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United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service

March 2021 Grain: World Markets and Trade

India Corn Exports Competitive Regionally
After over a year of high domestic corn prices, a
contraction in poultry feed demand due to COVID- 2020 India Corn Exports
19 has led to a substantial easing of prices, making
India corn exports competitive in the South Asia

region once again. Currently, these are forecast at 350
1.8 million tons for 2020/21, which, if realized, 300
would be the largest export volume since 3.9 250
million tons in 2013/14. From 2014 to mid-2018,
the national average domestic corn price was
approximately $200 per ton, shooting up to $275 150
per ton by July 2019 due to production concerns 100
and strong domestic use. Exports to Bangladesh, 50
and to a lesser extent Nepal, have expanded
considerably beginning in July 2020. This has Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
occurred as prices returned to pre-2018 levels
Source: Trade Data Monitor LLC
amid the drop in domestic poultry feed demand
and record high production in 2020/21.

India National Average Corn Price

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Agricultural Marketing Information Network; compiled by FAS/New Delhi
Note: $1 USD ≈ 72.42 INR

Bangladesh typically imports most of its corn from Brazil. However, with global prices elevated due to
strong demand and the impact of COVID-19 on global logistics, Bangladesh importers have turned next
door to India and sourced more corn from their neighbor than Brazil in recent months. The strong
volume of exports from India between June and September 2020 boosted Bangladesh corn imports in
2019/20 (Oct-Sep) to a record of just over 2 million tons. Through the first quarter of 2020/21, the pace
of corn trade between India and Bangladesh has remained robust. However, with chicken meat
production in India expected to recover by 5 percent in CY 2021, foreign demand from India’s neighbors
will likely see some competition from domestic demand in the coming months.

Approved by the World Agricultural Outlook Board/USDA

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World Markets and Trade: Commodities and Data

WHEAT ........................................................................................................ 3
RICE ............................................................................................................ 8
COARSE GRAINS ..................................................................................... 11
ENDNOTES ............................................................................................... 14
DATA TABLES ........................................................................................... 17

The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) updates its production, supply and distribution (PSD) database for
cotton, oilseeds, and grains at 12:00 p.m. on the day the World Agricultural Supply and Demand
Estimates (WASDE) report is released. This circular is released by 12:15 p.m.

To download the tables in the publication, go to Production, Supply and Distribution Database (PSD
Online): scroll down to Reports, and then click Grains.

FAS Reports and Databases:

Current World Markets and Trade and World Agricultural Production Reports

Archived World Markets and Trade and World Agricultural Production Reports

Production, Supply and Distribution Database (PSD Online)

Global Agricultural Trade System (U.S. Exports and Imports)

Export Sales Report

Global Agricultural Information Network (Agricultural Attaché Reports)

Other USDA Reports:

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE)

Economic Research Service

National Agricultural Statistics Service

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 2 March 2021

Global Market Analysis

Global production is raised to a new record this month with a record crop in Australia. Global
consumption is higher mainly on more feed and residual use in China. Global trade is lifted to a
record with higher imports for China, Pakistan, and Nigeria. Exports are raised for Australia and
Canada. The projected U.S. season-average farm price remains at $5.00 per bushel.


Domestic: U.S. wheat export quotes were little changed since the February WASDE. Soft White Winter
(SWW) had the largest change, declining $13/ton to $294 as sales slowed somewhat, although SWW
exports continue to be significantly higher than last year. Hard Red Winter (HRW) also declined $6/ton
to $282 on lack of demand, both domestically and abroad as U.S. wheat is uncompetitive in several
export markets in the Western Hemisphere. Hard Red Spring (HRS) climbed $8/ton to $295 and Soft
Red Winter (SRW) at $284/ton was little changed.

U.S. Daily FOB Export Bids




$ / MT






Note: As of March 5th, 2021

Source: IGC
*Note on FOB prices: HRW (Hard Red Winter); SRW (Soft Red Winter); SWW (Soft White Wheat); HRS (Hard Red

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 3 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
Global: Wheat prices rose in most major exporting countries since last month’s WASDE amid the
implementation of Russia’s export policies and concerns with winter wheat conditions in the United
States and Black Sea, combined with strong import demand from several major markets. Most major
exporter quotes are trading within a narrow range, though over the past month Argentine quotes have
fallen, reflecting abundant supplies after its recent harvest. Despite new supplies also available in
Australia, quotes there have trended up on strong demand from Asian markets.

Argentina Australia Canada EU Russia United States

$267 $283 $290 $292 $288 $282
Note: As of March 5th, 2021

International Daily FOB Export Bids




$ / MT





Argentina Australia Canada EU Russia United States

Source: IGC
*Note on FOB prices: Argentina- 12.0%, up river; Australia- average of APW; Fremantle, Newcastle, and Port
Adelaide; Russia - Black Sea- milling; EU- France grade 1, Rouen; US- HRW 11.5% Gulf; Canada- CWRS (13.5%),

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 4 March 2021

Global Market Analysis

Despite Record Imports, U.S. Wheat Struggles to Regain Market Share in Nigeria

Nigeria wheat imports are

forecast at a record 5.5 million Global Wheat Exports to Nigeria
tons in the 2020/21 trade year
(Jul/Jun), up slightly from the 5.0
previous year. The European Source: Trade Data Monitor, LLC

Million Metric Tons

Union has been the leading
supplier in 2020/21, 3.0
accounting for over 1.0 million
tons between July and 2.0
December—doubled from the
same period last year. Imports
from Russia and Canada trail 0.0
behind at 800,000 and 700,000
tons, respectively. The United
States, meanwhile, has
European Union United States Russia
exported only 600,000 tons of
wheat to Nigeria so far this Canada Rest of World Projected 2020/21 Imports

trade year. Source: Trade Data Monitor, LLC

Over the past decade, Nigeria has become a price-sensitive wheat market. The economy depends on oil
exports for a large share of its revenue and foreign exchange. Therefore, its foreign exchange reserves
required to import agricultural goods fluctuate with the prices of oil and gas markets. As foreign
exchange reserves dwindle, the Nigerian government has implemented policies that require domestic
mills to source foreign exchange from higher-rate informal forex markets. That, paired with a devalued
currency, has challenged Nigerian wheat importers.

Despite this economic turmoil, wheat consumption continues to rise with population growth and Nigeria
continues to import wheat in large volumes. With food price inflation running rampant and access to
foreign exchange limited, wheat importers are forced to find the most cost-effective option, which
includes reducing imports from the United States in favor of lower-priced competitors.

Historically, U.S. wheat dominated the Nigerian market, often capturing over 90 percent of the country’s
annual wheat imports. Market share has eroded over the past decade, especially in 2014/15 when oil
prices declined. Nigerian millers and food processors found that they could import lower-quality wheat
from the Black Sea and Eastern Europe at a lower price and blend it with U.S. HRW wheat, thus reducing
production costs and wheat product prices for consumers. Eventually, the United States was displaced
by Russia as the leading supplier in 2017/18 and has since struggled to maintain its top position.

So far in 2020/21, the United States has only captured 20 percent of the Nigeria wheat market. Export
prospects for the latter half of the trade year, however, are more promising. Russia’s wheat export tax,
tight supplies in the European Union, and competitive prices for the United States have contributed to
outstanding sales of U.S. HRW to Nigeria being more than double what they were last February.
Although U.S. wheat is periodically competitive against EU and Russia wheat, regaining a dominant
market share in Nigeria will continue to prove difficult given its freight disadvantage.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 5 March 2021

Global Market Analysis

Tight Wheat Stocks Among China and Top Exporters Constrain Global Stock Growth

Global Ending Stocks

Million Metric Tons


Top 8 exporters China India Others

The global wheat stocks-to-use ratio is anticipated to decline in 2020/21 despite record production, with
consumption up more than 10 percent from the prior year on more use in China and India. Global
stocks are up only marginally from 2019/20. Approximately half of stocks are held by China, where the
government has encouraged sustained large production by guaranteeing a high minimum purchase
price. In turn, the government has purchased large volumes of wheat over the past several years,
leading to temporary reserves in excess of a year’s supply. However, high domestic corn prices over the
past year have induced the sale of substantial quantities of old-crop wheat stocks at government
auctions, which is expected to be used for feed. Thus, China’s stocks are forecast to decline for the first
time in 8 years as consumption rises by more than 15 percent.

Similarly, ending stocks among the top 8 exporters 1 are projected to collectively decline. The largest
reductions are forecast for the United States and the European Union, which both had smaller crops.
Major exporter stocks are usually an indicator of the overall supplies available to the world. However,
Russia, the largest exporter, has set both an export quota and an export tax to encourage more wheat to
remain within the country to quell high consumer prices. While Russia’s food use is forecast slightly
higher, its stocks are forecast to expand, the largest increase in stocks among major exporters.

Stocks in India are also forecast to expand. Similar to the situation in China, the government has been
supporting producers with high prices for many years which has in turn resulted in high stocks. This
year, stocks are expected to grow, despite higher consumption, as the government distributes
subsidized wheat to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic. Ample stocks also allow India to
become a significant exporter once again, with 2020/21 exports forecast at 2.5 million tons, more than
triple the amount of the previous trade year.

Russia, United States, European Union, Canada, Australia, Ukraine, Argentina, and Kazakhstan

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 6 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
TRADE CHANGES IN 2020/21 (1,000 MT)

Country Attribute Previous Current Change Reason

Competitively priced imports have spurred
China Imports 10,000 10,500 500
strong volumes
Jordan Imports 1,200 1,500 300 Large shipments from Russia
Larger imports of high-quality wheat from
Kazakhstan Imports 300 500 200
Mexico Imports 5,000 4,800 -200 Sluggish HRW imports from the United States
Large import volumes from European Union
Nigeria Imports 5,100 5,500 400
and Russia
Government continues to tender for more
Pakistan Imports 3,000 3,600 600
imports to offset low stocks
Turkey Imports 8,000 8,200 200 Strong import pace, mostly from Russia
Vietnam Imports 3,600 3,400 -200 Slower pace to date
Larger production and strong shipments to
Australia Exports 18,000 19,500 1,500
Asian markets
Strong export pace driven by shipments to
Canada Exports 26,500 27,000 500
Robust sales to neighboring countries at
India Exports 2,200 2,500 300
competitive prices
Kazakhstan Exports 7,500 7,700 200 Strong shipments to Central Asian markets

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 7 March 2021

Global Market Analysis

Global rice production is forecast slightly higher this month primarily on a larger crop in India
offsetting lower production in Bangladesh and Australia. Global consumption is raised, mostly on
higher use in India. Global stocks are marginally lower with downward revisions for Bangladesh and
Australia. Global trade is forecast nearly unchanged as higher exports for India are offset by lower
exports for Thailand and Brazil.


Weekly FOB Long Grain Rice Export Quotes: Last 12 Months



United States Thailand Vietnam

India Pakistan Uruguay

Global: Over the past month, U.S. and Uruguayan quotes persisted at $625/ton and $620/ton
respectively. Southeast Asian prices trended slightly lower with Thai quotes down to $521/ton and
Vietnamese quotes down slightly to $509/ton on increased exportable supplies with the arrival of the
spring crop. Pakistani quotes slid to $446/ton on muted buying interest from traditional markets.
Indian quotes held at $415/ton amid with continued demand from the Bangladesh government and
private sector.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 8 March 2021

Global Market Analysis

India Expands Exports to Price-Sensitive Sub-Saharan Africa

Top Exporters of Rice to Sub-Saharan Africa


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Thailand India Pakistan Vietnam China Myanmar

Sub-Saharan Africa is the world’s largest rice importing region, accounting for one-third of global
imports. While the region’s production has increased, it remains heavily dependent on rice imports.
Sub-Saharan Africa consumption has risen nearly 10 percent in the last 5 years so that now imports
account for more than two-fifths of its consumption. Within the region, West African countries as well
as South Africa, Mozambique, and Kenya are major import destinations. Sub-Saharan countries
generally import from the most price-competitive supplier. This tendency led to a sharp expansion of
Indian rice to the region in 2020.

Between 2015 and 2020, Sub-Saharan

Africa imports have grown by more than Weekly Export Quotes
one-fourth. Thailand and India have 600
historically been the two major suppliers
to this region. Since 2019, India has
gained substantial market share at
Thailand’s expense. In the last 2 years,
India has had consecutive record crops
while Thailand’s crops have been limited

by drought. The impacts of those
differing crop sizes on their export prices
have had a major effect on the market
share each country has in Sub-Saharan
Africa. India has gone from one-third
market share in Sub-Saharan Africa’s rice
import market in 2015 to more than two- 300
fifths percent in 2020.

In 2020, India expanded trade to the

region while other exporters declined. India 5% Pakistan 5% Thai 100B
China began exporting to the region in Vietnam 5% Burma 5%

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 9 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
2017 at very competitive prices that were likely sourced from older rice auctioned from state reserves.
However, as China began diverting rice from stocks to domestic feed use in 2020, China’s exports to
Africa declined, a trend that may continue into 2021. Vietnam saw a slight decrease in exports in 2020
as a result of export restrictions due to COVID-19 last spring and a spike in its prices. Despite relatively
low prices, Pakistan exports were edged out by India which had the lowest prices of major exporters.
Burma has made steady gains since beginning to supply the region in late 2016, but its exports to Africa
declined in 2020 amid export quotas and stiff competition from India. The recent coup and subsequent
instability are likely to slow its pace of exports to Sub-Saharan Africa.

TRADE CHANGES IN 2021 (1,000 MT)

Country Attribute Previous Current Change Reason

China Imports 2,800 2,900 100 Higher consumption

Brazil Exports 900 800 -100 Tighter exportable supplies

More competitive prices and larger
India Exports 15,000 15,500 500 exportable supplies

Thailand Exports 6,500 6,100 -400 Uncompetitive prices

TRADE CHANGES IN 2020 (1,000 MT) - based on trade data

Country Attribute Previous Current Change

Cameroon Imports 620 500 -120

China Imports 2,900 3,200 300

Burma Exports 2,200 2,300 100

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 10 March 2021

Global Market Analysis


Global corn production is up from last month as larger crops in Bangladesh, India, and South Africa
more than offset cuts to Mexico and Russia. Global trade is up on higher imports for Bangladesh and
Vietnam. India, South Africa, and Vietnam have higher exports. The U.S. season-average farm price
is unchanged at $4.30 per bushel.


Global: Since the February WASDE, major corn export bids are mostly unchanged with the exception of
Argentina. Argentine bids are down $11/ton to $238 as weather concerns have eased; Argentine corn is
now the least expensive of the major exporters’. Brazilian bids are down $1/ton to $276, remaining
elevated as the second-crop planting in the state of Mato Grosso remains well behind the 5-year
average. Black Sea bids are unchanged at $264/ton. U.S. bids are up slightly by $4/ton to $255 with
little fresh demand.

Selected Export Bids, FOB










Argentina Brazil US Black Sea

Source: IGC

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 11 March 2021

Global Market Analysis

Hot Demand for U.S. Sorghum

At the end of February, U.S. sorghum

outstanding sales for delivery by U.S. Sorghum Outstanding Sales
August 2021 stand at 2.8 million last Thursday in February
tons, the second-largest volume in 3.5
history. Almost three-quarters of

Million tons
these sales are slated to go to China,
while the rest is mostly reported for
unknown destinations. Sales to 2.0
traditional markets, Japan and 1.5
Mexico, have been insignificant. 1.0
Reflecting robust sales, sorghum 0.5
prices at Gulf ports have steadily
moved up and currently hover 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
around $350 per ton, the highest
To the world Of which to China
over the past decade.

Most U.S. sorghum is destined for southern China, where animal production is concentrated and
demand for feedstuffs runs strong. Imported sorghum has been commonly used as a substitute for corn
in feed rations. U.S. sorghum continues to be price competitive relative to domestic corn in the
Guangdong area 2. Typically, corn prices in Guangdong are modestly higher than northern China.

Strong prices are expected to boost 2021/22 U.S. sorghum planting in the spring, leading to larger
production 3. Exports are projected to reach a record, reflecting larger available supplies and strong
foreign demand. There are already 703,000 tons of sales on the books for delivery in 2021/22, an
unprecedented volume of sales this early in the year.

U.S. Sorghum and Guangdong Corn Prices

$ per ton





















Guangdong Corn U.S. Sorghum FOB Gulf

Price Sources: International Grains Council and China National Grain and Oilseed Information Center
The 2021/22 sorghum Supply and Use balance sheet was released at the February 2021 USDA Ag Outlook Forum.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 12 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
TRADE CHANGES IN 2020/21 (1,000 MT)

Country Commodity Attribute Previous Current Change Reason

Algeria Barley Imports 500 700 200 Trade to date
Australia Barley Exports 5,000 6,000 1,000 Larger crop
Bangladesh Corn Imports 1,600 1,800 200 Imports from India
Competitive prices for the
India Corn Exports 1,500 1,800 300 region relative to global
Stronger feed demand and
Saudi Arabia Barley Imports 7,200 8,000 800
recent large tender
South Africa Corn Exports 3,000 3,200 200 Larger crop
Imports 11,500 12,000 500 Pace to date
Vietnam Corn Demand from ASEAN
Exports 500 800 300

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 13 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
North America: Canada, Mexico, the United States

Central America: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama

Caribbean: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands,
Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, French West Indies, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti,
Jamaica and Dep, Leeward-Windward Islands, Martinique, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Puerto
Rico, Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos
Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands

South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas),
French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela

EU: Austria, Belgium/Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Effective January 1,
2021, the separation of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) is complete, including
trade between both entities. FAS will continue using the term “European Union” to mean the countries
involved in the previous customs union, i.e., EU27+UK, from January 2021 through April 2021 for field
crops PSDs (except cotton). Starting in May 2021 with the release of 2021/22 data, field crops PSDs will
reflect EU27 and UK separately. Beginning with the release of 2021/22 (or calendar year 2022) data for
each commodity group (except cotton), historical data for both EU27 and the UK will be provided for 5
years (2016/17 through 2020/21; or calendar years 2017 through 2021). Cotton PSDs have been and will
continue to be maintained on an individual country-level basis, including the UK. See below for notes on
prior years’ EU Consolidated data.

Other Europe: Albania, Azores, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslavia, Gibraltar, Iceland,
Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland

Former Soviet Union: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Middle East: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria,
Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen

North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia

Sub-Saharan Africa: all African countries except North Africa

East Asia: China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Macau, Mongolia,

South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 14 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
Southeast Asia: Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand,

Oceania: Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea


Local Marketing Years (LMY): LMY refers to the 12-month period at the onset of the main harvest, when
the crop is marketed (i.e., consumed, traded, or stored). The year first listed begins a country's LMY for
that commodity (2020/21 starts in 2020); except for summer grains in certain Southern Hemisphere
countries and for rice in selected countries, where the second year begins the LMY (2020/21 starts in
2021). Key exporter LMY’s are:

Wheat Corn Barley Sorghum

Argentina (Dec/Nov) Argentina (Mar/Feb) Australia (Nov/Oct) Argentina (Mar/Feb)
Australia (Oct/Sep) Brazil (Mar/Feb) Canada (Aug/Jul) Australia (Mar/Feb)
Canada (Aug/Jul) Russia (Oct/Sep) European Union (Jul/Jun) United States (Sep/Aug)
China (Jul/Jun) South Africa (May/Apr) Kazakhstan (Jul/Jun)
European Union (Jul/Jun) Ukraine (Oct/Sep) Russia (Jul/Jun)
India (Apr/Mar) United States (Sep/Aug) Ukraine (Jul/Jun)
Kazakhstan (Sep/Aug) United States (Jun/May)
Russia (Jul/Jun)
Turkey (Jun/May)
Ukraine (Jul/Jun)
United States (Jun/May)

For a complete list of local marketing years, please see the FAS website
(https://apps.fas.usda.gov/psdonline/): go to Reports, Reference Data, and then Data Availability.

Stocks: Unless otherwise stated, stock data are based on an aggregate of differing local marketing years
and should not be construed as representing world stock levels at a fixed point in time.

Consumption: World totals for consumption reflect total utilization, including food, seed, industrial,
feed, and waste; as well as differences in local marketing year imports and local marketing year exports.
Consumption statistics for regions and individual countries, however, reflect food, seed, industrial, feed,
and waste only.

Trade: All PSD tables are balanced on the different local marketing years. All trade tables contain Trade
Year (TY) data which puts all countries on a uniform, 12-month period for analytical comparisons: wheat
is July/June; coarse grains, corn, barley, sorghum, oats, and rye are Oct/Sept; and rice is calendar year.

EU Consolidation: FAS will continue using the term “European Union” to mean the countries involved in
the previous customs union, i.e., EU27+UK, from January 2021 through April 2021 for field crops PSDs
(except cotton). Starting in May 2021 with the release of 2021/22 data, field crops PSDs will reflect
EU27 and UK separately. Beginning with the release of 2021/22 (or calendar year 2022) data for each
commodity group (except cotton), historical data for both EU27 and the UK will be provided for 5 years
(2016/17 through 2020/21; or calendar years 2017 through 2021). Cotton PSDs have been and will
continue to be maintained on an individual country-level basis, including the UK. The trade figures

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 15 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
starting from 1999/00 represent the European Union (EU27 plus UK) and exclude all intra-trade. For the
years 1960/61 through 1998/99, figures are the EU-15 and also exclude all intra-trade. EU-15 member
states' data for grains are no longer maintained in the official USDA database. Data for the individual
NMS-10, plus Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia, exists only prior to 1999/00.

Statistics: (1) Wheat trade statistics include wheat, flour, and selected pasta products on a grain
equivalent basis. (2) Rice trade statistics include rough, brown, milled, and broken on a milled
equivalent basis. (3) Coarse grains statistics include corn, barley, sorghum, oats, rye, millet, and mixed
grains but exclude trade in barley malt, millet, and mixed grains.

Unaccounted: This term includes grain in transit, reporting discrepancies in some countries, and trade
to countries outside the USDA database.

The Global Commodity Analysis Division, Global Market Analysis, Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA,
Washington, DC 20250, prepared this publication. Information is gathered from official statistics of
foreign governments and other foreign source materials, reports of U.S. agricultural attachés and
Foreign Service officers, office research, and related information. Further information may be obtained
by writing the Division or telephoning (202) 720-3448.

Note: For further details on world grain production, please see World Agricultural Production March
2021. This publication is available in its entirety on the Internet via the Foreign Agricultural Service
Home Page. The address is: http://www.fas.usda.gov

Graham Soley (202) 772-4235 Graham.Soley@usda.gov Wheat

Amy Gaito (202) 772-4890 Amy.Gaito@usda.gov Wheat

Rachel Trego (202) 720-1073 Rachel.Trego@usda.gov Wheat/Rice

Adolfo Escoto Adolfo.Escoto@usda.gov Rice
Jadon Marianetti (202) 720-5237 Jadon.Marianetti@usda.gov Rice

Yoonhee Macke (202) 690-4199 Yoonhee.Macke@usda.gov Coarse Grains

Kevin Min (202) 720-0626 Kevin.Min1@usda.gov Coarse Grains

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 16 March 2021

Global Market Analysis

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Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 17 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
All Grain Summary Comparison
Million Metric Tons

Wheat Rice, Milled Corn

Marketing Year 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21


United States (Jun-May) 51.3 52.6 49.7 7.1 5.9 7.2 364.3 346.0 360.3

Other 679.7 711.3 727.1 490.2 491.8 497.2 760.7 770.5 776.0

World Total 731.0 763.9 776.8 497.3 497.7 504.4 1,125.0 1,116.5 1,136.3

Domestic Consumption

United States (Jun-May) 30.0 30.6 31.4 4.6 4.6 5.1 310.4 309.5 305.5

Other 702.2 710.0 738.4 480.1 491.3 497.3 817.1 818.8 839.7

World Total 732.2 740.6 769.8 484.7 495.9 502.4 1,127.5 1,128.3 1,145.2

Ending Stocks

United States (Jun-May) 29.4 28.0 22.8 1.4 0.9 1.3 56.4 48.8 38.2

Other 253.9 272.3 278.4 175.3 177.2 176.5 264.8 254.3 249.5

World Total 283.3 300.3 301.2 176.7 178.1 177.8 321.2 303.1 287.7

TY Imports

United States (Jun-May) 3.5 2.9 3.3 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.0 0.7

Other 167.9 183.6 188.8 41.1 42.3 43.3 165.0 166.6 179.4

World Total 171.4 186.5 192.1 42.1 43.5 44.5 165.8 167.6 180.1

TY Exports

United States (Jun-May) 26.1 26.3 27.0 3.1 2.9 3.1 49.2 46.9 65.0

Other 149.4 165.1 168.6 40.5 42.0 43.0 123.4 128.1 120.1

World Total 175.5 191.4 195.6 43.6 44.9 46.1 172.6 175.0 185.1

Note: Consumption in this table has not been adjusted for differences in marketing year imports and exports
and therefore differs from global totals shown elsewhere.Marketing years for U.S. grains are: Wheat
(Jun-May), Rice (Aug-Jul), Corn (Sep-Aug).'Marketing Year' column is germane for U.S. wheat only.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 18 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Wheat, Flour, and Products Trade
July/June Year, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

TY Exports
Argentina 12,275 14,000 12,680 13,608 11,000 11,000
Australia 22,061 15,512 9,835 10,121 18,000 19,500
Canada 20,297 22,019 24,452 23,478 26,500 27,000
China 748 1,004 1,006 1,049 1,000 1,000
European Union 27,439 23,383 23,310 38,429 27,000 27,000
India 430 517 494 595 2,200 2,500
Kazakhstan 7,257 8,519 8,780 6,888 7,500 7,700
Russia 27,815 41,447 35,863 34,485 39,000 39,000
Turkey 6,320 6,390 6,308 6,212 6,700 6,700
Ukraine 18,107 17,775 16,019 21,013 17,500 17,500
Others 10,514 10,521 10,664 9,230 9,735 9,680
Subtotal 153,263 161,087 149,411 165,108 166,135 168,580
United States 29,318 23,230 26,093 26,300 27,000 27,000
World Total 182,581 184,317 175,504 191,408 193,135 195,580
TY Imports
Afghanistan 2,700 3,300 3,700 3,000 3,000 3,000
Algeria 8,414 8,172 7,515 7,147 6,500 6,500
Bangladesh 5,556 6,472 5,100 6,800 6,600 6,600
Brazil 7,788 6,702 7,442 7,179 6,700 6,700
China 4,410 3,937 3,145 5,376 10,000 10,500
Egypt 11,181 12,407 12,354 12,811 13,000 13,000
European Union 5,299 5,833 5,764 4,801 6,000 6,000
Indonesia 10,190 10,763 10,934 10,586 10,500 10,500
Iraq 2,474 4,158 3,894 2,050 2,600 2,600
Japan 5,911 5,876 5,726 5,682 5,600 5,600
Kenya 1,774 2,158 2,000 2,500 2,200 2,200
Korea, South 4,667 4,269 3,908 3,941 3,900 3,900
Mexico 5,370 5,245 4,861 5,080 5,000 4,800
Morocco 5,344 3,672 3,724 4,879 6,500 6,500
Nigeria 4,972 5,162 4,659 5,338 5,100 5,500
Pakistan 2 2 2 1 3,000 3,600
Peru 1,961 2,030 2,109 2,153 2,150 2,200
Philippines 5,708 6,059 7,546 7,059 6,900 6,900
Saudi Arabia 3,720 3,492 2,902 3,648 3,000 3,000
Sudan 2,458 2,580 2,222 2,684 2,200 2,200
Thailand 4,064 3,173 2,899 3,497 3,100 3,100
Turkey 4,736 6,092 6,515 11,087 8,000 8,200
Uzbekistan 2,596 3,119 2,837 2,746 3,100 3,100
Vietnam 5,535 4,709 3,500 3,570 3,600 3,400
Yemen 3,278 3,010 3,675 3,728 3,800 3,800
Others 56,570 53,585 48,979 56,310 54,660 55,421
Subtotal 176,678 175,977 167,912 183,653 186,710 188,821
Unaccounted 2,610 3,966 4,095 4,890 3,125 3,459
United States 3,293 4,374 3,497 2,865 3,300 3,300
World Total 182,581 184,317 175,504 191,408 193,135 195,580

TY=Trade Year, see Endnotes.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 19 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Wheat Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Local Marketing Years, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

Argentina 18,400 18,500 19,500 19,780 17,200 17,200
Australia 31,819 20,941 17,598 15,200 30,000 33,000
Brazil 6,730 4,264 5,428 5,200 6,250 6,250
Canada 32,140 30,377 32,352 32,670 35,183 35,183
China 133,271 134,334 131,430 133,590 134,250 134,250
Egypt 8,100 8,450 8,450 8,770 8,900 8,900
European Union 145,369 151,125 136,579 154,510 135,800 135,800
India 87,000 98,510 99,870 103,600 107,592 107,860
Iran 14,500 14,000 14,500 16,800 16,750 16,750
Kazakhstan 14,985 14,802 13,947 11,452 14,256 14,256
Pakistan 25,633 26,600 25,100 24,300 25,200 25,200
Russia 72,529 85,167 71,685 73,610 85,300 85,354
Turkey 17,250 21,000 19,000 17,500 18,250 18,250
Ukraine 26,791 26,981 25,057 29,171 25,500 25,500
Uzbekistan 6,940 6,941 6,000 6,800 6,510 6,510
Others 51,931 53,409 53,198 58,385 56,803 56,824
Subtotal 693,388 715,401 679,694 711,338 723,744 727,087
United States 62,832 47,380 51,306 52,581 49,691 49,691
World Total 756,220 762,781 731,000 763,919 773,435 776,778
Total Consumption
Algeria 10,350 10,450 10,750 10,950 11,050 11,050
Australia 7,450 8,475 9,200 8,500 8,000 8,500
Brazil 12,200 12,000 12,100 12,100 12,200 12,200
Canada 10,671 9,029 9,145 9,263 10,000 9,900
China 119,000 121,000 125,000 126,000 140,000 145,000
Egypt 19,400 19,800 20,100 20,300 20,800 20,800
European Union 128,000 130,400 121,050 122,500 118,500 118,500
India 97,234 95,677 95,629 95,403 103,017 103,085
Indonesia 10,000 10,600 10,600 10,300 10,500 10,500
Iran 16,250 15,900 16,100 17,200 17,700 17,700
Morocco 10,200 10,500 10,700 10,400 10,400 10,400
Pakistan 24,500 25,000 25,300 25,200 25,700 25,800
Russia 40,000 43,000 40,500 40,000 41,500 41,500
Turkey 17,100 18,500 18,800 19,900 20,100 20,200
Uzbekistan 9,300 9,700 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500
Others 170,530 171,977 167,734 172,559 173,607 173,770
Subtotal 705,921 713,477 704,714 716,337 737,940 744,505
United States 31,865 29,246 29,989 30,564 31,380 31,380
World Total 737,786 742,723 734,703 746,901 769,320 775,885
Ending Stocks
Australia 5,750 4,549 4,440 2,898 5,098 5,598
China 114,929 131,196 139,765 151,682 154,932 150,432
European Union 14,760 17,935 15,918 14,300 10,600 10,600
India 9,800 13,230 16,992 24,700 27,500 27,500
Iran 10,416 8,066 6,236 6,556 6,606 6,606
Russia 10,823 12,010 7,778 7,228 12,528 12,582
Turkey 927 3,290 3,445 5,771 5,221 5,321
Others 67,385 66,796 59,316 59,174 58,977 59,793
Subtotal 234,790 257,072 253,890 272,309 281,462 278,432
United States 32,131 29,907 29,386 27,985 22,755 22,755
World Total 266,921 286,979 283,276 300,294 304,217 301,187

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 20 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
Regional Wheat Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Thousand Metric Tons

Feb Mar
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21

TY Imports none
North America 9,169 10,070 8,836 8,620 8,750 8,650
Central America 1,995 1,910 1,928 2,074 2,060 2,060
South America 16,277 15,320 14,955 15,651 15,170 15,220
European Union - 28 5,299 5,833 5,764 4,801 6,000 6,000
Other Europe 2,047 1,931 1,905 2,013 1,885 1,888
Former Soviet Union - 12 7,035 7,862 7,874 8,075 7,985 8,160
Middle East 23,027 25,411 24,550 30,404 26,820 27,320
North Africa 28,432 27,441 26,956 27,993 29,400 29,400
Sub-Saharan Africa 22,274 25,312 22,564 26,958 25,430 25,830
East Asia 17,356 16,599 15,087 17,273 21,875 22,445
South Asia 15,564 11,931 9,959 11,131 13,800 14,513
Southeast Asia 28,219 27,255 27,732 27,560 27,100 26,900
Others 3,277 3,476 3,299 3,965 3,735 3,735
Total 179,971 180,351 171,409 186,518 190,010 192,121
Production none
North America 98,837 81,251 86,658 88,521 87,924 87,924
South America 28,615 25,901 28,861 28,582 27,057 27,066
European Union - 28 145,369 151,125 136,579 154,510 135,800 135,800
Other Europe 4,737 4,005 4,640 4,258 4,397 4,397
Former Soviet Union - 12 130,049 142,356 124,020 129,862 139,723 139,777
Middle East 38,816 41,585 38,879 44,491 45,027 45,027
North Africa 13,958 19,245 21,000 18,399 16,638 16,638
Sub-Saharan Africa 7,777 7,689 7,796 8,122 9,235 9,235
East Asia 134,738 135,645 132,823 135,189 135,845 135,845
South Asia 120,865 132,497 131,679 136,301 141,263 141,501
Oceania 32,278 21,346 17,969 15,598 30,440 33,482
Others 181 136 96 86 86 86
Total 756,220 762,781 731,000 763,919 773,435 776,778
Domestic Consumption none
North America 50,436 45,975 46,634 47,227 48,780 48,580
South America 28,365 28,878 28,835 29,680 29,555 29,605
European Union - 28 128,000 130,400 121,050 122,500 118,500 118,500
Other Europe 5,035 5,010 5,215 5,435 5,310 5,310
Former Soviet Union - 12 78,285 81,315 77,085 76,115 77,345 77,315
Middle East 57,992 59,705 59,939 62,900 64,355 64,555
North Africa 44,550 45,225 46,100 46,250 46,950 46,950
Sub-Saharan Africa 29,782 31,992 30,411 33,167 33,660 33,850
East Asia 132,915 134,351 137,826 138,612 152,571 157,641
South Asia 139,296 138,292 138,643 139,064 147,263 147,464
Southeast Asia 26,725 26,385 26,250 26,060 26,280 26,130
Oceania 8,835 9,905 10,595 9,925 9,465 9,965
Others 3,834 3,821 3,614 3,704 3,920 3,920
Total 734,050 741,254 732,197 740,639 763,954 769,785
Ending Stocks none
North America 39,938 37,407 36,030 33,869 27,722 27,422
South America 4,754 4,002 4,825 4,909 4,116 4,371
European Union - 28 14,760 17,935 15,918 14,300 10,600 10,600
Other Europe 2,002 1,945 2,074 2,225 2,078 2,080
Former Soviet Union - 12 21,386 21,133 14,929 13,506 19,460 19,493
Middle East 19,624 19,675 15,987 20,062 20,158 20,448
North Africa 14,283 14,870 15,534 14,356 12,454 12,454
Sub-Saharan Africa 3,128 3,577 2,525 3,323 3,233 3,343
East Asia 118,146 134,343 142,705 154,708 158,102 153,602
South Asia 16,519 21,104 21,534 28,877 34,287 34,837
Southeast Asia 5,920 5,694 6,091 6,424 6,054 6,054
Oceania 6,023 4,897 4,716 3,197 5,404 5,934
Others 438 397 408 538 549 549
Total 266,921 286,979 283,276 300,294 304,217 301,187

NOTES: Regional definitions appear on last page of this circular. Imports are reported on a trade year basis. All other data are reported
using local marketing years.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 21 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Rice Trade
January/December Year, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

TY Exports
Argentina 391 375 388 335 280 300
Australia 187 262 134 42 150 150
Brazil 594 1,245 954 1,240 900 800
Burma 3,350 2,750 2,700 2,300 2,400 2,400
Cambodia 1,150 1,300 1,350 1,350 1,450 1,450
China 1,173 2,059 2,720 2,265 2,300 2,300
European Union 372 308 294 319 315 315
Guyana 455 414 496 520 530 530
India 12,573 11,791 9,813 14,560 15,000 15,500
Pakistan 3,647 3,913 4,550 3,900 4,000 4,000
Paraguay 538 653 689 803 620 620
Thailand 11,615 11,213 7,562 5,706 6,500 6,100
Turkey 280 213 202 225 200 200
Uruguay 982 802 809 960 820 820
Vietnam 6,488 6,590 6,581 6,167 6,400 6,400
Others 1,215 1,306 1,258 1,384 1,206 1,204
Subtotal 45,010 45,194 40,500 42,076 43,071 43,089
United States 3,349 2,776 3,138 2,865 3,050 3,050
World Total 48,359 47,970 43,638 44,941 46,121 46,139
TY Imports
Bangladesh 2,400 1,400 80 20 1,300 1,300
Benin 550 625 550 640 625 625
Brazil 758 537 691 876 850 850
Burkina 500 550 600 600 600 600
Cameroon 600 400 600 500 640 575
China 5,900 4,500 2,800 3,200 2,800 2,900
Cote d'Ivoire 1,350 1,500 1,350 1,100 1,200 1,200
Ethiopia 390 600 520 560 580 580
European Union 1,990 1,922 2,159 2,409 2,450 2,450
Ghana 650 830 900 850 950 950
Guinea 600 865 530 670 650 650
Iran 1,400 1,250 1,400 1,125 1,200 1,200
Iraq 1,161 1,237 1,263 970 1,000 1,000
Japan 678 670 678 676 685 685
Kenya 625 600 610 600 650 630
Malaysia 900 800 1,000 1,220 1,100 1,100
Mexico 913 776 740 843 800 800
Mozambique 710 530 635 655 650 650
Nepal 535 700 620 975 900 900
Nigeria 2,500 2,100 1,800 1,600 1,800 1,800
Philippines 1,200 2,500 2,900 2,450 2,200 2,200
Saudi Arabia 1,195 1,290 1,425 1,630 1,500 1,500
Senegal 1,100 1,100 1,000 1,150 1,175 1,175
South Africa 1,054 1,071 966 1,031 1,050 1,050
United Arab Emirates 700 775 850 1,000 1,200 1,200
Others 14,319 15,867 14,499 14,911 14,621 14,734
Subtotal 44,678 44,995 41,166 42,261 43,176 43,304
Unaccounted 2,894 2,059 1,491 1,470 1,745 1,635
United States 787 916 981 1,210 1,200 1,200
World Total 48,359 47,970 43,638 44,941 46,121 46,139

TY=Trade Year, see Endnotes. Note about dates: 2017/18 is calendar year 2018, 2016/17 is calendar year 2017, and so on.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 22 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Rice Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Local Marketing Years, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

Milled Production
Bangladesh 34,578 32,650 34,909 35,850 35,300 34,800
Brazil 8,383 8,204 7,140 7,602 7,480 7,480
Burma 12,650 13,200 13,200 12,700 12,900 13,000
Cambodia 5,256 5,554 5,742 5,740 5,840 5,840
China 147,766 148,873 148,490 146,730 148,300 148,300
Egypt 4,800 4,300 2,800 4,300 4,000 4,000
India 109,698 112,760 116,480 118,870 120,000 121,000
Indonesia 36,858 37,000 34,200 34,700 35,500 35,500
Japan 7,929 7,787 7,657 7,611 7,620 7,620
Nepal 3,483 3,431 3,736 3,696 3,696 3,696
Nigeria 4,536 4,470 4,538 5,040 4,725 4,725
Pakistan 6,849 7,500 7,300 7,200 7,600 7,600
Philippines 11,686 12,235 11,732 11,927 12,200 12,200
Thailand 19,200 20,577 20,340 17,655 18,600 18,600
Vietnam 27,400 27,657 27,344 27,100 27,100 27,100
Others 43,561 42,512 44,627 45,111 45,933 45,724
Subtotal 484,633 488,710 490,235 491,832 496,794 497,185
United States 7,117 5,659 7,107 5,877 7,226 7,226
World Total 491,750 494,369 497,342 497,709 504,020 504,411
Consumption and Residual
Bangladesh 35,000 35,200 35,400 35,500 35,900 35,900
Brazil 7,850 7,650 7,350 7,400 7,350 7,350
Burma 10,000 10,200 10,250 10,350 10,500 10,500
Cambodia 4,000 4,200 4,300 4,350 4,400 4,400
China 141,761 142,509 142,920 145,230 149,000 149,000
Egypt 4,300 4,200 4,200 4,300 4,300 4,300
European Union 3,600 3,700 3,800 4,050 4,150 4,150
India 95,838 98,669 99,160 105,984 106,000 106,500
Indonesia 37,500 37,000 36,300 36,000 35,800 35,800
Japan 8,730 8,600 8,400 8,350 8,250 8,270
Nepal 4,033 4,101 4,376 4,496 4,596 4,596
Nigeria 6,700 6,750 6,800 6,850 6,700 6,700
Philippines 12,900 13,250 14,100 14,300 14,400 14,400
Thailand 12,000 11,000 11,800 12,300 12,200 12,400
Vietnam 22,000 21,500 21,200 21,250 21,250 21,250
Others 67,297 67,757 69,783 70,612 71,879 71,815
Subtotal 479,601 476,693 480,072 491,742 499,126 499,614
United States 4,230 4,299 4,565 4,586 5,079 5,079
World Total 483,831 480,992 484,637 496,328 504,205 504,693
Ending Stocks
Bangladesh 854 1,500 1,405 1,771 1,967 1,467
China 98,500 109,000 115,000 116,500 116,200 116,400
India 20,550 22,600 29,500 29,900 28,700 28,900
Indonesia 3,215 5,563 4,063 3,313 3,507 3,513
Japan 2,410 2,223 2,046 1,980 1,919 1,935
Philippines 2,003 2,288 3,520 3,597 3,597 3,597
Thailand 4,238 2,852 4,080 3,979 4,372 4,279
Others 17,420 17,070 15,696 16,165 16,584 16,490
Subtotal 149,190 163,096 175,310 177,205 176,846 176,581
United States 1,462 933 1,424 910 1,252 1,252
World Total 150,652 164,029 176,734 178,115 178,098 177,833

Note: All data are reported on a milled basis.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 23 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
Regional Rice Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Thousand Metric Tons

Feb Mar
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21

TY Imports none
North America 2,056 2,075 2,142 2,530 2,430 2,430
Caribbean 1,146 1,067 1,076 1,211 1,165 1,170
South America 1,886 1,947 1,939 2,255 2,093 2,096
Other Europe 124 111 120 123 120 120
Former Soviet Union - 12 540 554 561 510 523 488
Middle East 6,527 6,655 7,203 7,047 7,120 7,120
North Africa 459 591 1,022 579 585 585
Sub-Saharan Africa 14,758 14,614 13,892 14,256 14,910 14,915
East Asia 7,486 6,015 4,402 4,787 4,530 4,630
South Asia 4,057 2,635 944 1,342 2,540 2,540
Southeast Asia 3,666 6,797 5,821 5,364 4,935 4,935
European Union 1,990 1,922 2,159 2,409 2,450 2,450
Total 45,465 45,911 42,147 43,471 44,376 44,504
Production none
North America 7,292 5,842 7,295 6,052 7,419 7,419
Caribbean 990 932 1,010 968 976 946
South America 16,983 16,892 16,037 16,353 16,234 16,279
European Union - 28 2,087 2,030 1,965 1,972 1,975 1,975
Former Soviet Union - 12 1,263 1,236 1,283 1,349 1,384 1,385
Middle East 2,549 2,658 2,616 2,950 2,857 2,857
North Africa 4,837 4,340 2,844 4,345 4,042 4,042
Sub-Saharan Africa 18,053 16,983 18,925 19,519 19,496 19,496
East Asia 162,678 163,433 162,740 160,699 162,012 162,012
South Asia 156,874 158,809 165,786 169,200 170,389 170,889
Southeast Asia 116,821 120,044 116,064 113,598 115,966 116,066
Total 491,750 494,369 497,342 497,709 504,020 504,411
Domestic Consumption none
North America 5,499 5,577 5,900 5,981 6,454 6,454
Central America 1,300 1,342 1,358 1,400 1,413 1,398
Caribbean 2,102 1,984 2,111 1,991 2,106 2,101
South America 15,066 15,030 14,890 15,014 15,017 15,063
European Union - 28 3,600 3,700 3,800 4,050 4,150 4,150
Former Soviet Union - 12 1,571 1,603 1,587 1,595 1,655 1,620
Middle East 8,664 9,043 9,352 9,694 9,895 9,885
North Africa 4,724 4,620 4,591 4,604 4,677 4,677
Sub-Saharan Africa 31,350 31,167 33,068 33,709 34,182 34,142
East Asia 158,121 158,948 158,939 160,578 164,300 164,320
South Asia 141,579 144,720 145,623 152,998 153,609 154,109
Southeast Asia 103,595 102,324 102,977 103,793 103,766 103,966
Total 477,739 480,585 484,704 495,908 501,754 502,410
Ending Stocks none
North America 1,634 1,084 1,578 1,085 1,443 1,455
Central America 329 299 281 279 272 274
Caribbean 276 275 303 368 389 373
South America 2,100 2,123 1,821 1,572 1,655 1,666
European Union - 28 1,188 1,176 1,189 1,241 1,152 1,151
Middle East 1,458 1,479 1,508 1,909 1,774 1,801
North Africa 1,426 1,563 949 1,232 1,162 1,162
Sub-Saharan Africa 3,390 3,185 2,988 2,335 2,167 2,184
East Asia 103,204 113,196 118,766 120,184 119,768 119,981
South Asia 23,171 25,840 32,403 33,439 32,950 32,650
Southeast Asia 12,074 13,432 14,736 14,258 14,907 14,833
Oceania 208 232 52 15 250 90
Total 150,652 164,029 176,734 178,115 178,098 177,833

NOTES: Regional definitions appear on last page of this circular. Imports are reported on a trade year basis. All other data are reported
using local marketing years.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 24 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Coarse Grain Trade
October/September Year, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

TY Exports
Argentina 26,105 27,208 36,134 42,946 35,705 35,705
Australia 10,258 7,156 4,049 3,632 5,950 6,950
Brazil 19,797 25,121 38,812 34,191 40,510 40,525
Canada 5,042 5,753 5,805 5,379 6,400 6,450
European Union 8,192 7,829 9,809 13,208 9,342 9,343
Paraguay 1,760 1,485 2,568 2,089 2,415 2,515
Russia 9,267 11,379 7,402 9,292 8,685 8,660
Serbia 2,449 878 2,906 3,201 3,576 3,576
South Africa 1,820 2,368 1,190 2,465 3,010 3,210
Ukraine 26,868 21,438 34,874 34,088 28,310 28,295
Others 9,683 10,613 9,160 9,768 9,932 10,575
Subtotal 121,241 121,228 152,709 160,259 153,835 155,804
United States 61,822 68,644 51,809 52,594 72,835 72,860
World Total 183,063 189,872 204,518 212,853 226,670 228,664
TY Imports
Algeria 4,533 4,492 5,284 5,672 5,710 5,920
Bangladesh 1,186 1,145 1,385 2,010 1,610 1,810
Brazil 3,177 1,527 1,797 2,037 2,700 2,700
Canada 778 1,837 2,570 1,972 1,812 1,812
Chile 1,580 1,976 2,417 2,811 2,950 3,020
China 16,055 16,425 10,540 17,496 40,250 40,250
Colombia 5,041 5,582 6,390 6,285 6,580 6,580
Egypt 8,795 9,541 9,568 10,444 10,350 10,350
European Union 15,631 19,327 26,839 18,856 15,705 15,760
Guatemala 951 1,091 1,224 1,527 1,600 1,600
Iran 10,000 11,600 12,200 9,100 9,200 9,200
Israel 1,940 2,145 1,896 2,394 2,540 2,540
Japan 17,000 17,563 17,726 17,633 17,220 17,220
Jordan 1,588 1,422 1,666 1,506 1,700 1,700
Korea, South 9,308 10,192 10,964 11,988 11,610 11,610
Malaysia 3,531 3,645 3,674 3,777 3,900 3,900
Mexico 15,283 16,396 17,415 17,576 16,860 16,880
Morocco 2,632 2,647 3,028 4,053 4,802 4,802
Peru 3,438 3,458 3,802 3,929 4,160 4,130
Saudi Arabia 11,825 11,692 9,368 11,827 11,510 12,310
Taiwan 4,267 4,513 4,610 4,660 4,485 4,485
Thailand 621 847 1,406 2,287 2,100 2,100
Tunisia 1,745 1,635 1,418 1,660 1,700 1,700
Turkey 2,442 4,184 4,044 4,016 3,300 3,300
Vietnam 8,661 9,577 11,033 12,298 11,700 12,300
Others 23,656 19,674 20,612 21,681 21,515 21,452
Subtotal 175,664 184,133 192,876 199,495 217,569 219,431
Unaccounted 3,985 2,813 9,015 10,366 6,370 6,552
United States 3,414 2,926 2,627 2,992 2,731 2,681
World Total 183,063 189,872 204,518 212,853 226,670 228,664

TY=Trade Year, see Endnotes.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 25 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Coarse Grains Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Local Marketing Years, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

Argentina 48,569 39,320 59,223 58,125 55,594 55,592
Australia 17,267 12,191 11,507 10,436 14,756 16,561
Brazil 101,575 85,058 104,334 105,571 112,405 112,405
Canada 26,623 26,243 26,203 28,611 29,644 29,644
China 269,895 265,719 263,957 268,204 268,045 268,045
Ethiopia 15,641 15,782 16,465 17,100 17,250 17,250
European Union 152,880 152,130 148,264 161,976 161,755 161,855
India 43,466 46,943 43,212 47,660 45,537 49,162
Indonesia 10,900 11,900 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,100
Mexico 33,262 33,191 33,470 32,095 33,590 33,190
Nigeria 20,657 18,859 19,840 19,665 20,400 20,400
Russia 40,765 41,715 34,998 40,495 41,475 41,396
South Africa 18,117 13,552 12,417 16,366 17,158 17,793
Turkey 10,776 12,271 13,251 14,451 15,761 15,761
Ukraine 39,217 34,071 44,503 46,545 38,710 38,710
Others 167,261 166,682 177,676 172,955 180,250 180,401
Subtotal 1,016,871 975,627 1,021,320 1,052,255 1,064,330 1,070,265
United States 402,607 384,387 377,905 359,434 374,568 374,568
World Total 1,419,478 1,360,014 1,399,225 1,411,689 1,438,898 1,444,833
Domestic Consumption
Argentina 16,044 17,513 18,091 17,675 19,184 19,182
Brazil 64,032 67,181 70,983 72,644 74,215 74,215
Canada 21,971 23,198 24,104 24,845 25,206 25,206
China 274,640 282,598 287,012 295,070 312,180 312,180
Egypt 16,027 16,779 17,136 17,964 17,808 17,808
Ethiopia 15,642 15,798 16,540 17,155 17,375 17,375
European Union 160,940 163,020 168,194 167,343 168,092 168,092
India 42,375 44,769 44,571 45,775 45,020 47,425
Iran 14,520 15,820 16,520 14,620 14,320 14,320
Japan 17,252 17,642 17,953 17,902 17,530 17,530
Mexico 46,845 48,410 50,505 50,310 49,790 49,710
Nigeria 20,303 19,550 20,069 19,900 20,650 20,650
Russia 32,075 31,015 27,367 31,387 32,550 32,442
Turkey 12,891 15,361 16,651 17,761 18,661 18,661
Vietnam 13,150 13,777 14,333 14,850 15,700 15,800
Others 260,082 261,497 269,989 274,562 283,684 285,704
Subtotal 1,055,106 1,050,894 1,098,488 1,107,444 1,140,045 1,144,393
United States 327,476 324,407 323,013 320,677 314,159 314,154
World Total 1,382,582 1,375,301 1,421,501 1,428,121 1,454,204 1,458,547
Ending Stocks
Argentina 6,698 3,366 3,610 4,839 3,649 3,449
Brazil 14,492 9,707 5,652 5,284 6,662 6,649
Canada 5,562 4,569 3,304 3,982 3,832 3,782
China 223,494 222,978 210,395 200,984 197,029 197,029
European Union 15,063 15,660 13,393 13,938 13,964 14,118
Mexico 5,999 6,181 5,784 4,138 3,897 3,597
South Africa 3,942 2,909 1,346 2,103 3,074 3,288
Others 48,370 47,212 44,270 44,695 42,932 45,058
Subtotal 323,620 312,582 287,754 279,963 275,039 276,970
United States 62,168 57,919 60,471 51,830 41,160 41,109
World Total 385,788 370,501 348,225 331,793 316,199 318,079

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 26 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
Regional Coarse Grains Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Thousand Metric Tons

Feb Mar
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21

TY Imports none
North America 19,475 21,159 22,612 22,540 21,403 21,373
Central America 3,799 4,001 4,352 4,875 5,150 5,150
Caribbean 2,659 2,446 2,379 2,275 2,650 2,653
South America 15,087 14,806 15,587 16,831 17,890 17,955
European Union - 28 15,631 19,327 26,839 18,856 15,705 15,760
Former Soviet Union - 12 827 700 1,025 1,133 906 783
Middle East 31,635 34,973 32,903 32,589 31,911 32,711
North Africa 19,468 19,245 20,875 23,566 23,862 24,072
Sub-Saharan Africa 6,667 3,223 3,470 3,953 4,493 4,433
East Asia 46,723 48,740 43,903 51,836 73,615 73,615
Southeast Asia 14,169 15,529 17,858 20,031 19,200 19,945
Others 2,938 2,910 3,700 4,002 3,515 3,662
Total 179,078 187,059 195,503 202,487 220,300 222,112
Production none
North America 462,492 443,821 437,578 420,140 437,802 437,402
South America 164,440 139,304 179,168 177,435 182,177 182,223
European Union - 28 152,880 152,130 148,264 161,976 161,755 161,855
Other Europe 11,535 7,245 10,763 11,306 11,783 11,783
Former Soviet Union - 12 92,907 88,881 93,534 101,441 93,794 93,715
Middle East 19,064 19,417 19,496 24,192 25,505 25,506
North Africa 9,163 11,463 13,257 11,707 10,778 10,778
Sub-Saharan Africa 120,790 116,808 121,850 119,937 127,782 128,417
East Asia 272,518 268,365 266,697 271,036 270,851 270,851
South Asia 56,519 60,042 56,932 63,160 61,484 65,309
Southeast Asia 34,197 34,841 34,829 33,642 35,168 35,268
Oceania 17,884 12,700 12,103 11,043 15,385 17,092
Others 5,089 4,997 4,754 4,674 4,634 4,634
Total 1,419,478 1,360,014 1,399,225 1,411,689 1,438,898 1,444,833
Domestic Consumption none
North America 396,292 396,015 397,622 395,832 389,155 389,070
South America 104,434 110,683 115,484 117,192 120,329 120,557
European Union - 28 160,940 163,020 168,194 167,343 168,092 168,092
Other Europe 9,050 7,890 8,471 8,641 8,805 8,796
Former Soviet Union - 12 56,506 54,606 51,042 56,330 56,695 56,457
Middle East 51,241 53,809 53,807 54,845 56,463 57,263
North Africa 31,040 31,665 32,607 35,643 34,903 35,113
Sub-Saharan Africa 118,229 117,587 124,496 121,771 126,913 126,943
East Asia 308,081 317,259 322,994 332,110 348,608 348,608
South Asia 56,636 60,480 60,403 62,961 63,074 65,929
Southeast Asia 45,679 47,357 48,183 48,267 51,373 51,618
Oceania 6,760 6,482 8,138 7,555 9,184 9,475
Others 11,377 11,482 11,590 11,950 12,530 12,533
Total 1,356,265 1,378,335 1,403,031 1,420,440 1,446,124 1,450,454
Ending Stocks none
North America 73,729 68,669 69,559 59,950 48,889 48,488
South America 24,137 16,788 12,833 12,772 12,455 12,455
European Union - 28 15,063 15,660 13,393 13,938 13,964 14,118
Other Europe 1,713 886 1,158 1,395 1,530 1,518
Former Soviet Union - 12 6,923 5,942 4,974 6,394 5,824 5,853
Middle East 6,606 7,378 5,802 6,825 6,591 6,609
North Africa 3,715 3,320 3,796 3,845 3,572 3,572
Sub-Saharan Africa 13,856 12,622 10,631 8,992 10,283 10,497
East Asia 227,632 227,446 214,977 205,698 201,486 201,486
South Asia 4,151 4,948 3,355 4,456 3,580 4,747
Southeast Asia 4,107 3,131 3,982 4,212 4,345 4,645
Oceania 2,746 2,391 2,516 2,340 2,815 3,226
Others 1,410 1,320 1,249 976 865 865
Total 385,788 370,501 348,225 331,793 316,199 318,079

NOTES: Regional definitions appear on last page of this circular. Imports are reported on a trade year basis. All other data are reported
using local marketing years.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 27 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Corn Trade
October/September Year, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

TY Exports
Argentina 22,951 24,198 32,879 39,917 32,000 32,000
Brazil 19,794 25,116 38,773 34,187 40,500 40,500
Burma 1,500 1,400 1,500 2,209 1,800 1,800
European Union 2,189 1,750 3,632 4,807 2,200 2,200
India 553 1,076 482 1,125 1,500 1,800
Paraguay 1,757 1,476 2,559 2,081 2,400 2,500
Russia 5,598 5,532 2,770 4,072 3,100 3,100
Serbia 2,414 819 2,836 3,123 3,500 3,500
South Africa 1,816 2,361 1,183 2,456 3,000 3,200
Ukraine 21,334 18,036 30,321 28,929 24,000 24,000
Others 7,440 7,792 6,454 5,205 5,158 5,510
Subtotal 87,346 89,556 123,389 128,111 119,158 120,110
United States 55,618 63,668 49,241 46,923 65,000 65,000
World Total 142,964 153,224 172,630 175,034 184,158 185,110
TY Imports
Algeria 3,989 4,046 4,816 5,156 5,200 5,200
Bangladesh 1,181 1,145 1,358 2,003 1,600 1,800
Brazil 2,439 943 1,189 1,346 2,000 2,000
Canada 686 1,767 2,521 1,867 1,700 1,700
Chile 1,484 1,893 2,292 2,751 2,800 2,800
China 2,464 3,456 4,483 7,596 24,000 24,000
Colombia 4,754 5,201 6,048 5,976 6,200 6,200
Costa Rica 876 873 918 953 1,000 1,000
Dominican Republic 1,294 1,329 1,536 1,354 1,500 1,500
Egypt 8,773 9,464 9,367 10,432 10,300 10,300
European Union 14,971 18,469 25,254 18,607 15,500 15,500
Guatemala 951 1,091 1,224 1,527 1,600 1,600
Iran 7,800 8,900 9,000 6,800 7,000 7,000
Israel 1,539 1,861 1,611 1,992 2,200 2,200
Japan 15,169 15,668 16,050 15,888 15,600 15,600
Korea, South 9,220 10,018 10,856 11,892 11,500 11,500
Malaysia 3,531 3,645 3,674 3,777 3,900 3,900
Mexico 14,614 16,129 16,658 16,526 16,500 16,500
Morocco 2,221 2,283 2,728 2,963 3,200 3,200
Peru 3,269 3,402 3,694 3,822 4,000 4,000
Saudi Arabia 3,421 3,983 3,662 4,517 4,300 4,300
Taiwan 4,163 4,410 4,508 4,580 4,400 4,400
Thailand 600 700 1,200 1,602 1,200 1,200
Turkey 2,087 3,410 3,669 3,004 2,500 2,500
Vietnam 8,500 9,400 10,900 12,100 11,500 12,000
Others 18,896 15,794 15,786 17,568 17,347 17,502
Subtotal 138,892 149,280 165,002 166,599 178,547 179,402
Unaccounted 2,621 3,106 6,828 7,476 4,961 5,058
United States 1,451 838 800 959 650 650
World Total 142,964 153,224 172,630 175,034 184,158 185,110

TY=Trade Year, see Endnotes.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 28 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Corn Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Local Marketing Years, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

Argentina 41,000 32,000 51,000 51,000 47,500 47,500
Brazil 98,500 82,000 101,000 102,000 109,000 109,000
Canada 13,889 14,096 13,885 13,404 13,563 13,563
China 263,613 259,071 257,174 260,779 260,670 260,670
Ethiopia 7,847 8,007 8,350 8,500 8,600 8,600
European Union 61,935 62,046 64,376 66,718 63,600 63,700
India 25,900 28,753 27,715 28,766 28,500 30,200
Indonesia 10,900 11,900 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,100
Mexico 27,575 27,569 27,671 26,658 28,000 27,800
Nigeria 11,548 10,420 11,000 11,000 11,500 11,500
Philippines 8,087 7,980 7,608 8,030 8,200 8,200
Russia 15,305 13,201 11,415 14,275 14,000 13,872
Serbia 7,600 4,000 7,400 7,700 8,000 8,000
South Africa 17,551 13,104 11,824 15,844 16,500 17,000
Ukraine 27,969 24,115 35,805 35,887 29,500 29,500
Others 103,821 109,629 112,502 108,007 114,665 114,857
Subtotal 743,040 707,891 760,725 770,568 773,798 776,062
United States 384,778 371,096 364,262 345,962 360,252 360,252
World Total 1,127,818 1,078,987 1,124,987 1,116,530 1,134,050 1,136,314
Total Consumption
Argentina 11,200 12,400 13,800 13,500 15,000 15,000
Brazil 60,500 63,500 67,000 68,500 70,000 70,000
Canada 12,949 13,986 15,087 13,960 14,800 14,800
China 255,000 263,000 274,000 278,000 289,000 289,000
Egypt 15,100 15,900 16,200 16,900 16,900 16,900
European Union 74,100 77,150 87,500 81,000 77,000 77,000
India 24,900 26,700 28,500 27,200 27,700 28,500
Indonesia 12,300 12,400 12,900 12,600 13,000 13,000
Japan 15,200 15,600 16,000 15,950 15,650 15,650
Korea, South 9,435 10,000 10,947 11,802 11,600 11,600
Mexico 40,400 42,500 44,100 43,800 43,850 43,850
Nigeria 11,400 11,100 11,300 11,250 11,800 11,800
Russia 9,550 8,300 8,500 9,800 11,000 10,900
South Africa 12,663 12,230 12,536 12,600 12,800 12,800
Vietnam 13,000 13,600 14,200 14,650 15,500 15,500
Others 171,572 179,859 184,516 187,318 192,779 193,403
Subtotal 774,111 775,891 834,392 825,113 845,073 846,320
United States 313,785 313,981 310,446 309,506 305,450 305,450
World Total 1,087,896 1,089,872 1,144,838 1,134,619 1,150,523 1,151,770
Ending Stocks
Argentina 5,273 2,407 2,367 3,672 2,377 2,177
Brazil 14,019 9,315 5,292 4,792 6,292 6,292
Canada 2,574 2,417 1,980 2,559 2,022 2,022
China 223,017 222,525 210,163 200,526 196,176 196,176
European Union 7,546 9,161 7,659 7,177 7,077 7,177
Mexico 5,409 5,649 5,160 3,515 3,265 3,065
South Africa 3,695 2,672 1,020 1,764 2,620 2,764
Others 32,164 32,552 31,163 30,363 28,554 29,845
Subtotal 293,697 286,698 264,804 254,368 248,383 249,518
United States 58,253 54,367 56,410 48,757 38,151 38,151
World Total 351,950 341,065 321,214 303,125 286,534 287,669

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 29 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
Regional Corn Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Thousand Metric Tons

Feb Mar
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21

TY Imports none
North America 16,751 18,734 19,979 19,352 18,850 18,850
Central America 3,799 4,001 4,352 4,875 5,150 5,150
South America 13,719 13,567 14,317 15,575 16,415 16,450
European Union - 28 14,971 18,469 25,254 18,607 15,500 15,500
Former Soviet Union - 12 367 440 588 564 462 387
Middle East 17,858 21,487 21,197 20,008 19,580 19,580
North Africa 16,906 17,246 18,531 20,306 20,300 20,300
Sub-Saharan Africa 5,902 2,416 2,769 3,206 3,628 3,628
East Asia 31,109 33,599 35,960 40,015 55,550 55,550
Southeast Asia 13,968 15,183 17,483 19,107 18,075 18,720
Caribbean 2,657 2,446 2,377 2,275 2,650 2,650
Others 2,336 2,530 2,995 3,668 3,037 3,287
Total 140,343 150,118 165,802 167,558 179,197 180,052
Production none
North America 426,242 412,761 405,818 386,024 401,815 401,615
South America 150,990 126,174 164,763 163,911 167,615 167,665
European Union - 28 61,935 62,046 64,376 66,718 63,600 63,700
Other Europe 9,452 5,376 9,094 9,334 9,735 9,735
Former Soviet Union - 12 48,035 42,257 53,119 56,055 48,743 48,615
Middle East 7,283 7,028 7,382 8,012 9,123 9,123
North Africa 6,130 6,523 6,951 6,521 6,521 6,521
Sub-Saharan Africa 74,858 74,868 74,014 75,579 80,784 81,284
East Asia 265,949 261,417 259,584 263,187 263,078 263,078
South Asia 37,728 40,798 40,452 43,100 43,271 45,171
Central America 3,911 3,878 3,598 3,563 3,503 3,503
Southeast Asia 33,907 34,551 34,539 33,352 34,878 34,978
Others 1,398 1,310 1,297 1,174 1,384 1,326
Total 1,127,818 1,078,987 1,124,987 1,116,530 1,134,050 1,136,314
Domestic Consumption none
North America 367,134 370,467 369,633 367,266 364,100 364,100
South America 92,928 98,398 103,926 105,552 108,300 108,500
European Union - 28 74,100 77,150 87,500 81,000 77,000 77,000
Other Europe 6,947 5,857 6,531 6,551 6,640 6,629
Former Soviet Union - 12 20,716 19,202 20,312 21,940 22,562 22,362
Middle East 24,659 27,326 27,973 27,250 28,260 28,260
North Africa 23,290 24,400 24,600 27,290 27,000 27,000
Sub-Saharan Africa 72,570 74,485 76,669 76,384 79,367 79,367
East Asia 286,087 295,227 307,673 312,711 323,200 323,200
South Asia 37,897 41,226 43,279 43,199 44,525 45,775
Southeast Asia 45,197 46,727 47,519 47,061 49,960 50,105
Central America 7,540 7,830 8,070 8,450 8,760 8,760
Others 3,989 3,911 3,847 3,682 4,155 4,095
Total 1,063,054 1,092,206 1,127,532 1,128,336 1,143,829 1,145,153
Ending Stocks none
North America 66,236 62,433 63,550 54,831 43,438 43,238
South America 21,895 15,071 10,813 10,661 10,318 10,336
European Union - 28 7,546 9,161 7,659 7,177 7,077 7,177
Other Europe 1,464 689 975 1,175 1,315 1,313
Former Soviet Union - 12 3,154 2,582 2,200 3,264 2,452 2,404
Middle East 2,733 3,392 3,155 3,396 3,399 3,399
North Africa 2,555 2,462 2,505 2,391 2,202 2,202
Sub-Saharan Africa 10,878 10,432 8,024 6,882 8,173 8,317
East Asia 226,775 226,575 214,420 204,899 200,307 200,307
South Asia 3,115 3,734 2,610 3,207 2,563 3,393
Southeast Asia 4,096 3,120 3,971 4,203 4,336 4,636
Central America 1,056 1,060 988 814 692 692
Others 447 354 344 225 262 255
Total 351,950 341,065 321,214 303,125 286,534 287,669

NOTES: Regional definitions appear on last page of this circular. Imports are reported on a trade year basis. All other data are reported
using local marketing years.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 30 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Barley Trade
October/September Year, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

TY Exports
Argentina 2,696 2,537 3,001 2,598 2,700 2,700
Australia 9,192 6,088 3,666 3,231 5,000 6,000
Canada 1,809 1,868 2,269 2,621 3,300 3,300
European Union 5,683 5,857 5,877 7,908 6,800 6,800
Iraq 0 0 0 0 400 400
Kazakhstan 821 1,411 1,762 1,292 1,200 1,200
Russia 3,626 5,661 4,320 5,141 5,400 5,400
Syria 0 0 0 300 300 300
Ukraine 5,337 3,188 4,407 4,990 4,200 4,200
Uruguay 111 12 62 41 100 100
Others 322 343 246 144 176 176
Subtotal 29,597 26,965 25,610 28,266 29,576 30,576
United States 125 102 101 155 200 225
World Total 29,722 27,067 25,711 28,421 29,776 30,801
TY Imports
Algeria 533 439 467 503 500 700
Belarus 113 54 210 193 200 150
Brazil 737 584 608 689 700 700
China 8,104 8,144 5,181 5,969 8,300 8,300
Colombia 286 324 341 308 350 350
European Union 447 231 553 150 125 200
Iran 2,200 2,700 3,200 2,300 2,200 2,200
Israel 376 234 236 358 300 300
Japan 1,197 1,253 1,158 1,253 1,150 1,150
Jordan 759 788 928 564 700 700
Kuwait 569 521 474 522 450 450
Libya 1,084 438 888 891 600 600
Mexico 2 1 82 346 200 200
Morocco 407 363 299 1,073 1,600 1,600
Saudi Arabia 8,400 7,700 5,700 7,300 7,200 8,000
Thailand 21 147 206 685 900 900
Tunisia 501 674 487 751 800 800
Turkey 355 774 375 1,007 800 800
United Arab Emirates 501 263 476 443 470 470
Vietnam 161 177 133 198 200 300
Others 1,985 1,289 1,518 942 1,238 1,113
Subtotal 28,738 27,098 23,520 26,445 28,983 29,983
Unaccounted 767 -201 2,057 1,819 643 668
United States 217 170 134 157 150 150
World Total 29,722 27,067 25,711 28,421 29,776 30,801

TY=Trade Year, see Endnotes.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 31 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Barley Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Local Marketing Years, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

Algeria 1,000 968 1,950 2,000 1,845 1,845
Argentina 3,300 3,740 5,060 3,800 4,100 4,100
Australia 13,506 9,254 8,819 9,000 11,000 13,000
Belarus 1,253 1,420 944 1,098 1,050 1,050
Canada 8,839 7,891 8,380 10,383 10,741 10,741
Ethiopia 2,025 2,032 2,200 2,300 2,350 2,350
European Union 59,866 58,651 55,980 63,219 63,050 63,050
India 1,438 1,747 1,781 1,633 1,687 1,722
Iran 3,724 3,100 2,800 3,600 3,750 3,750
Iraq 1,550 975 780 1,600 1,550 1,550
Kazakhstan 3,231 3,305 3,971 3,830 3,659 3,659
Russia 17,547 20,211 16,737 19,939 20,600 20,629
Syria 720 777 400 2,000 1,900 1,900
Turkey 4,750 6,400 7,000 7,900 8,100 8,100
Ukraine 9,874 8,695 7,604 9,528 8,000 8,000
Others 10,110 10,900 11,682 11,006 10,378 10,419
Subtotal 142,733 140,066 136,088 152,836 153,760 155,865
United States 4,353 3,119 3,343 3,756 3,600 3,600
World Total 147,086 143,185 139,431 156,592 157,360 159,465
Total Consumption
Algeria 2,050 1,850 2,000 2,350 2,350 2,550
Australia 3,500 3,700 5,000 5,500 5,900 6,500
Canada 6,760 6,799 6,500 8,020 7,500 7,500
China 9,200 9,300 6,200 6,700 9,000 9,000
Ethiopia 2,025 2,225 2,225 2,325 2,375 2,375
European Union 55,100 54,000 51,600 55,200 56,700 56,700
India 1,650 1,950 1,900 1,850 1,900 1,900
Iran 5,200 6,000 6,200 6,400 5,900 5,900
Kazakhstan 2,200 2,150 2,150 2,400 2,500 2,500
Morocco 2,400 2,800 2,900 2,500 2,300 2,300
Russia 14,700 14,500 12,200 15,400 14,900 14,900
Saudi Arabia 9,825 8,525 7,025 7,025 7,225 8,025
Syria 900 850 680 1,370 1,600 1,600
Turkey 5,500 6,700 7,500 8,500 9,000 9,000
Ukraine 4,900 4,500 4,200 4,500 4,000 4,000
Others 19,261 17,695 18,256 19,948 20,031 20,034
Subtotal 146,066 142,784 137,497 150,444 153,883 155,532
United States 4,375 3,466 3,537 3,922 3,614 3,614
World Total 150,441 146,250 141,034 154,366 157,497 159,146
Ending Stocks
Algeria 877 517 790 998 993 993
Australia 1,884 1,776 1,908 2,083 2,183 2,583
Canada 2,120 1,250 877 957 998 998
European Union 5,421 4,624 4,245 4,752 4,427 4,502
Russia 839 750 640 743 1,068 1,097
Saudi Arabia 2,353 1,841 1,327 1,116 1,084 1,102
Ukraine 1,237 1,149 1,008 1,053 858 863
Others 5,384 5,402 5,084 6,540 6,519 6,503
Subtotal 20,115 17,309 15,879 18,242 18,130 18,641
United States 2,316 2,057 1,884 1,747 1,689 1,667
World Total 22,431 19,366 17,763 19,989 19,819 20,308

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 32 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
Regional Barley Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Thousand Metric Tons

Feb Mar
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21

TY Imports none
North America 293 227 254 589 450 450
South America 1,277 1,082 1,167 1,194 1,260 1,230
European Union - 28 447 231 553 150 125 200
Other Europe 124 80 175 89 91 91
Former Soviet Union - 12 442 229 395 464 426 381
Middle East 13,746 13,424 11,650 12,521 12,280 13,080
North Africa 2,542 1,990 2,342 3,225 3,550 3,750
Sub-Saharan Africa 112 49 28 67 45 45
East Asia 9,413 9,499 6,441 7,324 9,560 9,560
South Asia 346 114 296 89 226 126
Oceania 31 19 14 7 20 20
Total 28,955 27,268 23,654 26,602 29,133 30,133
Production none
North America 14,170 12,015 12,719 15,149 15,341 15,341
South America 4,742 4,862 6,558 5,325 5,619 5,620
European Union - 28 59,866 58,651 55,980 63,219 63,050 63,050
Other Europe 1,451 1,290 1,256 1,381 1,464 1,464
Former Soviet Union - 12 34,102 35,563 31,225 36,512 35,380 35,409
Middle East 10,848 11,350 11,067 15,192 15,387 15,388
North Africa 2,156 4,041 5,378 4,281 3,357 3,357
Sub-Saharan Africa 2,562 2,537 2,820 2,840 3,050 3,140
East Asia 1,475 1,381 1,283 1,320 1,294 1,294
South Asia 1,844 1,943 1,946 1,989 2,033 2,068
Oceania 13,870 9,552 9,199 9,384 11,385 13,334
Total 147,086 143,185 139,431 156,592 157,360 159,465
Domestic Consumption none
North America 12,085 11,275 11,087 13,242 12,314 12,314
South America 3,495 3,780 4,016 3,997 3,979 3,942
European Union - 28 55,100 54,000 51,600 55,200 56,700 56,700
Other Europe 1,451 1,354 1,346 1,384 1,493 1,493
Former Soviet Union - 12 25,367 24,589 21,784 25,763 24,880 24,830
Middle East 25,603 25,396 24,727 26,542 27,157 27,957
North Africa 6,847 6,359 7,076 7,419 6,988 7,188
Sub-Saharan Africa 2,615 2,755 2,760 2,902 2,940 2,970
East Asia 10,833 10,914 7,845 8,460 10,670 10,670
South Asia 2,079 2,214 2,108 2,226 2,274 2,274
Oceania 3,900 4,050 5,385 5,890 6,300 6,860
Total 149,546 147,010 140,073 153,910 156,795 158,398
Ending Stocks none
North America 4,851 3,722 3,123 3,166 3,149 3,127
South America 835 705 1,152 1,253 1,241 1,238
European Union - 28 5,421 4,624 4,245 4,752 4,427 4,502
Other Europe 167 135 133 170 158 158
Former Soviet Union - 12 2,961 2,568 2,308 2,573 2,682 2,715
Middle East 3,853 3,956 2,617 3,404 3,167 3,185
North Africa 1,106 802 1,236 1,407 1,326 1,326
Sub-Saharan Africa 488 308 375 353 493 553
East Asia 503 469 348 532 716 716
South Asia 293 253 269 243 223 158
Oceania 1,942 1,813 1,946 2,127 2,228 2,621
Total 22,431 19,366 17,763 19,989 19,819 20,308

NOTES: Regional definitions appear on last page of this circular. Imports are reported on a trade year basis. All other data are reported
using local marketing years.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 33 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Sorghum Trade
October/September Year, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

TY Exports
Argentina 457 473 254 426 1,000 1,000
Australia 542 449 91 107 500 500
China 34 43 49 29 50 50
Ethiopia 75 75 75 75 75 75
India 24 123 53 31 50 50
Kenya 73 136 53 31 80 80
Nigeria 100 100 100 50 50 50
Others 402 298 235 224 170 186
Subtotal 1,707 1,697 910 973 1,975 1,991
United States 6,031 4,839 2,437 5,480 7,600 7,600
World Total 7,738 6,536 3,347 6,453 9,575 9,591
TY Imports
China 5,209 4,436 652 3,709 7,600 7,600
Ethiopia 16 6 6 61 80 80
European Union 194 486 796 90 50 50
Japan 561 577 449 426 400 400
Kenya 146 141 109 52 150 150
Somalia 60 80 85 80 50 50
South Sudan 36 148 26 81 150 150
Sudan 120 150 160 150 100 100
Taiwan 48 64 70 40 50 50
Uganda 40 35 35 25 50 50
Others 881 558 963 859 371 334
Subtotal 7,311 6,681 3,351 5,573 9,051 9,014
Unaccounted 383 -196 -5 879 523 576
United States 44 51 1 1 1 1
World Total 7,738 6,536 3,347 6,453 9,575 9,591

TY=Trade Year, see Endnotes.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 34 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Sorghum Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Local Marketing Years, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

Argentina 3,400 3,000 2,500 2,500 3,200 3,200
Australia 994 1,257 1,160 300 1,700 1,450
Bolivia 557 1,023 949 960 1,000 1,000
Brazil 1,865 2,136 2,177 2,254 2,100 2,100
Burkina 1,663 1,366 1,930 1,870 1,900 1,900
Cameroon 1,339 1,372 1,416 1,200 1,400 1,400
China 2,235 2,465 2,909 3,600 3,550 3,550
Ethiopia 4,752 4,816 4,932 5,200 5,200 5,200
European Union 632 660 753 869 1,020 1,020
India 4,568 4,803 3,480 4,772 3,850 4,740
Mali 1,394 1,394 1,470 1,500 1,500 1,500
Mexico 4,638 4,545 4,700 4,328 4,500 4,300
Niger 1,808 1,945 2,100 1,970 1,900 1,900
Nigeria 7,556 6,939 6,721 6,665 6,900 6,900
Sudan 6,466 3,743 4,953 4,000 5,000 5,000
Others 7,154 7,077 7,825 7,395 7,429 7,474
Subtotal 51,021 48,541 49,975 49,383 52,149 52,634
United States 12,199 9,192 9,271 8,673 9,474 9,474
World Total 63,220 57,733 59,246 58,056 61,623 62,108
Total Consumption
Argentina 2,900 3,100 2,150 2,050 2,100 2,100
Bolivia 570 920 980 940 980 980
Brazil 1,700 2,100 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
Burkina 1,640 1,400 1,800 1,870 1,900 1,900
Cameroon 1,369 1,387 1,441 1,205 1,425 1,425
Chad 950 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
China 7,400 6,900 3,600 7,200 10,900 10,900
Ethiopia 4,700 4,646 4,882 5,230 5,300 5,300
European Union 790 970 1,574 953 1,072 1,072
India 4,500 4,600 3,550 4,500 3,900 4,500
Mali 1,400 1,450 1,470 1,500 1,500 1,500
Mexico 5,300 4,700 5,100 5,000 4,500 4,400
Niger 2,000 1,850 2,100 2,050 2,000 2,000
Nigeria 7,350 6,950 6,650 6,650 6,850 6,850
Sudan 5,950 4,400 4,900 4,450 4,950 4,950
Others 7,676 8,132 8,756 7,561 8,463 8,226
Subtotal 56,558 54,391 52,230 55,191 59,453 59,769
United States 6,283 4,119 6,186 4,354 2,032 2,032
World Total 62,841 58,510 58,416 59,545 61,485 61,801
Ending Stocks
Argentina 889 515 454 304 404 404
Australia 272 273 287 37 237 237
Burkina 97 58 183 178 173 173
China 147 105 17 97 297 297
Ethiopia 569 670 651 607 512 512
India 196 274 153 394 250 584
Sudan 993 386 549 214 314 314
Others 1,470 1,540 1,625 1,452 1,215 1,119
Subtotal 4,633 3,821 3,919 3,283 3,402 3,640
United States 850 885 1,617 764 714 714
World Total 5,483 4,706 5,536 4,047 4,116 4,354

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 35 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
Regional Sorghum Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Thousand Metric Tons

Feb Mar
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21

TY Imports none
North America 592 149 547 568 11 11
South America 60 111 80 18 75 75
European Union - 28 194 486 796 90 50 50
Other Europe 0 0 0 0 0 0
Middle East 27 41 39 50 31 31
North Africa 5 1 0 7 0 0
Sub-Saharan Africa 629 719 650 618 780 740
East Asia 5,823 5,139 1,175 4,180 8,055 8,055
Southeast Asia 19 22 36 41 25 25
Others 6 64 29 2 25 28
Total 7,355 6,732 3,352 5,574 9,052 9,015
Production none
North America 16,837 13,737 13,971 13,001 13,974 13,774
Central America 308 281 272 272 272 272
Caribbean 118 91 106 71 76 76
South America 6,224 6,420 5,918 5,949 6,526 6,526
European Union - 28 632 660 753 869 1,020 1,020
Middle East 356 410 440 390 391 391
North Africa 752 754 755 755 755 755
Sub-Saharan Africa 29,720 26,466 29,096 27,693 29,192 29,237
East Asia 2,237 2,467 2,911 3,602 3,552 3,552
South Asia 4,717 4,957 3,620 4,912 3,995 4,885
Southeast Asia 50 50 50 50 50 50
Oceania 994 1,257 1,160 300 1,700 1,450
Others 275 183 194 192 120 120
Total 63,220 57,733 59,246 58,056 61,623 62,108
Domestic Consumption none
North America 11,583 8,819 11,286 9,354 6,532 6,432
Central America 308 281 275 272 274 274
Caribbean 120 91 108 71 76 79
South America 5,631 6,532 5,640 5,430 5,566 5,566
European Union - 28 790 970 1,574 953 1,072 1,072
Middle East 383 447 483 440 422 422
North Africa 752 754 755 771 755 755
Sub-Saharan Africa 29,383 27,367 29,115 28,608 29,810 29,820
East Asia 8,017 7,605 4,156 7,672 11,357 11,357
South Asia 4,665 4,817 3,717 4,641 4,070 4,670
Southeast Asia 71 66 85 81 73 73
Oceania 675 800 1,050 350 1,000 750
Others 100 75 95 70 65 65
Total 62,478 58,624 58,339 58,713 61,072 61,335
Ending Stocks none
North America 1,022 998 1,876 917 876 776
Central America 17 12 9 9 7 7
South America 1,167 892 740 658 653 638
European Union - 28 24 132 100 98 94 93
Middle East 0 0 0 0 0 0
North Africa 53 54 54 44 44 44
Sub-Saharan Africa 2,462 1,858 2,217 1,732 1,592 1,612
East Asia 199 157 38 119 319 319
South Asia 196 274 153 394 250 584
Oceania 272 273 287 37 237 237
Others 71 56 62 39 44 44
Total 5,483 4,706 5,536 4,047 4,116 4,354

NOTES: Regional definitions appear on last page of this circular. Imports are reported on a trade year basis. All other data are reported
using local marketing years.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 36 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Oats Trade
October/September Year, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

TY Exports
Australia 455 550 250 245 400 400
Canada 1,557 1,685 1,665 1,899 1,900 1,950
Chile 27 34 36 6 20 10
European Union 179 128 106 230 190 190
Kazakhstan 12 10 27 7 10 10
Russia 14 34 134 73 100 75
Ukraine 19 7 11 16 10 15
Others 5 6 11 12 11 12
Subtotal 2,268 2,454 2,240 2,488 2,641 2,662
United States 44 31 26 30 30 30
World Total 2,312 2,485 2,266 2,518 2,671 2,692
TY Imports
Algeria 11 7 1 13 10 20
Bosnia and Herzegovina 6 5 3 3 5 5
Canada 18 12 9 16 10 10
Chile 6 0 0 28 100 170
China 278 389 224 222 350 350
Colombia 1 1 1 1 5 5
Ecuador 21 39 16 12 30 20
European Union 3 4 15 8 5 5
India 25 19 21 25 20 25
Japan 49 44 46 47 50 50
Korea, South 23 46 31 25 25 25
Mexico 119 168 129 137 150 170
Norway 3 21 93 45 30 20
South Africa 24 39 23 62 40 20
Switzerland 54 49 51 56 50 50
Others 18 11 41 32 14 13
Subtotal 659 854 704 732 894 958
Unaccounted 123 88 164 194 127 134
United States 1,530 1,543 1,398 1,592 1,650 1,600
World Total 2,312 2,485 2,266 2,518 2,671 2,692

TY=Trade Year, see Endnotes.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 37 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Oats Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Local Marketing Years, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

Algeria 110 110 110 110 110 110
Argentina 785 492 572 600 650 650
Australia 2,266 1,227 1,135 860 1,600 1,675
Belarus 390 460 342 368 370 370
Brazil 828 634 795 879 910 910
Canada 3,231 3,733 3,436 4,227 4,576 4,576
Chile 713 571 385 477 638 638
China 525 550 575 625 625 625
European Union 8,044 8,058 7,790 8,079 9,340 9,340
Kazakhstan 335 285 336 267 240 240
Mexico 71 72 103 99 90 90
Norway 359 283 144 300 300 300
Russia 4,750 5,448 4,715 4,420 4,100 4,127
Turkey 225 250 230 230 240 240
Ukraine 510 481 423 427 450 450
Others 310 279 342 269 282 270
Subtotal 23,452 22,933 21,433 22,237 24,521 24,611
United States 938 720 815 773 949 949
World Total 24,390 23,653 22,248 23,010 25,470 25,560
Total Consumption
Algeria 132 117 111 111 120 130
Argentina 760 525 550 600 640 640
Australia 1,500 900 900 700 1,050 1,100
Belarus 400 460 375 370 370 370
Brazil 775 675 775 845 905 905
Canada 1,854 2,041 2,083 2,419 2,400 2,400
Chile 655 575 375 455 680 760
China 710 850 870 870 980 980
European Union 7,950 7,900 7,920 7,840 8,870 8,870
Kazakhstan 274 275 315 250 230 230
Mexico 195 200 255 210 240 260
Norway 315 320 250 345 320 320
Russia 4,800 5,400 4,700 4,200 4,050 4,050
Turkey 240 240 230 240 240 240
Ukraine 450 480 450 420 435 435
Others 508 533 560 503 520 495
Subtotal 21,710 21,631 20,821 20,496 22,204 22,330
United States 2,537 2,358 2,326 2,345 2,492 2,487
World Total 24,247 23,989 23,147 22,841 24,696 24,817
Ending Stocks
Australia 419 196 191 101 251 276
Canada 703 778 397 426 712 662
Chile 83 41 13 59 99 97
China 152 241 170 147 142 142
European Union 637 613 391 427 712 712
Kazakhstan 75 75 68 79 79 79
Russia 147 167 60 195 146 198
Others 376 281 249 289 308 281
Subtotal 2,592 2,392 1,539 1,723 2,449 2,447
United States 731 595 549 534 582 553
World Total 3,323 2,987 2,088 2,257 3,031 3,000

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 38 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
Regional Oats Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Thousand Metric Tons

Feb Mar
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21

TY Imports none
North America 1,667 1,723 1,536 1,745 1,810 1,780
South America 31 46 23 44 140 200
European Union - 28 3 4 15 8 5 5
Other Europe 63 76 150 108 87 79
Former Soviet Union - 12 11 3 31 5 5 2
Middle East 0 0 0 5 0 0
North Africa 15 8 2 28 12 22
Sub-Saharan Africa 24 39 23 62 40 20
East Asia 350 479 301 294 425 425
South Asia 25 19 21 25 20 25
Oceania 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2,189 2,397 2,102 2,324 2,544 2,558
Production none
North America 4,240 4,525 4,354 5,099 5,615 5,615
South America 2,373 1,734 1,810 1,996 2,243 2,240
European Union - 28 8,044 8,058 7,790 8,079 9,340 9,340
Other Europe 502 426 301 439 432 432
Former Soviet Union - 12 5,990 6,679 5,822 5,488 5,166 5,193
Middle East 225 250 230 230 240 240
North Africa 125 145 173 150 145 145
Sub-Saharan Africa 56 23 33 16 30 30
East Asia 526 551 576 626 626 626
South Asia 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oceania 2,309 1,262 1,159 887 1,633 1,699
Total 24,390 23,653 22,248 23,010 25,470 25,560
Domestic Consumption none
North America 4,586 4,599 4,664 4,974 5,132 5,147
South America 2,269 1,859 1,783 1,959 2,310 2,377
European Union - 28 7,950 7,900 7,920 7,840 8,870 8,870
Other Europe 514 519 462 541 511 513
Former Soviet Union - 12 5,929 6,620 5,846 5,246 5,091 5,091
Middle East 240 240 230 240 240 240
North Africa 151 152 176 163 160 170
Sub-Saharan Africa 67 66 65 68 70 60
East Asia 784 940 951 943 1,055 1,055
South Asia 25 19 21 25 20 25
Oceania 1,540 935 927 724 1,083 1,124
Total 24,055 23,849 23,045 22,723 24,542 24,672
Ending Stocks none
North America 1,437 1,377 949 968 1,302 1,223
South America 240 120 128 200 243 243
European Union - 28 637 613 391 427 712 712
Other Europe 82 62 50 50 57 47
Former Soviet Union - 12 316 330 177 322 284 327
Middle East 6 16 16 11 11 11
North Africa 1 2 1 3 0 0
Sub-Saharan Africa 28 24 15 25 25 15
East Asia 154 244 170 147 143 143
South Asia 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oceania 422 199 191 104 254 279
Total 3,323 2,987 2,088 2,257 3,031 3,000

NOTES: Regional definitions appear on last page of this circular. Imports are reported on a trade year basis. All other data are reported
using local marketing years.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 39 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Rye Trade
October/September Year, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

TY Exports
Albania 0 0 0 0 0 0
Canada 132 227 152 147 200 200
European Union 139 92 187 260 150 150
Russia 29 152 178 6 85 85
Ukraine 14 84 42 8 50 30
Others 9 1 1 0 0 0
Subtotal 323 556 560 421 485 465
United States 4 4 4 6 5 5
World Total 327 560 564 427 490 470
TY Imports
Belarus 3 28 9 3 3 3
European Union 16 137 221 1 25 5
Israel 4 21 17 5 20 20
Japan 24 21 23 19 20 20
Kazakhstan 0 0 0 2 10 10
Korea, South 4 3 3 4 5 5
Norway 4 5 19 10 5 5
Others 9 5 7 102 6 6
Subtotal 64 220 299 146 94 74
Unaccounted 91 16 -29 -2 116 116
United States 172 324 294 283 280 280
World Total 327 560 564 427 490 470

TY=Trade Year, see Endnotes.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 40 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
World Rye Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Local Marketing Years, Thousand Metric Tons
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21
Feb Mar

Argentina 79 86 87 220 140 140
Belarus 651 670 503 756 900 900
Canada 436 341 236 333 488 488
European Union 7,440 7,401 6,208 8,392 9,175 9,175
Russia 2,538 2,540 1,914 1,424 2,375 2,376
Turkey 300 320 320 320 320 320
Ukraine 394 510 396 339 400 400
Others 155 176 121 162 170 170
Subtotal 11,993 12,044 9,785 11,946 13,968 13,969
United States 339 260 214 270 293 293
World Total 12,332 12,304 9,999 12,216 14,261 14,262
Total Consumption
Argentina 79 86 87 220 140 140
Australia 29 30 30 30 30 30
Belarus 700 665 550 750 850 850
Canada 180 190 168 182 230 230
European Union 7,600 7,700 6,500 8,000 8,900 8,900
Kazakhstan 33 35 35 27 35 35
Norway 26 54 27 59 55 55
Russia 2,400 2,500 1,750 1,550 2,200 2,200
Turkey 300 320 320 320 320 320
Ukraine 380 480 332 332 332 352
Others 100 105 104 91 109 109
Subtotal 11,852 12,199 9,927 11,553 13,318 13,338
United States 496 483 518 550 571 571
World Total 12,348 12,682 10,445 12,103 13,889 13,909
Ending Stocks
Belarus 41 61 35 44 97 97
Canada 165 124 50 40 100 100
European Union 989 670 481 618 768 748
Kazakhstan 12 16 4 0 5 5
Russia 291 260 141 104 194 195
Turkey 14 14 14 14 14 14
Ukraine 77 69 47 48 66 66
Others 1 1 1 1 1 1
Subtotal 1,590 1,215 773 869 1,245 1,226
United States 18 15 11 28 24 24
World Total 1,608 1,230 784 897 1,269 1,250

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 41 March 2021

Global Market Analysis
Regional Rye Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks
Thousand Metric Tons

Feb Mar
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21

TY Imports none
North America 172 326 296 286 282 282
South America 0 0 0 0 0 0
European Union - 28 16 137 221 1 25 5
Other Europe 9 8 22 14 9 9
Former Soviet Union - 12 7 28 11 100 13 13
Middle East 4 21 17 5 20 20
Sub-Saharan Africa 0 0 0 0 0 0
East Asia 28 24 26 23 25 25
Oceania 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 236 544 593 429 374 354
Production none
North America 775 601 450 603 781 781
South America 91 97 100 234 155 155
European Union - 28 7,440 7,401 6,208 8,392 9,175 9,175
Other Europe 70 93 52 92 92 92
Former Soviet Union - 12 3,624 3,759 2,836 2,542 3,705 3,706
Middle East 300 320 320 320 320 320
Sub-Saharan Africa 3 3 3 3 3 3
East Asia 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oceania 29 30 30 30 30 30
Total 12,332 12,304 9,999 12,216 14,261 14,262
Domestic Consumption none
North America 676 673 686 732 801 801
South America 91 97 100 234 155 155
European Union - 28 7,600 7,700 6,500 8,000 8,900 8,900
Other Europe 78 100 72 105 101 101
Former Soviet Union - 12 3,513 3,680 2,667 2,659 3,417 3,437
Middle East 304 341 337 325 340 340
Sub-Saharan Africa 3 3 3 3 3 3
East Asia 29 24 26 23 25 25
Oceania 29 30 30 30 30 30
Total 12,323 12,648 10,421 12,111 13,772 13,792
Ending Stocks none
North America 183 139 61 68 124 124
South America 0 0 0 0 0 0
European Union - 28 989 670 481 618 768 748
Other Europe 0 0 0 0 0 0
Former Soviet Union - 12 421 406 227 196 362 363
Middle East 14 14 14 14 14 14
Sub-Saharan Africa 0 0 0 0 0 0
East Asia 1 1 1 1 1 1
Oceania 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,608 1,230 784 897 1,269 1,250

NOTES: Regional definitions appear on last page of this circular. Imports are reported on a trade year basis. All other data are reported
using local marketing years.

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 42 March 2021

Global Market Analysis

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