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All Episode Evi

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Resources or Reference about the Topic Key Points/findings in what I read.

Classroom Management Techniques (2021, Students tends to shout, not paying attention,
and their focus is not in the activity.
January 4). Classroom management techniques. Crisis Classroom Management techniques will help
Prevention teachers to maintain the focus of the students and
Institue.https://www.crisisprevention.com/Blog/ their discipline inside the classroom
Learning By Doing: What You Need to Know Learning By Doing was an approach in teaching that
students learn best when they are engaging in
Tstokes. (2020, March 9). Learning by doing: What you doing the activities. We need to lay some
need to know. The Learning Agency foundation in order for this approach to success
Lab. https://www.the-learning-agency-lab.com/the- and we need to understand that learning builds
learning-curve/learning-by-doing/ on itself and we need to practice it especially to our
Dale’s Cone of Experience Students learn best when they experience all of the
components of Dale’s Cone. If we can integrate all
Dale's cone of experience. (n.d.). Technology and of the components of Dale’s Cone of Experience in
Beyond. https://teachernoella.weebly.com/dales-cone- our discussion, we can fosters more meaningful
of-experience.html learning to our students

Episode 12

Topic The effect of mobile learning Key points/findings in what I read

The Use of Educational Applications on the Student's Personalization on the app in library and book search
Academic Performance applications to achieve optimal performance of
educational applications and suitable apps for specific
https://www.researchgate.net/publication categories with alerts before the deadline and a variety
/348930098_The_Use_of_Educational_ Applications of teaching techniques. Since educational programs
on_the_Student's_Academ have become more entertaining and dependable,
ic_Performance students may study more effortlessly with these unique
The effect of mobile learning applications on students' Mobile learning was praised by the students as a
academic achievement and attitudes toward mobile method that might considerably boost their
learning motivation. Researchers and practitioners should
examine the fact that mobile learning can improve
https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1174817.pdfhttps:// academic attainment and performance while
www.mojet.net/ParticleDetail?id=314 also increasing student motivation
Investigating the Effect of Using the Mobile Educational The implementation of appropriate study and learning
App as Appropriate Method of Study and Learning on tactics in the classroom had a positive influence on
Students' Educational Achievement students' academic advancement, as it boosted their
final scores. Learning proper study and learning
evementhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/ techniques for students in the form of a curriculum
331824362_Investigating_the_Effect_of_Using_the_Mobil holding workshop, and of course, given the popularity of
e_Educational_App_as_Appropriate_Method_of_Study_a smartphones among students, one benefit of mobile
nd_Learning_on_Students'_Educational_Achievement education applications could be improved academic

Episode 13

Every subject in the school curriculum necessitates the use of instructional

materials. This is undeniably important in the educational process. They give
children opportunity to connect with words, symbols, and ideas in ways that help
them enhance their reading, listening, seeing, thinking, speaking, and writing skills
through the use of media and technology. When instructional materials are used,
learning becomes more interesting, practical, realistic, and appealing. They also
allow both teachers and students to participate actively and productively in class.
They enable the development of self-confidence and self-actualization, as well as
the acquisition of skills and knowledge.
Learning tools are important because they can help students achieve greater
success by facilitating their learning. This strategy improves the learning process
by allowing the student to explore the topic independently while simultaneously
providing repetition. As a result, in order to carry out the lesson and ensure equal
learning, the teacher should choose appropriate resources or materials for
Resource or Reference about the Topic Key points/findings in what I read
Bradley, V. M. (2020). Learning Management This research evaluated the usability of
System (LMS) Use with Online Instruction. Moodle LMS and revealed the usability
International Journal of Technology in problems on its desktop and mobile
Education. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.36 interfaces from the viewpoint of students.
Bradley, V. M. (2020). Learning Management The article provides the data from an
System (LMS) Use with Online Instruction. opinion study about the problems of
International Journal of Technology in using LMS Moodle conducted among
Education. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.36 university professors and students. The
complications of using LMS Moodle that
arose prior to COVID-19 pandemic are
analyzed and some suggestions for
improving the platform are offered in the
Bradley, V. M. (2020). Learning Management The LMSs are very vulnerable to
System (LMS) Use with Online Instruction. information leaks in front of targeted
International Journal of Technology in hacker attacks due to weak GDPR
Education. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.36 compliance. In this paper, we analyze
this problem from a technical and
operational perspective for the open-
source market leader LMS Moodle, and
we propose a solution and a prototype
of implementation
Episode 14

What components or parts were present in the Under these LMS components or parts, what tasks
LMS used by the teacher? did you participate/assist in?
Google Classroom During these days, we are still using this
It is a blended learning platform that aims to: application to know the announcement or some
 Create assignments and materials  Distribute matter. All the components and parts on this LMS,
assignments and materials  Grade assignments maybe I experienced already.
 Share files
Edmodo I still remember when my teacher used Edmodo to
It is an educational app enables teachers to practice us on Distance Learning. She created a
share: quiz for us. She used this platform because of its
 Content  Distribute quizzes  Assignments usability and user friendly.
Manage communication with students,
colleagues and parents

Because of the pandemic, a lot of students have no idea how to use and
explore the application that we can use this time of crisis. I think that, it is one of
the most challenging parts especially during the first part of AY 2020-2021.
Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode14.
A Learning Management System (LMS) is one e-learning tool that has
been widely used to improve students' learning experience and the
construction of their understanding of certain topics. In the past
decade, learning management systems (LMSs) have become the
standard on college campuses. However, some professors are growing
increasingly frustrated with the LMS and its limitations, especially
within online classrooms. The use of Learning Management Systems
(LMS) as tools for learning in the present Internet age is seen as an
important solution to remedy major problems particularly faced by
higher education instructors, students and university.

Episode 10 evidence


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