Advanced Supply Chain OPME005 PDF
Advanced Supply Chain OPME005 PDF
Advanced Supply Chain OPME005 PDF
a-- Demand
b-- Supply
c-- Stocking
d-- Operation
2-- The ________ layout of the warehouse has to be designed keeping the following design criteria in mind with the
object of efficient operations at least cost.
a-- External
b-- Parking
c-- Carrier
d-- Internal
3-- A record must be maintained for each item showing the quantity on hand, quantity received, quantity issued and their
location in the warehouse. An appropriate ________ should be used to ensure accuracy of the information.
4-- What can be regarded as the flow of material into, through and out of the enterprise, in relation to SCM?
5-- A WMS now facilitates ___________, which in terms helps in cost reduction.
a-- Domestic
b-- Internal
c-- External
d-- International
7-- The evaluation of _______ in the context of the supply chain involves measures important at the strategic,
operational and tactical level.
a-- Suppliers
b-- Orders
c-- Manufacturers
8-- It is necessary to assess the _______ impact of broad-level strategies and practices that contribute to the flow of
products in a supply chain.
a-- Financial
b-- Indirect
c-- Social
9-- Customer orders has to be executed as fast as possible to ensure that the customer never goes out of stock and
also for ________
10-- What implies being able to get at the goods wanted with a minimum amount of work?
a-- Isolation
c-- Reserve
d-- Remotely
11-- In the least developed as well as in less developed countries, logistics cost as a percentage of the total cost of goods
and services is much higher than that in developed countries, where _____ is well developed.
b-- Transportation
d-- Distribution
12-- Which method determines the way and extent to which customer specifications are converted into information
exchanged along the supply chain?
13-- What has a direct relationship with the level and state of logistics infrastructure?
c-- Competitiveness
14-- The _______ has released a series of standards for the establishment and management of supply chain security.
15-- The discipline of SCM has evolved over several decades of managing the industrial _____ and ______. A
considerable amount of academic research leading to innovations as well as practitioners’ experience and
experimentation have gone into the development of the SCM discipline and subject of study as we know it today.
a-- Distributors and wholesalers
b-- Materials and components
c-- Production and distribution
d-- Prices and cost
16-- _____ companies around the world offer 24*7 real-time information about the cargo movement.
a-- Hardware
b-- Logistics
c-- IT
d-- Manufacturing
17-- The world's economic development is closely associated with the development of transport _______
a-- Corporation
b-- Charges
c-- Services
d-- Infrastructure
18-- Food regulatory authorizes have now banned the use of ________ plastic for packing food products.
a-- Thermo
c-- Recycled
19-- Who requires to be conversant and familiar with various statistical tools and procedures used by the quantitative
forecasting techniques?
a-- Indicators
b-- Marketers
c-- Suppliers
d-- Forecasters
20-- Which
supports and
facilitates in
pricing and
policy areas as
well as through
the use of
Global Data
n Network
(GDSN) and
information via
electronic Data
21-- As transportation is an integral part of logistic operation, with rising fuel cost, transportation cost is also increasing,
which is the key challenge?
22-- The _______ route (Atlantic to Indian Ocean) is well supplied with coaling stations and so on as there are plenty of
islands and other points of call
a-- North sea
b-- Kid
c-- Suez
d-- Panama
23-- Organizations should periodically _______ their logistics costs and performance to better manage and improve
upon the cost and performance of selected criteria
a-- Audit
b-- Improve
c-- Benchmark
d-- Contemplate
24-- The _____ therefore, plays a vital role in terms of promoting the suppliers market reputation by ensuring timely
delivery as well as keeping the goods free from any damage and other forms of abuse.
25-- Transporting packaging system needs to be designed to facilitate the _______ so that space utilization is maximum
in both warehouse and container shipping.
26-- The regulations regarding _______ is forcing businesses to view the whole task of organizing the supply of
products and making that available what customers want
a-- Packaging
c-- Transportation
d-- New technologies
27-- _____ Relates to the time it takes for a firm to respond to a customer query with the required information
28-- The evaluation of _________in the context of supply chain involves measures important at the strategic, operational
and tactical level.
a-- suppliers
b-- orders
c-- manufacturers
30-- The __________ process includes purchasing and supplier management activities.
a-- Evaluation
b-- delivery
c-- sourcing
d-- marketing
31-- Businesses are seen to be experimenting with new ________ and ______ to create a competitive advantage in the
32-- What designates the activities associated with optimizing product placement in pick locations in a warehouse?
c-- Task
d-- Slotting
33-- ________ is a method to determine when to order for a particular material, but it does not address the issue related
to how much to order?
35-- Logistics management has been emerging as an – discipline to focus on R&D, and in many institutions abroad,
logistics if offered as a separate area for specialization.
a-- Dependent
b-- Inefficient
c-- Independent
d-- Inadequate
36-- Which service operates within a schedule and had a fixed port rotation?
37-- The design of _______ system and the consideration of its cost also effect the selection of the mode transportation
and hence the cost of transportation gets affected.
c-- Packaging
d-- Distribution
38-- Until the introduction of motor transport, ____ had the monopoly over land transport.
a-- Oceans
b-- Airways
c-- Pathways
d-- Railways
39-- Because
of the
countries and
ding gets
a-- Procurement
b-- Legal
c-- Inventory
d-- Market
41-- What items are recognized with the appropriate SKU number and/or part number as the case may be and the
quantity received has to be recorded.
Picking goods
42-- ________________ has been a major component of competitive strategy to enhance organizational productivity and
43-- All sales promotions and marketing activities are aligned with the sales forecast to ensure that the ________
numbers are achieved and therefore the sales forecast forms the critical input for the business to align all activities to
happen in an integrated manner
a-- Impromptu
b-- Budgeted
c-- Spontaneous
44-- what must be kept in a safe and secured (locked) place with limited general access or access through identity checks
only by those authorized?
a-- Warehouse
c-- Inventory
d-- Delphi
46-- Business even use third party funding and bill discounting to reduce the _______ cost.
a-- Procurement
b-- Selling
c-- Logistics
d-- Transportation
47-- _________ cost includes costs associated with order entry, order follow up / updating, discounts and invoicing.
a-- Warehousing
c-- transportation
48-- Approach eliminates steps in the supply chain and reduces lead time as well as pipeline inventory.
49-- which global operating level operates and maintains foreign country operations and develops regional headquarters
to oversee the coordination of operations in the area?
50-- The __________ function includes demand forecasting. Inventory management, warehousing , stock keeping and
scheduling, as well as production planning and control.
b-- Procurement
51-- Which cost also includes documentation and record keeping cost?
a-- Transportation
b-- Administrative
52-- __________ accounting system can be prepared based on additional element specific costs data generated to pay
focused attention to the specific problem areas to rectify or improve the scenario from the current level.
b-- Customer
c-- Financial
d-- Managerial
53-- Supply chain management (SCM) works by bringing _________ impact by servicing the customer better thereby
helping business to grow faster in terms of increased sales, growth and profits.
a-- Conventional
b-- Standard
c-- Positive
d-- Normal
54-- ________ factors largely include the company’s advertisement and promotional plan, product’s past demand in the
same market, whether any new product variant in different price segment is being introduced or not, competitive action
in the same market, economic growth product category growth rate and so on.
a-- Internal
b-- External
c-- Tangible
d-- Intangible
55-- with rising cost of _________, global logistics player are trying any alternative strategies tano contain those to be
a-- Business
b-- Transportation
c-- Packaging
56-- __________ means the way a company delivers it product to the market, which could be the intermediaries,
customers or retailers and end-user, and marketing logistics are basically the physical distribution of goods.
57-- Customer order have to be executed as fast as possible to ensure that the customer never goes out of stock and also
for ---
58-- ____________ level measures include the efficiency of purchase order cycle time, booking in procedures, cash
flow, quality assurance methodology and capacity flexibility.
a-- Strategic
b-- Operational
c-- Partnership
d-- Tactical
59-- The foundation for performance management is a company’s _______ with its unique value proposition to
customers, the derived steering focus and related supply chain processes.
60-- What is an iterative process for developing the support strategy that optimizes and leverages existing resources
termed as?
61-- Sustainable transportation offers possibilities of – in services design high technology construction, manufacturing,
maintenance as well as in education and research.
b-- Productivity
d-- marketing
62-- Is the key and companies are increasingly developing one-stop-shops for supply chain information and reporting
63-- supply chain leaders and the business often face ________ reporting landscapes with numbers options to measure
and calculate performance
a-- corporate
b-- business
c-- complex
d-- simple
64-- The ______ released a series of standards for the establishment and management of supply chain security.
65-- Supply chain operations in a business should constantly be _____ to identify possible areas of improvements
a-- Modified
b-- Reviewed
d-- Controlled
66. in which type of system each picker collects items for a number of orders at the same time and
practiced in reality?
a. Area system
b. multi- order system
c. zone system
d. basic stock locating systems
67. ______ forecasting techniques are best employed in situations where you have access to historical
numerical data and also when time series that you intend to forecast are stable and do not often
change the direction
a. Qualitative
b. Regular
c. Irregular
d. Quantitative
68. the discipline of SCM has evolved over several decades of managing the industrial ____ and ____. A
considerable amount of academic research leading to innovations as well as practitioners experience
and experimentation have gone into the development of the SCM discipline and the subject of study
as we know it today
a. distribution and wholesalers
b. materials and components
c. production and distribution
d. prices and cost
69. the global companies are increasingly concerned about protecting ____ and are thus trying to reduce
large parts of their transportation costs by choosing rail transport instead of air freight
a. Finance
b. Environment
c. Economy
d. Business
70. what involves 3 major components-the supplier, the distributor and the interface of the two
a. Supply chain benchmarking
b. supply chain performance
c. supply chain metrics
d. supply chain models
71. _____ is a process of providing a business competitive advantage over others and adding benefits to
the supply chain in order to maximise the total value to the end customer
a. customer service
b. cost audit
c. business performance
d. logistics management
72. what can be regarded as the flow of material into through and out of the enterprise in relation to
a. logistics management
b. materials management
c. distribution management
d. inventory management
73. Supply chains are, in fact, dynamic in nature in any organization, and they evolve overtime and also
change with the change in the business environment. A supply chain thus needs to be managed as a
a. Horizontally integrated function
b. business integrated function
c. vertically integrated function
d. logistics integrated function
74. ____ management can also reduce debtors and stock return as well as stock expiry
a. Storage
b. Logistics
c. Business
d. Service
75. What would mean servicing the customer requirement on real- time basis at least cost or at
affordable cost which would entail delivering the customer order wherever required and whenever
required at the minimal cost of servicing?
a. Efficient logistics management
b. efficient demand management
c. efficient market management
d. Efficient forecast management
76. ____ Level elevates customer service to a firm wide commitment for providing customer satisfaction
through superior performance by delighting the customer at every interface
a. Benchmark
b. Philosophy
c. performance measures
d. activity
77. What is done after determining the demand and current availability of order and for satisfying that
demand and information regarding pending orders?
a. Inventory management
b. inventory replenishment
c. inventory strategy
d. inventory stock- out
78. cycle inventory is the ____ inventory used to satisfy the demand between receipts of supplier
a. mean
b. average
c. active
d. inactive
79. In general, companies perform either benchmarking of results focusing on ____ performance
measures or benchmarking of the best practices focusing on how well processes are executed by the
a. Qualitative
b. suggestive
c. analytical
d. quantitative
80. If your vendors are capable of sending ___ (preferably electronically) I'm attaching compliance label to
the shipments, you will want to make sure that the WMS can use this to automate your receiving
a. advance shipment notification(ASNs)
b. automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS)
c. automated guided vehicles (AGVs)
d. automated data collection (ADC)
81. During the early ____ almost 100% production was carried out in companies own manufacturing
plants but by the end of the decade, almost 100% of manufacturing was contracted out and
businesses were only focusing on marketing, research and development (R&D) and business
development activities
a. 1970s
b. 1980s
c. 1990s
d. 2000s
82. What refers to flexibility in meeting a particular customer delivery requirement at an agreed place
agreed mode of delivery and with an agreed upon customised packaging?
a. Flexible delivery system to meet customer needs
b. the number of faultless notes invoiced
c. measuring customer service
d. post- transaction measures
83. Which mode of transaction has helped in the growth of the commercial and industrial development of
various countries?
a. Roadways
b. Airways
c. Railways
d. Waterways
84. The _____ is a management tool used to address, improve and communicate SCM decisions within a
company and with suppliers and customers of a company
a. SCM process maturity model
b. supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model
c. capability maturity model (CMM)
d. maturity model
85. The objective of ____ is to prepare procurement plan to meet the production target derived from the
company’s sales order processing
a. stock keeping unit (SKU)
b. material requirements planning (MRP)
c. bullwhip effect
d. inventory control
86. Which type of finish goods inventories have a built-in excess production of sudden levels of demand
and are used to deal with uncertainty in customer demand ?
a. Movement inventories
b. Lot- size inventories
c. fluctuation inventories
d. anticipation inventories
87. The purpose of ____ is to give the analyst of visual impression of the nature of the time series
a. Surface plot
b. systematic plot
c. graphic plot
d. sequence plot
88. One way of keeping track if in organization is competitive or not is to _____ performance periodically
with identified competitors or industry leaders
a. Benchmark
b. Collaborate
c. Manage
d. Monitor
89. _______ Measures at production sites have a major impact on product quality, cost and speed of
delivery as well as delivery reliability and flexibility
a. Production
b. Performance
c. Scheduling
d. supply link
90. ______ means That when the inventory level falls to the ROP (min), an order is placed to bring the
level back to the Max, order-up-to-level
a. Demand forecasting
b. batch ordering
c. price fluctuation
d. inflated orders
91. Which country has had rapid economic growth and served as a growth engine for increasing global
a. China
b. Japan
c. India
d. east European
92. The interpretation of the definition of benchmarking is ______ of own and the benchmarking partners
performance level, both for comparison and for registering improvements
a. Improvement
b. measurement
c. learning
d. comparison
93. The logistics issues are now increasing influencing _____ and _____decisions related to global
production and manufacturing locations
a. Trivial and steady
b. small and rigid
c. crucial and critical
d. minor and enduring
94. ____ and ____ Is the key to grow and survive the turbulent and volatile as well as highly competitive
environment in the ocean transport industry
a. minimal strategies and prompt planning
b. effective strategies and prompt planning
c. minimal strategies and meticulous planning
d. effective strategies and meticulous planning
95. In the first level of performance management program in an organization, ______ information
improve customer satisfaction and helps internal operations planning
a. Shipment tracking
b. disruption management
c. supply chain improvement
d. operational improvement
96. Which method actually predict future sales on the average sales performance for the same product
categories in the recent past?
a. MAPE method
b. Naive forecasting method
c. moving average method
d. quantitative forecasting method
97. _____ by its very nature takes place in a dynamic and ever-changing environment, making the study
and subsequent improvement of a distribution system difficult
a. Evaluation
b. Delivery
c. Effectiveness
d. Performance
98. During which era, everything in business was seen as a way to provide better service to the customer,
and organizations were totally focused on customer retention by providing better service and
satisfaction in relation to its own competition?
a. Specialization era II- SCM as a means of providing service
b. specialization era I-outsourced manufacturing and distribution
c. specialization era III-globalization era
d. specialization era IV-integration era
99. By analysing the ____ path, non- value adding activities can be identified so that suitable steps can be
taken to eliminate them
a. supply link
b. customer order
c. order entry
d. delivery link
100. Which type of finished goods inventories have a built- in excess prediction for sudden levels of
demand and are used to deal with uncertainty in customer demand
a. movement inventories
b. Lot- size inventories
c. fluctuation inventories
d. anticipation inventories
101. The basic objective of using benchmarking supply chain is to _____ the knowledge about the
SCM process and to enable the industrial partners to learn from the best practices
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Bias
d. Control
102. Which information is often used more for tactical and operations purposes than for strategic
a. Supply
b. Service
c. Substantial
d. Demand
103. Who adopted the framework of standards to secure and facilitate global trade in 2005, which
consists of supply chain security standards for customs administrations, including authorised
economic operator programmes?
a. Customs trade partnership against terrorism (C-TPAT)
b. United Nations office on drugs and crime (UNODC)
c. Global trade exchange
d. world customs organization (WCO)
104. At which stage of integration do we recognise the benefits of internal corporation and
combining the separate functions into one
a. internal integration
b. benchmarking
c. continuous improvement
d. inspection
105. What is the simplest forecasting technique often used as the standard of comparison with the
forecast derived from other methods?
a. Naïve Forecasting
b. quantitative forecasting
c. demand forecasting
d. seasonal forecasting
106. The decision whether to use a simple or multiple regression forecasting model often depends
on the values of _____ statistics that are calculated by the computer forecasting program.
a. Two
b. Four
c. Three
d. Five
107. What is an essential part of the sales function, but has now come under the broad umbrella of
integrated SCM?
a. Warehousing
b. Transportation
c. Distribution
d. Marketing
108. What is a product distribution and marketing strategy where the Sales force is compensated
not only for sales, they generate but also for the sales of the other sales people that they recruit?
a. Online marketing
b. simple marketing
c. multi- level marketing
d. direct marketing
109. One way of keeping a track in an organization is competitive or not is to ____ performance
periodically with identified competitors or industry leaders
a. Benchmark
b. Collaborate
c. Manage
d. Monitor
110. Many _____ KPIs are available, but companies must determine the indicators that are truly
important to their organization’s operational performance
a. Manufacturing
b. Planning
c. Logistics
d. Procurement
111. _____ In the supply chain is a key concern of businesses now which in turn or focusing
corporations to decide on the logistics network keeping social, ethical, cultural and health (SECH)
ratings in mind
a. Sustainability
b. Profitability
c. Instability
d. Liability
112. Which inventory shows the quantity as being physically in stock?
a. available inventory
b. on- hand inventory
c. on- order inventory
d. inventory position
113. _____ Have a tendency to rotate the stock fast even if it is necessary to sell at a low margin
sales by increasing the stock turnover ratio, the total profit will be higher
a. retailers
b. wholesalers
c. consumers
d. manufacturers
114. The _____ Include the vast spectrum of materials that are being transferred, stored,
consumed, produced, package or sold in one way or the other during firm's normal course of business
a. Inventory
b. Logistics
c. operation process
d. production
Advanced Suppy Chain Management (OPME005)
1. What designates the activities associated with optimizing product placement in pick locations in
a warehouse?
a. Cross docking
b. Wave picking
c. Task interleaving
d. Slotting
2. supply chain leaders and the business often face __________ reporting landscapes with
numbers options to measure and calculate performance
a. corporate
b. business
c. complex
d. simple
3. __________ is the key and companies are increasingly developing one-stop-shops for supply
chain information and reporting
a. Supply chain organization
b. Supply chain transparency
c. Supply chain integration
d. Supply chain formation
4. By analyzing the _____ path, non-value adding activities can be identified so that suitable steps
can be taken to eliminate them.
a. Supply link
b. Customer order (most probably pg122)
c. Order entry
d. Delivery link
5. What would mean servicing the customer requirement on a real time basis at least cost or at
affordable cost which would entail delivering the customer order wherever required and when
even required at the minimal coat of servicing?
a. Efficient logistics management
b. Efficient demand management
c. Efficient market management
d. Efficient forecast management
6. what must be kept in a safe and secured (locked) place with limited general access or access
through identity checks only by those authorized?
a. Warehouse
b. Central storage
c. Inventory
d. Security elements
7. Which method is sometimes referred to as the jury method?
a. Sales force composite
b. Panel of expert opinion
c. Consumer user survey
d. Delphi
8. Business even uses third party funding and bill discounting to reduce the _____cost.
a. Procurement
b. Selling
c. Logistics
d. Transportation
9. The logistics issue are now increasingly influencing _____ and _______ decisions related to
global production and manufacturing locations.
a. Trivial and steady
b. Small and rigid
c. Crucial and critical
d. Mirror and enduring
10. ________cost includes costs associated with order entry, order follow up / updating, discounts
and invoicing.
a. Warehousing
b. Information processing
c. transportation
d. marketing
11. Estimating the demand and accurately as possible will result in the __________and will likely
result in benefits following through the supply chain.
a. Better supply chain decision (not sure)
b. Poor supply chain decision
c. Moderate supply chain decision
d. Stable supply chain decisions
12. The objective of ________is to prepare procurement plan to meet the production target
derived from the company’s sales order processing.
a. Stock keeping unit (SKU)
b. Material requirements planning (MRP)
c. Bullwhip effect
d. Inventory control
13. Computerized ordering and ERP as well CRM can significantly improve the ____ in the areas of
sales. Marketing and customer service.
a. Function
b. Business
c. Logistics
d. Value
14. ___________approach eliminates steps in the supply chain and reduces lead time as well as
pipeline inventory.
a. Delayed differentiation
b. Cross docking
c. Inventory transaction
d. Direct shipping
16. Which global operating level operates and maintains foreign country operations and develops
regional headquarters to oversee the coordination of operations in the area?
a. Level 5 denationalized operation
b. Level 2 internal export
c. Level 3 internal operations
d. Level 1 arm’s length
17. ______by its very nature takes places in a dynamic and ever-changing environment, making
the study ad subsequent improvement of a distribution system difficult.
a. Evolution
b. Delivery
c. effectiveness
d. performance
18. what is an iterative process for developing the support strategy that optimizes and leverages
existing resources termed as?
a. Integrated storage system
b. Integrated logistics system
c. Integrated cost system
d. Integrated business system
19. ____________measures at production sites have a major impact on product quality, cost and
speed of delivery as well as delivery reliability and flexibility.
a. Production
b. Performance
c. Scheduling
d. Supply link
20. ____________ is the process of eliminating the non-value adding and redundant
services/activities from the end-to-end value chain.
a. Total quality management
b. Time based management
c. Supply chain c
d. Business c
21. The foundation for performance management is a company’s __________ with its unique
value proposition to customers, the derived steering focus and related supply chain processes.
a. End to end processes
b. Organizational alignment
c. Supply chain strategy
d. Adaptive reporting
23. Which cost also includes documentation and record keeping cost?
a. Transportation
b. Administrative
c. Material handling
d. Customer service
24. ____________accounting system can be prepared based on additional element specific costs
data generated to pay focused attention to the specific problem areas to rectify or improve the
scenario from the current level.
a. Administrative
b. Customer
c. Financial
d. Managerial
25. Supply chain management (SCM) works by bringing _______ impact by servicing the
customer better thereby helping business to grow faster in terms of increased sales, growth
and profits.
a. Conventional
b. Standard
c. Positive
d. Normal
26. Which is a product distribution and marketing strategy where the sales force us compensated
not only for sales they generated but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they
a. Online marketing
b. Simple marketing
c. Multi-level marketing
d. Direct marketing
27. __________ is a method to determine when to order for a particular material, but it does not
address the issue related to how much to order?
a. Material requirement planning (MRP)
b. Economic order quantity (EOQ)
c. Reorder point (ROP)
d. Return on investment (ROI)
29. Logistics management has been emerging as an __________discipline to focus on R&D, and
in many institutions abroad, logistics if offered as a separate area for specialization.
a. Dependent
b. Inefficient
c. Independent
d. Inadequate
31. Which supply chin performance metrics include performance to commitment, fill rates like
stock fill rate, pack fill rate and order fill rate and stock return rates?
a. Cycle time metrics
b. Inventory and cash management metrics
c. Delivery performance metrics
d. Supply chain cost metrics
32. --- level measures include the efficiency of purchase order cycle time, booking in procedures,
cash flow , quality assurance methodology and capacity flexibility.
a. Strategic
b. Operational
c. Partnership
d. Tactical
33. ----- factors largely include the company’s advertisement and promotional plan, product’s past
demand in the same market, whether any new product variant in different price segment is
being introduced or not, competitive action in the same market, economic growth product
category growth rate and so on.
a. Internal
b. External
c. Tangible
d. Intangible
34. Many --- KPIs are available, but companies must determine the indicators that are truly
important to their organization’s operational performance.
a. Manufacturing
b. Planning
c. Logistics
d. procurement
35. With rising cost of --- , global logistics player are trying any alternative strategies o contain
those to be competitive.
a. Business
b. Transportation
c. Packaging
d. PET material
36. ---- means the way a company delivers it product to the market, which could be the
intermediaries, customers or retailers and end-user, and marketing logistics are basically the
physical distribution of goods.
a. Purchasing function
b. Physical distribution
c. Strategic supplier
d. Vendor development
37. Which service operates within a schedule and had a fixed port rotation?
a. Tramp service
b. Bulk service
c. Car service
d. Liner service
38. Customer order have to be executed as fast as possible to ensure that the customer never
goes out of stock and also for ---
a. Customer demand
b. Customer requirements
c. Customer satisfaction
d. Customer efforts
39. The design of --- system and the consideration of its cost also effect the selection of the mode
transportation and hence the cost of transportation gets affected.
a. Supply chain
b. Material handling
c. Packaging
d. Distribution
40. Common --- KPIs include finished products first pass yield (FPY), percentage of defects per
million opportunities (DPMO), and scrap and rework cost as a percentage of sales and
quantities shipped per employee
a. Procurement
b. Planning
c. Manufacturing
d. Logistics
41. Until the introduction of motor transport, -- had the monopoly over land transport.
a. Oceans
b. Airways
c. Pathways
d. Railways
42. Because of the distance between selling countries and production counties, -- holding gets
larger blocking costly working capital.
a. Procurement
b. Legal
c. Inventory
d. Market
44. What involves three major components- the supplier , the distributor and the interface of the
a. Supply chain benchmarking
b. Supply chin performance
c. Supply chain metrics
d. Supply chain models
45. --- management can also reduce debtors and stock return as well as stock expiry
a. Storage
b. Logistics
c. Business
d. Service
46. Which method predicts future sales on the average sales performance for the same product in
the recent past?
a. Moving average
48. What items are recognized with the appropriate SKU number and/or part number as the case
may be and the quantity received has to be recorded.
a. Identify goods
b. Transferring goods
c. Receiving goods
d. Picking goods
49. What can be regarded as the flow of material into, through and out of the enterprise, in
relation to SCM?
a) Logistic management
b) material management
c) distribution management
d) Inventory management
50. The Worlds economic development is closely associated with the development of transport
a) corporation
b) changes
c) services
d) infrastructure
51. ____________companies around the world offers 24*7 real time information about the cargo
a) Hardware
b) Logistics
c) IT
d) Manufacturing
52. In the least development as well as in less developed countries logistic cost as a percentage of
the total cost of goods and services is much higher than that in developed counties where
___________is well developed.
a) logistic infrastructure
b) transportation
c) logistics function
d) distribution
53. _____ Relates to the time it takes for a firm to respond to a customer query with the required
a. Post transaction customer service
b. customer query time
c. Measuring customer service
d. flexibility of delivery systems
54. The evaluation of _________in the context of supply chain involves measures important at the
strategic, operations and tactical level.
a. suppliers
b. orders
c. manufacturers
d. supply chain
56. The __________ process includes purchasing and supplier management activities.
a. Evaluation
b. delivery
c. sourcing
d. marketing
57. Businesses are seen to be experimenting with new ________ and ______ to create a
competitive advantage in the business.
a. awareness and concerns
b. complexity and challenges
c. rules and regulations
d. Ideas and strategies
59. The global companies are increasingly concerned about protecting __________and are thus
trying to reduce large parts of their transportation costs by choosing rail transport instead of
air freight.
a. finance
b. economy
c. business
d. Environment.
60. __________ is a process of providing business competitive advantage over others and adding
benefits to the supply chain in order to maximize the total value of the end user ANS
Customer Service
61. The main goal is to keep the inventories on an ________level, with out stock ut and excess
Ans – Optimal
62. Which type of finished goods predictions have a built in excess prediction for sudden levels of
demands and are used to deal with uncertainty with customer demand.Ans- Anticipation
63. The regulation regarding ______________is forcing business to view the whole task of
organizing the supply of products and making that available what customers wants.
environment protection
64. All sales promotions and marketing activities are aligned with the sales forecast to ensure that
the ____ _____ numbers are achieved and therefore the sales forecast forms the critical input
for the business to align. budgeted
65. During which era, everything in business was seen as a way to provide better service to the
customer and organizations were totally focused on customer retention by providing better
service and satisfaction in relation to its own competition?
a. Specialization era II- scm as a means of providing
b. Specialization era I- Outsourced manufacturing
c. Specialization era IlI- Globalization era
d. Specialization era IV- integration era
66. What refers to flexibility in meeting a particular customer delivery requirement at an agreed
place, agreed mode of delivery and with an agreed-upon customized packaging?
a. Flexible delivery
b. The number…..
c. M…..
d. …..
67. Which country has had rapid economic growth and served as growth engine for increasing
global trade?
a. China
b. Japan
c. India
d. East European
68. ________accounting system can be prepared based on additional element-specific costs data
can be generated to pay focused attention to the specific problem areas to rectify or improve
the scenario from the current level. Managerial
69. The interpretation of the definition of benchmarking is ______ of own and the benchmarking
partners performance level, both for comparison and for registering improvements.
a. Improvement
b. Measurement
c. Learning
d. Com…
70. The ________is a management tool used to address, improve and communicate SCM
decisions within a company and with suppliers and customers of a company. SCOR Model
71. What is the simplest forecasting technique is often used as the standard of comparison with
the forecasts derived from other methods Naive forecasting
72. Who adopted the framework of standards to secure and Facilitate Global Trade in 2005, which
consists of supply chain security standards for customers administration, including authorized
economic operator programmes?
a. Customs trade p……
b. United nation office on drugs and crime
c. Global trade exchange
d. World custom organisation(WCO)
73. ___________ means that when the inventory level falls to the ROP (min), an order is placed
to bring the level back to the max, ot the order-up-to-level.
a. Demand forecasting
b. Batch forcasting
c. Price forecasting
d. Inflated orders
74. Which strategy involves the demand to be managed from the point of view of the real-term
demand of the customers?
a. Pull strategy
b. Push strategy
c. Manufacturs strategy
d. Marketers strategy
75. ____________forecasting techniques are best employed in situations where we have access
to historical data, and these are also helpful if the time series we are trying to forecast are
stable and do not often change the direction Quantitative
76. The purpose of a ___________is to give the analyst a visual impression of the nature of the
time series
a. Surface plot
b. Systematic plot
c. Graphic plot
d. Sequence plot
77. What was the focus of business in SCM in earlier stages?
a. Marketing and finance
b. Employee retention
c. Employee engagement
d. Talent development
78. The decision whether to use a simple or multiple regression forecasting model often depends
on the values of ____statistics that are calculated by the computer forecasting program.
79. What is done after determining the demand and current availability of order and for satisfying
that demand and information regarding pending orders?
a. Inventory management
b. Inventory replenishment
c. Inventory strategy
d. Inventory stock-out
80. Cycle inventory is the __________inventory used to satisfy the demend between receipts of
supplier shipments.
a. Mean
b. Average
c. Active
d. Inactive
81. The basic objective of using benchmarking supply chain is to ______ the knowledge about the
SCM process and to enable the industrial parners to learn from the best practices.
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Bias
d. Control
82. The regulations regarding ________ is forcing businesses to view the whole task of organizing
supply of products and making that available what customers want. environment
83. __________have a tendency to rotate the stock faster even if it is necessary to sell at a low
margin because by increasing the stock turnover ratio, the total profit will be higher.
84. Transport packaging system needs to be designed to facilitate the ___________so thar space
utilization is maximum in both warehouse and container shipping.
a. Material requirement
b. Logistics requirement
c. Packaging requirement
d. Storage requirement
85. The ____________therefore plays a vital role in terms of promoting the suppliers market
reputation by ensuring timely delivery as well as keeping the goods free from any damage and
other forms of abuse
a. Transportation manager
b. Distribution manager
c. Logistics operator
d. Store operator
86. Organizations should periodically _____their logistics costs and performance to better manage
and improve upon the cost and performance of selected criteria
a. Audit
b. Improve
c. Benchmark
d. Contemplate
87. The ______route (Atlantic to Indian ocean)is well supplied with coaling stations and so on as
there are plenty of islands and other points of call.
a. North sea
b. Kid
c. Suez
d. Panama
88. __________and____________ is the key to grow and survive the turbulent and volatile as
well as highly competitive environment in the ocean transport industry.
a. Minimal strategies and prompt planning
b. Effective strategies and prompt planning
c. Minimal strategies and meticulous planning
d. Effective and meticulous planning
89. As transportation is an integral part of logistics operation, with rising fuel cost, transportation
cost is also increasing, which is the key challenge to____________
a. Procurement operators
b. Recycling operators
c. Sales operators
d. Logistics operators
90. Which information is often used more for tactical and operations purpose than for strategic
a. Supply
b. Service
c. Substantial
d. Demand
91. Which marketing supports and facilitates in pricing and policy areas as well as through use of
Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) and exchange information via Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI).
a. Collaborative marketing
b. International marketing
c. Local marketing
d. Informational marketing
92. ___________________in the supply chain is a key concern of business now which in turn are
forcing corporations to decide on the logistics network keeping social, ethical, cultural and
health (SECH) ratings in mind.
a. Sustainability
b. Profitability
c. Instability
d. Liability
93. Food regulatory authorities have now banned the use of ________plastic for packing food
a. Thermo
b. Low-density
c. Recycled
d. High density
94. Who requires to be conversant and familiar with various statistical tools and procedures used
by the quantitative forecasting techniques?
a. Indicators
b. Marketers
c. Suppliers
d. Forecasters
96. What is an essential part of the sales function, but has now come under the broad umbrella of
integrated SCM?
a. Warehousing
b. Transportation
c. Distribution
d. Marketing
97. Supply chain operations in a business should constantly be _____________to identify possible areas of
a. Modified
b. Reviewed
c. Debated
d. Controlled
98. Which trade would mean the import and export activities carried out by any nation with another nation
or by any company in one country with a company in another country?
a. Domestic
b. Internal
c. External
d. International
99. The __________ process includes purchasing and supplier management activities.
a. Evaluation
b. delivery
c. sourcing
d. marketing
100. Which stage of integration recognizing the benefits of Internal corporation and combining the separate
functions into one Internal Integration
101. ____________ includes a vast spectrum of materials that are being transferred, stored, consumed,
produced, packaged or sold in one way or the other during a firm’s normal course of business
102. Which mode of transport has helped in the growth of the commercial and industrial development of
various countries
a. Roadway
b. Airways
c. Railway
d. Waterways
103. What utilization directly affects the speed of response to customer demand through its impact on
flexibility, lead time and deliverability according to slack et al
a. Logistics
b. Capacity
c. Product
d. Suppliers
104. _______________level elevates customer service to a firm-wide commitment for providing customer
satisfaction through superior performance by delighting the customer at every interface
a. Benchmark
b. Philosophy
c. Performance measures
d. Activity
105. ....ships continue to grow in size and the canals noticed the need for expansion projects in order to keep
pace with the industry
a. Tanker
b. Container
c. Bulk carriers
d. Special purchase
Like everywhere else in the world, Mcdonald is committed to serving high Quality food products to
Indian customers. It has set up a cold chain, which maintains integrity of its food products and helps
retain their freshness and nutritional value. Products move from fields to restaurants. Products move
from farms to distribution centres in refrigerated trucks. The trucks are divided in three tempered
zones: freezer, chiller, and ambient. Products arrive at the distribution centre, which is again divided
into different temprerature zones. McDonald’s restaurants also have cold storage units with three
zones: freezer, chiller, and ambient.
Mcdonald’s buys almost all its raw materials from local suppliers. It has trained farmers to grow just
the right quality and size of crops such as potato and peas for it. As raw materials move from farms
to restaurants, quality checks done at more than twenty point.
1. McDonald’s India buy raw materials from local supplier because___________
a. It can maintain low inventory
b. Low cost of inventory
c. Lead order time is short
d. All of these
_________ is a process of providing a business competitive advantage over others and adding
benefits to the supply chain in order to maximize the total value to the end consumer. customer service
logistics management has been emerging as an ________ discipline to focus on R&D in this
area, and in many institutions abroad, logistics is offered as a separate area for specialization. independent
What involves three major components- the supplier, the distributor and the interface of the
two? supply chain models
which marketing supports and facilitates in pricing and policy areas as well as through the use
of Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) and exchange information via Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI) Collaborative marketing
In the least developed as well as in less developed countries, logistics cost as a percentage
of total cost of goods and services is much higher than that in developed countries,
where _________ is well developed. logistics infrastructure
In which type of system, each picker collects items for a number of orders at the same time
and practiced in reality? Multi-order system
________ is the key and companies are increasingly developing one-stop-shops for supply
chain information and reporing. supply chain transparency
What items are recognized with the appropriate SKU number and/or part number as the case
may be and the quantity received has to be recorded? Identifying goods
The discipline of SCM has evolved over several decades of managing the industrial ________
and ________ . A considerable amount of academic research leading to innovations as well as
practitioners experience and experimentation have gone into the development of the SCM
discipline and subject of study as we know it today production and distribution
__________ forecasting techniques are best employed in situations where we have access to
historical data, and these are also helpful if the time series we are trying to forecast are stable
and do not often change the direction. Quantitative
Which trade would mean the import and export activities carried out by any nation with
another nation or by any company in one country with a company in another country? International trade
The _________ includes a vast spectrum of materials that are being transferred, stored,
consumed, produced, packaged or sold in one way or the other during a firm's normal course
of business. inventory
The decision whether to use a simple or multiple regression forecasting model often depends
on the values of ________ statistics that are calculated by the computer forecasting program. three
___________ have a tendency to rotate the stock faster even if it is necessary to sell at a low
margin since by increasing the stock turnover ratio, the total profit will be higher. Wholesalers
What includes infrastructure, technology, people, logistics and finance? competitive assets
Which inventory shows the quantity as being physically in stock? on-hand inventory
___________ in the supply chain is a key concern of businesses now which in turn are forcing
corporations to decide on the logistics network keeping social, ethical, cultural and health
(SECH) ratings in mind. sustainability
__________ approach eliminates steps in the supply chain and reduces lead time as well as
pipeline inventory. Direct shipping
Food regulatory authorities have now banned the ___________ plastic for packing food use of
products. recycled
What is an essential part of the sales function, but has now come under the broad umbrella of
integrated SCM? Distribution
The __________ layout of the warehouse has to be designed keeping the following design
criteria in mind with the object of efficient operations at least cost internal
Which is a product distribution and marketing strategy where the sales force is compensated
not only for sales, they generate but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they
recruit? Multi-level marketing
Businesses are seen to be experimenting with new ________ and _________ to create a
competitive advantage in the business. ideas and strategies
__________ has been a major component of competitive strategy to enhance organizational
productivity and profitability. Supply chain management (SCM)
Which method determines the way and extent to which customer specifications are converted
into information exchanged along the supply chain? order entry
Supply chain leaders and the business often face __________ reporting landscapes with
numerous options to measure and calculate performance complex
Which method actually predicts future sales on the average sales performance for the same
product categories in the recent past? Moving Average Method
In the first level of performance management programme in an organization, _________
information improves customer satisfaction and helps internal operations planning supply chain improvement
A record must be maintained for each item in stock showing the quantity on hand, quantity
received quantity issued and their location in the warehouse. An appropriate ___________
should be used to ensure accuracy of the information. information system
Demand from customers should not ideally exceed the _________ level of the inventory. stocking
The world's economic development is closely associated with the development of transport
__________. infrastructure
What is the simplest forecasting technique often used as the standard of comparison with the
forecasts derived from other methods? Naive forecasting
The design of __________ system and the consideration of its cost also affect the selection of
the mode of transportation, and hence the cost of transportation gets affected. material-handling
The foundation for performance management is a company's __________ with its unique
value proposition to customers, the derived steering focus and related supply chain processes. supply chain strategy
Which information is often used more for tactical and operations purposes than for strategic
purposes? demand
Who adopted the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade in 2005,
which consists of supply chain security standards for customs administrations, including
Authorized Economic Operator programmes? WCO
The basic objective of using benchmarking supply chain is to _________ the knowledge about
the SCM process and to enable the industrial partners to learn from the best practices. Increase
By analysing the _____ path, non-value-adding activities can be identified so that suitable
steps can be taken to eliminate them. customer order
Like everywhere else in the world, MCDonald is committed to serving high quality food
products to Indiancustomers. It has set up a cold chain, which maintains integrity of its food
products and helps retail their freshness and nutritional value. Products move from fields to
Cold storage is very essential for MCDonalds India is because ____ All of these
For McDonald India, order taking, bill payment and home delivery are services
The supply chain of McDonald's India begins from___ farms
McDonald's India buy raw materials from local supplier because _____ All of these
The sustainable development should emerge in more regulatory and controlled fashion in
_______ logistics global
Although there are regulations that govern trade, _______ of each country in global trade
would be different and one has to be familiar with the requirement, processes and practices
for doing business in that country Legal framework
Improving logistics functions can help improve ______ in multiple ways. Customer Satisfaction
The global companies are increasingly concerned about protecting _____ and are thus trying
to reduce large parts of their transportation costs by choosing rail transport instead of air
freight. Economy
Supply chains are, in fact, dynamic in nature in any organization, and they evolved overtime
and also change with the change in the business environment. A supply chain thus needs to be
managed as a ___ Business integrated function
What is done after determining the demand and current availability of order and for satisfying
that demand and information regarding pending orders? Inventory replenishment
Organization should periodically _____ their logistics cost and performance to better manage
and improve upon the cost and performance of selected criteria. Audit
Supply chain operations in a business should constantly be ____ to identify possible areas of
improvements. Reviewed
The interpretation of the definition of benchmarking is ___ of own and the benchmarking
partner’s performance level, both for comparison and for registering improvements. Measurement
The logistics issues are now increasingly influencing ___ and _____ decisions related to global
production and manufacturing locations. Crucial and critical
____ and ___ is the key to grow and survive the turbulent and volatile as well as highly
competitive environment in the ocean transport industry. Effective strategies and prompt planning
At which stage of integration, do we recognize the benefits of internal cooperation and
combining the separate functions into one Internal integration
What refers to flexibility in meeting a particular customer delivery requirement at an agreed
place, agreed mode of delivery and with an agreed-upon customized packaging? Flexible delivery system to meet customer needs
Many ____ KPIs are available, but companies must determine the indicators that are truly
important to their organization’s operational performance. planning
Supply chain management (SCM) works by bringing _________ impact by servicing the
customers better, thereby helping business to grow faster in terms of increased sales, growth
and profits. positive
The _________ is a management tool used to adress, improve and communicate SCM
decisions within a company and with suppliers and customers of a company. supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model
Managers who rely on _______ demand forecasts run dangerous risks. single-point
Which global operating level operates and maintains foreign country operations and develops
regional headquarters to oversee the coordination of operations in the area? Level 5: Denationalized operations
Which cost is a major cost component of inventory holding? Capital cost
The regulations regarding ______ is forcing businesses to view the whole task of organizing
the supply of products and making that available what customers want. environment protection
_________ means the way a company delivers its product to the market, which could be the
intermediaries, customers or retailers and end-users, and marketing logistics are basically the
physical distribution of goods Physical distribution
A WMS now facilitates ______ which in turn helps in cost reduction. Activity-based costing
The objective of ______ is to prepare procurement plan to meet the production target derived
from the company's sales order processing Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Transport packaging system needs to be designed to facilitate the _____ so that space
utilization is maximum in both warehouse and container shipping Packaging requirement
It is necessary to assess the _____ impact of broad level strategies and practices that
contribute to the flow of products in a supply chain. financial
______ by its very nature takes place in a dynamic and ever-changing environment, making
the study and subsequent improvement of a distribution system difficult. Delivery
Which type of finished goods inventories have a built-in excess prediction for sudden levels of
demand and are used to deal with uncertainty in customer demand? Anticipation inventories
What designates the activities associated with optimizing product placement in pick locations
in a warehouse? Slotting
_________ accounting system can be prepared based on additional element-specific costs
data generated to pay focused attention to the specific problem areas to rectify or improve
the scenario from the current level Managerial
_________ is a process of providing a business competitive advantage over others and adding
benefits to the supply chain in order to maximize the total value to the end consumer. customer service
logistics management has been emerging as an ________ discipline to focus on R&D in this
area, and in many institutions abroad, logistics is offered as a separate area for specialization. independent
What involves three major components- the supplier, the distributor and the interface of the
two? supply chain models
which marketing supports and facilitates in pricing and policy areas as well as through the use
of Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) and exchange information via Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI) Collaborative marketing
In the least developed as well as in less developed countries, logistics cost as a percentage
of total cost of goods and services is much higher than that in developed countries,
where _________ is well developed. logistics infrastructure
In which type of system, each picker collects items for a number of orders at the same time
and practiced in reality? Multi-order system
________ is the key and companies are increasingly developing one-stop-shops for supply
chain information and reporing. supply chain transparency
What items are recognized with the appropriate SKU number and/or part number as the case
may be and the quantity received has to be recorded? Identifying goods
The discipline of SCM has evolved over several decades of managing the industrial ________
and ________ . A considerable amount of academic research leading to innovations as well as
practitioners experience and experimentation have gone into the development of the SCM
discipline and subject of study as we know it today production and distribution
__________ forecasting techniques are best employed in situations where we have access to
historical data, and these are also helpful if the time series we are trying to forecast are stable
and do not often change the direction. Quantitative
Which trade would mean the import and export activities carried out by any nation with
another nation or by any company in one country with a company in another country? International trade
The _________ includes a vast spectrum of materials that are being transferred, stored,
consumed, produced, packaged or sold in one way or the other during a firm's normal course
of business. inventory
The decision whether to use a simple or multiple regression forecasting model often depends
on the values of ________ statistics that are calculated by the computer forecasting program. three
___________ have a tendency to rotate the stock faster even if it is necessary to sell at a low
margin since by increasing the stock turnover ratio, the total profit will be higher. Wholesalers
What includes infrastructure, technology, people, logistics and finance? competitive assets
Which inventory shows the quantity as being physically in stock? on-hand inventory
___________ in the supply chain is a key concern of businesses now which in turn are forcing
corporations to decide on the logistics network keeping social, ethical, cultural and health
(SECH) ratings in mind. sustainability
__________ approach eliminates steps in the supply chain and reduces lead time as well as
pipeline inventory. Direct shipping
Food regulatory authorities have now banned the ___________ plastic for packing food use of
products. recycled
What is an essential part of the sales function, but has now come under the broad umbrella of
integrated SCM? Distribution
The __________ layout of the warehouse has to be designed keeping the following design
criteria in mind with the object of efficient operations at least cost internal
Which is a product distribution and marketing strategy where the sales force is compensated
not only for sales, they generate but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they
recruit? Multi-level marketing
Businesses are seen to be experimenting with new ________ and _________ to create a
competitive advantage in the business. ideas and strategies
__________ has been a major component of competitive strategy to enhance organizational
productivity and profitability. Supply chain management (SCM)
Which method determines the way and extent to which customer specifications are converted
into information exchanged along the supply chain? order entry
Supply chain leaders and the business often face __________ reporting landscapes with
numerous options to measure and calculate performance complex
Which method actually predicts future sales on the average sales performance for the same
product categories in the recent past? Moving Average Method
In the first level of performance management programme in an organization, _________
information improves customer satisfaction and helps internal operations planning supply chain improvement
A record must be maintained for each item in stock showing the quantity on hand, quantity
received quantity issued and their location in the warehouse. An appropriate ___________
should be used to ensure accuracy of the information. information system
Demand from customers should not ideally exceed the _________ level of the inventory. stocking
The world's economic development is closely associated with the development of transport
__________. infrastructure
What is the simplest forecasting technique often used as the standard of comparison with the
forecasts derived from other methods? Naive forecasting
The design of __________ system and the consideration of its cost also affect the selection of
the mode of transportation, and hence the cost of transportation gets affected. material-handling
The foundation for performance management is a company's __________ with its unique
value proposition to customers, the derived steering focus and related supply chain processes. supply chain strategy
Which information is often used more for tactical and operations purposes than for strategic
purposes? demand
Who adopted the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade in 2005,
which consists of supply chain security standards for customs administrations, including
Authorized Economic Operator programmes? WCO
The basic objective of using benchmarking supply chain is to _________ the knowledge about
the SCM process and to enable the industrial partners to learn from the best practices. Increase
By analysing the _____ path, non-value-adding activities can be identified so that suitable
steps can be taken to eliminate them. customer order
Like everywhere else in the world, MCDonald is committed to serving high quality food
products to Indiancustomers. It has set up a cold chain, which maintains integrity of its food
products and helps retail their freshness and nutritional value. Products move from fields to
Cold storage is very essential for MCDonalds India is because ____ All of these
For McDonald India, order taking, bill payment and home delivery are services
The supply chain of McDonald's India begins from___ farms
McDonald's India buy raw materials from local supplier because _____ All of these