App Driven Orchestration
App Driven Orchestration
App Driven Orchestration
Click on Trigger(Icon) and choose REST Connection what we have create earlier.
click on flag symbol and search the Scope under collection tab.
For that just click on reposition tab and drag and drop the Rest API as shown below.
in this example response payload is like Success or Error , so for that we need to create variable
and need to check the condition and give the Response . if there is an error than Scope handler
move control to the Fault Handler
to identify the success or Error we need to assign the variable so we can ,map this value with
Response payload and give proper Exception.
Now response will generate and check if there is an error then we need to handle the exception
if the response is successful then we need to add one variable and update the value
click on Map to start REST and give value for result. And map the Invoice id with invoice Id
Earlier we mapped the mapper in case of success, now we need to do the same for error for that
we need to add one Map as shown below. Just Drag and Drop Map
Validate the Integration and click on Activate and click on Test button to play the Integration.