DRRR Reviewer
DRRR Reviewer
DRRR Reviewer
• Environmental effect - the destruction of natural Is the physical, social, economic and
resources and habitat of the animals and humans. environmental factors which increase the
susceptibility to be impacted by hazards.
Vulnerability engages resistance and resilience.
Vulnerability is the state of being open to injury
or appearing as if you are.
Types of Vulnerability
- Elements at risk from a natural or man-made 4. Environmental Vulnerability the natural resource
hazard event. depletion and resource degradation are key aspects of
- It is the total value of elements at risk. environmental vulnerability
- It is expressed as the number of human lives
and value of the properties, that can potentially
be affected by hazards.
•Is a threat.
- People
- Human Activity
- Property
- Environment
Classification of Hazards
Types of hazards
Hydrometeorological Hazard
What is Earthquake?