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LMS Affects Teaching Effectiveness: Depending on LMS Platforms, Lecturer

Qualification, and Lecturer Age

Article · June 2023

DOI: 10.23960/jpp.v13.i2.202341


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2 authors, including:

Calvin Mamahit
Universitas Negeri Manado, Indonesia, Tondano


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Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 682-697, 2023 DOI: 10.23960/jpp.v13.i2.202341

Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif

e-ISSN: 2550-1313 | p-ISSN: 2087-9849

LMS Affects Teaching Effectiveness: Depending on LMS Platforms,

Lecturer Qualification, and Lecturer Age
Djami Olii1, Christine Manoppo2, Calvin Mamahit3,*, & Metri Abast4
Department of Electrical Engineering Education, State University of Manado, Indonesia
Department of ICT Education, State University of Manado, Indonesia
Department of Building Engineering Education, State University of Manado, Indonesia
*Corresponding email: calvinmamahit@unima.ac.id

Received: 26 February 2023 Accepted: 29 April 2023 Published: 25 June 2023

Abstract: LMS Affects Teaching Effectiveness: Depending on LMS Platforms, Lecturer
Qualification, and Lecturer Age. The ability of lecturers to manage the LMS affects the effectiveness
of their teaching. Each LMS platform has differences in the user interface and the available features.
Educational qualifications and the age of lecturers affect the mastery of LMS applications. So, the
type of LMS platform, educational qualifications, and age of the lecturers affect teaching effectiveness.
Objective: This study aims to examine the effects and comparisons between the three groups. Methods:
The comparison of the LMS platform group consists of Moodle and Google Classroom; the educational
qualification group consists of master’s and doctoral degrees; and the age group is  45 years and > 45
years. Findings: The analysis results with the three-way ANOVA found that the three groups had an
interaction effect of 74% on the effectiveness of their teaching. Conclusion: LMS Moodle, doctoral
educational qualifications, and younger lecturers ( 45 years) have a higher average of lecturer teaching
Keywords: LMS, learning management system, lecturer qualification, lecturer age, teaching

Abstrak: LMS Mempengaruhi Keefektifan Mengajar: Bergantung pada Platform, Kualifikasi

Pendidikan, dan Usia Dosen. Kemampuan dosen dalam mengelola LMS berpengaruh terhadap
keefektifan pengajarannya. Tiap platform LMS memiliki perbedaan baik dari user interfacenya
maupun pada fitur yang tersedia. Kualifikasi pendidikan dan usia dosen mempengaruhi penguasaan
aplikasi LMS. Jadi, baik itu jenis platform LMS, kualifikasi pendidikan, dan usia dosen adalah
berpengaruh terhadap keefektifan pengajaran. Tujuan: Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh dan
perbandingan di antara ketiga kelompok itu. Metode: Komparasi Kelompok platfom LMS terdiri
dari Moodle dan Google Classroom, kelompok kualifikasi pendidikan terdiri dari magister dan
doktor, dan kelompok usia terdiri dari  45 tahun dan >45 tahun. Temuan: Hasil analisis dengan
Anova Tiga Jalan ditemukan bahwa ketiga kelompok secara bersama memiliki pengaruh interaksi
sebesar 74,1% terhadap keefektifan pengajarannya. Kesimpulan: dari hasil penelitian ini adalah
LMS Moodle, kualifikasi pendidikan doktor, dan dosen yang lebih muda ( 45 tahun) memiliki
rata-rata yang lebih tinggi terhadap keefektifan pengajaran dosen.

Kata kunci: LMS, sistem manajemen pembelajaran, kualifikasi pendidikan, usia dosen, keefektifan

To cite this article:

Olii, D., Manoppo, C., Mamahit, C., & Abast, M. (2023). LMS Affects Teaching Effectiveness:
Depending on LMS Platforms, Lecturer Qualification, and Lecturer Age. Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif,
13(2), 682-697. doi: 10.23960/jpp.v13.i2.202341.

Olii et al., LMS Affects Teaching Effectiveness: Depending on LMS Platforms... 683

 INTRODUCTION LMS with platforms Moodle, Schoology, Quizlet,

The blended learning model became Canvas, Edmodo, and Google Classroom. Each
widespread and mandatory during the Covid-19 LMS has a different complexity and user interface
pandemic when conventional learning in the experience (Kasim & Khalid, 2016). According
classroom became impossible because students to the author, Google Classroom is the simplest
and educators had to stay at home for a long and easiest because users are accustomed to using
time (Mali & Lim, 2021). In these conditions, Google platform applications on Android devices
well-organized blended learning is needed, not and PCs.
just using online applications and spontaneous Moodle LMS is a platform that provides
teaching from educators. All synchronous and everything needed for an LMS, such as account
asynchronous learning activities must be registration, personalization, access
accommodated in blended learning (Cuesta differentiation, learning process management,
Medina, 2018). The whole learning process can recording learning outcomes and evaluation
and is easy to implement in blended learning results, integration with synchronous and
applications. To manage all learning activities and asynchronous mechanisms, and integration with
resources, it is better if these blended learning external information systems (Kerimbayev et al.,
activities are managed in an integrated online 2017). Moodle stands for Modular Object-
application (Suartama et al., 2019). This Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.
integrated blended learning application is Moodle can be a Course Management System
commonly known as the Learning Management (CMS) where online learning classes can be
System (LMS) (Holmes & Prieto-Rodriguez, designed and presented with quality (Saraswat,
2018). 2014). Moodle allows a virtual educational
LMS was developed from information and environment where interactive communication
communication technology (ICT) with computer features are available among learners
media or gadgets connected in a network. LMS (Kerimbayev et al., 2020). The Moodle LMS-
is a software platform delivered to users based e-learning system enables the integration
(learners) by instructors via the internet and by of mobile technology into the educational process
using some hardware, to transfer knowledge and the implementation of the Mobile Learning
quickly in an educational management cycle, Management System (MLMS) (Zabolotniaia et
which involves data and information (Dobre, al., 2020).
2015). In higher education, LMS is an essential Google Classroom is a Google Apps for
component of a college. Most universities with Education (GAFE) application that can be used
good management already have an integrated as an LMS because its features support learning
LMS, and some are still in the development stage. management. There is support for synchronous
Although many universities already have an learning (Google Meet) and asynchronous with
integrated LMS, using an LMS is not an easy Google Drive Cloud support and Google Forms.
thing for some lecturers (Munir, 2010). This is The app provides a central location for
because the level of ICT mastery varies among communicating with students, asking questions,
the lecturers themselves (Polla, 2010). Although and creating assignments. Google Classroom
many lecturers master ICT well, some LMS helps facilitate online learning for today’s digital
platforms’ user interface is indeed rather complex learners (Ketut Sudarsana et al., 2019). With
(Aldiab et al., 2019). LMS commonly used are Google Classroom, teachers can uniquely set up
684 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 682-697, August 2023

virtual classrooms as a blended learning model. result, the question of whether using LMS in
Some of the advantages of Google Classroom learning is always effective arises (Imbar & Mesra,
are: easy to use, time-saving, cloud-based, 2022). What factors influence teaching
flexible, accessible, and of course, mobile-friendly effectiveness? The author tries to examine this
(Iftakhar, 2016). Although the user interface of problem by making teaching lecturers research
Google Classroom is straightforward, there are objects.
still many educators who find it challenging to There are seven effective teaching practices
apply it in their learning (Azhar & Iqbal, 2018). (Mctighe & O’connor, 2005), namely: (i) using
In previous studies, it turns out that there summative assessment to frame learning
are differences in teaching effectiveness in the objectives, (ii) submitting learning contracts and
application of different LMS. Several LMS evaluation criteria, (iii) conducting pre-teaching
platforms are found to be more effective and have assessments, (iv) offering appropriate learning
a more positive effect on learning outcomes when content, models and methods, (v) provide
these LMS are compared (Yana & Adam, 2019). feedback, (vi) encourage students to conduct self-
Some users (learners) consider specific LMS easy assessment to achieve learning objectives, and
to use, while others consider other LMS quite (vii) encourage students to correct their failures
challenging (Sudiana, 2016). Online learning with with better achievements. Educators apply these
LMS becomes effective if learning components teaching practices in an LMS based on blended
such as discursive, adaptive, interactive, and learning. In practice, there can be differences
reflective are integrated into one digital learning between teaching effectiveness in different LMSs,
ecosystem (Oktavian & Aldya, 2020). In general, especially in comparing the use of Moodle and
it was found that the LMS-based online learning Google Classroom. The mastery ability of
process during the Covid-19 pandemic was quite educators in using Moodle and Google LMS can
effective. However, there were some barriers to also vary, so the effectiveness of teaching with
social interaction and technical problems with the LMS can also be different. The ability of
network not being fully prepared (Abidin et al., educators to use LMS is determined mainly by
2020). The thing that needs to be researched is the mastery of information and communication
the effectiveness of the teaching staff and the technology (ICT). The higher the mastery of ICT,
readiness and ability of educators to apply LMS the more influential the teaching applied by
in their learning. Among the LMS widely used by educators through LMS.
educators, namely Moodle and Google This research aims to examine the difference
Classroom, it can be studied which one is between teaching effectiveness on the use of LMS
more effective if viewed from the side of the by Unima lecturers. The comparison made is on
educators. the use of the Moodle LMS and the Google
Some of the issues encountered in learning Classroom LMS because most Unima lecturers
at Manado State University (in Indonesian use the two LMS (Lensun et al., 2021). Some
abbreviation as Unima) include different student use Moodle-based Unima LMS, and some only
perceptions of using LMS in learning in each of use Google Classroom. The two groups will be
their courses (Lensun et al., 2021). A phenomenon assessed for their teaching effectiveness through
is found where some LMS content considered indicators of teaching effectiveness using LMS,
good is perceived as mediocre from the student’s where the effectiveness of teaching using LMS
point of view. There is also a tendency for students depends on the educational qualifications and age
not to like learning using the LMS so much. As a of the lecturers.
Olii et al., LMS Affects Teaching Effectiveness: Depending on LMS Platforms... 685

 METHODS lecturers are the research samples. All of them

Participants are spread across all faculties at Unima.
Sixteen lecturers were randomly taken The group arrangement uses the Three-
from each sub-group of samples from each Way ANOVA design, as shown in Table
sample group. It means that in all, 128 Unima 1.

Table 1. Factors group of respondents

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

Research Design and Procedures Instrument

This study is a quantitative study with a Data collection in this study was by using a
comparative design between three sample groups questionnaire (Setyosari, 2016). The
in the lecturer population of Unima. The three questionnaire distributed contained fifty
sample groups can be seen in Table 2. instruments divided into eight indicators of the
This research was carried out for 4 months, effectiveness of using LMS by lecturers. The eight
following the schedule from LPPM (the research indicators of the effectiveness of using LMS by
institute) at Unima in 2022, from January to April. lecturers are: using summative assessment to

Table 2. Research sample group

LMS Platform Lecturer Education Lecturer Age
Used by Lecturers (A) Qualification (B) (C)
Google Master Doctor ≤ 45 > 45
(Unima LMS)
Classroom (A2) (B1) (B2) (C1) (C2)

frame learning objectives; submitting learning encourage students to correct their failures
contracts and evaluation criteria; conducting with better achievements; and mastering
assessments before teaching; offering appropriate information and communication technology
learning content, models and methods; providing (ICT) in supporting the use of LMS.
feedback; encouraging students to conduct self- These indicators can be seen in Table
assessment to achieve learning objectives; 3.

Table 3. Indicators and number of instrument items

Number of
No. Indicators
Instrument Items
1 Using summative assessment to frame learning objectives 6
2 Submit learning contracts and evaluation criteria 7
3 Conduct assessments before teaching 4
4 Offer appropriate learning content, models, and methods 7
5 Give feedback 6
6 Encourage students to conduct self-assessments to achieve
686 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 682-697, August 2023

5 Give feedback 6
6 Encourage students to conduct self-assessments to achieve
learning goals
7 Encourage students to correct their failures with better
8 Mastery of ICT in supporting the use of LMS 10
Total items of the instrument 50

The results of the instrument item test Smirnov or Shapiro-Wilk. In contrast, the
showed that all of the instrument items were valid homogeneity test looks at the output of the
and reliable. This test was carried out on 32 statistical significance of Levene. All output of
lecturers at the Manado State Polytechnic. All significant values is more than 0.05. The research
instrument items were tested to be valid after the data are normally distributed and homogeneous.
results of r arithmetic were more significant than
the r table for n = 32 (r = .51 for a significance  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
level of 5%). The instrument’s item validity test The quantitative questionnaire data obtained
results were obtained using the correlation were normally distributed and homogeneous.
function in Ms. Excel. The r count was obtained Value of Sig. (p-value) for all variables on the
from the correlation between the instrument’s item normality test results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov and
value and the total value. The instrument was Shapiro-Wilk are more than .05. In Table 5, it
tested to be reliable with a Cronbach’s Alpha can be seen that the value of Sig. (p-value) of the
value of more than .60. The Cronbach’s alpha Moodle-based LMS is .20, and the p-value of
value of the instrument obtained by reliability Shapiro-Wilk is .24. For Google Classroom LMS
analysis using SPSS was 0.974 out of 50 .20 and .22. For lecturers with master’s education
instrument items. qualifications are .12 and .16. For lecturers with
doctoral education qualifications of .20 and .56.
Data analysis For lecturers aged less than 45 years are .20 and
The data were analyzed using the Three- .12. For lecturers who are more than 45 years
Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). There are old are .20 and .40. Similarly, the results of the
three main effects: A (the LMS platform used by homogeneity test of the data obtained that the
the lecturer), B (the educational qualification of value of Sig. (p-value) is more than .05, as shown
the lecturer), and C (the age of the lecturer). in Table 6. In Levene Statistics .91, the p-value is
There are also two interactions in the Three-Way .51. This means the research data meets the
ANOVA design (Vik, 2014). First, the main requirements for analysis with the Three-Way
effect pairs (A*B, A*C, and B*C). Second is ANOVA.
the interaction of mutual influence (AB*C, AC*B, From the results of descriptive analysis, the
BC*A, and A*B*C). The data analyzed by data in Table 7 shows that the average teaching
ANOVA must be data that is usually distributed effectiveness of lecturers who use the Moodle
and homogeneous. Therefore, it is necessary to LMS platform is 78.33, and those who use
make a normality test and a homogeneity test of Google Classroom are 60.00. Meanwhile, the
the data first. The normality and homogeneity tests average teaching effectiveness of lecturers with
use SPSS assistance, where the normality test master’s education qualifications is 65.42, and
looks at the output of the significant value of those with doctoral qualifications are 72.92.
Olii et al., LMS Affects Teaching Effectiveness: Depending on LMS Platforms... 687

Table 4. Tests of normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Learning Effectiveness
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
LMS Platform Moodle-based LMS .15 24 .20 .95 24 .24
Used by Lecturers Google Classroom .13 24 .20* .95 24 .22
Lecturer Education Master .16 24 .12 .94 24 .16
Qualification Doctor .10 24 .20* .97 24 .56
≤ 45 years .14 24 .20* .93 24 .12
Lecturer Age
> 45 years .13 24 .20* .96 24 .40

Table 5. The results of the homogeneity test

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.91 7 40 .51

Likewise, the average teaching effectiveness of Classroom. Lecturers with doctoral qualifications
lecturers aged less than 45 years is 74.58, and have higher teaching effectiveness than lecturers
those aged more than 45 years are 63.75. with master’s qualifications. Furthermore,
In general, the teaching effectiveness of lecturers who are less than 45 years old have
lecturers who use the Moodle platform LMS is higher teaching effectiveness than lecturers who
higher than that of lecturers who use Google are more than 45 years old.

Table 6. Mean value of each group

Teaching Effectiveness
LMS Platform Lecturer Education
Lecturer Age
Used by Lecturers Qualification
Moodle LMS Google Classroom Doctor Master <= 45 years > 45 years
78,33 60.00 72.92 65.42 74.58 63.75

The primary influence and interaction effect qualifications, and the age of the lecturers affect
analysis results can be seen in Table 8. If the p- the effectiveness of lecturers’ teaching.
value is less than .05, then H0 is rejected, and if Table 8 also shows the effect of A*B, A*C,
it is more than .05, then H0 is accepted. For F = B*C, and A*B*C interactions. FAB = .15 with
70,66, the p-value is .00, which means that the a p-value = .70, which means that there is no
type of LMS platform used by the lecturer affects interaction effect between the types of LMS
the effectiveness of teaching. For F = 11.83, the platforms used by lecturers and the educational
p-value is .00, which means that the educational qualifications of lecturers on teaching
qualifications of the lecturers affect the effectiveness. FAC = 5.26 with a p-value = .03,
effectiveness of their teaching. For F = 24,67, which means that there is an interaction effect
the p-value is .00, which means that the age of between the types of LMS platforms used by
the lecturer also affects the effectiveness of the lecturers and the age of the lecturers on the
teaching. This means that the three variables (the effectiveness of teaching. In another sense, the
type of LMS platform used, educational type of LMS platform used by the lecturer affects
688 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 682-697, August 2023

the effectiveness of teaching, depending on the teaching. This first finding can be called the
age of the lecturer and vice versa. FBC = 1.31 primary influence. The subsequent finding in the
with a p-value = .26, which means that there is results of the analysis of Table 8 is the so-called
no interaction effect between the educational interaction effect. The result is that the type of
qualifications of the lecturers and the age of the LMS platform used by the lecturers and the
lecturers on the effectiveness of teaching. FABC educational qualifications of the lecturers have no
= 10,58 with a p-value = .02, which means an interaction effect on the effectiveness of teaching.
interaction effect between the type of LMS The same thing with educational qualifications and
platform used by the lecturer, the lecturer’s age of lecturers do not have an interaction effect
educational qualification, and the lecturer’s age on teaching effectiveness. However, the
on the effectiveness of teaching. The magnitude relationship between the type of lecturer’s LMS
of the influence of the LMS platform type used, platform and the age of the lecturer turned out to
the lecturers’ educational qualifications, the have an interaction effect on teaching
lecturers’ age, and the interaction between the effectiveness. The three factors also turned out
three variables are equal to the R Squared value to affect the teaching effectiveness by 74%.
in Table 8, which is .74. In the Corrected Model row in Table 8, F
The findings from the results of the analysis = 16.35 with p-value = .00 means that H0 is
in Table 8 are all group variables of these factors, rejected because p-value < .05. Thus, there is
namely: the type of LMS platform used by the an average difference between the eight groups.
lecturer, the educational qualification of the Because testing the interaction effect hypothesis
lecturer, and the age of the lecturer, all three of is significant, it must be continued with a simple
which affect the effectiveness of the lecturer’s effect test.

Tabel 7. Tests of between-subjects effects

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 6533.33a 7 933.33 16.35 .00
Intercept 229633.33 1 229633.33 4022.77 .00
A 4033.33 1 4033.33 70.66 .00
B 675.00 1 675.00 11.83 .00
C 1408.33 1 1408.33 24.67 .00
A*B 8.33 1 8.33 .15 .70
A*C 300.00 1 300.00 5.26 .03
B*C 75.00 1 75.00 1.31 .26
A*B*C 33.33 1 33.33 10.58 .02
a. R Squared = .74 (Adjusted R Squared = .70)

Tabel 8. Contrast tests

Value of Std. Sig. (2-
Contrast t df
Contrast Error tailed)
A1B1C1 x A2B1C1 22.50 4.36 5.16 40 .00
A1B1C2 x A2B1C2 15.83 4.36 3.63 40 .00
A1B2C1 x A2B2C1 24.17 4.36 5.54 40 .00
ABC xABC 10.83 4.36 2.48 40 .02
Olii et al., LMS Affects Teaching Effectiveness: Depending on LMS Platforms... 689

A1B2C1 x A2B2C1 24.17 4.36 5.54 40 .00

A1B2C2 x A2B2C2 10.83 4.36 2.48 40 .02
A1B1C1 x A1B2C1 -5.83 4.36 -1.34 40 .19
Assume A1B1C2 x A1B2C2 -7.50 4.36 -1.72 40 .09
Effectiveness A2B1C1 x A2B2C1 -4.17 4.36 -0.96 40 .35
A2B1C2 x A2B2C2 -12.50 4.36 -2.87 40 .01
A1B1C1 x A1B1C2 16.67 4.36 3.82 40 .00
A1B2C1 x A1B2C2 15.00 4.36 3.44 40 .00
A2B1C1 x A2B1C2 10.00 4.36 2.29 40 .03
A2B2C1 x A2B2C2 1.67 4.36 .38 40 .70

The simple effect test analysis is divided into teaching effectiveness of lecturers using Moodle
three parts, namely simple effect A (type of LMS LMS was higher than lecturers using Google
platform used by lecturers, simple effect B Classroom LMS for lecturers with doctoral
(lecturer’s education qualification), and simple qualifications and aged less than 45 years. Fourth,
effect C (lecturer’s age). Each simple effect the difference between A1 and A2 in B2C2. In
section has four different factors. So, the total Table 9, t = 2.48; df = 40; p-value = .02/2 =
factor, there are twelve differences (see Table 9). .01; then p-value < .05 so H0 is rejected. Thus,
it was found that the teaching effectiveness of
Simple Effect A (Type of LMS Platform Used lecturers using Moodle LMS was higher than
by Lecturers) lecturers using Google Classroom LMS for
First the difference between A1 and A2 in lecturers with doctoral qualifications and aged
B1C1. Contrast tests in Table 9, t = 5,16; df = over 45 years.
40; p-value = .00/2 = .00; then p-value < .05 so From the four simple effects A (the type of
H0 is rejected. Thus, it was found that the teaching LMS platform used by lecturers), it was found
effectiveness of lecturers who used the Moodle that the teaching effectiveness of lecturers using
LMS was higher than that of the lecturers who Moodle was higher than lecturers using Google
used the Google Classroom LMS for lecturers Classroom for both categories of lecturers’
with master’s education qualifications and aged educational qualifications (master and doctoral)
less than 45 years. Second is the difference and all ages of lecturers. In this study, lecturers
between A1 and A2 in B1C2. In Table 9, t = who used Moodle had better teaching
3,63; df = 40; p-value = .00/2 = .00; then p- effectiveness than lecturers who used Google
value < .05 so H0 is rejected. Thus, it was found Classroom.
that the teaching effectiveness of lecturers who
used the Moodle LMS was higher than that of Simple Effect B (Lecturer Education
the lecturers who used the Google Classroom Qualification)
LMS for lecturers with master’s education First the difference between B1 and B2 in
qualifications and over 45 years of age. A1C1. Contrast tests in Table 9, t =-1,34; df =
The third is the difference between A1 and 40; p-value = .19/2 = .095; then p-value > .05
A2 in B2C1. Contrast tests in Table 9, t = 5,54; so H0 is accepted. Thus, it was found that there
df = 40; p-value = .00/2 = .00; then p-value < was no difference in teaching effectiveness
.05 so H0 is rejected. Thus, it was found that the between lecturers with master’s qualifications and
690 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 682-697, August 2023

lecturers with doctoral qualifications for lecturers had higher teaching effectiveness than lecturers
who used Moodle LMS and who were less than with master’s qualifications. This is also found in
45 years old. Second is the difference between lecturers who use the Moodle LMS or Google
B1 and B2 in A1C2. In Table 9, t = -1.72; df = Classroom LMS.
40; p-value = .09/2 = .045; then p-value < .05
so H0 is rejected. Thus, it was found that there Simple Effect C (Lecturer Age)
were differences in teaching effectiveness First the difference between C1 and C2 in
between lecturers with doctoral qualifications and A1B1. Contrast tests in Table 9, t = 3.82; df =
lecturers with master’s qualifications. The teaching 40; p-value =.00/2 = .00; then p-value < .05 so
effectiveness of lecturers with doctoral H0 is rejected. Thus, it was found that the teaching
qualifications is higher than lecturers with master’s effectiveness of lecturers aged less than 45 years
qualifications for lecturers who use Moodle LMS was higher than lecturers aged more than 45 years
and are more than 45 years old. for lecturers who used Moodle LMS and who
The third is the difference between B1 and had master’s education qualifications. Second is
B2 in A2C1. Contrast tests in Table 9, t = -.96; the difference between C1 and C2 in A1B2. In
df = 40; p-value = .35/2 = .175; then p-value > Table 9, t = 3.44; df = 40; p-value = .00/2 =
.05 so H0 is accepted. Thus, it was found that .00; then p-value < .05 so H0 is rejected. Thus,
there is no difference in teaching effectiveness it was found that the teaching effectiveness of
between lecturers with master’s qualifications and lecturers aged less than 45 years was higher than
lecturers with doctoral qualifications for lecturers lecturers aged more than 45 years for lecturers
who use the LMS Google Classroom and those who used Moodle LMS and who had doctoral
who are less than 45 years old. Fourth, the qualifications.
difference between B1 and B2 in A2C2. In Table The third is the difference between C1 and
9, t = -2.87; df = 40; p-value = .01/2 = .005; C2 in A2B1. Contrast tests in Table 9, t = 2,29;
then p-value < .05 so H0 is rejected. Thus, it df = 40; p-value = .03/2 = .015; then p-value <
was found that there were differences in teaching .05 so H0 is rejected. Thus, it was found that the
effectiveness between lecturers with doctoral teaching effectiveness of lecturers aged less than
qualifications and lecturers with master’s 45 years was higher than lecturers aged more
qualifications. The teaching effectiveness of than 45 years for lecturers who used the LMS
lecturers with doctoral qualifications is higher than Google Classroom and who had master’s
lecturers with master’s qualifications for lecturers education qualifications. Fourth, the difference
who use the Google Classroom LMS and are between C1 and C2 in A2B2. In Table 9, t =
more than 45 years old. 0.38; df = 40; p-value = .70/2 = .35; then p-
There are two simple effects B (lecturer’s value > .05 so H0 is accepted. Thus, it was found
educational qualifications), which found no that there was no difference in teaching
difference in teaching effectiveness between effectiveness between lecturers aged less than 45
lecturers with master’s and doctoral education years and lecturers aged more than 45 years for
qualifications, and those aged less than 45 years. lecturers who used the Google Classroom LMS
This is found in lecturers who use the Moodle and those with doctoral qualifications.
LMS or Google Classroom LMS. For all lecturers From the results obtained on the simple
who are more than 45 years old, it was found in effect of C (age of lecturers), for lecturers with
this study that lecturers with doctoral qualifications doctoral qualifications and using the LMS Google
Olii et al., LMS Affects Teaching Effectiveness: Depending on LMS Platforms... 691

Classroom, at all ages of lecturers, it was found All learning content (documents, presentations,
that there was no difference in terms of teaching audio videos, internet links) can be presented on
effectiveness. In addition, it was found that the Moodle LMS. Interactive in the form of
teaching effectiveness of lecturers aged less than comments, questions, and discussions in full are
45 years was higher than lecturers aged more than presented in the Moodle LMS. Resources for
45 years. complete assignments, surveys, quizzes, and
assessment activities can be made in the Moodle
Interpretations LMS (Willermark & Islind, 2022).
From the findings of the interpretation of the LMS Moodle was developed with
descriptive analysis, the mean value in Table 7 algorithms for learning feedback techniques and
shows that the average value of teaching student self-assessment with the help of lecturers
effectiveness for lecturers who use Moodle LMS (Dimiæ et al., 2018). With the help of information
is higher than for lecturers who use Google and communication technology (ICT), Moodle
Classroom LMS. This is also seen in finding a LMS continues to be developed. The association
simple effect A (data interpretation Table 9). analysis technique was developed in the Moodle
Based on these findings, the researcher sees that e-test. The testing technique in Moodle already
the Moodle LMS is more effective in teaching supports all types of learning tests, so it is
than the Google Classroom LMS. Moodle LMS instrumental in getting learning feedback for
does have many advantages over other LMS. lecturers and students. Feedback can be obtained
Moodle is accessible for lecturers to manage, from direct feedback or comments, assignment
organize, and be safe because it is easy to back results, exam results, and surveys. All the
up and restore, has complete resources to support feedback is available and ready to be designed
learning activities, and, most importantly, can be by the lecturer. With feedback, lecturers can
reported (Ghosh et al., 2019). Unlike Google measure the effectiveness of teaching, and
Classroom, which cannot store all learning students can measure themselves and correct any
activities in one document, Moodle’s LMS has failures in learning.
been proven to have been developed and capable The teaching effectiveness of using the
of doing this. This is undoubtedly very helpful for Moodle LMS can be compared with students’
lecturers in administering learning documents that perceptions of this LMS. Student satisfaction
will later be reported as evidence of performance. with the use of the Moodle LMS is dependent
This study proves that the Moodle LMS is on the quality of the content provided by the
indeed the best choice in an effective learning lecturer through this LMS (Horvat et al., 2015).
process regarding planning, implementation, and Generally, students find it helpful to have an LMS,
learning management activities (Kerimbayev et al., including Moodle. Students are satisfied that all
2020). Learning planning involves making traditional learning activities in the classroom can
semester learning plans (abbreviated in Indonesian be transferred to the LMS. Especially during the
as RPS) and lecture program units (in Indonesian Covid 19 pandemic, where distance learning can
abbreviated as SAP), and lecture contracts. RPS, reduce its quality and effectiveness if it is held
SAP, and lecture contracts can be uploaded as without using good management. Moodle LMS
Moodle LMS content so that students can read helps students follow learning well and effectively,
them repeatedly. All synchronous and both synchronously and asynchronously. It all
asynchronous learning activities can be held depends on the motivation and participation of
through the Moodle LMS (Ghosh et al., 2019). students, and some students are good at
692 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 682-697, August 2023

traditional face-to-face learning and learning in The descriptive analysis of the mean for the
LMS and do not have any concern for learning educational qualifications of lecturers (Table 7)
(Carpenter et al., 2020). This is the task of the shows that lecturers with doctoral qualifications
lecturer in learning, so feedback is always essential are more effective in teaching using LMS. Then
in interactive relationships with students. Lecturers the simple effect test B (Table 9) shows no
must understand and think to find solutions for difference between lecturers’ effectiveness with
each student’s obstacles in learning. master’s and doctoral qualifications using LMS
This proven effective Moodle LMS can be Moodle or Google Classroom. This finding
increased in reach with international learning supports previous research that high teacher
because Moodle has become a distance learning qualifications do not significantly affect teaching
platform well known by many users in the world quality in terms of teaching success (Darling-
of education (Kerimbayev et al., 2017). To Hammond, 2000). However, for specific age
improve the global learning program, an LMS- categories of lecturers, it turns out that there are
based distance learning platform is urgently differences between lecturers with doctoral
needed. Moodle LMS is well known because qualifications and those with master’s
almost all universities now have Moodle-based qualifications. In this study, it was found that for
LMS. It is possible for international learning to lecturers aged over 45 years, lecturers with
use Moodle LMS. This means that lecturers can doctoral qualifications were more effective in
participate in international learning. This can teaching than lecturers with master’s qualifications.
improve the competence of lecturers and help The older a lecturer is, the longer he teaches, so
universities achieve international accreditation. the experience in terms of learning and teaching
International accreditation is an indicator of the also increases. Lecturers with more profound
effectiveness of teaching lecturers and campuses practical experience certainly have better teaching
or vice versa (Rahardja et al., 2020). effectiveness (Böckelmann et al., 2021). Lecturers
Mastery of information and communication with higher educational qualifications also produce
technology (ICT) is an essential differentiator in more pedagogical thinking (Akbari & Dadvand,
the success of teaching with an LMS, especially 2011). These pedagogical thoughts produce
Moodle. Mastery of technology is mandatory for planned and practical learning in their
all lecturers, both those who teach in science, implementation. Of course, this can increase
technology, engineering, and mathematics teaching effectiveness with LMS from lecturers
(STEM) and non-STEM ones, to produce high with doctoral qualifications.
teaching effectiveness using LMS (Sáiz- From the results of the descriptive analysis
Manzanares et al., 2021). The indicators are as of the average values in Table 7, it was also found
described by the author, including being able to that in the study it was found that younger
find and create content using multimedia lecturers, i.e., less than 45 years, had better LMS
applications and graphic design (Reyna et al., teaching effectiveness than older lecturers who
2018), using Office applications fluently, using were more than 45 years old. In the simple effect
online applications for tests and evaluations, and test C (Table 9), it was found that the effectiveness
accessing and downloading learning references of teaching with LMS for younger lecturers (less
from internet sources, with a high reputation, using than equal to 45 years) was higher than for older
online meeting applications, using the cloud, and ones (more than 45 years), except for lecturers
using database applications both online and offline who used Google Classroom LMS and who have
(Asamoah, 2020). doctoral qualifications. In this study, lecturers less
Olii et al., LMS Affects Teaching Effectiveness: Depending on LMS Platforms... 693

than 45 years old are the generations x and y percentage of the interaction effect of the three s
(millennials). These lecturers live in the era of of variables on teaching effectiveness is 74%.
information and communication technology (ICT)
which has been widely applied. On the other hand,  CONCLUSIONS
lecturers who are more than 45 years old have This study found that there was a difference
just used ICT in their old age, so it takes more in the average score between the use of the
effort to get used to the use of ICT (Kubiatko, Moodle LMS (78.33), Google Classroom
2013). This impacts teaching with LMS, which (60.00), doctoral qualification (72.92), master’s
all use ICT in the use and management of qualification (65.42), age less than the same as
teaching. However, unlike lecturers with doctoral 45 years (74.58), and over 45 years (63.75).
qualifications, they can be said to be able to The analysis results found that the type of LMS
compete with younger lecturers. Lecturers with platform used affected teaching effectiveness,
doctoral qualifications are accustomed to using educational qualifications, and the age of the
ICT since they are studying again (doctoral lecturers; also, each affected teaching
studies). There is also no difference between effectiveness. The interaction effect occurs in the
lecturers who use Google Classroom regarding relationship between the type of LMS platform
teaching effectiveness because Google used and the age of the lecturer on teaching
Classroom has a simple interface, making it easy effectiveness. The effect of mutual interaction also
to use for young and old alike, especially for those occurs in the three of them, namely the type of
with higher education qualifications. For lecturers LMS platform used, educational qualifications,
who are old or young, in some instances, there is and the age of the lecturers, on the effectiveness
no difference in the effectiveness of their teaching of their teaching. The percentage of the interaction
in using LMS (Torff & Kimmons, 2021). effect of mutual interaction is 74%.
In the influence test between research The teaching effectiveness of lecturers who
subjects in Table 8, it was found that the three use Moodle is higher than lecturers who use
research subjects (type of LMS platform used, Google Classroom, depending on both
educational qualifications, and age of lecturers) categories of lecturers’ educational qualifications
each affected teaching effectiveness. The (master and doctoral) and for all ages lecturers.
effectiveness of teaching lecturers is influenced Lecturers who use Moodle have better teaching
by the type of LMS platform used, namely LMS effectiveness than lecturers who use Google
Moodle or Google Classroom. Doctoral or Classroom. There is no difference in teaching
master’s educational qualifications also affect the effectiveness between lecturers in the category
effectiveness of teaching. Likewise, the age of of master’s and doctoral education qualifications
younger lecturers (less than equal to 45 years) or and those less than 45 years old. For all lecturers
older (more than 45 years) affects teaching who are more than 45 years old, it was found in
effectiveness. The interaction effect is only found this study that lecturers with doctoral qualifications
between the type of LMS platform used and the had higher teaching effectiveness than lecturers
educational qualifications of the lecturers on the with master’s qualifications. For lecturers with
effectiveness of their learning, as well as on the doctoral qualifications and using the Google
three variables (type of the LMS platform used, Classroom LMS at all ages of lecturers, it was
educational qualifications, and the age of the found that there was no difference in teaching
lecturers) together on teaching effectiveness. The effectiveness.
694 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 682-697, August 2023

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