MSC Syllabus
MSC Syllabus
MSC Syllabus
Reference Books
S.No. Author(s) Title of the Book Publisher/Year
1 R.S. Drago Physical Methods in inorganic Affiliated East-West
Chemistry Press (Section 1& 2)
2nd Edition,
Reinhold New York
2 C. N. Banwell Fundamentals of Molecular McGraw-Hill, 1966
3 R. V. Parish NMR, NQR, EPR & Ellis Horwood,
Mossbauer spectroscopy in London, 1990
Inorganic Chemistry
4 G. M. Barrow Introduction to Molecular McGraw-Hill
5 E. A. Ebsworth, S.Craddock Structural methods in Blackwell Scientific
and D.W. H. Rankin Inorganic Chemistry Publications (1991)
6 C.N.R. Rao and J.R. Ferraro Spectroscopy in Organic Vol. I, Academic
Chemistry Press, 1971