Themes in Animal Farm
Themes in Animal Farm
Themes in Animal Farm
Theme of Corruption and Totalitarianism.
Animal Farm is most famous in the West as a stinging critique of the history and
rhetoric of the Russian Revolution. Retelling the story of the emergence and
development of Soviet communism in the form of an animal fable, Animal Farm
allegorizes the rise to power of the dictator Joseph Stalin. In the novella, the
overthrow of the human oppressor Mr. Jones by a democratic coalition of animals
quickly gives way to the consolidation of power among the pigs. Much like the
Soviet intelligentsia, the pigs establish themselves as the ruling class in the new
The struggle for preeminence between Leon Trotsky and Stalin emerges in the
rivalry between the pigs Snowball and Napoleon. In both the historical and
fictional cases, the idealistic but politically less powerful figure (Trotsky and
Snowball) is expelled from the revolutionary state by the malicious and violent
usurper of power (Stalin and Napoleon). The purges and show trials with which
Stalin eliminated his enemies and solidified his political base find expression in
Animal Farm as the false confessions and executions of animals whom Napoleon
distrusts following the collapse of the windmill. Stalin’s tyrannical rule and
eventual abandonment of the founding principles of the Russian Revolution are
represented by the pigs’ turn to violent government and the adoption of human
traits and behaviors, the trappings of their original oppressors.
Although Orwell believed strongly in socialist ideals, he felt that the Soviet Union
realized these ideals in a terribly perverse form. His novella creates its most
powerful ironies in the moments in which Orwell depicts the corruption of
Animalist ideals by those in power. For Animal Farm serves not so much to
condemn tyranny or despotism as to indict the horrifying hypocrisy of tyrannies
that base themselves on, and owe their initial power to, ideologies of liberation and
equality. The gradual disintegration and perversion of the Seven Commandments
illustrates this hypocrisy with vivid force, as do Squealer’s elaborate philosophical
justifications for the pigs’ blatantly unprincipled actions. Thus, the novella
critiques the violence of the Stalinist regime against the human beings it ruled, and
also points to Soviet communism’s violence against human logic, language, and
Abuse of Language.
One of Orwell’s central concerns, both in Animal Farm and in 1984, is the way in
which language can be manipulated as an instrument of control. In Animal Farm,
the pigs gradually twist and distort a rhetoric of socialist revolution to justify their
behavior and to keep the other animals in the dark. The animals heartily embrace
Major’s visionary ideal of socialism, but after Major dies, the pigs gradually twist
the meaning of his words. As a result, the other animals seem unable to oppose the
pigs without also opposing the ideals of the Rebellion.
By the end of the novella, after Squealer’s repeated reconfigurations of the Seven
Commandments in order to decriminalize the pigs’ treacheries, the main principle
of the farm can be openly stated as “all animals are equal, but some animals are
more equal than others.” This outrageous abuse of the word “equal” and of the
ideal of equality in general typifies the pigs’ method, which becomes increasingly
audacious as the novel progresses. Orwell’s sophisticated exposure of this abuse of
language remains one of the most compelling and enduring features of Animal
Farm, worthy of close study even after we have decoded its allegorical characters
and events.
Animal Farm is deeply skeptical about the value of intellectual activity. The pigs
are identified as the most intelligent animals, but their intelligence rarely produces
anything of value. Instead, the pigs use their intelligence to manipulate and abuse
the other animals. The novella identifies several other ways in which intelligence
fails to be useful or good. Benjamin is literate, but he refuses to read, suggesting
that intelligence is worthless without the moral sense to engage in politics and the
courage to act. The dogs are nearly as literate as the pigs, but they are “not
interested in reading anything except the Seven Commandments”. The dogs’ use of
their intelligence suggests that intellect is useless—even harmful—when it is
combined with a personality that prefers to obey orders rather than question them.
Class Stratification.
Animal Farm offers commentary on the development of class tyranny and the
human tendency to maintain and reestablish class structures even in societies that
allegedly stand for total equality. The novella illustrates how classes that are
initially unified in the face of a common enemy, as the animals are against the
humans, may become internally divided when that enemy is eliminated. The
expulsion of Mr. Jones creates a power vacuum, and it is only so long before the
next oppressor assumes totalitarian control.
The natural division between intellectual and physical labor quickly comes to
express itself as a new set of class divisions, with the “brainworkers” (as the pigs
claim to be) using their superior intelligence to manipulate society to their own
benefit. Orwell never clarifies in Animal Farm whether this negative state of affairs
constitutes an inherent aspect of society or merely an outcome contingent on the
integrity of a society’s intelligentsia. In either case, the novella points to the force
of this tendency toward class stratification in many communities and the threat that
it poses to democracy and freedom.
The story is told from the perspective of the common animals as a whole. Gullible,
loyal, and hardworking, these animals give Orwell a chance to sketch how
situations of oppression arise not only from the motives and tactics of the
oppressors but also from the naïveté of the oppressed, who are not necessarily in a
position to be better educated or informed. When presented with a dilemma, Boxer
prefers not to puzzle out the implications of various possible actions but instead to
repeat to himself, “Napoleon is always right.” Animal Farm demonstrates how the
inability or unwillingness to question authority condemns the working class to
suffer the full extent of the ruling class’s oppression.
Other Minor Themes.
4) False Allegiance
A final noteworthy (and again, satiric) theme is the way in which people proclaim
their allegiance to each other, only to betray their true intentions at a later time.
Directly related to the idea that the rulers of the rebellion (the pigs) eventually
betray the ideals for which they presumably fought, this theme is dramatized in a
number of relationships involving the novel's human characters. Pilkington and
Jones; Frederick, for example, only listen to Jones in the Red Lion because they
secretly hope to gain something from their neighbor's misery. Similarly,
Frederick's buying the firewood from Napoleon seems to form an alliance that is
shattered when the pig learns of Frederick's forged banknotes.