Homework - CEIL
Homework - CEIL
Homework - CEIL
English is a Germanic language that originates from England. It is also a native language in the
other home countries of the United Kingdom, in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
Republic of Ireland South Africa, and numerous other countries. 380 million people speak English as
their first language.
English has “lingua franca’’ status in many parts of the world, because of the military,
economic, scientific, political, and cultural influence of the “British Empire” in the 18th and 19th
centuries and that of the “United States” from the mid-20th century to the present. The global influence
of English comes from cinema, music, airlines, broadcasting, science, and the
Internet in recent decades. English is now the most widely learned second
language in the world.
Many students worldwide need to learn some English and business
English is required in many fields and occupations. Because people speak and
learn English everywhere, the language is considered a “global language.” It is also,
by international treaty, the official language for aircraft/airport communication. Its
acceptance as a first or second language is the main indication of its global status.
Vocabulary: Fill in the table with 3 nouns, 3 verbs, 3 adjctives, and 3 pronouns.
Nouns Verbs Adjectives Pronouns
Grammar: The verbs in the text are in the simple present. Sort them out and put them in the
present continuous, simple past, past continuous, present perfect and simple future.
Each of the sentences below has a missing word.
Choose the correct word from the box to complete the sentences.
• S o , di d you ______ a n i ce t i me i n L on d on ?
hav e
2 • O h , I _ _ _ _ _ _ a l o v e l y t i m e i n L o n d o n , b u t th a t w a s t w o
year s ag o . L ast year I ____ ___ a g re at ti me i n Pari s.
• Di d yo u ______ an y si g h tseei n g ? do
3 • Yes, I ______ a l o t o f si g h tseei n g th at ti me.
I al w ays _____ _ so me si g h t seei n g w h en in P ari s. did
Writing: Write an email to an employement agency where you (1) introduce yourself, (2) explain
what job you would like, (3) and, say what experience, skills and interests you have. (You can use
the sentences you learnt in class).
CEIL English Language Training – Level B1 Date: 03/01/2023
Student’s Name: By: Dr. BELARBI
1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present tense: simple or continuous.
[Focus on the meaning to figure out which verb is put in the simple or continuous tenses]
1. Example: Jeremy usually goes to school by bus but today his dad is driving him. (GO, DRIVE)
3. Northern California _________________ a lot of rain during the wintertime but this
4. My sister often _________________ in bed but today she is so tired that she
5. Look to your right! Mary _________________ her little sister to school. How sweet! (BRING)
6. Mom can't help you right now because she _________________ dinner. (PREPARE)
10. Mary _________________ eating sweets. Every morning she _________________ coffee with
2. Fill in the correct form of the past tense: simple or continuous. [Focus on the meaning]
1. Example: While the policeman was looking out of the window, he noticed that a
blue SUV was parking down the road. (LOOK, NOTICE, PARK)
6. The farmer __________________ the whole neighborhood with fruit and vegetables. (SUPPLY)
7. The hairdresser __________________ up her shop, __________________ into the car and
10. Where __________________ when I __________________ across you yesterday? (YOU GO,