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Year 9 Teacher

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

Cambridge Lower Secondary

Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman & Michael Smyth

Second edition Digital Access

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

1 Photosynthesis and
the carbon cycle
Unit plan

Topic Learning hours Learning content Resources

1.1 - Introduction to Learner’s Book: Questions 1–4

Photosynthesis photosynthesis Think like a scientist: Collecting the gas

PL produced in photosynthesis
Think like a scientist: Investigating how light
intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis
Activity: Words beginning with photo-
Activity: Photosynthesis and respiration
Workbook: Exercise 1.1A, How light level affects
Exercise 1.1B, The effect of different colours of
light on the rate of photosynthesis
Exercise 1.1C, Turning an idea into an hypothesis
that can be tested
Teacher’s Resource: Worksheets 1.1A, 1.1B,
1.1C, The beginning of photosynthesis
Template 1, Results table for Think like a
scientist: Investigating how light intensity affects
the rate of photosynthesis

1.2 More about - Chloroplasts and Learner’s Book: Questions 1–4

photosynthesis chlorophyll; leaves; Activity: Which surface of a leaf has most
mineral ions required stomata?
by plants.
Think like a scientist: Testing a leaf for starch
Think like a scientist: Investigating the effect of
fertilisers on plant growth
Workbook: Exercise 1.2A, Duckweed experiment
Exercise 1.2B, Testing a variegated leaf for starch
Exercise 1.2C, Floating discs experiment
Teacher’s Resource: Template 2: Planning record
for Think like a scientist: Investigating the effect
of fertilisers on plant growth

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior
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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

Topic Learning hours Learning content Resources

1.3 The carbon - How carbon atoms Learner’s Book: Questions 1–4
cycle move between Think like a scientist: How do plants and animals
organisms and the air affect carbon dioxide concentration?
Activity: Modelling the carbon cycle
Workbook: Exercise 1.3, Completing a carbon
cycle diagram
Teacher’s Resource: Worksheets 1.3A, 1.3B,
1.3C, Building a carbon cycle Template 3,

Results chart for Think like a scientist: How
do plants and animals affect carbon dioxide
1.4 Climate - The effects of Learner’s Book: Questions 1–4
change greenhouse gases and Think like a scientist: How do rising temperatures
asteroid collisions on

PL the Earth’s climate
affect sea level?
Activity: The carbon cycle and climate change
Workbook: Exercise 1.4, Interpreting graphs
about climate change
Teacher’s Resource: Worksheet 1.4, Impacts of
climate change
Learner's Book:
Check your Progress
Project: What happened to the dinosaurs?
Teacher' resource:
Language development worksheets
1 Completing sentences about the carbon cycle
2 Making predictions


It is likely that learners will already know something The work on the carbon cycle requires an
about photosynthesis. Learners who have followed understanding of the concept of elements and
the Cambridge programme learnt at Stage 4 that compounds, which was covered in chemistry at
plants get energy from light, and they will also Stage 7. Learners will revisit their earlier work on
know that plants are the producers in food chains, decomposers from Stage 7, and integrate this with
a concept that was first addressed at Stage 6 their previous knowledge of respiration, as well as
and again at Stages 7 and 8. They should know the new work on photosynthesis. They are likely to
something about energy changes, which were have met combustion reactions in their chemistry
covered in the Physics units in Stage 7. lessons, probably in Stage 8.
Learners will also need to be confident with The climate change topic builds on earlier work on
word equations. These are first dealt with in the greenhouse gases in the chemistry topics in Stage
chemistry topics in Stage 8, and learners are also 8. Learners are also likely to remember something
likely to remember using the word equation for about asteroids from Stage 8.
respiration which they used in Stage 8.

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2 © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Assessment for learning
As teachers, we all want to know how our learners How is assessment for learning done? There are
are progressing. The learners themselves also several things that you can try to do.
want to know this, as do their parents. We give • Find out where individual learners are now
learners tests and examinations to find out, so – what do they understand? What do they feel
that we can record their marks. You may also enter less confident about? A good teacher does
your learners for externally marked examinations, this constantly – using questioning in class,
such as those provided by Cambridge Assessment listening to learners as they talk to each other
International Examinations. during group work, watching them doing an

All of these assessments can be thought of as experiment, as well as marking written work.
summative assessments. Their purpose is to find • Share learning intentions and success criteria
out what learners have learnt and how well they with learners. Learners need to know what they
understand the material in the test or examination. are supposed to be able to do, and how to
They give us information on their attainment, and judge when they have done it well. Using self-

where they stand in the rank order of other learners
in the class, the school or in the world. As they get
older, learners will also take examinations such as
IGCSE, O Level or A Level. Their results in these
summative examinations can be used to help them
to move into further or higher education courses,
or to employment.
However, this is not the only means of assessment
that teachers use. Formative assessment – also
known as assessment for learning – is a type of
assessment that can be used almost all of the time.
and peer-assessment can really help here, as it
gives them clear targets to focus on.
• Give focused, specific and personal feedback
to learners to make clear to them what is
good about their work and what they can do
to improve. Make sure that these targets are
achievable, not so broad or ambitious that they
are beyond the learner’s capability. Develop
your learners’ confidence to make sure that
everyone understands that they can improve.
In the Teacher’s Resource for Units 2, 5 and 8,
Its purpose is to find out what our learners can do, you will find more guidance on using self- and
so that we can adjust our teaching and the tasks peer-assessment. Units 3, 6 and 9 give advice on
and support that we provide to the learners, to help giving feedback to learners. In Unit 4, there are
them to move on and up from their current position. suggestions about how to set achievable targets for
There is much evidence that using assessment learners, while Unit 7 includes ideas for how to use
for learning can have a significant impact on the reflection to help learners to think about how they
standards that can be achieved by learners. learn and how they can improve. There is advice on

Good formative assessment is at the heart of using questioning in Units 2, 5 and 8 at Stage 8.
successful teaching. However well we plan a lesson, In this unit, you could try:
and however well we teach a topic, we cannot
• watching and listening to learners as they work
know how successful we have been until we find
on Think like a scientist: Investigating how light
out how well the learners have understood what
intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis, to
we have taught. As every teacher knows, what we
check how well everyone understands what
teach is not the same as what out learners learn.
they are doing, and what is happening
If we find that their understanding is not as good
as we hoped, then we need to adjust the planned • using questioning when everyone has finished
teaching, to take this into consideration. Perhaps and is sitting down, to find out what they
we need to revisit the topic in the next lesson for understand about what they have done
the whole class, approaching it in a different way. • using peer assessment to help learners to focus
Perhaps some learners need to be given a further on how to design a good results chart
challenge, while others need more support to help • using what you find to make adjustments to
them to grasp the concepts we have been teaching. your teaching plans, if need be.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior
3 to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

Topic 1.1 Photosynthesis


Learning Objectives Learning intentions Success criteria

9Bp.06 Know that photosynthesis • Learn what happens during • Be able to write the
occurs in chloroplasts and is the photosynthesis, and be able photosynthesis equation,
process by which plants make to use and understand the and use it to name reactants
carbohydrates, using the energy word equation. and products..

from light. • Collect the gas produced in • Collect and test gas
9Bp.07 Know and use the summary photosynthesis, and test it. produced by a water plant.
word equation for photosynthesis. • Carry out a fair test • Collect results in the light
9TWSa.01 Evaluate the strength of experiment, to find out how intensity experiment, draw
the evidence collected and how it light intensity affects the a graph using these results,

why results are anomalous.

9TWSa.03 Make conclusions by PL
supports, or refutes, the prediction.
9TWSa.02 Describe trends and
patterns in results, identifying any
anomalous results and suggesting

interpreting results, explain the

limitations of the conclusions and
describe how the conclusions can
be further investigated.
9TWSa.04 Evaluate experiments
rate of photosynthesis. and write a conclusion
and investigations, including
those by others, and suggest
improvements, explaining any
proposed changes.
9TSWa.05 Present and interpret
results, and predict results between

the data points collected.

9TWSc.01 Sort, group and classify
phenomena, objects, materials
and organisms through testing,
observation, using secondary
information, and making and using
9TWSc.02 Decide what equipment
is required to carry out an
investigation or experiment and
use it appropriately.

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4 © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Learning Objectives Learning intentions Success criteria

9TWSc.03 Decide when to increase

the range of observations and
measurements, and increase
the extent of repetition, to give
sufficiently reliable data.
9TWSc.04 Take appropriately
accurate and precise

measurements, explaining why
accuracy and precision are
9TWSc.05 Carry out practical
work safely, supported by risk
assessments where appropriate.
9TWSc.06 Make an informed

secondary sources.
9TWSc.07 Collect, record and PL
decision whether to use evidence
from first-hand experience or

summarise sufficient observations

and measurements, in an
appropriate form.
9TWSp.01 Suggest a testable
hypothesis based on scientific
9TWSp.02 Describe examples
where scientists' unexpected
results from enquiries have led to
improved scientific understanding.
9TWSp.03 Make predictions of

likely outcomes for a scientific

enquiry based on scientific
knowledge and understanding.
9TWSp.04 Plan a range of
investigations of different types to
obtain appropriate evidence when
testing hypotheses.
9TWSp.05 Make risk assessments
for practical work to identify and
control risks.

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5 to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Learners will use the following words:

photosynthesis: a series of chemical reactions chlorophyll: a green pigment present in
that take place inside the chloroplasts of plants, chloroplasts, which absorbs energy from light and
in which carbon dioxide and water react together helps to transfer it to the carbohydrates made in
using light energy; the products are glucose (and photosynthesis
other carbohydrates) and water light intensity: a measure of the quantity of light
energy falling onto an object

Common misconceptions
Misconception How to identify How to overcome
Learners often say that The activity: Photosynthesis and Throughout this unit, make
photosynthesis is the way that respiration, is likely to bring out sure that reference is made to
plants respire.

Starter ideas

sharing ideas)
1 Getting started (10 mins, including
any difficulties with this concept.

Resources: Two plants, or sets of plants; one that

has grown in the light and one that has been in the
dark. If these are not available, then learners can
look at the photographs in the Learner’s Book.
respiration in plants.

water plant); a water plant such as Elodea or

Cabomba – these can be obtained from pet shops
or aquarium shops.
Description: Learners can set up the apparatus as
shown in the diagram in the Learner’s Book.
Practical guidance: Before the lesson, keep the
water plants in the water that you will use for the
experiment, in bright light, so that they are already
Description: Ask learners to work with a partner to photosynthesising. Choose short pieces of plant and
make a list of any differences they can see. Use their cut diagonally across the stem – this makes it easier
observations to discuss why plants need light. for the bubbles to emerge. When assembling the
apparatus, place the pieces of plant upside down, so
2 Title Words beginning with photo- that the cut end is pointing upwards.
(5 mins) Raising the funnel above the bottom of the beaker
Description: Organise learners into teams. Ask them enables good water circulation.

to follow the instructions for the activity Words Learners can often be clumsy in placing the test
beginning with photo-. tube full of water over the funnel without the water
all falling out, and again when removing it at the
Main teaching ideas end of the experiment. Practise this yourself first,
1 Collecting the gas produced in then show the learners how to do it correctly.
photosynthesis (10 mins to set up; leave Differentiation ideas: All learners should be able to
for one day; another 10 mins to test the assemble the apparatus, but some may need support
with removing the tube and testing the gas at the end.
gas collected)
Learning intention: To observe photosynthesis in Questions 1 and 2 are likely to be challenging for
a water plant; to obtain first-hand evidence that some learners, who will need support in thinking
plants release oxygen gas. out possible answers for them.

Resources: Per group: a large beaker; a glass funnel; Learners who need a challenge could be asked if
blocks or modelling dough to hold the funnel off they think that the gas that has collected is likely to
the bottom of the beaker; test tube; pond water be pure oxygen (it is not) and perhaps suggest what
(tap water can contain chemicals that harm the other gases might be present.

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

Assessment ideas: You could assess learners on collecting results. They may also need help in
their ability to work safely, by watching them as designing their results chart. Template 1 is provided
they assemble the apparatus and test the gas. for this, which you could hand out to any individual
or group that needs it.
2 Think like a scientist: Investigating
Learners who need a challenge could be asked to
how light intensity affects the rate of
look at the three readings they have made at each
photosynthesis (40–45 mins) distance. Are the three readings the same. If they are
Learning intention: To increase confidence in not, what does that indicate? They may be able to
handling apparatus, collecting and analysing results; see that this could mean that another variable might
to practise designing and completing their own be affecting the number of bubbles, not only the
results chart. light intensity (which does not change throughout
the three readings) – what could this be, and what

Resources: Per group:
does it mean for their experiment? It is likely to be
• a piece of water plant, pre-treated as described
something internal to the plant, which we cannot
in the previous activity
see or measure.
• a large test tube in which the piece of water
Assessment ideas: There are many skills that
plant easily fits
could be assessed here, but perhaps it is best to

some pond water
a means of supporting the test tube – for
example, a beaker (whatever is used must not
prevent light from passing from the lamp to
the tube)

a lamp – make sure that this is safe, as it will

be used close to water (though there is no
need at all for any water to come into
contact with the lamp, if learners obey safety
concentrate on the results charts that learners are
asked to construct.
3 Activity: Photosynthesis and respiration
(15 mins)
Learning intention: To begin to appreciate
the relationship between photosynthesis and
Description: Organise learners into pairs. Ask them
to follow the instructions in the Learner’s Book.
• a ruler to measure the distance between the test Similarities that they might suggest include:
tube and the lamp • they are both chemical reactions
• if necessary, a paperclip to weigh down the • they both have reactants and products
piece of plant in the tube of water
• we can write equations for both
• a timer.
• they both happen inside living cells
Description: Ask learners to follow the instructions

• they both involve energy changes

in the Learner’s Book. They should already be
familiar with the idea of a water plant giving off • they both involve carbon dioxide, water, glucose
bubbles, if they have done the previous activity. and oxygen.
Emphasise the importance of keeping all electrical Differences they might suggest include:
components away from the water. • respiration happens in all cells, but
It is best to begin with the tube as close as possible photosynthesis only in some plant cells
to the lamp, as this will give the plant plenty of light • aerobic respiration happens in mitochondria,
so that photosynthesis should be reasonably rapid. but photosynthesis happens in chloroplasts
If learners start with the lamp far away, nothing at
• photosynthesis needs sunlight, but respiration
all may happen.
does not
Learners should make three bubble counts at each
• photosynthesis needs chlorophyll, but
distance of the tube from the lamp, so that they can
respiration does not
later calculate a mean number.
• photosynthesis need an energy input, while
Differentiation ideas: Some learners are likely
respiration releases energy.
to need help with setting up their apparatus and

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Differentiation ideas: All learners can attempt this Description: Choose a lear ner (or ask for a volunteer)
task. Differentiation will be by outcome, with some to be Mastermind. You ask the Mastermind a
pairs providing few or very basic ideas, while others question about photosynthesis based on the work
may show greater insight. done in this lesson. The Mastermind gives an answer –
they can purposefully give a wrong answer if they like.
Plenary ideas The other members of the class hold up their cards
to show whether the answer is correct or incorrect.
1 Sharing results charts (15 mins) You can then interrogate the rest of the class to find
Resources: Everyone’s results charts from Think like the correct answer if necessary, or to find out why a
a scientist: Investigating how light intensity affects learner has identified a correct answer as a wrong one.
the rate of photosynthesis. Repeat with more questions to the same Mastermind.
Description: Put all the results charts onto the wall. Assessment ideas: Use responses of the class to

Ask learners to bring a chair so that everyone sits in indicate any misunderstandings.
front of the display and can see the charts. Join the
group (also sitting on a chair) and ask one group Homework ideas
to explain their chart to you all. Use questioning
to check how well everyone understands what was 1 Workbook Exercises 1.1A, 1.1B, 1.1C
happening during the experiment, that they know

the photosynthesis equation, that they know how
to construct a results chart and so on. You can also
ask the class to suggest one good point about each
result chart that is discussed, and ideas about how
each result chart could be improved
Assessment ideas: See above.
2 Mastermind (5 mins)
Resources: A card for each learner, with a tick on
one side and a cross on the other side.
2 Worksheets 1.1A, 1.1B, 1.1C

Topic worksheets

Worksheet 1.1A, The beginning of photosynthesis
Worksheet 1.1B, The beginning of photosynthesis
Worksheet 1.1C, The beginning of photosynthesis
Topic 1.2 More about photosynthesis

Learning Objectives Learning intentions Success criteria

9Bp.06 Know that photosynthesis • Learn about the role • Explain why chlorophyll is
occurs in chloroplasts and is the of chlorophyll in needed for photosynthesis,
process by which plants make photosynthesis. including explaining the
carbohydrates, using the energy • Think about the relationship results of testing a variegated
from light. between structure and leaf for starch.
9Bp.07 Know and use the summary function in leaves. • Answer questions 1 and 2
word equation for photosynthesis. • Find out why plants need following the Activity, Which
9Bp.05 Know that plants require magnesium and nitrate. surface of a leaf has most
minerals to maintain healthy stomata?
• Plan a fair test experiment
growth and life processes (limited about the effect of fertilisers • Produce a workable plan for
to magnesium to make chlorophyll on plant growth. Think like a scientist: Planning
and nitrates to make protein). an Investigation into the effect
of fertilisers on plant growth.

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We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.


Learning Objectives Learning intentions Success criteria

9TWSc.01 Sort, group and classify

phenomena, objects, materials
and organisms through testing,
observation, using secondary
information, and making and
using keys.
9TWSc.02 Decide what equipment

is required to carry out an
investigation or experiment and
use it appropriately.
9TWSc.03 Decide when to increase
the range of observations and
measurements, and increase

sufficiently reliable data.

9TWSc.04 Take appropriately
accurate and precise
measurements, explaining why
accuracy and precision are
9TWSc.05 Carry out practical
work safely, supported by risk
assessments where appropriate.
the extent of repeti tion, to give
9TWSc.06 Make an informed
decision whether to use evidence
from first-hand experience or
secondary sources.
9TWSc.07 Collect, record and
summarise sufficient observations

and measurements, in an
appropriate form.
9TWSp.01 Suggest a testable
hypothesis based on scientific
9TWSp.02 Describe examples
where scientists’ unexpected
results from enquiries have led to
improved scientific understanding.
9TWSp.03 Make predictions of
likely outcomes for a scientific
enquiry based on scientific
knowledge and understanding.

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Learning Objectives Learning intentions Success criteria

9TWSp.04 Plan a range of

investigations of different types to
obtain appropriate evidence when
testing hypotheses.
9TWSp.05 Make risk assessments
for practical work to identify and
control risks.


Learners will use the following words:

air spaces inside the leaf

Common misconceptions
stomata (singular: stoma): a microscopic hole in
the surface of a leaf (usually on the underside)
through which gases diffuse into and out of the

How to identify
fertiliser: a substance containing mineral ions
required by plants, which can be added to soil
yield: the quantity of useful crop obtained
at harvest

How to overcome
Learners often state that Oral questioning about the role Constant use of the correct term
chlorophyll ‘attracts’ light, rather of chlorophyll, and question 4 in yourself, and careful checking
than absorbing energy from it. Think like a scientist: Testing a leaf of learner’s spoken and written
for starch. statements.

Starter ideas the green objects? (Chloroplasts) Do you know

what happens inside chloroplasts? Can you suggest

1 Getting started (10 mins, including why they are moving around inside the cells? (It is
sharing ideas) thought that they move to control the amount of
light they receive.)
Resources: A complete plant, with roots, stem,
leaves and flowers. Main teaching ideas
If this is not available, learners can look at the
diagram in the Learner’s Book instead. 1 Think like a scientist: Testing a leaf for
Description: Ask learners to work individually to
starch (25 mins)
answer the questions in the Learner’s Book. Then Learning intention: To appreciate that plants
ask for ideas from some of them, and discuss their produce starch and store it; to work safely and
answers. observe carefully
Resources: Per group:
2 What is happening? (5–10 mins)
• access to a plant, preferably one with
Description: Show the class the video clip of
variegated leaves
chloroplasts moving within mesophyll cells. Ask
them: What are these structures? (They are cells) • a burner to heat water in a beaker
What kind of cells are they? (Plant cells) What are • a tripod and gauze (see diagram in the

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Learner’s Book) discussion questions. Use scaffolding questions to

• a large test tube help learners having difficulty to work their way
through to some answers.
• forceps (tweezers) to handle the leaves
• iodine in potassium iodide solution, in a Assessment ideas
small bottle with a dropper
3 Think like a scientist: Planning an
• a white tile.
Investigation into the effect of fertilisers
Per class: on plant growth (30 mins if done just as
• ethanol – keep this on your desk and provide it planning exercise; about 30 mins to set
to learners only when they have turned off their
up experiment, and then 10 mins every
week for a few weeks, to collect results)

Description: Ask learners to follow the instructions
in the Learner’s Book. Learning intention: To suggest a testable hypothesis;
to practise planning a fair test experiment to obtain
Practical guidance: The day before the lesson, evidence to test the hypothesis.
place a potted plant such as a geranium
(Pelargonium) in a place where it will get plenty of Resources: If done only as a planning exercise:
light, and make sure it is watered. If at all possible,

use a plant with variegated leaves.
As burners and ethanol are used in this experiment,
it is important that everyone is aware that ethanol is
flammable and must not be taken close to a flame.
Ensure that the flames are turned out before ethanol
is collected and taken back to the working area.
Have a damp cloth to hand, so that if a tube of ethanol
does catch light you can quickly and simply drop the
cloth over it. The flame will go out immediately.
Differentiation ideas: Some learners may need help

pictures or specimens of duckweed plants.
If done as an experiment:
• duckweed plants
small containers, e.g., Petri dishes
distilled water
several different types of fertiliser
top pan balance
to follow the instructions carefully, so it would be a Description: Ask learners to follow the instructions
good idea to organise groups so that less-confident in the Learner’s Book to construct their plan.
learners can work with those who will find this easier.
If you are able to let learners do their experiment,
Questions 1 to 4 are quite challenging, so you may
tell them what fertilisers will be available before
want to ask some learners to try these on their own,
they write their plans. Check the completed plans.
while you provide a little more support (perhaps in
the form of scaffolding questions) to others. We recommend that you do not ‘correct’ mistakes

unless they involve safety – it is better for learners

Assessment ideas: This is a good opportunity to to discover faults in their plan when they try to
assess the ability of learners to follow instructions implement it, which they very often manage to do
carefully, to work safely and to observe carefully. for themselves. You may, however, need to suggest
2 Activity: Which surface of a leaf has changes to the apparatus or quantities of materials,
if you cannot supply them.
most stomata? (10 mins)
This is not the most reliable of experiments,
Learning intention: To relate a diagrammatic
although if done carefully learners are likely to
drawing of a leaf to a real leaf, and to think about
find measurable differences in the growth rates of
how it exchanges gases with its environment.
the plants in different types or concentrations of
Resources: A fresh leaf and a container (e.g., a cup, fertiliser. The plants grow quite quickly, so results
a beaker) with some warm water. should be obtained within three or four weeks,
Description: Ask learners to follow the instructions although you may like to leave the experiment
in the Learner’s Book. running for longer.
Differentiation ideas: Everyone can do this activity. Differentiation ideas: All learners can attempt the
Differentiation is likely to be in the outcome to the planning task, and can also make an attempt at

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior
11to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

carrying out the experiment. Some will need help 2 Commentary (20–25 mins)
with planning, and you may like to provide a copy Resources: Video clip of photosynthesis.
of Template 2. Otherwise, differentiation will be
by outcome, with more competent and confident Description: Show the class the video clip showing
learners probably producing more robust plans, water and oxygen entering a leaf, and oxygen being
and working sufficiently carefully to obtain a set of released. Organise learners into groups and ask
results that they can analyse. each group to produce a commentary for the video
clip. Then ask each group in turn to give their
Plenary ideas commentary as the clip plays.

1 Sentence starters (5–15 mins) Assessment ideas: Use their commentaries to check
understanding of photosynthesis.
Resources: Small cards with words used in Topic 1.1
and Topic 1.2 written on them. Homework ideas

Description: Organise learners into groups of three 1 Workbook Exercises 1.2A, 1.2B, 1.2C
or four. Put all the cards into a bag. Take the bag
to the first group and ask them to put their hand 2 Writing the plan for Think like a scientist:
into the bag and pick a card. The group then has to Investigating the effect of fertilisers on plant growth
make up a sentence that includes that word. makes a good homework task.

in Topics 1.1 and 1.2.

Topic 1.3 The carbon cycle

Assessment ideas: Use the sentences to determine
how well learners understand what they have learnt
Topic worksheets
• There are no worksheets for this topic.
Learning Objectives Learning intentions Success criteria

9ESc.01 Describe the carbon • Be able to describe how • Complete a diagram of the
cycle (limited to photosynthesis, carbon atoms move carbon cycle, and answer
respiration, feeding, decomposition between organisms and the questions about it.
and combustion). environment.

There is no new vocabulary in this topic.

Common misconceptions
Misconception How to identify How to overcome
Learners may not understand the Try the Getting started task in the Discuss any incorrect answers to
concept of a compound, and not Learner’s Book. the Getting started task.
appreciate that carbon atoms can exist The activity Modelling the carbon
on their own, or within compounds. cycle will also help.

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12 © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

Starter ideas 2 Think like a scientist: How do plants

and animals affect carbon dioxide
1 Getting started (10 mins, including
concentration? (20 mins to set up the
sharing ideas)
experiment; 10 mins to collect results,
Resources: None.
which can be done at the end of the
Description: Ask learners to work with a partner same lesson, or learners can come back
and follow the instructions in the Learner’s Book.
to look at their tubes several hours later)
After a few minutes, ask some of them for their Learning intention: To bring together earlier work
responses to the questions. Check that everyone on respiration and photosynthesis.
appreciates that carbon atoms are always carbon
atoms, no matter where they are or what they are Resources: Per group:

combined with. • six large test tubes, each fitted with a little
platform made out of perforated metal (or you
2 Why is carbon dioxide important? can give the pieces of metal to the learners and
(10 mins) ask them to make the platforms), and each with
Description: Organise learners into groups of three a rubber bung to fit tightly


or four. Ask each group to think of two things that
they know about carbon dioxide. Allow two or three

Then ask each group for their suggestions, writing

them down on a flip chart. Leave them there, so that
they can be referred at appropriate points during the
rest of this topic.

Main teaching ideas

1 Building up a diagram of the carbon

hydrogencarbonate indicator solution; this must
be fresh, and preferably kept with air bubbling
through it to ensure it is in equilibrium with the
carbon dioxide concentration in the air
water plants that have been kept in the light
and are photosynthesising
small invertebrate animals; for example, you
may be able to obtain fly larvae (maggots)
from shops that sell fishing equipment
blunt forceps
cycle (30–40 mins)
Learning intention: To gradually construct the • black paper and sticky tape.
carbon cycle. Description: Show learners how to set up the
Resources: Text and diagrams in the Learner’s Book. experiment. Ask them to predict the results.
Then ask them to follow the instructions in the
Description: Work through the text and diagrams in Learner’s Book.
the Learner’s Book to slowly build up a complete
Differentiation ideas: Some learners will need

diagram of the carbon cycle. Involve learners in

each step, using questioning to engage them in further support in setting up their experiment.
thinking about what the boxes and arrows mean. The questions at the end of this task are quite
Building up the cycle together greatly helps with challenging, and it is likely that only some learners
understanding; the entire cycle can be overwhelming will be able to work their way through to question 5
if presented in its entirety. to give successful answers. Be prepared to give more
Differentiation ideas: This is a whole-class activity. support if necessary.
Make sure that each learner is involved in answering Assessment ideas: Answers to the questions
questions or making suggestions. will give a good indication of how well learners
understand the relationship between the gases used
and emitted during respiration and photosynthesis.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior
13to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

3 Activity: Modelling the carbon cycle Plenary ideas

(20–25 mins)
1 Events in the carbon cycle (10 mins)
Learning intention: To make the abstract concept of
the carbon cycle more concrete, and hence deepen Resources: Images of stages in the carbon cycle from
understanding. the LB or from an online search, or a video clip of
events in the carbon cycle from an internet search.
Resources: Coloured card and marker pens for
making labels; see the instructions about this in the Description: Show learners the pictures of the
Learner’s Book. different stages, or show learners a video clip of the
carbon cycle. Ask learners how what they can see
Description: Explain to learners that each of them in each image (or each stage if using a video clip)
is going to be a carbon atom. Talk through the relates to a stage in the carbon cycle.
instructions with them and explain what they are

all going to do. Write the processes that match each Assessment ideas: Use questioning about the
number on the die on the board so that everyone images or the video clip, and answers, to determine
can see them clearly. how well learners understand the events in the
carbon cycle.
Place all the ‘carbon atoms’ in the five labelled
places, with roughly equal numbers in each place. 2 Fill in the blanks: carbon cycle (10 mins)

Roll a die and call out the number on it (or you
can ask a learner who is not a carbon atom to do
this). The learners who are affected by the process
indicated by this number move to the appropriate
place. Watch them carefully — there is likely to be
confusion to start with, but this is all part of the
learning process!
Continue until you feel that enough has been done,
or all the carbon atoms have ended up together.
Differentiation ideas: Everyone can do this activity.
Resources: Whiteboard and markers
Description: Set this up as a class exercise. Organise
learners into pairs or threes. On the whiteboard,
write one stage of the carbon cycle in a box and
draw an arrow leading from the box. Ask the first
group  of learners to suggest which stage comes
next. Then move on to the next group to suggest
another stage or an arrow, and so on until the whole
cycle has been completed.

Homework ideas
Some learners may find it difficult to link the
number to a process, and to link a process to what 1 Workbook Exercise 1.3
they are supposed to do; they are likely to cope by 2 Worksheets 1.3A, 1.3B, 1.3C
following others. Learners who need a challenge
can think about the shortcomings of this model, in Topic worksheets
particular the way in which every carbon atom in
• Worksheet 1.3A, Building a carbon cycle (Focus)
one place moves to another at the same time. They

could be asked to try modifying the model so that it • Worksheet 1.3B, Building a carbon cycle (Practice)
works better. • Worksheet 1.3C, Building a carbon cycle

Original material
14 © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

Topic 1.4 Climate change


Learning Objectives Learning intentions Success criteria

9ESc.02 Describe the historical • Be able to relate understanding • Be able to list current and
and predicted future impacts of of the carbon cycle to the predicted impacts of climate
climate change, including sea causes of global warming change.
level change, flooding, drought • Explain some of the • Explain how asteroid

and extreme weather events. consequences of climate collisions have affected life
9ESs.01 Describe the change. on Earth.
consequences of asteroid collision • Describe the effects of
with the Earth, including climate asteroid collisions with the
change and mass extinctions. Earth.


Learners will use the following words:
slush: partly-melted snow
mass extinction: the complete loss of a very large
number of species
meteoroids: objects in space that are smaller than
meteors: a meteoroid when it moves through
the Earth’s atmosphere
meteorite: part of a meteor that reaches the
Earth’s surface
an asteroid

Common misconceptions
Misconception How to identify How to overcome

It is very common for learners to Use questioning after the Getting Take care to use the term
think that the greenhouse effect is started activity, to ask: What ‘enhanced greenhouse effect’
a ‘bad thing’. would the Earth be like if there when you mean the result of
was no carbon dioxide in the increased carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere? What happens if atmosphere.
there is too much?

Starter ideas 2 What do you know about climate

change? (5–10 mins)
1 Getting started (5–10 mins)
Description: Ask learners: ‘Tell me one thing about
Resources: Diagram in the Learner’s Book. climate change.’
Description: Ask learners to work in pairs to match Go round the class, asking each learner to tell you
the statements to the diagram. Then ask for their what they have thought of. Make sure that you limit
suggestions and determine the correct label for each learner to only one statement. You may like to
each arrow. write the statements on the board or a flip chart, to
refer to as you work through the rest of the topic.

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior
15to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

This activity will elicit preconceptions and help you For the second experiment there is no need to
to determine where you are starting from as you record the time at which readings were taken. It is
work through this topic. the relationship between temperature and the water
level that is being investigated. However, learners
Main teaching ideas may want to make sure that they take readings at
roughly the same time intervals, and it is fine for
1 Climate change in the past (20–30 mins) them to do this.
Learning intention: To understand that climate
Differentiation ideas: Some learners may need help
change is not ‘new’, and how climate has differed in
with constructing the graph, and could be given
the past, and why.
axes, perhaps with scales, to start them off.
Resources: Text and images in the Learner’s Book.
Learners who need a further challenge could

Description: Use the Learner’s Book as a scaffold be asked to suggest how well these experiments
for discussing how and why the Earth’s climate has represent what happens in the real world, and how
changed in the past. You could ask learners for they might modify them to make their models more
spoken answers to questions 1, 2, 3 and 4. realistic.
Differentiation ideas: Use questioning to involve Assessment ideas: Use the results tables, graphs
everyone in the discussion, ensuring that even the

least-confident learners are encouraged to make
a contribution. All learners can contribute, and
differentiation will be by the type of questions that
they ask and answer.

2 Think like a scientist: How do rising

temperatures affect sea level?
(30–40 mins)
Learning intention: To understand how melting ice
affects sea level.
and answers to questions to assess learners.

3 Activity: The carbon cycle and climate

change (20–30 mins)
Learning intention: To think about how the carbon
cycle affects climate; to begin to think about how
we might be able to reduce the negative impacts of
climate change.
Note that there is no requirement in the Curriculum
Framework to discuss actions that can be taken to
mitigate climate change, but it is important to give
Resources: Per group: learners the idea that we can do something about it.
• two large measuring cylinders Resources: Diagram of the carbon cycle from the
Learner’s Book. You could also use the video of
• a large funnel (to hold at least 10 ice cubes)
events in the carbon cycle.
• access to at least 20 ice cubes
Description: Organise learners into groups of three
• a conical flask, fitted with a two-hole bung, or four, and ask them to answer the two questions

with a thermometer in one hole and a glass or about activities that increase and decrease carbon
plastic tube in the other (see the diagram in the dioxide concentration. Then, in their group, they
Learner’s Book); just before the activity begins, should write a list of suggestions about how the
fill each flask right to the top with cold water increases in carbon dioxide concentration can be
• a lamp halted or even reversed.
• optional – a timer You can then chair a discussion, allowing each
group to put forward their views.
Description: Instructions for this experiment
are given in the Learner’s Book. You may like to Differentiation ideas: Everyone should be able to
demonstrate how to set up each experiment before take part in this activity. Working in groups will
asking learners to do so themselves. give confidence to less self-assured learners. More
confident learners are likely to suggest a wider range
Practical guidance: Try to ensure that all the ice
of ideas and have deeper insights into the difficulties
cubes are roughly the same size. It is a good idea to
in implementing targets that could reduce the
trial the experiments yourself, to get an idea of how
impacts of climate change.
long it will take the ice to melt. If this takes too long
use smaller cubes.

Original material
16 © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

Plenary ideas Ask each group to write one question about each of
these topics (three questions in all). They must also
1 Impacts of climate change (20–25 mins) write the answers.
Resources: Learners’ responses to Worksheet 1.4, The first group asks their first question and the
Impacts of climate change. other groups try to answer it. The person who gives
Description: As you near the end of this topic, the correct answer then asks their first question,
set learners Worksheet 1.4. This could be done and so on.
individually or in small groups, in class or for If any group does not answer enough questions to
homework. Each learner puts themselves in the be automatically able to ask their questions you can
place of one of the people listed on the Worksheet, intervene to give them the opportunity to do so.
or someone else of their own choosing, and
Assessment ideas: Both the questions and the

describes how climate change is affecting their life.
answers to them will indicate how well learners
During this plenary session, ask for volunteers to remember and understand the facts and concepts
share their descriptions with the rest of the class. covered in this unit.
Use these descriptions to stimulate discussion of
climate change impacts. Homework ideas

2 Team quiz (20–30 mins)

Assessment ideas: The descriptions given by the
learners, and the discussion, will show how well
learners understand the impacts that climate change
is having and will have in the future.

Description: Organise learners into teams of three

or four.
Remind them of the topics they have covered in
this unit: photosynthesis, the carbon cycle and
climate change.
1 Workbook Exercise 1.3
2 Worksheet 1.4; this could be done for homework
before the final lesson in this topic, and answers
used in a plenary session.

Topic worksheets
• Worksheet 1.4, Impacts of climate change

Original material © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior
17to publication.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

This project provides learners with the opportunity make more). You may also like to do your own
to work together to discover more about the events research first, using the suggested search terms. If
that we believe happened about 67 million years learners are not very confident in using the internet
ago when an asteroid collided with Earth. and finding reliable information, you may like to
It is best if you, or the class, decide at an early suggest some specific websites for them to look at.
stage what form the final presentation will take. It The size and make-up of your class will determine
could be a display of posters to put onto the wall, how best to organise the groups. Groups of three
or a series of talks or perhaps a video containing or four generally work well, ensuring that everyone
presentations from each group. can be actively involved, and that the workload on

The guidance in the Learner’s Book suggests five any one person is not too great. For this project
different issues to research. Depending on the size you may prefer to have mixed-ability groups so that
of your class, you might like to reduce this number, less-confident learners can be supported by others
or possibly add more (or split some of these to in the group.


Original material
18 © Cambridge University Press 2021. This material is not final and is subject to further changes prior to publication.

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