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2 Disaster Risk

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 The UNDRR defined it as the

potential loss of life, injury, or

Disaster Risk
destroyed or damaged assets which
There is no such thing as natural disaster,
could occur to a system, society or a
but disaster often follows natural hazards.
community in a specific period of
When does a hazard become a disaster? time, determined probabilistically as
a function of hazard, exposure,
A disaster happens when the probable
vulnerability and capacity.
destructive agent (the hazard) hits a
 Intensive Risk – is a disaster risk
vulnerable populated area.
associated with low probability, high-
It becomes a disaster only if it hits vulnerable
impact events
population and properties – in simple words,
 Extensive Risk – is a disaster risk
if there are victims or casualties.
associated with high probability, low-
impact events.
Disaster Risk
 The combination of the severity and Elements of Disaster Risk
frequency of a hazard, the numbers
 Hazard
of people and assets exposed to the
 A process, phenomenon or
hazard, and their vulnerability to
human activity that may
cause loss of life, injury or
 It is a vital consideration in defining
other health impacts,
the safety of people in the
property damage, social and
economic disruption or
 Determines the tendency of a
environmental degradation.
community to face disasters.
 Exposure
 Example: the disaster risk of storm  The situation of people,
surges for a community living 100 km
infrastructure, housing,
away from the seashore is lower
production capacities and
compared with that community that
other tangible human assets
is 10 km near the shore.
located in hazard-prone Estimating Disaster Risk

 It may be possible to be
exposed but not vulnerable

 Vulnerability
 The characteristics
determined by physical, social,

economic and environmental

factors or processes which

increase the susceptibility of

an individual, a community,
The magnitude of the disaster depends on:
assets or systems to the

impacts of hazards. 1. The severity of the natural event

 Capacity 2. The quantity and exposure of the

 Combination of all the elements at risk which includes lives

strengths, attributes & and properties

resources available within an 3. Vulnerability level or quality of

organization, community or exposure

society to manage & reduce

Disaster Risk = Hazard x Exposure x
disaster risks & strengthen

We can minimize disaster risk through

reduction of exposure and vulnerability.
 Expose lack of disaster planning,
response and coordination.

Impacts of Disasters

 Medical effects – traumatic injuries,

emotional stress, epidemic diseases,

and etc.
 Damage to critical facilities – destroy

or damage facilities that may be

critical not only in maintaining a safe

The Nature and Effects of Disasters environment and public order, but

Characteristics of Disasters: also in responding to the disaster.

 Disruption of transportation – during
 They inherently unexpected or come
the initial stage of the disaster,
quickly with little or no warning at all
almost all surface means of
 Cannot be managed through normal
transportation within a community
means and requires immediate
are disrupted by broken bridges and
intervention from both of the NGAs
roads and streets that rendered
and NGOs to meet the needs of the
impassable. The restricted mobility of
the vehicles used for rescuing and
 Knows no political boundary
other emergency operations makes it
 Requires restructured and new
doubly difficult.
responding organizations
 Economic impact – disasters disrupts
 Creates new tasks and requires more
economy as normal business
people as disaster responders
operations and other economic
 Renders inutile routine emergency
activities are curtailed. People must
response equipment and facilities
also leave their jobs and devote their
 Worsens confusion in understanding
time to disaster related activities.
roles of people and organizations
 Social and political impact – when
disaster happens, social and political

inequities are usually exposed that

may lead to social and political


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