MN Hvar Eng2
MN Hvar Eng2
MN Hvar Eng2
Longing for swims along Croatia’s sunny island of Hvar is the starting point for this design.
The incredibly clear water around the rock island has been the inspiration for the light blue
colour, which is created by mixing Saga and Alva. The result is a soft and light sweater for the
cool summer evenings.
XS (S) M (L) XL (2XL) 3XL Yarn from Filcolana
150 (200) 200 (200) 200 (250) 250 g Saga in
MEASUREMENTS col. 950 (Very Light Grey) and
Fits chest sizes: 82 (90) 98 (106) 116 (126) 136 cm 125 (150) 150 (175) 175 (200) 200 g Alva in
Chest: 100 (109) 117 (126) 134 (143) 151 cm col. 281 (Rime Frost)
Sleeve length: 39 (39) 38(38) 37 (37) 36 cm
Length: 61 (62) 63 (64) 65 (66) 67 cm The top is worked with 1 strand of each quality held
together throughout work.
19 sts and 29 rows in stockinette using 1 strand of each Circular needles 4 mm, 40 cm
quality held together on 5 mm needles = 10 x 10 cm. Circular needles 4.5 mm and 5 mm, 80 cm
Knitting sample is measured after washing.
Crochet needle 5 mm
Needle sizes are for guidance only.
If you have more stitches on 10 cm, change to a larger Stitch markers
needle. If you have fewer stitches on 10 cm, change to Scrap yarn or stitch holders
smaller needles.
Sl1 k1 psso
Slip 1 st knit-wise, k1, pass the slipped st over the
knitted st.
#FilcolanaHvar 2 of 7
3rd row: Sl1 pw wyif, k1, *k1, sl1 pw wyif, k1*, repeat
from * to * 4 times in total, knit to next marker, M1L,
slip marker, p1, slip marker, M1R, knit to next marker,
slip marker, repeat from * to * 5 times in total, knit to
next marker, M1L, slip marker, p1, slip marker, M1R,
YOKE knit to last 14 sts, repeat from * to * 4 times in total,
With 4 mm and 1 strand of each quality held together k2.
cast on 43 sts (all sizes) using long-tail cast on tech- You have increased with 4 sts = 77 sts.
4th row: Sl1 pw wyif, p1, sl1 pw wyib, k1, p1, *p1, k1,
Work back and forth in rib and at the same time place p1*, repeat from * to * 3 times in total, purl to next
2 stitch markers like this: marker, M1PR, slip marker, k1, slip marker, M1PL,
1st row (WS): Knit 14 sts of rib (k1, p1), place purl to next marker, slip marker, knit ribbing as pattern
marker, knit *k1, p1, k1*, repeat from * to * a total of indicates to next marker, slip marker, purl to next
5 times, place marker, knit rib (p1, k1) over 14 sts. marker, M1PR, slip marker, k1, slip marker, M1PL,
purl to last 14 sts, repeat from * to * 3 times in total,
Work 18 rows in rib as pattern indicates, knit st over p1, k1, sl1 pw wyib, p1, k1.
knit st and purl st over purl st. You have increased with 4 sts = 81 sts.
Finish with a right side row. Break yarn.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 and AT THE SAME TIME
Join yarn to right side of the right-hand side of the increase towards the neck, shaping the V-neck, first
ribbing (when the ribbing edge is in front of you with time on row 7, knit like this:
the right side facing upwards), with 5 mm needles, pick 7th row (WS): Sl1 pw wyif, k1, *k1, sl1 pw wyif, k1*,
up 14 sts along the right side of the ribbing edge, place repeat from * to * 4 times in total, M1L, knit to next
marker, work the 43 sts on your needles like this: marker, M1L, slip marker, p1, slip marker, M1R, knit
K2tog, place marker, knit rib as pattern indicates to to next marker, slip marker, repeat from * to * 5 times
last 2 sts, place marker, sl1 k1 psso, place marker, pick in total, knit to next marker, M1L, slip marker, p1, slip
up 14 sts along the left side of the ribbing edge = 69 sts marker, M1R, knit to last 14 sts, M1R, repeat from
in total. * to * 4 times in total, k2.
You have increased with 6 sts = 95 sts.
Knit back and forth in reverse stockinette with
shoulder increases on each side of the new markers, Work V-neck increases on every 8th row 12 times in
and at the same time work lifted sts along the fronts and total.
between the markers on the middle of the back, knit as
follows: When you have increased the shoulder sts a total of
1st row (WS): Sl1 pw wyif, k1, *k1, sl1 pw wyif, k1*, 36 (40) 44 (48) 52 (56) 60 times (= 221 (239) 255
repeat from * to * 4 times in total, slip marker to right- (273) 289 (307) 323 sts) separate work so each side of
hand needle, p1, slip marker to right-hand needle, the V-neck are finished separately.
knit to next marker, slip marker to right-hand needle, Last increase row is a wrong side row.
repeat from * to * 5 times in total, knit to next marker,
slip marker to right-hand needle, p1, slip marker to Left side of the V-neck
right-hand needle, repeat from * to * 4 times in total, Knit back and forth over the 54 (59) 63 (68) 72 (77)
k2. 81 left front sts, still working increases for the V-neck
on every 8th row and AT THE SAME TIME decrease
2nd row: Sl1 pw wyif, p1, sl1 pw wyib, k1, p1, *p1, for armholes on 4th row like this:
k1, p1*, repeat from * to * 3 times in total, M1PR, slip 1st row (RS): Sl1 pw wyif, p1, sl1 pw wyib, k1, p1,
marker, k1, slip marker, M1PL, purl to next marker, *p1, k1, p1*, repeat from * to * 3 times in total, purl
slip marker, knit rib as pattern indicates to next marker, to next marker, remove marker, and turn work and let
slip marker, purl to next marker, M1PR, slip marker, the remaining back and right side sts rest for now.
k1, slip marker, M1PL, repeat from * to * 3 times in
total, p1, k1, sl1 pw wyib, p1, k1. 2nd row (WS): Knit to last 14 sts (remember increase
You have increased with 4 sts = 73 sts. for V-neck when relevant), *k1, sl1 pw wyif, k1*,
repeat from * to * 4 times in total, k2.
#FilcolanaHvar 3 of 7
3rd row: Sl1 pw wyif, p1, sl1 pw wyib, k1, p1, *p1, Right side of the V-neck
k1, p1*, repeat from * to * 3 times in total, purl Join yarn to right side of the 54 (59) 63 (68) 72 (77)
remaining sts. 81 right front sts and work back and forth with V-neck
increases on every 8th row. AT THE SAME TIME
4th row: K1, k2tog, knit to last 14 sts (remember in- work armhole decreases on 4th row like this:
creases for V-neck when applicable), *k1, sl1 pw wyif, From the right side slip all sts to the shoulder marker
k1*, repeat from * to * 4 times in total, k2. onto the left-hand needle to work them from the right
Decrease now for armholes on every 8th (8th) 8th
(10th) 10th (10th) 10th row 6 times in total, while 1st row (RS): Slip the marker and purl to last 14 sts,
at the same time continuing the V-neck increases on *p1, k1, p1*, repeat from * to * 3 times in total, p1,
every 8th row. k1, sl1 pw wyib, p1, k1.
Now, continue without armhole decreases until the 2nd row: Sl1 pw wyif, k1, *k1, sl1 pw wyif, k1*,
armhole measures 17 (18) 19 (20) 21 (22) 23 cm, repeat from * to * 4 times in total, (remember V-neck
place a marker in the armhole side and continue, until increases when applicable), knit remaining sts.
all 12 V-neck increases are done. Last row is a wrong
side row = 56 (60) 64 (68) 72 (76) 80 sts. 3rd row: Purl to last 14 sts, *p1, k1, p1*, repeat from
* to * 3 times in total, p1, k1, sl1 pw wyib, p1, k1.
Break yarn and let the sts rest for now.
4th row: Sl1 pw wyif, k1, *k1, sl1 pw wyif, k1*, repeat
from * to * 4 times in total, (remember V-neck
increases when applicable), knit to last 3 sts, sl1 k1
psso, k1.
Now join right and left front by working the front sts
together 2 and 2 like this:
Next row (RS): Purl all sts on right side to last 14 sts,
place the sts on left side onto a stitch holder and hold
the stitch holder in your left hand, behind work, place
a marker, p1, knit the last 13 sts on right side together
with the first 13 sts on left side as the sts indicate, p1,
place a marker, purl remaining sts = 99 (107) 115
(123) 131 (139) 147 sts.
#FilcolanaHvar 4 of 7
Knit back and forth in reverse stockinette with the
lifted sts pattern between the markers, knit as follows:
Next row (WS): Knit to marker, slip marker, *k1, sl1
pw wyif, k1*, repeat from * to * 5 times in total, slip
marker, knit remaining sts.
Next row (RS): P2, knit rib (k1, p1) to marker, finish
with a k1, slip marker, knit as pattern indicates to next
marker, slip marker, k1, knit rib (p1, k1) to last 2 sts,
p2. Now work armhole decreases on every 8th (8th) 8th
(10th) 10th (10th) 10th row 6 times in total = 99
Next row: Knit ribbing pattern as sts indicate. (107) 115 (123) 131 (139) 147 sts.
Work rib over 18 rows in total, finish with a wrong side Continue without decreases until the armhole has the
row. same length as on the front, at the marker, count the
number of rows and make sure they are the same on
Bind off as pattern indicates. both sides.
Finish with a right side row.
Join yarn to right side of the 113 (121) 129 (137) Place a marker in each side.
145 (153) 161 resting back sts, knit back and forth in
reverse stockinette with the lifted sts pattern, and at the Now change the pattern between the markers like this:
same time work armhole decreases on 1st and 4th row 1st row (WS): Knit to marker, slip marker, k3, *k1,
like this: sl1 pw wyif, k1*, repeat from * to * 3 times in total,
1st row (RS): Sl1 k1 psso, knit as pattern indicates to k3, slip marker, knit remaining sts.
last 2 sts, k2tog = 111 (119) 127 (135) 143 (151)
159 sts. 2nd row: Knit as pattern indicates.
2nd row: Knit to marker, slip marker, *k1, sl1 pw 3rd and 4th row: Repeat 1st and 2nd row.
wyif, k1*, repeat from * to * 5 times in total, slip
marker, knit remaining sts. 5th row (WS): Knit to marker, slip marker, k7, sl1 pw
wyif, k7, slip marker, knit remaining sts.
3rd row: Knit as pattern indicates.
6th row: Knit as pattern indicates.
4th row: K1, k2tog, knit to marker, slip marker, *k1,
sl1 pw wyif, k1*, repeat from * to * 5 times in total, 7th and 8th row: Repeat 5th and 6th row.
slip marker, knit to last 3 sts, sl1 k1 psso, k1.
Continue back and forth in reverse stockinette over all
#FilcolanaHvar 5 of 7
sts, remove markers as you go, until work measures 56 SLEEVES
(57) 58 (59) 60 (61) 62 cm measured form the first With 5 mm needles and 1 strand of each quality pick
shoulder increase on the top of the shoulder. up 32 (34) 36 (38) 40 (42) 44 sts along the right side,
Finish with a wrong side row and adjust the st count to from the marker and up to the shoulder, pick up 1 st
101 (109) 117 (125) 133 (141) 149 sts by working a in the shoulder st, and pick up 32 (34) 36 (38) 40
M1L in beginning and end of the row. (42) 44 sts along the other side of the shoulder, to the
marker = 65 (69) 73 (77) 81 (85) 89 sts.
Change to 4.5 mm needles.
Knit back and forth in reverse stockinette with pattern
Rib in lifted sts over the 15 middle sts, like this:
Next row (RS): P2, knit rib (k1, p1) to last 3 sts, k1, 1st row (WS): Knit 25 (27) 29 (31) 33 (35) 37 sts,
p2. place marker, k7, sl1 pw wyif, k7, place marker, knit
remaining sts.
Next row: Knit as pattern indicates.
2nd row: Knit as pattern indicates over all sts.
Work rib over 18 rows in total.
Finish with a wrong side row. 3rd row: Knit to marker, slip marker, k7, sl1 pw wyif,
k7, slip marker, knit remaining sts.
Bind off as pattern indicates.
Repeat these 2 last rows and at the same time decrease
in the beginning and end of the row on 11th (11th) 9th
(9th) 11th (11th) 11th row like this:
Decrease row (WS): K1, k2tog, knit to marker, slip
marker, k7, sl1 pw wyif, k7, slip marker, knit to last
3 sts, sl1 k1 psso, k1.
#FilcolanaHvar 6 of 7
Continue like this until sleeve measures 34 (34) 33 Start by making a hook on the crochet hook, *insert
(33) 32 (32) 31 cm, finish with a wrong side row. the crochet hook, top down in the outermost stitch on
the left side and then into the outermost stitch on the
Change to 4.5 mm needles. right side, hold the yarn under your work, yarn over,
and pull the yarn through the stitches.
Rib Skip a stitch on both sides and insert the crochet hook
Next row (RS): P2, knit rib (k1, p1) to next marker, from top to bottom into the outermost stitch on the
finish with a k1, slip marker, knit as pattern indicates right side and down into the outermost stitch on the left
to next marker, slip marker, k1, knit rib (p1, k1) over side, yarn over, and pull the yarn through the stitches*,
remaining sts, finish with a p2. repeat from * to * until you have crocheted all the way
down to the edge.
Next row: Knit as pattern indicates.
Break yarn and pull the tail through the hook on your
Knit 18 rows of rib in total. crochet hook.
Finish with a wrong side row.
Crochet the other sleeve seam and the side seams the
Bind off in rib as pattern indicates. same way.
Knit the second sleeve the same way. Weave in all ends.
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