Cala Component A
Cala Component A
Cala Component A
It has been observed that at Chibi High school have little knowledge on variable forms of land
pollution which have affected aesthetic value of the land scrap and this also triggered on increase in the
number of rats,mice and houseflies of different types
students around the school dispose litter improperly which leads to land pollution around the school
some students improperly dispose litter just because they do not have knowledge on disposal of litter
some students and also local community have attitude towards proper littering and some of them tend
to run away from their responsibility
Environmental agencies are putting less supervision on environmental cleanliness they are leaving
people polluting land dereberately
~Shortage of incenerators
Shortage of incenerators cause people to drop sanitary wears every where which cause land pollution
•Effects of land pollution
tins which lie around can injure anyone especially young children
~Contamination of water
Increase in litter around the school attracts mice and rats which cause diseases
~Outbreak of mosquito
~Sewage blockage
•Mitigatory measures
~Environmental laws
~Environmental education
Environmental agencies should often visit people in the community and also students and educate them
ok how to prevent land pollution
people should observe national cleaning day . In Zimbabwe it is commemorated on every first Friday of
the month
~Building of incinerators
A various number of incinerators should be built to avoid improper disposal of sanitary wear
~Use of bins
Bins around the school should be increased to prevent the outbreak of land pollution around the school
>Sanitary pads
>plastic bottles
>vegetable waste
>srap metals
•food leftovers
•vegetable waste
•scrap metals
•sanitary waste
Report writing
The problem of land pollution has led to various situations such as injuries due to used tins , sewage
blockage,to name but a few there are some other effects from land pollution
The problem can be solved by educating people on how to dispose litter and providing more bins to the
school. Building incinerators can also help in decreasing land pollution