Assignment 4
Assignment 4
Assignment 4
• Fill out a canvas of your choosing for a well-known startup: Uber, Netflix,
Dropbox, Etsy, Airbnb, Bird/Lime, Warby Parker, or any of the companies.
• Then create a brief business plan for that business. See if you can find a
version of the company’ s actual executive summary, business plan, or canvas.
• Compare and contrast your vision with what the company has articulated.
• These companies are well established but is there a component of what you
charted that you would advise the company to change to ensure future viability?
• Map out a contingency plan for a “ what-if” scenario if one key aspect of the
company or the environment it operates in were drastically is altered?
uberare: - Thecustomer
Marketing,sales involvesthree
Partnerbasehas promotions to sides: customer,
identified60 acquires new driverand
partners inthe customers, regulators. Uber X, UberXL,
uberpartner customersupport. Uberpool,
ecosystem.23of Uber-MOTO, Uber
Uber’ skey
thesepartners are
resourcesinclude Uber Wordof mouth,
its network
partnersand37 social media, the
(drivers & riders).
arechannel appstores,where
Their platform
partners. ridersanddrivers
theriders and
integral resource
Then create a briefbusinessplan for that business. Seeif you can find a
version of the company’ s actual executive summary, business plan, or
1. Executivesummary:
2. Businessdescription:
3. MarketStrategies.
Uber has a lot of contributions to what the 21st century is now. It has
been tech-driven habits that changed people’ s lifestyles and also
generated a new idea of on-demand marketplaces. Well, that isn’ t an
overnight wonder; from the team of Uber, it took blood, sweat, and tears.
The immense triumph of Uber has contributed to uber marketing
strategy. That means they reached the right person in the right situation.
And thus, it becomes really important to discuss what is Uber’ s
marketing strategieswhichare brieflyexplained in the blog.
One of the earliest marketing strategies of Uber was social media to get
that word-of-mouth marketing. Back then, social media was the
premature bird in the games, which just started to spread in the early
2000s. Though there are lots of other strategies that have contributed,
and when we look at the Uber business strategies, it is far away from a
lot of enterprises currently struggling to reach that higher. Uber’ s
assistance and its qualities, revenue channels, targeting the right city or
countrywith the right plan, and some important facts are all inspiring.
The result is that now Uber is spread over more than 70 countries and
10,000 cities globally, so it has a diverse range of factors that affects its
4. MarketingPlan:
The launch period for apps is always acrucial window formarketers, but
rideshare platformsface a few additional challenges — theirtwo-sided
marketplace meansthat theyneed toattract drivers and riders at the
same time. The ideal solution is to promote earlyadopters’ initiatives,
helping both groupsfeel like insiders. Uberhandled thismasterfullyby
leveraging earlyadopteradvocacyand offering rewards forloyal
When Uberneeded toget the word out, a normalsoft launch wasn’ t
enough. Instead, it developed a highly-targeted and localized early
adopterstrategy in the Silicon Valleyarea. Uberhosted sponsored
events tointroduce itself, gave free trials to tech influencers, and
leveraged word-of-mouth marketing techniques. By the time Uberwas
ready to expand its reach, early adopteradvocacy had supercharged its
brand marketing efforts.
While local strategies are essential, rideshare platformscan goa step
further within-app mobile marketing and promotions. When
implemented effectively, these techniques can have asimilarimpact at
a granderscale:
5. CompetitiveAnalysis:
6. OperationsandManagementPlan
Thus, the demand ofthe customersof Uber ismet with the help of a few
objectives ofoperations as mentioned below:
Firstly, the qualityof the design and the qualityof the services isfocused
upon by Uber and improved bythemsothat theyare able to ensure more
customers attracted towards the company.
Secondly, theyalsofocusupon improvement of the flexibility of their
operationswhichcan help toimprove the operations of the companyby
being flexible with the changing demand in the market (Wirtz et al.,
Thirdly, customizationof the services in some countries according to
the demands of the customersalsohelps themtosatisfythe demands
of the customersinthe market.
Fourthly, Uberalsofocusesupon the customers whoare dependable
upon themand increases the dependabilityof the serviceswith the help
of providing them with options to rate theirtrip and thusif the reviews
are low and comments are negative, theyfocusupon increasing those
areasand improve the dependabilityof the customers.
Lastly, reduction of the cost orexpenditure of the companycan also
help Ubertosatisfy the demands ofthe customersbyproviding them
with lowerpricesand also provide themwith discounts.
7. FinancialAnalysis:
UberTechnologies annual/quarterlynet income history and growthrate
from2017 to 2022. Net income can be defined ascompany's net profit
orloss afterall revenues, income items, and expenseshave been
accounted for.
8. DesignandDevelopmentplan:
We all are familiar with Uber services. A user can request a ride through
the application and within a few minutes, a driverarrives nearby his/her
location to take them to their destination. Earlier Uber was built on the
“ monolithic” software architecture model. They had a backend
service, a frontend service, and a single database. They used Python
and its frameworks and SQL Alchemy as the ORM layer to the database.
This architecture was fine for a small number of trips in a few cities but
when the service started expanding in other cities Uber team started
facing the issue with the application. After the year 2014 Uber team
decided to switch to the “ service-oriented architecture” and now Uber
also handles food delivery and cargo.
The vision of the company almost aligns with my vision. The marketing
strategies have been put a lot more efforts to create the brand that it has.
These companies are well established but is there a component of what you
The current company vision has more extensive research and depth toit.
Although catering to the audience with cheaper prices will come a long
way forthe company
Map out acontingency plan for a “ what-if” scenarioif one key aspect of the
The what if aspect is that uber has is the cab price are good anyone can
afford the ride.