Measure Amy
Measure Amy
Measure Amy
2-19-6 Yokosuka Reagent for measuring Amylase Activity
Matsudo, Chiba, Japan G7CNP IFCC Method
5. SAMPLE PREPARATION & STORAGE curve (doing same procedure for Controls)
- Serum: Wait until sample completly coagulated. Take the Unit conversion
- Plasma: Treat sample by anticoagulant; leave sample to 9. PERFORMANCE & CORRELATION TEST
stand for 3 hours or centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 2 minutes; Performance
take the plasma layer (supernatant) and use as specimen. - Sensitivity: Change in absorbance when measuring
- Urine: Collect in clean cup and cap tightly purified water as sample ranges from 0.00 to 0.01. Change
- Analyze sample soon after collection or store sample 2 ~ in absorbance is 0.035~0.1 Abs/min. when measuring a
8 °C and analyze within 10 days; α-amylase is unstable in standard solution of known amylase activity of 100 ~200
acidic urine, so measure it immediately after collection U/L as sample.