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Learner PoE Guide

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Learner PoE Guide

Facilitate the development,

implementation and maintenance of
a Safety, Health and Environment
management system
Learner Name and Surname
Learner ID
Company / Branch
Learner Signature

SAQA ID 244283:
Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety, Health and Environment
management system
NQF Level 5, 10 Credits

Version 1 Learner PoE Guide 1

Table of Contents
FOREWORD TO THE LEARNER ...................................................................................................... 3
Assessment Process .......................................................................................................................... 3
Assessment Process Steps....................................................................................................................... 4
The Assessment Process Role-players ......................................................................................................... 6
Competent vs. Not Yet Competent .............................................................................................................. 8
Requirements for being deemed Competent ........................................................................................... 9
NOTE TO THE LEARNER ....................................................................................................................... 10
PORTFOLIO OF EVIDENCE ............................................................................................................ 11
LEARNER’S PERSONAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 12
Registration Form Codes ........................................................................................................................... 13
Learner ID ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Learner CV .................................................................................................................................... 14
Learner Qualifications ................................................................................................................... 14
Unit Standard details ..................................................................................................................... 15
244283 ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
PRE-ASSESSMENT PREPARATION SHEET.............................................................................................. 20
ASSESSMENT PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 23
DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY ....................................................................................................... 24
APPEALS PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................... 25
Appeals Form ............................................................................................................................................ 26
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................ 27
LEARNER WORKBOOK ........................................................................................................................ 28
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................ 29
KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS.................................................................................................................... 30
PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................................... 39
Practical Activity: Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety, Health
and Environment management system ................................................................................................. 39
Practical Activity Checklist .................................................................................................................. 41
WITNESS TESTIMONY ......................................................................................................................... 43
LOGBOOK ........................................................................................................................................... 45
ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES CHECKLIST ................................................................................................. 50
LEARNER RE-ASSESSMENT PLAN ........................................................................................................ 53
Re-Assessment Preparation Sheet ............................................................................................................. 54
Learner’s Review of the Assessment Process ................................................................................. 56
Learner Programme Evaluation .................................................................................................... 57
GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................................... 58

Version 1 Learner PoE Guide 2


Foreword to the Learner

The purpose of this guide is to provide the learners with process and requirements of
successfully completing and submitting a Portfolio of Evidence for assessment against
the unit standards of this learning programme:
Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety,
Health and Environment management system
SAQA ID 244283: Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance
Unit Standard of a Safety, Health and Environment management system
NQF Level 5, 10 Credits

Assessment in Outcomes Based Education is not only focused on what learners can
do, but intends to develop learners holistically. In other words, learners are also
required to demonstrate certain life-skills, which will not only enhance their learning,
but will also ensure that these skills are transferable to their private lives.
In Outcomes-based education and training we use both formative and summative
• Formative assessment refers to assessment that takes place during the
process of learning and teaching.
• Summative assessment is assessment for making a judgement about
achievement. This is carried out when a learner is ready to be assessed at the
end of a programme of learning.
Results initially collected for formative assessment, can be used for summative
assessment, thus avoiding repetition.

Assessment Process

Step 4: Step 1:
Review and report Plan and prepare
on the assessment for the assessment

Step 3:
Step 2:
Conduct and
record the
feedback to the

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

Assessment Process Steps

Step 1:
Plan and prepare for the assessment

Assessor needs to: Document:

• Understand and review all the requirements of the  Unit Standard
assessment in terms of evidence required to prove  Curriculum, Strategy and
competence Alignment document
• Identify logistical arrangements that have to be made such  Assessment Guide
as the venue  Assessment Strategy
• Familiarise him/herself with assessment instruments and and process
tools  Assessment related policies
• Identify and prepare any resources required for  Assessment Feedback
assessment, such as equipment, people and other document
resources for the assessment  Assessment
• Ensure that he/she is familiar with the related policies - Preparation Checklist
Assessment, Moderation, RPL and Appeals policy

Learner needs to: Document:

• Be informed of, and agreement reached over: the  Learner Guide
requirements for the assessment; the roles and  Learner Workbook
responsibilities of the learner with regard to his/her
 Learner Portfolio of Evidence
assessment; the special needs of the learner (and how
these can be accommodated) and how the evidence is to
be collected; and also guided in preparing for assessment  Pre-Assessment
by the facilitator and/or assessor as per the Pre- Preparation Sheet
Assessment Preparation Sheet criteria and then complete  Assessment Plan
and sign the document in agreement with the assessment  Declaration of
process Authenticity
 Declaration of
• Be given the contact details of the facilitator, assessor and
understanding the
any other support person from the training provider, for
Appeals Procedure
possible future assessment process assistance needs
 Assessment Activities
• Be guided in planning for the assessment by the facilitator Checklist
and/or assessor as per the Assessment Plan criteria and  Learner ID, CV and
then complete and sign the document in agreement with certificates
the assessment plan that he/she created  Learner Workbook
• Be guided in understanding of the requirements of placeholder
authenticity as per the Declaration of Authenticity form by  Knowledge questions
the facilitator and/or assessor and then complete and sign  Practical Activity for
the document in agreement with the authenticity completion in the
requirements in the assessment process workplace
• Be guided in understanding the Appeals Policy and  Witness Testimony for
Procedure, as well as the Appeals Form by the facilitator supervisor observation
and/or assessor and then complete and sign the and feedback
declaration of understanding on the Appeals Procedure  Logbook
• Be given answers to any assessment process related

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

Step 2:
Conduct and record the assessment

Assessor needs to: Document:

• Conduct the assessment in an appropriate and nonthreatening  Unit Standard
manner and/or environment and use the assessment principles  Learner PoE guide
when assessing the evidence submitted for assessment
• Review and assess the evidence as submitted by the learner /  Assessment Guide
candidate in their Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide, by  Assessment Feedback
referring to the Assessment Guide for guidelines and model document:
answers (memoranda):  Assessment
o Learner workbook filed in the Learner PoE Checklist
o Knowledge questions  Assessment
o Practical Activity completed in the workplace record
o Witness Testimony and Logbook completed in the
workplace  Final assessment
• Make a judgement about the evidence against the criteria of document
the unit standard in the Final Assessment Recording (evidence
grid) and the model answers provided, using the principles of
good evidence as a guideline
 Assessment
• Record the assessment process undertaken and the
assessment findings and decisions taken in the required format
on the specific documentation in the Assessment Feedback
o Assessment Checklist
o Assessment record
o Final assessment recording document
o VARCCS evaluation
o Assessment outcome
• When learners have to undergo re-assessment, they have to
be given feedback so that they can concentrate on areas of
weaknesses and only be re-assessed on NYC criteria. Re-
assessment should comply with the following conditions:
o Re-assessment should take place in the same situation
or context and under the same conditions
o The same method and assessment instrument may be
used, but the task and materials should be changed,
depending on the QMS requirements of the training
Step 3:
Provide assessment feedback to the learner

Assessor needs to: Document:

• Provide the learner with feedback about the assessment  Assessment Feedback
conducted: document:
o Provide feedback in both a positive and constructive  Assessment
manner outcome
o Advise / inform the learners of outstanding and/or document
required evidence
• Record all communication with the learner
Learner needs to:
• Confirm receipt, understanding and acceptance of the feedback
by completing and signing the declaration in the Assessment
Outcome section of the Assessment Feedback document

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

Step 4:
Review and report on the assessment

Learner needs to: Document:

• Review the assessment process by completing the Learner’s  Assessment Feedback
Review of the Assessment Process (questionnaire) document:
Assessor needs to:  Learner’s review
• Review the assessment process and report on it using either of the assessment
the: process
o Assessor’ and Moderator’s Review of the Assessment  Assessor’ and
(questionnaire); or Moderator’s
Review of the
o Group Assessor’ and Moderator’s Review of the
Assessment (questionnaire)
 Group Assessor’
Training Provider needs to: and Moderator’s
• Record the outcome of the assessment in the relevant quality Review of the
management system database / matrix Assessment
• Record and/or submit the assessment results to the NLRD  Training Provider specific
(National Learner Records Database) of the relevant ETQA QMS documents for:
• Submit the specific number of learner portfolios for moderation,  Record of
as per the training provider QMS assessment
• Release the results of assessment to the relevant learner  submitting the
stakeholders, e.g. HR, mentor, supervisor; agreed to by the results to the
learner NLRD
• Manage any learner appeals against the assessment outcome,  moderation
according to the Appeals Policy and Procedure  learner
• All the documents or copies thereof, as prescribed previously, assessment result
must be kept on file as part of the learner portfolio of evidence. release
• Learner’s portfolios of evidence must be readily available for
internal and external moderation and verification by the
appropriate practitioners, until after the ETQA verification
process has taken place. The portfolios of evidence may then
be kept (storage) or returned to the learner according to the
training provider’s QMS policy.

The Assessment Process Role-players

The assessment team consists of the following people that each has a specific role
and responsibilities to fulfil:

Learner Learners will participate in the facilitated classroom training section of the learning
programme by participating in formative assessment class activities / exercises in
the Learner Workbook.
The learner needs to:
• Attend the learning / training session
• Participate in the learning and form part of syndicate group / small
workgroup for activities
• Do research and prepare for participation during the training session
• Complete the assignments, activities and portfolio
Learners will complete and submit their individual Portfolios of Evidence, using the
Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide to successfully create, gather and submit the
required evidence for assessment, by completing the following:
• required administration documentation
• completed Learner Workbook containing the formative assessment Class
Activities and Programme Reflection
• individual assignments and practical workplace activities:
Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

o Knowledge Questions
o Practical Workplace Activity
o Witness Testimony – supervisor confirmation of application of the
knowledge and skills in the workplace
o Assessment Activities Checklist – control checklist to ensure all
required evidence is submitted by the learner
Assessments are meant to be as clear and transparent as possible, therefore
learners should know:
• the kinds of assessment activities that they would be asked to perform
• the standard and level of performance expected
• the type and amount of evidence to be collected
• their responsibility regarding the collection of evidence.
Facilitator It is the role of the facilitator to facilitate the theoretical classroom training and skills
practice sessions to groups of learners.
The facilitator is also responsible for:
• being available for questions regarding the assessment after the training
has been completed
• acting as Evidence Collection Facilitator, when facilitating formative
assessment using the Class Activities in the Learner Workbook
• facilitating only a section of the summative assessment - Knowledge
Questions in the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide
• guiding the learners on the use of the Portfolio of Evidence Guide
• learning programme administration, e.g. attendance register, training report
after the session, and any other related administration required by the
training provider
Assessor The assessor needs to be:
• qualified as an assessor
• registered as a constituent assessor with the relevant SETA
• proficient in the subject matter of the learning area in which they are
assessing and an expert in his/her knowledge of the unit standard
requirements or qualification for which he/she is registered to assess - the
assessor’s subject matter knowledge should be at least of a level higher
than the learner who is being assessed
• proficient in the process of assessment - this means that they should:
o Be familiar with the unit standards that they will be assessing
o Be familiar with and use the assessment guides
o Plan the assessment, which includes the selection, design and
implementation of assessment activities.
o Follow the assessment process, i.e. plan and agree on the
assessment with the learner; guide the learner in the collection of
evidence; conduct the assessment; provide feedback to the learner
about the assessment decision
o Record and report on assessment results
o Participate in moderation processes
o Review the assessment and make appropriate changes
The assessor needs to conduct an assessment subject to the following principles:
• the application of NQF principles
• the application of the principles of credible assessment
• the application of the principles of the collection of and quality of the
• the assessment being planned and designed on the basis of understanding
the requirements of the unit standard, part qualification or qualification that
the learner is seeking credit for
The assessor needs to establish a trusting relationship with learners – not only so
that they can perform optimally during an assessment, but also so that the learners
will trust that the assessor has their interests at heart.

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

Moderator Internal moderators will be moderating assessment activities and supporting the
assessors. Their task will be to do the quality assurance of the assessment activities
in an ordered and structured way and develop the skills of assessors.
Moderation ensures that people who are being assessed are assessed in a
consistent, accurate and well-designed manner. It ensures that all assessors who
assess a particular unit standard or qualification are using comparable assessment
methods and are making similar and consistent judgements about the learners’
The moderator needs to be:
• qualified as a moderator
• registered as constituent moderator with the relevant SETA
• experienced in the related field of assessment and moderation
The moderator will, according to the Quality Management System of the training
• Moderate 25% of all portfolios within 2 weeks of assessment or as per the
requirements stated in the training provider QMS
• Validate the quality of the judgements made. The judgement is either
confirmed or overturned on valid grounds.

Verifier The moderation system will in turn be quality assured by the ETQAs who will have
qualified verifiers in place to monitor moderation systems and support moderators.
Some larger organisations will prefer to appoint internal verifiers to take a systemic
view of internal assessment and moderation

Training The training provider needs to ensure that qualified facilitators, assessors and
Provider moderators are employed or contracted to perform the required functions, using
quality materials as is required in the training provider quality management system.
The training provider also needs to provide for the appeals process. If the learner /
candidate is not happy about the process or findings of the assessment, he/she can
put in an appeal to have the assessment reviewed by the training provider. This will
ensure that candidates have a democratic right to overturn decisions that are not
fair, not properly motivated or simply not believed. The training provider and ETQA
should ensure that there is an appeals procedure in place, i.e. appeals against an
assessment decision. Learners should be secure in the knowledge that they can
appeal against an unfair assessment.

Competent vs. Not Yet Competent

Learners being assessed are not allocated a percentage (for example 55%) on
completion of the learning. Rather, they are either deemed competent or not yet
Training is delivered using an outcome-based style of teaching and learning. Learners
drive the process of learning and educators need to facilitate the creation of learning
Once a learner has demonstrated his/her competence through an assignment, task,
exam or performance, then s/he is awarded the credits related to that competence.
However, learners deemed not yet competent, are either given another chance to
prove competence, or they are re-trained, or they are encouraged to move into a
different field of learning.

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

Requirements for being deemed Competent

Each unit standard indicates the requirements or standards of competence. These are
written as assessment criteria. In an outcome-based system learners need to meet
ALL these requirements before being deemed competent. However, SAQA has
recommended that assessments be weighted according to the purpose of the
qualification toward which the learner is learning.
Assessments are therefore designed around the requirements that are stated in the
assessment criteria, and are therefore criterion-based. In a curriculum-based system,
assessments were made around the norm of a group and were therefore norm-
A criterion-based assessment can only be performed using evidence that has been
generated by the Learner. Types of evidence include direct evidence, indirect evidence
and historic evidence:
• Direct – this is evidence that is collected directly by the assessor, for instance
an assessor finding out whether you can bake a cake will watch you while you
do it.
• Indirect – this is evidence that you have collected, signed off as authentic and
submitted for assessment. For instance, a video of you baking a cake.
• Historic – this is evidence of your competence – as assessed by someone
else. A certificate of competence issued to you when you completed a course
is an example of historic evidence. Documents that you produced while doing
a job (usually a few years ago) could also be historic evidence.
Evidence has to meet certain criteria. These criteria are summarised as VARCS:
• V is for Valid: the unit standard or qualification being assessed must require
evidence that is submitted for assessment. Otherwise it is not important and
cannot be used to find out whether you are competent or not.
• A is for Authentic: evidence that you submit must be your own work. Group
work cannot be submitted as your own work because not only you worked on
• R is for Reliable: the evidence must be from a reliable source. A certificate of
competence issued by a provider that is not accredited could be regarded as
• C is for Current: the evidence must demonstrate that your competence is
current. It doesn’t help that you were able to run a 12 km race 5 years ago –
can you still do it today? Currency is also related to the technology that is used
to demonstrate competence. It does not help that you are able to boil water
using a pot on a stove when electric kettles are the current method used to boil
• S is for Sufficient: the unit standards have several assessment criteria that
need to be satisfied. The evidence must satisfy all the criteria or else it is not
However, evidence is collected using some kind of instrument. These instruments take
different forms. Some instruments include questionnaires, interview schedules,
simulations, role-play, observation checklists and products.

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

Note to the Learner

Dear Learner,
You have opted to undergo assessment and as a result have been presented with this
PoE (Portfolio of Evidence). Please go through all sections of this PoE very carefully
before submission and make sure that you have included all the information and
evidence requested. Please take note of the following:
Unit Standard:
A copy of the unit standard has been included. The assessment has been designed
in order to meet all requirements as set by this unit standard.
Pre-Assessment Preparation Sheet:
The first step towards completing this PoE is to read through the Pre-Assessment
Preparation Sheet. This form contains valuable background information. Your
assessor will not be able to assess your portfolio if you have not read and signed this
Assessment Plan:
You can use the assessment plan to write down the dates on which you plan to meet
specific targets.
Declaration of Authenticity:
Please complete the declaration of authenticity to declare that the evidence that you
submit in this PoE is your own work, with the exception of those that you list in the
section provided. Your assessor will not be able to assess your portfolio if you have not
read, completed and signed this document.
Appeals Procedure and Form
Familiarise yourself with the appeals procedure and sign the document as requested.
You will only use the Appeals Form if you would like to appeal against the assessment
Assessment Instruments:
By completing the assessment instruments you will generate / gather the evidence
required to meet the outcomes of the unit standard(s). Please follow instructions
carefully for both the formative and summative assessments.
Assessment Activities Checklist
As part of the quality management process used by the training provider and the SETA,
the learner and his/her supervisor are required to check and sign off that all activities
have been completed and submitted in the PoE. Please complete this form, before
submitting your PoE.
Learner’s Review of the Assessment Process
As part of the quality management process used by the training provider and the SETA,
the learner is required to provide feedback to the training provider about the
assessment process. Please complete this form, before submitting your PoE.
Please note that you are welcome to contact your facilitator / assessor at any stage
should you have any questions pertaining to the assessment.

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Portfolio of Evidence

Please complete the following documents and submit as part of your Portfolio of

• Learner’s Personal Information form

• Learner ID, CV and Qualifications
• Unit Standard Details
• Assessment Contract document
• Declaration of Authenticity document

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Learner’s Personal Information

Please provide the following information for SAQA National Learner Database. The
following page provides the information form codes:

Learner’s Last Name

Learner’s First Name (s)

Learner title

Learner birth date (YYYYMMDD)

ID Number (attach a copy of ID)

Equity code

Nationality code

Gender code

Citizen resident status code

Home language code

Socioeconomic status code

Disability status code

Learner home address

Learner postal address

Province code


Cell phone

Learner’s Designation
Date of Submission

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Registration Form Codes

Alternative ID type Equity code Nationality code

1 National ID BA Black: African SA South Africa AIS Asian countries
521 SAQA Member ID BC Coloured SDC SADC except SA AUS Australia Oceania
527 Passport Number or BI Indian / Asian ANG Angola countries
Foreign ID Number Oth Other BOT Botswana EUR European countries
529 Driver's License WH White LES Lesotho NOR North American
531 Temporary ID number U Unknown MAL Malawi countries
533 None MAU Mauritius SOU South / Central
537 Student Number MOZ Mozambique American c
538 Work Permit Number NAM Namibia ROA Rest of Africa
539 Employee Number SEY Seychelles OOC Other & rest of Oceania
540 Birth Certificate SWA Swaziland NOT N/A: Institution
Number TAN Tanzania U Unspecified
541 HSRC Register Number ZAI Zaire
561 ETQA Record Number ZAM Zambia
565 Refugee Number ZIM Zimbabwe
535 Unknown
Citizen/residence status Home language code Gender code Province code
U Unknown Afr Afrikaans M Male 1 Western Cape
SA South Africa Eng English F Female 2 Eastern Cape
O Other Nde isiNdebele U Unknown 3 Northern Cape
D Dual (SA plus other) Oth Other 4 Free State
PR Permanent Resident SASL South African Sign 5 Kwazulu/Natal
Language 6 North West
Sep sePedi 7 Gauteng
Ses seSotho 8 Mpumalanga
Set seTswana 9 Limpopo
Swa siSwati X Outside South Africa
Tsh tshiVenda N South Africa
Xho isiXhosa National
Xit xiTsonga
Zul isiZulu
U Unknown
Disability status Socioeconomic Status
N None 01 Employed
01 Sight (even with glasses) 02 Unemployed, seeking work
02 Hearing (even with a hearing aid) 03 Not working, not looking
03 Communication (talking, listening) 04 Home-maker (not working)
04 Physical (moving, standing, grasping) 06 Scholar/student (not w.)
05 Intellectual (difficulties in learning); retardation 07 Pensioner/retired (not w.)
06 Emotional (behavioural or psychological) 08 Not working - disabled
07 Multiple 09 Not working - no wish to w
09 Disabled but unspecified 10 Not working - N.E.C.
U Unknown disability status 97 N/A: aged <15
98 N/A: Institution
U Unspecified

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Learner ID
Insert a certified copy of your Identify Document here:

Learner CV
Insert a copy of your full CV (Curriculum Vitae) here:

Learner Qualifications
Insert certified copies of relevant qualifications here:

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Unit Standard details



Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a
Safety, Health and Environment management system


244283 Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety,
Health and Environment management system
SGB Occupational Health and Safety
Field 09 - Health Sciences and Social Services Preventive Health
Undefined Regular Level 5 Level TBA: Pre- 10
2009 was L5
Reregistered 2018-07-01 2023-06-30 SAQA
2024-06-30 2027-06-30
This unit standard does not replace any other unit standard and is not replaced by any other
unit standard.


This Unit Standard requires learners to be able to apply Safety, Health and Environment
principles which will enable them to design, implement and maintain quality management
programmes related to health, safety, and environment.

Learners credited with this Unit Standard will be capable of:

Discussing fundamental issues pertaining to occupational safety, health and environment.
Demonstrating an understanding of Safety Theories and Principles.
Applying the fundamentals of Risk Management.
Applying safety, health and environment management systems.


Communication skills at NQF Level 4.


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PoE: Documents


Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:

Discuss fundamental issues pertaining to occupational safety, health and environment.


Fundamental issues pertaining to occupational safety in the workplace are explained.
Fundamental issues include but are not restricted to, housekeeping; stacking and storage;
colour coding; symbolic safety signs; hand and portable power tools; lifting equipment;
ladders; scaffolds; vessels under pressure; compressed gas cylinders; machine guarding;
personal protective equipment; confined spaces; hot work; permit to work; lockout systems;
conveyors; disaster management.

Fundamental issues pertaining to occupational health in the workplace are explained in
terms of specified requirements.
Fundamental issues include but are not restricted to, the anticipation, identification;
evaluation and control of occupational hygiene stressors; the role of the occupational
hygienist; functions of occupational health services; legislative requirements; clinic
management; fitness-to-work and disability evaluation; health monitoring and surveillance;
AIDS in the workplace; absenteeism; hazards evaluation and control; disaster management;
drug screening; employee assistance and counselling; health promotion; health risk
assessment; primary health care.

Fundamental issues pertaining to the environment are explained according to specified
Fundamental issues include but are not restricted to, applicable legislation; air; water, soil
and noise pollution; energy optimisation; waste management; emergency preparedness and
response; disaster management; environmental impact assessments; aspects and impacts;
social responsibility.

Demonstrate understanding of safety theories and principles.


Fundamental theories of occupational safety are applied in a proposed occupational safety
management programme.

Apply the fundamentals of risk management.


The fundamental principles of risk management are explained.

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PoE: Documents

The fundamental principles of risk management are applied during the implementation of risk
management strategies in the workplace.

Apply SHEQ Management systems.


The various elements and general requirements of SHEQ Management systems are
explained and demonstrated.

The process of planning, implementing and maintaining SHEQ Management systems is
explained and demonstrated.
Anyone assessing a learner against this unit standard must be registered as an assessor
with the relevant ETQA or another ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the
relevant ETQA.
Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of this unit standard must be
accredited as a provider through the relevant ETQA by SAQA.
Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the
moderation guidelines and the agreed ETQA procedures.


Specified requirements include legal and site-specific requirements and are contained in one
or more of the following categories of documentations:
Include, but not limited to, pertinent sections of legislation - including associated
regulations - and other supporting documentation.
Occupational health, safety and environment.
Mining and minerals.
Local government.
Mandatory codes of practice.
Safety standards.
Site Specific:
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments (HIRA).
Occupational Health and Safety Risk Management Programme.
Managerial Instructions.
Mine Standard Procedures.
List of Recorded OH&S Risks.
Working Guides.
Equipment and Materials Specifications.
Information is obtained from PERTINENT sections of CURRENT documents.




Critical Cross-field Outcomes (CCFO):


Identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking.

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Note: By participating in implementing a SHEQ management system the individual will be

required to have a basic knowledge on the specific requirements of a health and safety risk
assessment programme and so be able to solve problems and make decisions.


Work effectively with others as members of a team, group, organisation or community.
Note: The individual will have to take an active part in implementing a SHEQ management
system to ensure the requirements and needs of the represented people are addressed.


Organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively.
Note: As part of the team, the individual will take into account the activities around him/her
and ensure that his/her actions are complementary.


Collect, organise, analyse and critically evaluate information.
Note: When implementing a SHEQ management system, the individual will have to collect,
organize and evaluate information in such a way that he/she will be able to contribute to


Communicate effectively using visual, mathematics and/or language skills in the modes of
oral and written presentations.
Note: The expectations and contributions of the represented people is communicated during
the implementing a SHEQ management system and feedback on the progress and results of
the programme is provided.


Use science and technology effectively and critically showing responsibility towards the
environment and health of others.
Note: Science and technology are used at the appropriate level, e.g. in interpreting statistical


Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that
problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation.
Note: He/she must understand the impact of implementing a SHEQ management system on
the overall objectives of the working place.


As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this unit standard was Reregistered in 2012;




National Certificate:
Level Passed the
TBA: End Date - 2015-
Core 71969 Components: Level 5 MERSETA
Pre-2009 Status was 06-30
Manufacturing and
was L5 "Reregistered"

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Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Passed the
National Certificate: NQF End Date - 2015-
Core 79627 Level 5 MERSETA
Mechatronics Level 05 Status was 06-30
Level As per Learning
National Certificate: TBA: 2021- Programmes
Core 58625 Level 5 Reregistered
Occupational Safety Pre-2009 06-30 recorded against
was L5 this Qual
As per Learning
National Diploma: NQF 2023- Programmes
Core 79808 Level 5 Reregistered
Occupational Safety Level 05 06-30 recorded against
this Qual
Further Education
As per Learning
and Training
NQF 2021- Programmes
Elective 79807 Certificate: Level 4 Reregistered
Level 04 06-30 recorded against
this Qual
Hygiene and Safety

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Pre-Assessment Preparation Sheet

This document serves to orientate and prepare you in the assessment(s) that you are
about to embark in. It is a map that informs you of the steps involved in the assessment
process and will allow you to prepare for your assessment(s), helping to set you at
ease, and give you the best opportunity for success.
This document MUST be completed by the Learner in the presence of the Assessor /
Facilitator conducting the Pre-Assessment Process:
Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety,
Health and Environment management system
SAQA ID 244283: Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of
Unit Standard a Safety, Health and Environment management system
NQF Level 5, 10 Credits
Venue of Pre-
Assessment Meeting

Learner Full Name

Learner ID

Facilitator Full Name

Assessor Full Name
Moderator Full Name

Please read the discussion points below. Tick yes, indicating that you have read and
understand the information provided. Please contact your facilitator or assessor if you
do not understand or need additional information on any of the points below:
I have read and understand the
Please take note of the following discussion points: information provided:
Yes No Comments
1. Were you welcomed and made to feel at ease?
2. Was the purpose and objectives of the meeting explained?
3. Was the Assessment process and principles of good
assessment is explained?
4. The purpose of the assessment is to determine and recognise
my competence against the unit standards in this qualification
5. I understand the roles and responsibilities of all parties
involved in the assessment:
• The learner: To complete and submit all required evidence by
submission date.
• The assessor: To assess evidence submitted and provide learner
with feedback.
• The moderator: To quality assure the assessment process.
Assessment results are subject to change pending moderation.
6. Were you informed of your rights, appeal process and
reassessment policies?
• You have the right to appeal against any judgement given as a result
of any assessment. You must have valid reasons for doing this
• You have the right to an interpreter if you need one to perform this
function. However if one of the learning assumptions for the standard
is that you are competent within the language of assessment, you may
not have an interpreter

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

I have read and understand the

Please take note of the following discussion points: information provided:
Yes No Comments
• You can ask that an impartial observer attend any assessment. This
observer may not take any part of the assessment
• If you do not agree with the assessment you have the right to have
your assessment internally moderated. If you still do not agree with
the result of the assessment you can ask that the ETQA perform an
external moderated on the assessment. If any verification upholds the
assessment findings you will be held liable for all costs of the
verifications. If any verification rules that you have been aggrieved as
a result of the assessment, your assessor will be liable for all costs of
7. I will communicate any special or particular needs that may
affect my performance during the assessment to my Assessor
15 working days before the submission date.
• Special and particular needs, i.e. disabilities, language and literacy
• Special needs will be provided for as long as the validity of the
assessment is not compromised.
8. This PoE (Portfolio of Evidence) contains the following
Assessment Instruments that have to be completed and
submitted for every Programme:
• Learner Workbook (Formative Assessment)
• Reflection
• Knowledge questions (Summative Assessment)
• Practical assignments
• Witness Testimony
• Logbook
Note: The assessor can be contacted with any questions regarding the
9. I am aware that all evidence has to be:
• Valid (evidence provided will speak to the unit standard)
• Authentic (all evidence submitted will be my own work, I will indicate
where this is not the case. If it found that I am guilty of plagiarism, I
will have to apply to be assessed again and pay the bearing
associated assessment costs)
• Reliable (evidence is from a reliable source)
• Current (evidence can not be older than 3 years )
• Sufficient (prove consistent competence – not a “once-off”
10. I know that I have to complete all sections of this PoE and sign
all sections where requested.
11. The assessor will evaluate the evidence submitted in my PoE
against the Unit Standard Specific Outcomes with their
associated Assessment Criteria, Essential Embedded
Knowledge and CCFOs that is outlined in the Unit Standards
related to this Programme in the qualification.
12. The submission date of the PoE has been communicated to Date:
me (fill in date on the right hand side here)
• No late submissions will be accepted. An extension request has to
be submitted 5 working days prior to the agreed submission date.
• We reserve the right to charge an admin fee to process extension
• I will make a copy of the PoE before submission and retain for

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

I have read and understand the

Please take note of the following discussion points: information provided:
Yes No Comments
• I accept the consequences of my actions should I not have retained
a copy of my PoE and the document is lost or destroyed as a result
off circumstances beyond the control of the training provider.
13. The Assessor will provide feedback no later than 1 month after
the submission date.
• Assessment results are communicated via e-mail.
• Feedback is confidential.
• The assessor can be contacted to clarify feedback received.
14. If the assessor identifies evidence requirements that I have not
• One opportunity for re-assessment is included in the assessment
• Should the assessment result remain unchanged upon re-
submission, the action plan will be discussed.
• Once areas of remediation have been addressed, the learner can re-
apply for assessment, bearing the associated assessment costs.
15. I understand the appeals policy:
• I have read and signed the Appeals Policy and Procedure in this
16. I understand the recordkeeping and reporting of results:
• All learner records are confidential.
• The company sponsoring your training will have access to
Assessment results.
• Assessment results are communicated to the ETQA who will upload
learner results to the National Learner Record Database.
Declaration of Understanding statement: Yes / No
1. I understand the importance of the meeting / workshop
2. I declare that the above mentioned points of the pre-assessment document were
explained by the Assessor/Trainer
3. I declare that I have received copies of the qualification, assessment plan,
assessment schedule and copies of the relevant policies and procedures pertaining
to my assessment
4. I have read the above and understood the contents thereof
5. I was given the opportunity to clarify any issues relating to the assessment process
and my assessment plan
6. I have requested this assessment in accordance with my own free will and without

Learner Signature Date

Facilitator Signature Date

Assessor Signature Date

Moderator Signature Date

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Assessment Plan
Use the assessment plan to write down the dates on which you plan to meet specific
targets. This document MUST be completed by the learner in the presence of the
Assessor / Facilitator conducting the Pre-Assessment Process:
Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety,
Health and Environment management system
SAQA ID 244283: Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a
Unit Standard Safety, Health and Environment management system
NQF Level 5, 10 Credits
Learner Name

Learner ID Number

Facilitator Name

Assessor Name Assessor ID

Planned Actual
Action Comments
Date Date
1. Read and Sign Assessment Preparation Sheet
2. Complete the formative assessments – class
activities in the Learner Workbook
3. Complete the Reflection in the Learner
4. Place the entire Learner Workbook in the PoE
5. Complete the summative assessment activities
in the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide:
a. Knowledge Questionnaire
b. Practical Activities
c. Witness Testimony
d. Logbook
6. Complete the Assessment Activities Checklist
in the Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide
7. Submit the PoE
I, the learner, hereby agree to the above plan and to commit to preparing for the assessment and submitting
the specified documents (in my Portfolio of Evidence) on the dates specified.

Learner Signature Date

Facilitator Signature Date

Assessor Signature Date

Moderator Signature Date

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Declaration of Authenticity

I __________________________ (full name), ID number ______________________

declare that the evidence (the work and natural occurring) presented in this portfolio
was completed by me and is my own, against the Unit Standards in this Programme:
Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety,
Health and Environment management system
SAQA ID 244283: Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance
Unit Standard of a Safety, Health and Environment management system
NQF Level 5, 10 Credits

with the exception of:

(detail any work that was not completed by yourself, i.e. group work, etc.)

Where assistance or advice was received, or where I used resource material form a
Learner Guide, workbook, policy wording, internet or any other printed sources, this is
acknowledged and referenced below: (please list references here):

I further declare that I understand that plagiarism is a punishable offence as it

constitutes the theft of another’s intellectual property rights.
In signing this, I declare that all the evidence presented in this Portfolio of Evidence is
true, valid and my own work:

Learner signature


Witness name

Witness contact details

Witness signature

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Appeals Procedure
Familiarise yourself with the appeals procedure and sign the document as requested. You will
only use the Appeals Form if you would like to appeal against the assessment decision.
The Training Provider acknowledges a Learner’s right to appeal against or dispute any
assessment decision.
You can appeal under the following circumstances:
• I do not agree with my assessment decision – I feel I have provided sufficient evidence
• I was not briefed properly of the nature and requirements of assessment
• I was unfairly discriminated against
• My special needs for this assessment were not accommodated

If you would like to appeal, please follow the procedure below:

Stage 1:
• Approach the workshop organiser to state your case for re-assessment within 14
working days of being informed of the assessment decision. Complete and submit the
appeals form within the 14 days.
• The Training Provider will respond to all appeals and disputes received within 14
working days.
• The workshop organiser will consider the appeal and forward to the assessor if
• The assessor will respond with either:
• A clear explanation stating why the assessment decision is upheld combined with
a re-evaluation of the evidence.
• An amendment of the Learner’s Assessment Record, should this be appropriate.

Stage 2:
• Should the decision made by the assessor be unsatisfactory, the appeal will be
forwarded to the moderator for mediation and possible re-assessment.

Stage 3:
• The Training Provider management would be approached as the next step, should the
decision not be accepted. A panel will be selected to administer the appeal.
• The Learner is invited to attend the proceedings held by the panel.

Stage 4:
• Once all internal appeals and dispute systems have been exhausted, appeals and
disputes can be referred to the relevant ETQA for investigation.

Declaration: I hereby confirm that the above procedures have been explained to me and I
accept them.

Learner Name: Signature: Date: .

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Documents

Appeals Form
▪ I do not agree with my assessment decision – I feel I have provided sufficient evidence
▪ I was not briefed properly of the nature and requirements of assessment
▪ I was unfairly discriminated against
▪ My special needs for this assessment were not accommodated

I hereby appeal against the assessment decision:

(name & surname)
Training Provider
Unit Standard(s)
Assessor Assessment Date

Reason for appeal

Learner Signature Date of Appeal

Stage 1: Assessor Response

Decision Amended Decision Upheld
Assessor’s rationale for

Assessor Signature Date of Response

The above decision have been explained to me and I accept the decision YES NO
Learner Signature Date

Stage 2: Moderator Response

Decision Amended Decision Upheld
Moderator’s rationale for

Moderator Name Date of Response

Moderator Signature
The above decision have been explained to me and I accept the decision YES NO
Learner Signature Date

Stage 3: Management Response

Decision Amended Decision Upheld
Rationale for decision

Panel Date of Response

Name Signature
Name Signature
Name Signature
The above decision have been explained to me and I accept the decision YES NO
Learner Signature Date

Stage 4: ETQA The appeal has been referred for investigation YES NO

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment

“Formative Assessment refers to assessment that takes place during the process of
learning and teaching”
(SAQA: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment Policy Document, pg 26)

Please place the entire contents of your Learner Workbook here, so that it can be
assessed as your formative assessment:

• Learner Workbook with Class Activities completed

During and after the initial training the learner will be required to complete a number of
class activities. These activities will be both individual and group activities (class
activities - formative). The activities are numbered and are to be included in the
learner’s portfolio of evidence. These activities will measure the progress of the learner
through the programme. For authenticity reasons these activities must be handwritten.

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Formative Assessment

Learner Workbook

Please insert your entire Learner Workbook, with all the Class Activities here.

• Ensure that all the Class Activities are completed, including the Reflection activity.

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Summative Assessment

“Summative Assessment is assessment for making a judgement about achievement.

This is carried out when a learner is ready to be assessed at the end of a programme
of learning”
(SAQA: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment Policy Document, pg 26)

Please complete the following summative assessment activities and submit as part of
your Portfolio of Evidence:

• Knowledge Questions
• Practical Activities
• Witness Testimony
• Logbook

The learner needs to individually complete the summative assessment activities. The
summative assessment is conducted by means of a knowledge questionnaire and
various integrated assessment activities. The learner needs to follow the summative
assessment activity instructions to create the evidence required for the portfolio of

Note: The Critical Cross Field Outcomes are referenced in the following manner:
CCFO1- Identify and solve problems in which responses demonstrate that responsible decisions using
critical and creative thinking have been made
CCFO2- Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community
CCFO3- Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively
CCFO4- Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information
CCFO5- Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of
oral and/or written presentation
CCFO6- Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the
environment and health of others
CCFO7- Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that
problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation
CCFO8- Be culturally sensitive across a range of social contexts so that all actions and decisions made
are acceptable to all stakeholders with broad cultural backgrounds

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Knowledge Questions
Please answer the following knowledge questions related to the unit standard
embedded knowledge and assessment criteria and place it in your portfolio of
evidence. Remember to number the answers according to the question numbers,
should you need to attach a document.
You have to complete this Knowledge Questionnaire individually based on the theory
that you covered in your Learner Guide and the formative assessments you completed
in your Learner Workbook.

Knowledge Questions Unit Standard

Individually complete the following: Reference

1. Identify the PPE depicted in the following pictures and explain their

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

2. Match the description with the stack name and write the answer in
Column C:

Column A- Description Column B- Type of stack Column

1. Single articles placed one A. Pyramid
above the other.

2. Any stack, other than a B. Stepped

column, with all sides
vertical. (Note the stack
does not have to be
‘square’ in the ordinary
sense of the word.)

3. A stack in which the plan C. Triangular

area is reduced in every
succeeding tier.

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

4. Stacks with two or more D. Lean-to-Pyramid

adjacent tiers of the same
area and each succeeding
group of tiers of a smaller
area than the group on
which it is set.

5. Stacks in pyramid or E. Column

stepped form on two
opposite sides, the other
two sides being vertical.

6. Stepped on one side and F. Square

vertical on the other three
sides. (Note the term does
not mean that the stack
actually leans against a

3. Give 5 examples each of hand and portable power tools: 244283.1.1

Hand tools:

Power tools:


Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

4. List 5 causes of ladder accidents: 244283.1.1


5. Define machine guarding and explain purpose in the workplace 244283.1.1

6. Define disaster management: 244283.1.1


Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

7. What can workers do to help prevent occupational exposures?
244283 EEK1

8. What can workers do to help protect their own health and well- 244283.1.2
being? 244283 EEK1

9. Define and explain the terms in the table below:
244283 EEK1



Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

10. Depict the Four-Step Process of Health Risk Assessment in a 244283.1.2

flowchart: 244283 EEK1

11. Match the description in Column A with its name in Column B and 244283.1.3
write the answer in Column C: 244283 EEK1

Column A Column B Column C

1. The contamination of the A. Soil Pollution
air present in the

2. Stripping soil of its natural B. Noise Pollution


3. The sounds which are not C. Water Pollution

pleasant to hear

4. The contamination of D. Air pollution

various water bodies

12. List 5 of the fundamental principles of risk management 244283.3.1


Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

13. Describe the 4 risk management techniques: 244283.3.1

14. Explain the following abbreviations for elements of SHEQ
Management systems stand for:





Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

15. Create a flowchart depicting the process of planning, implementing

and maintaining SHEQ Management systems:

Total / 80

Assessor Moderator
signature signature

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Practical Activities
Individually complete the following activities to show your ability to integrate and apply
your knowledge and skills in the workplace.

Practical Activity: Facilitate the development, 244283

implementation and maintenance of a Safety, Health EEK1
and Environment management system CCFO1-7
Individually complete the following:
You need to show that you can facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance
of a Safety, Health and Environment management system

Complete the following in your workplace:

1. Discuss fundamental issues pertaining to occupational safety, health and

environment. Complete the following tasks and provide workplace evidence to show
that you have done the following:
a. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to
occupational safety in the workplace. Highlight the issues that are pertinent
to your specific workplace; e.g. Submit photos or documents pertaining to at
least 3 of the following: housekeeping; stacking and storage; colour coding;
symbolic safety signs; hand and portable power tools; lifting equipment;
ladders; scaffolds; vessels under pressure; compressed gas cylinders;
machine guarding; personal protective equipment; confined spaces; hot
work; permit to work; lockout systems; conveyors; disaster management
b. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to
occupational health in the workplace. Highlight the issues that are pertinent
to your specific workplace; e.g. Submit photos or documents pertaining to at
least 3 of the following: the anticipation, identification; evaluation and control
of occupational hygiene stressors; the role of the occupational hygienist;
functions of occupational health services; legislative requirements; clinic
management; fitness-to-work and disability evaluation; health monitoring
and surveillance; AIDS in the workplace; absenteeism; hazards evaluation
and control; disaster management; drug screening; employee assistance
and counselling; health promotion; health risk assessment; primary health
c. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to
environmental management. Highlight the issues that are pertinent to your
specific workplace; e.g. e.g. Submit photos or documents pertaining to at
least 3 of the following: applicable legislation; air; water, soil and noise
pollution; energy optimisation; waste management; emergency
preparedness and response; disaster management; environmental impact
assessments; aspects and impacts; social responsibility
d. Ask your supervisor to sign and date your evidence to verify that it is accurate
and authentic

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

2. Demonstrate understanding of safety theories and principles. Complete the

following tasks and provide workplace evidence to show that you have done the
a. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to the
organisation’s occupational safety management programme
b. Write a report in which you analyse the safety management programme,
linking it to at least one of the safety theories you have studied and indicating
its strengths and weaknesses
c. Ask your supervisor to sign and date your report to verify that it is relevant
and authentic

3. Apply the fundamentals of risk management. Complete the following tasks and
provide workplace evidence to show that you have done the following:
a. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to the
organisation’s risk management programme
b. Provide evidence that you have applied the fundamental principles of risk
management during the implementation of risk management strategies in the
workplace; 1 example each of avoidance, sharing, reducing and retaining
the risk
c. Ask your supervisor to sign and date your evidence to verify that it is
applicable and authentic

4. Apply SHEQ Management systems. Complete the following tasks and provide
workplace evidence to show that you have done the following:
a. Submit a copy of the organisational policies and procedures related to the
organisation’s SHEQ Management systems
b. Submit copies of the documents that you used during the process of planning
the SHEQ management system; e.g. safety standards, Hazard Identification
and Risk Assessments (HIRA), Managerial Instructions, etc.
c. Submit copies of the documents that you used during the process of
implementing the SHEQ management system; e.g. working guides, standard
procedures, equipment and materials specifications, etc.
d. Submit copies of the documents that you used during the process of
maintaining the SHEQ management system; e.g. reports, records, feedback
minutes, etc.
e. Ask your supervisor to sign and date your evidence to verify that it is accurate
and authentic

Remember: Provide workplace evidence to support your answers and show your ability to
do what is required of you in this activity.
Place your evidence after this page; clearly marked for easy reference.

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Practical Activity Checklist

Please tick that you have submitted the following evidence as per the instructions

Learner Name Date

Submitted Name of my document /

Practical Activity
Yes/No Comments

Discuss fundamental issues pertaining to occupational safety, health and

a. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to occupational safety
in the workplace. Highlight the issues that are
pertinent to your specific workplace; e.g.
Submit photos or documents pertaining to at
least 3 of the following: housekeeping; stacking
and storage; colour coding; symbolic safety
signs; hand and portable power tools; lifting
equipment; ladders; scaffolds; vessels under
pressure; compressed gas cylinders; machine
guarding; personal protective equipment;
confined spaces; hot work; permit to work;
lockout systems; conveyors; disaster
b. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to occupational health
in the workplace. Highlight the issues that are
pertinent to your specific workplace; e.g.
Submit photos or documents pertaining to at
least 3 of the following: the anticipation,
identification; evaluation and control of
occupational hygiene stressors; the role of the
occupational hygienist; functions of
occupational health services; legislative
requirements; clinic management; fitness-to-
work and disability evaluation; health
monitoring and surveillance; AIDS in the
workplace; absenteeism; hazards evaluation
and control; disaster management; drug
screening; employee assistance and
counselling; health promotion; health risk
assessment; primary health care
c. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to environmental
management. Highlight the issues that are
pertinent to your specific workplace; e.g. e.g.
Submit photos or documents pertaining to at
least 3 of the following: applicable legislation;
air; water, soil and noise pollution; energy
optimisation; waste management; emergency
preparedness and response; disaster
management; environmental impact
assessments; aspects and impacts; social

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Submitted Name of my document /

Practical Activity
Yes/No Comments
d. Ask your supervisor to sign and date your
evidence to verify that it is accurate and
Demonstrate understanding of safety theories and principles
a. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to the organisation’s
occupational safety management programme
b. Write a report in which you analyse the safety
management programme, linking it to at least
one of the safety theories you have studied and
indicating its strengths and weaknesses
c. Ask your supervisor to sign and date your
report to verify that it is relevant and authentic

Apply the fundamentals of risk management

a. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to the organisation’s
risk management programme
b. Provide evidence that you have applied the
fundamental principles of risk management
during the implementation of risk management
strategies in the workplace; 1 example each of
avoidance, sharing, reducing and retaining the
c. Ask your supervisor to sign and date your
evidence to verify that it is applicable and
Apply SHEQ Management systems
a. Submit a copy of the organisational policies
and procedures related to the organisation’s
SHEQ Management systems
b. Submit copies of the documents that you used
during the process of planning the SHEQ
management system; e.g. safety standards,
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments
(HIRA), Managerial Instructions, etc.
c. Submit copies of the documents that you used
during the process of implementing the SHEQ
management system; e.g. working guides,
standard procedures, equipment and materials
specifications, etc.
d. Submit copies of the documents that you used
during the process of maintaining the SHEQ
management system; e.g. reports, records,
feedback minutes, etc.
e. Ask your supervisor to sign and date your
evidence to verify that it is accurate and

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Witness Testimony
In the workplace, you need to show your ability to integrate what you have
learnt. This can be measured with the Specific Outcomes and the Critical
Cross Field Outcomes of the Unit Standard.

Request your supervisor (or workplace mentor) to complete the following form to show
that you are able to integrate your learning into everyday workplace application. It is
necessary that the supervisor also provides a short comment on the form:

Learner Name Date

Did the Learner: Yes No

1. Discuss fundamental issues pertaining to occupational safety, health and

2. Demonstrate understanding of safety theories and principles?

3. Apply the fundamentals of risk management?

4. Apply SHEQ Management systems?

5. Identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking.
Note: By participating in implementing a SHEQ management system the individual will be
required to have a basic knowledge on the specific requirements of a health and safety
risk assessment programme and so be able to solve problems and make decisions
6. Work effectively with others as members of a team, group, organisation or
Note: The individual will have to take an active part in implementing a SHEQ management
system to ensure the requirements and needs of the represented people are addressed
7. Organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively.
Note: As part of the team, the individual will take into account the activities around him/her
and ensure that his/her actions are complementary
8. Collect, organise, analyse and critically evaluate information.
Note: When implementing a SHEQ management system, the individual will have to collect,
organize and evaluate information in such a way that he/she will be able to contribute to
9. Communicate effectively using visual, mathematics and/or language skills in the
modes of oral and written presentations.
Note: The expectations and contributions of the represented people is communicated
during the implementing a SHEQ management system and feedback on the progress and
results of the programme is provided
10. Use science and technology effectively and critically showing responsibility towards
the environment and health of others.
Note: Science and technology are used at the appropriate level, e.g. in interpreting
statistical data
11. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by
recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation.
Note: He/she must understand the impact of implementing a SHEQ management system
on the overall objectives of the working place

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Comments about how the learner applied the knowledge and skills in this programme:

Supervisor Name:

Supervisor Signature:

Supervisor Designation:

Supervisor Contact Details:

Learner Signature:

Assessor Signature Date

Moderator Signature Date

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Complete this individually in your workplace. This logbook has been included to
record all the time spent on learning and preparation for the assessment and other
activities related to this programme:
• Time spent in class (training)
• Time spent completing an activity should be signed off by a supervisor, mentor
or witness where possible.
• Time spent applying the new knowledge and skills
• The logbook should show that the learner has spent at least 100 hours in
acquiring the required knowledge and skills of this programme:
o Discuss fundamental issues pertaining to occupational safety, health and
o Demonstrate understanding of safety theories and principles
o Apply the fundamentals of risk management
o Apply SHEQ Management systems

Learner Name
Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety, Health
and Environment management system
SAQA ID 244283: Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a
Unit Standard(s) Safety, Health and Environment management system
NQF Level 5, 10 Credits
Sign Off by
Number Running
Supervisor / Manager / Mentor / Witness
Activity Start Date of Total No.
Name & Relationship
Hours of Hours Signature
Surname to Learner

Classroom training

Classroom training

Classroom training

Classroom training

Summarise the meaning

of the term
“Occupational Safety,
Health and Environment”
in a paragraph
Identify and list 15
fundamental issues
pertaining to
occupational safety in
the workplace
Draw up a table to
describe the listed
fundamental issues in
terms of specified
Do research on the
Legal and Site Specific
requirements pertaining
to occupation health in
the workplace and
submit your research
notes to your supervisor
Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Sign Off by
Number Running
Supervisor / Manager / Mentor / Witness
Activity Start Date of Total No.
Name & Relationship
Hours of Hours Signature
Surname to Learner
Identify and list ten
fundamental issues
pertaining to the
Draw up a table to
describe the listed
fundamental issues
pertaining to the
environment according
to specified
Provide a written
description of three
occupational hygiene
Identify and list
measures of control of
occupational hygiene
Arrange an interview
with an occupational
hygienist and discuss
and record his/her job
Summarise the concept
“Inherent Health
Requirements” in a

Provide written
definitions of the terms
“unfit”, “disabled” and
Arrange a meeting with
colleagues to discuss
the occupational
therapy’s role in disaster
Do research on the
fundamental theories of
occupational safety and
present it in a report to
your supervisor

Compile a Safety
Management Plan for
your company
Present the plan to your
supervisor and discuss
how to apply it
Do research on the
employee assistance
program (EAP) and
summarise their aims in
a report
Write down the Four-
Step Process of Risk
Assessment and explain
it to your supervisor
Draw up a diagram to
illustrate a disaster
management structure
Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Sign Off by
Number Running
Supervisor / Manager / Mentor / Witness
Activity Start Date of Total No.
Name & Relationship
Hours of Hours Signature
Surname to Learner
List the ten occupational
safety principles and
explain it to a colleague
Define the term Risk
Management in a
Draw up an example of
a Hazard-Risk Table

Make a list of the

fundamental principles
of risk management and
explain it to a colleague
Write down the four
steps involved in the
process of risk
Take you supervisor on
a tour through your
workplace to identify and
record potential hazards
Do an assessment of
each of the identified
Provide a written
estimation of the severity
of the harm from each
recorded hazard
Provide your supervisor
with a list of possible
control measures for the
identified hazards
Explain to your
supervisor how you will
implement the control
Summarise the meaning
of a SHEQ Management
System in a paragraph
Do research on the five
levels of SHEQ
implementation and
submit your research
notes to your supervisor
Arrange a meeting with
colleagues to discuss
how to implement the
five levels of SHEQ in a
Draw up a diagram
illustrating the project
steps from planning to
Discuss with your
supervisor the top ten
reason why projects fail
Other related workplace activities:

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Sign Off by
Number Running
Supervisor / Manager / Mentor / Witness
Activity Start Date of Total No.
Name & Relationship
Hours of Hours Signature
Surname to Learner

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Sign Off by
Number Running
Supervisor / Manager / Mentor / Witness
Activity Start Date of Total No.
Name & Relationship
Hours of Hours Signature
Surname to Learner

Assessor Moderator
Date Date
signature signature

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Assessment Activities Checklist

The learner needs to complete all the required activities that are guided by the Specific
Outcomes and Assessment criteria of the Unit Standard(s) in this programme:
Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety,
Health and Environment management system
SAQA ID 244283: Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance
Unit Standard of a Safety, Health and Environment management system
NQF Level 5, 10 Credits

Once you have completed all the assessment activities, request your supervisor to
check that you have completed all the required activities and that they have all been
placed in your Portfolio of Evidence, in the following order:
Did the learner provide
Reference: Comments / Feedback Yes No
the required evidence:

Formative – Class Activities

Class Activity 1 244283.1.1

Class Activity 2
244283 EEK1

Class Activity 3
244283 EEK1

Class Activity 4 244283.2

Class Activity 5 244283.3

Class Activity 6 244283.4

Reflection 244283

Facilitator Observation

Summative - Knowledge Questions

Question 1 244283.1.1

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Did the learner provide

Reference: Comments / Feedback Yes No
the required evidence:

Question 2 244283.1.1

Question 3 244283.1.1

Question 4 244283.1.1

Question 5 244283.1.1

Question 6 244283.1.1

Question 7
244283 EEK1

Question 8
244283 EEK1

Question 9
244283 EEK1

Question 10
244283 EEK1

Question 11
244283 EEK1

Question 12 244283.3.1

Question 13 244283.3.1

Question 14 244283.4.1

Question 15 244283.4.2

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
PoE: Summative Assessment

Did the learner provide

Reference: Comments / Feedback Yes No
the required evidence:

Summative – Practical Activities

As per the Practical Activity Checklist:

Practical Activity EEK1

Summative – Witness Testimony

Witness Testimony 244283

Summative – Logbook

Logbook 244283

Learner Name:

Learner Signature:


Supervisor Name:

Supervisor Signature:

Supervisor Designation:

Supervisor Contact Details:

Assessor Signature

Moderator Signature

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

Learner Re-assessment Plan

Should it happen that a learner is deemed Not Yet Competent on assessment the
learner will be allowed to be re-assessed. The learner can, however, only be allowed
three reassessments – as per the training provider’s Assessment Policy.
All assessment decisions will be recorded on the Assessment Feedback Document,
which all parties sign.
When learners have to undergo re-assessment, the following conditions will apply:
• Specific feedback will be given to the learners in the Assessment Feedback
Document so that the learner can concentrate only on those areas in which
they were assessed as Not Yet Competent
• Re-assessment will take place in the same situation / context and under the
same conditions as the original assessment
• Only the assessment criteria that were not achieved will be re-assessed

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

Re-Assessment Preparation Sheet

This document serves to orientate and prepare you in the re-assessment(s) that you
are about to embark in. It is a map that informs you of the steps involved in the
assessment process and will allow you to prepare for your assessment(s), helping to
set you at ease, and give you the best opportunity for success.
Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety,
Health and Environment management system
SAQA ID 244283: Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of
Unit Standard a Safety, Health and Environment management system
NQF Level 5, 10 Credits
Venue of Pre-
Assessment Meeting

Learner Full Name

Learner ID

Facilitator Full Name

Assessor Full Name
Moderator Full Name

Please read the discussion points below. Tick yes, indicating that you have read and
understand the information provided. Please contact your facilitator or assessor if you
do not understand or need additional information on any of the points below:
I have read and understand the
Please take note of the following discussion points: information provided:
Yes No Comments
1. Were you welcomed and made to feel at ease?
2. Was the purpose and objectives of the meeting explained?
3. The purpose of the re-assessment is to determine and
recognise my competence against the unit standards in this
qualification, that I have not met at this point in time
4. Were you provided with a copy of the Assessment Feedback
document in which the assessor has provided specific
feedback about the areas in which you were assessed as Not
Yet Competent:
• I understand what additional evidence I need to submit for
5. I am aware that all evidence has to be:
• Valid (evidence provided will speak to the unit standard)
• Authentic (all evidence submitted will be my own work, I will indicate
where this is not the case. If it found that I am guilty of plagiarism, I
will have to apply to be assessed again and pay the bearing
associated assessment costs)
• Reliable (evidence is from a reliable source)
• Current (evidence cannot be older than 3 years )
• Sufficient (prove consistent competence – not a “once-off”
6. The re-submission date of the remediation evidence has been Date:
communicated to me (fill in date on the right hand side here)
• No late submissions will be accepted. An extension request has to
be submitted 5 working days prior to the agreed submission date.
Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

I have read and understand the

Please take note of the following discussion points: information provided:
Yes No Comments
• We reserve the right to charge an admin fee to process extension
• I will make a copy of the remediation evidence before submission
and retain for safekeeping.
• I accept the consequences of my actions should I not have retained
a copy of my PoE and the document is lost or destroyed as a result
off circumstances beyond the control of the training provider.
7. The assessor will evaluate the remediation evidence
submitted in my PoE against the Unit Standard Specific
Outcomes with their associated Assessment Criteria,
Essential Embedded Knowledge and CCFOs that is outlined
in the Unit Standards related to this Skills Programme in the
8. The Assessor will provide feedback no later than 1 month after
the submission date.
• Assessment results are communicated via e-mail.
• Feedback is confidential.
• The assessor can be contacted to clarify feedback received.
9. If the assessor identifies evidence requirements that I have not
• One further opportunity for re-assessment is provided for (3
assessments in total)
• Should the assessment result remain unchanged upon re-
submission, the action plan will be discussed.
10. Were you informed of your rights, appeal process and
reassessment policies?
11. I understand the appeals policy:
• I have read and signed the Appeals Policy and Procedure in this
Declaration of Understanding statement: Yes / No
1. I understand the importance of the meeting / workshop
2. I declare that the above mentioned points of the re-assessment document were
explained by the Assessor/Trainer and that I have read the above and understood
the contents thereof
3. I declare that I have received feedback on my PoE that has been assessed and that I
understand what additional evidence is required for remediation in this re-
assessment process
4. I was given the opportunity to clarify any issues relating to the re-assessment
process and my re-assessment plan
5. I have requested this re-assessment in accordance with my own free will and without

Learner Signature Date

Facilitator Signature Date

Assessor Signature Date

Moderator Signature Date

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
Learner’s Review

Learner’s Review of the Assessment Process

You, the learner, will be given the same document as below to complete in the Assessor
Assessment Feedback document, once your first assessment has been completed.
The document provides you with the opportunity to provide feedback to the training
provider about the assessment process that you have gone through:
Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety,
Health and Environment management system
SAQA ID 244283: Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance
Unit Standard of a Safety, Health and Environment management system
NQF Level 5, 10 Credits


Review Dimensions Agree Disagree
1. The assessment related to the registered unit standard

2. The assessment was practical

3. The assessment was time efficient and cost effective and did not
interfere with my normal responsibilities
4. The assessment instruments and judgements were fair, clear
and understandable
5. My special needs, if any, were identified and the assessment
plan was adjusted (if required)
6. The feedback that I received was constructive, even when I
requested assistance
7. I was made aware of the opportunity to appeal against the
outcome of the assessment
8. Did you find any parts of the Learner Workbook and Learner Portfolio Guide particularly

9. Did you find any parts of the Learner Workbook and Learner Portfolio Guide particularly
awkward or difficult to understand?

Learner’s declaration of understanding

I am aware that the assessor will provide me with feedback about the assessment and of the
moderation process and understand that the moderator could declare the assessment decision

Learner signature Date Assessor signature Date Moderator signature Date

Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation form.

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide
Learner’s Review

Learner Programme Evaluation

The training provider will provide you, the learner, with a programme evaluation form,
similar to the one below to gather feedback from you about the entire learning process
that you have undergone. Please confirm with the facilitator, which form you will be
Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a Safety,
Health and Environment management system
SAQA ID 244283: Facilitate the development, implementation and maintenance of a
Unit Standard: Safety, Health and Environment management system
NQF Level 5, 10 Credits
Delegate Name:

Date: Duration: Venue:

Facilitator’s Name:
Dear Learner
In order to assist us to maintain the relevance and quality of your learning, please complete this reaction sheet
and hand it back to your facilitator. Please be honest and make additional comments where possible.
Yours in Learning
Poor Average Good Excellent
Quality Indicator Average
=1 =2 =3 =4 =5
Did the Facilitator… Score
1. Clearly explain the outcomes of the course
2. Present an open and friendly approach towards the learners & made me feel welcome
3. Motivate & Encourage learning within the group
4. Use activities and training aids during the training making it exciting
5. Communicated Effectively and clearly
Additional Comments:

How was the course Delivered?
1. Did you feel the knowledgeable on all of the training outcomes
2. There was enough time to practice what I had learnt through activities and exercises
I received enough useful "support" material (Handouts, checklists, templates, job aids etc.) to
assist me back in the workplace
4. The trainer was well prepared
5. Cover the contents of the learning material adequately and in a logical sequence
Additional Comments:

Tell us about the Venue & other Logistics?
1. Communication of training venue, date and time was received in advance
2. Was it well prepared by the facilitator prior to the session
Additional Comments

Thank you for your feedback!

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

A structured process for gathering evidence and making judgments about an
individual's performance in relation to registered, national standards
The document sets out what will be assessed, and what evidence needs to
Assessment Guide
be generated
Assessment Plan Document used to plan the assessment process.
Assessment Process Incorporates all activities that form part of the assessment.
A training method in which an experienced individual guides the learner
towards acquiring specific skills.
Learners are declared competent when they meet the outcomes of the unit
The Education Training Quality Assurance Body is responsible for ensuring
quality training and development within a specific sector.
Refers to the assessment that takes place during the process of learning.
The assessment provides an indication of how the learning is progressing.
Additional training needs may be identified during the process.
A Learnership is a work-based approach to learning and gaining
Learnership qualifications and includes both structured work experience (practical) and
structured learning (theory).
A multi-skilled individual who serves as a sponsor, teacher, coach, sounding
board and counsellor.
A process of review that confirms that processes that have been followed are
valid, consistent, fair and adequate.
The National Qualifications Framework provides a framework for nationally
NQF recognised qualifications. Qualifications are assessed according to ten
NYC Not Yet Competent
OBET Outcomes Based Education and Training
QMS Quality Management System
A group of unit standards that have been clustered together to make up a
Qualifications registered qualification. There are 3 types of qualifications on the NQF:
certificates (120cr), diplomas (240cr) and degree (360cr).
A process whereby learners are assessed and given credit for learning that
has already taken place within the workplace.
SAQA South African Qualifications Authority
SDA Skills Development Act
SDF Skills Development Facilitator
SETA Sector Education and Training Authority
SGB Standards Generating Bodies
Occupationally based learning intervention that uses providers to train
Skills Programmes
learners towards the achievement of national unit standards.
Occurs at the end of the learning process. Evidence is gathered and an
assessment is made as to whether a learner has met requirements for
Organisations or individuals that provide learning. These include technical
Training Providers colleges, technikons, distance education institutions, universities, private
providers or company in-house training divisions.
A collection of knowledge, skills and attributes in which a candidate must
Unit Standards
prove competence (in a structured assessment) to gain credit on the NQF.
An assessment tool, which asks whether evidence is valid, authentic, current,
consistent and sufficient.

Learner Signature Date
Version 1 Learner PoE Guide

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