2. Infrared Spectroscopy:
(A) Vibration modes & bond stretching, absorption of common functional groups,
electrical & steric effects, effects of hydrogen bonding, fingerprint region &
interpretation of IR spectra.Applications of vibrational spectroscopy for investigating
mode of bonding of ambidentate ligands (thiocyanate,nitrate,sulphate& urea).
(B) Raman Spectroscopy:Classical & quantum theories of Raman effect. Pure rotational,
vibrational & vibrational-rotational Raman spectra, selection rule, mutual exclusion
principle, Resonance Raman Spectroscopy, Coherent Antistokes Raman Spectroscopy
(CARS)Comparison of IR & Raman Spectroscopy.
(C) CMR Spectroscopy: General consideration, chemical shift, coupling constants, Off
resonance decoupling, DEPT,Interpretation of simple CMR spectra.
4. MASS Spectroscopy
(A) Introduction, ion production, fragmentation, factors influencing ion abundance, single
& multiple bond cleavage, rearrangement, cleavage associated with common
functional groups, molecular ion peak, metastable ion peak, Nitrogen rule &
interpretation of mass spectra.
(B) Fingerprint application & the interpretation of mass spectra, effect of isotopes on the
appearance of mass spectrum, recognition of the molecular ion peak, Ionization
techniques (El & FAB).
The great orthogonality theorem (without proof) and its importance, character tables
and their use, derivation of character table for C2v and C3v point group, symmetry
aspects of molecular vibrations of H2O molecule. Symmetry & shapes of simple AB2,
AB3, AB4 molecules on the basis of IR spectral data
Books Suggested
1. Inorganic Electronic spectroscopy - A.P.B. Lever, Elsevier
2. Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry - E.A.V., Ebsworth, D.W.H., Rankin and S. Cradock, ELBS.
3. Infrared and Raman Spectra - Inorganic and Coordination Compounds - H. Nakamoto, Wiley.
4. Basic Principle of Spectroscopy - R. Change, McGraw Hill.
5. NMR, NOR, EPR and Mossbauer Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry - R.V. Parish, Ellis Horwood
6. Chemical Application of Group Theory - F.A. Cotton, 3rdEdn., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
7. Inorganic Chemistry - G.L. Miessler& D.A. Tarr, 2ndEdn., Prentice Hall International Inc., London
8. Symmetry and Spectroscopy of Molecular - K. Veera Reddy- New Age International Pvt. Ltd.,New Delhi
9. Application of Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds - J.R. Dyers, Prentice Hall
10. Introduction of NMR Spectroscopy - R.J. Abrahim, J. Fishes & P. Loftus, Wiley
11. Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry - D.H. Williams, I. Fleming, Tata McGraw.
12. Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds, 6th Edition, John Wiley, New York.
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