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Department of Studies in Zoology


Master of Science
(I-IV Semester)

With effect from


Department of Studies in Zoology

Programme: Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Zoology
Duration: 2 Years (4 semesters)
Programme Overview:
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Zoology aims to equip students with recent advances in Zoology
from organismic to reductionist biology. It also aims to empower students to understand the
challenges of society and the country that falls into the realms of Zoology, such as Aquaculture,
Molecular cell biology, stem cell biology, Molecular endocrinology, developmental biology,
Reproductive biology, Cancer Biology, Physiology, ethology, chronobiology, wild life
conservation, toxicology, biodiversity etc. It also offers students to a series of elective courses so
that they can choose to specialize in the specific area of their interests in Zoology.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):

After 3-4 years of completion of the programme the graduates will be able to:
5. To provide basic knowledge of animal structure, function and behavior.
6. To provide practical skills and knowledge in the field of applied zoology, this can make a
path for self employment opportunities in Aquaculture, Apiculture, Lac culture and
7. To enhance practical skill in current advances in Zoology.
8. To inculcate critical thinking and analytical skills to enable students to pursue higher studies
and research in Lie Sciences or related fields of Zoology.
9. Occupy positions in academic/research institutions / industry.
10. Demonstrate leadership qualities to achieve professional and organizational goals with
commitment to ethical standards and team spirit.

Programme Outcomes (POs):

At the end of the programme the students will be able to:
8. The student would sufficiently be skilled and empowered to solve the problems in the realms
of Zoology and its allied areas.
9. Understand the unity of life with the rich diversity of organisms and their ecological and
evolutionary significance.
10. Opportunities of continuing education and professional development.
11. Acquire basic skills in the observation and study of nature, biological techniques,
experimental skills and scientific investigation.
12. Demonstrate the ability to propose and execute a research project, and ethically report the
results with concern for society and environment.
13. Enable the students to avail career opportunities in teaching, industry and research.
14. Work in a group to execute a project and contribute as an individual.
15. Use tools of information technology for all activities related to Zoology.
16. Develop lifelong learning habits by continuously updating advances in Zoology.
Distribution of Courses/Papers in Postgraduate Programme as per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in

Semester Category Subject code Title of the Paper Marks Teaching Duration
No. hours/week Credit of exams
IA Sem. Total L T P (Hrs)
Systematics and Biology of
DSC1 21ZOO1C1L 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3
Aquaculture and Fishery
DSC2 21ZOO1C2L 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3
Molecular Cell Biology and
DSC3 21ZOO1C3L 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3
Stem Cell Biology and
DSC4 21ZOO1C4L 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3
Regenerative Medicine
Vermiculture and
SEC1 21ZOO1S1LP 20 30 50 1 - 2 2 2
Systematics and Biology of
DSC1P1 21ZOO1C1P 20 30 50 - - 4 2 4
Non-Chordates Lab
Aquaculture and Fishery
DSC2P2 21ZOO1C2P 20 30 50 - - 4 2 4
Biology Lab
Molecular Cell Biology and
DSC3P3 21ZOO1C3P 20 30 50 - - 4 2 4
Genetics Lab
Total Marks for I Semester 600 24
Marks Duratio
Semester n of
Category Subject code Title of the Paper Sem. Credit
No. exams
IA Exa Total L T P (Hrs)
DSC5 21ZOO2C5L Biology of Chordates 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3
Developmental Biology and 30 70
DSC6 21ZOO2C6L 100 4 - - 4 3
Molecular Endocrinology
DSC7 21ZOO2C7L Ethology and Chronobiology 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3

DSC8 21ZOO2C8L Cancer and Radiation Biology 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3

Non-clinical Safety Evaluation
SEC2 21ZOO2S2LP 20 30 50 1 - 2 2 2
of Drugs (with MathWorks)
DSC5P4 21ZOO2C5P Biology of Chordates Lab 20 30 50 - - 4 2 4
Developmental Biology and
DSC6P5 21ZOO2C6P 20 30 50 - - 4 2 4
Molecular Endocrinology Lab
Ethology and Chronobiology
DSC7P6 21ZOO2C7P 20 30 50 - - 4 2 4
Total Marks for II Semester 600 24
Teaching Credi Duratio
Semester hours/week t n of
Category Subject code Title of the Paper
No. Sem. exams
IA Total L T P
Exam (Hrs)
Reproductive Biology and 30 70
DSC9 21ZOO3C9L 100 4 - - 4 3
Artificial Organs
DSC10 21ZOO3C10L Environmental Biology 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3
21ZOO3E1AL A. Human Physiology
21ZOO3E1BL B. Biophysics and Biostatistics 30 70
DSE1 100 4 - - 4 3
C. Parasitology, Evolutionary
21ZOO3E1CL Biology and Paleozoology
A. Immunology, Proteomics and
Genomics 30 70
THIRD DSE2 21ZOO3E2BL B. Biochemistry and Enzymology 100 4 - - 4 3
21ZOO3E2CL C. Neurobiology and Aging
A. Wild life conservation and
GEC1 20 30 50 2 - - 2 2
21ZOO3G1BL B. Entrepreneurial Zoology
21ZOO3G1CL C. Hormones and Diseases
SEC3 21ZOO3S3LP Research Methodology 20 30 50 1 - 2 2 2
Reproductive Biology and
DSC9P7 21ZOO3C9P 20 30 50 - - 4 2 4
Artificial Organs Lab
DSC10P8 21ZOO3C10P Environmental Biology Lab 20 30 50 - - 4 2 4
Total Marks for III Semester 600 24
Marks Duration
Semeste hours/week
Category Subject code Title of the Paper Credit of exams
r No. IA Sem. Total L T P
DSC11 21ZOO4C11L Biodiversity and Conservation 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3
DSC12 21ZOO4C12L Toxicology 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3
A. Agricultural Zoology and
DSE3 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3
21ZOO4E3BL B. Applied Zoology
21ZOO4E3CL C.Animal Biotechnology
21ZOO4E4AL A. Genetic Engineering
DSE4 21ZOO4E4BL B.Histology and Histotechniques 30 70 100 4 - - 4 3
C. Livestock Management and Animal
21ZOO4G2AL A. Global Environmental Issues
21ZOO4G2BL B. Public Health, Hygiene and diseases
GEC2 20 30 50 2 - - 2 2
C. Human reproductive health issues and
Sex Education
DSC11P9 21ZOO4C11P Biodiversity and Conservation Lab 20 30 50 - - 4 2 4
Project 21ZOO4C1R Research Project 30 70 100 - 8 4 4
Total Marks for IV Semester 600 24
(I-IV semester)- Total Marks: 2400 Total credits: 96

DSC – Department Specific Core, DSE – Discipline Specific Elective, SEC – Skill Enhancement Course, GEC – Generic Elective Course, IA
– Internal Assessment, SEE – Semester End Examination, L – Lecture, T – Tutorial, P – Practical.
M.Sc. Zoology First Semester

Course: Systematics and Biology of Non-Chordates Course code: 21ZOO1C1L

Teaching Hours/Week (L-T-P): 4 - 0 - 0 No. of Credits: 04

Internal Assessment: 30 marks Semester End Examination: 70 marks

Course Objectives:
To understand the evidence that living species share descent from common ancestry and how this fact
explain the traits of living species. Makes students to understand how life evolved from simple to
complex organization by division of labour and enhancing efficiency in invertebrates.

Unit 1 11 Hours
Newer Aspects of Taxonomy
Levels of Taxonomy: Alpha, Beta & Gamma Taxonomy; Cytotaxonomy, Chemotaxonomy,
Numerical taxonomy, Molecular taxonomy, Dendrogram, Cladistics.
Species Concept
Nominalistic Species Concept, Typological Species Concept, Phenetic Species Concept, Biological
Species Concept, Evolutionary Species Concept, Ecological Species Concept, Recognition Species
Concept, Aberrant Species Concept.
Other Species definitions
Monotypic and Polytypic Species, Allopatric and Sympatric Species, Peripatric and Parapatric
Species, Cryptic Species and Sibling Species, Infraspecific Categories, Invasive species, Alien
species, Indicator species, Keystone species, Umbrella species, Flagship species, Charismatic species.

Unit 2 11 Hours
General characters and classification of invertebrate phyla
From protozoa to Echinodermata (including minor phyla)
General characters and classification of Chordates
From Pisces to Mammals (including Protochordates)
Phylogenetic interrelationships
Between Protochordates and chordates.

Unit 3 11 Hours
Taxonomic Collection, Preservation, Curation and Identification Importance of Museum
Collections, Methods for collecting non-chordates, Methods for Collecting Chordates, Preservation
of non-chordates, Preservation of Chordates, Curation, Identification Method. Taxonomic keys-
different types of Keys.
Zoological Nomenclature
Basic concept of ICZN, Binomial Nomenclature, Trinomial Nomenclature, Important rules, IUCN
red list of threatened species.
Evaluation of Biodiversity Indices
Shannon Weiner Index, Dominance Index, Similarity and Dissimilarity Index, Association Index.

Unit 4 11 Hours
Locomotion and skeletal organization in invertebrates
Ultrastructure of protozoan locomotory organs (pseudopodia-cytoplasmicorganells, flagella, cilia and
pellicularmyonemes) and mechanism of various modes of locomotion; skeletal organization in
calcareous sponges, Hexactinilida and Demospongiae (Porifera).
Nutrition and Respiration
Filter feeding in Polychaeta, Mollusca and Echinodermata; Respiratory organs in Arthropoda;
Mechanism of gaseous exchange in trachealrespiration in Insecta and gill respiration in Crustacea.
Respiration in mollusca; Respiratory pigments,
Mechanism of excretion (nitrogenous excretory products, transport of water and salts) in Polychaeta,
Oligochaeta and Hirudinea of Annelida.

Unit 5 11 Hours
Structure and mechanism of reproduction in Dugesia, Fasciola, Taenia and Ascaris. Larval forms and
their significance in Arthropoda and Echinodermata
Nervous System
Primitive nervous system: Coelenterata and Echinodermata, Advanced nervous system: Annelida,
Arthropoda (Crustacea and Insecta) and Mollusca (Cephalopod).
General study
Polymorphism in cnidarians; parasitic adaptations in helminthes;Corals and coral reef
formation;Vision in arthropods;Water vascular system of Echinoderms.
Reference Books:
1. B.K. Tikadar. Threatened Animals of India, ZSI Publication, Calcutta.
2. Barrington, E.J.W. (1979). Invertebrate Structure and Functions. II Edition, E.L.B.S.and Nelson
3. Ernst Mayer and Peter D. Ashlock: Principle Elements of Taxonomy.
4. G. G. Simpson. Principle of animal taxonomy; Oxford IBH Publishing Company.
5. Modern Text Book of Zoology: Invertebrates: R. L. KotpalRastogi Publications
6. Parker, T. S. and Haswell, W. A., TextBook of Zoology, Vol. II, ELBS, 1978.
7. Ruppert and Barnes, R.D. (2006). Invertebrate Zoology, VIII Edition. Holt Saunders
8. V.C Kapoor-Theory and practice of animal taxonomy, 6TH EDITION 1983(Reprint2011).

Course Outcomes (CO): After completion of this course student should able to

CO Statement
1 General taxonomic rules on animal classification of chordates and evolutionary significance
2 Study Protochordata to Mammalia with taxonomic keys
3 To understand the animal diversity around us, principles of classification of animals and
terminology needed in classification
4 Imparts conceptual knowledge of vertebrate adaptations in relation to their environment and
Imparts conceptual knowledge of vertebrate adaptations in relation to their environment
5 Enhancement of research skills like critical thinking
M.Sc. Zoology First Semester

Course: Aquaculture and Fish Biology Course code: 21ZOO1C2L

Teaching Hours/Week (L-T-P): 4 - 0 - 0 No. of Credits: 04

Internal Assessment: 30 marks Semester End Examination: 70 marks

Course Objectives:

This course will give the students an understanding of the principles of aquaculture, including
production systems, water quality, nutrition, spawning, larval culture and culture methodologies with
special reference to fish, and prawn. The course will include an opportunity to conduct hands-on
activities related to culture and husbandry of animals.

Unit 1 11 Hours

Historical background and present status of aquaculture: purpose and importance of aquaculture.
Types of culture systems: Traditional, extensive, semi-intensive, intensive, super-intensive.
Characteristic features of cultivable species (Indian major carps, murrels, catfish and tilapia).
Selection criteria of cultivable species.

Unit 2 11 Hours
Types of aquaculture: Freshwater aquaculture, brackish water aquaculture and mariculture,
Merits and demerits,
Design, construction and management of ponds, types of ponds.
Control of aquatic weeds and predators.
Composite fish culture: Mono sex culture, culture of air-breathing fishes, sewage fed fish culture
Fish-cum duck culture: induced breeding of carps: Brood stock management.

Unit 3 11 Hours
Fish breeding: Synthetic hormones for induced breeding – GnRH analogue structure and function
Selective breeding for improving fish stocks - hybridization in Indian fishes. Gynogenesis,
Androgenesis, triploidy, tetraploidy, hybridization, sex reversal and breeding, Production of transgenic
Impact of GMOs on aquatic biodiversity

Unit 4 11 Hours
Impact of Aquaculture on Environment
Methods of Fishing: Crafts and gear technology
Nutrition in Aquaculture: Nutrient and non-nutrient diet components,
Preparation and processing of feed, feed formulae,
Natural and supplementary feed and their utilization
Fish diseases: Parasitic, protozoan, bacterial, fungal and viral diseases and their control measures.

Unit 5 12 Hours
Inland fisheries: Freshwater, riverine, reservoir, pond and cold-water fisheries.
Estuarine and brackish water fisheries and their economics.
Fish gears and crafts used in South Indian Fisheries.
Marine Fisheries: Sardine, Mackerel, Bombay duck, Sciaenids, Ribbonfish, Silver bellies, Pomfrets,
Carangids, Sharks, Shrimps, Prawns, Crabs, Lobsters and Molluscs (Mussels, clams and scallops).

Reference Books:

1. R. Santhanam, N. Sukumaran and Natarajan, - A manual of fresh water aquaculture, Oxford and
IBH Publishing Co Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.
2. B.N. Yadav, - Fish and fisheries, Daya Publishing House, Delhi.
3. Mathew Landan, 1991. Introduction to aquaculture, John Wilay and Sons Inc..
4. V.R.P. Sinha, 1993. Acompendium of aquaculture Technologies for developing countries,
Oxford and IBH Publishing Company PVT. Ltd.
5. V.G. Jhingran,1991. Fish and fisheries of India, Hindustan Publishing Corporation, Delhi.
6. T.V.R. Pillay – Aquaculture principles and practives, Fishing new Books, Blackwell
Science Ltd., Oxford.
7. Shanmugam, K. 1990. Fishery Biology and Aquaculture, Hindustan Pub. Corporation,
New Delhi.
8. C.V. Kurian and Sebastein – Prawn and Prawn fisheries of India, Hindustan Publishing
House, New Delhi.
9. Elvire Balugal, A. 1984. Aquaculture systems and practices – A selected Review, Daya
Publishing House, New Delhi.
10. B.N.Yadav, 1995. Fish Endocrinology, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi.
11. Handbook of Fisheries and Aquaculture. 2013. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, ICAR,
DIPA, New Delhi, India.

Course Outcomes (CO): After completion of this course student should able to

CO Statement
1 Understanding of design and construction of Fish hatchery and Shrimp hatchery. Feasibility
of using sewage water for aquaculture.
2 Gain the knowledge of advance biological techniques used for improvement of fish culture
and research.
3 Understand the culture techniques of various aquatic organisms helps in the production of
healthy food for human consumption in a sustainable manner and also in employment
4 Students can start their own business i.e., self employments.
5 Understand Criteria for the selection of species for culture and concepts of different types
of culture.
M.Sc. Zoology First Semester

Course: Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Course code: 21ZOO1C2L

Teaching Hours/Week (L-T-P): 4 - 0 - 0 No. of Credits: 04
Internal Assessment: 30 marks Semester End Examination: 70 marks

Course Objectives: This course will provide knowledge about the complex organization in the
eukaryotic cell and the molecular mechanisms of the cellular processes that exist in all cell types.

Unit 1 11 Hours
Introduction to molecular biology: Cell theory, Cellular organization, Central dogma of molecular
biology; Evidences for DNA as a genetic material; Scope of molecular biology; Synthetic Biology.
Biochemistry of cell: Properties of water, Carbohydrate classification, Protein structures and bond
Lipids and Nucleic acids: Types of DNA and RNA, Biological significance.

Unit 2 12 Hours
Structure of eukaryotic chromosome; Chromosomal condensation during mitosis; Structure of dsDNA,
ssRNA, dsRNA,
Replication of DNA, DNA damage and repair mechanisms.
Genome organization: Structure of gene, Prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription; post-transcriptional
processing; Reverse transcription, RNA interference.
Genetic code, Gene translation, Regulation of gene expression,
DNA sequencing, Genetic engineering technology.

Unit 3 11 Hours
Molecular organisation and functions of cell organelles,
Cell cycle: Phases of cell cycle, molecular events during different stages of cell cycle,
Cyclins and Cyclin-Dependent Kinases, regulation of CDK-Cyclin activity, Senescence, Apoptosis,
Significance of cell division.
Biomembranes: Davson-Danielli model, Fluid mosaic model,
Cell junctions; Signal transduction; Transport across cell membranes.

Unit 4 11 Hours
Elements of heredity and variation; Mendelian inheritance and extensions to Mendelian inheritance,
Sex-linked; Sex-influenced and Sex-limited inheritance.
Multiple allelism: ABO blood group system and inheritance pattern; Rh incompatibility.
Unit 5 11 Hours
Eukaryotic model systems for genetic analysis: life cycle and importance of Drosophila and Zebra
Genetic basis of human diseases: Numerical and structural anomalies of chromosomes.
Inherited biochemical diseases: Lipid metabolism disorder, Carbohydrate associated disorder, Defects
in purine metabolism, Defects in membrane transport and collagen disorders.

Reference Books:

1. A.G. Motulsky and F. Vogel (1986) Human Genetics

2. Alberts,B., Bray Dennis, Lewis Julian, Raff Martin, Roberts.K and Watson, J.D. Molecular
Biology of the Cell. Garland Publishing Inc. New York, 1994.
3. Bray, B. A. D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K and Watson J.D (1995) Molecular biology of the cell,
II edition, Garland Publishing Company Ltd. New York and London.
4. Brown, T. A. (1998) Genetics a molecular approach, 3rd edition, Chapman & Hall
Publishers, London.
5. Burns, G. W. (1983) The science of genetics, V edition, McMillan Pub. Co., Inc., New York.
6. Connor, J. M. and Smith M. A. F. (1987) Essential Medical Genetics, 2nd edition, Black well
scientific publications.
7. Cummings, M.R. (2009). Human Heredity: Principles and Issues. Pacific Grove,
8. Curt Stern (1960) Principles of Human Genetics 5. Robert et al., (2015)Thompson and
Thompson Genetics in Medicine, Elsevier, Saunders, London
9. De Robertis, E. D. P, De Robertis E. M.F (1995) Cell and Molecular Biology, VIII edition,
Indian edition
10. Fraser, C. F. and Nora J. J. (1986) Genetics of man, 2nd edition, Lea and Febiger publishers,
11. Gardner, E. J., Simmins M. J. and Snusstad D. P. (1991) Principles of Genetics, 8th edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc.
12. Hartl, D. L. (2001) Genetics: Analysis of genes and genomes, 4th edition, Jones & Bartlett
publishers, Boston.
13. Hassard, T.H. (1991) Understanding Biostatistics, Mosby year Book St. Louis.
14. Hutt, F. B. and Rasmusen B. A. (1982) Animal genetics, 2nd edition, John Wiley & sons, New
15. Lewis, R. (2008) Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications, McGraw-Hill Publishing, New
York, 8th ed
16. R. F. Mueller and I.D Yound (2001) Emery’s Elements of Medical Genetics
17. Robert F. Weaver (2012) Molecular Biology fifth edition, McGraw Hill companies Inc.
18. Stickberger, N.W. Genetics. MacMillan Publishing Co. New York, 1985.
19. Watson, J.D et al., Recombinant DNA. W.H.Freeman & Co, 1992.
Course Outcomes (CO): After completion of this course student should able to

CO Statement
1 Understand how the cell functions as a unit of life
2 Gain knowledge about the techniques and experiments that contributed to the
understanding of molecular mechanisms of the cellular processes
3 Formulate the tools and techniques used in rDNA technology
4 Solve Mendelian monohybrid, dihybrid experiment related problems and carry out blood
grouping and derive to the conclusion of Rh compatibility
5 Write sources and cause of genetic disorders in human beings and Identify and name the
genes responsible for anomalies in human chromosomes

M.Sc. Zoology First Semester

Course: Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative

Course code: 21ZOO1C4L
L-T-P per week: 4-0-0 No. of Credits: 04

Internal Assessment: 30 marks Semester End Examination: 70 marks

Course Objectives: The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students with stem cell technology
and its applications for betterment of the society. The course is designed to give a broad view of
mammalian stem cells, reviewing where they are found in the body, the different types and how they
are cultured. The topics will cover the basic biology of these stem cells as well as bioengineering and
application of these stem cells to potential treatments of human diseases.

Unit 1 11 hours
Overview of stem cells: Definition and criteria for stem cells; Types of stem cells; Stem cell
markers; Stem cell niches; Trans-differentiation
Growth Factors and Paracrine mechanism and action of stem cells.
11 hours
Unit 2
Molecular concepts of stem cells: Molecular Basis of Pluripotency; Mechanisms of self
renewal; Cell cycle regulators in Stem cells; Somatic cell nuclear transfer technology
Aging and stem cell renewal
Cancer stem cells: Stem cell origin of cancer, Cancer stem cells, Pathways involved in stem
cells and cancer stem cells

Unit 3 11 hours
Stem cell therapy: Autologous and allogenic stem cell transplantation, HLA typing
Gene therapy using stem cells: Methods of gene therapy.
Applications of stem cells in gene therapy.
Tissue derivation from different germ layers
Significance of pluripotency
Induced pluripotency of stem cells.
Recent advances, applications and challenges in the production of pluripotent stem cells.

Unit 4 11 hours
Embryonic and adult stem cells: Embryonic stem cells: Isolation, properties, test for
pluripotency, and differentiation.
Embryonic carcinoma cells: Teratomas and Teratocarcinoma.
Adult stem cells: Different types of adult stem cells based on source (cord blood, bone marrow,
adipose, endometrium etc) and lineages (hematopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells side
population, endothelial progenitor cells)
Unit 5 12 Hours
Stem cells and regenerative medicine: Neural stem cells in neurodegenerative diseases;
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Epithelial stem cells and burns
Stem cells and heart disease
Pancreatic stem cells and diabetes
Liver stem cells and cell therapy for liver disease
Embryonic stem cells in tissue engineering, stem cell banking,
Ethical concerns in stem cell research.

Reference Books:
1. Stem cell biology and Gene therapy, Peter J QuesenBerryr, Willey – Less.
2. Essentials of Stem Cell Biology by Robert Lanza and Anthony Atala, Elsevier
3. Stem Cells: From Basic Research to Therapy, Volume 1: Basic Stem Cell Biology, Tissue
Formation during Development, and Model Organisms by Federico Calegari, Claudia Waskow,
Taylor and Francis group.
4. Essentials of Stem Cell Biology, Third Edition – Edited by Robert Lanza and Anthony Atala.
Academic Press, CA, USA (2013).
5. Stem Cell Biology - Edited by Daniel R Marshak, Richard L. Gardner and David Gottlieb. Cold
Spring Harbor Press, NY, USA (2001).
6. “Hand book of Stem Cells” Edited by RoberLanza, Elsevier, Academic Press, 2011.
7. “Stem Cells Handbook”, Edited by Stewart Sell, Human Press, 2010.

Course Outcomes (CO): After completion of this course student should able to
CO Statement
1 Learn the various types of stem cells their identification and isolation.
2 Understand the concept of stem cell niche and its importance.
3 Learn about cancer stem cells and study the various cell signalling pathways up regulated
in cancer stem cells.
4 Learn stem cell cycle regulation and explore various animal models used in stem cell
5 Understand about stem cell cycle regulation
6 Describe the applications of stem cells in diseases, injury and gene therapy

M.Sc. Zoology First Semester

Course: Vermiculture and Vermitechnology Course code: 21ZOO1S1LP

L-T-P per week: 1-0-2 No. of Credits: 02

Internal Assessment: 15 marks Semester End Examination: 35 marks

Course Objectives:
1. To make wealth out of waste.
2. To assist the students in Vermitechnology for sustainable agriculture practices.
3. To develop the concept of scientific organic natural farming with a key component of making
organic manure through earthworms.
4. To provide the knowledge of how to turn all kinds of waste garbage to a valuable compost.
5. To impart the knowledge of converting the weeds into food of earthworms and preparing
6. To provide the knowledge of commercial vermicomposting, including rearing of earthworms and
production of earthworm cast.

Unit 1 7 hours
Introduction to vermiculture
Definition, scope of vermiculture, types of earthworms
Ecological grouping – Epigeic, Anecic and Endogeic species
Ecological role and economic importance of earthworms.
Role as four R’s of recycling reduces, reuse, recycle, restore.
Role of earthworms In waste management
Vermifilter, Earthworm as farmer’s friend, earthworms as bioreactors, organic farming

Unit 2 7 hours
Vermiculture techniques and applications of Vermicompost
Advantages of vermiculture,
Vermicomposting technology,
Methods of vermicomposting,
Large scale manufacture of vermicompost, worm casts, vermicompost, vermiwash, Role of
earthworms in soil fertility, use of vermicompost for crop production, use of vermicompost in land
improvement and reclamation.
Vermicompost application on soil and plant growth,
Vermicompost as a organic manure a good substitute of fertilizers.
Marketing of vermicomposting products and financial support by governments and NGOs for
Unit 3 28 hours
Experiments to be conducted

1. Key to identify different types of earthworms

2. Field trip- Collection of native earthworms & their identification
3. Study of Sytematic position, habits, habitat & External characters of Eisenia fetida/ Eudrilus
4. Study of cocoon and vermicast
5. Study of Life stages & development of Eisenia fetida/ Eudrilus eugeniae
6. Study of Vermiculture, Vermiwash & Vermicompost equipments, devices
7. Preparation of vermibeds, maintenance of vermicompost & climatic conditions.
8. Establishment of vermicomposting unit Bed method/pit method
9. Establishment of vermiwash unit
10. Harvesting, packaging, transport and storage of Vermicompost and separation of life stages
11. Study of Pests and diseases of Earthworms
12. Study the effects of vermicompost & vermiwash on any two short duration cropplants
13. Budget and cost scenario of vermiculture (project)

Reference Books:

1. Bhatt J.V. & S.R. Khambata (1959) “Role of Earthworms in Agriculture” Indian Councilof
Agricultural Research, New Delhi
2. Dash, M.C., B.K.Senapati, P.C. Mishra (1980) “Verms and Vermicomposting” Proceedings of the
National Seminar on Organic Waste Utilization and Vermicomposting Dec. 5-8, 1984, (Part B),
School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University, JyotiVihar, Orissa.
3. Edwards, C.A. and J.R. Lofty (1977) “Biology of Earthworms” Chapman and Hall Ltd., London.
4. Lee, K.E. (1985) “Earthworms: Their ecology and Relationship with Soils and Land Use”
Academic Press, Sydney.
5. Kevin, A and K.E.Lee (1989) “ Earthworm for Gardeners and Fisherman” (CSIRO, Australia,
Division of Soils)
6. Rahudakar V.B. (2004). GandulkhatashivayNaisargeekParyay, Atul Book Agency, Pune.
7. Satchel, J.E. (1983) “Earthworm Ecology” Chapman Hall, London.
8. Wallwork, J.A. (1983) “Earthworm Biology” Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd. London.

Course Outcomes (CO): After completion of this course student should able to
CO Statement
1 Learn the various types of stem cells their identification and isolation.
2 Understand the concept of stem cell niche and its importance.
3 Learn about cancer stem cells and study the various cell signalling pathways up regulated
in cancer stem cells.
4 Learn stem cell cycle regulation and explore various animal models used in stem cell
5 Understand about stem cell cycle regulation
6 Describe the applications of stem cells in diseases, injury and gene therapy
M.Sc. Zoology First Semester

Course: Lab on Systematics and Biology of Non-Chordates Course code: 21ZOO1C1P

L-T-P per week: 0-0-4 No. of Credits: 02

Internal Assessment: 20 marks Semester End Examination: 30 marks

Course Objectives:

1. To observe various non chordate specimens by using Microscope

2. To know the various systems (Digestive system, circulatory system and Reproductive system) of rat
by using virtual laboratory
3. To inculcate the significance of various chordates/ non chordates.

List of Experiments
1. Study of Available Museum Specimens of Non-Chordate animals
a. Protozoa: Amoeba, Noctiluca, Monocystis, Trypanosoma, Leishmania.
b. Porifera:Leucosolenia, Grantia, Scypha, Hyalonema, Euplectella.
2. Identification and classification of Invertebrate animals
a. Coelentrata:Porpita, Vellela, Pennatula, Alcyonium, Adamsia.
b. Platyhelminthes:Dugesia, Fasciola and Taenia. Mature and gravid proglottids of Taenia.
c. Nematoda:Dracunculus, Wuchereria, Trichinella, Schistosoma and Enterobius.
d. Annelida: Aphrodite, Arenicola, Pheretima, Pontobdella, and Hirudinaria.
3. Identification and classification of Invertebrate animals
a. Arthropoda : Limulus, Spider, Palamnaeus, Apus, Lepas, Sacculina, Odontotermes, Bombyx,
Xenopsylla, Apis, Julus
b. Mollusca: Chiton, Dentalium, Pila, Turbinella, Aplysia, Mytilus, Octopus.
c. Enchinodermata:Pentaceros, Asterias, Ophiothrix, Echinus, Holothuria
4. Study of the following Chordates through Specimens/Charts/ Models
a. Protochordata:Herdmania, Amphioxus, Amphioxus
b. Cyclostomata:Petromyzon and Myxine.
c. Pisces:Torpedo, Hippocoampus,Echeneis,Clarius,Channa, Anguilla.
5. Identification and classification of vertebrate animals
b. Amphibia:Ichthyophis, Amblystoma, Axolotl larva, Hyla, Siren, Rhacophorus.
c. Reptilia: Draco, Chamaeleon, Uromastix, Testudo, Trionyx, Russels viper, Hydrophis,
d. Aves:Psittacula, Eudynamis, Bubo, Alcedo, Ostrich, Kiwi, Kite, and Duck
e. Mammalia: Ornithorhynchus, Pteropus, Funambulus, Echidna, Kangaroo, Shrew, Loris, Seal/
Walrus, Dolphin, Sea Cow, Giant panda, Tapir,
6. Study of Morphometric measurements in fishes.
7. Study of external characters of Earthworm. Dissection of digestive and nervous system of
Earthworm, Mounting of Setae, Nephridia & ovary of earth worm.
8. Dissection of digestive system and nervous system of Palaemon, Mounting of appendages of
9. Dissection of digestive system and nervous system nervous system of cockroach. Mounting of
salivary glands in cockroach.
10. Study of larval forms: Miracidium, Redia, Cercaria, Metacercaria, Trochophore, Nauplius,
Bipinnaria, Ophiopluteus, Pluteus, Echinopluteus, Brachiolaria, Zoye, Mysis,
11. Examination of pond water collected/cultured from different places for identification of
12. Visit to any one National Park or Sanctuary OR Reserve forest area OR Skill based Educational
programme/Lecture OR visit local education centres for specimen collection and preservation.


3. Experiments may be added/ modified as and when required with the approval of BoS.
4. Demonstration practical/ Dissection/Virtual dissection/Models/Chart of animal systems as per
UGC guidelines.


1. A Text Book of Zoology; T.J.Parkar and W.A.Haswell, McMillan.

2. Analysis of Vertebrate Structure: Milton Hildebrand, Wiley International
3. Barnes, R.S.K., Calow, P., Olive, P.J.W., Golding, D.W. and Spicer, J.I. (2002). The
Invertebrates: A New Synthesis, III Edition, Blackwell Science
4. Biology of Invertebrates; J.A.Pechenik, 4th Ed, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
5. Functional Anatomy of Vertebrates. An evolutionary perspective. K.F.Liem, W.E.Bemis, W,
F.Walker, L.Grande, 3rd Ed. Harcourt College Publishers.
6. Invertebrate Zoology: Bares, R.D., Saunders Publication.
7. Life of Invertebrates; Russell, W.D. Hunter, McMillan
8. Ruppert and Barnes, R.D. (2006). Invertebrate Zoology, VIII Edition. Holt Saunders International
9. The Life of Vertebrates: J.Z.Young, ELBS‐Oxford Univ. Press.
10. Vertebrate comparative anatomy, Function, Evolution, K.V. Kardong, 3rd Ed. Tata McGraw, Hill
Course Outcomes (CO): After completion of this course student should able to

CO Statement
1 Understand basics of classification of non-chordates
2 Learn the diversity of habit and habitat of these species
3 Develop the skills to identify different classes and species of animals.
4 Know uniqueness of a particular animal and its importance
5 Enhancement of basic laboratory skill like keen observation and drawing

M.Sc. Zoology First Semester

Course: Lab on Aquaculture and Fish Biology Course code: 21ZOO1C2P

L-T-P per week: 0-0-4 No. of Credits: 02
Internal Assessment: 20 marks Semester End Examination: 30 marks

Course Objectives: This course will give the students an understanding of the principles of
aquaculture, including production systems, water quality, plankton analysis, spawning, larval culture
and culture methodologies.

List of Experiments

1. Qualitative identification and estimation of ammonia and urea.

2. Estimation of glycogen.
3. Estimation of proteins.
4. Estimation of lipids.
5. Estimation of hemoglobin.
6. Estimation of tissue somatic index.
7. Determination of temperature, pH, salinity in the pond water sample.
8. Estimation of total alkalinity and total hardness.
9. Estimation of dissolved oxygen and free carbondioxide.
10. Estimation of phosphates and nitrites.
11. Estimation of COD and BOD.
12. Identification of important cultivable species of fin fish and shell fish.
13. Common unwanted (weed and predatory) fishes in culture ponds – identification and their
impact in aquaculture.
14. Collection, preservation and identification of common phytoplanktonic organisms in ponds.
15. Collection, preservation and identification of common zooplanktonic organisms in ponds –
Rotifers, Cladocerans and Copepods.
16. Identification of aquatic insects and molluscs in ponds.
17. Common floating, emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation in ponds.


3. Experiments may be added/modified as and when required with the approval of BoS.

Reference Books:

1. Bard. J (1986). Handbook of Tropical Aquaculture.

2. Santhanam, R. A. Manual of Aquaculture.
3. Fresh Water Fish Culture and Training, Neha Charan, Random Publications, 2012
Course Outcomes (CO): After completion of this course student should able to
CO Statement
1 Study the breeding, rearing, and harvesting of aquatic animals.
2 Know the methodology for the construction of hatcheries and farms.
3 Study the recent techniques and application for the practical aquaculture
4 Know culture practice and economic importance aquaculture
Understand the environmental impacts of aquaculture and Learn the importance of
Zoology First Semester
Course: Lab on Molecular Cell Biology and
Course code: 21ZOO1C3P
L-T-P per week: 0-0-4 No. of Credits: 02
Internal Assessment: 20 marks Semester End Examination: 30 marks

Course Objectives: This lab course will provide skills and firsthand practical knowledge about the
biological molecules, biochemistry, chromosomal aberrations and tools and techniques in cellular

List of Experiments
1. Study of microscopes: compound, dark-field, phase contrast, fluorescent, TEM and SEM.
2. Temporal mitosis in onion roots.
3. Meiosis in maize/ onion bud/grasshopper testes.
4. Isolation of genomic DNA from plant / animal tissue
5. Casein extraction from milk.
6. Decoding the genetic codes using base sequences.
7. Anomalies in chromosomes.
8. Micrometry: calibration of microscope and measurement of cell diameters.
9. Carbohydrate, protein and lipid tests
10. Barr body identification using buccal smear
11. Demonstration of agarose gel electrophoresis
12. Study of life cycle of drosophila, zebra fish and maintenance of stock
13. Problems based on mendelian laws, sex linkage
14. Centrifugation technique, colorimetry, chromatography and spectrophotometry
15. Blood grouping and Rh compatibility


1. Experiments may be added/modified as and when required with the approval of BoS.

Reference Books:

1. Bray, B. A. D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K and Watson J.D (1995) Molecular biology of the cell,
II edition, Garland Publishing Company Ltd. New York and London.
2. Brown, T. A. (1998) Genetics a molecular approach, 3rd edition, Chapman & Hall Publishers,
3. Connor, J. M. and Smith M. A. F. (1987) Essential Medical Genetics, 2nd edition, Black well
scientific publications.
4. De Robertis, E. D. P, De Robertis E. M.F (1995) Cell and Molecular Biology, VIII edition, Indian
5. Fraser, C. F. and Nora J. J. (1986) Genetics of man, 2nd edition, Lea and Febiger publishers,
6. Gardner, E. J., Simmins M. J. and Snusstad D. P. (1991) Principles of Genetics, 8th edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc.
7. Hartl, D. L. (2001) Genetics: Analysis of genes and genomes, 4th edition, Jones & Bartlett
publishers, Boston.
8. Lewis, R. (2008) Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications, McGraw-Hill Publishing, New
York, 8th ed
9. Robert F. Weaver (2012) Molecular Biology fifth edition, McGraw Hill companies Inc.
10. Watson, J.D et al., Recombinant DNA. W.H.Freeman & Co, 1992.

Course Outcomes (CO): After completion of this course student should able to
CO Statement
1 To use the different types of microscopes
2 Identify The chromosomal aberrations by preparing karyotypes
3 Develop the skills to identify Molecular Structure of biomolecules
4 Carry out blood grouping and derive to the conclusion of Rh compatibility
5 Enhancement of basic laboratory skill like keen observation and drawing


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