter a suffix in the Segmented MLC Map Suffix: field for the MLC
intensity map filenames. You can enter up to three alphanumeric
characters. The default is blank.
14. Enter a suffix in the Compensating Filter Map Suffix: field for
compensating filter map filenames. You can enter up to three
alphanumeric characters. The default is blank.
15. Enter a suffix in the Relative Fluence Map Suffix: field for relative
fluence map filenames. You can enter up to three alphanumeric
characters. The default is blank.
16. Click the drop-down arrow in the Generate Unique Filename: field and
select Yes to add a unique number to the filename.
Select No.
• Ideal Map
XiO® 2-91
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1. Select Smoothing from the drop-down list to show the IMRT Intensity
Map Preferences dialog box window.
IMRT Planning and Workflow
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Intensity Map
Smoothing (cont.)
7. Type or edit the value for Weight, a weighting factor applied to the
smoothing component.
You cannot use the Clarkson algorithm for IMRT planning. To avoid having
Clarkson as an option, either create a machine in Source File Maintenance
specifically for IMRT where Clarkson is not validated, or in Site
Customization/Calculation Defaults/Teletherapy, select any algorithm
except for Clarkson as the default algorithm for photons.
Refer to the XiO Training Guide Site Customization and Preferences sections
for more information on general system and planning customization.
XiO® 2-93
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Below are a few planning suggestions you may want to consider using when
creating an IMRT plan in XiO.
Workflow Suggestions
All variables are recommendations only.
(1) If you have more than one target, combine them to create a combo
(2) Contour transition structures when going from a high dose region
to a low dose region.
(3) Use the clip inside the patient skin feature to keep targets at least 3
mm inside the skin.
(6) Check location of weight point in BEV for each beam, move if
behind the OAR, in an air cavity, or tissue/air or tissue/bone
XiO® 3-1
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
5. Run Optimization.
Use default settings (see Task 3, Sub-task 3 of this guide for more
6. Check the target coverage.
(1) Use DVH and isodose distribution to check for adequate target
coverage. If target is not covered, adjust the following until target
coverage is achieved: number of beams, gantry positions, energy,
prescription, and minimum dose.
(2) Weight and/or Power can be increased. Keep power low (2.1-2.3)
to achieve minimum target coverage.
7. Check dose to OARs.
(1) Use DVH and isodose distribution to assess dose received by OARs.
(2) Structures that receive dose below the tolerance dose may not
need to be included in prescription.
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
(1) Only include structures that are violating the tolerance doses in the
(2) Add one structure at a time. Use default weight and power
(3) Use dose volume points instead of maximum doses for OARs that
are adjacent to or overlapping the target.
(4) Use appropriate rank for OARs that overlap the target(s).
9. Run optimization.
Use DVH and isodose distribution to check the OAR dose and the target
XiO® 3-3
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
(1) Check the structures that are not meeting the requirements and
increase weight or power to better meet requirements. Identify
the exact prescription variable that is in violation and only
adjust that variable.
(1) Set the grid spacing to 0.2 as soon as the final dose calc is
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Since XiO has the capability of showing composite plans, even conventional
plus IMRT composite plans, it is most common and highly beneficial to add
boost beams to an existing plan so you can view a composite when you are
2. The second option is planning synchronous IMRT where you create the
original plan, add the boost beams, leave the original plans beams
turned on, but do not optimize them. The IMRT optimizer recognizes
that dose was delivered from the original plan and how that dose was
distributed. Then, it uses that information when producing the IMRT
boost. The original plan remains unaffected. When you plan this way,
enter composite doses for the IMRT prescription. Be aware that if the
initial plan did not adequately cover the target and/or had hot spots
within the target, the boost plan will take this into account and correct
for the dose variation. This will result in a composite plan that looks
good, but make sure that you review the boost plan alone to verify that
you do not have any undesirable radiobiological results when treating
the boost plan alone.
3. The first time you complete the prescription table set up, optimize.
Then, save the optimized plan so that you can start again from that
point, if necessary. For example, if you are a Varian user and you have
completed an IMRT plan where the beams split, but you are not
satisfied with the prescription, you may want to close the plan, open
the saved optimized plan, and adjust the prescription and continue —
rather than deleting the child beams that were created, turning on the
parent beams that were turned off, and then returning to the
prescription to re-optimize.
XiO® 3-5
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
4. There is one caveat to this practice. Plans saved just after optimization,
include the pencil beam calculation that make the optimized plan file
very large (1 to 1 ½ GB). After you have completely finished planning
this patient and saved the final dose calculation, delete all optimized
plans to free up space on the disk.
5. You can create templates by saving any completed plan using the File
drop-down menu and selecting the Save as Template option. XiO saves
the following items in a template (as long as these values have all been
entered when the template is saved).
• Number of beams
• Beam parameters (gantry angle, collimator angle, width, length,
weight, etc.)
• Heterogeneity correction setting
• Pixel by pixel calculation settings
• Distance between calculation points along width, height, and depth
• Window layout
• Wedge (s) defined for each beam
• IMRT optimization parameters and prescriptions
For more information on templates, refer to the XiO Help topic "What are
treatment plan templates?"
Contouring Suggestions
Make use of default anatomical site names and templates for recurring IMRT
treatment setups and prescriptions. When using templates for IMRT, it is
necessary for contour names to be consistent from patient to patient. Create
default anatomical site names in Site Customization and use in planning to
maintain a consistent naming scheme when planning.
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
You can use the transition volume to transition the dose from 4500 cGy in
PTV1 up to 5800 cGy for PTV2 and helps prevent hotspots within PTV1. The
transition volume is created around PTV2 using the 3D auto margin feature.
TRANSVOL is set in the prescription as an OAR and has a max dose of 5800
cGy assigned. The rank is 2, PTV2 is ranked 1, and PTV1 is ranked 3. This
means that the pixels within the transition volume but outside PTV2 cannot
receive a dose higher than the prescribed dose to PTV2. Effectively, this
means that the dose farther outside the transition volume will also not
exceed the prescribed dose. See the following diagram.
XiO® 3-7
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
NOTE: The maximum for PTV1 is much lower than the dose being
prescribed to PTV2. Without the transition volume, this max
has to be at least as high as the minimum of PTV2 that allows
hot spots within PTV1.
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
In this case, the target dose is 6000 cGy, and the max dose to the OAR (right
parotid) is 1500 cGy. In this situation, there has to be some compromise as
it is not possible to achieve such a large dose variation. By creating a
transition volume around the PTV (PTV + 0.5 cm margin) and making it an
OAR with a maximum dose equal to the minimum prescribed dose to the
PTV, there is effectively no penalty for voxels within the transition volume.
This transition volume also helps restrict hot spots outside the target. Again,
the rank is important. The PTV must be ranked 1, the transition volume
ranked 2, and the right parotid ranked 3.
Rank=3 Rank=2
XiO® 3-9
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
You can also use a transition volume used to allow the dose to transition
from high dose within a target to low dose area outside of the target. It also
prevents hot spots outside the target by limiting the immediately
surrounding tissue to the same dose as the target or less. A second
transition volume can increase this effect even further resulting in an
extremely conformal plan where many OARs may not need to be included in
the prescription.
The examples below show the dose distribution for a simple prostate plan.
Diagram 1
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Diagram 2 shows the prostate and seminal vesicles as PTV1, the required
dose is 7000 cGy, and the rectum is the only other organ being considered in
the prescription. The dose is not conforming to the target very well and the
local max is outside the target and within the bladder.
Diagram 2
XiO® 3-11
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Diagram 3 shows the same plan with the only addition being that
TRANSVOL1 is now included in the prescription, it is set as an OAR with
rank=2, and max dose = to the min PTV dose (7000 cGy). There is a definite
increase in the conformity of the plan. The local max has moved within the
target. The 5000 cGy isodose lines outside the target are now smaller.
Diagram 3
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Diagram 4 shows the same plan again this time, with the addition of the
second transition volume to the prescription. TRANSVOL2 is also defined as
an OAR with the maximum dose being equal to approximately half the dose
of TRANSVOL1 (3500 cGy). The isodose distribution is now highly
conformal. The 5000 cGy isodose line is almost gone from outside the target.
The plan may need rescaling, as it is so conformal that it may not cover the
entire target completely, but the shape of the distribution will not change in
this process.
Diagram 4
XiO® 3-13
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
2. For concave targets, you are more likely to require more beams in
order to shape the dose distribution around the target. Seven to nine
(7 to 9) beams will usually work, and there is not much advantage in
going much higher than nine (9) beams as far as dose distribution is
3. The more beams you have, the less complicated the intensity maps.
This could result in fewer segments overall.
6. Use a BEV to find beam angles that yield the best separation between
target and critical structures.
7. Avoid using one “very good” beam as the optimizer will tend to
overuse that beam, resulting in high entrance dose for that particular
beam. A good example of this is a five-field prostate with one of the
beams being a lateral. You tend to get about 70% entrance dose or
higher for that beam.
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Prescription Suggestions
1. When completing the prescription table, only turn on the prescription
for the target(s) for your first iteration.
2. Understand that you may not need to use weights or powers to achieve
your prescription goals. Always start out with the default values and
change them only when necessary.
3. Make sure you turn on all the target structures at once so that the
beamlet dose will not have to be recomputed when targets are turned
on/off. When you review your optimized DVH, XiO enables you to
evaluate the OARs and determine if they need to be included in the
prescription or not.
4. At this point, check that the target coverage is achievable. If the target
coverage cannot be achieved without any OARs turned on, you need to
reassess the beam arrangement until coverage can be achieved.
6. When you have abutting or overlapping targets and OARs, you could
create and use transition volumes as described above, or you could
simply use dose volume penalties on the structures themselves. For
example, if you have a target (TV) that overlaps an organ at risk
(OAR), set the ranks the same for the TV and OAR.
XiO® 3-15
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Smoothing Suggestions
Another suggested smoothing option is the GeneralLowSmoothing option.
This smoothing option works well on a variety of plan types. Create a
smoothing file using the following parameters:
• w: 0.5
• a: 0.3
• n: 0.3
• Weight: 0.2
1. Place a marker on the transverse slice where the hot spot is located.
This marker then shows on each beams eye view.
3. Locate the marker on the BEV and edit individual bixel values on each
BEV with the mouse. Notice that the isodoses automatically update after
the edits are made.
(MLC IMRT only) After optimization and before segmentation, you have the
option to review the effects of intensity levels on the isodose curves. The DVH
will need to be re-shown after making a change.
XiO® 3-17
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Suggestions for When the Final Plan Does Not Match the Optimized Plan
Number of intensity levels and minimum segment size.
1. Adjust the number of intensity levels and refresh the DVH to see the
affects of different numbers of intensity levels. A higher number of
intensity levels does not always result in a better plan. Minimum
segment size is usually less than 2.0.
2. The greater the number of segments, the larger the difference between
the optimized and final plan. This is due to the lack of leaf leakage
Beam weight optimization. This is a process that runs when you launch the
final dose calculation. It takes the intensity maps that have been generated
during the optimization process and re-weights the beams to better meet
the prescription. Unfortunately, the default values are not ideal and can
cause some problems with the final plan. There are two ways to fix this.
2. The beam weight optimization can also cause problems if high power
values are used in the prescription. Try to avoid high power values as
much as possible. If necessary, consider switching the beam weight
optimization to zero iterations so it does not run at all.
XiO® 3-19
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Suggestions for When the Final Plan Does Not Match the Optimized Plan (cont.)
Scatter extent. The larger value you have for the scatter extent, the closer
your optimized plan will be to the final plan. A value that is too small will
result in scatter being underestimated by the optimizer. When you show the
final plan and the actual dose is calculated, the scatter is taken into account
resulting in higher dose to OARs. Disclaimer: the larger the scatter extent
the longer the optimization will take. It should be large enough to span
critical organs such as the spinal cord.
Grid spacing. We recommend 0.2 cm for the final dose calculation for
segmented plans, and 0.25 for compensator plans. The step increment
should be equal to or larger than the grid spacing.
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
In this case (phase 1 prostate and seminal vesicles), the PTV coverage is
good and OARs are also within tolerance. However, the significant
maximum dose within the PTV is in an undesirable position, on the anterior
rectal wall, and within the bladder.
XiO® 3-21
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Prostate (cont.)
The plan meets the prescription as it is not specified where within the PTV
the significant maximum (in this case 105%) should be. It has ended up in
an undesirable position. The example below shows how you can manipulate
the 105% to be within the GTV (prostate) using existing structures. The
GTV is now included in the prescription, as this is a more desirable location
for the 105% dose. Note, the rank of the GTV(1) and PTV(2) and also that
the maximum dose for the PTV is lowered and a power is assigned to this
value to keep the PTV from receiving the significant maximum. Note, TRANS
= PTV + 0.5 cm.
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
Prostate (cont.)
2. If it is not possible to avoid the eyes on entry and exit, exclude the eyes
from the fields before commencing IMRT optimization. To do this,
conform beams, jaws only, then go to port mode and create an MLC or
aperture that excludes the eyes only.
3. Try moving the isocenter so the eyes are excluded by the central axis.
This is a non-divergent border. So, you can reduce the dose to the eyes,
particularly exit dose.
XiO® 3-23
Planning Suggestions
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Planning Suggestions
2. Choose a "good" weight point location for each beam. This is a point
that is not in a low dose region (behind an OAR), not in an area of very
high or low density, or on the interface between high or low-density
3. Create a PTV that is clipped inside the skin by 0.3-0.5 cm. This takes
the target out of the dose build up region and makes for a more
achievable prescription. If you require dose to the skin, then consider
using bolus.
4. Make use of transition volumes and only add organs to the prescription
that are receiving excessive dose.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Practice Exercise
The following procedures cover the common features of IMRT using XiO.
There are many ways to complete an IMRT plan in XiO. This is just one
suggested method of the IMRT planning procedure. The design of this plan
provides step-by-step procedures to create an IMRT plan using any of the
following methods, MLC, compensating filter, or dMLC.
There are four parts to this exercise. At the end of the first two parts, there is
a completed prescription table with values entered that create an acceptable
plan for the prostate cases.
The goal of Part 1 of this exercise is to create a prostate plan and prescribe
6600 cGy. Then, in Part 2, you will add an additional 1200 cGy IMRT boost.
There are two methods to approach this, composite and synchronous. In
this exercise, you will explore both composite and synchronous planning. A
synchronous plan takes the original plan dose into consideration when
assigning the boost dose. Whereas, a composite plan is a simple addition of
two independent plans. Part 3 is optional, but allows you to take your
previously saved plan and apply SWO so you can compare a SWO plan with a
plan that did not use SWO. Part 4 is optional, but allows you to take a
previously saved plan and re-optimize it with smoothing turned on. You will
then compare the original plan with the smoothed plan.
XiO® 4-1
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
4. Click the File drop-down menu and select the New Teletherapy Plan
5. Select the prostate patient for IMRT planning, studyset, and graphics
area setup as shown in the following window.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
6. Click OK.
XiO® 4-3
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
This task demonstrates where you verify and change calculation settings
when necessary. It is not required that you complete this task for every
IMRT plan. However, it helps to understand the settings on this page and
how they affect IMRT calculations.
1. Click the Dose drop-down menu and select the Calculation and Settings
options. XiO shows the Dose Calculation Settings dialog box.
2. Set the heterogeneity correction to the setting you use in your clinic.
Set your grid spacing to 0.3 cm along the width, height, and depth.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
For this training plan, use a 5-beam arrangement. Each beam is spaced 72
degrees apart at gantry angles of 0, 72, 144, 216 and 288 — using any of the
following treatment machines Vari06xIMRT, Siem06xIMRT, or Ekta06xIMRT.
Press the F5 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the New
Beam dialog box.
3. Make sure the collimator jaw is set to Asymmetric and place the beam
in the center of the structure named PTV1. PTV1 encompasses the
prostate and seminal vesicles with a 0.5 cm margin.
XiO® 4-5
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
7. Type 1320 cGy for the beam weight and 33 fractions. If the delivery
method is dynamic, it is important to set the fractions when setting up
the beams, since the segmentation is affected by the fractionation.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
9. Click OK.
10. Copy the active beam four times by clicking the Copy Beam button
on your toolbar.
Press the F7 key on your computer keyboard four times. This will
quickly create 5 beams.
11. Click the Beam Spreadsheet button on your toolbar to open the
Beam Spreadsheet dialog.
12. From the General tab, type beam Description for each of the beams
13. Click the Beam tab. Change the gantry angle of beams 2 through 5 to 72,
144, 216 and 288, respectively.
14. Click the Port drop-down menu and select the Auto and Multiple Beams
options. XiO shows the Photon Conform Beams dialog box.
15. Select all the beams by clicking on the beam numbers. (The buttons
are highlighted in blue when selected.)
16. Middle-click in the Structure field and select the structure PTV1.
18. Middle-click in the Collimator Type field and select Jaws Only.
19. Click OK. XiO conforms the jaws on all the beams to 1.0 cm around the
structure PTV1.
XiO® 4-7
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Create a template for use in part 2 of this exercise. This saves you from
having to create individual beams for the boost.
1. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Save as Template option.
2. Enter a name for the template, 5Field. The description is optional. You
can use it for further clarification.
3. Click OK. You have now created a template that is available for current
or future use.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Press the F5 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Parameters dialog box.
XiO® 4-9
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Treatment Goal
• Deliver 6600 cGy to at least 95% of PTV1 (prostate and seminal
• Limit 17% of the rectum to 5000 cGy and 35% of the rectum to 3100
• Limit 25% of the bladder to 5000 cGy and 50% of the bladder to
3100 cGy.
• Limit the femoral heads to less than 10% receiving 4000 cGy.
Press the F6 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Prescription dialog box.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
7. Right-click in the objective box for the target structure and enter your
prescription. Enter a minimum, maximum, and (optionally) goal for
the target structure. Below is an example you could use. Enter
whatever values you want in order to fulfill the prescription
requirements. There is more than one method for filling out this
prescription table.
9. Click OK when you have filled out the prescription table with the target
structure values.
XiO® 4-11
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
You have intentionally not turned on any critical structures (OARs). Often
after evaluation of the initial plan, you will find that a critical structure does
not need to be turned on at all. More importantly, you must determine if a
good plan is achievable without critical structures being turned on. First,
you must optimize the plan with only the target structures prescribed.
Press the F7 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the Start
IMRT Optimization dialog box.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
2. If you are using MLC as your modulator, enter the Step Increment
shown in the above dialog. If you are using Compensating Filters, enter
the X and Y resolution as shown in above dialog box.
3. Enter the information above for the Initial and Beam Weight
4. Click the Start button to begin. Once again, if you would like to use
different values for any of these items, you may do so. If necessary, go
back to the lecture to understand what each of these values represents
so you can enter values appropriately. The message "Optimization
Complete" appears when it has reached the selected criteria.
NOTE: It may take some time to calculate the pencil beams and
initialize the optimizer after you click the Start button.
The status indicator at the bottom of the Start IMRT
Optimization window shows the processes as they run.
XiO® 4-13
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Once the plan is optimized, it is important to review the optimized DVH and
the optimized isodoses to see if the prescription gives a good result or if
some adjustments need to be made.
4. Turn on the structures that are shown as "on" in the following window.
6. Click the DVH Statistics tab. You can type the statistics you wish to
check. XiO outlines goals which are met in green. XiO outlines goals
which are not met in red. See the IMRT Planning and Workflow section
of the XiO IMRT Training Guide for more information on DVH Statistics.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
8. Enter isodose lines such as 6600, 6270, 5940, 3300, etc. to evaluate the
coverage of the associated volumes.
XiO® 4-15
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
At this point, you can turn on the ideal intensity maps that have been created
and based on the optimized plan. You also have the capability of sampling
and editing individual pixel intensities.
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu and select the Display Intensity Maps
option and turn on the intensity maps.
2. Movie through each beam to review all intensity maps. Turn off all
contours, if necessary.
3. Sample the intensity map by clicking your right mouse button in the
ABV window and selecting the Sample Intensity option.
4. Move your mouse cursor over the intensity map. A brown box indicates
which pixel is being sampled. The relative value shows in the lower left
corner of the window.
5. Edit the intensity map by clicking your right mouse button in the ABV
window and selecting the Edit Intensity option.
6. Move your mouse cursor over the intensity map. A red box indicates
which pixel is to be edited.
7. Over the selected pixel, hold down the left mouse and move right or left
to increase or decrease the intensity of that pixel. The relative value
shows in the lower left corner of the window.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
After reviewing the optimized DVH, isodoses and intensity maps, you have
two options:
(1) Return to the prescription table and change the weight and/or power,
then re-optimize.
(2) Make sure the prescription to the target produces an acceptable DVH
before adding OARs.
(1) Begin adding one OAR, if necessary, to the prescription. Then, re-
(2) Right-click in the objective window for the OAR structure and add a
maximum or dose volume points and an (optional) threshold value.
2. Once you make changes to the prescription, click the Start Optimization
button to re-optimize.
3. Repeat these steps as many times as necessary until the optimized DVH
is acceptable for all structures.
XiO® 4-17
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
4. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Save Plan option.
5. Enter the Plan ID optplan. You may want to return to this point after
the final dose calculation if changes to the prescription are necessary.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Task 10. Generation, Review, and Editing of MLC Segments or Compensating Filters
Press the F8 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Segmented MLC Parameters dialog box.
2. Select the Step and Shoot Delivery Method and select the Sliding
Window Segmentation Method.
3. Enter a value for the number of Discrete Intensity Levels. The number
of intensity levels affects the number of segments generated per beam.
As you change this value, XiO automatically updates the intensity map
and isodose lines before you segment. This can be a valuable tool to
determine just how many intensity levels are necessary. You may also
update the DVHs so you can determine the effects of discretization in
the DVHs.
XiO® 4-19
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
4. Set the Minimum Segment Size (cm) to 1.0 cm. XiO deletes any
segments with an equivalent field size of less than 1.0 cm. This value is
only a suggestion.
6. Click the IMRT Delivery Summary. For some plans, the total number of
segments may produce treatment times that are too long. If the
number of segments is unacceptable, try a different number of
intensity levels and/or a different minimum segment size.
7. Click the Quit button to close the IMRT Delivery Summary report.
8. Click the Review MLC Segments button. XiO shows the IMRT Leaf
Segment Review dialog box.
9. Using the Next buttons, you can review all segments for all beams and
delete any as necessary using the Delete Segment button.
10. Click View | Plan Objects | Port Projection | Display to turn on the
display of the port projection. XiO shows the port projection of
individual segments as you movie through the segments.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
11. Click the OK button. XiO closes the IMRT Leaf Segment Review dialog
12. Click the Cancel button on the IMRT Segmented Parameters dialog box
to launch the final dose calculation.
13. Click View | Plan Objects | Port Projection | Display to turn off the
display of the port projection.
14. Click Beam | Beam Spreadsheet. XiO shows the Beam Spreadsheet box.
15. Click the Segments tab. You can add, delete, renumber, reweight and
edit MLC segments from this tab.
19. Click the Prev and Next buttons to movie through the beam’s segments
20. Click the Leaf Index button. XiO shows the report with the leaf and
width jaw positions for the active segment.
22. Select Edit Leaf from the mouse menu in the ABV. Use the mouse to
drag leaves into and out of the field to cover any hot spots you wish to
remove or expose parts of the target you wish to receive a higher dose.
XiO® 4-21
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
23. Click the Prev and Next buttons to change the Active Beam.
26. See the Breast IMRT Exercise for more information on editing MLC
Press the F8 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Compensating Filter Parameters dialog box.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
5. After the calculation is complete, you can review the compensators that
were created. From the Tools drop-down menu, select Review
Compensating Filter. XiO shows 2D and 3D views of the selected beams
compensator and shows the Review Compensating Filter dialog box.
6. Change beams or edit the color of the shown compensator from the
Review Compensating Filter dialog box.
8. Right-click in either 2D window and select Plane Icon. Hold down your
left mouse on the white line (plane) to move the plane and review the
shape of the compensating filter.
XiO® 4-23
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Press the F8 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Segmented MLC Parameters dialog box.
2. For Delivery Method, select Dynamic. XiO produces 320 segments for
dynamic delivery
5. Click the Quit button to close the IMRT Delivery Summary report.
6. Click the Review MLC Segments button. XiO shows the IMRT Leaf
Segment Review dialog box.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Click the Start Movie button to view the segments in a movie. This
action automatically takes you through all 320 segments. Click the
Stop Movie button to stop the movie.
9. Click the OK button when you are finished with the review. XiO returns
you to the IMRT Segmented Parameters dialog box.
XiO® 4-25
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Task 11. Using DVH, Isodoses, and Intensity Maps to Evaluate IMRT Plans
Once XiO finishes calculating the final plan, you can evaluate the plan using
the DVH, isodose lines, and intensity map tools.
2. Right-click and select a tool to evaluate the DVH. Use the Histogram
Cursor to show the volume of a structure and the dose it is receiving.
Use Movie to toggle the active structure information. Verify that you
meet or exceed the following criteria.
3. The isodoses entered earlier should re-display. Verify that the coverage
of the volumes is acceptable.
5. Sample the intensity map by clicking your right mouse button in the
ABV window and selecting the Sample Intensity option.
6. Move your mouse cursor over the intensity map. A brown box indicates
which pixel is being sampled. The relative value shows in the lower left
corner of the window.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Task 11. Using DVH, Isodoses, and Intensity Maps to Evaluate IMRT Plans (cont.)
7. If you are not satisfied with the final plan and need to make edits to the
prescription, proceed using one of the following steps:
Stay in the current plan. Then, click the IMRT and Prescription
XiO® 4-27
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
When you have met the prescription criteria and are satisfied with the plan,
save it.
1. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Save Plan option.
3. Click OK.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Once you save the IMRT plan, there are several methods for verifying the
quality of the plan. This task shows you how to do the following:
For more detailed explanations on IMRT QA, refer to the QA of IMRT Beams
—Technical Considerations located in the XiO Online Help.
2. Click the View drop-down menu and select the Enhance Contours
option to turn off all the contours.
3. Click the All Structures Off button. The intensity map shows in the ABV
4. Right-click in the ABV window and select the Sample Intensity option.
5. Move the mouse around the intensity map to view the relative intensity
values across the field. The relative values show at the bottom of the
window on the status bar.
6. If you would like to output your intensity maps, click the Tools drop-
down menu and select the Output Intensity Maps in ASCII option. XiO
shows the associated dialog box.
XiO® 4-29
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
7. Click the drop-down arrow in the Map Type field and select the map
type Segmented MLC or Relative Fluence.
8. Enter a filename for each beam intensity map you would like to export.
After you enter the filenames, you can toggle on/off the beam intensity
maps you would like to output. When the beam number and name are
highlighted blue, this indicates they are selected to be output.
9. Click the Output ASCII button. XiO shows a message next to the output
button that states "Intensity Map Files Generated." These files are
saved in XiO so that third party software can retrieve them.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Click the Beam button, then the DRR button. XiO turns on the
DRR and shows the largest extent of the leaves on the DRR in the ABV
2. If you would like to print the DRR, click the File drop-down menu and
select the Print and DRR options. When you print the DRR, you have the
option of overlaying the plan information on the DRR. See the
Miscellaneous Tasks section of the XiO Training Guide for more
XiO® 4-31
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
2. Click the File drop-down menu and select the New QA Plan option. XiO
shows the New Teletherapy QA Plan dialog box.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
6. Click OK. XiO shows the Retrieve Plan for Quality Assurance dialog box.
7. Under Plan ID, select the plan name (Prostate1) that you saved.
8. In this exercise, select No to leave all the beams in their original gantry
orientation. If you would like to set all the beams gantry angles to zero
for QA of each individual beam, select Yes.
10. Under Isocenter, select either option. Potentially, you could have
points of interest to set your isocenter to, or you can enter coordinates.
11. Click OK. XiO starts the dose calculation of the IMRT plan on the
12. Click the T key on the keyboard. XiO removes the beam lines from the
13. Click the Optimize drop-down menu and select the IMRT and Segment
Review options to open the IMRT Leaf Segment Review dialog.
XiO® 4-33
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
15. Click the Dose button, then the Isodose Lines button. XiO shows
the Isodose Lines dialog box.
16. Enter isodose lines such as 220, 210, 200, 190, 170, 150, and 100.
17. Right mouse click in any SPV window and select the Reference Point
Loc option.
18. Hold down your left mouse button in any SPV to sample the dose to any
point in the plan. The dose and point coordinates show in the upper
right corner of each SPV window. This could be useful in verifying dose
to specific coordinates in the plan with dose to specific coordinates in
an actual phantom.
19. You can export any viewable dose plane (transverse, sagittal or
coronal) using the Dose Plane Output option in the Dose Profile Tool.
Click the Dose Profile button. XiO opens the Dose Profile dialog
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
20. Enter the SPV subwindow number to select the plane you would like to
21. Click the Dose Plane Output button. XiO shows a dialog box where you
can enter a filename for the dose plane.
22. Enter a filename and click OK. The plane information has now been
created in ASCII format and is located in a file on the XiO planning
23. After you export all the planes you want to verify, click OK on the Dose
Profile dialog box. XiO closes the Dose Profile dialog box.
XiO® 4-35
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Click the Tools drop down menu and select the Modulation QA option.
Click the Optimize drop-down menu and select the IMRT and IMQA
2. Enter the SSD, depth, phantom material and phantom relative electron
density to create your flat homogeneous phantom.
3. Select each beam for which you would like to create a QA plan by
selecting Yes for each beam under the QA heading.
5. Enter/edit the Time or Monitor Units you want to use for this QA plan.
If you leave this field blank, XiO uses the mu/fx from the weight page.
6. Click OK to begin the calculation of the single beam QA plans. Once XiO
calculates the plans, it creates a file that can be used by a third party
vendor’s software for QA purposes.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Example Prescription
The following illustration depicts a valid prescription for the prostate plan.
It was not necessary to turn on any other critical structures. All met the
XiO® 4-37
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Practice Exercise
The goal of this exercise is to utilize the Prostate plan you completed in Part
1 that was prescribed 6600 cGy, and add an additional 1200 cGy IMRT boost.
There are two ways to approach this, composite and synchronous. Initially,
you will explore composite planning. A composite plan is a direct addition of
dose from two independently created plans. In this case, the original plan
and the boost plan. Starting with Task 7, you will explore synchronous
4. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Open Permanent Plan
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
To save time creating individual beams for a boost, import the template
saved in part 1.
1. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Import Template option
to show the Import Template dialog.
6. Click OK. XiO imports the five beams for the boost and places them at
the plan isocenter.
XiO® 4-39
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
2. Set the correct number of fractions, 33 for the initial course and 6 for
the boost.
3. Turn the first five beams off, as they will not be considered in the
optimization. The dialog box should look like this.
From the Beam drop-down menu, select Beam Spreadsheet and update
the Beam Weights there.
5. Click the IMRT Parameters (F5) button. Only the boost beams are
available for optimization as the first five have been turned off.
7. Conform these beams from the Port, Auto, Multiple Beams option using
a relevant IMRT machine and a 1cm margin to PTV2.
8. Check that the beams have been conformed by turning PTV1 off and
PTV2 on under the View, Enhance Contour option, or use the keyboard
shortcut C.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Treatment Goal
• Deliver 6600 cGy to at least 95% of PTV1 (prostate and seminal
• Limit 17% of the rectum to 1000 cGy and 35% of the rectum to 700
• Limit 25% of the bladder to 1000 cGy and 50% of the bladder to 700
• Limit the femoral heads to less than 10% receiving 500 cGy.
• Limit 17% of the rectum to 6000 cGy and 35% of the rectum to 3800
• Limit 25% of the bladder to 6000 cGy and 50% of the bladder to
3800 cGy.
• Limit the femoral heads to less than 10% receiving 4500 cGy.
As this is a composite plan with the first five beams turned off, the
prescription is related to the boost only. Minimum and maximum target
doses will be set to achieve 1200 cGy to PTV2, and all dose constraints will
be related to this dose.
XiO® 4-41
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Press the F6 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Prescription dialog box.
2. The objectives are carried over from the template. You will need to
edit them. Delete all objectives for PTV1. (Right mouse click on PTV1
and select the Delete all objectives option.)
4. Set the Rank for PTV2 to 1 and enter the minimum/maximum and goal
5. Click and drag the points on the DVH to adjust the doses for the rectum
to reflect the boost prescription.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Press the F7 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the Start
IMRT Optimization dialog box.
3. Click the Start button and observe the DVH as the boost plan optimizes.
4. To review the plan, alter the isodose lines to be relevant to the 1200
cGy prescribed.
5. Enter the following isodose values 1275, 1200, 1140, 1080, 840, 600.
6. Click the Redisplay Histogram button and verify that the plan meets the
criteria specified. (Be sure to add PTV2 to the histogram.)
XiO® 4-43
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Now that you have a final boost plan, combine the boost and initial plans and
assess the composite plan. Be aware, there is the possibility for small
hotspots in both plans to overlap and combine to give undesirable results.
Click the Beam drop-down menu, open the Beam Spreadsheet, and turn
on the initial five beams.
3. Enter relevant isodose line values for the composite plan. The
prescribed dose is 7800 cGy. Use values such as the following 8190,
7800, 7410, 7020, 5460, 3900, etc. Review the isodose coverage.
4. Click the Redisplay Histogram button and assess dose to the targets and
critical structures.
Example Prescription
The following illustration depicts a valid prescription for the prostate boost.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
In this task, the plan is going to be synchronous. This means that the dose
from the initial plan will be taken into account during the optimization of the
2. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Open Permanent Plan
XiO® 4-45
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Click the IMRT button. Then, click the IMRT Parameters button.
2. Click the Port drop-down menu and select the Auto and Multiple Beams
options to conform these beams option, using a relevant IMRT machine
and a 1cm margin using Jaws Only around PTV2.
3. Select the correct beams for optimization and for conforming. Set Opt
to no for beams 1-5. These beams are from the initial plan. You do not
want to change these. The dialog window should look like this.
4. Click OK.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
The goals for the synchronous plan are the same as for the composite.
• Limit 17% of the rectum to 6000 cGy and 35% of the rectum to 3800
• Limit 25% of the bladder to 6000 cGy and 50% of the bladder to
3800 cGy.
• Limit the femoral heads to less than 10% receiving 4500 cGy.
PTV1 has already received 6600 cGy. Therefore, you do not need to include
it in the prescription. PTV2 needs to receive 7800 cGy and the rectum and
bladder dose restricted as described in the above examples.
XiO® 4-47
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Optimize using the same previous settings. Assess the final result using
DVH and isodose display.
2. As with the composite plan, alter the isodose lines to reflect the 7800
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Click the Beam drop-down menu, open the Beam Spreadsheet, and set
the appropriate number of fractions: 33 for initial five beams, 6 for the
2. Turn off the initial beams (1-5) and click the Update Display to reflect
changes button.
3. Adjust the isodose lines to reflect the 1200 cGy boost and assess the
PTV2 coverage. Notice the boost is not the same as the boost done for
the composite plan.
6. (Optional) Print the DVH and compare it with the composite plan DVH.
XiO® 4-49
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
When you have more than one plan and want to compare them, or would
like to subtract plans or add plans for evaluation, you can use the Plan
Review tool.
Click the Tools drop-down menu and select the Plan Review option. XiO
shows the Plan Review Maintenance dialog box.
1. Right-click next to plan 2 and select the Plan ID of the plan you would
like to compare to the one already loaded into XiO.
2. Select Plan 1-Plan 2 for the plan 3 option. This generates a subtraction
plan and shows where the dose differences are between the two plans.
6. Create a DVH to compare plans graphically. All plans show on the same
7. Edit the isodose values and use the colorwash options for better plan
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Example Prescription
The following illustration depicts a valid prescription for the synchronous
prostate plan.
You have just completed both synchronous and composite IMRT planning.
To review the two methods:
The composite plan boost dose will be homogenous, but when combined
with the initial dose, there is potential for hotspots to overlap.
XiO® 4-51
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Practice Exercise
Part 3 is optional, but allows you to take your previously saved plan and
apply Segment Weight Optimization so you can compare a SWO plan with a
plan that did not use SWO.
2. Click the IMRT button, then click the Start Optimization button. Use the
same optimization criteria that you used in Part 1, Task 6.
3. Click the Start button on the Start IMRT Optimization dialog to re-
optimize the plan.
6. Click the Segment Weight Optimization button. This opens the Segment
Weight Optimization dialog.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
7. Type the information shown in the above fields for the segment weight
optimization criteria.
8. Click the Start button to begin. If you would like to use different values
for any of these items, you may do so. If necessary, go back to the
lecture and review what each of these values represents so you can
enter values appropriately.
9. After SWO is complete, click the OK button to start the final dose
1. To compare the SWO plan to the original plan, click Tools | Plan Review.
The SWO plan will default as plan 1.
XiO® 4-53
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Practice Exercise
Part 4 is optional. You will take your previously saved plan and apply
smoothing during the optimization. You will then compare a smoothed plan
with a plan that did not use smoothing.
2. Click the IMRT button, then click the Start Optimization button. Use the
same optimization criteria that you used in Part 1, Task 6.
4. Click the Start button on the Start IMRT Optimization dialog to re-
optimize the plan.
7. Click Cancel to close the dialog box and start the final dose calculation.
IMRT Prostate Plan
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. To compare the smoothed plan to the original plan, click the Tools |
Plan Review. The smoothed plan will default as plan 1.
6. Click Reports |Source Data | 1:## to review the Source Index for the
smoothed plan.
7. Click Reports| Source Data | 2:Prostate1 to review the Source Index for
the original plan.
XiO® 4-55
Adjusting Objectives
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Adjusting Objectives
Practice Exercise
This exercise illustrates the various methods you can use to customize
inverse planned dose distributions in XiO. While it is possible to get an
acceptable plan using the nominal dose, weight, and power settings, there
will be times when you will need to adjust these parameters in order to
achieve good results. This is particularly true for cases where the targets
either abut or overlap with critical structures/OARs.
For this exercise, you will use the “optplan” that you saved in Section 3.
IMRT Prostate Plan (Part 1). The new treatment goal requires that you
deliver 6600 cGy to the prostate while limiting the rectum to only 5000 cGy.
2. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Open Permanent Plan
option. XiO shows the Open Permanent Plan dialog box.
XiO® 5-1
Adjusting Objectives
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Adjusting Objectives
Press the F6 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
prescription dialog box.
3. Enter 6600 for the PTV1 minimum objective and 6900 for the
maximum objective.
Adjusting Objectives
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Adjusting Objectives
4. Verify the weight and power parameters are set to their nominal
settings of 100 and 2.0 respectively.
6. Click OK.
8. Evaluate your PTV1 coverage using the DVH graph and DVH Statistics.
10. Add the structure rectum to the prescription as an OAR and change its
rank to 2. This ensures that PTV1 will own the voxels in the overlap
11. Enter 5000 as the maximum dose to the rectum and make sure that the
weight and power for the rectum are also set to the nominal settings.
15. Review the PTV1 coverage using the DVH graph and DVH Statistics.
XiO® 5-3
Adjusting Objectives
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Adjusting Objectives
Adjusting Objectives
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Adjusting Objectives
Use the XiO plan review tool to evaluate the plans you have saved. You can
review up to three plans simultaneously.
1. Click the Tools drop down menu and select the Plan Review option. XiO
shows the Plan Review Maintenance dialog box.
2. The current plan RectPwr3 will default into the first available space.
3. Middle-click on the second and third spaces and select RectWt500 and
PTVdose6700 respectively.
5. Click OK.
NOTE: The RectPwr3 plan is different than the other two plans.
It gives better results for the rectal dose, but
compromises coverage to PTV1.
8. Click the DVH Statistics tab. Type all the statistics you wish to check.
XiO shows the statistics for all loaded plans.
XiO® 5-5
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Practice Exercise
The following procedures cover the common features of MLC-based IMRT
using XiO. There are many ways to complete an IMRT plan in XiO. This is
just one suggested method of the IMRT planning procedure. We used step
and shoot segmented MLCs to write this plan. However, you can plan with
compensating filters or dMLC. See the prostate exercise in this training
guide to review the instructions for planning with compensating filters or
At the end of the last task in this exercise is a completed prescription table
that has values entered that are a good starting prescription for this head
and neck plan.
XiO® 6-1
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
4. Click the File drop-down menu and select the New Teletherapy Plan
5. Select the RTOG protocol head and neck patient, studyset and graphics
area setup as shown in the following example.
6. Click OK.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
4. Under Structure, middle click and select ptv2, ptv3, ptv4, and enter a
0.0 cm margin for each (ptv1 is encompassed by ptv2 and does not
need to be included).
XiO® 6-3
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
7. Read and acknowledge the yellow warning message, then click the
Accept 3D Auto-margin button.
10. Create a margin around the cord called cordplus using a 0.5 cm margin
of inclusion. The RTOG protocol requires that the prescription apply a
0.5 cm margin to the cordplus.
11. Once you create and accept these three structures, click the Cancel
button to exit 3D Auto-margin.
12. Click the Beam button on the main toolbar to enter into
Teletherapy. XiO shows a Yes/No dialog box.
14. Read and acknowledge the yellow message about the data having been
15. Click the View drop-down menu and select the Enhance Contour
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
16. Click the All Structures Off button. Then, turn on the highlighted
structures as shown in the following window example.
XiO® 6-5
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Click the Dose drop-down menu and select the Calculation and Settings
options. XiO shows the Dose Calculation Settings dialog box.
2. Set the heterogeneity correction to the setting you use in your clinic.
4. Set your grid spacing to 0.3 cm along the width, height, and depth.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Press the F5 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the New
Beam dialog box.
3. Change the collimator jaw to asymmetric, and place the beam in the
center of the structure named Combo.
XiO® 6-7
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
7. Type the beam weight and number of fractions. If the delivery method
will be dynamic, it is important to set the fractions when setting up the
beams, since the segmentation is effected by the fractionation.
8. The weight point must be in a position of homogenous tissue and away
from potentially steep dose gradients. For the weight point location,
Default To: center of ptv2.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
9. Copy the active beam six times by clicking the Copy Beam button
on your toolbar.
Press the F7 key on your computer keyboard six times. This quickly
creates seven (7) beams.
10. Click the Beam Spreadsheet button on your toolbar to open the
Beam Spreadsheet dialog.
11. From the General tab, type beam Description for each of the beams
12. Click the Beam tab. Change the gantry angle of beams 2 through 7 to
51, 51, 102, 153, 204, 255 and 306, respectively.
13. Click the Port drop-down menu and select the Auto and Multiple Beams
options. XiO shows the Photon Conform Beams dialog box.
14. Select all the beams by clicking on the beam numbers. The buttons are
highlighted in blue when selected.
15. Middle-click in the Structure field and select the structure Combo.
17. Middle-click in the Collimator Type field and select Jaws Only.
18. Click OK. XiO conforms the jaws on all the beams to 1.0 cm around the
structure combo.
XiO® 6-9
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Press the F5 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Parameters dialog box. Use MLC as the Modulator type.
4. Click OK.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Treatment Goal
• Deliver 5400 cGy to at least 93% of the nodes (ptv3 and ptv4).
• Limit the dose to 4500 cGy on the cordplus. Less than 1% of the
volume of the cordplus structure should exceed 4500.
• Limit the dose to 3000 cGy over less than 50% of e ach parotid. No
more than 50% of each parotid should receive more than 3000.
Press the F6 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Prescription dialog box.
6. Locate the target structures in the list and set the type for all of them
to Target.
7. Rank them in order of overlap priority. Remember, you can rank some
structures the same.
XiO® 6-11
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
8. Right-click in the objective box for each structure and enter your
prescription. Enter a minimum, maximum and (optionally) goal for all
target structures. Below is an example you could use. Utilize whatever
values you want in order to fulfill the prescription requirements.
There is more than one way to fill out this prescription table.
10. Once you have filled out the prescription table with the target
structure values, click OK.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Press the F7 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the Start
IMRT Optimization dialog box.
2. Enter the information shown in the above fields for the initial and
beam weight optimizations.
XiO® 6-13
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
4. Click the Start button to begin. Once again, if you would like to use
different values for any of these items, you may do so. If necessary, go
back to the lecture and review what each of these values represents so
you can enter values appropriately. XiO shows the message
"Optimization Complete" when it has reached the selected criteria.
NOTE: It may take some time to calculate the pencil beams and
initialize the optimization after you click the Start button.
The Status indicator at the bottom of the Start IMRT
Optimization window shows the processes as they run.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
• The DVH goal is to have at least 93% of the volume of each PTV
structure receive its prescribed dose.
4. Click ptv1, ptv2, ptv3, ptv4, rtpar and cordplus to display them in the
XiO® 6-15
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
5. Click the DVH Statistics tab to review the statistics. You can see the
Volume of a structure and the doses it is receiving.
7. Right-click in the DVH window and make a selection from the list of
tools to evaluate the DVH.
NOTE: This DVH and its statistics are based on the intensity map
calculation. It gives you an idea of how the optimization is
doing up to this point. It also represents an idealized
situation. If the DVH is not acceptable for any structure, you
would probably not want to continue. But rather, you would
go back and examine the IMRT prescription, and possibly the
beam arrangement.
9. Enter isodose lines such as 6600, 6000, 5400, 4500, etc. to evaluate
the coverage of the associated volumes.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
(1) Return to the prescription table and change the weight and/or
power, then re-optimize. Be sure to not just check the
variable(s) that have been changed in the prescription as
increasing the weight or power of one variable will affect how
other variables are handled during optimization. You may have
improved the coverage of one target but reduced the coverage of
XiO® 6-17
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
2. Once you have made the changes to the prescription, click the Start
Optimization button to re-optimize.
4. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Save Plan option.
5. Enter the plan ID optplan. You may want to return to this point after
the final dose calculation if changes to the prescription are necessary.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu and select the Display Intensity Maps
2. Movie through each beam to review all intensity maps. Turn off all
contours, if necessary.
4. Move your mouse cursor over the intensity map. A brown box
indicates which pixel is being sampled. The relative value shows in the
lower left corner of the window.
5. Edit the intensity map by right clicking in the ABV window and
selecting the Edit Intensity option.
6. Move your mouse cursor over the intensity map. A red box indicates
which pixel is to be edited.
7. Over the selected pixel, hold down your left mouse and move right or
left to increase or decrease the intensity of that pixel. The relative value
shows in the lower left corner of the window.
8. Right-click in the ABV window and select the Restore Intensity option
to restore the originally calculated intensities.
9. If you have made changes that you want to keep, be sure to resave as
XiO® 6-19
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Press the F8 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Segmented MLC Parameters dialog box.
3. It is not necessary to use the Ideal Map Extension for this patient.
However, it is available since beams fall off the patient’s surface from
some or all of the beams.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
XiO® 6-21
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
11. Click the IMRT Delivery Summary. For some plans, the total number of
segments may produce treatment times that are too long. If the
number of segments is unacceptable, you can try a different number of
intensity levels and/or a different minimum segment size.
Split Beam fields only: Notice that the child beams have been assigned
a number of MLC segments.
13. Click the Review MLC Segments button. XiO shows the IMRT Leaf
Segment Review dialog box.
14. Using the Next buttons, you can review all segments for all beams and
delete any as necessary using the Delete Segment button.
16. If you do not want to perform segment weight optimization, click the
Cancel button to begin the final dose calculation. Otherwise, continue
to task 11.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Click the Segment Weight Optimization button. XiO opens the Segment
Weight Optimization dialog.
NOTE: Dose calculation (pre SWO) starts when you open this dialog
box. If you want to compare your pre-SWO dose to your
post-SWO dose, save the plan after you calculate the dose for
all beams.
2. Type the information shown in the above fields for the segment weight
optimization criteria. Click the Start button to begin. If you would like to
use different values for any of these items, you may do so. If necessary,
go back to the lecture and review what each of these values represents
so you can enter values appropriately.
3. Status updates appear just below the SWO criteria during segment
weight optimization.
5. After final dose calculation, if you saved your Pre-SWO dose, you can
compare Pre and Post SWO doses using Tools/Plan Review.
XiO® 6-23
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Task 12. Using DVH, Isodoses and Intensity Maps to Evaluate IMRT Plans
Once the final plan has finished calculating, the plan can be evaluated using
the DVH tool, isodose lines, and intensity maps.
1. Click the Histogram button. XiO redisplays the DVH and DVH
Statistics of the structures that were originally shown.
2. Click the DVH Statistics tab to review the plan statistics.
• Review volume of a structure and the Min, Max, and Mean doses it is
• Use Goal Type column to verify that you meet or exceed the following
criteria. The DVH goal must have at least 93% of the volume of each
PTV structure to receive its prescribed dose. Less than 1% of the
volume of the cordplus structure should exceed 4500. No more than
50% of each parotid should receive more than 3000. If you entered
these criteria earlier, XiO updates the results to reflect the new dose
3. The isodoses entered earlier should redisplay. Verify that the
coverage of the volumes is acceptable.
4. Intensity maps should already be shown. Movie through each beam to
review all the intensity maps. Turn off all contours if necessary.
5. Sample the intensity map by right-clicking in the ABV window and
selecting the Sample Intensity option.
6. Move your mouse cursor over the intensity map. A brown box
indicates which pixel is being sampled. The relative value shows in the
lower left corner of the window.
7. If you are not satisfied with the final plan and need to make edits to the
prescription, proceed using one of the following processes:
All Users:
(1) Close the patient and open the permanent plan optplan.
(2) Click the IMRT button then the Prescription button.
(3) If you are still working in the same plan, click the IMRT button
then the Prescription button.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Task 12. Using DVH, Isodoses and Intensity Maps to Evaluate IMRT Plans (cont.)
You can re-optimize the plan using the child beams that were created.
If you want to delete the child beams and restore the parent beams
before re-optimization, do either of the following:
Either close the plan and open the saved plan optplan.
(1) Turn on the parent beams by selecting Weight from the Dose
drop-down menu.
(3) Click the Beam drop-down menu and select the Delete Beams
option to delete all the child beams.
(4) Click the IMRT button then the Prescription button to show the
dialog box. Edit the prescription and continue to the Start
Optimization dialog box to re-optimize. XiO automatically forces
the recalculation of the open beams before the re-optimization.
XiO® 6-25
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Save Plan option.
3. Click OK.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Open your saved Head and Neck plan and change the Minimum
Transmission Multiplier on the Start Optimization page to a value of 6.
NOTE: If you are using a machine where beams were split, you need
to delete all the child beams (Beams drop-down menu,
Delete Beams) and turn on all parent beams on the Weights
page before you optimize.
2. Optimize the plan, create segments using the same setting as the
original plan and calculate dose.
4. Click the Tools drop-down menu and select the Plan Review option.
7. Enter appropriate isodose values and review the DVH and DVH
Statistics. Notice the dose differences between the two plans,
especially to the spinal cord dose.
9. Click the Dose drop-down menu and select the Dose Profile option.
10. In the transverse image window, hold down your left mouse button
and drag across the image from left to right drawing a line through the
level of the spinal cord. Notice the difference between the dose
profiles of the two plans.
XiO® 6-27
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
For more detailed explanations on IMRT QA, refer to the QA of IMRT Beams
—Technical Considerations located in the XiO Online Help.
2. Click the View drop-down menu and select the Enhance Contours
4. Click OK. The intensity map should be shown in the ABV window.
5. Right-click in the ABV window and select the Sample Intensity option.
6. Move your mouse around the intensity map to view the relative
intensity values across the field. The relative values show at the
bottom of the window.
7. If you want to output your intensity maps, click the Tools drop-down
menu and select the Output Intensity Maps in ASCII option. XiO shows
the associated dialog box.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
9. Enter a Filename for each beam intensity map you would like to
export. After the filenames have been entered, you can toggle on/off
the beam intensity maps you would like to output. When the beam
number and name are highlighted as blue, this means they are selected
to be output.
10. Select Output ASCII to send the files. XiO shows a message next to the
output ASCII button that states "Intensity Map Files Generated." XiO
saves these files in a network folder so third party software can
retrieve them.
XiO® 6-29
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Click the Beam button, then the DRR button. XiO turns on the
DRR. The largest extent of the leaves should show on the DRR in the
ABV window.
2. If you would like to print the DRR, click the File drop-down menu and
select the Print and DRR options. (The ABV window must be active to
get the DRR option under the print menu.) When you print the DRR,
you have the option of overlaying the plan information on the DRR. See
the Miscellaneous Tasks section of the XiO Training Guide for more
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Close option to close the
2. Select File | New QA Plan. XiO shows the New Teletherapy QA Plan
dialog box.
XiO® 6-31
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
6. Click OK. XiO shows the Retrieve Plan for Quality Assurance dialog
8. Under Plan ID, select the plan name that you saved.
9. In this exercise, select No to leave all the beams in their original gantry
orientation. If you would like to set all the beams gantry angles to
beam down for QA of each individual beam, you could select Yes.
10. Click OK. XiO shows the Isocenter Location dialog box.
11. Under Isocenter, select center of studyset. Potentially, you could have
points of interest to set your isocenter to, or you can enter coordinates.
12. Click OK. XiO starts the dose calculation of the IMRT plan on the
13. Click the T key on the keyboard. XiO removes the beam lines from the
14. Click the Optimize drop-down menu and select the IMRT and Segment
Review options to open the IMRT Leaf Segment Review dialog box.
Review the segments as necessary.
15. Click the Dose button, then the Isodose Lines button. XiO
shows the Isodose Lines dialog box.
XiO® 6-33
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
16. Enter isodose lines that represent dose from one fraction. Review the
isodose lines on the phantom.
17. Right-click in any SPV window and select Reference Point Loc.
18. Hold down the left mouse button in any SPV to sample the dose to any
point in the plan. The dose and point coordinates shows in the upper
right corner or each SPV window. This could be useful in verifying
dose to specific coordinates in the plan with dose to specific
coordinates in an actual phantom.
19. You can export any viewable dose plane (transverse, sagittal or
coronal) using the Dose Plane Output option in the Dose Profile Tool.
Click the Dose Profile button. XiO opens the Dose Profile dialog
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
20. Enter the SPV subwindow number to select the plane you would like to
21. Click the Dose Plane Output button. XiO shows a dialog box where you
can enter a filename for the dose plane.
22. Enter a filename and click OK. The plane information has now been
created in an ASCII format and is located in a file on the XiO planning
23. After you export all the planes you want to verify, click OK on the Dose
Profile dialog box. XiO closes the Dose Profile dialog box.
XiO® 6-35
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
After you complete your plan, you can elect to create individual beam QA
files for your IMRT plan.
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu and select the Modulation QA option.
Click the Optimize drop-down menu and select the IMRT and IMQA
3. Select each beam for which you would like to create a QA plan by
selecting Yes for each beam under the QA heading.
5. Enter/edit the Time or Monitor Units you want to use for this QA plan.
If you leave this field blank, XiO will use the mu/fx from the weight
6. Click OK. This begins the calculation of the single beam QA plans.
Once the plans are calculated, XiO creates a file that can be used by a
third-party vendor’s software for QA purposes.
IMRT Head and Neck
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Example Prescription
XiO® 6-37
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Practice Exercise
There are many ways to plan breast treatments. In the case of a simple
tangential arrangement, it is not possible to avoid part of the lung receiving
most of the dose prescribed to the target. IMRT using tangents does
however give very homogenous dose distribution throughout the target.
This is difficult, if not impossible to achieve with standard methods. Less
conventional beam arrangements can be used with XiO IMRT in an attempt
to lower lung and heart dose. You are welcome to explore different field
The first exercise highlights the 3D auto-margin tools and the IMRT map
extension feature that automatically generates "flash" to allow for daily
variations in the size/shape/position of the breast. The second exercise
demonstrates how to manually create beams which contain multiple
segments (control points).
XiO® 7-1
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
4. Click the File drop-down menu and select the New Teletherapy Plan
5. Select the breast patient, studyset, and graphics area setup as shown in
the following window example.
6. Click OK.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Some structures (targets) that you intend to treat using XiO IMRT may be
created using the 3D Auto-margin tool. In this case, place one beam to use as
a guide, and then use a combination of tools to create the breast tissue
volume. For IMRT treatments, you must have a target contoured. Since
breast tissue is not typically contoured for conventional planning, a
suggested method has been derived to quickly contour the breast target
tissue. This is only a suggested method. There are many other ways to
create the breast tissue structure. This method allows a beam to be placed
as it would on a simulator to include breast tissue and the required lung
1. Click the New Beam button on the toolbar. XiO shows the New
Beam dialog box.
5. Select the Beam Isocenter Placement point to the interest point named
9. Set the field borders as follows: LW= 7.0, RW= 5.5, UL= 11.5, and LL=
11. Enter 2520cGy for the beam weight and 28 fractions. If the delivery
method will be dynamic, it is important to set the fractions when
setting up the beams, since the segmentation is effected by the
12. Click the View drop-down menu and select Window Format.
Press W on the keyboard. XiO opens the Window Format dialog box.
XiO® 7-3
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
13. For the transverse image in window number 1, middle-click in the Ref
(cm) field and select –105.00. This is the CAX slice.
16. Click the Contour button on the Teletherapy main toolbar. XiO
toggles you into contouring where you will create two structures: (1)
to help create the target volume, and (2) the target volume itself.
17. Create a "box" structure to encompass all the target tissue. Movie to
slice T= -105. This is the CAX slice.
18. Click the drop-down arrow in the Group field and select the User
Defined group.
19. Click the drop-down arrow in the Contour field and select the contour
name BreastBridge.
20. Click the Draw Mode button to draw a box around the breast tissue.
Use the internal beam edge as a guide. Refer to the following image.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
22. Select the structure you just drew so that it has the edit box around it.
25. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V to paste the contour to that slice.
27. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V to paste the contour to that slice.
28. Click the Interpolation button to interpolate the contour onto the
remaining slices. You have now created a box that will be used to
create the target volume.
30. Type target as the structure name and change the color to red.
XiO® 7-5
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
31. Under the Structure list, select BreastBridge as your first structure.
32. Type –0.8 as the margin and Include. XiO creates the internal target
edge inside the beam border by 8 mm.
35. Set Clip at Patient’s Surface to Yes and Clip inside by 0.8. XiO creates
the surface margin of the target structure 8 mm inside the patient’s
36. Click the Create 3D Auto-margin button. You should now have a target
contour that looks like the one shown in the following window.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
39. Click the Beam button on the PFM toolbar to enter Teletherapy. XiO
shows a Yes/No dialog box.
41. Read and acknowledge the yellow message about the data having been
43. Turn all structures off. Turn on the following highlighted structures.
XiO® 7-7
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
In this task, verify and change calculation settings when necessary. It is not
required that you complete this task for every IMRT plan, but it helps to
understand the settings in the dialog box and how they affect IMRT
1. Click the Dose drop down menu and select the Calculation and Settings
options. XiO shows the Dose Calculation Settings dialog box.
2. Set the heterogeneity correction to the setting you use in your clinic.
4. Set your grid spacing to 0.3 cm along the width, height, and depth.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
At this point, mirror the Medial Tangent field and evaluate the conventional
tangent open field plan.
1. Activate beam 1 and click the Mirror Beam button. XiO shows the
Photon Beam dialog box for the new beam.
3. Edit the Gantry angle to 238, the Collimator angle to 356, and the Couch
angle to 352.
XiO® 7-9
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Press the F5 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Parameters dialog box. Use MLC as the Modulator type.
3. Click OK.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Treatment Goal
Press the F6 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Prescription dialog box.
5. Locate the structure named target in the structure list and set the type
to Target.
8. Leave the weight and power at their default settings for now.
9. Click OK when you have completed the prescription table with the
target structure values.
XiO® 7-11
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
In this case, you do not need to turn on any critical structures (OARs). If this
were a left breast, you might turn on the heart as an OAR. In some cases, you
may want to turn on the right or left lung as an OAR.
Press the F7 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the Start IMRT
Optimization dialog box.
2. Complete the fields in the above window for Step Increment and the
Initial and Beam Weight Optimizations. A large step increment is used in
this plan because there are no small structures involved. If you would
like to use different values for any of these items, you may do so.
3. Click the Start button to begin the optimization. XiO shows the
"Optimization Complete" message when it has reached the selected
NOTE: It may take some time to calculate the pencil beams and
initialize the optimizer after you click the Start button. The
Status indicator at the bottom of the Start IMRT
Optimization window shows the processes as they run.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Once the plan is optimized, it is important to review the optimized DVH and
the optimized isodoses to see if the prescription gives a good result or if
some adjustments need to be made.
For this training exercise, the DVH goal is to have at least 90% of the volume
of the target structure receive a prescribed dose of 5040 cGy.
5. Click the off button in the Status column to turn on the display of the
target structure.
7. Evaluate the DVH using the DVH Statistics tab. Add goals in the Goal
Type column to view Dose/Volume information for specific
Dose/Volume criteria.
8. Evaluate the DVH using the tools found when you right-click in the DVH
window. Use the Histogram Cursor to show the volume of a structure
and the dose it is receiving.
8. Click the Isodose Lines button to define and review the isodose
XiO® 7-13
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
At this point, you can turn on the ideal intensity map that is created based on
the optimized plan. You also have the capability of sampling and editing
individual pixel intensities.
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu and select the Display Intensity Maps
2. Movie through each IMRT beam to review the intensity maps. Turn off
all contours, if necessary.
3. Sample the intensity map by clicking your right mouse button in the
ABV window and selecting the Sample Intensity option.
4. Move your mouse cursor over the intensity map. A brown box indicates
which pixel is being sampled. The relative value shows in the lower left
corner of the window.
5. Edit the intensity map by clicking your right mouse button in the ABV
window and selecting the Edit Intensity option.
6. Move your mouse cursor over the intensity map. A red box indicates
which pixel is to be edited.
7. Over the selected pixel, hold down the left mouse and move right or left
to increase or decrease the intensity of that pixel. The relative value
shows in the lower left corner of the window.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
If the target dose needs adjustment, return to the prescription table and
change the weight and/or power, then re-optimize.
2. Once you have made the changes to the prescription, click the Start
Optimization button to re-optimize.
XiO® 7-15
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Click the F8 key on your computer keyboard. XiO shows the IMRT
Segmented MLC Parameters dialog box.
2. To extend the intensity map to account for flash, enter 2.0 for Distance
to Extend and 2.0 for Averaging Distance.
3. Click the Extend Map Edges button to extend the intensity map. XiO
extends the intensity map beyond the patient’s surface 2.0 cm and
averages the intensity value over a 2.0 cm distance before extending.
4. Try different values for distance to extend and averaging distance with
the intensity map turned on to see the effects.
5. Enter 7 for Discrete Intensity Levels and 1 for Minimum Segment Size.
(These are only suggested values.)
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
2. Click the IMRT Delivery Summary button. For some plans, the total
number of segments may produce treatment times that are too long. If
the number of segments is unacceptable, you can try a different
number of intensity levels and/or a different minimum segment size.
4. Click the Review MLC Segments button. XiO shows the IMRT Leaf
Segment Review dialog box.
5. Using the Next buttons, you can review all segments for all beams. You
can also delete any unnecessary segments using the Delete Segment
XiO® 7-17
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
3. Type the value of the isodose you want to remove in the first open
Isovalue (cGy) box.
4. Click the off/on button next to the isodose value you entered to change
the status to ‘on’. XiO shows the isodose line you typed.
6. Click Dose | Dose in BEV. XiO shows the isodose line in the BEV.
12. Click the Edit Segment button. XiO shows the Edit
Multileaf Collimator Leaf Pairs dialog box.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
13. Select Edit Leaf from the mouse menu in the BEV.
14. Use the mouse to pull the MLC leaves over the hot spot for one
segment. You want to minimize the effect of the edits, so edit the leaves
in the segment which requires the least amount of leaf movement.
15. Click OK. XiO closes the Edit Multileaf Collimator Leaf Pairs dialog box.
17. Repeat the process of editing MLC leaves and reviewing the new dose
distribution until you are satisfied with the results. See the Forward
Planning Breast Technique exercise in this section for additional
information about this tab.
18. Click OK. XiO closes the Beam Spreadsheet dialog box.
XiO® 7-19
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Task 13. Using DVH, Isodoses and Intensity Maps to Evaluate IMRT Plans
Once XiO finishes calculating the final plan, you can evaluate the plan using
the DVH tool, isodose lines, and intensity maps.
• Use the Histogram Cursor to show the volume of a structure and the
dose it is receiving.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
When you have met the prescription criteria and are satisfied with the plan,
save it.
1. Click the File drop-down menu and select the Save Plan option.
3. Click OK.
Task 15. Creating a Flash Margin When Planning with Compensating Filters
Creating flash for comp filter plans is a two-step process that includes
creating an expanded target volume and using bolus to let the algorithm
calculate dose to beamlets in the flash region.
The amount of flash is the sum of the distance the target is expanded beyond
the patient surface plus an additional 5mm of bolus (applied during
1. Click the Contour button on the Teletherapy main toolbar. XiO toggles
you into contouring.
XiO® 7-21
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Task 15. Creating a Flash Margin When Planning with Compensating Filters
6. Extend the margin Anteriorly and Right OR Left depending on the side
that you are treating. Enter a margin sufficient enough to extend the
Flash Volume outside the patient skin by 0.5cm.
8. Click the Create 3D Auto-margin button. You should now have a Flash
Volume contour that looks like the one shown in the following window
(cyan structure).
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Task 15. Creating a Flash Margin When Planning with Compensating Filters
11. When you enter your IMRT prescription, make sure you use
FLASHVOLUME as your target prescription.
XiO® 7-23
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Task 15. Creating a Flash Margin When Planning with Compensating Filters
1. Click the Beam drop-down menu and select Bolus – New. Add 1cm
bolus to the flash area. You should now have a bolus drawn that looks
like the one shown in the following window.
2. Click the Beam drop-down menu and select Bolus – Assign. Select Yes
and assign the Bolus to both beams.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Task 15. Creating a Flash Margin When Planning with Compensating Filters
4. After the dose calculation is complete, click the Beam drop-down menu
and select Bolus – Assign. Select No to un-assign the bolus for both
NOTE: The bolus was only used to generate the compensators and
is not needed for the final dose calculation.
XiO® 7-25
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
Example Prescription
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
You can also create segmented IMRT beams with the Forward Planning
functionality. You are not required to have an IMRT license to use Forward
Planning. But, you must use a treatment machine setup for IMRT planning
purposes so it includes all the IMRT specific parameters. See the XiO Beam
Modeling Guide for more information.
This exercise demonstrates how you can apply the forward planning
technique for breast using XiO. This exercise contains all necessary steps to
create two tangential beams with a prescribed dose of 50Gy.
XiO® 7-27
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
5. Select OK. XiO closes the New Beam dialog box and opens the Photon
Beam dialog box.
XiO® 7-29
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
9. Increase the field length so that you cover the whole target.
10. Select UL/LL Jaws from the mouse drop-down menu in the Beam’s Eye
11. Use the mouse to drag the length jaws out so the field covers the target.
12. Increase the field width so there is a margin around the target.
13. Select LW/RW Jaws from the mouse drop down menu in the Beam’s
Eye View.
14. Use the mouse to drag the width jaws out so the field covers the target
with enough margin to accommodate flash.
15. Weight the beam to deliver half the requested dose in 25 fractions.
16. Type 2500 in the Weight (cGy) field. Type 25 in the Number of
Fractions field.
XiO® 7-31
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
17. Any beam with multiple control points (MLC segments) is considered
to be an IMRT beam in XiO. You must use Convolution, Fast
Superposition or Superposition for the calculation algorithm. Select
Convolution in the Calculation Algorithm field.
18. Select Port | Conform MLC | Active Beam to conform the MLC to the new
jaw positions.
19. Select the Mirror Beam button . XiO creates a mirrored beam.
20. Rotate Beam 2 so the interior edges of Beam 1 and Beam 2 are parallel.
21. Click in sub-window 1 which contains the Transverse slice and select
Gantry Angle from the mouse menu.
22. Use the mouse to rotate Beam 2 until the edge of Beam 2 is parallel
with the edge of Beam 1. The Gantry Angle is approximately 238
XiO® 7-33
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
25. Select OK. XiO closes the Photon Beam dialog box for Beam 2.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
XiO® 7-35
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
5. Select OK. XiO closes the dialog box and updates the dose calculation
with the new parameters.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
In this exercise, you use the 100% isodose line as a reference. Set the Plan
Normalization so the 100% line is equal to the prescribed dose (50 Gy).
3. Select the Selected Dose button. XiO changes the plan’s normalization.
4. Select CANCEL.
5. Select Dose | Isodose Lines. XiO displays the Isodose Lines dialog box.
6. Type 114 in the first Isovalue (%) box. 114% is the first overdose you
will remove.
XiO® 7-37
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Task 4: Set the Plan Normalization and display the isodoses (cont.)
9. Review the 100% isodose line to make sure it adequately covers the
breast and does not intrude into the lung. If the breast is not
adequately covered, return to Task 2 and increase the field sizes
and/or rotate the gantry until you are satisfied with the coverage.
XiO® 7-39
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
10. Click the On button in the On/Off column for the 100% isovalue line.
XiO turns off the display of the 100% isodose line. You are now ready
to block the 114% isodose line.
11. Click OK. XiO closes the Isodose Lines dialog box.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Task 4: Set the Plan Normalization and display the isodoses (cont.)
12. Select Dose | Dose in BEV to show the isodoses in the Beam’s Eye View.
1. Select 1 Forward Planned in the Active Beam dialog in the upper right
4. Click the Segments tab. You can now add segments to the beam and
change it from a 3D beam to a beam with multiple segments (control
6. Click the Next and Prev buttons until segment 2 is the Active Segment.
XiO® 7-41
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
10. Use the mouse to pull in the MLC leaves to cover the 114% hotspot. XiO
forces the width jaws to be flush with the most retracted MLC leaf in
the segment for the Elekta MLCi machine. You do not need to edit the
jaw positions.
11. Select OK. XiO closes the Edit Multileaf Collimator Pairs dialog box.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
12. Use the left and right arrows in the Weight column to increase the
weight of Segment #2 until the 114% isodose line disappears. You have
to wait for the dose to calculate after each edit.
13. Click OK. XiO closes the Beam Spreadsheet dialog box.
14. Click Dose | Isodose Lines. XiO shows the Isodose lines dialog box.
16. Click OK. XiO closes the Isodose Lines dialog box.
17. Type Alt+b, s to use the keyboard shortcut to redisplay the Segments
tab of the Beam Spreadsheet dialog box.
NOTE: Turn off Num Lock if the keyboard shortcut does not
19. Click the Copy Segment button. XiO adds a second segment to Beam #2.
21. Click the Next and Prev buttons until segment 2 is the Active Segment.
XiO® 7-43
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
23. Click in the Beam’s Eye View (sub-window 2). Select Edit Leaf from the
mouse menu.
24. Use the mouse to pull in the MLC leaves to cover the 112% hotspot.
25. Click OK. XiO closes the Edit Multileaf Collimator Leaf Pairs dialog box.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
26. Use the left and right arrows in the Weight column to increase the
weight of Segment #2 until the 112% isodose line disappears. You have
to wait for the dose to calculate after each edit.
27. Click OK. XiO closes the Beam Spreadsheet dialog box.
28. Click Dose | Isodose Lines. XiO displays the Isodose lines dialog box.
30. Click OK. XiO closes the Isodose Lines dialog box.
31. Type Alt+b, s to use the keyboard shortcut to redisplay the Segments
tab of the Beam Spreadsheet dialog box.
NOTE: Turn off Num Lock if the keyboard shortcut does not work.
XiO® 7-45
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
33. Click the Prev button until the Active Segment is segment 1.
35. Click the Prev and Next buttons until the Active Segment is 3.
37. Use the mouse to pull in MLC leaves to cover the 110% hotspot.
38. Click OK. XiO closes the Edit Multileaf Collimator Leaf Pairs dialog box.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
39. Type values in the Weight(%) column for Segment #3 to increase the
weight of Segment #3 until the 110% isodose line disappears. You have
to wait for the dose to calculate after each edit.
40. Click OK. XiO Closes the Beam Spreadsheet dialog box.
41. Click Dose | Isodose Lines. XiO displays the Isodose lines dialog box.
43. Click OK. XiO closes the Isodose Lines dialog box.
44. Type Alt+b, s to use the keyboard shortcut to redisplay the Segments
tab of the Beam Spreadsheet dialog box.
NOTE: Turn off Num Lock if the keyboard shortcut does not
46. Click the Prev button until the Active Segment is segment 1.
XiO® 7-47
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
48. Click the Prev and Next buttons until the Active Segment is 3.
50. Use the mouse to pull in MLC leaves to cover the 108% hotspot.
51. Click OK. XiO closes the Edit Multileaf Collimator Leaf Pairs dialog box.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
52. Type values in the Weight(%) column for Segment #3 to increase the
weight of Segment #3 until the 108% isodose line disappears. You have
to wait for the dose to calculate after each edit.
XiO® 7-49
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. You can lock the relative weight of a segment. Click the no button under
the Locked heading to lock the weight.
2. You can still edit the segment’s leaves and jaws when the segment is
3. XiO updates the MU of a locked segment if you change the Total Beam
Weight (cGy) and/or the Total Beam MU.
5. Select CANCEL to discard the changes. XiO will remove your changes.
XiO® 7-51
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
3. Click CANCEL to discard the changes. XiO will remove your changes.
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Type a new value in the Total Beam Weight (cGy) field to reweight a
beam. XiO updates the MU of each segment according to the new beam
2. Type a new value in the Total Beam MU field to change the monitor
units for a beam. XiO updates the MU of each segment according to the
new beam weight.
1. You can renumber segments once the system calculates the dose.
2. Type the new segment numbers in the column headed by the # sign.
3. You cannot have two segments with the same number. You cannot
have a segment numbered higher than the total number of segments in
the beam.
XiO® 7-53
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Breast IMRT
XiO IMRT Training Guide
1. Select Port | Keyboard | MLC. XiO shows the Edit Multileaf Collimator
Leaf Pairs dialog box.
4. Type in values to edit individual jaw positions. XiO prohibits some edits
based on the MLC type due to dose calculation and delivery
5. Select Next and Prev after Current Segment to edit a different segment.
6. Select Next and Prev after Current Beam to edit a different beam.
XiO® 7-55
Additional Practice Plans
XiO IMRT Training Guide
The plans discussed in this section are additional practice plans you can use in
your classroom training session. At this point, you should be familiar with the
IMRT process in XiO, so only the treatment goals and example prescriptions
have been provided. Contours have already been drawn. If necessary, use the
lecture notes described in Section 1 of this training guide to step you through
Target Structures
PTV70 95% of PTV70 is at or above 7000 cGy 30 fx
PTV56 95% of PTV56 is at or above 5600 cGy 30 fx
Organs at Risk
Spinal Cord Max dose 4500 cGy
Rt Parotid Dose as low as possible
Lt Parotid Max Dose 3000 cGy
The target volume is the tumor on the right side of the neck and the lower neck
nodes. Use any beam arrangement and any IMRT prescription to meet the above
described prescription goals. Refer to the following prescription example for
assistance with your plan.
XiO® 8-1
Additional Practice Plans
XiO IMRT Training Guide
A clinically acceptable plan was achieved using seven beams (evenly spaced)
and the following IMRT Prescription.
Additional Practice Plans
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Target Structures
PTV1 5400 cGy 30 fx
PTV2 6000 cGy 30 fx
Organs at Risk
Optic Chiasm Max dose 5400 cGy
Optic Nerves Max dose 5400 cGy
Lens Max Dose 800 cGy
Uninvolved Brain Limit dose as much as possible
The target volume is the brain tumor contoured on this studyset. The example
prescription is for a concurrent treatment. You may want to try this prescription
as a composite plan using the composite method as well as the synchronous
method for purposes of evaluating them to determine the clinical method you
would like to use. Refer to the following prescription example for assistance
with your plan.
XiO® 8-3
Additional Practice Plans
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Brain (cont.)
Additional Practice Plans
XiO IMRT Training Guide
Prescription: Option 1
Target Structures
95% to receive 7020 cGy
PTV2 (prostate + margin) Limit to hot spot of 10% (7720 cGy)
(prostate, seminal vesicles,
iliac nodes + margin) 95% to receive 4500 cGy
Target Structures
95% to receive 7560 cGy
PTV2 (prostate + margin) Limit to hot spot of 10% (8310 cGy)
(prostate, seminal vesicles,
iliac nodes + margin) 95% to receive 5040 cGy
XiO® 8-5
Additional Practice Plans
XiO IMRT Training Guide
• Select any patient from the database to plan on or start a new patient
from scratch.
• Select a treatment machine that best matches one you use in the clinic.
• Create a typical beam arrangement (for your clinic) for the type of
patient you selected.
• Enter a prescription based on a previous exercise or what you would use
in the clinic.
1. Create identical plans with and without a smoothing parameter. Use the
Sliding Window segmentation method. Try out the different smoothing
options to see the affects it has on the plan. You could even try creating a
plan with and without a smoothing parameter using a different segmentation
3. Create identical plans with each segmentation method with and without
SWO. Compare SWO plans to each other and to plans that did not use SWO
(created in Step 2).
Are You Ready for IMRT?
Are You Ready?
The slides in this section are used during classroom training to cover
topics concerning the equipment and resources necessary for starting
an IMRT program. Establishing the appropriate QA programs,
collecting data, beam modeling, personnel training, etc. are considered
in order to encourage discussion of these topics with all personnel.
• Equipment
• Commissioning and Testing
• Equipment QA
• Patient-by-Patient QA
• Equipment Complications
• Immobilization and Localization
• Personnel Requirements and Training
• Reimbursement
Available Resources:
- Equipment
- QA Protocol
Gap in contours
77290 Therapeutic radiology simulation-aided field setting; complex
Treatment Delivery
77418 Intensity modulated treatment delivery, single or multiple fields/arcs, via
narrow spatially and temporally modulated beams (example, binary, dynamic
MLC), per treatment session
Etc …
Data Requirements
and Beam Modeling
*You should only measure a 1x1 field if you can measure them accurately
Measuring TSCF
Can be measured with film, micro chambers, TLDs, or diamond Conventional + IMRT
Field Sizes Field Sizes
• Diodes/micro chambers
Make measurements in a scanning tank so that the FWHM of 3x3 cm 1x1 cm
the field may be verified prior to making the measurement. It
4x4 cm 2x2 cm
will also allow you to locate the chamber/diode directly in the
center of the field. Get the field size as close as possible; 5x5 cm 3x3 cm
record the true field size for entry into the RTP system.
7x7 cm 4x4 cm
• Film
Shoot a film, develop it, and verify the field size before 10x10 cm 5x5 cm
making the measurement. Take several measurements so
that an average output can be deduced. Take appropriate 12x12 cm
H&D data.
15x15 cm
Follow the procedure for verifying the field size for film. 20x20 cm
Irradiate TLD as you would normally. Make several
25x25 cm
measurements so that an average output can be deduced.
• Diamond detectors 30x30 cm
De Angelis C., et. al., “An investigation of the operating
35x35 cm
characteristics of two PTW diamond detectors in photon and
electron beams”, Med Phys 2002 Feb; 29(2) 248-254 40x40 cm
Measuring Collimator Transmission
• Close the width jaws down to as close to zero as obtainable and move the
build-up cap/mini-phantom as needed to make sure no beam is
intercepting the cap/phantom. Measure the dose rate.
• The ratio of these readings is the width collimator transmission.
• Take a measurement for the length jaw.
• Enter the average into XiO.
Measuring MLC Transmission - 1
• MLC replaces upper jaws
and has back-up jaws.
• Make a measurement on CAX.
• Move the probe so that it is
between the jaw and the MLC.
• Take the ratio to find the MLC
• Minimize the amount of
material intercepted by the beam.
Measuring MLC Edge Profiles
MLC profiles are measured to establish an accurate value of MLC
• Use a micro-chamber for this
measurement if scanning in
water. Measure in 0.1 – 0.25
mm increment for best
resolution. Scan slowly.
• Use of a standard scanning
chamber will blur the penumbra
and lead to incorrect results.
• Film may be used to
characterize this penumbra (10
cm depth is OK).
• Data cannot be imported
directly into XiO for fitting. It
must be plotted.
• Avoid scanning in the inter-leaf
leakage plane. Offset the scan
profile if necessary.
Workflow - 1
Light field
Radiation Field
Radiation vs. Light Field Offset
Radiation vs. Light Field Offset
• Use Shaper or other method to generate MLC segments.
• Increment MLC by 0.02 cm in pairs, symmetrically, on one
leaf bank.
• Initialize MLC before making measurements.
• Measure with film (example, XV ready-pack) – 50 MU works
• No buildup is required.
• Evaluate the film for smooth gray dose bands and determine
• Enter XiO Parameter as ½ of determined offset (in cm
because only one leaf bank was modified during experiment).
• Typical XiO value is 0.05 – 0.09 cm.
Head Scatter Correction Factor
• When OAR objectives are added, they tend to compete with target
dose objectives and degrade target dose homogeneity.
gσ ( Di ) = ( Di − D0 ) 2 F = ∑ fσ
σ =1
Where D is the goal dose for the objective • Where σ
f is the individual
subcost of objective. M is theσ
1 number of objectives 3
wσ is an importance weighting
gσ ( Di ) = 0 0 ≤ Di ≤ D0
gσ ( Di ) = mM ⋅ ( Di − D0 ) D0 < Di ≤ DM
gσ ( Di ) = ( Di − DM ) k + mM ⋅ ( Di − D0 ) DM ≤ Di
D0 is a goal dose.
DM is a maximum desired dose.
mM is a linear penalty for doses greater than the goal dose.
k is a penalty power.
Optimization: Cost Per Voxel for Minimum Dose Objective
gσ ( Di ) = ( Dm − Di ) k + mm ⋅ ( D0 − Di ) 0 ≤ Di < Dm
gσ ( Di ) = mm ⋅ ( D0 − Di ) Dm ≤ Di < D0
gσ ( Di ) = 0 D0 ≤ Di
D0 is a goal dose.
Dm is a minimum desired dose.
mm is a linear weighting for doses less than the goal dose.
k is a weighting power.
Di is the dose in the voxel i.
gσ is the cost per voxel when the dose in voxel is Di.
Optimization: Cost Per Voxel for Dose-Volume Objective
gσ ( Di ) = 0 0 ≤ Di ≤ D0
gσ ( Di ) = m+ ⋅ ( Di − D0 ) D0 < Di ≤ D0+
gσ ( Di ) = ( Di − D0+ ) k + m+ ⋅ ( Di − D0 ) D0+ < Di ≤ Dv
gσ ( Di ) = m+ ⋅ ( Di − D0 )
Dv < Di
D0 is the threshold dose (if it is specified).
D0+ is some specified dose equivalent.
m+ is a linear weighting for doses greater than the goal dose.
Dv is the dose at which the volume requirement would be satisfied given the
current dose distribution.
k is a weighting power.
Di is the dose in the voxel i.
gσ is the cost per voxel when the dose in voxel is Di.
Optimization: Cost Per Voxel for Dose-Volume Objective(II)
At the current iteration, 55% of the voxels in the OAR have 40+ Gy.
a) Determine how many voxels need to get the dose at/below 40 Gy to meet
the prescription. (In this case, 20% of volume.)
Minimum Transmission Multiplier — Helps improve the agreement between the optimized dose
distribution and the final dose distribution by increasing the background scatter which is present. The
product of this value, the MLC transmission from SFM, and the maximum beamlet intensity are used to
establish the minimum beamlet intensity value.
Iterations between DVHs—Controls the update frequency of the displayed scored DVHs.
Convergence Criterion—At every iteration, the difference in the current cost function and the previous
iteration’s CC is computed. When the difference falls below the CC, the optimization will cease. The
suggested default for the convergence criterion is 0.001.
Maximum Iterations- The hard maximum number of iterations the optimizer will run. The suggested
default for maximum iterations is 60. The job is done in the first 30 iterations. (When higher order
penalties are used, more iterations are required.)
Scatter Extent—The distance any beamlet contributes dose beyond its geometric edges; if the scatter
extent is set to zero, the optimization algorithm ignores scatter altogether. Suggested value: less than 1
cm for prostate and greater than 1.5 for head and neck plans.
Optimization Margin—A margin around the targets in the Rx. Any bixels falling beyond the projection of
this margin in a BEV will not be optimized.
Smoothing Parameters — The selected set of parameters are used by the smoothing function applied
during the fluence optimization to remove 'spikes' in the intensity map. Selecting 'None' turns smoothing
off. XiO includes default smoothing parameters. However, you may define your own.
Optimization: Start Page(I) Step Increment
1cm step with 0.5 cm MLC 0.5cm step with 0.5 cm MLC
Optimization: Start Page (II) Optimization Margin
Beamlet Creation
Assigned beams are
divided into beamlets
Beamlet Calibration
Dose calibrated with
3D Algorithm
(Superposition, Fast Superposition, FFT Convolution)
Optimization Process: IMRT Inverse Planning I
• Commencing with a
contoured field and
beam arrangement
• Next, the TERMA calculated for the original contoured field is multiplied
with the lateral dose distribution for each beamlet to obtain the beamlet
dose( x, y, d ) = TERMA(x p , y p , d )⋅ f ( xr , bx , x0 ) ⋅ f ( yr , by , y0 )
• The combined lateral dose distribution of all beamlets for a beam
calculated using TERMA, as above, is a very simple dose estimate that
doesn’t take into account photon and electron transport or the presence
of electron contamination. It has no buildup region, and the dose at
maximum is incorrect, among other things. In order to account for
these phenomena, a calibration of the dose with the dose calculated
with one of the algorithms has to be done.
Optimization Process: Beamlet Calibration
• A correction between the original field dose and the beamlet dose
produces a calibrated matrix for the individual beamlets.
beamlet dose
original field dose
Optimization Process: Intensity Map
Oσ is the objective
indexed over σ
• The cost function must incorporate all objectives across OARs and
Target (min,max,dvh, threshold, goal dose).
Optimization Process: Example
T = Target
N = Normal Tissue
(or OAR)
Optimization Process: Objectives and Weights (I)
DGT = 64 Gy,
DGN = 0 Gy,
you can plot the range of
the target objective OT
and normal tissue
objective ON.
Optimization Process: Objectives and Weights (IV)
F ( D T , D N ) = ( D T - 64 ) 2 + ( D N ) 2
= (64 − 64 ) + (32 − 0 )
2 2
= 1024
• Random applications
of weights gives you
an impossible surface
over which to search
for the optimum
Optimization Process: Conjugate Gradient (I)
If you take the derivative of each cost function with respect to the weight
of each beamlet wi , you can see how changing the weights will change
the cost function F…; this is known as the gradient descent method. The
gradient for such a cost function is a normalized vector composed of
partial derivatives of the cost function objectives with respect to the
beamlet weights. Your objective is to find the minimum value for F given
all our objectives.
∂F ∂O ∂F ∂OT ∂ON
=∑ σ in our case this = +
∂wi σ ∂wi function becomes ∂wi ∂wi ∂wi
• There are many methods of finding the gradient of cost functions for
∂F ∂F ∂wi
= − ∇F = −0.66 w
ˆ 1 − 0.75w
∑ (∂F ∂wi )
Optimization Process: Line Search (I)
Line search magnitude is defined as the normalized distance in a line search direction
from some starting point in the search space.
You must now figure out how large a jump each wi must experience so as not to by-
pass a global minimum. In the spreadsheet line search in the example below, a fixed
step size is selected by trial and error. Real line search algorithms try successively, to
bring values closer and closer to the true minimum, until some convergence criterion is
met or the number of iterations is accomplished.
Line Search Dose Per Beamlet (Target) Target Dose Per Beamlet (OAR) OAR Total w1 w2 w3 w4
Magnitude B1 B2 B3 B4 Dose B1 B2 B3 B4 Dose Cost 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
0.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 64.00 15.00 0.00 17.00 0.00 32.00 1024.00 0.93 1.00 0.93 1.00
0.10 14.88 16.00 14.88 16.00 61.76 13.95 0.00 15.81 0.00 29.76 890.68 0.87 1.00 0.85 1.00
0.20 13.92 16.00 13.60 16.00 59.52 13.05 0.00 14.45 0.00 27.50 776.32 0.80 1.00 0.78 1.00
0.30 12.80 16.00 12.48 16.00 57.28 12.00 0.00 13.26 0.00 25.26 683.23
0.74 1.00 0.70 1.00
0.40 11.84 16.00 11.20 16.00 55.04 11.10 0.00 11.90 0.00 23.00 609.28
0.67 1.00 0.63 1.00
0.50 10.72 16.00 10.08 16.00 52.80 10.05 0.00 10.71 0.00 20.76 556.42
0.60 1.00 0.55 1.00
0.60 9.60 16.00 8.80 16.00 50.40 9.00 0.00 9.35 0.00 18.35 521.68
0.70 8.64 16.0 7.68 16.0 48.32 8.10 0.00 8.16 0.00 16.26 510.25
0.54 1.00 0.48 1.00
0.80 7.52 16.00 6.40 16.00 45.92 7.05 0.00 6.80 0.00 13.85 518.71 0.47 1.00 0.40 1.00
0.90 6.56 16.00 5.28 16.00 43.84 6.15 0.00 5.61 0.00 11.76 544.72 0.41 1.00 0.33 1.00
1.00 5.44 16.00 4.00 16.00 41.44 5.10 0.00 4.25 0.00 9.35 596.38 0.34 1.00 0.25 1.00
1.10 4.32 16.00 2.88 16.00 39.20 4.05 0.00 3.06 0.00 7.11 665.59 0.27 1.00 0.18 1.00
1.20 3.36 16.00 1.60 16.00 36.96 3.15 0.00 1.70 0.00 4.85 754.68 0.21 1.00 0.10 1.00
1.30 2.24 16.00 0.32 16.00 34.56 2.10 0.00 0.34 0.00 2.44 872.67 0.14 1.00 0.02 1.00
1.40 1.28 16.00 -0.80 16.00 32.48 1.20 0.00 -0.85 0.00 0.35 993.63 0.08 1.00 -0.05 1.00
1.50 0.16 16.00 -2.08 16.00 30.08 0.15 0.00 -2.21 0.00 -2.06 1154.81 0.01 1.00 -0.13 1.00
Optimization Process: Line Search (II)
Graphically, your
initial line search
would look like this.
Line Dose Per Beamlet (Target) Target Dose Per Beamlet (OAR) OAR Total
Search B1 B2 B3 B4 Dose B1 B2 B3 B4 Dose Cost
0.70 8.64 16.0 7.68 16.0 48.32 8.10 0.00 8.16 0.00 16.26 510.25
If you use these calculated values for the doses, you would reset
wi to 1.00 and repeat the process.
Optimization Process Line Search (III)
Line Dose Per Beamlet (Target) Target Dose Per Beamlet (OAR) OAR Total
Search B1 B2 B3 B4 Dose B1 B2 B3 B4 Dose Cost
0.70 8.94 24.0 7.46 24.0 64.31 8.38 0.00 7.93 0.00 16.32 266.28
Line Dose Per Beamlet (Target) Target Dose Per Beamlet (OAR) OAR Total
Search B1 B2 B3 B4 Dose B1 B2 B3 B4 Dose Cost
0.87 3.86 25.0 2.62 25.0 56.42 3.50 0.00 2.86 0.00 6.36 97.95
Optimization: Process Convergence
In this example, after three
iterations, the cost function value
has reduced.
Iteration OT ON Total Cost
0 0.00 1024.00 1024.00
1 245.86 264.39 510.25
2 0.10 266.18 266.28
3 57.53 40.43 97.95
The dose to the target and OAR
has been modified as follows:
Iteration DT DN
0 64.00 32.00
1 48.32 16.26
2 64.31 16.32
3 56.42 6.36
Cost Convergence:
The Cost Function should decrease with every
iteration. If the cost value does not decrease,
optimization stops.
Optimization Process: Optimized or Ideal Doses
• Evaluate
optimized doses
• Save the
optimized plan
segmenting or
• Delete
plans once a
plan is final.
Generate Treatment Aids (1)
Treatment aids
Final Calculation
2 Intensity Levels
4 intensity levels
Generate Treatment Aids(V): Reviewing Segments
Generate Treatment Aids (VI): Reviewing Compensators
Segmentation Weight Optimization
• Improve the agreement between the optimized and final dose
• Compensate for loss of dose coverage to target volumes.
• Improve OAR sparing.
• Reduce the number of segments in a plan.
Why Do We Need SWO?
• Optimized intensity maps are divided into equal intensity levels
• To make up for loss of a huge amount of information and
degradation of the final dose distribution when going from an
optimized plan to a final plan
• The fewer number of intensity levels used, the more degraded
the final dose distribution
Optimized Intensity
• You are given the option to save segment dose files for
future use.
IMRT Summary Report
SWO Output
Pre-SWO Post-SWO
• Uniform Segment Weights • Non-uniform Segment
Example of SWO results
The user-controlled preferences for split-field creation are accessed through the Edit,
Preferences, IMRT dialog box.
Default is 6.0 cm
Range 0.5 cm - 10.0 cm
Overlap Extent
This is the extent, in the width direction, where the fields of the child beams
overlap. An algorithm determines the location of the overlap extent, and
the value you enter will determine the width. The overlap extent spans
across the same set of bixels from row to row on an intensity map.
Default is 4.0 cm
Range 0.0 cm - two-thirds of the Minimum Field Width
Field Splitting (III)
• The Split Extent cannot be larger than the Overlap Extent. The actual
voxels that the split extent spans will be determined using a linearly-
constrained optimization.
• This is the distance along an intensity row over which the dose
delivered from the first child beam goes from 100 % to 0 % and the
dose delivered from the second child beam goes from 0 % to 100 %.
• This allows for dose feathering in the beam abutment region. The
split extent will be the same width, but may be in a different location
from row to row on the intensity map.
• XiO searches each row within the overlap extent to find the lowest
contiguous average intensity over the width defined for split extent.
This is where the dose feathering between child beams will occur for
that row.
Row One
Overlap Extent
Discrete Intensity
Split 1 Discrete
0.600 Intensity
Split 2 Discrete
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37
Row Two
Overlap Extent
Discrete Intensity
Split 1 Discrete
0.600 Intensity
Split 2 Discrete
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37
Choose the method best suited for your needs, equipment, and
QA objectives.
QA Film plane
1.1. IM QA - QA Workflow
With Plan Dose valid , select:
Tools Modulation QA (if Comp Filter plan) or,
Optimize IMRT IM QA (if IMRT plan)
• Works for 3D plans with MLC and for IMRT plans, but not for
3D plans with compensators
• Lets you export dose planes per beam and cumulative dose
2.1. QA plan – Composite Plan Workflow (Create/Choose
1. Install the CMS phantom, adding slices in
each study set, adding interest points, or
scanning the phantom that you use for QA
measurements, bringing it to PFM.
19. Compare planes of dose by importing the Dose output files from the
XiO into the third party analysis software.
2.5. QA Plan-Dose Plane File Format/Location
The system saves the Dose Planes in the following directory:
Format of the QA Dose Plane file for a plan Format of the QA Dose Plane file for a plan
with absolute dose Beam Weighting mode and with absolute Beam Weighting mode and
absolute normalization. normalized to 300 cGy.
2.6. QA Plan- Beam-by-Beam QA Workflow
1. Create a QA Plan on your phantom with all the beams in the nominal
(beam down) position (i.e. repeat steps 1-11 from Composite Plan
2. On the Beam Weight dialog box adjust the beam weights to get the
original patient treatment plan MUs, or adjust to fit the dosimetry
3. Turn off all beams except for the one that you would like to produce the
4. Set up a graphics window SPV at the appropriate plane of analysis.
5. Export the dose plane.
6. Go back to the Beam Weight dialog box and turn off the current beam;
turn on the next beam for which outputs are to be produced.
7. Repeat previous 2 steps until all dose plane outputs have been
8. Deliver beam by beam from the plan at nominal gantry angle/adjusted
9. Do the comparison.
2.7. QA Plan- Dose Profile
Dose Dose Profile ASCII Data Output
This file is saved in the directory:
Solid IMRT Profiles
Calculated Dose-y (cGy)
Measured Dose-y (cGy)
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Distance (cm)
• XiO lets you view, print, and produce ASCII output files for relative
fluence maps for any non-rotational beam and three different
kinds of intensity maps:
- Optimized Intensity Maps (after optimization, but before the
final calc)
- Segmented MLC Intensity Maps or Compensating Filter
Intensity Maps (3D Comp Filters only)
The format of the ASCII file is similar to the output file for IM QA.
3.3. Intensity Map and Relative Fluence Maps -Example of Intensity
Fluence Maps
• The step and shoot and dynamic segmented MLC intensity maps are
available after you generate the MLC segments.
Step and Shoot Segmented MLC intensity map Dynamic Segmented MLC intensity map
3.4. Intensity Map and Relative Fluence Maps - Example
of Compensating filter map and Relative Fluence
• The compensating filter intensity map is available after you add a 3-D compensating
filter to a beam. Compensating filter maps reflect the transmissions of the fans in the
fan grid through the compensating filter
• Relative Fluence maps become available at the completion of the dose calculation for
any non-rotational beam computed using FFT Convolution, Fast Superposition, or
Compensating filter map for an IMRT generated Relative fluence map for an IMRT beam
compensating filter with a step and shoot segmented MLC
Pros and Cons of IMRT QA Choices
Advantage: Phantom dose files are automatically calculated for you without the need to
create a separate QA plan.
Disadvantage: The QA analysis is based on a single beam. Can not perform composite
QA Plan
Advantage: Comparison of the absolute dose from XiO to the absolute measured dose.
You have control over what phantoms and setups are used to meet analysis needs. You
can change beam weights, algorithms, geometries, etc., like in a regular Teletherapy plan.
Disadvantage: You must create a separate QA plan.
WARNING: Inter-Leaf leakage (dose in-between MLC leaves) is not explicitly modeled in the XiO dose calculations. The
average transmission through the leaf is used for the best overall calculation performance.
WARNING: For beams with small total MU and using a machine that requires integer MU values, rounding of individual
segment MU may produce errors in total MUs. XiO displays an index (available from the Reports menu) providing, for each
segment, the relative error for beams that may use integer MUs.
WARNING: Calculated dose may be lower than measured dose in areas that see no direct exposure from segments but only
abutting penumbras. While these areas are low dose regions, these regions may be located in and around critical structures,
such as the spinal cord.
WARNING: IMRT MU values for MLC segments will be corrected based on output factors considerations for each segment. It
is important that the user accurately measure output factors for small field sizes (down to 1x1 cm) and enter these in SFM, if a
beam is to be used with MLC-based IMRT.
WARNING: IMRT MU values for MLC segments are a function of collimator scatter ratios, namely the collimator scatter for the
entire field versus the collimator scatter for the individual segment. The head scatter can be significantly influenced by small
segments and segments which are significantly off-axis. DMLC will have a large number of small, off-axis segments, and
Step and Shoot segments can now contain multiple apertures, some of which will be small and off-axis. For Step and Shoot
segments, the collimator scatter ratios are computer for the largest aperture in a segment.
WARNING: XiO accounts for rounded leaf tips only in the exported leaf positions. Consequently, when a leaf is stationary,
the tip leakage can contribute to the delivered dose exceeding the planned dose.
WARNING: The dMLC implementation assumes variable dose rate modulation to avoid leaf speed violations. Users should
validate the behavior of their delivery system in the case where leaf position tolerances and dose rates are exceeded.
Compensator QA Warnings
• Unix System Utilities in the Utilities Section of the XiO Reference Library
• XiO Help – The XiO Online Help IMRT and Quality Assurance dialog box,
reference, and procedure topics
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
There are two methods of creating a QA phantom in XiO. You can either
create a phantom from scanned CT images, or use wireframe contours. This
tutorial shows you how to do the following:
Create a QA plan and perform typical QA tasks (Task 4). It is not necessary
to create both a wireframe contour phantom (Task 2) and a scanned
phantom (Task 3). Choose whichever method is most relevant to your
needs. You can use Task 4, (the use of Dose Profile and exporting of Dose
Planes), with any patient or phantom. If you do not want to create a CT-to-
ED file or a QA phantom, you can perform the steps in Task 4 using the
patient ‘cmsPHANTOM’.
Practice Exercise
The following steps illustrate how to create the file that XiO uses to convert
the raw CT values into electron density values. Task 3 shows you how to
change the file for a MapCheck phantom. XiO uses values in the CT-to-ED file
during the dose calculation.
1. Start XiO.
2. Select Settings | Patient Data | CT to Rel Elec Dens Files. XiO shows
the Enter/Edit CT to Relative Electron Density File dialog box.
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QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
6. Type -1024, -700, -550, -250, 0, 250, 700, 1024, 1250 in the fields.
These points correspond to the points in the conversion graph. It is
important to define points that cover the whole range of CT numbers
that are present in the CT images.
7. Select OK. XiO shows the page where you enter the Relative Electron
Densities. CT Numbers are not editable from this page.
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QA Phantoms
8. Type 1.0 in all Relative Electron Density fields. You calculate the
actual densities in Task 3.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
10. Click No to use this as the default CT to Relative Electron Density file.
Use this file only for the Phantom exercise. Do not use it on exercises
that use patient data.
NOTE: Even though the file is called a CT-to-ED file, the proton
calculation algorithms do not use Relative Electron
Density values in the CT conversion. The Proton Pencil
Beam and Broad Beam algorithms require Relative
Stopping Power values to be entered. The Proton Spot
Scanning algorithm requires Mass Density values.
XiO 13-5
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QA Phantoms
2. Click File | New | Patient. XiO shows the New Patient dialog box.
5. Click the drop-down arrow in the Sex: field and select Unknown.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
7. Click OK. XiO shows the New Non-Image Based Studyset Definition
dialog box.
XiO 13-7
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QA Phantoms
This dialog box defines the phantom’s dimensions and the slices included in
the phantom.
1. Type 40x40 in the Studyset ID field. If you create more than one
studyset for this phantom, make sure the Studyset ID is unique and
6. Click OK to close the dialog box and start the contouring mode of
Patient File Maintenance.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
1. Click the drop-down arrow in the Group field and select General.
2. Click the drop-down arrow in the Contour: field and select Patient.
You should always choose the correct Group and Contour Name
before contouring begins.
4. Use the Page Up/Page Down keys on the keyboard to movie to slice
T: -20.0.
5. Click the Create Contours from Predefined Shapes Using the Keyboard
XiO 13-9
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
9. Use the Page Up/Page Down keys on the keyboard to movie to slice
T: 20.0.
10. Click the Add Rectangular Contour button. XiO creates a square
contour using the dimensions you entered.
14. Select File | Exit to save the phantom and exit Patient File
XiO 13-11
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
This is the second method to create a QA Phantom in XiO. Follow these steps
to import scanned phantom CT images and contour the outline. In Task 2
Creating a Non-Image Based Phantom, you created a phantom without using
scanned CT images.
NOTE: Before you begin this exercise, make sure you have scanned the
phantom and sent the CT images to XiO. You do not have to
complete this task if Task 2 Creating a Non-Image Based
Phantom was done, or if you complete Task 4 using the existing
patient cmsPHANTOM.
The following steps illustrate how to create an image based phantom using
Patient File Maintenance.
1. Start XiO.
3. Click File | New | Patient. XiO shows the New Patient dialog box.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
6. Click the drop-down arrow in the Sex: field and select Unknown.
7. Click the drop-down arrow in the Create field and select Imagebased
Studyset. There are three different data types.
8. Click OK. XiO shows the Start Image Transfer dialog box.
NOTE: XiO shows a yellow message when the XiO Patient Name
differs from the Patient ID in the DICOM file. Click OK to
acknowledge the message. Verify the patient
identification if you see this message while working with
your patient data.
XiO 13-13
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
Use this dialog box to bring data into XiO along with pertinent information.
1. Middle-click in the Image type field if you have more than one media
type from which to choose and select the Computed Tomography
option. Image Type refers to the type of data being transferred (that
is, CT, MR, PET). If only one media is licensed, XiO automatically fills
in this field.
2. If you have more than one Image Media type to choose from, middle-
click in the Image Media: field and select the Network option. The
available options for image transport are Network, Optical Disk, and
Dat Tape. If only one interface is licensed, XiO automatically
populates this field.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
6. Type Phantom in the Studyset ID: field. The studyset is the entire set
of image data used for planning. The Studyset Description is an
optional field. You can use this field to describe the studyset you are
XiO 13-15
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
8. Select All in the Exam data to remain for future transfer: field. The
All option means that the raw CT images remain in the Source PID
directory after they are transferred into PFM. Use the All option
when you need to be able to import the same images over and over
again into XiO. However, if you frequently select the All option, the
image directory can become full and reduce system performance.
Clinically, select None so that XiO removes all images from the image
directory upon the image transfer.
If you are importing plans from a source other than Focal, select the
Non-transferred option so that the plan files are not deleted after the
images are imported.
9. Click OK. XiO transfers the image data and shows the Finish Image
Transfer dialog box.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
Use this page to check the transferred images for the following:
XiO 13-17
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QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
1. The Left/right display and Patient Position fields are populated from
the imported DICOM file. You should only have to edit these fields if
the information was entered incorrectly at the time the scan was
acquired. When these fields are set up correctly, the patient
orientation icon will match the orientation of the displayed images.
Edit the Left/right display: field, if needed. The images in the
graphical area are flipped about the vertical axis if you change the
Left/right display answer.
Edit the Patient Position field, if necessary. You can choose from
supine, prone, or rolled (patient was placed into a rolled position
using a sponge or pillow or other means). Should you choose rolled,
XiO shows the Roll Angle field making it a required field. The patient
orientation icon is rotated to match the Patient Position if you edit
this field.
2. (Optional) You can add Position Comments (that is, pillow, sponge
support, tilt board, bite block, or face mask).
3. In the Reference distances increase towards head: field, select Yes. If
the direction arrow on the coronal image points toward the superior
of the patient, select Yes. If the arrow points to the inferior of the
patient, select No.
4. (Optional) Use the Set zero offset at DICOM location(cm) to set a
selected plane (y-coordinate) to zero (for example, set the y-
coordinate to the fiducial marker plane if not done at the time of
(1) Type the position-offset value to be used by the transferred
(2) Right-click on the coronal image and select Position Offset to set
the y-coordinate graphically.
(3) Hold down your left-mouse button and move superiorly or
inferiorly. The Position Offset automatically updates to the
selected slice.
XiO 13-19
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QA Phantoms
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
You can either Place Auto Points on all Selected Cross Sections for Auto-by-
Threshold by clicking the multi slice mode button or Place Auto Points
on a Single Cross Section for Auto-by-Threshold by clicking the single slice
mode button. In XiO, Multi-slice mode is the default.
2. Click the drop-down arrow in the (Save) W/L field and select
5. Click the drop-down arrow in the Group field and select General.
6. Click the drop-down arrow in the Contour: field and select Patient.
The correct Group and Contour Name should always be chosen
before contouring begins.
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
8. Right-click and select the Select All option. XiO highlights all cross
sections with a yellow border.
9. Right-click anywhere within the Single Plane View and select the
Place Point option. This action lets you place auto points to identify
where the drawing of contours begins.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
1. Place the mouse pointer above the anterior surface of the patient and
left-click to place a set of auto points. With multiple-slice mode and a
range of all slices selected, XiO automatically places a point in the
same position on all slices.
2. Right-click anywhere within the Single Plane View and select the
Generate Cont option.
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QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
3. Scroll through the images to review the contours. Click the Accept
the new contours button to keep the contours you just created.
5. Click the Accept the new contours button when the contour outline is
XiO 13-25
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
Follow these steps to optionally apply the Area of Interest Tool when you
use auto-by-threshold. The Area of Interest tool helps you exclude the table
or part of the patient when contouring using auto-by-threshold.
1. Select all your slices to be contoured. But, before you place your
point, right-click and select Place AOI.
2. Hold down your left mouse button and drag to create a box around
your contours.
5. Place the point inside the box, but above the patient surface (if
contouring the patient).
6. Generate the contours and verify that you get the expected results.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
The phantom is now ready to use in Teletherapy to verify the CT-to-ED file.
4. Select File | New Teletherapy Plan. XiO shows the New Teletherapy
QA Plan dialog box.
6. Click OK
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QA Phantoms
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
10. Middle-click on the patient contour directly above the first point
which was placed. Use the scales to aid in point placement.
11. Verify the Radiological Distance is 5.0 for the MapCheck phantom. If
the Radiological Distance is not 5.0, calculate the updates to the CT-
to-ED file which are needed. The new Electron Densities are
5.0/Radiological Distance. In this example, 5.0/4.1 = 1.22.
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
17. Click No to use this as the default CT to Relative Electron Density file.
This file is only used for the Phantom exercise. Do not use it on
exercises that use patient data.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
XiO 13-31
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
The phantom is now ready to use for a QA plan, and export dose profiles and
planar doses. You can export Dose Profiles and planar doses from any
patient, including a scanned phantom. However, this exercise shows how to
use the tools with the wire contour phantom you just created.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
8. Middle-click in the Graphics Area Setup field and select the Graphics
Area Layout 4TACS, or any other layout which has at least one
Transverse, Coronal or Sagittal slice shown.
9. Click OK. XiO shows the Retrieve Plan for Quality Assurance dialog
11. Middle-click in the Plan ID field and select the Isodose Treatment
Plan IMRTHN, if necessary.
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
12. Set the Set Non-Rotational Gantry Angles to Nominal to Yes. XiO
places all the beams in the plan at the nominal gantry angle (the
setup which will most likely be used if QA is being done using film).
Answering No leaves the beams at the gantry angles used in the
original treatment plan.
13. Select OK. XiO imports the beams and shows the Isocenter Location
dialog box.
14. Middle-click in the Isocenter field and select center of patient. XiO
populates the X, Y and Z coordinates of the isocenter. All beams are
placed at the same isocenter, even if they had different isocenters in
the original plan. The isocenter coordinates are editable.
15. Select OK. The dose calculation starts. Wait for the dose calculation
to finish before continuing. XiO automatically sets the number of
fractions to 1 and the monitor units to the monitors units for one
fraction. However, if the initial dose calculation is interrupted XiO
retains the beam weights. If this happens, you need to manually
type in the monitor units.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
3. Select OK. XiO starts a new dose calculation using the updated
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QA Phantoms
5. Select the Beam Weight tab on the dialog box. XiO shows the Beam
Weight tab.
6. Verify the fractions are set to 1 and the monitor units are
appropriate for the detection devices being used (for example the
monitor units are low enough that film won’t be saturated). If
necessary, adjust the beam weights and/or monitor units to match
the QA protocol.
7. Click the Dose Status button to turn off the dose contribution from all
beams. This lets you export a dose plane containing only the dose
from Beam 1.
8. Click the off button for Beam 1, immediately under the Dose Status
button. This turns on the dose contribution from beam 1.
9. Select OK to close the dialog box. XiO updates the dose calculation
with any new parameters you entered.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
1. Select Dose | Dose Profile to open the Dose Profile dialog box. You
can evaluate the dose profile across a plane using this dialog box.
You can also export Dose Planes.
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
You control the X and Y axis ranges and tick mark displays using the
Min, Max, Major and Minor fields. Type 30 in the Max field for
Dist(cGy). XiO shows X axis with a maximum value set to 30.
7. You can change the location, length and color of the line by editing
the X(cm), Y(cm), Angle and Color fields. Type -20 in the X(cm) field
for DP1. Type 0.1 in the Y(cm) field for DP1. Type 0.0 in the Angle
field for DP1. XiO updates subwindow 3 and the dose profile to
reflect the new location and length of the line.
8. Type 2.0 in the X(cm) field for DP2. Type 0.5 in the Y(cm) field for
DP2. Type 90 in the Angle field for DP2. Select cyan in the Color field
for DP2. XiO shows a vertical cyan line in subwindow 3 which
corresponds to the parameters you just entered. XiO updates the
dose profile graph in subwindow 2 to include this dose profile.
9. Type -15 in the Min field for Dist(cm). XiO expands the display of the
graph so the complete dose profile can be seen.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
10. Click the 1 button under the DP heading. XiO turns off the
display of DP1, the first dose profile. Click the 1 button again. XiO
turns on the display of DP1.
11. Type 1 in the DP field. Type 12 in the Dist(cm) field. XiO shows the
dose value at that location.
XiO 13-39
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XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
You can export dose planes from the Dose Profile dialog box as an
alternative to the IMQA dose plane feature. The IMQA feature assumes a flat,
infinite phantom of uniform density. Additionally, the IMQA feature only lets
you calculate and export doses for individual beams. Exporting dose planes
from the Dose Profile page lets you export a dose plane where all beams in
the plan contribute dose, and where the phantom is not a uniform phantom.
4. Select OK. XiO exports a dose plane corresponding to the dose plane
selected in the SPV Subwindow field. Refer to the On Line Help for
the location of the file placement and file format. You can import
these into a third party QA system and compare them against
measured doses.
8. Select OK. XiO exports a dose plane corresponding to the dose plane
selected in the SPV Subwindow field.
QA Phantoms
XiO IMRT Training Guide
QA Phantoms
2. Select the Beam Weight tab on the dialog box. XiO shows the Beam
Weight tab.
3. Click the Dose Status button to turn on the dose contribution from all
beams. This lets you export a composite dose plane.
4. Select OK to close the dialog box. XiO updates the dose calculation
with any new parameters you entered.
5. Follow the steps in Task 4, Subtasks 2-4 to show the output dose
planes and dose profiles for the plan with all beams turned on.
XiO 13-41
ADS in XiO
(Adaptive Diffusion Smoothing)
ADS Introduction
∂I s
(x, y, t ) = ∇ ⋅ D(x, y )∇I s (x, y, t )
The diffusion equation describes the beamlet intensity fluctuations in a
medium undergoing spread of higher and lower regions of intensity.
Dij = n Here:
∂CF ∂I 0,ij
1 + a
s is a gradient scaling factor
CF is the prescription cost function
s Iij are the beamlet intensities
a&n are adjustable parameters
w = Time step
a = Multiplier
n = Power
Weight = A weighting factor applied to the smoothing component
The Time Step (w) X-plane
I s ,ij ∝ I 0 + 2 Dij
h w = 0.1
Is is the smoothed Beamlet Intensity
I0 is the unsmoothed Beamlet
w is the Time Step parameter
h2 is the are of the Beamlet
w = 1.0
The Time Step factor, w, is
related to the beamlet intensity.
A small w results in
greater smoothing
w = 20.0
The Multiplier (a)
Dij = n
∂CF ∂I 0,ij
1 + a a = 0.1
A small a results in
greater smoothing.
A large a results in
less smoothing. a = 10.0
The range of a is
from 0.1 to 10.0.
a = 20.0
The Power (n)
Dij = n
∂CF ∂I 0,ij n = 0.1
1 + a
A small n results in
greater smoothing.
A large n results in n = 5.0
less smoothing.
The range of n is
from 0.1 to 10.0.
n = 10.0
The Smoothing
Weight (SW)
• Overall weight for the ADS
• It is applied post ADS Weight = 0.0
w a n Weight
1 ComplexHighSmoothing CHS 1.0 5.0 0.3 0.5
2 ComplexLowSmoothing CLS 1.0 5.0 0.3 0.2
3 IntermediateHighSmoothing HIS 1.0 0.5 2.0 0.5
4 IntermediateLowSmoothing ILS 1.0 0.5 2.0 0.2
5 SimpleHighSmoothing SHS 1.0 0.2 2.0 0.5
6 SimpleLowSmoothing SLS 1.0 0.2 2.0 0.2
7 GeneralHighSmoothing GEN 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.5
Smoothing Templates:
In this example, we use a lung phantom to
show the behavior of the smoothing
templates with the following structures:
The Rx applied to
the IMRT plans:
Smoothing Templates: Coronal Dose