5b3 Dunod FR Uk-1558701140296
5b3 Dunod FR Uk-1558701140296
5b3 Dunod FR Uk-1558701140296
Hello everyone!
Your body is one of your best allies when it comes to banishing stress. This is why you should
learn to listen to what it is telling you and treat it like your best friend.
Are you someone who only thinks about your body when something is wrong with it? If this
is you, remember that your body is your most valuable tool. Your health depends on how
good it is at repairing itself, so make sure you let it rest and stay in control of your lifestyle.
Picture a ladder. It is heavy and tricky to get upright, but once you have, you can keep it that
way with the lightest touch of your fingertips. When your body is upright, it is in a resting
position, and this posture has an influence on your physiology.
Your diaphragm can massage your inner organs more efficiently and your lungs can fill up
with more air when you are standing up. The solar plexus, located under your sternum, also
relaxes. Sitting down isn’t a natural position. This is why you should adjust your seat so that
your knees are lower than your pelvis, keep your back straight so that your diaphragm can
move, and take regular breaks to walk around and stretch.
Your skin is closely linked up to your brain, so massaging it helps to activate your
parasympathetic nervous system. Massaging even a part of your body reduces your stress
levels. Calming, soothing massages lower the amount of the stress hormone cortisol in your
Luckily, it is very easy to massage your own body! For example, try putting your elbows on
your desk and massaging your forehead from the middle out towards your temples, then your
brow, your cheekbones and, finally, your cheeks. After that, make smoothing motions towards
your ears, nose and the groove above your top lip, followed by the area around your mouth.
You can then start to massage your lower jaw, the back of your neck and your shoulder blades.
Finish off by stretching your body like a cat! Animals and children both do this instinctively.
Lots of physical exercises are good for our body and help us combat stress. Yoga, tai chi, the
Feldenkrais Method, sophrology and qigong all work to align body and mind through poses,
breathing techniques and meditation. You can practise yoga at your desk, for instance, by
rotating your head and doing other stretches, but you should also consider doing sport at least
once a week.