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A Links Lesson

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Quarter 4

Week 5: A Links Lesson on Fun Day with Grandma


Appreciate the humor and absurdity of a poem
Enjoy the rhyme, rhythm, and repetitive quality of the poem

Listening Comprehension/Reading Comprehension
Give conclusions for humorous/cumulative poem heard

Oral Language
Provide conclusions for humorous/cumulative poem heard

Vocabulary Development
Identify meaning of words with suffixes-full and-less

Oral Reading Fluency

Read aloud cumulative poem

Study Strategy
Interpret chart

Use prepositional phrases in sentences

Writing Composition
Write three to four sentences showing conclusion about the topic presented

Attitude towards literacy, literature and language

Express interest in text by reading available print materials


A. Main Text: There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

B. Materials:
C. References:

English For You and Me Reading Textbook for Grade 4 by Benita Miranda pp. 171-
Me & My world p. 193

Day 1
1. To appreciate the humor and absurdity of a poem
2. To enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and repetitive quality of the poem
3. Give conclusions for humorous/cumulative poem heard
4. Express conclusions to humorous/cumulative poem heard
I. Procedure
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
(swallowed, catch, absurd)

 swallowed (through picture)

SAY: I swallowed the hamburger

 catch (through picture)

 absurd (through contextual clues)

The boy does absurd things because he put a frog on the food
of his sister, kept the other pair of his sister’s slipper and
locked her inside the room. He is so foolish.

2. Motivation
Ask: What will happen if you accidentally swallowed a fly?

3. Motive Question
Say: I am going to read to you a story. Its title is “The Old Woman Who Swallowed a
Fly”. What do you want to find out from the story (What happened to the old woman who
swallowed the fly?)
B. DURING READING (Reading format: Read aloud)

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

Poor old lady, she swallowed a fly.

I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she’ll die!
Day 2

1. Appreciate the humor of a poem heard or read.
2. Express conclusion to a humorous/cumulative poem heard
3. Write at least three to four sentences showing a possible conclusion to the old
woman’s story
1. Engagement Activities (Small groups)
Divide the class into five groups assign each group to do one of these tasks.

Group 1 and 2 – Draw the insects and animals in the story. Start from fly to
Group 3 and 4 – Do you believe that an old woman could swallow animals?
Write at least three to four sentences explaining why
Group 5 - Write a three to four sentence paragraph stating what the
old woman would do if she swallows a fly.

2. Engagement Activities II: Discussion (Whole class)

a. What are the animals mentioned in the poem?

b. What did the old woman do to the fly?
c. Can an old woman swallow a fly?
d. If you were the old woman, what would you do to catch the fly?
(Group 1 will show us their work)
e. What did the old woman do? (The old woman swallowed the animals)
f. Do you believe that an old woman can swallow animals?
(The next group will show their conclusions written on a manila paper.)
(Group 3 and 4 please present your opinions)
g. What can you say about this poem?
h. If you have a grand mother who swallowed the fly, what would you do?
(Group 5 will read to us their advice)
i. Could an old woman swallow those animals? What animal could an old
woman swallow? What animal do you believe the old woman can no longer
j. What is the purpose of the writer of the poem?

3. Enrichment/Extending the Literary Experience/Curriculum Connections

(Individual/Small groups)
Here are possible group activities to extend the literary experience and make
connections across the curriculum?

SCIENCE – Compare and contrast insects and animals through the use of
Venn Diagram.
WRITING - Make a news report about an old woman who swallowed a fly.
Day 3

Give the meaning of words with suffixes -full and -less.

1. Explicit Teaching of Reading Comprehension Skill: Suffixes -ful and -less

Step 1: Introduction/Warm Up

Remember the story of the old woman who swallowed the flly?
Give some conclusions about it.

1. The old woman was so powerful that she could swallow a lot of animals.
2. The old woman was careless to have swallowed a fly.
3. The old woman is beautiful.
4. She had a sleepless night when she swallowed the fly

Say: Let us study the underlined words in the sentences.

Step 2: Teaching/Modeling
Refer the children to the suffixes -ful and less chart.

Word Root Word Syllable Added Meaning of Meaning of the

after the root suffix word
word (Suffix)
powerful power ful full of full of power
careless care less without without care
beautiful beauty ful full of full of beauty
sleepless sleep less without without sleep

 What is the root word of the word powerful?

 What syllable was added after the root word?
 What does suffix -ful mean? What is the meaning of the word?
 What does a suffix do to the word?
 What is counterpart of powerful? What is counterpart of careless? Does the word beautiful have
counterpart? Does the word sleepless have counterpart?
 What other words with suffixed -full or -less do not have counterparts?

Notice the suffix used in the following examples.

1. joy (happy) joyful (full of joy)
2. power (strength) powerless (without power)
3. hand (part of the boy) handful (enough to fill a hand)

Step 3: Guided Practice

Circle the words with the suffixes -ful and -less.

It was summertime. The children are excited to visit their grandparents in the
farm. The children had a sleepless night. They were imagining of the wonderful things
Their cousins
they do in the were
farm.helpful to make
They play things
and eat in a easy for them.
peaceful meadowIn the afternoon,
near the lake.they
Theywere so
eager to help
sometimes in feeding
catch grandpa’s
fish with the helpanimals while
of grandpa grandma
and is watchful
their cousins. Theyand remindsswim
sometimes them
in the lake with their cousins.
to be careful. The children can’t wait for another summer to come. They wish they could

do these things this summer and for the next summers to come.
Step 4: Independent Practice
Match the words in Column A with their correct meaning in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. careful a. full of hope
2. faithful b. without hope
3. hopeful c. full of truth; honest
4. hopeless d. full of mercy
5. limitless e. without seeds
6. merciful f. full of faith; loyal
7. truthful g. without use
8. seedless h. without limit
9. useless i. full of care
10. restless j. without rest
k. without hope
Step 5: Application
Add the suffix -less or -ful to the word inside the parenthesis to make the sentence correct. Write the
newly formed word on the blank.

_____ 1. Boy Scouts are having a (wonder) time.

_____ 2. They are (rest) for the whole day.
_____ 3. There are (count) activities ahead of them.
_____ 4. The scout master taught them to be (faith) to God.
_____ 5. They were taught to be (help) to other people.
_____ 6. They must be (truth) at all times.
_____ 7. Being (respect) to humans and nature is one of the values they learned.
_____ 8. They visited needy and (hope) people.
_____ 9. They assisted fire victims who were left (home) in going to evacuation
_____10. The troop that won a game received a (hand) of candies.

Day 4


I. Objectives

Use prepositional phrase showing location in sentence

II. Learning Activities

A. Presentation

Prepositional phrase

Say: Study the following. Underline the preposition in each phrase. These are
prepositional phrases. Ask: What made up a prepositional phrase? Is there a noun or
pronoun in each phrase?

1. on the desk 6. on the teacher’s chair

2 .under the chair 7. under the sun
3. above the trees 8. over the wall
4. in the vase 9. in the closet
5. below the ground 10. above the sky

B. Teaching/Modeling

Study the following sentences. Underline the prepositional phrase in the sentence.

1. The old woman drives away the flies around the table.

2. She watched the food until her children and grandchildren arrived.

3. While waiting, she heard the screech of the car from the garage.

4. The children happily got out of the car.

5. It was about seven o’ clock in the evening when they started eating.

6. Her son told the family that they saw a beggar along the road.

7. The children told grandmother that they gave all the food at the back of the car to the beggar.

8. How happy grandmother was!

C. Guided Practice
Group Work

Say: We will have a contest by groups. (Show them envelopes with the phrases inside them)

Say: Here are some jumbles phrases. Arrange the jumbles phrases to form a sentence with

a prepositional phrase. The first group that arranges the phrases correctly will be the winner. (post a picture
illustrating the following sentences.)

1. The old woman around the house. has many animals

2. in the doghouse. dogs She has

3. her cats and chickens at the backyard. She feeds

4. under the tree. grazed Her cow

5. from morning until night. She takes care of them

Day 5

I. Objectives
Spell correctly the words in the vocabulary list and the words in the selection/ poem read.
Write a three to four sentence paragraph giving conclusion of a poem heard.
Read the poem aloud.

II. Learning Activities

1. Conduct a spelling test.

swallowed 1. The old woman swallowed a fly.

absurd 2. How absurd is it to swallow a fly?
woman 3. The old woman swallowed a spider.
spider 4. She swallowed a spider to catch the spider.
catch 5. She swallowed the bird to catch the spider.
pot bellied 6. Tubby is a pot-bellied cat.
disappointed 7. Father and mother were disappointed with Andy.

Attentive 8. Andy was attentive when his parents advised him to

sleep early.
Impolite 9. Tubby was impolite to be sleeping on Andy’s impolite bed but it is
clever way of teaching Andy.
sprawled 10. Tubby sprawled out on Andy’s bed.

2. Reading the Poem Aloud

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

Poor old lady, she swallowed a fly.

I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she’ll die!
Poor old lady, she swallowed a spider,

It squirmed and wriggled and turned inside her.

She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.
I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she’ll die!

Poor old lady, she swallowed a bird.

How absurd! She swallowed a bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.
I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she’ll die!

Poor old lady, she swallowed a cat.

Think of that! She swallowed a cat.
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.
I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she’ll die!
3. Discussion

 What is the poem about?

 What did the old woman swallow?
 Is it really possible that an old woman could swallow all those animals?
 What could possibly happen if an ordinary woman would swallow any of those
animals? Why do you say so?
 What kind of old woman was she? Think of words that would suitably describe

4. Reading of the poem by class, in groups and then individually.

5. Writing

Say: Recall the character in the poem “The Old Woman who Swallowed a Fly?” Give at
least three to four sentences to show what could happen at the end of the poem or give a
possible conclusion to the poem. You may use the following phrases:

1. The old woman swallowed ____________________________.

2. If she swallowed a fly or a spider, she must ______________.
3. She might ______________________ if she swallowed the
4. She must be ___________________________________
Prepared by

Maricel F. Desales
Kimberly O. GO

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