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Iso 28803 2012

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First edition

Ergonomics of the physical

environment — Application of
International Standards to people with
special requirements
Ergonomie de l’environnement physique — Application des Normes
internationales aux personnes ayant des exigences particulières


ISO 28803:2012

Reference number
ISO 28803:2012(E)

© ISO 2012
ISO 28803:2012(E)


ISO 28803:2012


©  ISO 2012
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ISO 28803:2012(E)

Contents Page

Foreword............................................................................................................................................................................. iv
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................... v
1 Scope....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references.......................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions.......................................................................................................................................... 1
4 General factors requiring consideration when designing or evaluating environments for people
with special requirements.................................................................................................................................. 2
5 Considerations related to design and evaluation of the thermal environment................................... 3
5.1 Factors requiring special consideration for design and evaluation...................................................... 3
5.2 Moderate thermal environments and people with special requirements.............................................. 4
5.3 Hot environments and people with special requirements........................................................................ 5
5.4 Cold environments and people with special requirements...................................................................... 6
5.5 Supporting standards for evaluation of thermal environments.............................................................. 6
5.6 Thermal disabilities.............................................................................................................................................. 7
6 Considerations related to design and evaluation of the acoustic environment................................. 9
6.1 General factors requiring consideration when designing and evaluating environments for
people with special requirements.................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 ISO 7731, Ergonomics — Danger signals for public and work areas — Auditory
danger signals..................................................................................................................................................... 11
ISO 11429, Ergonomics — System of auditory and visual danger and information signals......... 12
6.4 ISO 9355-2, Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators — Part
2: Displays............................................................................................................................................................ 12
6.5 ISO 9921, Ergonomics — Assessment of speech communication....................................................... 12
6.6 IEC 60268-16, Sound system equipment — ISO 28803:2012 Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by
speech transmission index.............................................................................................................................. 13
7 Assessment of visual and lighting environments..................................................................................... 13
7.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 13
7.2 Contrast sensitivity............................................................................................................................................ 14
7.3 ISO 8995, Lighting of indoor work places.................................................................................................... 14
7.4 Lighting for older people.................................................................................................................................. 14
8 Considerations related to air quality............................................................................................................. 14
9 Considerations related to assessment of other environmental components................................... 15
9.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
9.2 Vibration environments.................................................................................................................................... 15
9.3 Interaction of environmental components.................................................................................................. 16
10 Environmental design and adaptive opportunity...................................................................................... 16
Bibliography...................................................................................................................................................................... 18

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ISO 28803:2012(E)


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 28803 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 159, Ergonomics, Subcommittee SC 5, Ergonomics
of the physical environment.


ISO 28803:2012

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ISO 28803:2012(E)


This is one of a series of International Standards concerned with the ergonomics of the physical environment.
This International Standard complements others in the series concerned with specific components of the
environment, such as thermal environments, acoustics, lighting or air quality, building upon them to allow an
assessment of human response to the total environment. This International Standard is particularly concerned
with extending the scopes of other International Standards — see 5.2.2, 5.3.2 to 5.3.5, 5.4.2, 5.5, 6.2 to 6.6, 7.3
and 9.2 — so that they can be applied to as wide a range of people as possible. The background information
it provides on the responses and needs of groups of persons with special requirements will contribute to
accessible environmental designs that will complement other activities in the field of ergonomics.

This International Standard includes a description of the range and variety of responses and adaptations
to physical environments of people with special requirements, and the consequences for measuring and
evaluating those environments. It considers the application of indices and methods for people with special
requirements where health and safety, comfort and well-being are considerations. It provides a description of
the nature of the particular characteristics of people with special requirements in the context of their responses
to environments (e.g. restricted sensation, reduced perception or ability to respond). It is not a database of
characteristics of people with special requirements, but uses data from ISO/TR 22411 to provide methods and
criteria that will in turn provide accessible environments.


ISO 28803:2012

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ISO 28803:2012

Ergonomics of the physical environment — Application of

International Standards to people with special requirements

1 Scope
This International Standard describes how International Standards concerned with the ergonomics of the
physical environment can be applied for people with special requirements, who would otherwise be considered
to be beyond the scope of those standards. It has been produced according to the principles of accessible
design provided in ISO/IEC Guide 71 and using the data provided in ISO/TR 22411.

It is not restricted to any specific environment but provides the general principles that allow assessment and
evaluation, and can contribute to the development of standards concerned with specific environments. It is
applicable to built environments as well as to other indoor, vehicle and outdoor environments. Nor is it restricted
to specific environmental components; it includes assessment of acoustic environments, thermal environments,
lighting, air quality and other environmental factors that could be considered to influence the health, comfort
and performance of people with special requirements in an environment.

It is applicable to all occupants of such environments who can be considered to have special requirements.

NOTE This will depend upon context and can, for example, include babies, infants, men or women, people with
disabilities, older or ill people. A person could have a special requirement in one type of environment but not in another.
2 Normative references (standards.iteh.ai)
The following referenced documents are ISO indispensable
28803:2012 for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies. 41d3767b98ed/iso-28803-2012

ISO 13731, Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Vocabulary and symbols

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 13731 and the following apply.

accessible design
design focussed on principles of extending standard design to people with some type of performance limitation
to maximize the number of potential customers who can readily use a product, building or service which may
be achieved by

— designing products, services and environments that are readily usable by most users without any

— making products or services adaptable to different users (adapting user interfaces), and

— having standardized interfaces to be compatible with special products for persons with disabilities

NOTE 1 Terms such as design for all, barrier-free design, inclusive design and transgenerational design are used
similarly but in different contexts.

NOTE 2 Accessible design is a subset of universal design where products and environments are usable by all people,
to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.

[ISO/IEC Guide 71:2001, definition 3.2]

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ISO 28803:2012(E)

assistive technology
technology that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities

assistive device
piece of equipment, product system, hardware, software or service that is used to increase, maintain or improve
functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities

person who interacts with the product, service or environment

alternative format
different realization or presentation which may make products and services accessible by the use of another
modality or sensory ability

limitation in body function or structure, such as a significant deviation or loss of capability, which can be
temporary (for example, due to injury) or permanent (slight or severe and can fluctuate over time)

EXAMPLE Deterioration due to aging.

document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and
repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the
optimum degree of order in a given context
ISO 28803:2012
NOTE Standards should be based on the consolidated results of science, technology and experience, and aimed at
the promotion of optimum community benefits.
[ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, definition 3.2]

international standard
standard that is adopted by an international standardizing/standards organization and made available to the public

[ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, definition]

International Standard
international standard where the International Standards organization is ISO or IEC

adaptive opportunity
opportunity for a person to alter the environment to which he or she is exposed by behavioural (move away, adjust
posture, adjust clothing, etc.) or other means (open window, close door, adjust environmental controls etc.)

4 General factors requiring consideration when designing or evaluating

environments for people with special requirements
People with special requirements are people who generally fall outside the scope of most International
Standards. Standards for environmental design and assessment are often valid only for people with specific
characteristics who are frequently referred to as “normal” or “typical”. Environmental design for a wider

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ISO 28803:2012(E)

population can require different conditions from those given in a standard, in order to provide comfort or avoid
unacceptable stress on the body.

NOTE Existing thermal International Standards cover a range of conditions, types of people and so on, which are
identified in the scope of those documents, thereby providing information for people who fall outside the scope and who
should be treated as people with special requirements.

One reason for standards to have a restricted scope in terms of user population, is that knowledge is incomplete
for people who might have special requirements in environmental design. These people often include children,
people with disabilities and older people. Although knowledge about such populations is incomplete, advice
can still be provided to ensure accessible design of environments.

Clauses  5 to 9 describe the assessment of the thermal, acoustic, visual, lighting, air quality and other
environments. For each environmental component, guidance is provided on how to apply the relevant
International Standards for people with special requirements.

General considerations include factors which affect a person’s response to the particular environmental
component. For example, body size and shape or the ability to move around can be important. The relevant
International Standards are then considered in terms of these general considerations. For example, if someone
with a spinal injury cannot sweat below the lesion, then a heat stress standard based upon sweat rate will
require appropriate modification. General advice can then be provided in terms of modifications to the relevant
International Standard in order to make it more valid for a wider range of people.

A characteristic of people who are not “normal” or “typical” is the wide variation in response across the
population; often, individual characteristics would have to be considered. In such cases, or where unacceptable
strain or threat to health are involved, then medical advice needs to be sought. In such cases, the information
provided in Clauses 5 to 9 should be brought to the attention of the medical advisor.

One particular consideration is the degree to which a person can modify exposure to environments by behavioural
measures. People with special requirements could have restricted behavioural opportunities (to move around,
change clothing, control the environment, etc.)
ISOand this will be important for all environmental components.
5 Considerations related to design and evaluation of the thermal environment

5.1 Factors requiring special consideration for design and evaluation

The following factors shall be considered when assessing the thermal environment.

a) Sensory impairment and paralysis

Some physical disabilities and methods of treatment (e.g. drugs) affect thermal sensation and requirements
for thermal comfort and health. Examples of drugs that can affect body temperature regulation are beta
blockers, diuretics, laxatives, anticholinergics, antihistamines, neuroleptics, methydopa, MAO inhibitors,
tricyclic antidepressants, serotoninergic agonists, phenothiazines and vasoconstrictors.

Additional issues include methods for collecting valid and reliable data on the responses of people with
special requirements, e.g. pregnant women, older people or babies.

b) Difference in the shape of the body

The loss or atrophying of a limb makes the application of the Dubois’ surface area formula difficult and
prone to error. Consequently, it will have some influence on the concept of mean skin temperature. Infants
and babies will have somewhat different body proportions compared to average adults. This influences the
projected surface area available for heat exchange from different parts of the body and hence the impact
of thermal radiation, convection and evaporation.

c) Impairment of sweat secretion

It is not uncommon for more than 80 % of the sweat-secreting skin area to be impaired in quadriplegic
persons (high-level spinal cord injured persons) and some other paralytic diseases. This will affect the

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ISO 28803:2012(E)

interpretation of thermal environment indices for hot environments, especially rational ones in which a
“normal” level of sweating is assumed and the concept of wettedness plays an important role.

d) Impairment of vasomotor control

Impairment of peripheral vasomotor control, often found in such groups as the aged, spinal-cord injured or
persons taking vasodilator drugs, affects adaptability to both cold and hot environments and often requires
special consideration when considering thermal conditions.

e) Differences in metabolic rate

People with physical disabilities who use technical aids such as wheelchairs often have low metabolic
rates due to their sedentary activity level. Conversely, others (such as those suffering athetosic cerebral
palsy) require greater energy to perform tasks and hence have a higher metabolic rate due to the greater
effort involved. Older persons are often less active and have a lower metabolic rate than average adults
but there are large individual differences.

f) Influence of thermal stress on other physiological functions

Cerebral apoplexy and cardiovascular attacks are often evoked by thermal stress in (cold) winters
and unusually hot summers. Sweat secretion can cause some cutaneous chronic diseases such as
epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria. Cold environments may cause frequent urination. Strain is greater after
exhaustive work, night work, “jet lag”, etc.

5.2 Moderate thermal environments and people with special requirements

5.2.1 General considerations

Thermal conditions that are “normally” considered as moderate and providing thermal comfort, may not be
moderate or acceptable to people with disabilities. People with paralysis due to injury to the spinal cord, for
ISO 28803:2012
example, may report thermal sensation even on the paralyzed part of the body, which will also affect overall
body sensation and comfort. Peripheral vasomotor disorders will affect heat exchange with the environment and
studies have reported deterioration of thermal sensation and slow thermoregulatory responses in older people.

To evaluate whether an environment is acceptable or not, in addition to taking sensation votes, some simple
physiological measurement (of oral temperature, using a clinical thermometer, heart rate, etc.) can be necessary
on a regular basis. When at work, most people with special requirements are likely to be in what are, for the
average healthy person, moderate thermal environments.

5.2.2 ISO 7730, Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Analytical determination and

interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal
comfort criteria

The PMV (predicted mean vote) and PPD (predicted percentage of dissatisfied) indices were statistically derived
from a theoretical comfort equation and experimental data obtained from a large number of subjects, mainly
healthy young adults, although some older persons were considered. The method given in ISO 7730 could
require modification for adequate prediction of the thermal sensation or dissatisfaction of people with disabilities
and older people with thermoregulatory impairments. The method given is not intended for predicting the thermal
sensation of persons, but rather to predict which thermal conditions (temperature, humidity, air velocity, clothing,
activity) are acceptable or preferred. Both laboratory and field studies suggest that the PMV/PPD indices may
adequately predict mean thermal responses for the majority of people with disabilities; however, they also show
a wide variation in responses, demonstrating that consideration of individual requirements is necessary.

The PMV comfort equation seems to be useful for evaluating moderate thermal environments, i.e. the effect of
the thermal environment on various persons with and without special requirements.

One problem with the structure of the comfort equation is the physiological background of the comfortable
evaporative heat loss related to activity level. Further examination is necessary to determine if the equation for
comfortable evaporation is appropriate for people with disabilities with impaired nervous control of sweating.

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ISO 28803:2012(E)

When estimating the mean radiant temperature, differences in body shape can be taken into account, but this
is only of importance in environments with large directional differences in radiant temperature.

Persons with physical disabilities (e.g. spinal cord injury) often have vasoconstriction disorder and impaired
sweating. This means their thermoregulation system does not compensate well if the ambient temperature
deviates from the neutral temperature. Therefore, it is important for people with disabilities that the ambient
temperature be close to the neutral temperature. Most studies show that the preferred neutral ambient
temperature is the same as for people without disabilities and so the method in ISO 7730 can be used. People
with physical disabilities often also have lower activity levels. They may not easily be able to change their
activity or clothing level. Furthermore, the insulation of a wheelchair (0,1 to 0,2 clo) must be taken into account.

Under the same clothing and activity conditions, older persons may prefer the same neutral temperature
as younger people. Nevertheless, many older people have a lower activity level (spending more hours of
each day seated) than younger persons with a corresponding elevation in the neutral temperature. Due to
lack of vasoconstriction and decreased thermal sensation, ambient temperatures on the cool side of thermal
neutrality should be avoided. The designer should select an acceptable temperature range corresponding to
0 < PMV < + 0,5.

Many of the above factors will be taken into account in the PMV/PPD method, as they affect estimates of the
six basic parameters (inputs to the method). Additional modification is often required, however, especially when
deviating from thermal neutrality and where individual characteristics are important.

5.3 Hot environments and people with special requirements

5.3.1 General considerations

Except in tropical countries, normally only a limited number of people with special requirements will work
in hot environments. But they may(standards.iteh.ai)
be exposed to severe conditions in their home, during outdoor activities,
sport activities or traveling. ISO 12894 provides a list of contraindications that would make people particularly
vulnerable to exposure to heat and hence require special consideration. See also Table 1.
ISO 28803:2012
5.3.2 ISO 7243, Hot environments — Estimation of the heat stress on working man, based on the
WBGT-index (wet bulb globe temperature)

ISO 7243 was developed for estimating heat stress during work in hot environments based on the WBGT‑index.

Reference values should naturally be re-established to allow for a maximum rectal temperature but taking into
consideration the physiological tolerance and reactions of the persons with special requirements concerned.

The WBGT-index may underestimate the effects of heat stress on persons with disorders of sweat secretion
because of their reduced ability to cool themselves by evaporation of sweat.

The effects of age on responses to heat stress are varied and directly relate to fitness. Fit, healthy and thin
older people will have similar tolerance levels when compared to younger people. However, older people are
often not as fit as younger people and reduced limits for unacceptable heat stress will be required.

5.3.3 ISO 7933, Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Analytical determination and

interpretation of heat stress using calculation of the predicted heat strain

The required sweat rate may be used as an index for hot environments for people with special requirements but
it will require careful modification and application. Impairments of sweat secretion must be considered when
applying ISO 7933 to older adults and people with disabilities and comparing estimated and measured values
for sweat rate.

For several types of the disabled, such as spinal-cord-injured persons whose sweat-secreting skin areas are
reduced, the formula for calculating the maximum evaporation rate should be modified to take account of the
reduced surface area for sweating. For example, for a spinal cord injury in the mid-spine region, the maximum
capacity to cool by sweating should be halved.

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