Fowl Course 214
Fowl Course 214
Fowl Course 214
Prepared By:
Staff Members of Anatomy & Embryology Department
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Cairo University
Bird Anatomy
Birds evolved from reptiles, with remaining similarities as scales on their beak, legs and feet,
single occipital condyle, a single middle ear bone, renal portal system, and excretion of uric
acid. Common avian orders: Galliforms, Anseriforms, Columbiforms, Passeriformes,
Psittaciformes, Falconiformes, Strigiformes and Struthioniformes.
Avian skeleton characterized by:
1.Lightness due to the presence of pneumatic bones in avian bones through extensions from
air sacs into different bones as parts of skull, vertebral column (synsacrum), coracoid,
humerus, some parts of pelvic girdle.
2. Strength and rigidity through fusion of bones as cranium, notarium, synsacrum, and
pygostyle, also through fusion and deletion as in wing bones and pelvic limb.
Chicken skeleton:
a. Axial skeleton
1.Skull: Cranium characterized by Pneumatization of
some parts, cranial kinesis, holorhinal osseous opening,
large orbits, single optic foramen , Sclerotic ring, small
maxillary bone, single occipital condyle. The mandible
consists of two thin bones fused rostrally. The hyoid bone
forms the frame work of the tongue.
2. Vertebral column
Chicken vertebral formula C14 T7 L +S 12-13 Cd 6
Cervical vertebrae give the characteristic S-shape
of the neck.
Thoracic vertebrae are seven in number, some of
them exhibit fusion forming Notarium or Os dorsal.
Synsacrum is formed by the fusion of 12-13 lumbar
and sacral vertebrae. Caudal vertebrae consist of
five free vertebrae and the pygostyle. Pygostyle
(plow share bone) (tail bone) (rump post) is the final
part of vertebral column consist of 4-8 fused
N.B: Sebaceous uropygial (oil or preen) gland: Is
the only skin gland, bilobed with a papilla, dorsal to
the pygostyle, it gives oily secretion to the body and
feathers during preening. In water fowl, it acts as a
waterproof secretion and insulating the part in the
water leading to their floating on water surface.
3. Thorax
Ribs: seven pairs of true ribs where the first two ribs are floating. They are consisted of
dorsal segment (vertebral rib) and ventral segment (sternal rib), except the floating ribs lack
the ventral segment and have no articulation with the sternum.
Uncinate processes are found in all ribs except the first and the last rib, they overlap the
succeeding ribs and give rigidity to the ribcage.
Sternum (Breast Bone): is an extensive bone exhibiting a large ventrally directed keel, or
carina as the origin of the major flight muscles.
b. Appendicular skeleton
Pectoral girdle: a pair of fused clavicles (furcula), coracoids, scapulae.
The furcula (good luck bone) is a slender rod like bones, fused ventrally and connected to the
cranial apex of the sternum by hypocleidial ligament. The
coracoids are large, hollow bones, and invaded by air from the
clavicular air sacs. The scapula is a long, flat bone, extends
caudally parallel to the vertebral column.
Pelvic girdle is formed by the fusion of 3 bones; ilium, ischium and pubis. Also ilium is fused
with the synsacrum. Pubic bone is long, thin, fused cranially with ischium then separates
from it by the Obturator foramen. Perforated acetabulum is present
between Ilium and ischium, also the large ilioischiatic foramen lies caudal
to the acetabulum.
The External Anatomy of fowl: Skin processes which are soft
ornamental outgrowths of the
skin on the head: comb, wattle
and ear lobes. The head of turkey
characterizes by snood and ear
Scales are cornified epidermal patches on the shank
and feet. Spur is found in rooster (male chicken) and
male turkey on their caudomedial surface of shanks,
which is formed of osseous core and cone of horn and
used as a weapon in them.
Toes are four in number in chicken and turkey, while in toes of duck and geese have also
webs between toes for swimming in water.
Bird Digestive system
2. Beak: Lips and teeth are absent and replaced by the beak which is hard keratinized
epidermal structure which covers the rostral parts of upper and lower jaws.
It is lost by wear and continuously replaced. The upper beak is short, narrow, pointed, on
either side caudally form the operculum which directed ventrally and partially close the
external nares. The lower beak covers the dentary bones of
4. Stomach
Proventriculus (glandular stomach) is a small elongated spindle organ directed
craniocaudally in the left ventral part of body cavity, its Wall is thick has visible papillae of
gastric glands for chemical digestion.
Isthmus is a light colored constriction between proventriculus and gizzard, dorsal to it found
the spleen with no papillae or plica.
Gizzard (muscular stomach or ventriculus) is a large biconvex lens in shape, related to
left lobe of liver. It has a body and craniodorsal and caudoventral blind sacs. Two openings
are found the proventricular opening and duodenal opening.
Structure: its wall is very thick, well developed 4 muscles (craniodorsal M, Caudoventral M.,
Dorsolateral m., and ventrolateral m.) with tendinous center. Mucous membrane has a cuticle
called koiline which is a tough yellowish or greenish or brown membrane to protects the mm.
during mechanical digestion.
6. Large intestine
Two Cecai is 20 cm long each. Consists of 3 parts; Blind apex (reddish expanded blind part),
Middle body (greenish middle part) and Narrow base with cecal tonsils.
Colorectum is a short tube 8-10 cm continuous with ileum, opens caudally in the cloaca.
7. Cloaca: Is the common passage for the digestive and urogenital tracts
ended by the vent guarded by dorsal and ventral lips. It is divided by 2
internal folds (coprourodeal fold and uroproctodeal fold) into three parts:
Coprodeum, urodeum and proctodeum.
Coprodeum (colic part) is the largest chamber, coprourodeal fold is an
annular fold which is stretched and bulged out of the vent, dispelling
feaces without contaminating other parts of cloaca. Also this fold closes
the coprodeum during egg lying.
Urodeum (urogenital part) is the middle compartment, it receives dorsally 2 ureters and
laterally left oviduct in female and two ductus deferens in male
Proctodeum receives the openings of the cloacal bursa (bursa of fabricius) and the dorsal
proctodeal gland.
Liver has 2 lobes: divided left lobe and
undivided right lobe containing
gallbladder on visceral surface except in
pigeon absent. The two bile ducts open in
the distal part of ascending duodenum
close to pancreatic ducts.
Lungs are 2 small, pink, unlobed flattened, rectangular, unexpansible. It lies in the
craniodorsal part of body cavity. No pleural cavity. The lungs of birds are attached to thorax
and cannot inflate as birds have no diaphragm and no pleural cavity. There is no diaphragm
in birds, instead horizontal septum (saccopleural membrane).
Bronchial tree: Two primary bronchii extend along the lung and enters its ventral surface
and ends into the abdominal air sacs. Each Primary bronchus gives 40-50 secondary
bronchii. Secondary bronchii gives 400 – 500 parabronchii (tertiary bronchii) forming
parabronchial loops containg air capillaries (no alveoli).
Infundibulum Egg stays 15 mins, secretes Chalaziferous layer (thin dense albumin
layer) and chalaze
Magnum 3hrs, Secretes half the total albumin of the egg
Isthmus Egg stays 1.5 hr, Secrete more albumin (10%) and shell membranes
(inner and outer shell membranes)
Uterus Vagina
Short sac like, narrow cranial part and Is a muscular S-shape tube
pouch like caudal part
Egg stays for 20-21 hrs. Egg passes in it for few seconds
Deposition of shell, shell pigments and Its junction with uterus is marked by a
cuticle sphincter which has glandular crypts for
sperm storage up to 10-14 days