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New Starters Local Induction v4

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People Centred
Induction guidelines
1. Introduction

1.1 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals recognise the importance of the provision of a timely induction
for all of our staff. This is to help ensure that new staff are effectively integrated into Blackpool
Teaching Hospitals, their team and their role.
1.2 These guidelines detail the purpose and the key features of an effective induction programme.
1.3 The induction process applies to all new members of staff and those transferring in to other
roles within the Trust.

2. Purpose of induction

2.1 The induction process provides a timely opportunity to:

 Welcome and support new team members to their team, department and to the Trust.
 Ensure that new members of staff understand how their role contributes to achieving
the Trusts vision and strategy.
 Emphasise and embed the culture and the values of the Trust.
 Inform new members of staff about the structure of the Trust, the policies and
procedures/practices that are in place both Trust wide and at a local department level.
 Clarify the requirements, duties and responsibilities of the role and ensure they have
the knowledge and skills to perform their role effectively.

3. Induction programme – guiding principles

3.1 The induction programme should be well planned and structured by the line manager, and
delivered to the member of staff in a methodical and orderly manner.
3.2 The core content remains the same, however some details may need to be customised to the
needs and requirements of the person and their role.
3.3 The duration of the induction process should typically take around 28 days (4 weeks). This may
vary dependent upon the individuals’ level of experience and understanding and to the role
which they have been appointed to.

4. Key stages of the induction programme

4.1 Pre-arrival – following confirmation of the appointment by recruitment, it is good practice for
the line manager to make contact with the new member of staff via letter to welcome them
prior to their arrival. This provides a more personal introduction to the Trust after the
formalities of the recruitment process. The letter should typically cover
 First days start time
 where and whom to report to
 the dress code
 what to expect on the first day

4.2 Local induction should commence on the first day in the new role. This should continue until
the new member of staff is fully inducted into their role and into the team.
The induction process needs to be led by the relevant manager but should also include input,
where required from colleagues who may be best placed to provide specific information and
Induction checklist – In order to provide a framework and to ensure that all relevant
information is covered with in local induction an induction checklist appendix B has been
developed. It is a mandatory requirement that this is used over the course of the local
induction period. Adaptation may be required to the particular needs of the new member of
staff, their role, skills & experience and to the particular needs of local working patterns.

Induction buddy – It can be beneficial to assign a buddy from the team to a new member of
staff for the duration of their local induction period. This can assist of faster integration as the
buddy acts as a more ‘informal’ point of reference, providing information and guidance
regarding the local team, whereas a manager will be focused on the more formal aspects of the
induction process. Further information on the purpose of and the role of a buddy can be
viewed in appendix A

Review meetings – during the induction process it is important that the manager meets
regularly with the new member of staff to review progress and to ensure they are settling in to
their new role and the work environment. This also gives an opportunity to establish if there
are any matters or gaps in the programme which need to be addressed.

4.3 Corporate induction – in addition to the local induction, new members of staff will be invited to
attend a corporate induction event. Staff will be booked onto an event as close to their start
date as possible. The corporate induction gives staff information on the Trust, our services, our
culture and our values and our strategic direction.

Mandatory Training – protected time for completion of any mandatory training should be
identified prior to the new member of staff attending for their first day. The schedule will then
be given to the new staff member on their first day in post. A timing guide is available to assist
in scheduling appendix E

Information resources for staff

Additional induction information and resources can be found at: pre-induction link yet to be
added. Managers should familiarise themselves with the resources available and encourage
new members of staff to use this information.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 Line Managers – It is the responsibility of the line manager to develop a suitable induction
programme (example programme appendix D)and to ensure that it is implemented in a timely
and an appropriate manner. Line Managers should also encourage other team members to
take a pro-active role in the induction process. When the induction process in concluded this
needs to confirmed by the manager by signing of the completion statement appendix C
5.2 Members of Staff – all staff are expected to take a proactive role in their induction. Where any
gaps in learning or knowledge are identified, the individual should ensure that their manager is
informed so that these can be addressed.
5.3 Heads of Service – it is the responsibility of the head of service to support and encourage
managers to adopt best practice in relation to the induction process.
5.4 Learning and Development – to record and monitor receipt of completion after 90 days
To follow up on non-receipt of the completion statement.

6. Further information
For further advice and information on the induction process, please contact Learning &
Organisational Development.
An induction buddy
New staff may benefit from knowing that there is a designated colleague there to help them settle
in, and to whom they can turn for general information and guidance, particularly during the first
few days and weeks in the job. An induction buddy essentially acts as a link between the new
member of staff and the service within which they will be working.

The role of an induction buddy

The main purpose of a buddy is to:

 Provide an informal point of reference in the first months of the job

 Help answer day-to-day questions and genera l queries that the new member of staff may
have about the team/dept/role.
 Help encourage communication and prevent the new member of staff from feeling isolated
 Acts as a link with other staff members
 Helps with the orientation process

Criteria for an induction buddy

A buddy should be selected on a voluntary basis and should be:

 An experienced staff member from within the same team as the new recruit
 Ideally in a similar role
 Someone who can be trusted to give accurate information

The individual who is selected to act as a buddy should be provided with a clear brief in terms of
their role in the induction process.
Induction checklist for Managers
This checklist provides guidance on the types of issues and information that should typically be
covered during induction. This document should be read, completed and used in conjunction with
the induction guidelines.

PLEASE NOTE: Certain items may not be applicable to all staff. Similarly, there maybe other
items/activities which need to be added to the list. The checklist should therefore be adapted to fit
the needs of the member of staff. It may be appropriate for some items/tasks to be delegated by
the manager to other members of the team/induction buddy.
Person Date
PRE-ARRIVAL responsible Completed
(IB=Induction buddy)
Create induction programme (schedule meetings with relevant staff) Manager

Issue welcome letter or e-mail Manager

Inform others in the team/dept of the new member of staffs arrival Manager

Identify and liaise with the induction buddy (if applicable) Manager

Organise any office equipment (I;e phone, PC, keys etc) Manager/IB

Organise any uniform fittings and applicable PPE fittings Manager/IB

Ensure IT equipment and software have been configured by IT Manager

Arrange an appointment with Digital Identity/Smartcard team to take Manager/IB

place on users first day of employment. At this appointment user will
be issued with Smartcard, ID Badge, Windows account and email

Organise any relevant training and contact the relevant learning area Manager/IB
with the employee details (IT systems etc)
Organise/prepare to deliver basic life support training Manager/IB

Book a place on the next induction event via L&OD Manager/IB

Ensure relevant documentation is available e.g copies of relevant Manager

policies, employee handbook etc
Identify any annual leave requirements Manager
Welcome by line manager and explain arrangements for the Manager
induction process
Introduce to departmental/team colleagues and *IB (*if applicable) Manager

Appointment with Digital Identity/Smartcard team to collect Manager/IB

Smartcard, ID Badge, Windows and email details.
Ensure the person is aware of local facilities: Manager/IB
Toilet/kitchen/rest facilities
Where to store personal property Manager/IB
Check e-mail account is active Manager/IB

Access to shared network drives / SharePoint sites Manager/IB

Access and training for any clinical/business systems
Fire alarm, evacuation and emergency procedures and location of fire Manager/IB

Where to park/ Parking Permit / Hospital bus / Bike Shed facilities Manager/IB

Hospital restaurant and shops Manager/IB

Chaplaincy service Manager/IB


Accident/ incident reporting procedures Manager/IB

Fire Assembly point Manager/IB

Moving and handling procedures Manager/IB

Basic life support training Manager/IB

Book a place with L&D on the fraud awareness session Manager/IB


Normal hours of work Manager
Break periods (if appropriate)
On call commitments (if appropriate)
Emergency call out procedure (if appropriate)
Policies relevant to role
Dress code / uniform (Dress code and uniform policy)

Make aware of and show access to:

Smoke Free policy
Bullying & harassment policy
Flexible working policy
Grievance policy
Disciplinary policy
Capability policy
Whistle blowing policy
Equality & Diversity policy
Sickness notification and reporting procedures Manager
What do you do if you feel unwell at work?
When are you required to self-certificate sickness?
When do you require a doctor’s certificate?
Symptoms you should be clear of before return to work?
Annual leave procedures (booking/ taking leave etc)
Access to e-Rostering

Waste disposal (colour bags) Manager/IB

Infection prevention – sharps injuries
Arrange protected time for completion mandatory training

Job description, job role and responsibilities, review of development Manager

Expected performance standards/appropriate conduct Manager

Discuss pay progression policy requirements Manager

Name of your Appraiser Manager

Discuss / arrange date of your first yearly appraisal Manager

Agree personal and departmental objectives Manager


Tour of the department Manager/IB

Meet key contacts within the service Manager/IB

Service objectives and strategic plan Manager/IB

Organisational chart/staff lists Manager/IB

Administrative systems e.g – booking rooms/telephone directory Manager/IB

Contacting security Manager/IB

Support services (HR&OD services, OH and wellbeing) Manager/IB

How the code of conduct applies to your role? Manager

The areas of Confidentiality and Data Protection relevant to your Manager

department / area of work? (e.g. patient records, personal staff files,
electronic records?)
Which portable computer media (memory sticks, CDs, etc) are Manager
permitted for use within the Trust?
How to dispose of confidential waste? Manager

Protocol for sending person identifiable data (PID) by fax or email? Manager/IB


Read the “communications” emails you receive Manager/IB

Look at notice Boards Manager/IB

Use the Intranet to access policies, and find out essential key Manager/IB
Look for new articles on the Trust Intranet/team brief Manager/IB

ADDITIONAL ORIENTATION (for clinical staff)

Period of supervised practice / mentor (if appropriate) Manager

Nursing Competencies Manager

Nursing Paperwork Manager

Medicines Management Manager

Equipment used in area Manager

Manual handling equipment used in area Manager

Security of patient property (If appropriate) Manager

Requirements and responsibility for registered member to keep Manager
professional registrations up to date
Manager to discuss Revalidation Manager

The following statement needs to be completed and signed by the staff member and the line manager.
An electronic copy of this statement needs to be sent to OLM@bfwhospitals.nhs.uk.
This will be recorded against your learner profile as a record of completion of the local induction process.

Please return the completion statement within 90 days of your new member of staff commencing in post
with you.

Inductee name:

Department and Division:

Signature of inductee:

Date of completion:

Line manager name:


Line manager signature:

Pre-Arrival Checklist - Manager (M) or Induction Buddy (IB)
Organise relevant training & identify protected time for
Create Induction programme (schedule meetings with
☐ Organise office equipment (phone/ PC etc) ☐ completion of mandatory training ☐
relevant staff) (M)

Organise any uniform fittings and applicable PPE fittings

Issue welcome letter or e-mail (M) ☐ Ensure set up of e-mail account/ user name (M) ☐ ☐

Inform team/ dept of new starter’s arrival (M) ☐ Organise smartcard appointment for Day 1 ☐ Book a place on next induction event via L&OD ☐

Identify & liaise with the Induction Buddy (if applicable) Ensure relevant documentation is available (polices/
☐ Organise ID badge appointment for Day 1 ☐ ☐
(M) employee handbook etc)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A.M Manager: A.M Manager to discuss: A.M A.M & P.M A.M
 Welcome by line manager agree  Working practices & procedures Manager to discuss:
induction process and health & safety information  Information Governance procedures  1:1 introduction meetings to be  Outstanding 1:1 meetings to be
(see checklist)
 Fire Assembly point (see checklist) scheduled with key members of the scheduled with key members of
team and department the team and department
 Brief introduction of staff member  Job role & responsibilities (See
to the dept & teams  Professional registration  Attend Great Place to Work  Meet with HoD
checklist) meeting
 Confirm the protected time for
mandatory training completion  Any ‘additional orientation’ for
Manager or IB to discuss: clinical staff
 General arrangements / logistics
(see checklist)
P.M Manager P.M P.M P.M

 Collect I.D & Smartcard  Meet immediate team members 1:1 Manager / or IB to discuss:  Meet with Manager / IB to review
 Check e-mail account is active or attend team meeting  Departmental Operations and the first week
procedures including tour of the
 Check access to network drives /
clinical/ business systems
(see checklist)
 Complete BLS and moving and
handling procedures
 Communications & engagement
 Book a place with L&D on the fraud
awareness session

People Centred

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A.M A.M & P.M A.M A.M A.M

 Meet with Manager / IB to  1:1 introduction meetings to be  Meet divisional finance manager  Attend Great Place to work  Complete any outstanding
discuss the week ahead scheduled with members of the meeting or Trust Strategy mandatory training or online e-
wider team and department Roadshow / engagement event learning modules
relevant to job role  Meet with Workforce Business
 Attend Team Brief Partner


 Meet with Manager / IB to
 Reading time: policies, intranet,  Shadow team members where  Shadow team members where review the first week
Trust website & oneHR appropriate appropriate

For a blank template please click here



Type of Training Frequency Delivery Methods Approx. completion time Approx. completion time
available theory and assessment Assessment only


Trust induction – non-clinical Once only Face to Face ½ day N/A

Trust induction – clinical 1 day

Local induction Each time a new post Face to Face 4 weeks N/A
is taken up
Effective communication skills Once only Face to Face ½ day N/A

Freedom to speak out (FTSO) Once only Face to Face ½ day N/A

HCA Induction and Care Certificate Once only Face to Face 5 days N/A
Managing at Blackpool Once only Face to Face ½ day N/A
New Consultant Induction Programme Once only Face to Face 4 days + Action learning Sets N/A
Preceptorship Once only Face to Face N/A


*DNAR/CPR Annually E-Learning/ESR 60 minutes 60 minutes
(theory essential)
*Fire Safety Annually Face to Face 60 minutes N/A
Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
*Information Governance Annually E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
* Risk Management incl. Investigation of Annually Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
Incidents, Complaints & Claims E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes

*Resuscitation (Basic Life Support) Annually Face to Face 60 minutes 60 minutes

(theory essential)
*Blood Collection Process 2 Yearly Face to Face 40 minutes N/A

*Health Record-Keeping 2 Yearly Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes

E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
*Infection Prevention 2 Yearly Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
*Moving & Handling Theory 2 Yearly Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
*Moving & Handling Practical 2 Yearly Face to Face 40 minutes 10 minutes
(Patient) **delivery from Personal Development Advisor
*Moving & Handling Practical 2 Yearly Face to Face 40 minutes 10 minutes
(Object) **delivery from Personal Development Advisor
*Blood Transfusion Process: Administration 3 Yearly Face to Face 120 minutes N/A
- theory EXCLUDING CHS Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
Blood Transfusion Process: Administration 3 Yearly Face to Face 20 minutes 20 minutes
– competency assessment EXCLUDING CHS

*Conflict Resolution including 3 Yearly Face to Face 120 minutes 60 minutes

Harassment and Bullying (theory essential)
and Violence and Aggression Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes

*Consent 3 Yearly Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes

E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
*Equality and Diversity 3 Yearly Face to Face 120 minutes N/A
Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
*Health & Safety with Staff Slips, Trips and 3 Yearly Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
Falls and Security of Premises and Assets E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
*Medicines Management 3 Yearly Face to Face 120 minutes N/A
Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
* Mental Capacity Act and DOLS 3 Yearly Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
*Recognise and Act 3 Yearly Face to Face 120 minutes N/A
Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
*Safeguarding Children level 1 3 Yearly Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes
E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
*Safeguarding Children Level 2 3 Yearly Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes

* Safeguarding Children Level 3 3 Yearly Face to Face 180 minutes – 180 minutes –
NO ASSESSMENT ONLY 420 minutes dependent upon 420 minutes dependent upon
OPTION AVAILABLE. competencies covered competencies covered

* Safeguarding Children Level 4 3 Yearly Face to Face 180 minutes – 180 minutes –
NO ASSESSMENT ONLY 420 minutes dependent upon 420 minutes dependent upon
OPTION AVAILABLE. competencies covered competencies covered

*Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults 3 Yearly Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes

E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes

* VTE 3 Yearly Workbook 40 minutes 20 minutes

E-Learning/ESR 40 minutes 20 minutes
HR Advisor Mandatory Training 7 Hours
(Admin & Clerical) Local Induction 4 Weeks
Non Clinical Induction ½ Day
Effective Communication Skills ½ Day
HCA Mandatory Training 12 Hours
(Additional Clinical Local Induction 4 Weeks
Services) Clinical Induction 1 Day
Care Certificate 12 Weeks
New Consultant Mandatory Training 16 Hours
(Medical & Dental) Local Induction 4 Weeks
Clinical Induction 1 Day
New Consultant Induction Programme 4 Days + Action Learning Sets
Newly Qualified Mandatory Training 20 Hours
Nurse Local Induction 4 Weeks
(Nursing & Clinical Induction 1 Day
Midwifery) Preceptorship Programme 15 Days
HCA (Bench) Mandatory Training 12 Hours
(Additional Clinical Local Induction 4 Weeks
Services) Induction 1 Day
HCA Induction Hours
Care Certificate 12 weeks

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