4150 AVES3UserGuide0 13
4150 AVES3UserGuide0 13
4150 AVES3UserGuide0 13
Version 0.13
Analog Devices, Inc.
Revision History
0.1 Initial version 2-Oct-13
0.11 28-Oct-13
0.12 8-Nov-13
0.13 Incorporated feedback from Brian 8-Jan-14
Copyright Information
© 2013 Analog Devices, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document may not be reproduced in any
form without prior, express written consent from Analog Devices, Inc.
Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) reserves the right to change this product without prior notice. Information
furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is
assumed by Analog Devices for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third
parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under the
patent rights of Analog Devices, Inc.
Revision History ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Copyright Information ............................................................................................................................ 1
Disclaimer................................................................................................................................................ 1
Trademark and Service Mark Notice ...................................................................................................... 1
Preface .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Product Overview ................................................................................................................................... 4
Purpose of This Manual .......................................................................................................................... 4
Intended Audience .................................................................................................................................. 4
Technical or Customer Support .............................................................................................................. 4
Analog Devices Web Site ........................................................................................................................ 5
EngineerZone .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Social Networking Web Sites .................................................................................................................. 5
Related Documents................................................................................................................................. 5
1 Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 AVES3 ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 FT4232..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Advantiv USB ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Advantiv Serial ........................................................................................................................ 6
2 Connecting to the Target ................................................................................................................ 6
3 Windows ......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Main ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Connection .............................................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Device...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.1 Tree view ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.2 Register search view ....................................................................................................... 9
3.3.3 Register view ................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.4 Tool Strip ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.5 Status Bar ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Address ................................................................................................................................. 10
3.5 Consoles ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.5.1 Selection Window ......................................................................................................... 11
3.5.2 Console Window ........................................................................................................... 11
3.6 Scripts .................................................................................................................................... 12
3.7 Settings.................................................................................................................................. 13
3.8 Probe ..................................................................................................................................... 14
3.9 Server .................................................................................................................................... 16
4 Client / Server Architecture .......................................................................................................... 16
Product Overview
The AVES3 tool is used to:
Intended Audience
The primary audience for this manual users of ADI ADV product evaluation boards.
Analog Devices Web Site
The Analog Devices Web site, www.analog.com, provides information about a broad range of
products—analog integrated circuits, amplifiers, converters, and digital signal processors.
Also note, MyAnalog.com is a free feature of the Analog Devices Web site that allows customization of a Web
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EngineerZone is a technical support forum from Analog Devices. It allows you direct access to ADI
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your embedded processing, DSP and video design questions.
Related Documents
Title Details
1 Installation
1.1 AVES3
The AVES3 installation file can be found at http://ez.analog.com/docs/DOC-9146. Download, unzip
and run the installer. The program will install in the default location Documents\Analog
Devices\AVES3. The program can be installed in other directories however the user should have
read/write privileges in that directory. AVES3 requires .NET 4.0 Framework Client Profile. If not
installed then the installer will download and install it from the standard Microsoft location.
The installer will install one icon on the Desktop and a shortcut under the Start Menu Analog
Devices\AVES3. Clicking on the icon will run the program
1.2 FT4232
If the target evaluation board has a FTDI4232 interface and its driver has not previously been
installed then you must download and install the driver. It can be found at
The second way to connect to the board is using the ADI’s USB driver and USB cable connected to
the target. Communications are serial ASCII based using COM port emulators on the PC side and
BlackFin USB to serial drivers on the target. Both Advantiv Serial and Advantiv USB connections use
ASCII command sets and can be connected to terminal emulators such as Tera Term.
The third way to connect to the target is via a USB cable connected to the FTDI4232 USB to I2C
adapter chip on the target. AVES3 Server uses DLL library calls to interface directly to the I2C port.
The fourth way to connect to the target is via a USB cable connected to the CY7C68013 USB to I2C
adapter chip on the target. The AVES3 Server uses DLL library calls to interface directly to the I2C
The fifth way to connect to the target is through an Aardavark USB to I2C adapter that can be
directly tie into the I2C lines on the target bypassing any other controller on the target board.
3 Windows
The AVES3 spawns multiple independent windows based on the evaluation board folders selected
and persistent settings. All images used in this document are derived when connected to a ADV8003
evaluation board over the FT42432 USB to I2C interface.
3.1 Main
The main window is the start up windows and allows the user to set parameters, load folders, select
scripts and bring up the register probe.
Activity Log
Command Entry
Progress Bars
Connection Status
Connection Type
The Activity Log shows activity between this, the client program and the server.
The Command Entry line allows the user to send ASCII commands directly to the server. Normally
this will not be used. A command document can be obtained upon request.
The Progress Bars indicate activity during long operations such as script running or loading large
The Connection Type indicate how you are connected to the target
The color of the Connection Status defines the connection state. Green means you are connected to
the target, yellow means you have lost connection or the connection was never made. When
connected using the FT4232 connection, the program scans the PC looking for the driver. If the
target is unplugged or powered off, the status will go yellow. When the target powers back up the
PC will reload the driver turning the status bar to green indicating you are connected.
Buttons Connection, Device, ScriptX, Setting and Probe will open associated windows described
below. ShowAll makes all windows visible and moves them to a position where you can select and
bring one to the fore front regardless if it has been minimized or moved off screen. Clear clears the
Activity Log
Keyboard short cuts are available from any window except modal windows and will execute the
associated function.
3.2 Connection
The connection window provides a way to select the connection path to the target.
The radio buttons are persistent from start up to start up. Upon a valid connection this window will
automatically close. If the connection fails then the window will remain open for another attempt.
3.3 Device
When the device button is pressed a folder navigation window will allow you to navigate to a folder
to open. The folder contains all the information and files pertinent to the target and is released
separately from this installation. Multiple folders can be opened at the same time.
Once opened, the device window is the main interface to the target devices. Multiple devices can be
up and actively all communicating to the target through the server. This window is divided up into
five regions: the tree view, the register search, the register view, the tool strip bar and the status
bar. The target device name is shown in the window title. Slider bars between the regions can be
moved to accommodate different preferences.
Tree View
Note that the Address box is currently non-functional but planned for future use.
Double clicking on a white bit will toggle that bit and update it in the target. Entering new hex
values in register white fields will update that register in the target. Scrolling the window up and
down will display registers. Passing the mouse over the scroll bar will force a re-read of the visible
registers. Note that to reduce bandwidth requirements only visible register are read as the window
is scrolled.
Tabs show the different modules in each device. Tabs can be dragged and dropped to re-arrange
their order. The new order is not persistent.
Table 1 Device Window Tool Strip
Address brings up an address control window to handle remapping in some devices. See
Console brings up console window, see below
Read Reads currently visible registers
Scripts Brings up the Script window, emulates a Crtl-s key stroke, see below.
Dump Dumps the entire register set for the device to a file
Start Issues ‘startrep’/’stoprep’ command to Advantiv evaluation boards
EDID Extracts EDID block form device and starts an EDID editor
Show register uncheck to conserve screen space, changes register height in register view
region to 4 pixels.
Show metafields uncheck to conserve screen space, changes metafield height in register view
region to 4 pixels.
3.4 Address
Many devices have programmable I2C addresses for modules. The registers are known as slave
address registers. The Address window allows the user to control and load new remapping values
which are then written to the target device and the device window
The Parent column refers to which module contains the slave remapping register. The Module
column refers to the module getting remapped. The Current Address refers to the currently defined
address and the New Address specifies what the new address should be. If the Parent and Module
names are the same it is assumed that the address will be a hardware fixed address and not be
modifiable therefore the program will not attempt to update that line as a normal slave register.
Table 2 Address Window
Read Read the slaves addresses from the target slave address in the Parent module
Update Writes the new address to the associated target slave addresses and device
Save saves a copy of this addressing setup to a file
Load retrieves a previously saves addressing setup from a file
Close closes the window
3.5 Consoles
Consoles are a way to monitor individual register and fields in a single device, i.e. they are tied to the
device and cannot span multiple devices on a board.
Create New This will open a file Save As window allowing the user to select the location and
file name for the new console. If saved in the targets folder, then the next time
the program is started and it will be included in the list. Then it creates an
empty console file and opens it up ready for addition.
Open Existing This will navigate to an existing console, add it to the list and open it
Cancel Cancels this operation and closes the window
List double click This will open the selected console
When creating a new console, fields are grabbed from the left column in the device window and
dragged/dropped into the new console. Once in the console you can change the order of the fields
by grabbing the left column, moving it to where you want it and dropping it. To delete a field, just
grab it and drop it on the recycle icon.
Read Read all the bits once
Repeat Read all the bits repetitively at the repeat delay setting
Left column This column, on bit changes will turn red and slowly over time fade to green.
This is meant to be a simple indicator that something has changed
Bit Columns The white bit cells can be clicked to toggle the bit the same as in the device
window. The changes are written to the target and device window.
Instructions The slide at the bottom of the window can be slide up to reveal further
instructions how to create new consoles
Recycle Icon Place to drop fields when deleting them
“Editable” When this text is visible, it means this was a created console, not one contained
in the device XML. You can add/delete lines as needed
3.6 Scripts
The script window provides a method for the user to select, run and edit scripts.
Table 5 Script Window
Load script to the tree
Close the tree one level
Clear recently run list, bottom panel
Top Panel This panel contains a tree representation of the script file. The user can
navigate down to a leaf and double click or right click on the leaf to run that
Bottom Panel The bottom panel contains a list of recently run scripts with the most recent at
the top. When Crtl-r is hit on any window, the top script will run.
Status Bar The status bar, on the bottom reflects the current connection status just like the
main window does.
The tree nodes have right click menus that add extra controls. Using the menu ‘edit’ function turns
on script file monitoring, so that when the editor saves the script file, it will be reloaded into the
tree. The program will only reload the script file after it has passed a full parse and syntax check.
The program will indicate file and line number where the errors have occurred.
Copy Copy the node text to the clipboard. Intended to be pasted into the editor
search box
Run Run the script
Edit Attempt to open the script in the editor defined in Settings and turn on script
file change monitoring.
Remove Removed the script file from the list
3.7 Settings
Settings is a model window to manage persistent configurations.
Select Script Navigate and select the text editor used by the script window
Select EDID Navigate and select the EDID editor used by the device windows
Load Device Loads device XMLs when the target folder when it is selected
Load Scripts Loads scripts from target folder when it is selected
Load Consoles Loads consoles from target folder when it is selected
Auto Load Slave Loads slave addressing from the hints file when the folder is selected
Device Auto Load Downloads visible device registers when the device is created
Device Enable Enables Modify device register, Writes device register then Read it back. If not
MWR set then that target is only written to, no read back to validate the written value
Fast Scroll When set, device window will only read the visible registers when the scroll bar
is released. Else it will read visible registers when the scroll bar is moved.
Confirm Exit Enable Confirm Exit question when attempting to close the program
Start Server on Automatically starts the server on start up
Save Saves current configuration
Save and Close Save configuration and Closes window
Close Close the window, nothing is saved.
3.8 Probe
The Probe is a standalone program spawned by AVES3. It can access any target I2C address/register.
It has the ability to read all, write all, read individual or write individual register once or repetitively.
If mask matches occur during reads the Match Led will light up. This function is similar to logic
analyzer trigger setups. Probes can be saved or reloaded. Multiple probes can be active at the same
time. All probes use the AVES server to connect to the target. Since the probe is an independent
program it will not terminate when AVES3 terminates.
Table 7 Probe
Panel Action/Function
Add another register to the probe
Left interval Timer setting for global repetitive writes
Left Check Enable global repetitive writes. 100 – 10000ms in
Box 100ms steps
Write all Clicking will do one global write. If blinking then
Button repetitive global writes are active
Top Panel
Right interval Timer setting for global repetitive reads 100 –
10000ms in 100ms steps
Right Check Enable global repetitive reads
Read all Clicking will do one global read. If blinking then
Button repetitive global reads are active
Delete line
Device 8-bit I2C address
Line specific Register 8 or 16 bit register address
16 bits Check If checked then the line has a 16 bit register address
Write Value 8 bit value to write to the device
Write Button One click will write the value to the device address –
register index. When blinking then repetitive writes
are active
Write Interval Interval between repetitive writes. 100 – 10000ms in
Middle 100ms steps
Panel Write En Enable repetitive writes at the specified intervals
Match Led On if read value matches the mask, cleared or reset by
clicking on it
Read Value 8 bit value to read from the device
Read Button One click will read the value from the device address –
register index. When blinking then repetitive reads are
Read active
specific Match Mask When read value matches the match mask, it will light
up the LED.
1 -> bit must be high
0 -> bit must be low
x -> don't care
Read Interval Interval between repetitive reads. 100 – 10000ms in
100ms steps
Read En Enable repetitive reads at the specified intervals
Bottom Instructions Panel slider can be slide up to reveal more information
3.9 Server
The server is a standalone program that interfaces between client and the target. The server
window just shows the activity that it sees and what it’s connected to. See Client / Server
Architecture below. Since the server is a standalone program, it will not shut down when AVES3