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Design of Flexural Member at Serviceability Limit

Prestress Losses

@RBI 2018

1. Differentiate between the short term and long -term

2. Compute the prestress loss

@RBI 2018

■ In prestressed concrete applications, most important variable is the

■ Prestress does NOT remain constant (reduces) with time.
■ Even during prestressing of tendons, and transfer of prestress,
there is a drop of prestress from the initially applied stress.
■ Reduction of prestress is nothing but the loss in prestress.

@RBI 2018

■ Early attempts to produce prestressed concrete was not successful due to loss
of prestress transferred to concrete after few years.

■ Prestress loss is nothing but the reduction of initial applied prestress to an

effective value.

■ In other words, loss in prestress is the difference between initial prestress and
the effective prestress that remains in a member.

■ Loss of prestress is a great concern since it affects the strength of member

and also significantly affects the member’s serviceability including Stresses in
Concrete, Cracking, Camber and Deflection.
@RBI 2018
Definition of Prestress Losses

■ Loss of prestress is the difference between the initial tensile stress in prestressing
tendons at the time the tendons were seated in their anchorages, and the
effective prestress at a particular time considered.

■ Loss of prestress occurs in both pre-tensioning and post-tensioning methods.


Loss of Prestress


Time( t)
@RBI 2018
The initial prestress in concrete undergoes a gradual reduction with time from the
stage of transfer due to various causes which is known as ‘loss of prestress’.

Table 2.1: Types of losses of prestress

Pre-tensioning Post-tensioning

1. Elastic deformation of 1. Relaxation of stress

concrete in steel
2. Relaxation of stress in 2. Shrinkage of concrete
steel 3. Creep of concrete
3. Shrinkage of concrete 4. Friction
4. Creep of concrete 5. Anchorage slip
6. Elastic shortening

@RBI 2018
Losses in Various Prestressing Systems

Type of Loss Pre-tensioning Post-tensioning

i. No, if all the cables are
simultaneously tensioned.
1. Elastic Shortening Yes
ii. If the wires are tensioned
in stages loss will exist.
2. Anchorage Slip No Yes
3. Friction Loss No Yes
4. Creep and Shrinkage
of Concrete
Yes Yes
5. Relaxation of Steel Yes Yes

@RBI 2018

1. Immediate Losses include

i. Elastic Shortening of Concrete

ii. Slip at anchorages immediately after prestressing and

iii. Friction between tendon and tendon duct, and wobble effect

2. Time Dependent Losses include

i. Concrete creep

ii. Shrinkage of concrete

iii. Relaxation of prestressing steel

@RBI 2018
Prestress Losses


Elastic Anchorage
Shortening Slip

Creep Shrinkage Relaxation

@RBI 2018
As per BS EN 1992-1-1 2004

@RBI 2018
When determining the immediate losses ΔPi(x): (see 5.10.4 and
- losses due to elastic deformation of concrete ΔPel
- losses due to short term relaxation ΔPr
- losses due to friction ΔPμ(x)
- losses due to anchorage slip ΔPsl

Mean value of the prestress force Pm,t(x) at time t > t0 should be

determined with respect to the prestressing method.

In addition, time dependent losses of prestress ΔPc+s+r(x) (see

5.10.6) due to *creep and *shrinkage of concrete and long term
*relaxation of the prestressing steel :

Pm,t(x) = Pm0(x) - ΔPc+s+r(x)

@RBI 2018
@RBI 2018
@RBI 2018
Prestress Losses


Elastic Anchorage
Shortening Slip

Creep Shrinkage Relaxation

@RBI 2018
Immediate Losses
Elastic Shortening of Concrete
■ In pre-tensioned concrete, when the prestress is transferred to concrete,
the member shortens and the prestressing steel also shortens in it.
Hence there is a loss of prestress.

■ In case of post-tensioning, if all the cables are tensioned simultaneously

there is no loss since the applied stress is recorded after the elastic
shortening has completely occurred.

■ If the cables are tensioned sequentially, there is loss in a tendon during

subsequent stretching of other tendons.

@RBI 2018
■ Loss of prestress mainly depends on modular ratio and average stress in
concrete at the level of steel.

■ Loss due to elastic shortening is quantified by drop in prestress (Δfp) in a

tendon due to change in strain in tendon (Δεp).

■ The change in strain in tendon is equal to the strain in concrete (εc) at the
level of tendon due to prestressing force.

■ This assumption is due to strain compatibility between concrete and steel.

■ Strain in concrete at the level of tendon is calculated from the stress in

concrete (fc) at the same level due to prestressing force.

@RBI 2018
Elastic Shortening
Pre-tensioned Members:
operation of pre-
tensioning through various
stages by animation. Prestressing
Pre-tensioning of a member
Pre-tensioned Axial Members
i Original length of
Length after elastic shortening member at transfer
of prestress

Elastic shortening of a pre-tensioned

axial member @RBI 2018
Elastic Shortening
Post-tensioned Members: Anchor u ja
age ct ck
complete operation of post-
tensioning through various Casting bed
stages by animation Post-tensioning of a member

Post-tensioned Axial Members

Length of tendon before stretching

i i
ε ε
p c
0 0

Elastic shortening of a post-tensioned axial member @RBI 2018

Loss Due to Elastic Shortening :

P'  e 2 A 
σcp = 1 + 
A I 

@RBI 2018
Concrete strain = σ cp /Ecm, thus reduction in steel strain = σ cp /Ecm
 σ cp 
and the reduction in steel stress =   Es = α eσ cp
 cm 
Es/Ecm = αe
thus loss in prestress force = α eσ cp Ap
Ecm = based on
where Ap = area of tendons concrete
strength, see
= P'  e 2 A  Table 6.11 of text
α e Ap 1 + 
A I  book OR Table
3.1 of BS EN
P'  e 2 A  1992-1-1- 2004
Hence , P’ = Po - α e Ap 1 + 
A I 
Ap  e 2 A 
Remaining prestress force, P’ = 1+ αe 1 + 
A I  @RBI 2018
■ In pre-tensioned construction, full loss will be present.

■ In post-tensioning, the effect will only apply to previously

tensioned cables, normally adequate to assume 50% of the above losses.

Thus, remaining prestress force is

P’ = Ap  e 2 A 
1 + 0.5α e 1 + 
A I 

@RBI 2018
EXAMPLE 1: Loss due to Elastic Shortening of Concrete

A pre-tensioned concrete beam (100 x300 ) is prestressed by straight wires

carrying an initial force of 150 kN at an eccentricity of 50 mm. The modulus of
elasticity of steel and concrete are 210 kN/mm 2 and 35 kN/mm 2 respectively .
Estimate the percentage loss of stress in steel due to elastic deformation of
concrete if the area of steel wires is 188 mm 2.
P ’ = 150x103 /
Po= 150 kN, e = 50 mm, Ap = 188 mm2 [1+(6)(188/30000)(1+(502x30000)/2.25x108]
αe = Es/Ecm = 210/35 = 6, I = bh3/12 = 2.25x108 mm4 = (150/1.038) x 10-3
Ac = A = 100x300 = 143 kN
= 30,000mm2 Loss of force due to elastic shortening = 150 -143 = 7 kN
% of losses due to elastic shortening = (7/143) x 100
P' = = 5%
Ap  e 2 A 
1 + α e 1 + 
A I 
@RBI 2018
Prestress Losses


Elastic Anchorage
Shortening Slip

Creep Shrinkage Relaxation

@RBI 2018
Immediate Losses
Frictional Loss

■ In Post-tensioned members, tendons are housed in ducts or sheaths.

■ If the profile of cable is linear, the loss will be due to straightening or
stretching of the cables called Wobble Effect.
■ If the profile is curved, there will be loss in stress due to friction
between tendon and the duct or between the tendons themselves.

@RBI 2018
Post-tensioned Members
Friction is generated due to curvature of tendon, and vertical
component of the prestressing force.

A typical continuous post-tensioned member

(Courtesy: VSL International Ltd.)

@RBI 2018
Loss Due to Friction :
(Section, BS EN 1992-1-1-2004

When a post-tensioning cable is stressed, it will move relative to the duct

and other cables within the duct and friction will tend to resist this
movement, hence reducing the effective prestress force at positions
remote from the jacking point.

~ This effect may be divided into unintentional profile variations, and those due to
designed curvature of ducts.

1) ‘wobble’ effects in straight ducts will usually be present.

If Po = jack force, and Px = cable force at distance x from jack, then:

Px = Po e − µ kx
where e = b a s e of Na p ieria n log s (= 2 .7 1 8 )
a nd k = a ng ula r d is p la cem ent p er unit leng th ( 0 .0 0 5 < k < 0 .0 1 ra d ia ns /m )
µ = coefficient of friction (s ee Ta b le 5 .1 of Cod e)
@RBI 2018
Po Cable
Jacking Px

2) Duct Curvature - cause greater prestress losses:

Px = Po e − µθ
Where θ = sum of angular displacement over distance x.
@RBI 2018
In accordance to the code, loss due to friction can be estimated from:

@RBI 2018
EXAMPLE 5: Loss due to friction
A concrete beam of 10m span, 100mm wide and 300 mm deep is prestressed by 3
cables. The area of each cable is 200 mm2 and initial stress in the cable is 1200
N/mm2. Cable 1 is parabolic with eccentricity of 50 mm above the centroid at the
supports and 50 mm below the centre of span. Cable 2 is also parabolic with zero
eccentricity at the supports and 50 mm below the centroid at the center of span.
Cable 3 is straight with uniform eccentricity of 50mm below neutral axis..

If the cables are tensioned from one end only, estimate the percentage loss of
stress in each cable due to friction. Assume K=0.005 per metre. Given the equation
of parabolic cable is: Y = (4e/L2) (xL- x2)

@RBI 2018


Ap for each cable = 200 mm2

σpi = 1200 N/mm2

50 mm
300 mm N.A.

50 mm

At end support At midspan

Note : post-tensioned beam, since parabolic profile

@RBI 2018
Table 5.1, take µ = 0.19 for internal strands (or cables).
Slope at ends (at x = 0) = dy/dx = (4e/L2) (L-2x) = 4e/L
For Cable 1, slope at end = (4x100)/(10m x103) = 0.04
The cummulative angle between tangents, θ = (2 x 0.04)
= 0.08 radians
For Cable 2, slope at the end = (4x50)/(10x1000) = 0.02
The cumulative angle between tangents, θ = (2x0.02) = 0.04 radians
Initial prestressing force in each cable, Po = fpi x Ap
= 1200 x10-3 x 200 = 240 kN
*Cable 3, θ = 0
Using Eqn. 5.45 of Code, loss of prestress force,
∆Pµ (x) = Pmax (1 – e - µ (θ + K x))
(At farther end of tensioning point, i.e. at anchorage, x = 10m)
@RBI 2018
∴Loss of stress in:
Cable 1: loss = Po (1 – e -0.19(0.08 + 0.005(10))
= 0.024 Po = 5.86 kN;
% loss = (5.86/ 240) x 100 = 2.4%
Cable 2: loss = 0.017 Po = 4.07 kN ;
% loss = 1.7%
Cable 3: loss = 9.454x10-3 Po = 2.27 kN; % loss = 0.95%

@RBI 2018
Prestress Losses


Elastic Anchorage
Shortening Slip

Creep Shrinkage Relaxation

@RBI 2018
Immediate Losses
- Anchorage Slip
■ In most Post-tensioning systems when the tendon force is transferred from
the jack to the anchoring ends, the friction wedges slip over a small
■ Anchorage block also moves before it settles on concrete.
■ Loss of prestress is due to the consequent reduction in the length of the
■ Certain quantity of prestress is released due to this slip of wire through the
@RBI 2018
■ Amount of slip depends on type of wedge and stress in the wire

■ The magnitude of slip can be known from the tests or from the patents of the anchorage

■ Loss of stress is caused by a definite total amount of shortening.

■ Percentage loss is higher for shorter members.

■ Due to setting of anchorage block, as the tendon shortens, there develops a reverse friction.

@RBI 2018
Loss Due to Draw -In During Anchorage :
(Section, BS EN 1992-1-1-2004)
 In most post-tensioning systems, when the cable is tensioned and the jack is
released to transfer prestress to concrete, the friction wedges, employed to grip
the wires, slip over a small distance before the wires are firmly housed between
the wedges.

 The magnitude of slip depends upon the type of wedge and the stress in the

 The magnitude of loss of stress due to slip in anchorage is computed as:

=∆ =
@RBI 2018
■ Anchorage loss can be accounted for at the site by over-extending the tendon
during prestressing operation by the amount of draw-in before anchoring.
■ Loss of prestress due to slip can be calculated:

 P  Es∆
 =
 A L
where,∆ = Slip of anchorage
L= Length of cable
A= Cross-sectional area of the cable
Es= Modulus of Elasticity of steel
P = Prestressing Force in the cable.

@RBI 2018
A concrete beam is post-tensioned by a cable carrying an initial stress of 1000
N/mm2. The slip at the jacking end was observed to be 5mm. The modulus of
elasticity of steel is 210 kN/mm2. Estimate the percentage loss of stress due to slip
if the length of the beam is (a) 30m and (b) 3m
P Es∆
Solution: =
(a) For 30m long beam,
Loss of stress = (210x103 x 5)/(30x103) = 35 N/mm2
Percentage loss of stress = (35/1000)x100 = 3.5%
(b) For 3m long beam
Loss of stress = (210x103x 5)/(3x103) = 350 N/mm2
Percentage loss of stress = (350/1000)x100 = 35%
@RBI 2018
Prestress Losses


Elastic Anchorage
Shortening Slip

Creep Shrinkage Relaxation

@RBI 2018
Time Dependent Losses
- Concrete Creep
■ Time-dependent increase of deformation under sustained load.
■ Due to creep, the prestress in tendons decreases with time.
■ Factors affecting creep and shrinkage of concrete
• Age
• Applied Stress level
• Density of concrete
• Cement Content in concrete
• Water-Cement Ratio
• Relative Humidity and
• Temperature

@RBI 2018
■ Creep is due to sustained (permanent) loads only. Temporary loads are
not considered in calculation of creep.
■ Since the prestress may vary along the length of the member, an
average value of the prestress is considered.
■ Prestress changes due to creep, which is related to the instantaneous
■ To consider this interaction, the calculation of creep can be iterated over
small time steps.

@RBI 2018

P'  e2 A 
σ cp = 1 + 
A I 

Ap  e 2 A 
Es P ' 1 + 
A  I 

@RBI 2018
EXAMPLE 2: Loss due to creep in concrete

A post-tensioned concrete beam of rectangular section, 100mm wide and 300mm deep, is stressed by
a parabolic cable with zero eccentricity at the supports and an eccentricity of 50mm at the centre of
span. The area of the cable is 200mm2 and final stress in cable is 1200 N/mm2.

If the ultimate creep strain is 30x10-6 mm/mm per N/mm2 of stress and modulus of elasticity of steel
is 210 kN/mm2, compute the loss of stress in steel only due to creep of concrete.

A = (100x300) mm2 P’ = Ap x σpe = 200 x 1200 x 10-3 = 240
I = 100x3003/12 = 2.25x108 mm4 e = 50 mm
P'  e2 A 
σ cp = 1 + 
A I 
Stress in concrete at the level of tendon,
At support section, e = 0,
σcp = 240x103 / (100x300) = 8 N/mm2
@RBI 2018
At centre of span; e = 50mm; σcp = 8 ( 1 + 0.33)
= 10.7 N/mm2
Average stress, σcp = 9.3 N/mm2

Loss of stress in the cable due to creep of concrete

= Es x σcp x Specific creep strain

= (210x103) (9.3) (30x10-6) = 58.59 N/mm2

■ Percentage loss = (58.59 /1200)x 100 = 4.9 %

@RBI 2018
Prestress Losses


Elastic Anchorage
Shortening Slip

Creep Shrinkage Relaxation

@RBI 2018
Time Dependent Losses
- Shrinkage of Concrete
■ Time-dependent strain measured in an unloaded and unrestrained
specimen at constant temperature.

■ The factors responsible for creep of concrete will have influence on

shrinkage of concrete also except the loading conditions.

@RBI 2018
* Due to Shrinkage of Concrete:

 based on empirical figures for shrinkage/unit length of concrete (εcs)

for particular curing conditions and transfer maturity.

 Shrinkage strain to be considered depends upon the following:

a) aggregate used;

b) original water content;

c) effective age at transfer;

d) effective section thickness;

e) ambient relative humidity.

@RBI 2018
Typical values:
■ pre-tensioned (stressed at 3 to 5 days)
range from : 230x10-6 for UK outdoor exposure (80%
relative humidity)
to : 550x10-6 for indoor exposure (50% relative

ε cs Es
■ The loss in steel stress is given by: hence,

Loss in prestress force = ε cs Es Ap

@RBI 2018
Example 3: Loss due to shrinkage of concrete

A concrete beam is prestressed by a cable carrying an initial prestressing force of

300 kN. The cross-sectional area of the wires in the cable is 300 mm2. Calculate the
percentage loss of stress in cable only due to shrinkage for the pre-tensioned beam.
Assume Es=210 kN/mm2, total residual shrinkage strain = 300x10-6.

Initial stress in wires, fpi = Po/Aps= (300x103/300) = 1000 N/mm2

Loss of stress = εcs Es = (300x10-6)(210x103) = 63 N/mm2

Percentage loss of stress = (63/1000) x 100 = 6.3%.

@RBI 2018
Prestress Losses


Elastic Anchorage
Shortening Slip

Creep Shrinkage Relaxation

@RBI 2018
Time Dependent Losses
- Steel relaxation

■ Relaxation is the reduction in stress with time at constant strain.

decrease in the stress is due to the fact that some of the initial elastic strain
is transformed in to inelastic strain under constant strain.
stress decreases according to the remaining elastic strain.

 Factors effecting Relaxation :

Initial stress
Temperature and
Type of steel.
@RBI 2018
* Loss Due to Relaxation of Steel :
See Section of Eurocode; using 1000-hour relaxation.

~ Usually about 70% of characteristic strength

~ Losses about 4 – 10% of prestress force after transfer

@RBI 2018
Loss Due to Time-Dependent

May combine all three * (creep and shrinkage of concrete and relaxation of steel)

@RBI 2018
Where :

@RBI 2018
A post-tensioned beam shown in Figure below is stressed by two tendons with a parabolic profile and having
a total cross-sectional area Ap = 7500 mm2. The total initial prestress force is Po = 10500 kN and the total
characteristics strength is Ppk= 14000 kN. Assume the following data for estimating losses.
Coefficient of friction, µ = 0.19; wobble factor k = -0.01/m.
Elastic modulus Ecm (transfer) = 32 kN/mm2 ; Es = 200 kN/mm2.
Creep coefficient ɸ ∞, 𝑡𝑡0 = 1.6
Shrinkage strain 𝜀𝜀 (𝑡𝑡, 𝑡𝑡0 ) = 330 X 10-6
The tendon supplier specifies class 2 strands with a 1000 hour relaxation loss of 2.5 per cent at 70 percent of
the characteristic strength.
L= 30 m

e= 0

ec= 640
Cross-sectional area, A = 1.05 m2 1200
Second moment of are, I = 0.36 m4
@RBI 2018
@RBI 2018
@RBI 2018
@RBI 2018

1. Lecture Slide, Dr Goh Lyn Dee, UiTM Pulau Pinang

2. Lecture Slide, Ir Afiffudin , UiTM Pulau Pinang
3. Lecture Slide, PM Dr Afidah Abu Bakar, UiTM Shah Alam
4. 6 th Edition, RC Design to Eurocode 2, (Mosley et al.,2007)

@RBI 2018

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