40mm Low Velocity
40mm Low Velocity
40mm Low Velocity
Note: Specifications are subject to change by the manufacturer without prior notice.
40mm Low Velocity Conventional Engagement
High Explosive High Explosive High Explosive with High Explosive Dual Purpose
ST Engineering’s family of 40mm low velocity S405A Dual Purpose S401B Self-Destruct Fuze S433 with Self-Destruct Fuze S408 Smoke Illuminating / Illuminating IR
ammunition provides the warfighter with the best
existing medium to deliver various types of payloads
and effects without additional significant load and
logistical burden. With advances in technology, ST
Less-Than-Lethal Surveillance
Engineering’s comprehensive suite of solutions
allows the warfighter to deal with new threats while
enhancing survivability and effectiveness in urban
and populated environments.
Single Baton Multi-Pellet Sound & Flash Riot Aerial Marker (RAM) SPARCS Compass S434
Programmable Air Bursting Munitions Enhanced Blast Insensitive eXplosive (EBIX) Ammunition Practice / Tracer TPT Day & Night Marker S453
40mm Grenade Launcher Mk1 40GL Mk1 mounted on SAR21 Low Velocity 40mm High Velocity 40 x 53mm
(40GL Mk1) Air Bursting Munition System Automatic Grenade Launcher Mk2 Air Bursting Munition System High Velocity
Penetration of 78mm RHA plate by HEDP cartridge (LV ABMS) (40AGL Mk2) (HV ABMS)