Official - Syllabus MBA Program
Official - Syllabus MBA Program
Official - Syllabus MBA Program
Vision of Delhi School of Management
To equip the students with contemporary and emerging developments in the field
M3 of management.
About the Department
•The MBA programme is a two-year full time professional programme spread over four
semesters, which combines rigorous academic schedules with proactive efforts to develop
new perspectives and a higher level of knowledge and understanding.
•The Programme focuses on inculcating effective managerial and leadership skills.
•The first year of the program offers core courses to develop the right attitude, knowledge and
skills which are essential for a leader in the long term.
•The elective courses offered in the second year give students an opportunity to delve deeper
in their respective areas of specialization and thus cater to the role and sector specific career
Semester System and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
For the MBA program, DSM follows a semester system and choice based credit system
adhering to the guidelines issued by UGC and AICTE. The semester system accelerates the
teaching learning process and enables horizontal and vertical mobility in learning. The credit
based semester system provides flexibility in designing curriculum and assigning credits
based on the course content and hours of teaching. The choice based credit system provides a
“cafeteria” type approach in which the students can take the courses of their choice, learn at
their own pace, undergo additional courses and adopt an inter-disciplinary approach to
Courses in the MBA program are of two kinds: Core and Elective
CBCS: It provides choice for students to select from the prescribed courses.
Course: It is usually referred to as “Papers”. All courses need not carry the same weight/
credit. A course may comprise lectures/ tutorials/ practicals, field work, outreach activities/
project work/ vocational training/ viva/ seminars etc., or a combination of a few of these.
Credit: A unit by which the course work is measured. It determines the number of hours of
instructions required per week. One credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching or two hours
of practical work.
Grade Point: It is the numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a 10 point scale.
Letter Grade: It is an index of the performance of students in a said course. Grades are
denoted by letters O, A+, A, B+, B, C, P and F.
Transcript or Grade Card: Based on the grades earned, a Marksheet is issued to all
registered students after every semester. The Marksheet displays the course details along with
SGPA of that semester and CGPA earned till that semester
Tutorial- For students it will be on an average one hour per student per week. Students may
be formed in a group of five and they would interact with the faculty over case based/ project
based assignment.
(Since the batch consists of advanced learners, slow learners, research oriented students,
foreign students etc. hence the tutorial should be delivered in flexible mode. It will help in
concept clarification, practical applications, research etc. as per the need of the student.)
Workshops- Engagement in class will be of 12-20 hours in the whole semester depending
upon out of class engagement.
Capstone Project/Major Research Project: The project is a year-long course that requires
students to build on what they’ve learned so far and apply it to real-world business problems.
Students will be attached with a mentor from industry as well as faculty and they will be
required to pair with a company with a product or service challenge for students to address.
The evaluation of the research project shall be carried out jointly by a panel of internal and
external examiner. The department may invite external examiners across the specialization
and industry.
Pedagogical Notes:
1. Entrepreneurial thinking will be promoted in the delivery of various courses.
2. Case study approach as a critical learning tool will be thoroughly used to enhance the
student abilities in delineating critical thinking dilemmas faced by organizations, help
them in applying concepts and solve practical problems.
3. Predictive and real-life exposure will be provided to the students at all levels.
4. In addition to the focus on the corporate sector, exposure to the social sectors and public
policy issues will be suitably incorporated in the delivery of the curriculum.
5. Students will be trained in innovative and out-of-box thinking in various courses to meet
workplace challenges in the VUCA world.
6. The whole curriculum will be delivered in the ethical contexts and will emphasize human
7. The delivery will incorporate global contexts for wider perspectives and thinking.
8. The overall delivery will to provide an integrated and holistic foundation of the different
fields of business management with a clear focus on problem-solving.
9. Throughout the curriculum delivery, the emphasis will be on developing leadership skills
through practical exercises.
10. Successful Indian business models will be shared with students in different courses.
The learning pedagogy will be complemented with self-learning tools such as poster sessions,
break-and- build and free-fall learning and innovative business education methods including
design thinking, project- based learning, contemplative practices, assumption-busting and
theatre techniques to deepen learning.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO 1: To equip students with subject knowledge and expertise of managerial functions.
PEO 2: To develop critical and a holistic approach among students for designing and
implementing solutions to problems of business, government and society.
PEO 3: To nurture the spirit of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship among students.
PEO 4: To develop effective communication, interpersonal, motivational, decision making
and leadership skills among students.
PEO 5: To inculcate value-based leadership, ethical qualities and a sense of social purpose
among students.
Program Outcomes (POs)
MBA Syllabus Revision
The department carries out major revision of its course every 3-4 years, apart from the minor
changes carried out as per requirement and industry needs time to time. The last major
revision was carried out in 2017. This time, the syllabus revision was carried out considering
three major objectives:
1. To make the contents more relevant to contemporary industry needs and practices with
special emphasis on incorporating courses on new skill-set which may be high in demand
in during next couple of years.
2. To provide more flexibility and freedom to students to choose and make a basket of their
preferred courses from among the list.
Types of Specialization
The new syllabus is designed to provide more flexibility and freedom to the students to
choose a combination of specialization and electives from the basket.
Major/Minor Specialization
Dual Specialization
Note: In addition to major/minor/dual specialization, students may also make their own
basket of courses across functional areas. In such cases, MBA degree without any
specialization shall be awarded.
However, as per the policy, a particular elective paper shall be offered only as per University
norms. The department may also restrict some of the combinations of specialization/electives
keeping in view the industry trend, job opportunities and students’ preferences.
S. Course Examinatio
N Relative Weights
Type n
O Cour
Name of the Type/ Course P
se PRS/
Course Area Credits / PR/ ETE/ PRE/
1 MBA Management Core
-101 Process and Course
Organizational 4 3 1 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 _
2 MBA Managerial Core
-103 Economics Course 4 3 1 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 _
(Lecture; T-Tutorial ; P- Practical/Lab ( has been redefined for management education as proposed)
Tutorial- For students it will be on an average one hour per student per week.
(Since the batch consists of advanced learners, slow learners, research oriented students, foreign students etc. hence the
tutorial should be delivered in flexible mode. It will help in concept clarification, practical applications, research etc. as
per the need of the student.)
Workshops- Engagement in class will be of 12-20 hours in the whole semester depending upon out of class
S. Course
N Examination Relative Weights
O Cour
Name of the Type/ Course P
se PRS/
Course Area Credits / PR/ CW ETE/ PRE/
1 MBA Human Core
-102 Resource Course
Management 4 3 1 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 __-_ _
(Lecture; T-Tutorial ; P- Practical/Lab ( has been redefined for management education as proposed)
Tutorial- For students it will be on an average one hour per student per week.
(Since the batch consists of advanced learners, slow learners, research oriented students, foreign students etc. hence the
tutorial should be delivered in flexible mode. It will help in concept clarification, practical applications, research etc. as
per the need of the student.)
Practical- Hands on experience of the concepts/techniques on defined tools/software/database- psychometrics-
personality profile- group dynamics etc. The student will be required to work in group of up to 20 students. It will
inculcate skills in critical areas like decision making, also focus on being industry ready.
Workshops- Engagement in class will be of 12-20 hours in the whole semester depending upon out of class
S. Course
N Examination Relative Weights
O Cour
Name of the Type/ Course
se PRS/
Course Area Credits P/ PR/ CW ETE/ PRE/
1 MBA Strategic Core
-201 Management Course
4 4 0 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 _
Elective-II Elective
Course 4 3 1 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 _
Elective-III Elective
Course 4 3 1 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 _
Elective-IV Elective
Course 4 3 1 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 _
(Lecture; T-Tutorial ; P- Practical/Lab ( has been redefined for management education as proposed)
Tutorial- For students it will be on an average one hour per student per week.
(Since the batch consists of advanced learners, slow learners, research oriented students, foreign students etc. hence the
tutorial should be delivered in flexible mode. It will help in concept clarification, practical applications, research etc. as
per the need of the student.)
Practical- Hands on experience of the concepts/techniques on defined tools/software/database- psychometrics-
personality profile- group dynamics etc. The student will be required to work in group of up to 20 students. It will
inculcate skills in critical areas like decision making, also focus on being industry ready.
Workshops- Engagement in class will be of 12-20 hours in the whole semester depending upon out of class
S. Course
N Examination Relative Weights
O Cour
Name of the Type/ Course P
se PRS/
Course Area Credits / PR/ CW ETE/ PRE/
Elective-I Electiv
Course 4 3 1 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 _
Elective-II Electiv
e 4 3 1 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 _
Elective-III Electiv
e 4 3 1 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 _
Elective-IV Electiv
e 4 3 1 0 Yes No 25 _ 25 50 _
5 MBA Major Skill
-202 Research Based 4 0 0 No Yes - 50 - - 50
6 MBA Finishing Skill
-204 School for Based
Work Life
1 0 0 2 No Yes - 50 - - 50
Balance and
Total 21 12 4 6
(Lecture; T-Tutorial ; P- Practical/Lab ( has been redefined for management education as proposed)
Tutorial- For students it will be on an average one hour per student per week.
(Since the batch consists of advanced learners, slow learners, research oriented students, foreign students etc. hence the
tutorial should be delivered in flexible mode. It will help in concept clarification, practical applications, research etc. as
per the need of the student.)
Practical- Hands on experience of the concepts/techniques on defined tools/software/database- psychometrics-
personality profile- group dynamics etc. The student will be required to work in group of up to 20 students. It will
inculcate skills in critical areas like decision making, also focus on being industry ready.
Workshops- Engagement in class will be of 12-20 hours in the whole semester depending upon out of class
*The course will start in the third semester and continue in the fourth semester with evaluation at the end of the fourth
List of Electives
Semester: III
MBAFM 211 -Investment Management
MBAFM 213 -Investment Banking and Financial Services
MBAFM 215- Financial Markets and Institutions
MBAFM 217- Wealth Management and Financial Planning
MBAFM 219- International Financial Management
MBAFM 221- Project Appraisal and Finance
MBAFM 223- Financing the Entrepreneurial Business
Semester: IV
MBAFM 212- Behavioural Finance
MBAFM 214- Data analytics in Finance
MBAFM 216- Time series Analysis
MBAFM 218- Corporate Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructuring
MBAFM 220- Financial Derivatives and Risk Management
MBAFM 222- Financial Modeling and Forecasting
Human Resource Management
Semester: III
MBAHR 211- Industrial Relations & Labor Legislation
MBAHR 213- Compensation Management
MBAHR 215- Organizational Development
MBAHR 217- Strategic Human Resource Management
MBAHR 219- Changing Paradigms in Leadership
MBAHR 221- Negotiation skills and conflict Management
MBAHR 223- HRM in service sector
Semester: IV
MBAHR 212- Cross Cultural and International Human Resource Management
MBAHR 214- Performance Management
MBAHR 216- Training and Development
MBAHR 218- Interpersonal Processes and Counseling Skills for Managers
MBAHR 220- Team Building
MBAHR 222- Talent Management
MBAHR 224- HR Analytics
Semester: III
MBAMK 211- Markeing Digital Marketing Strategy
MBAMK 213- Consumer Behaviour
MBAMK 215- Product and Brand Management
MBAMK 217- Entrepreneurial Marketing
MBAMK 219- Marketing Research
MBAMK 221- Marketing of Services
Semester: IV
MBAMK 212- Marketing Analytics
MBAMK 214- Digital Marketing Tools
MBAMK 216- Integrated Marketing Communications
MBAMK 218- Business to Business Marketing
MBAMK 220- International Marketing
MBAMK 222- Sales and Distribution Management
MBAMK 224- Customer Relationship Management
MBA MK 226- Retail Management
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Semester: III
MBASC 211- Operations Analytics
MBASC 213- Total Quality Management
MBASC 215- Logistics Management
MBASC 217- Purchasing & Supplier Relationship Management
MBASC 219- Sustainable Supply Chain Management
MBASC 221- Supply chain planning and execution
Semester: IV
MBASC 212- Supply Chain Modelling
MBASC 214- Service Operations Management
MBASC 216- Operations Research
MBASC 218- Warehouse management
MBASC 220- International Logistics Management
MBASC 222- Supply chain strategy and Innovation
IT Management
Semester: III
MBAIT 211- 1Business Intelligence and analytics
MBAIT 213- Business Process Reengineering and ERP Implementation
MBAIT 215- Business Systems Analysis and Design
MBAIT 217- Database Management System
MBAIT 219- E-Business
MBAIT 221- Management of Information Security
Semester: IV
MBAIT 212- Data mining for business analytics
MBAIT 214- Application of AI in Business
MBAIT 216- Big Data analytics
MBAIT 218- E-Governance for inclusive development
MBAIT 220 - KM Tools and New Age Business Models
MBAIT 222- Knowledge and Innovation Management
MBAIT 224- Software project management
Semester: III
MBAAN 211 - Business Intelligence and analytics
MBAAN 213 - Data analytics in Finance
MBAAN 215 - Operations Analytics
MBAAN 217 - Time Series Analysis
Semester: IV
MBAAN 212 - HR Analytics
MBAAN 214 - Data mining for business analytics
MBAAN 216 - Application of AI in Business
MBAAN 218 - Big Data analytics
MBAAN 220 - Marketing Analytics
International Business
Semester: III
MBAIB 211 -International Trade Logistics
MBAIB 213 -International Human Resource Management
MBAIB 215 -Legal Dimensions of International Business
Semester: IV
MBAIB 212 -Transnational and Cross Cultural Marketing
MBAIB 214 -India’s Foreign Trade and Investment
MBAIB 216 -Multinational Business Finance
Semester: III
MBAEN 211- Design Thinking and Product Development
MBAEN 213- Entrepreneurial Marketing
MBAEN 215- Wealth Management and Financial Planning
MBAEN 217- Creativity and Innovation.
MBAEN 219- Financing the Entrepreneurial Business
Semester: IV
MBAEN 212- Family Business Management
MBAEN 214- Social Entrepreneurship
MBAEN 216- Project Management
MBAEN 218- Entrepreneurship and E-business