T Análisis y Sintesis Fourier
T Análisis y Sintesis Fourier
T Análisis y Sintesis Fourier
and Synthesis
by K. Breidenbach
revised by
Anton Oster
January 1999
“The sensitive electronics of the equipment contained in the present experiment litera-
ture can be impaired due to the discharge of static electricity. Consequently, electro-
static build up should be avoided (particularly by utilizing appropriate rooms) or
eliminated by discharging (e.g. at the panel frames or similar).”
TPS Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Measurement techniques
0 Practical Information on the Experiments .............................................................................. 5
0.1 The Oscilloscope .....................................................................................................................5
0.2 The Spectrum Analyzer ...........................................................................................................6
0.3 Measurement Assembly .......................................................................................................... 8
Solutions .......................................................................................................................................... 33
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 0
In Sections 0.1 - 0.3 some fundamental questions rection factor. Naturally, for this the correspond-
are dealt with so that the experiments in the fol- ing form factor of the signal must be known. If
lowing chapters can be conducted more easily. the signal curve is unknown, then a voltage mea-
These chapters may be omitted by students whose surement can only be carried out using an oscillo-
knowledge is sufficiently advanced. scope. Here, we must distinguish between two
0.1 The Oscilloscope 1. The voltage signal to be measured is non-sinu-
The oscilloscope is one of the most important soidal, but periodic with a “high” frequency.
measuring instruments used in electrical engi- The oscilloscope is operated here in repeating
neering and electronics. It is used to graphically real-time mode. This is the mode which is most
display voltages u(t) with respect to time and can often used. The principle is simple and will be
thus be regarded as a 2-dimensional voltmeter. dealt with here only briefly, since it is assumed
The signal is represented in the form of cartesian that the student is already familiar with it. A saw-
coordinates with the abscissa (x-axis) usually rep- tooth generator is started each time the periodic
resenting the time scale and the y-axis the voltage signal to be measured exceeds a level (trigger
scale, e.g. msec./Div. and V/Div., see Fig. 0.1-1. level), which can be set. This generator produces
There are, of course, other voltage measuring in- a voltage which is strictly linear with respect to
struments such as the moving coil meter and the time. This voltage operates as the horizontal de-
digital voltmeter and one can ask why, then, the flector in a cathode-ray tube. The saw-tooth gen-
oscilloscope should be so indispensable for volt- erator is a component of the time base. The
age measurement. The answer lies in the fact that vertical deflection is controlled by the measured
normal pointer meters or digital meters are only signal itself. This results in a stationary represen-
suitable for measuring voltages that have a de- tation of the voltage signal on the screen when the
fined voltage - time curve. They can normally trigger is functioning correctly. It is interesting to
only be used to measure DC or harmonic AC volt- note that the screen displays only a small part of
ages. Each time a non-sinusoidal voltage is mea- the signal curve. When the time base is set at e.g.
sured with such an instrument, an incorrect T = 1 ms/Div. and the screen has a grid of ten di-
reading results. However, for known signal curves visions, then a “picture window” of duration
the incorrect reading can be converted using a cor- T = 10 · 1 ms = 10 ms is formed on the screen. In
real-time operation, the oscilloscope has, there-
fore, a slow-motion function. Processes which are
much too fast to be observed by the human eye
can be made visible.
2. The voltage signal to be measured is either not
periodic, or has a very long period.
The oscilloscope must then be operated in storage
It is not practical, within the scope of this book,
to give more than general guidelines about the use
of the oscilloscope. Please take definite setting
instructions from the manufacturer’s operating in-
structions. With reference to the experiments
described in this book, it is recommended to use a
low-cost storage oscilloscope with 2 channels
Fig. 0.1-1: The function of the oscilloscope
A: Amplitude window
and a bandwidth of 20 MHz. All the experiments
T: Time window have been carried out using such a device
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 0
(LH Cat. No. 575 29) and produced the results giv- together with the input signal. Depending on the
en here in the examples. The experiments can, spectral quality of the input signal and the oscil-
however, to a great extent, be carried out using lator frequency, an IF signal which lies exactly in
only a purely real-time oscilloscope. the pass range of the band filter appears at the
mixer output. The AC voltage signal at the out-
put of the band filter is produced for various
0.2 The Spectrum Analyzer spectral components in the input signal at corre-
The Spectrum Analyzer spondingly different frequencies of the VCO. If
Signals can be equally validly described in terms of the VCO frequency is linearly dependent on its
their spectrum as well as in terms of their control voltage, then it can be used for the X de-
behaviour with respect to time. Spectrum or fre- flection of a cathode ray tube (or an XY-re-
quency analyzers are used in measurement technol- corder). In this way, the X axis also receives a
ogy for the recording of signal spectra. These linear frequency division. The desired fre-
analyzers operate either in digital mode using quency-dependent amplitude representation of
mathematical algorithms such as e.g. the fast Fou- the input signal is displayed on the monitor when
rier transformation (FFT) or in analog as filter the VCO varies, if, after rectification and corre-
banks or sweep analyzers. The latter principle is sponding amplification, the output voltage of the
realised in the spectrum analyzer, training panel band filter is connected to the Y deflection of the
726 94 and should, thus, be investigated more beam tube (or XY-recorder). Therefore, the
closely. spectrum analyzer represents a process of the
The analyzer is made up of a signal path (amplitude well-known superheterodyne principle used in
component) A, an oscillator component B and an radio technology, whereby the band filter can be
indicating unit C (see Fig. 0.2-1). The harmonic regarded as a spectral window. The position of
signal supplied by the VCO is fed into the mixer this window within the frequency range is deter-
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 0
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 0
large, if the BP is to build up to the input ampli- cilloscope and counter. The measurement assem-
tude, see Fig. 0.2-3. The spectral resolution capa- bly is also a part of the experiment set-up. The
bility of the analyzer drops with a large bandwidth analyzer and the counter are connected together as
of the BP. For this reason, the application of the a single unit. Therefore, it initially measures the
spectrum analyzer requires a constant compro- VCO frequency of the analyzer (toggle switch in
mise between the spectral RESOLUTION and position TTL, rotary switch to freq. A). If fre-
fault-free amplitude reproduction. For the rela- quency measurements are carried out at other
tionship between SCAN-TIME T, bandwidth b measurement points, the bridging plug connection
and the frequency window SPAN the following between counter and analyzer is to be removed if
approximation is valid: necessary, or the analog input of the counter is to
be used after actuation of the toggle switch.
b= (f − f min ) Eq. 0.2-1 Equipment
T max
1 Function generator
0...200 kHz / 230 V 726 961
1 Power supply unit ± 15 V, 3 A 726 86
fmax : maximum frequency
1 Spectrum analyzer 726 94
fmin : minimum frequency
1 Frequency counter 0...10 MHz 726 99
b : bandwidth of the filter
1 Multimeter M3E 531 57
T : saw-tooth period SCAN-TIME .
1 Oscilloscope HM 205/2 575 29
2 Probes 10:1 (switchable) 575 231
The difference f max – fmin is called frequency
1 XY Recorder optional 575 662
1 Set of bridging plugs 501 511
1 Set of connecting leads 500 414
1. SPAN = 200 kHz
T = 1/25 s Objectives
b = 10 000 Hz. The student should:
Compare the adjustment possibilities of the spec- – attain practice in handling the equipment.
trum analyzer 726 94. Using a real time oscillo- – recognize the effect of the time law of electri-
scope you can display the spectrum with cal communications technology on practical
b = 10 000 Hz and SPAN = 200 kHz! measurement.
The spectral resolution is: – recognize the structure of line spectra.
R = 20,
in other words: 20 spectral lines could theoreti- Experiment procedure
cally be distinguished. – Assemble the experiment according to plug-
2. SPAN = 1000 Hz in diagram MP-1.
T = 20 s – Using the frequency counter and the oscillo-
⇒ b = 33 Hz scope, set a square-wave signal with an am-
⇒ R = 30. plitude AR = 5 V and a frequency fR = 2 kHz
For a display on the oscilloscope we require a on the function generator. The TTL A input
storage oscilloscope. of the frequency counter must remain con-
nected to the analyzer by means of bridging
0.3 Measurement Assembly plugs. Testing the signal frequency fR takes
Preliminary note place via connecting leads, and, after switch-
Here, an introductory investigation of the spec- over of the counter, via the analog input.
trum and the time curve of a symmetrical square- 1. Draw the true-to-scale curve with respect to
wave is made. This is done in order to practice the time of the square-wave signal.
handling of the equipment of the complete mea- 2. Record the spectrum of the square wave sig-
surement set-up which is used in the following ex- nal in the frequency range of approx.
periments. By complete measurement set-up we 1.5 kHz...20 kHz. The experiment is divided
always mean the equipment which is required to into Points 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. However, first
permit the investigation of signals in the time and read the following notes on using the spec-
spectral domains. This means that such a work trum analyzer. The terms used are the same as
place always consists of a spectrum analyzer, os- in Section 0.2.
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 0
Operating instructions for the spectrum analyzer Setting the frequency window (SPAN)
A. Setting the signal path First, the lower frequency limit is set. This is car-
It is advantageous to set the gains V1, V2 as high as ried out in SCAN-MODE fmin with the corre-
possible, as this increases the sensitivity of the sponding control. Then, the upper frequency limit
signal path. However, avoid overdriving your sys- is set in SCAN-MODE f max. The frequencies can
tem (indicated when the LED OVER lights up). be read from the connected counter. Here,
SPAN = fmax – fmin holds true.
B. Setting the oscillator section In SCAN-MODE RUN, the VCO will now sweep
Important operating instructions for the frequency the set frequency range once. An LED indicates
tuning can be derived from the time law of electri- when the upper frequency limit has been reached.
cal communications engineering. The VCO stops at fmax, so that an inadvertent over-
The VCO of the spectrum analyzer is controlled writing of the spectrum is avoided when the XY
by the saw-tooth generator. The amplitude and recorder is used. For the same reason, a premature
scan time of the latter are set using the control ele- reset of the VCO to fmin during the sweep cycle is
ments SCAN-MODE (fmin, fmax) and SCAN-TIME. also not possible. Reset in RUN-mode is, there-
The choice of the correct run time must be based on fore, only possible after fmax has been reached.
the time law and can, therefore, not be fixed. It is However, should one desire to interrupt the spec-
dependent on both the chosen bandwidth b/Hz and trum recording during the sweep cycle, which can
on the frequency window SPAN = fmax – fmin. In last up to 160 s, because e.g. one notices at an
your own experiments use either Eq. 0.2-1 or trial early stage that set parameters must be changed,
and error. The LH experiment instructions always this is only possible in SCAN-MODE STOP. In
offer corresponding setting notes. this mode, the locking of the RESET function is
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 0
cancelled. In addition, the analyzer can be oper- operation using the pushbutton UP/DOWN.
ated manually in this setting by means of a toggle In manual operation, the VCO runs with a
switch. The setting UP of the toggle switch makes fixed scan time of T = 640 s when the
the VCO run in the direction f max, while the button pushbutton is actuated. Stop the scanning
setting DOWN reduces the frequency. When fmax process when you find a spectral line. You
has been reached, the analyzer carries out an auto- then have time to read the spectral amplitude
matic zero balance (Auto-Zero). During the Auto- S(n) from the voltmeter. Enter these ampli-
Zero phase, the input signal is switched off tude values S(n), the sweep indices n and the
internal. corresponding frequencies f in Table 1. Also
Note: note down there the analyzer settings. This
should always be done, as it allows you to
Since the XY recorder cannot be used for a sweep check your measurement results by calcula-
period T = 1/25 s (see C), the set frequency span is tion at a later date. Draw a graph of the spec-
here repeatedly swept in RUN-MODE. This trum.
makes it possible to use the spectrum analyzer
2.2 Automatic operation of the spectrum analyzer
also as a sweep generator.
with the XY-recorder
C. Connection of the display unit Connect the spectrum analyzer as shown in
External measurement instruments are used as plug-in diagram MP-1.
display units. The X+ input of the recorder is connected to
1. Analog voltmeter the X socket of the analyzer, while the Y+ in-
2. XY recorder put is connected to the analyzer’s output. The
3. Storage oscilloscope recorder inputs X– and Y– are connected to
Special features of the different display units for each other and to ground. Both axes of the re-
the experiment procedures are closely dealt with corder must be calibrated. The X-axis is set to
in more detail under Points 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. fmax, and the Y-axis is matched to the greatest
spectral amplitude. You may need to practice
2.1 Application of the spectrum analyzer as a fre-
this procedure first. It is sensible to calibrate
quency selective voltmeter (advantageous for
the recorder so that the spectrum you are
quantitative measurements).
looking for is reproduced in a size which con-
Connect an analog voltmeter, 10 V DC, to the forms to your recorder paper.
analyzer output (see plug-in diagram MP-1).
A. Setting the signal path
A. Setting the signal path
V1/2 = 1
V1 = 1 In automatic operation, switching over the gain V2
V2 = 2, 5, 10 during the scan process does not improve the mea-
V2 is matched to the magnitude of the respec- surement results.
tive spectral line and selected as large as pos- b = 500 Hz.
b = 500 Hz. B. Setting the oscillator section
Frequency range fr : 20 kHz
B. Setting the oscillator section SPAN = fmax – fmin : 20 kHz...500 Hz
Frequency range f r : 20 k Hz approx.!
SPAN = fmax – f min : 20 kHz...500 Hz SCAN TIME T : 160 s
approx.! The analyzer cycle is started when the unit is
SCAN TIME T : 20 s switched to SCAN-MODE RUN. Record the
– Now, record the spectrum of the square-wave spectrum in scan mode RUN. Do not forget to
signal by starting the VCO in SCAN MODE lower the pen (Pen Down).
RUN. In the range of spectral energy, the out- Unlike manual operation, the scan procedure is
put signal shows a short dip. Stop the VCO in not stopped, but rather carried out to the end in
SCAN-MODE STOP and control it UP/ RUN mode.
DOWN around the spectral line in manual
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 0
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 0
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 1
Fig. 1-1: Superpositioning of 2 harmonic signals Fig. 1-2: Superpositioning of 2 harmonic signals
Phase: 90°/90° Phase: 90° / 0°
The output signal s0(t) of the synthesizer is: The output signal s0(t) of the synthesizer is:
s0(t) = S1 sin (2 π f0 t) + S2 sin (2 π 2 f0 t) s0 (t) = S1 sin (2 π f0 t) + S2 cos (2 π 2 f0 t)
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 1
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 1
Fig. 1-4: Harmonic function, curve with respect to time Fig. 1-5: Harmonic function, spectral representation
In the technical sciences, it is common to repre- sponding amplitude spectrum SR(n) in Fig. 1-7
sent signals additionally in the spectral range or that the square-wave function is generated by the
frequency domain. This representation, which is superpositioning of (infinitely) many harmonic
initially strange for our time-oriented perception, oscillations. Their frequencies are odd integral
is made clear in a simple example. Consider the multiples of f = 1/T0 and their amplitudes decrease
harmonic function in Fig. 1-4: as a function of their ordinal number n. This
s(t) = A cos (2 π t/T0) 1. Harmonic f1 = 1/T0 S R(1) = 4 AR/π
When displayed on an oscilloscope, this function 2. Harmonic f2 = 3/T0 S R(2) = 4 AR/3 π
exhibits the familiar curve described by the ampli- 3. Harmonic f3 = 5/T0 S R(3) = 4 AR/5 π
tude A and the period T0. However, an equivalent 4. Harmonic f4 = 7/T0 S R(4) = 4 AR/7 π
representation of this function is achieved when A .
and f = 1/T0 are displayed in place of the param- nth. Harmonic fn = (2n–1)/T0
eters A and T0. When the amplitude is plotted over S R(n) = 4 AR/(2n–1)π n = 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
the frequency axis, this is called the amplitude
spectrum. A harmonic function can thus be repre- Note:
sented by a single line (see Fig. 1-5); it contains In addition to the amplitude spectrum S(n), an
the same information. In a non-harmonic, peri- exact spectral discussion also considers the phase
odic function, the amplitudes S(n) and the phases spectrum Φn. In many practical exercises, how-
Φn can be graphically represented separately over ever, we are only interested in the amplitude spec-
the frequency axis. The result is then the ampli- trum. Thus, it is common, for example, to discuss
tude spectrum or the phase spectrum of the signal. the signal spectra occurring due to modulation
Fig. 1-6 shows as an example of this for a sym- processes only in terms of amplitude spectrum.
metric square-wave signal with the amplitude AR For this reason, we will restrict ourselves in the
and the frequency f0. One can see from the corre- following only to the amplitude spectrum.
Fig. 1-6: Symmetrical square-wave oscillation, curve Fig. 1-7: Symmetrical square-wave oscillation,
with respect to time spectral representation
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 1
The calculation of S(n) and Φn, or the Fourier co- In order to be able to calculate and draw the am-
efficients a n and bn, is termed Fourier analysis. plitude spectrum S(n) and the phase spectrum Φn,
Fourier analysis thus has the purpose of determin- we must first obtain the Fourier coefficients an
ing the amplitude and phase spectra correspond- and bn, so that they can be substituted into Eq. 1.7.
ing to a specific periodic signal. The Fourier coefficients an and bn can sometimes
The following formulas are used to calculate the be calculated more simply when the time-function
spectra: fulfils certain conditions of symmetry. For the
sake of completeness, these shall also be named
2 1. The time-function is even (see Fig. 1-8), i.e.
an =
z s ( t ) ◊ cos( 2pnf t ) dt
s(t) = s(–t).
The following then applies:
2 T0 / 2
bn =
z s ( t ) ◊ sin( 2 pnf t ) dt
0 an =
z s ( t ) cos( 2 p n f 0 t ) dt
T0 0
T0 bn = 0
a0 =
z s ( t ) ◊ dt
Eq. 1-6
T0 / 2
a0 =
s ( t ) dt Eq. 1-9
The component a0 is the linear mean value and
represents the direct component. The following is
obtained from an and bn using Eq. 1-3: Thus:
S(n) = an
S(n) = a n2 + b n2
Φn = 0
bn 2. The time function is odd (see Fig. 1-6), i.e..
Fn = arc tan Eq. 1-7
an s(t) = –s(–t).
The following then applies:
For the reasons mentioned above, only Eq. 1.1-7
will be used below for spectral representation. an = 0
However, for the sake of completeness, the rule
T0 / 2
for forming the complex spectrum S(n) is given. 4
This spectrum contains both the amplitude and the bn =
z s ( t )sin( 2 p n f 0 t ) dt
phase information. S(n) is calculated according to
Eq. 1.1-8 to be:
a0 = 0 Eq. 1-10
1 Thus:
S(n) = z s (t )e - i 2 pnf 0 t dt Eq. 1-8
S(n) = bn
T0 0
Φn = 90° = const.
Fig. 1-8: Even time function Fig. 1-9: Odd time function
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.1
2.1 General Information – Read Me! phases can be set digitally, the amplitudes in the
The equipment listed below is required for Exper- range from 0 up to 10 V in 0.01 V steps and the
iments 2.2 to 2.7. phase from 0 up to 360° in 1° steps. Default sig-
nals are predefined to permit rapid adjustment.
Equipment The set values might then also have to be corre-
1 DC power supply ±15 V, 3 A ( *) 726 86 spondingly modified for your experiments.
1 Frequency counter 0...10 MHz 726 99 The Fourier signal can be tapped at one socket and
1 Spectrum analyzer 726 94 displayed on an oscilloscope, for example. The
1 Frequency synthesizer 736 031 composition of the signal is displayed by LEDs.
1 Oscilloscope 531 29 The LEDs are arranged as in standard spectral
2 Probes, 10:1, (switchable) 575 231 representation according to increasing frequency
2 Sets of 10 bridging plugs 501 511 from left to right. The output signal corresponds
1 Multimeter M3E 531 57 to the following finite Fourier series:
1 XY-recorder (optional) 575 662
s ( t ) = S 0 + ∑ S ( n ) ⋅ cos ( 2 π n f 0 t − Φ n )
1 Panel frame 726 04
Connecting leads n =1
Any given combination of harmonic signals set
For Experiment 2.3 you also need can be tapped at another socket. A built-in tweeter
1 Function generator enables you to obtain an acoustic impression of
0...200 kHz/230 V 726 961 the Fourier signal.
The students should become familiar with the fol-
Summary of technical data
lowing terms and measurement procedures:
– line spectrum Supply voltage : ±15 V DC or
– amplitude spectrum AC 12 V / 20 VA
– phase spectrum Current consumption : < 200 mA
– using measuring instruments Outputs : Fourier:
– Gibb’s phenomenon Cumulative signal of
– attenuation distortion the 8 harmonic com-
– measuring the total harmonic distortion ponents + DC-offset S0
– measuring the ripple Harmonics:
In order to carry out the experiments, you must any randomly set
first know how the major components function. combination of
harmonic components
DC-offset S0 : 0...±10 V
736 031 Frequency synthesizer fundamental
The frequency synthesizer, in the following al- frequency f0 : 108 Hz
ways referred to merely as synthesizer, is a micro- Frequencies of
processor-controlled instrument. It permits the harmonics : nf0, n = 1...8
generation and investigation of non-sinusoidal Amplitudes : 0... 10 V in 0.01 V steps
periodic signals. It operates with 8 harmonic sig- Phases : 0...360° in 1° steps
nals and one DC component. The amplitudes and
(*) If you want to operate 736 031 on its own, you can also optionally
use a plug-in power supply unit with AC 12 V / 20 VA
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.1
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.2
4A 1
sR (t ) = sin ( 2 π f 0 t ) + sin ( 2 π 3 f 0 t ) +
π 3
1 1
sin ( 2 π 5 f 0 t ) + sin ( 2 π 7 f 0 t ) + ...
5 7
Eq. 2.2-1 Fig. 2.2-1: The symmetrical square-wave signal;
The amplitude spectrum of the square-wave sig- curve with respect to time
nal is given in Eq. 2.2-2:
Y1/2: 0.2 V/Div., 10:1, TB: 0.2 ms;
SR ( n ) = Eq. 2.2-2 Trigger Y1.
πn Sketch the output signal to scale.
Set the synthesizer according to the following ta-
ble: 2. Switch off the higher-frequency harmonics
one after another without changing the ampli-
Synthesizer: tude settings and sketch a graph of the result.
Symmetric square-wave signal Start with s7. Then switch off s5 as well, so
that only s3 and s1 contribute to the output sig-
f S(n)
Hz Φn nal. Compare the curves with respect to time.
V Observe the maximum overswing in the dia-
1 108 90° 5.00 grams. What do you notice? Describe the ef-
fect of the higher-frequency spectral
2 216 / 0.00 components whose amplitudes decrease as
their ordinal numbers increase
3 324 90° 1.67
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.2
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.3
3. The pulse duration T 0, also called the pulse In Eq. 2.3-4, the symbol Σ is an abbreviation
width. meaning the sum of all components from n = 1 to
In place of the pulse period T P, its reciprocal, the n = ∞. Instead of this summation symbol, we can
pulse frequency fp = 1/TP, may be substituted. The also write:
ratio of the pulse duration T0 to the pulse period TP
is the duty cycle τ. The following equation ap- ∞
plies: Σ s P ( n ) ⋅ cos( 2 πnf P t ) = S P (1) cos ( 2 πf P t ) +
n =1
T0 S P ( 2 ) cos ( 2 π 2 f P t ) +
τ= = T0 ⋅ f P Eq. 2.3-1
TP S P ( 3 ) cos ( 2 π 3 f P t ) +
Thus, a pulse train is specified by the parameter S P ( 4 ) cos ( 2 π 4 f P t ) + ...
set A, f P and τ. In the following, we will consis-
tently use this form. The curve of a pulse train Eq. 2.3-5
sP(t) is shown in Fig. 2.3-1. Our present level of knowledge allows us to view
The specific appearance of the amplitude spec- the pulse train whose curve with respect to time is
trum of a pulse train is closely linked to the curve known to us from Fig. 2.3-1 and Equations 2.3-2
with respect to time. In the following, we shall and 2.3-3 as a heterodyning of an infinite number
investigate the appearance of this spectrum and of cosine oscillations (plus a DC voltage compo-
the changes which occur in it when the parameters nent S0). In each case, the frequencies of these
A, f P and τ are varied. The pulse function of harmonic oscillations are integral multiples of the
Fig. 2.3-1 is defined in the time domain by: pulse frequency fP. In addition, each oscillation
has a particular, predetermined amplitude SP (n).
sP (t) = sP (t + nTP) n = 1, 2, 3 ... Eq. 2.3-2 The total of all amplitude values SP (n) is the am-
plitude spectrum of our pulse function. For this
T0 T0
A for – ≤t≤+ spectrum, theory provides the formula:
sP (t ) = 2 2
sin ( π T0 nf P )
S P ( n ) = 4 Aτ Eq. 2.3-6
− A for all others . Eq. 2.3-3 π T0 nf P
This is the mathematical description for the fact We can see from Eq. 2.3-6 that the amplitudes of
that the pulse train consists of equal individual all harmonics are proportional to the pulse ampli-
pulses which are periodically repeated Eq. 2.3-2. tude A and the duty cycle τ. The duty cycle τ addi-
An individual pulse assumes the value +A only tionally appears in a 2nd term of the spectral
during the time interval from –T0/2 to +T0/2, and function. If, for example, the pulse amplitude A is
has a value of –A at all other times. An equivalent doubled, all other amplitudes are also doubled. If
representation of the pulse train may be obtained the duty cycle τ is reduced by half, then all spec-
by applying the Fourier series development. tral components will be half as large; in addition
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.3
sin ( π T0 nf P ) f S(n)
si ( π T0 nf P ) = Eq. 2.3-7 n kHz
π T0 nf P V
Fig. 2.3-2: The splitting function Fig. 2.3-3: Curve of the magnitude function si(πT0 f)
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.3
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.3
1. Determine the curve of a pulse train with re- 5. How great is the number , of the spectral
spect to time. Display the pulse train at the lines located between any two zero crossings
output of the function generator on your os- of the envelope?
cilloscope. Recommended settings: 6. Repeat the recording of spectra and curves
Y1 : 2 V/Div at the same pulse frequencies f P = 2 kHz
TB : 0.2 ms/Div. and pulse amplitude A for the duty cycles
Trigger channel 1, DC τ2 = 2/10, τ3 = 3/10, τ4 = 4/10, τ5 = 5/10 as
Draw the time curve of the pulse train to well as τ6 = 9/10. Proceed as described in
scale; Write down all pulse parameters (A, fp, points 1, 2 and 3.
τ). 7. Record the spectra and curves again at
2. Determine the spectrum of a pulse train. the same pulse frequency fp = 2 kHz and
Do not change the settings on the function the pulse amplitude A for the duty cycles
generator; connect your analyzer in parallel to τ2 = 2/10, τ3 = 3/10, τ4 = 4/10, τ5 = 5/10 and
the oscilloscope. τ6 = 9/10. Proceed as described in Points 1, 2
Measure the spectrum of the pulse train de- and 3?
fined by A, f p, and τ by recording the ampli- Analyzer settings:
tudes S(n) and the corresponding frequencies V1 = 1 SPAN : maximum
fn of the individual spectral components. V2 = 5, 10 fr = 50 kHz
Analyzer settings: b = 100 Hz T = 40 s
V1 = 1 fr = 20 kHz 8. Transfer the results from Points 1, 2 and 6
V2 = 5, 10 SPAN : 0.5kHz...20kHz approx. into diagrams. The diagrams show the rela-
b = 100 Hz T = 40 s tionship of the curves with respect to time to
Enter your measurement results in Table A1 the respective spectra as a function of the
(sample copies in the appendix) and graph duty cycle. Discuss this in class. What do you
your results in a diagram. Sketch in the enve- notice about spectra τ1 and τ6?
lope curves with dotted lines. Do not forget to 9. As we already learned under Point 7, spectral
enter the required data on the type of spec- lines always occur at intervals corresponding
trum, pulse parameters and analyzer settings, to integral multiples of the pulse frequency fP.
as only then can your measurements be veri- The lower the pulse frequency, the denser the
fied. spectrum is. What happens to the spectrum
Note: when the pulse frequency f P is allowed to
“go” to fP = 0 Hz?
Check the set duty cycle carefully. Even small
deviations of τ can result in great changes in the Note:
splitting function according to Eq. 2.3-6. If the This limit value means that the periodic pulse
duty cycle is carelessly set, you will end up ana- train becomes a single pulse. The “next” pulse
lyzing another spectrum than the one you intend will not occur until the time TP = 1/fP has
to analyze. Needless to say, in such cases the mea- elapsed. If f P → 0, we obtain T P→ ∞. This
sured and theoretical values can no longer be ex- means that there is no subsequent pulse.
pected to coincide.
3. Using Eq. 2.3-6, calculate the amplitudes 10. Why does the transmission of pulse trains re-
Sp(n) of the spectral components to be ex- quire channels with high bandwidths?
pected according to theory. Remember to ap- 11. What happens if the pulse duration T0 of an
ply the argument in Eq. 2.3-6 in radians. individual pulse approaches 0 while the pulse
With some pocket calculators it is necessary height tends towards ∞ such that
to switch over from degrees to radians. How +T0 / 2
many spectral lines are there in front of the
first zero position of the splitting function?
T0 → 0
∫ s P ( t ) dt = 1 applies?
–T0 / 2
4. Where are the zero positions of the pulse
spectrum envelope in general?
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.3
III( t ) = 1 + 2Σ cos( 2 π nf 0 t ) Eq. 2.3-8 In addition, set a DC component of
n =1
S0 = +0.35 V. Use your oscilloscope to meas-
Approximate the III-function using the fol- ure the signal at the output of the summing
lowing finite partial sum: amplifier Y1: 2V/Div., TB: 0.2ms/Div., Trig-
ger Y1. Draw the curve with respect to time
∞ of the output signal in a diagram.
III( t ) = 1 + 2Σ cos( 2 π nf 0 t ) 13. Draw the harmonics s1(t) and s2(t), s1(t) and
n =1
s3(t), as well as s1(t) and s4(t) together in a dia-
Use the experiment set-up shown in plug-in gram. [s1(t) respectively from measurement
diagram FAS-2. Set the synthesizer as fol- socket: Harmonics]. Compare this with the
lows: conditions resulting for a symmetrical square-
wave signal (Point 3 in Chapter 2.1.1).
Oscilloscope: Y: 0.2V/Div., TB: 0.2 ms/Div.
14. Draw the spectrum of the Dirac pulse train in
the frequency range 50 Hz...1 kHz. Set the
spectrum analyzer as follows:
V1 = 1 T = 40 s
V2 = 10 fr = 2 kHz
b = 10 Hz SPAN: 15 Hz...1 kHz approx.
Fig. 2.3-6: Curve with respect to time and spectrum of the III-function
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.4
cos ( 2 πf 0 t ) + 2 cos ( 2 π 3 f 0 T ) +
sD ( t ) =
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.5
s s ( t ) = 2 π sin ( 2 πf 0 t ) + sin ( 2 π 2 f 0 t ) +
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.6
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.6
–s0(t) = A1 cos(2π (Ω – f)t) + A2 cos(2 π (Ω + f) t) evant oscillations. The frequency f is half the
difference frequency of f1 and f 2 and gives us
for the special case of equal amplitudes: the envelope curve.
A1 = A2 = A
–s0(t) = A [cos (2π (Ω – f) t) + cos(2π (Ω + f) t)] Displaying a beat using the synthesizer
–s0(t)= 2 A cos (2π f t) cos (2π Ω t) Set the synthesizer as shown in the following ta-
Eq. 2.6–2 ble:
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.7
s HS ( t ) = A − A sin ( 2 πf 0 t ) −
3. Draw the curve of the summation signal with π 2
respect to time in a diagram.
Oscilloscope: Y1: 2 V/Div, TB: 2 ms/Div. ∑ 2 A ⋅ cos ( 2 πnf 0 t ) Eq. 2.7-1
4. Record the AMPC spectrum with the XY-re- π ( n 2 − 1)
corder. where n i s even, i.e. n = 2, 4, 6,...
Analyzer settings: The amplitude spectrum for half-wave rectifica-
V1 = 1 SPAN : 15 Hz...1 kHz tion is given by Eq. 2.7-2:
V2 = 2 fr = 2 kHz 2A
S(n) = Eq. 2.7-2
b =10 Hz T = 40 s
π ( n 2 − 1)
In addition, there is also a spectral component of
magnitude A/2 for n = 1.
We can see from Eq. 2.7-1 that the half-wave si-
nusoidal signal has an extended amplitude spec-
trum. The rectification process provides a signal
with a large alternating component. This alternat-
ing component, which is often undesired, is de-
scribed as ripple, symbolized as w. The ripple w is
defined as the quotient of the rms value of the
superpositioned AC voltage U'rms and the DC
voltage U0.
U ' rms
Fig. 2.7-1: Signal curve for half-wave rectification w= Eq. 2.7-3
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.7
Using Eq. 2.7-1, the rms AC voltage for the half- In addition, set a DC-offset of 1.60 V.
wave sine signal is determined as: 1.1 Display the output signal of the synthesizer
on your oscilloscope.
1 A
⋅ +Σ
Y1: 0.5 V/Div, 10:1; TB: 2 ms/Div.
U ' rms =
2 2 n = 2 π ( n 2 − 1) Trigger Y1.
Draw the output signal to scale in a diagram.
Eq. 2.7-4 1.2 Record the spectrum of the synthetic half-
The DC voltage of the half-wave sine signal is: wave sine curve. Do not change any of the
synthesizer settings.
U0 = Select the following settings on your spec-
π trum analyzer:
In many cases, the residual ripple of the rectified V1 = 1
voltage may not exceed certain cut-off values V2 = 1, 2, 5,10
(e.g. in communications technology). In certain b = 10 Hz
circumstances, additional smoothing measures fr = 2 kHz
are required. Two possible methods are filtering SPAN: 15 Hz...1 kHz approx.
or voltage regulation using ICs. T = 20 s in manual operation
1. Set the synthesizer according to the table be- T = 160 s for XY recorder
low. Enter your measured values in the column
marked S(n) in Table 1. Record the present
Synthesizer: Half-wave rectification output gain of the spectrum analyzer under
V2. We obtain the desired spectral amplitude
f S(n) SHS(n) through conversion with V1 · V2. Graph
Hz Φn the spectrum in a diagram. Use the multim-
eter to measure the DC voltage U0 in the out-
1 108 270° 2.50 put signal of the synthesizer and record this
2 216 180° 1.06 value.
Determine the ripple w of the half-wave si-
3 324 / / nusoidal signal from the measured values
according to Eq. 2.7-3 and Eq. 2.7-4.
4 432 180° 0.21
5 540 / /
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis 2.7
3 324 / /
5 540 / /
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
2.1 Table 1:
Fig. S0-3: Spectrum of a square-wave signal
The set square-wave amplitude is proportional to Signal: Analyzer:
the measurement result. As the amplitude cannot AR = 5.0 V V1 = 1 V2 = 1
be determined more precisely than ±5% with the fR = 2.0 kHz b = 500 Hz T = 160 s
fr = 20 Hz
oscilloscope, we must accept deviations of this Span : 500 Hz...20 kHz
magnitude. Display with XY-recorder
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
1. 3.
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
2 216 — — — 0.00
4 432 — — — 0.00
6 648 — — — 0.00
Fig. S2.2-9: Spectrum with the components s1 , s3
7 756 8.0 5 0.80 0.71 Analyzer settings:
V1 = 2 T = 160 s
8 864 — — — 0.00 V2 = 1 SPAN: 15 Hz..1 kHz approx.
b = 10 Hz fr = 2 kHz
The amplitude of the fundamental oscillation S1 is The representation of the signal in the time do-
greater than the square-wave amplitude by a fac- main and the spectral domain are equivalent. It
tor of 4/π ≈ 1.27. becomes clear once again that the higher-fre-
quency spectral components in the curves of the
signals with respect to time are responsible for the
steepness of the edge. If the higher-frequency
components are not present in the spectrum, the
time signal obtained has a smaller edge steepness.
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
∞ Sn 2 ∞ Sn 2 S1 2
∞ S rms = Σ = Σ −
Σ Sn 2
n= 2
n= 2 2 n =1 2 2
S ' rms
THD = =
2 8
∞ S rms = A2 − 8A = A 1−
n= 1
Sn 2
π2 π2
1. 75 2 + 1. 05 2 + 0 . 80 2 Where S1 = 4 A/π .
THD = We obtain the total harmonic distortion THD by
5. 00 2 + 1. 75 2 + 1. 05 2 + 0 . 80 2 taking the quotient:
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
π n
The Pulse Train (2.3) sin
Answers S P1 ( n ) = 2 , 0 V
1. The pulse spectrum has a line structure. The
spectral lines occur at intervals corresponding 10
to integral multiples of the pulse frequency fP . For τ1 =1/10 there are a total of 9 spectral lines up
2. The envelope of the spectrum has the curve of to the first zero point of the splitting function.
a splitting function si( π f). The zero points of Table 1:
the envelope are at integral multiples of 1/T0,
i.e. the reciprocal value of the pulse duration. Spectrum of a pulse train
3. Digital modulation methods use pulse trains. Signal: Analyzer:
The use of short pulse durations results in A = 5V V1 =1
very extended modulation spectra; the impor- τ1 = 1/10 b = 100 Hz
tant position of the first zero point is shifted f 0 = 2.00 kHz fr = 20 kHz
into a higher frequency range. SPAN : 500 Hz...20kHz
4. From the theory, we know that the spectrum T = 40 s
of the symmetrical square-wave signal is
given by: Measured values Theory
4A SR(n) SR(n)
SR ( n ) = where n :1, 3, 5, 7 ,... Eq. 2.2-2 f S(n)
πn n kHz V V V
No spectral components may occur for even 1 2.0 9.4 5 1.88 1.97
frequency multiples, i.e. n = 2, 4, 6... If they
do occur, this is a sign that the duty cycle is 2 4.0 8.9 5 1.78 1.87
not correct.
3 6.0 8.2 5 1.64 1.72
4 8.0 7.3 5 1.46 1.52
5 10.0 6.2 5 1.24 1.27
10 20.0 — 10 — 0.00
Fig. S2.3-1
A=5V fP = 2 kHz τ1 = 1/10
2. and 3.
Our starting point is Eq. 2.3-6:
sin ( π T0 nf P )
S P ( n ) = 4 Aτ
π T0 nf P
with: τ = T 0 · f P
we obtain:
sin ( π n τ ) Fig. S2.3-2
S P ( n ) = 4 Aτ Eq. 2.3-1
Spectrum of a pulse train
π nτ Signal: Analyzer:
A = 5.0 V V1 = 1 V2 = 1
If we set the pulse parameters A = 5 V and τ1 = 1/10 b = 100 Hz T = 160 s
τ1 = 1/10 we obtain: fP1 = 2.0 kHz fr = 20 kHz
SPAN: 500 Hz...20 kHz
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
The spectrum of a periodic pulse train consists of
discrete lines. The amplitudes of the spectral lines
are bounded by an envelope curve with a form de-
scribed by the splitting function according to
Eq. 2.3-7. The splitting function has zero points
sin ( π T 0 f) = 0
π T0 f = mπ m = 1, 2, 3
The m-th zero point is thus found at frequency: Fig. S2.3-3
A=5V fP = 2 kHz τ2 = 2/10
f = = f0 m
When expressed in terms of τ and f P, the zero
A frequency drift of the function generator will
points are located at the frequencies:
lead to a shift in the spectral lines.
mf Number of spectral lines between two zero points:
f = P
τ 1
Examples: τ l≤ ⇒l=4
= 1/10, fP = 2 kHz τ2
f 01 = 20 kHz, f 02 = 40 kHz
τ = 2/10, fP = 3 kHz Table 2:
f 01 = 15 kHz, f 02 = 30 kHz.
Spectrum of a pulse train
Signal: Analyzer:
The number of spectral lines between 2 zero
A = 5V V1 =1
points is equal to the natural number , for which:
τ2 = 2/10 b = 100 Hz
1 fP1 = 2.00 kHz fr = 20 kHz
τ SPAN : 500 Hz...20kHz
This means that for τ1 = 1/10, there are , = 9 lines T = 40 s
between two zero points. The tenth line has the
amplitude 0, and thus coincides with the zero Measured values Theory
point. f S(n) SR(n) SR(n)
n V2
6. kHz V V V
Analog to 3.
1 2.0 7.2 2 3.60 3.74
sin ( π nτ )
S P ( n ) = 4 Aτ 2 4.0 5.9 2 2.95 3.03
π nτ
If we set the pulse parameters A and τ2, we obtain: 3 6.0 4.0 2 2.00 2.02
10 20.0 — 10 — 0.00
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
Table 3:
Signal: Analyzer:
A = 5V V1 =1
τ3 = 3/10 b = 100 Hz
fP1 = 2.00 kHz fr = 20 kHz
SPAN : 500 Hz...20kHz
T = 40 s
10 20.0 — 10 — 0.00
Fig. S2.3-5
A =5V fP = 2 kHz τ3 = 3/10
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
4π n
S P 4 ( n ) = 8. 0 V
4π n
Number of spectral lines between two zero points:
l≤ ⇒l=2
5π n
Fig. S2.3-7 10
S P 5 ( n ) = 10 . 0 V
A =5V fP = 2 kHz τ4 = 4/10 5π n
Table 4: 10
Spectrum of a pulse train
Number of spectral lines between two zero points:
Signal: Analyzer:
A = 5V V1 =1 1
l≤ ⇒ l =1
τ4 = 4/10 b = 100 Hz τ5
fP1 = 2.00 kHz fr = 20 kHz
SPAN : 500 Hz...20kHz
T = 40 s
5 10.0 — 5 — 0.00
10 20.0 — 10 — 0.00
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
Table 5:
9π n
Spectrum of a pulse train 10
SP 6 ( n ) = 2.0 V
Signal: Analyzer: 9π n
A = 5V V1 =1 10
τ5 = 5/10 b = 100 Hz
fP1 = 2.00 kHz fr = 20 kHz Number of spectral lines between two zero points:
SPAN : 500 Hz...20kHz 1
l≤ ⇒l=9
T = 40 s τ6
2 4.0 — 1 — 0.00
4 8.0 — 2 — 0.00
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
Table 6: 7.
The only change observable in the spectrum when
Spectrum of a pulse train the pulse frequency is changed is compression or
extension along the frequency axis. The ampli-
Signal: Analyzer: tude values remain the same. At fP = 3 kHz, the
A = 5V V1 =1 spectral lines show up at intervals of 3 kHz; be-
τ6 = 9/10 b = 100 Hz cause the duty cycle remains unchanged, the posi-
fP1 = 2.00 kHz fr = 20 kHz tion of the first zero point of the envelope curve is
SPAN : 500 Hz...20kHz shifted according to the formula:
T = 40 s
f 01 = f P 2 = 10 ⋅ 3 kHz = 30 kHz
Measured values Theorie τ1
f S(n) SR(n) SR(n)
n V2
kHz V V V If fP = 4 kHz, the spectral lines occur at intervals
of 4 kHz. The first zero point of the envelope is
1 2.0 4.1 2 2.05 1.97 located at 40 kHz.
2 4.0 3.8 2 1.90 1.87
Fig. S2.3-12: Spectrum of a pulse train Fig. S2.3-14: Spectrum of a pulse train
Signal: Analyzer: Signal: Analyzer:
A = 5.0 V V1 = 1 V2 = 1 A = 5.0 V V1 = 1 V2 = 1
τ6 = 9/10 b = 100 Hz T = 160 s τ1 = 1/10 b = 500 Hz T = 160 s
fP1 = 2.0 kHz fr = 20 kHz fP3 = 4.0 kHz fr = 50 kHz
SPAN : 500 Hz...20 kHz SPAN : 500 Hz ... 50 kHz
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
Table 7 : Table 8:
Time curves and spectra as a function of the duty
τ1 = 1/10 τ2 = 2/10
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
Fig. S2.3-20
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
δ(t) δ(f)
Fig. S2.3-21
Curve with respect to time and spectrum of a Dirac pulse
Fig. S2.3-22: Curve of a synthesized Dirac pulse with respect to time
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
Many function generators use a comparator/inte- Calculate the total harmonic distortion from your
grator circuit to generate square-wave signals and measured values:
triangular-wave signals. A sinusoidal signal is
then obtained from the triangular-wave signal by ∞
a diode network. This is possible because the har- ∑ Sn 2
monic content of the triangular-wave signal (total n=2 S ' rms
harmonic distortion) is relatively small, see Point THD = = Eq. 2.2-4
∞ S rms
∑ Sn 2
2. Table 1: n =1
Spektrum of a sym. triangular-wave signal
If we use n = 1...n = 8, we obtain the following
Signal: Analyzer: approximation
A = 8.6 V V1 =1
0 . 78 2 + 0 . 30 2 + 0 .16 2
b = 10 Hz THD = = 12%
f0 = 108 Hz fr = 2 kHz 7 . 00 2 + 0 . 78 2 + 0 . 30 2 + 0 .16 2
SPAN : 15 Hz...1kHz The second harmonic contains the largest propor-
T = 20 s tion of the total harmonic distortion:
Measured values Theory 0 . 78
THD = = 11%
f S(n) SR(n) SR(n) 7 . 00
n V2
Hz V V V 3.
1 108 7.0 1 7.0 7.07 Manipulating the phases has no effect on the am-
plitude spectrum.
2 216 — — — 0.00
4 432 — — — 0.00
6 648 — — — 0.00
8 864 — — — 0.00 Fig. S2.4-3: Effect of the phases on the curve of the signal
with respect to time
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
Fig. S2.5-1: Curve of a falling saw-tooth signal with respect Fig. S2.5-2: Spectrum of a falling saw-tooth
to time Signal : Analyzer:
A = 3.5 V V1 = 2 V2 = 2
f0 = 108 Hz b = 10 Hz T = 160 s
2. Table 1: SPAN: 15 Hz...1 kHz
fr = 2 kHz
Spectrum of a falling saw-tooth signal
Signal: Analyzer:
A = 3.5 V V1 =2
b = 10 Hz
f 0 = 108 Hz fr = 2 kHz
SPAN : 15 Hz...1 kHz
T = 20 s
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
Fig. S2.6-5:
Fig. S2.6-2: Beat spectrum Envelope curve with nodes.
Analyzer: Phase shifts circled. DSB-AMSC is a beat.
V1 = 1 T = 160 s
V2 = 2 SPAN: 15 Hz..1 kHz approx.
b = 10 Hz fr = 2 kHz
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
3 324 — 5 — 0.00
5 540 — 10 — 0.00
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Solutions
2.2 Table 2 : The theoretical value for the ripple of the full-
wave sine is 48.2%. In bridge rectification, the
Spectrum of a full-wave sinusoidal signal DC voltage component is twice as great as for
half-wave rectification. This is a desirable effect.
Signal: Analyzer: At the same time, the spectral component with the
A = 5.0 V V1 =1 basic frequency f0 is no longer present. This
b = 10 Hz makes it easier to carry out any smoothing which
f0 = 108 Hz fr = 2 kHz may be necessary. The spectrum contains only
SPAN : 15 Hz...1 kHz spectral components at even multiples of the basic
T = 40 s frequency.
3 324 — 5 — 0.00
5 540 — 10 — 0.00
U 0 = 3. 20 V
w = 43. 8%
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Appendix
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Appendix
Table A1 Table A2
Spectrum Spectrum
Signal: Analyzer: Signal: Analyzer:
A = V V1 = A = V V1 =
τ = b = Hz b = Hz
f0 = kHz fr = kHz f0 = Hz fr = kHz
T = s T = s
2 2 216
3 3 324
4 4 432
5 5 540
6 6 648
7 7 756
8 8 864
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Appendix
Signal: Analyzer:
A = V V1 = V2 =
τ = b = T =
f0 = Hz fr = SPAN:
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Appendix
Beat phenomena .............................................................................................................. 28, 29, 49
Condition of symmetry ............................................................................................................... 16
Dirac pulse train ......................................................................................................................... 25
Dirac pulse .................................................................................................................................. 25
Duty cycle ...........................................................................................................21, 23, 24, 38, 44
Envelope curve ..............................................................................................11, 23, 29, 34, 38, 39
Filter banks .................................................................................................................................... 6
Form factor .................................................................................................................................... 5
Fourier analysis ........................................................................................................................... 16
Fourier expansion ........................................................................................................................ 13
Fourier series .............................................................................................................13, 14, 17, 27
Fourier synthesis ......................................................................................................................... 14
Frequency synthesizer ................................................................................................................. 17
Full-wave sine signal ............................................................................................................ 31, 32
Fundamental oscillation .............................................................................................................. 17
Gibb’s phenomena ................................................................................................................ 17, 35
Half-wave rectification (half-wave sinusoidal) .......................................................................... 30
Harmonic ......................................................................................................................... 17, 20, 37
Lower side line (LSL) ................................................................................................................. 28
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Appendix
TPS Fourier Analysis and Synthesis Appendix