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Biology Quicksheets

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Organelle Function Sub-stage Events
Nucleus Houses DNA, proteins + nucleolus (for ribosome production)
Cytoplasm composed of protoplasm in which all the other cell organelles are suspended Leptotene chromosomes begin to condense + attached to the nuclear membrane via their
cell processes (protein synthesis, respiration etc) take place in the cytoplasm. telomeres
plays role in the movement of various materials around the cell. Zygotene Synapsis begins with a synaptonemal complex forming between homologous
Mitochondria Has double membrane (inner membrane folds to form cristae) chromosomes
Role in cellular metabolism (generate ATP) Pachytene Crossing over of genetic material occurs between non-sister chromatids
Ribosome Has RNA and proteins
Manufactures proteins Diplotene Synapsis ends with disappearance of synaptonemal complex
Smooth lacks a ribosome on its surface (smooth in appearance) homologous pairs remain attached at chiasmata
Endoplasmic synthesis of lipids + carbohydrates used to build the cell membrane.
Reticulum Transportation of vesicles Diakinesis Chromosomes become fully condensed
Enzyme production in the liver nuclear membrane disintegrates prior to metaphase I
Contraction of muscle cells in the muscles
Synthesis of hormones in the brain cells
Rough Endoplasmic ribosome attached to its surface.
Reticulum manufacture of proteins in the cell. THE CELL CYCLE
involved in the production of antibodies, insulin + transportation of proteins into the smooth
Sub-stage Events
Prophase chromosomes continue to condense
Golgi Apparatus manufacturing, storage + transportation of products from the ER
kinetochores appear at the centromeres
Peroxisome sequester diverse oxidative reactions roles in metabolism
mitotic spindle microtubules attach to kinetochores
reactive oxygen species detoxification
centrosomes move toward opposite poles
Lysosome membranous organelles that contain acidic enzymes (hydrolase enzymes) Metaphase mitotic spindle is fully developed, centrosomes are at opposite poles of the cell
serve to digest various macromolecules chromosomes are lined up at the metaphase plate
Vacuoles Stores enzymes, waste products, water + food each sister chromatid is attached to a spindle fiber originating from opposite poles
If it stores waste, involved in exportation of waste to protect the cell from toxicity Anaphase cohesin proteins binding the sister chromatids together break down
Maintains hydrostatic pressure + pH sister chromatids (now called chromosomes) are pulled toward opposite poles
Cell Membrane Regulates movement in/out of cell non-kinetochore spindle fibers lengthen, elongating the cell
Made up of phospholipid bilayer Telophase chromosomes arrive at opposite poles + begin to decondenese
nuclear envelope material surrounds each set of chromosomes
mitotic spindle breaks down
Cytokinesis Animal cells: a cleavage furrow separates the daughter cells
Plant cells: a cell plate separates the daughter cells


Eukaryotic Cell Prokaryotic Cell Plant Cell Animal cell

Membrane-bound nucleus No membrane-bound nucleus

DNA: double stranded, linear DNA: double stranded, circular Cell Wall No Cell Wall
1 large, central 1 or more smaller
Both have: DNA, Plasma Membrane, Cytoplasm, Ribosomes vacuole vacuoles
Chloroplasts No chloroplasts
Examples of Eukaryotes: Examples of Prokaryotes:
animals, fungus, protozoa, bacteria, archaea,
plants, diatom, dinoflagellates cyanobacteria (blue-green

Mitosis Prokaryotic Cell
1 cell division 2 cell divisions
2 daughter cells 4 daughter cells
Diploid daughter cells (cells are genetically 4 haploid daughter cells (cells are genetically
identical) different)
Creates all body (somatic cells) Creates germ cells (eggs and sperm)
No recombination/crossing-over Recombination/crossing-over
Anaphase: sister chromatids are separated to Anaphase I: sister chromatids move together to the
opposite poles same pole
Anaphase II: sister chromatids are separated to
opposite poles.


Spermatogenesis: Sperm Production Oogenesis: Egg production
Begins at puberty à continues to old age Begins prior to birth (within embryo)
Spermatogonium (diploid) – undergoes Oogonia (diploid) – undergoes mitosis à primary oocytes ( diploid) – process is put
mitosis à Primary spermatocyte (diploid) on hold until puberty
– undergoes meiosis I à Secondary
spermatocyte (haploid) – undergoes II à At puberty: Primary oocytes (haploid)– undergoes meiosis I à secondary oocyte –
Spermatids (haploid) à become motile process is put on hold until fertilization
and matures = sperm cells
At fertilization: secondary oocyte – undergoes meiosis II à egg cell (ovum)
Stages Information Events Products
Classification Type Information
Glycolysis or EMP Location Breakdown of 6 carbon glucose to 3 carbon pyruvate 2 ATP per glucose
(Embden, Meyerhof a. Prokaryote: Cytoplasm molecule Primary: Pump Uniport transports a single species of substrate
and Parnas) b. Eukaryote: Mitochondrial Matrix 10 step process in cytoplasm 2 NADH per glucose
Pathway Aerobic or Anaerobic: No need of O2, will proceed molecule Mediated (charged/uncharged) across a cell membrane
even if O2 is absent or present Cotransport electrochemical gradient generated by active transport
Substrate or Oxidative Phosphorylation: Substrate
Electron Transport Chain: No as an energy source
Enzymes: hexokinase, pyruvate kinase etc.
Electron Donor: NADH move molecules against their gradient
Electron Acceptor: NAD+ does not directly require a chemical source of energy
Products: NADH, Pyruvate
such as ATP
Secondary: Pump Antiport Movement of 2 or more different molecules or ions
mediated Opposite directions
Symport Movement of 2 or more different molecules or ions
Pyruvate Oxidation Location
a. Prokaryote: Cytoplasm Same direction
b. Eukaryote: Mitochondrial Matrix
Aerobic or Anaerobic: Aerobic
Substrate or Oxidative Phosphorylation: Substrate
Electron Transport Chain: No
Enzymes: pyruvate dehydrogenase
Electron- Donor: NADH
Classification Type Information
Electron- Acceptor: NAD+
Products: NADH, Acetyl CoA Facilitated Diffusion: Uniport Carrier Mediated movement of polar molecules such as simple sugars
If oxygen supply is blocked, pyruvate becomes ethanol
or simple carbohydrates and amino acids across the
Anaerobic No oxygen used Ethanol
Respiration Regenerated NAD+ increases affinity to electrons and hydrogens in hydrolysis Lactic Acid
During low oxygen (hypoxemic) state, ex: physical activity Carbon Dioxide
Kreb’s Cycle/Citric Where: Complete glucose breakdown 2 ATP
Channel Mediated when a ion moves across the membrane through a
acid a. Prokaryote – Cytoplasm Pyruvate à Carbon + Oxygen 6 NADH water filled protein channel
cycle/Tricarboxylic b. Eukaryote – Mitochondrial Matrix Liberation carbon + oxygen à CO2 and H2O 2 FADH2
acid cycle Aerobic or Anaerobic: Aerobic Loading of hydrogen and electrons to NAD+ and FAD à
Substrate or Oxidative Phosphorylation: Substrate NADH and FADH2 Simple Diffusion: Free Antiport movement of small or lipophilic molecules (e.g. O2,
Electron Transport Chain: No Acetyl group detaches from co-enzyme A
Products: 6NADH, 2GTP à 2ATP, 2NADH Acetyl group enters reaction cycle CO2, etc.)
Aerobic process, NEEDS O2

Electron Transport Where: Electron carriers excited by electrons + protons from 32 ATP
Chain/Oxidative a. Prokaryote: Plasma Membrane Krebs
Phosphorylation/Ch b. Eukaryote: Mitochondrial Cristae
emiosmosis Aerobic or Anaerobic: Aerobic or Anaerobic Release of energy during electron transfer
Substrate or Oxidative Phosphorylation: Oxidative
Electron Transport Chain: Yes Electron + proton react with oxygen = H2O
Electron Donor:
a. Anaerobic: Inorganic/Organic O2 as last electron acceptor
b. Aerobic: Organic
Electron Acceptor:
a. Anaerobic: Not oxygen
b. Aerobic: Oxygen
Products: ATP

Summary Total of 36-38 ATP


Organ Function Organ Function Organ Function
Spinal cord Main highway for conduction of impulses + Mouth Entry point of food + water towards GI canal
Liver role in digestion by secreting
messages from brain à parts of body and vice Teeth Masticate food materials in mouth bile
Tongue Moves food materials in mouth for mastication detoxifies chemicals and
Pons Connects cerebral cortex + medulla center of Tastes food ingested metabolizes drugs
For coordination of 2 hemispheres Salivary glands Secretes saliva (has salivary amylase or ptyalin – catalyzes Gall Bladder Concentrate and store bile
Medulla Controls involuntary functions: respiration, primary carbohydrate digestion) control the flow of bile into the
digestion, swallowing, sneezing Trachea Passageway for food + air small intestine
Bridges signals from spinal cord to parts of Epiglottis Covers trachea when swallowing food
brain Prevents it from entering respiratory tract
Cerebellum controls balance and aids in coordinating Pancreas Moves
enzymes food
by the exocrineingland
Esophagus Connects mouth to cardiac end of stomach for mastication
in the pancreas help
movement and learning new motor tasks Passageway of bolus to get to stomach via peristalsis break down carbohydrates, fats,
Epithalamus Secretion of melatonin Tastes
proteins,food ingested
and acids in the duodenum

Controls emotions Stomach Mechanical + chemical digestion of food materials ingested

Connects limbic (emotions + memory) system Primary fat digestion

Thalamus gateway to and from the cortex

receives sensory and motor inputs from the Small intestine Absorbs nutrient from stomach through villi Cell Type Secretion Function of Secretion
body Primary lipid digestion
Made of: duodenum, jejunum, ileum Mucin Mucin Protects walls of stomach against
receives feedback from the cortex
Ileum: longest portion neck cells acidic environment
helps regulate consciousness, arousal, and
Activated into mucus when reacted
sleep states.
with water
Hypothalamus Body’s thermostat, regulate: hunger, sleep, Large intestine Absorption of water not absorbed in small intestine
lubrication of the epithelial surfaces
thirst, sexual urges + mating behavior Temporary storage of undigested materials
protection from chemical, physical
controls the endocrine system by sending Rectum Exit point of fecal materials from body impact and microbial damage
signals to the pituitary gland Parietal HCl Activates pepsinogen à pepsin
Cerebrum Controls + regulates perception, thinking Cells Maintains acidity of stomach
Voluntary movement + learning breaks down the food and the
digestive enzymes split up the
acidic gastric juice also kills bacteria
Chief Pepsinogen Reacts with HCl to be activated into
Cells pepsin
Carries out chemical digestion in


Gland Secretion Function of Secretion Gland Secretion Function of Secretion
Testis Testosterone Development of male sex organs + secondary sex Adrenal Cortisol (glucocorticoid) Activates physiological stress response to maintain blood glucose concentration
characteristics gland, cortex Fat mobilization, protein breakdown, carbohydrate formation, glucose à glycogen
Ovary Estrogen Development of female sex organs + secondary sex Augments constriction of blood vessels to maintain blood pressure
Anti-inflammatory pathways
Maturation of follicles
Aldosterone Balance of salt + water in the body
Formation + maintenance of bone tissue (mineralocorticoid) - form Affects blood pressure
the renin–angiotensin–
Contraction of uterine muscles aldosterone system LOW BLOOD PRESSURE: RENIN à activates Angiotensinogen to become Angiotensin I à
Progesterone Secretion of substances from lining of uterus Angiotensin I becomes Angiotensin II à Angiotensin is a vasoconstrictor = raises blood
(endometrium) in preparation for egg implantation in pressure à Angiotensin stimulates aldosterone à Aldosterone affects distal convoluted
uterine wall tubule à Na+ reabsorption + water retention = increase blood pressure
Androgens Growth + development of male reproductive system
Precursors to testosterone + estrogen
Thyroid T3 For cellular metabolism, lipid production, carbohydrate
Pituitary Corticotropin Growth + secretion of cells of adrenal cortex
Gland utilization
Gland, (adrenocorticotropin, ACTH) increases skin pigmentation
CNS + ANS activation anterior lobe
Growth Hormone, GH, Growth of all tissues in body
T4 (thyroxin) For cellular metabolism, lipid production, carbohydrate Somatotropin)
Thyrotropin (Thyroid Secretion of thyroid hormone + growth of thyroid cells
Stimulating Hormone, TSH)
CNS + ANS activation
Adrenal Epinephrine For flight + fight responses Follicle Stimulating Hormone Maturation of egg follicles in female
gland, (adrenaline) Increases heart rate, dilates blood vessels, oxygen delivery FSH Development of spermatozoa in males
medulla to muscle + brain tissue, increase blood glucose
Luteinizing Hormone LH, Rupture of egg follicles in follicles
interstitial cell stimulating Production of progesterone + androgens in females
Norepinephrine For flight + fight responses
(noradrenaline) Increases heart rate, dilates blood vessels, oxygen delivery hormone ICSH Secretion of androgen in males
to muscle + brain tissue, increase blood glucose Prolactin Stimulates + maintains lactation in breastfeeding mothers
Pituitary Oxytocin Stimulates milk ejection/letdown during breastfeeding
Gland, Stimulates uterine muscle contraction during childbirth
Vasopressin, antidiuretic Regulates fluid volume by increasing or decreasing fluid excretion in response to changes
hormone ADH in blood pressure

When you have too little water: ADH à Kidney retains more water in the blood à urine
is more concentrated

When you have too much water: ADH à Kidney removes more water in the blood à
urine is more dilute


Gland Secretion Function of Secretion Endocrine Glands Exocrine Glands Merocrine Apocrine Holocrine
Pituitary Gland, Melanocyte-stimulating Melanin synthesis in skin cells Secretions Secretions Secretions
Ducts are absent Ducts are present
intermediate hormones (MSH) Increase pigmentation Secretion: hormones Secretion: enzymes, mucins, No part of cell is Top of cell is lost Whole cell
lobe May suppress appetite Release hormones directly ions, water lost with the with secretion detaches with
Hypothalamus Corticotrophin releasing Synthesis + secretion of into bloodstream Uses ducts to transport secretion secretion
hormone corticotropin from anterior Target sites are away from secretion
pituitary gland the gland Target sites are close to the
Growth hormone-releasing synthesis + secretion of growth Exhibit delayed response gland Examples: Salivary Examples: Example:
hormone GNRH hormone from anterior because hormones need to Rapid response due to glands mammary gland sebaceous glands
pituitary gland be transported to site of direct release to target
Thyrotropin releasing hormone Synthesis + secretion of action organs
thyrotropin from anterior
pituitary gland Examples: adrenal gland, Example: sweat gland,
May modulate neuronal activity pituitary, ovaries etc. salivary glands, mammary
in brain + spinal cord glands
Gonadotropin releasing Synthesis + secretion of FSH and
hormone LH
Prolactin-inhibiting factor Inhibits section of prolactin
Somatostatin Inhibits secretion of Growth
hormone, glucagon and GI
Pancreatic Islets Glucagon Released by ALPHA cells
of Langerhans Maintains blood glucose
Release of glucose from liver
Insulin Released by BETA cells
Stimulates glucose uptake
Storage of glucose in adipose,
muscle + liver
Parathyroid Parathyroid hormone Increases serum calcium
Gland (PTH) (parathormone) concentration from bone tissue

Calcitonin Decreases calcium

concentration in blood
Promotes uptake of calcium in
bone tissue
Hemoglobin: Red Hemerythrin: Violet Hemocyanin: Blue Chlorocruorin: Green Cell Type Function Location
Osteogenic Cells Develop in osteoblast Deep layers of periosteum and
Bright red: oxygenated Purple: oxygenated Light blue: oxygenated Green: oxygenated +
state state state deoxygenated
Dull red: unoxygenated Colorless: Colorless: unoxygenated Has iron that binds to Osteoblast Bone formation Growing portions of bone
state unoxygenated state state oxygen (periosteum and endosteum)
Has iron that binds to Has iron that binds to Has copper that binds to Can bind to 3 oxygen Osteocytes Maintain mineral concentration of Entrapped in matrix
oxygen oxygen oxygen molecule matrix
Can bind to 4 oxygen Can bind to 1 oxygen Can bind to 1 oxygen Osteoclasts Bone resorption (break down the Bone surfaces, sites of
molecules molecule molecule tissue in bones and release the old/injured/unneeded bone


Humoral Immunity Cell-Mediated Immunity Cytotoxic T Cell (CD8) Helper T Cells (CD4) Suppressor T Cells B cells
Main cells: B-lymphocytes, produce and mature Main cells: T-lymphocytes, produced in bone marrow
Kill virus infected and Help cytotoxic T cells and B Turn off immune system Produce antibodies
in bone marrow and mature in thymus gland
damage cells cells in immune function once pathogen has been
Involves antibody Does not involve antibody production
Pathogens killed by antibodies Pathogens killed by killer T cells
Gain immunity by administering antibodies of Gain immunity by administering T cells of someone
someone that has been exposed and survived that has been exposed and survived


Kingdom Prokaryotic/ Cell Type Cell Wall Information/Examples Domain Prokaryotic/E Chromosom Cell Membrane Cell wall Info/Examples
Eukaryotic ukaryotic e Type
Animalia Eukaryotic Multicellular Absent Fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Eukarya Eukaryotic Linear Ester linkages Carbohydrate- animals, plants, fungi
Plantae Eukaryotic Multicellular Unicellular Phototrophic based
Trees, plants, vegetation
Bacteria Prokaryotic Circular Ester linkages Peptidoglycan Mycoplasma, cyanobacteria,
Fungi Eukaryotic Multicellular Present Heterotrophic gram positive and negative
Yeasts, moulds, mushrooms, toadstools bacteria
Protista Eukaryotic Unicellular Absent Euglena, paramecium, giant kelp
Archaea Prokaryotic Circular Ester linkages more Pseudo- Live in extreme environments
Monera Prokaryotic Unicellular Absent E. coli, anthrax, helicobacter pylori stable and unique peptidoglycan
Disorder Cause Information Enzyme Function Conjugation Transformation Transduction
Trisomy 21 third copy of chromosome 21 Low IQ
(Down Short and broad hands Helicase Unwinds DNA double helix
Syndrome) Below average height Transfer of plasmids Uptake of free Transfer of
Trisomy 18 third copy of chromosome 18 Small size Topoisomerase Relieves tension stress on
unzipped DNA (circular DNA) through DNA from DNA by
(Edwards Elongated skull cell-to-cell contact environment bacteriophag
Syndrome) Low-set ears Prevents supercooling
Mental and developmental retardation Primase Lays down RNA primers
Trisomy 13 third copy of chromosome 13 Cleft lip and palate
(Patau Small eyes DNA polymerase III Main DNA synthesis enzyme
Syndrome) Mental and developmental retardation DNA polymerase I Replaces RNA primers with DNA
Polydactyly (extra fingers/toes)
Turner Missing one X chromosome Affects females Ligase Fills in gaps
Syndrome (X) Growth failure Joins Okazaki fragments
Ovaries fail to develop properly
Webbed neck
Intelligence is normal but may be affected
Klinefelter One extra X chromosome Affects males
Syndrome Tall stature X-Linked Dominant X-Linked Recessive
(XXY) Small testes
Affected males (more common) Affected males (more common)
Lack of secondary male sex characteristics
Speech and language delays Carrier Females or Affected Carrier Females or Affected
Jacob’s One extra Y chromosome Very tall females females
Syndrome Learning and behavioral problems (impulsivity) Disease does not skip of Disease skips of generations
(XYY) Misconception: those with this disease were generations
thought to be overly aggressive and lack
Thalassemia Changes in the HBB gene decreased hemoglobin production Autosomal Dominant Autosomal Recessive
may cause mild anemia
Cystic Fibrosis mutations in the cystic fibrosis CFTR protein unable to help move chloride to
transmembrane conductance the cell surface. Both males and females can Both males and females can
regulator (CFTR) gene cause the Mucus in various organs becomes thick and have the disease have the disease
CFTR protein to become sticky. Disease does not skip of Disease skips of generations
dysfunctional Affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat and generations
digestive juices
Tay-Sachs deficiency of an enzyme destruction of nerve cells in the brain and spinal
Disease (hexosaminidase A) results in cord.
excessive accumulation of certain
fats (lipids) known as gangliosides
in the brain and nerve cells
Sickle Cell mutation in the hemoglobin-Beta Insufficient amount of healthy red blood cells to
Anemia gene found on chromosome 11 carry oxygen throughout the body


Plant Cell Structure Function Plant Tissue System Information INDEPENDENT
Parenchymal Cube shaped, loosely Photosynthesis Tissue Light Dependent Reaction Light Independent
packed Cellular respiration Apical Have meristematic tissue at tips of stems and roots Reaction
Thin walled Storage Meristem Allows plant to extend in length
Unspecialized Lateral Growth in thickness or girth of maturing plant
Meristema Meristem Converts light energy to Make sugar using
Contain chloroplasts chemical energy (ATP and carbon dioxide and
tic Tissues Intercalary Occur only in monocots (bases of lea blades + notes)
Meristem Allows monocot leaf blade to increase length from leaf basE NADP) energy containing
Collenchymal Elongated Support and wind Produces oxygen as waste products of light
Irregularly thickened walls resistance Ex: allows lawn grass to elongate after mowing
product reaction
Dermal Tissue Covers and protects the plant
Ground Tissue Site for photosynthesis
Sclerenchymal Thick cell walls Support and strength Permanent Supporting matrix for vascular tissue
Contain lignin End product: ATP + End product: C6H12O6
Tissue Helps store water and sugar
NADPH + O2 + ADP + P + NADP+
Vascular Tissue Transports water, minerals and sugars
Hormones Where Produced or Found in Plant Functions PHOTOSYNTHESIS VS. RESPIRATION
Auxin (IAA) embryo or seed, apical meristems, young leaves Stimulate stem elongation, root growth, dev. Of fruit,
apical dominance & differentiation Photosynthesis Respiration
H2O + CO2 + Light à O2 + glucose O2 + glucose à H2O + CO2 + ATP
Cytokinin (Zeatin) Synthesized in roots & transported to other Cell division & growth root & diff. germination Anabolic process Catabolic process
organs flowering Energy is trapped Energy is released
Gibberellins Apical bud meristem, young leaves, embryo Promote seed & bud germination, stem elongation, Occurs in plants with green pigment Occurs in plants and animals
flowering fruit development Occurs during day Occurs during day and night
Abscisic Acid Leaves, stems & green fruit Inhibits growth, closes stomata, counteracts breaking Needs presence of catalyst (chlorophyll) Does not need catalyst
of dormancy Organelle: chloroplast Organelle: mitochondria
Ethylene Tissues of ripening fruits, nodes of stem, Promotes fruit ripening, opposes some auxin effects
senescent leaves and flowers

Long Day Plants Short Day Plants C3 Plants C4 Plants CAM Plants
Occurs in: Most plants Occurs in: tropical Occurs in: succulents,
Flowers if night is shorter Flowers if night exceeds Fix carbon in Carbon Cycle: grasses (corn, sugar pineapple, agave
than critical dark period critical dark period Attach CO2 to RuBP cane) Fix carbon at night: fixed to
brief flash of light would Flash of light would interrupt Enzyme: Rubisco Fix carbon in cytoplasm: organic molecules
interrupt long dark period to dark period to prevent Loses water through attach CO2 to PEP Enzyme: PEP
induce flowering flowering photrespiration Enzyme: PEP Loses least water: best water
Loses less water conservation


Biome Precipitation Vegetation Biome Information Biome Information

Tropical Wet with seasonal pattern Productivity is high Intertidal where the ocean meets the land
Zone/Littoral sometimes submerged, sometimes Littoral Zone topmost zone near the shore of a lake or pond
Rainforest Nutrients taken up quickly by vegetation
Zone exposed warmest because it’s shallow
Has the most biodiversity
Neritic Zone includes those waters further from the
open ocean. Limnetic Zone near-surface open water surrounded by the
Dessert Extremely dry Sparse vegetation Pelagic Zone water in this region is very cold littoral zone
highly pressured, high in oxygen content, well lit
Savannah Distinct wet and dry Trees drop leaves during dry season
but low in nutritional content
seasons Produces new leaves during wet season
Benthic Zone consists of sand, slit, and/or dead
Euphotic layer closer to the surface that receives enough
Zone light for photosynthesis to occur
Chaparral Rainy winters 12 month growing season does not include the very deepest parts
Plant growth constrained by low of the ocean Oligotrophic few nutrients present and primary productivity is
priceipitation Abyssal Zone water in this region is very cold Lakes low
highly pressured, high in oxygen content, Eutrophic abundant nutrients present and primary
Taiga Low precipitation Coniferous evergreen trees Lakes productivity is high
but low in nutritional content
Tundra Very little, but enough to Tree-less
support some plant Low growing
Relationship Organism 1 Organism 2 Example
Mutualism (+) (+) Mycorrhizae, termite + cellulose
Primary Succession Secondary Succession R Selection K Selection
(Symbiosis) degrading organism
Soil must be formed before Soil already present
plants can grow Occur after forest fire Unstable environment Stable environment
Occurs after lava cools and Pioneer species: grasses Small size of organisms Large size of organism Parasitism (+) (-) Endoparasitism (intestinal worms)
hardens into rock Presence of previous life Many offspring produced Less offspring produced Ectoparasitism (ticks, lice)
Pioneer species: lichens + (where organisms lived Short life expectancy Long life expectancy
moss previously) Early maturity Late maturity
No previous life Occur after land is cleared by Individual reproduces only Individual reproduces more Predation (+) (-) Eagles + rats
Occurs after glacier retreats, humans once than once
Commensalism (+) 0 Epiphytes + trees
exposing rock
Results in climax community Competition (+)/(-) (+)/(-) Plants in a pot
Occurs over long period of time Fish in aquarium
Shrubs and small trees grow

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