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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5 Q1 W8 S.Y. 2023-2024 October 16, 2023 October 17, 2023 October 18, 2023 October 19, 2023 October 20, 2023

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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in English 5

Q1 W8
S.Y. 2023-2024

October 16, 2023 October 17, 2023 October 18, 2023 October 19, 2023 October 20, 2023
Lesson Distinguish reality from Recount events effectively from Analyze figures of speech Compose clear and coherent Distinguish reality from fantasy
Objectives fantasy the selection listened to EN5OL- (hyperbole and personification) sentences using appropriate EN5LC-Ih-2.3
EN5LC-Ih-2.3 Ih-1.8 in a given text grammatical structures-
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar EN5RC-Ih-2.3 (correlative conjunctions)
words based on the context EN5G-Ih-8.3/8.4
clues(synonyms-antonyms) EN5V-
References Joy in Learning English English Quarter 1 – Module 4 Joy in Learning English pages Joy in Learning English pages 76- Joy in Learning English pages 78-
pages 78-79 Lesson 2: Composing Descriptive 76-77 77 79
Sentences Using Different Kinds
of Adjectives
Review/ Unlocking of Difficulties Look Back! Drill: Read the following Review: Unlocking of Difficulties
Motivation Give the synonym of the Read the sentences. Clap once, if sentences with fluency. What are conjunctions? Let’s Play
underlined words. the sentence uses simile and 1. I waited a long time to be What are the different kinds of
a. It is hard to swallow food twice if it uses metaphor. picked up from school. conjunctions that we have
when there is a sorethroat. 1. Loneliness is like a candle in the 2. I waited an eternity to be learned?
(reject, take through the dark. picked up from school. When do we use and? or? but?
mouth, throwaway) 2. Happiness is the laughter of a 3. Waiting is as boring as a
b. We used to hook our little child at play. speech.
clothes at the back of the 3. Ella is a dazzling firework.
door. 4. Johnny is as calm as a waveless
(catch, get off, close) ocean. a. F U L E A B U T I
c. The performance of the 5. Bethany sings like a nightingale. b. G E E L T A N
pupils really struck the c. L I A P N T
fancy of the spectators. d. T R A N F R A G
(thrifty, extravagant, e. P A R K I N G L S
Activities Present the poem to the Let the pupils read the following Engagement Activities. 1. What are the two elements Comprehension Check-Up
pupils entitled” The Old lines from some poems. Divide the class into groups being linked in the first sentence? a. What are found between grand
Woman Who Swallowed a Slowly, silently now the moon DAY 3 (The equivalent elements being mountains?
Fly” Walks the night in her silver Reading Comprehension linked are your gun and your b. How will you describe the
“The Old Woman Who shoes; Group 1: “The Poets” permit) plains? the sampaguita?
Swallowed a Fly” This way and that, she peers and Choral Reading of the poem DAY 4 c. Explain why bamboos are
There was an old woman sees The group will choose a leader Grammar / Vocabulary pliant?
who swallowed a fly Silver fruits upon silver trees. to lead the group Development d. What is meant by pliant?
Oh! My! Swallowed a fly? The birds have washed their faces Group 2: “The Painters” What do you call these phrases? e. Can you name three scenic
Poor old woman, I’ll think And cuddle in a row Illustrate what the poem tells (They are both noun phrases.) spots you love most in our
she’ll die Upon a little frosty bush you. What words are used to link these country?
There was an old woman That twinkles in the snow. Group 3: “The Writers” two phrases? ( both…and) f. What are the ways of
Who swallowed a spider. Let us study the lines from the Pick out one phrase or one 2.In the second sentence, what appreciating the beauty of our
Right down inside her, poems. sentence from the poem above are the equivalent elements being land? How can we help maintain
She swallowed a spider (Teacher models reading the which you think is unbelievable. linked? the beauty of these places?
She swallowed a spider to poem) In one or two sentences, explain (The equivalent elements being
hook the fly why you think it is impossible to linked are clever and funny. They
Oh! My! Swallowed a fly happen? are both adjectives.)
Poor old woman, I think What words are used to link these
she’ll die phrases? (neither…nor)
There was an old woman 3.In the last sentence, what are
who swallowed a cat. the equivalent elements being
Fancy that! Swallowed a linked?
cat! (The equivalent elements being
She swallowed the cat to linked are go home and shut up.
hook the bird They are both imperative verbs.)
She swallowed the bird to What words are used to connect
hook the spider, two phrases? (either…or)
She swallowed the spider 4.What do you call these words
to catch the fly that linked two equivalent
There was an old woman elements?
who swallowed a horse (They are called correlative
She died of course! conjunctions.)
The key learning point in these
examples is that correlative.
conjunctions link equivalent
elements. The most used
correlative conjunctions are
both…and, either…or, neither…
nor, not
only…but also)
Analysis a. What are the animals What is the poem all about? Ask: What did the old woman The teacher will further explain to Ask: What can you say about the
mentioned in the poem? What message does the poem try swallow? the pupils the rules in using these underlined words?
b. What did the old woman to convey? Why did she swallow the cat? correlative conjunctions Do they show the same or
do? the bird? the spider? different meanings?
c. Do you believe that there What happened to the old What do you call these words
is such an old woman who woman when she swallowed that show similar or same
can swallow animals like the horse? meanings?
spider, cat, horse? Do you think it could really What other pair of words can you
d. Was the poem happen? find in the poem that you have
believable? Which among those sentences read a while ago?
e. Do these really happen or phrases from the poem seem
in real life? to be unbelievable?
What does it tell us?
Why do you say so?
Application How will you distinguish Personification is a figure of A hyperbole is a figurative Construct clear and meaningful We infer the meaning of
reality? Fantasy? speech which brings to life an language that describes sentences using the following unfamiliar words through
inanimate object by giving it the something as better or worse conjunctions: both…and, either… synonyms and antonyms.
qualities of a person. than it really is. It is a figure of or, neither…nor, not only...but Synonyms are pairs of words that
Personification is the giving of speech, which involves an also are similar in meaning. Antonyms
human qualities to animal, exaggeration of ideas for the are pair of words that are
objects, and ideas. sake of emphasis. Hyperbole is opposite in meaning
a figurative language technique
where exaggeration is used to
create a strong effect. With
hyperbole, the notion of the
speaker is greatly exaggerated
to emphasize the point.
Assessment Write the word “reality” if Read the following phrases. Think Find the specific part of the Write the appropriate correlative A. From the word list, select the
it can happen in real life of appropriate word that will fit sentence that makes it an conjunctions to complete the synonyms of the underlined word
and “fantasy” if it cannot the sentence to show exaggeration. sentence. 1. ____Alex in each sentence.
happen in real life. personification. 1. This is the best pizza in the _____Carlos applied for the job. 1. Our ancestors fought valiantly
1. The dragon roared, and a. Slowed to crawl. whole wide world. (both…and, either... or) 2. I found for our freedom.
then flew off into the b. A friend who protects me 2. This suitcase weighs a ton. ____my homework ____my 2. The victorious team was
clouds. c. Yells at me every morning 3. The baby's smile was a mile textbook under my bed. (both… recognized during the assembly.
2. The two little ponies ran d. Danced across the sky. wide. and, either or) 3. I can’t decide 3. The players’ faces blushed with
around the field all e. Grumbling like it was angry 4. He is older than the hills. _____I should take a French next the unexpected recognition.
morning. 5. She nearly drowned in her year____take Korean. (either…or, 4. The injured climber was saved
3. The strange old woman tears. whether or) 4. ____my by his companions.
clicked her heels together brother____my sister can go to 5. The water vapor disappeared
three times and the game. (whether…or, neither… in the air
disappeared. nor) 5. ___you clean your
4. If you blow out all the room_____you will stay home
candles on your birthday this weekend. (either…or,
cake, your wish will come neither…or)
Assignment Write five examples of Read the following sentences. Write phrases or sentences that Rewrite the sentences. Construct Write the antonym of the
fantasy and reality Underline the object personified use hyperbole. Underline the new one using both…and, following words. Construct
and encircle the word which tells part that shows exaggeration. neither…nor, either…or, not sentences using the following
what the object does. only...but also Ex: I like classical pairs of words.
a. Hail pounded the houses and music and I also like pop music. I 1. victorious
streets. like both classical and pop music. 2. saved
b. Midnight hears me cry. a. Jj does not speak French and 3. disappeared
c. The tall trees moaned. L.A. does not speak French. 4.unseen
d. The moon faithfully controls ___________________________ 5. gradually
the tide’s ebb and flow. ___________________ b. Krizzy
e. My flowers were begging for speaks Filipino and she also
water. speaks English.
c. Mary is not tall and she is not

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