Lower Bounds and Compact Mathematical Formulations For Two Soft Constraints For University Examination Timetabling Problems
Lower Bounds and Compact Mathematical Formulations For Two Soft Constraints For University Examination Timetabling Problems
Lower Bounds and Compact Mathematical Formulations For Two Soft Constraints For University Examination Timetabling Problems
The examination timetabling problem (ETT) can be described as a
set of exams to be scheduled over an examination session while respecting
numerous hard and soft constraints. In this paper we consider the spacing
soft constraints that seek to prevent students sitting more than one exam
per day. Out of consideration for candidates, these soft constraints often
feature in real ETT problems that academic institutions seek to solve.
Work on ETT has tended to focus on heuristic approaches, and little effort
has gone into developing lower bounds, although both are of practical
and theoretical interest. For this study we consider formulations of these
soft constraints as defined in the ITC2007 examination timetabling track.
In existing mathematical formulations of these spacing soft constraints
the number of equations is of the order of the square of the number of
exams, and current solvers may face problems at runtime because of their
large memory requirement. In this study we present a generic model
for computing lower bounds, together with more compact formulations
where the number of equations is of the order of the number of exams.
Computational results on spacing soft constraints that seek to prevent
students sitting more than one exam per day are an improvement on
results obtained so far on lower bounds, and our new formulations yield a
more compact model that gives better results than those given by existing
© 2019 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license
1 Introduction
Academic institutions periodically face the problem of organizing examination
sessions. Drawing up an examination timetable is a complex, time-consuming,
tedious task for practitioners, who are often faced with conflicting demands from
the institution, from teachers and from students. The examination timetabling
problem (ETT) can be described as a set of exams to be scheduled into a set
of periods while respecting numerous hard and soft constraints. The quality
of a solution that satisfies all the hard constraints is measured by quantifying
violations of soft constraints. A large number of variants of ETTs can be found
in the literature because every institution has its own set of hard constraints
and uses a different set of soft constraints to assess solutions.
In 1997, Burke et al. [10] presented an introduction to automated exami-
nation timetabling using information collected from UK Universities, where the
authors catalogued and structured common types of constraints, and described
popular approaches used at the time. In a later comprehensive survey, Schaerf
[31] presented school, course and examination timetabling problems. In these
two studies variants of ETTs were discussed and solutions were reviewed and
A number of methodologies were developed to tackle specific problems, but
scientific comparisons between different methodologies are difficult, given that
the problems presented do not have the same sets of hard and soft constraints.
However, comparisons became easier when benchmarks with standard variants
started to be used, such as those from the universities of Toronto [11], Notting-
ham [16] and Melbourne [24]. In 2009, Qu et al. [29] summarized earlier surveys
on examination timetabling [10, 12, 15, 31] and presented a state of the art of
solution methods. Benchmarks available at that time were presented, and ap-
proaches and results on the benchmark datasets were discussed. The second In-
ternational Timetabling Competition (ITC2007) examination timetabling track
[22] introduced a problem description which covers many real-world situations.
These benchmarks have been made available to the research community.
Examination timetabling has been intensively studied over the last decades
using a large variety of optimisation techniques for preprocessing and for solving.
Gogos et al. [20] and Arbaoui et al. [6] proposed a preprocessing step to
reveal hidden hard constraints that can be deduced prior to solving. The initial
data can then be enriched and infeasibilities can be detected sooner during the
solving process.
A large number of solution methods based on heuristics, meta-heuristics
and their hybridizations, and hyper-heuristics can be found in the literature. A
selection of investigated methods includes: Graph Ordering Heuristic [2], Tabu
Search [21], Simulated Annealing [17], Great Deluge [26], Hill Climbing with
or without Late Acceptance [8], Bin Packing Heuristic [32], Evolutionary and
Nature Inspired Algorithms [3] and Hyper-Heuristic [9]. Recently, Alzaqebah
et al. [4] obtained the best result found so far for one instance of the Toronto
benchmark using a hybrid bee colony approach, simulated annealing, and late
acceptance hill climbing.
Exact methods and their hybridizations with heuristics have been studied
to solve examination timetabling problems. Hybridizing integer programming
and a decomposition approach was investigated by Qu et al. [30]. An integer
programming phase for assigning exams to rooms was used by Gogos et al. [20].
For a specific problem, MirHassani [25] proposed a Mixed Integer Program-
ming (MIP) model. Recently, a column generation approach was proposed by
Woumans et al. [33]. To increase the spacing of exams for students, multiple
versions of an exam to be planned are allowed, and a trade-off between spacing
for students and numbers of exam versions is optimized.
The ITC2007 competition provides a framework which describes seven soft
constraints widely encountered and a dataset based on current real-world in-
stances [22]. The results on ITC2007 instances have been steadily improved over
the last decade through the application of heuristic approaches that consider
the objective function with all seven terms. A simple yet effective hill-climbing
heuristic was proposed in [13], which achieved competitive results. Recently,
in [7], the authors proposed a simulated annealing, where better results were
obtained once parameters had been finely tuned.
However, real-world problems may contain a subset of these soft constraints.
Following the competition, the Yeditepe dataset proposed new real instances
where two terms are considered [28].
In this paper we consider the two soft constraints that aim at minimizing
number of students sitting more than one exam per day. We chose this frame-
work because it provides a firm basis for establishing lower bounds and new
mathematical models for these two spacing soft constraints that are often used
in academic institutions.
Assessing lower bounds on soft constraints that aim at minimizing the num-
ber of students sitting more than one exam per day has both a theoretical and
a practical interest, in providing practitioners with insights on unavoidable vio-
lations and determining the distance from the bounds of any proposed heuristic
solution. To the best of our knowledge, Arbaoui et al. [5] presented the first
work on spacing soft constraint lower bounds for ITC2007 problems.
In contrast to the numerous heuristic based approaches, few exact meth-
ods have been reported. McCollum et al. [23] proposed a new mathematical
model for the ITC2007 examination timetabling track that provides a mean-
ingful basis for hard and soft constraints. As the authors make plain, their
model was not designed to solve sizeable real instances, but it was created only
for modeling purposes. However, it does optimally solve two instances of the
Yeditepe dataset [28]. Running their model on sizeable real instances using cur-
rent solvers is unfortunately not easy, because of the large numbers of variables
and constraints. Fonseca et al. [18] proposed an improved version of this model
that made a better use of memory and they encountered fewer out-of-memory
events on sizeable instances. Arbaoui et al. [6] ran an improved formulation
on each term considered individually, and for certain terms optimal values were
Soghier et al. [32] investigated bin packing heuristics and proposed an adap-
tive hybrid hyper-heuristic approach. This way of approaching ETT treats ex-
ams as items and rooms/periods as bins. Data-dependent Dual-Feasible Func-
tions (DDFF) have previously been proposed for building lower bounds for bin-
packing problems (see Carlier et al. [14]). In [6], the authors proposed a valid
inequality based on an adaption of a DDFF that proved to be effective on small
Applying valid inequalities while reducing the number of variables and con-
straints has been seen to be helpful in improving exact methods based on integer
programming formulations [6, 18].
In this study we present improvements for computing lower bounds on the
two spacing soft constraints used to prevent students sitting more than one exam
per day, and we present more compact formulations for these soft constraints
that can result in a MIP model that consumes less memory.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we out-
line the hard constraints of the ITC2007 examination timetabling competition
and the two spacing soft constraints used to prevent students sitting more than
one exam per day. In Section 3 we propose three ways of computing the min-
imum number of spacing soft constraint violations for every clique of a given
size, and the generic MIP model that computes the associated lower bounds.
In Section 4 we recall earlier contributions that allowed the numbers of hard
constraints to be reduced, we present our new formulations of the spacing soft
constraints, and we compare the sizes of different MIP formulations. We focus
on two terms, and for the purposes of comparison we use the improved approach
[22] made available to the community by Tomàs Müller [1], the winner of the
ITC2007 examination timetabling track. In Section 5 we present and comment
on computational results for the two soft constraints applied on the ITC2007
and Yeditepe datasets. Our concluding remarks are made in Section 6.
Room capacity: The capacity of any room cannot be exceeded at any period.
and some exams may be subject to the following hard constraints:
Room exclusivity: An exam must take place in a room on its own.
Time-ordering: There is an order between a pair of exams that must be re-
The time-ordering hard constraints are the After constraint (exam i has to
be scheduled after exam j), the Exclusion constraint (exams i and j have to
be scheduled at different periods), and the Coincidence constraint (exams i
and j must be scheduled at the same period).
We will now consider the Two-In-a-Row and Two-In-a-Day spacing soft
constraints used to minimize the number of students sitting more than one
exam per day. These are constraints widely encountered in practice:
Data and weights relating to assessing these soft constraints are provided in
the input file of each instance.
Mc Collum et al. presented in [23] a dataset based on current real-world in-
stances, together with a mathematical model. This provides a stable framework
made available to the community for studying lower bounds and new formu-
lations of soft constraints that have relevance for a large number of academic
institutions. The notation that we use below for constants, parameters, and
variables closely follows the original notation in the model proposed by [23].
these spacing soft constraints are computed using a MIP formulation that gives
optimal values. The contributions of two cliques with no common edge can be
summed. To compute a lower bound, a family of edge-disjoint cliques is built ap-
plying a greedy heuristic without any guarantee of optimality. Moreover, since
selected cliques have no common edges, some edges cannot be counted as viola-
tions. Furthermore, the greedy heuristic does not take account of Coincidence
constraints between exams.
Computing minimum numbers of violations is discussed below in Section 3.1.
The limits make it possible to know whether a clique induces at least one soft
constraint violation, but they do not make it possible to compute minimum
numbers of violations.
In Section 3.2 we propose a generic MIP model for computing lower bounds
for Two-In-a-Row and Two-In-a-Day soft constraints (individually or together).
The formulation we propose allows lower bounds to be computed optimally using
minimum numbers of violations and individual contributions of selected cliques.
This formulation ensures that a violation cannot be counted twice, while taking
into account Coincidence constraints between exams.
violations, and so one exam can be allocated to D1 and D2 days, and two
exams can be allocated to D3 and D4 days with an empty period between the
two exams.
LD : one exam can be allocated to a D1 day and two exams can be allocated
back-to-back to D2, D3 and D4 days without any Two-In-a-Day violations.
LRD : at most one exam per day can be allocated without any Two-In-a-Row
or Two-In-a-Day violations.
We have LRD ≤ LR , and if there are days of types D3 or D4, then
L ≤ LD .
To compute λR (k), λD (k) and λRD (k), that is to say the minimum numbers
of edges to be used to count penalties, the idea is to determine the type of day
and the type of period that an exam needs to be allocated to in order to create
as few violations as possible.
For Two-In-a-Row soft constraints, if k ≤ LR , then no violation occurs.
If LR < k ≤ LR + nD2 + nD4 , we have LR allocated exams without any
violations, one in D1 and D2 days, and two in D3 and D4 days (empty period
between exams), after which each exam allocated to D2 or D4 days creates one
Two-In-a-Row violation, so we have k − LR Two-In-a-Row violations. When
k = LR + nD2 + nD4 exams are allocated, note that there is an empty period
in D3 and D4 days.
If LR +nD2 +nD4 < k, we have LR +nD2 +nD4 allocated exams, after which
each exam allocated to D3 or D4 days createstwo Two-In-a-Row violations.
We have nD2 + nD4 + 2 k − LR + nD2 + nD4 violations.
Regarding λR (k), the following proposition therefore holds:
So, when computing λD (k) the following proposition holds:
a-Day violations where λD (k) is equal to:
if k ≤ LD
k − LD if LD < k ≤ LD + nD3 + nD4
n + nD4 + 2 k − LD + nD3 + nD4
If LRD + ϕ + nD3 + nD4 < k, we have LRD + ϕ + nD3 + nD4 allocated
exams, with only D4 days having an empty period, and each exam allo-
cated subsequently to D4 days will create three violations. We thus have
ϕ + 2 nD3 + nD4 + 3 k − LRD + ϕ + nD3 + nD4 violations.
When computing lambda λRD (k), the following proposition therefore holds:
Proposition 3 Given a clique c of size k, there will be at least λRD (k) Two-
In-a-Row or Two-In-a-Day violations where λRD (k) is equal to:
if k ≤ LRD
k − LRD if LRD < k ≤ LRD + ϕ
ϕ + 2(k − (LRD + ϕ)) if LRD + ϕ < k ≤ LRD +ϕ + nD3 + nD4
ϕ + 2 nD3 + nD4
RD D3 D4
+3 k− L +ϕ+n +n
• λD (5) = 1 = k − LD
D2 D3
E Clique c
100 A
LR = 3 LD = 4 LRD = 2
100 λR (5) = 3 λD (5) = 1 λRD (5) = 4
2R 2D
D 2 1 Penalty weights: w = 10 w =1
100 B
that all the exams in the clique are allocated.
It is not necessary to generate every possible permutation of a subset of
exams, because many of them will have the same penalty induced by soft con-
straint violations. Breaking symmetries saves many variables, but the number
of permutations to be used can be reduced still further. Among the permuta-
tions of a subset of exams to be allocated to a type of day a single assessed
permutation is retained, since if this subset of exams is selected to cover one of
the days of this type, the permutation used has a minimal penalty.
These insights can be illustrated using the clique c shown in Figure 1. Let
us consider subsets of one, two, and three exams to be allocated to D2 and D3
For each day of type D2 and each pair of different exams i and j, we have the
following two permutations: (i, j) for exam i in the first period and exam j in the
second period, and (j, i) when the order is reversed. These two permutations
have the same penalty induced by the Two-In-a-Row spacing soft constraint
violation. We denote this “same induced penalty” as (i, j) ∼ (j, i). Permutations
with one exam i also need to be considered. Given that in an optimal solution
one exam may be allocated to a D2 day, we have (i, ) ∼ ( , i).
For a D3 day and one exam i we have (i, , ) ∼ ( , i, ) ∼ ( , , i). For two
exams i and j we have (i, j, ) ∼ (j, i, ) ∼ ( , i, j) ∼ ( , j, i), and (i, , j) ∼ (j, , i).
For three exams i, j, k we have (i, j, k) ∼ (k, j, i), and (i, k, j) ∼ (j, k, i), and
(j, i, k) ∼ (k, i, j).
We can further reduce the number of permutations. As an example, given
a subset of three exams, let us assume that T RD (c) is to be assessed (Two-In-
a-Row AND Two-In-a-Day), and that the retained permutations are (i, j, k),
(i, k, j), and (j, i, k). Next, let us assume that in an optimal solution this subset
of exams is allocated to a D3 day. Since the solution is optimal, the permutation
used to cover a D3 day has a minimum penalty. Therefore, penalties can be
computed for permutations (i, j, k), (i, k, j) and (j, i, k) and the permutation
with the smallest penalty will be retained.
Let us take the example shown in Figure 1 with a subset of exams {C, D, E},
and with weights w2R = 10 and w2D = 1. Consequently, (C, D, E) has a penalty
of 22, (C, E, D) has a penalty of 31, and (D, C, E) has a penalty of 31. The single
permutation to be retained in order to create a decision variable is (C, D, E).
In Figure 1 the optimal allocations of exams are displayed on the lower right,
with feasible swaps indicated by curved arrows (symmetries).
We obtain T R (c) = 30, T D (c) = 2 and T RD (c) = 32, the minimum contri-
butions for penalties.
The generic formulation that we propose for optimally selecting edges of
assessed cliques is the following:
wij (w2R Xe + w2D Ye ) (1)
subject to:
∀e ∈ E(S) Xe + Ye ≤ 1 (2)
∀c ∈ S Xe ≥ λR (c) (3)
∀c ∈ S Ye ≥ λD (c) (4)
∀c ∈ S (Xe + Ye ) ≥ λRD (c) (5)
∀c ∈ S w2R wij Xe ≥ T R (c) (6)
∀c ∈ S w2D wij Ye ≥ T D (c) (7)
∀c ∈ S wij (w2R Xe + w2D Ye ) ≥ T RD (c) (8)
∀c ∈ S ∀e = [i, j] ∈ ε(c) such that j ∈ E coin Xe = Xe′
′ ′ coin ′ ′
∀j such that [j, j ] ∈ H ∀e = [i, j ] ∈ E(S) Ye = Ye′
Xe , Ye ∈ {0, 1} (10)
Decision variable Xe = 1 if edge e contributes to a Two-In-a-Row violation,
zero otherwise, and decision variable Ye = 1 if edge e contributes to a Two-In-
a-Day violation, zero otherwise.
For all cliques in S, an edge cannot be counted twice for Two-In-a-Row and
Two-In-a-Day violations. These disjunctions are enforced using Equations (2).
For every clique, minimum numbers of edges involved are enforced using
Equations (3)-(5) (see Section 3.1). For every clique, minimum contributions to
penalties are enforced using Equations (6)-(8).
Since the endpoints of edges are exams, we can consider Coincidence con-
straints, if there are any, between exams in selected cliques. Coincidence con-
straints are enforced using Equations (9). First, consider two exams j and j ′
subject to a Coincidence constraint (i.e. [j, j ′ ] ∈ H coin ). Next, consider an
exam i, an edge e = [i, j], and assume that edge e is selected for one of the
spacing violations: edge e′ = [i, j ′ ] also has to be selected.
A preprocessing step proposed in [6] ensures that the two edges e = [i, j] and
e′ = [i, j ′ ] exist by propagating Coincidence constraints on the conflict graph
G(E, A). Note that the edges added by applying this preprocessing step have
no students in common (wij = 0) and have no impact in relation to penalties.
Equation (1) assesses the minimum weighted sum of edges e ∈ E(S) while
respecting for every clique c the minimum numbers of Two-In-a-Row, Two-In-
a-Day, and Two-In-a-Row AND Two-In-a-Day soft constraints violations, the
minimum contributions to penalties, and the Coincidence constraints between
An illustrative example for a conflict graph G(E, A) with exams
{A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H} is shown top left in Figure 2. We assume weights
w2R = 10 and w2D = 1. There is a common edge [A, B], weighted by
wAB = 1, between cliques c and c′ , that cannot be counted twice, and there is
a coincidence constraint between exams E and G. For the sake of explanation
cliques c and c′ are similar, the exams {F, G, H} playing the same role in clique
c′ as the exams {C, D, E} in clique c (see also Figure 1).
E coincidence G Propagation of
E H E coincidence H
100 A 100 0
100 0
1 100 1
100 100
D 2 1 2 G D 0 G
100 100 0
1 1
100 100
100 100
Clique c Clique c’
An optimal allocation of exams Three optimal allocations of exams of cliques
of clique c within days: with respect to coincidence constraint:
A B C D E value: 32 G F H
An optimal allocation of exams A B E D C
of clique c’ within days:
A B F G H value: 32 H G F
A B D E C LB: 63
An optimal allocations of exams of cliques
without respecting coincidence constraint:
A B C D E LB: 54
With preprocessing, we now consider the coincidence constraint between
exams E and G.
Figure 2 shows (top right) the new edges we add to the conflict graph. For
example, edge [E, H] with wEH = 0 is added to the conflict graph. There are
no students taking both exams E and H, but exams E and G are subject to
a coincidence constraint, and some students are taking both exams G and H,
meaning that exams E and H cannot be placed in the same period.
Let us consider Equations (9), and focus first on the Xe variables asso-
ciated with a Two-In-a-Row soft constraint violation. All of the equations
X[D,E] = X[D,G] , X[C,E] = X[C,G] , X[G,H] = X[E,H] , X[F,G] = X[E,F ] must
be enforced (edges e and e′ ). For example, if edge e = [D, E] is used to as-
sess a soft constraint violation (X[D,E] = 1), edge e = [D, G] must also be
used (X[D,G] = 1), which enforces the relative positions of exams {D, E, G} in
relation to Two-In-a-Row soft constraint violations. Using Equations (9), we
also enforce the relative positions of exams in relation to Two-In-a-Day soft
constraint violations. By Equations (2) we cannot have Xe = Ye . Hence, the
coincidence constraint is enforced without explicitly considering days or periods.
Considering the coincidence constraint, our formulation computes a lower
bound with a value of 63 = 10 + 22 + 31, which is a better lower bound.
In Figure 2 (bottom right) there are three examples of optimal allocations
of exams {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H} with respect to the coincidence constraint
between exams E and G.
We denote as B the generic formulation that consists of Equations (1) to (10).
Numbers of variables are of the order of the number of edges O(|A|), and
numbers of constraints are of the order of the numbers of edges and cliques
O(|A| + |S|).
Our proposed generic formulation B can be used to compute lower bounds for
either C 2R , C 2D , or C 2R + C 2D . Cliques with edges in common can contribute,
so no family of edge-disjoint cliques built using a greedy heuristic would be
able to provide a better evaluation. The formulation also allows Coincidence
constraints to be enforced.
by Arbaoui et al. [6] for formulation M, that these formulations could not
easily be run on the current generation of solvers. Instantiating sizeable real
problems with Two-In-a-Row or Two-In-a-Day soft constraints requires too
much memory. Formulations O, F ′ and M have as many Two-In-a-Row or
Two-In-a-Day soft constraints and variables as there are edges in the conflict
graph G(E, A).
The equations used by all previous formulations for assessing the C 2R and
C terms are of two kinds. The first kind, based on edges [i, j] ∈ A such that
wij 6= 0, detects whether a violation occurs within days, while the second counts
the numbers of students involved.
Based on the work of Glover [19], we propose a more compact formulation
for Two-In-a-Row and Two-In-a-Day soft constraints.
Considering the exams that conflict with a given exam i, i.e. the neighbors
N (i) of i in the conflict graph G(E, A), the idea is to first compute an upper
bound (UB) of the number of students that can be counted if Two-In-a-Row or
Two-In-a-Day soft constraint violations occur. This UB can then be used to
aggregate the assessments of these soft constraints.
For an exam i, the value Ti is an upper bound of the number of students to
be counted:
∀i ∈ E Ti = wij (11)
j∈N (i)
If exam i is not allocated to a period p, then at most all the j ∈ N (i) exams
will be allocated to p. Assuming exam i is allocated to a period q 6= p such that
Two-In-a-Row or Two-In-a-Day soft constraint violations occur, then Ti is an
upper bound of the number of students to be counted.
We denote the number of exams as nE , the number of periods as nP , and
the number of days as nDay .
j ∈ N (i) are allocated to period p + 1 on the same day (parameter yp(p+1) = 1).
Considering Equations (13), if some exams P j ∈ N (i) are allocated to period
p + 1, for these exams we have Xj(p+1) = 1 and [i,j]∈A wij Xj(p+1) ≤ Ti . When
Xip = 0, exam i is not allocated to period p, and we have Rip = 0 since we
are minimizing the C 2R term and Rip ∈ N. When Xip P
= 1, exam i is allocated
to period p, and all Two-In-a-Row penalties are counted for all adjacent exams
(i.e. [i, j] ∈ A) allocated to period p + 1. Hence, Equation (12) counts the C 2R
We now have O(nE nP ) Equations (12) and (13) compared to O((nE )2 (nP )2 )
for formulations O, F ′ and M (see [6, 18, 23]) using O(nE nP ) integer variables.
The number of integer variables can be further reduced to O(nE ). An exam
i is allocated to a single period p, and therefore all but one of Rip are null.
Equations (12) and (13) can be advantageously rewritten as:
C 2R = w2R Ri (14)
∀i ∈ E ∀p ∈ P yp(p+1) = 1
wij Xj(p+1) − Ti (1 − Xip ) ≤ Ri
We have one Xip= 1 and [i,j]∈A wij Xj(p+1) ≤ Ri , meaning that one single
Equation (15) may set Ri ≥ 0, and for all other Equations (15) Xiq = 0 (p 6= q).
Consequently, all Equations (15) are valid.
For Two-In-a-Row soft constraints, formulations O, F ′ and M require
O((nE )2 ) Boolean variables, while we have a single integer variable Ri for each
exam i. Earlier formulations have O((nE )2 (nP )2 ) equations, while we now have
O(nE nP ) equations.
For Equations (17), if some exams j ∈ N (i) are allocated to a period q >
p + 1 such that ypq = 1 (same day), for these exams we have Xjq = 1 and
q∈P, q>p+1, ypq =1 [i,j]∈A wij Xjq ≤ Ti . When Xip = 0, exam i is not allocated
to period p, we have Di = 0, since the C 2D term is minimized and Di ∈ N.
When Xip = 1, exam i is allocated to period p, and all Two-In-a-Day penalties
are counted for all adjacent exams allocated to periods q on the same day (i.e.
ypq = 1), but not back-to-back (such that q > p + 1 ) with period p. A single
period p is used to allocate exam i, one Equation (17) may set Di ≥ 0, and all
other Equations (17) are valid. Therefore, Equation (16) counts the C 2D term.
For Two-In-a-Day soft constraints, formulations O and M require O((nE )2 )
Boolean variables, formulation F ′ requires O(nE nDay ) additional Boolean vari-
ables, while we have a single integer variable Di for each exam i. We have
O(nE nP ) Equations (16) and (17), compared to O((nE )2 (nP )2 ) Equations for
formulations O and M. Formulation F ′ requires O(nE nDay ) additional equa-
tions to link the additional Boolean variables to Boolean decision variables Xip
E 2 Day
and O((n ) n ) Equations for assessing, while our proposed formulation uses
O(nE nP ) Equations (16).
We denote as L the formulation that consists of equations of formulation M
for hard constraints, and we use Equations (14) to (17) to assess the Two-In-a-
Row or Two-In-a-Day soft constraints.
O F′ M L
nE nP nE nP nE nP nE nP
Boolean Hard +nE nR +nE nR +nE nR +nE nR
+nE nP nR +nE nP nR +nE nP nR +nE nP nR
Integer Hard nE
5 Results
In this section we present results obtained on the ITC2007 and Yeditepe in-
stances. The lower bound results for Two-In-a-Row and Two-In-a-Day soft
constraints are presented. These results were obtained using sets of maximal
cliques. We also use the sum of two terms to compare the proposed formulation
L to existing formulations O, F ′ and M, since both terms aim at preventing
students sitting more than one exam per day.
Tests were done using a CPLEX 12.5 MIP solver with a single thread and
MipEmphasis parameter set to feasibility, using C++ compiled with gcc ver-
sion 4.4.7, on a machine with an Intel Xeon E5-2670 and 8 GB of RAM. The
computing times are reported in seconds.
the number of edges, and the size of the set of maximal cliques. For every
sizeable ITC2007 instance, the set of maximal cliques S is computed in less
than two minutes, then, for all selected cliques, we compute T R (c), T D (c) and
T RD (c) contributions using the MIP summarized in Section 3.2 in less than one
hour. For model B the number of variables is of the order of O(|A|) and the
number of constraints is of the order of O(|A| + |S|) (see Section 3.2).
The first work on lower bounds was applied on the first eight ITC2007 in-
stances, and column LB [5] reports the values for instances 2, 3, 4 and 6, for
which C 2R + C 2D lower bounds can be computed.
|A| |S| LB [5] U Bh LB t
2 4466 21 10 10 10 10
3 13887 853 330 3300 670 5
4 5792 9935 291 16369 1620 9694
6 2293 12638 1740 5500 2600 70
10 2340 8 - 0 0 3
11 13887 2262 - 13890 3970 5821
12 635 4501 - 2613 2030 3
yue20011 1397 249 - 52 19 10
yue20012 1792 431 - 119 30 18
yue20013 84 40 - 29 13 4
yue20021 2320 139 - 116 14 15
yue20022 2781 151 - 195 34 23
yue20023 145 41 - 56 20 6
yue20031 2323 187 - 156 24 15
yue20032 3046 637 - 430 74 66
between theory and practice remains challenging. As a comparison of columns
LB and U B shows, there is still room for improvement.
We proposed an exact method that provides better results than selecting
edge-disjoint cliques applying a greedy heuristic. The proposed generic for-
mulation B uses minimum numbers of spacing soft constraint violations, and
contributions of cliques. Formulation B ensures that each edge is used once,
while enforcing coincidence constraints on exams. For spacing soft constraints
the formulation allows lower bounds to be computed optimally. Results are
better than previously proposed lower bounds.
be run on standard computers.
For instances 1, 3, 4 and 11, no solution is attained within the time limit,
regardless of the considered formulation. For instances 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10, all
compact formulations gave solutions, with no students taking two exams on the
same day (zero cost), and the solutions were obtained in no more than half an
hour of computing time.
For instances 6 and 12 of the ITC2007 dataset, better results are attained
using formulation L. For all Yeditepe instances, formulation L gives either opti-
mal solutions or results that are better than those given by other formulations.
Formulation M gives the best result only for instance 2. Formulation F ′ does
not give a solution for the yue20022 instance.
Given the difficulty of timetabling problems, running MIP formulations on
sizeable real problems can still be challenging. However, comparing the results
of heuristic and formulation L, we have U Bh = 5500 and U B = 4580 for
instance 6. A better result is achieved within the one hour time limit.
Table 4 clearly shows that from formulation O to formulation L improve-
ments were obtained. The proposed formulation L reduces the number of vari-
ables and constraints for Two-In-a-Row and Two-In-a-Day spacing soft con-
straints. It is much more compact and can be run on current generations of
solvers to provide results within a reasonable computing time.
6 Conclusion
In this paper we proposed improvements to lower bounds and new mathematical
formulations for the spacing soft constraints that seek to prevent students sitting
more than one exam per day.
We proposed a generic MIP model that computes lower bounds by optimally
selecting edges of a set of cliques using their individual contributions while taking
into account hard constraints relating to exam coincidence. Better lower bounds
were achieved than in previous results in the literature.
In existing mathematical formulations of spacing soft constraints the number
of equations is of the order of the square of the number of exams. We proposed
new formulations of the spacing soft constraints that use as many soft constraints
as the number of exams. Our new formulations yield a model that is more
compact and better results were achieved compared to existing mathematical
This work was carried out in the framework of the Labex MS2T, which was
funded by the French Government, through the program “Investments for the
future” managed by the National Agency for Research (Reference ANR-11-
IDEX-0004-02). We would also like to thank the referees for their insightful
comments that helped us improving the quality of this paper.
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