Sci Module-1 Disaster-Universe
Sci Module-1 Disaster-Universe
Sci Module-1 Disaster-Universe
Disaster Risk
Disaster Risk Assessment
- Probability that a
community’s structure or - Methodology to determine
geographic area is to be the nature and extent of risk
damaged by the impact of a =y by analysing potential
particular hazard. hazards and evaluating
existing conditions of
vulnerability that together
The World Risk Index 2022 could potentially harm
(September) exposed people and property.
- Ranked the Philippines first in
the world in risk among 193 Exposure - the number of people,
countries worldwide. property, systems or other
- (2nd) India elements present in hazard zones.
- (3rd) Indonesia
- (4th) Malaysia Coping Capacity – the ability of
people, organization, and systems
using available skills and resources
Disaster Risk = hazards x to face and manage adverse
vulnerability conditions, emergencies, or
RISK= Hazards x Exposure x
- are dangerous phenomenon
Vulnerability / Coping Capacity
that may cause damage of
properties, loss of life, injury
Vulnerability Hazards/Exposure/Vulnerability
are directly proportional risk.
- is the extent to which an
environment or community Coping Capacity and Risk ae
are likely to be damage inversely proportional to one
Disaster Risk Reduction
- DRR is simply reducing the
severity/intensity of the
hazard and/or reducing the
vulnerability and exposure of
the element to the hazard;
and increasing the coping
capacity of the individual or
community to disaster hazard