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A Business Case Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Award of the Degree of
Master of Business Administration of Mzumbe University

Mzumbe University

We, the Undersigned, certify that we have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by the
Mzumbe University, a business case entitled “ Unvealing The Secrets for The Success

of Tan Choice Limited’’ in partial/fulfillment of the requirements for award of the degree
of Master of Business Administration of Mzumbe University.

Major Supervisor

Internal Examiner

Accepted for the Board of


I, SABRA JAMAL JUMA, hereby declare that this business case is my own original work and
that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other university for a similar or
any other degree award. In case any information given in this business case proves to be false or
incorrect, I shall be responsible for the consequences. Also, I shall be responsible for any errors,
typos, and omissions found in this business case.

Signature _______________________________



This business case is copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the Copyright
Act 1999, and other international and national enactments, on that behalf, on intellectual
property. It may not be reproduced by any means in full or in part, except for short extracts in
fair dealings. For research or private study. Critical scholarly review, or discourse with an
acknowledgement, without the written permission of Mzumbe University, on behalf of the

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the Almighty God for His blessings,
guidance, and support throughout my academic journey and the process of writing this case
study. Without His grace, this achievement would not have been possible.

I am also grateful to my supervisor Dr. Makorere for his endless guidance, constructive
feedback, and support throughout the business case. His expertise and insights were instrumental
in shaping this study, and I am deeply indebted to him.

I would like to acknowledge the generous support of the management and staff of Tan Choice
Limited, starting with managing director Mr Rashid Abdillah and Dr Luwongo, the business
development manager who provided me with the necessary information, resources, and space to
conduct this case study. Their willingness to share their expertise and experiences had a
significant impact on the success of this project, and I am deeply grateful for their collaboration.

My deepest appreciation goes to my family, particularly my parents, Mrs Shazya and Mr. Jamal
Juma for their unwavering encouragement, support, and understanding throughout my academic
journey. Their love and belief in me kept me motivated throughout the most challenging times,
and I am forever grateful for their presence in my life.

Finally, I would like to thank my friends who provided me with motivation, support, and
inspiration throughout the research process. Their encouragement and positivity were
instrumental in keeping me motivated and focused on this project. Their contribution is greatly

TMC - Tanzania Meat Company

TCL - Tan Choice Limited

QMP - Quality Meat Packers

SME’s - Small and Medium Enterprises

HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points

ISO - International Standards Organization

JNIA - Julius Nyerere International Airport

NEMC - National Environmental Management Council

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Authority

TRA - Tanzania Revenue Authority

TMB - Tanzania Meat Board

EPZA - Export Processing Zones Authority

TBS - Tanzania Bureau of Standards

MLF - Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries

TCCIA - Tanzania Chamber Of Commerce Industry and Agriculture

DVS - Directorate of Veterinary Services

UAE - United Arabian Emirates

BAKWATA - National Muslim Council of Tanzania


This business case study examines the success story of Tan Choice Limited, a meat processing
and export company that has rapidly established itself as a market leader in Tanzania. The
company's success is attributed to its effective strategies, including investing in modern facilities
to ensure production of high-quality meat products that meet international food safety and
quality standards. Tan Choice Limited has also prioritized understanding its target market and
tailoring its products to fit specific customer needs.

Data for this case study was collected through in-depth interviews with the protagonists
specifically the Managing Director Mr Rashid Abdillah and the key personnels at Tan Choice
Limited and analysis of secondary sources, such as industry publications and financial reports.
The data was analyzed using content analysis methods to identify the key themes and factors
contributing to the company's success.

The case study highlights the importance of innovation, market responsiveness, and customer
satisfaction in creating a successful business. By investing in modern facilities with advanced
technology, Tan Choice Limited was able to produce high quality and safe meat products, gain
customers' trust, and achieve market differentiation and competitiveness.

Furthermore, the case study underscores the importance of market research in understanding
target markets and consumer preferences. Tan Choice Limited's understanding of the market's
needs and the demands of its customers allowed the company to tailor its products to meet
specific customer needs, and its strong distribution networks enabled the company to reach a
wider customer base and achieve rapid growth in the industry.

In summary, Tan Choice Limited's success story provides important insights into the top
strategies for building a successful meat processing and Export Company in Tanzania. By
investing in modern facilities, prioritizing quality and safety, understanding the target market,
and adopting best practices in animal husbandry and meat processing, companies in the meat
industry can achieve growth and competitiveness in their market segment and contribute
positively to the Tanzanian economy

Tanzania has a thriving meat industry with numerous companies involved in the production and
processing of meat products for both the domestic and export markets. Despite the challenges
faced by the industry, such as inadequate infrastructure and limited access to finance, some meat
companies have succeeded in establishing themselves as key players in the market.

This business case aims to unlock the secrets of the success of Tan Choice Limited in Tanzania
by exploring the factors that have contributed to its growth and profitability. By analyzing the
strategies and best practices employed by Tan Choice Limited, this case aims to provide insights
that can be applied by other companies to enhance their competitiveness and achieve success in
the meat industry.

The case will begin by providing an overview of the meat industry in Tanzania, including its
historical background and status. It will then focus on the success story of Tan Choice Limited
and how it has been able to overcome the challenges and establish itself as key player in the
industry. The case will analyze the factors that have contributed to its success, including
investment in modern processing facilities, adoption of best practices in animal husbandry and
meat processing, prioritization of quality and safety, and the development of strong distribution

Finally, the case will conclude by offering recommendations for other companies in the industry
to enhance their competitiveness and achieve success. These recommendations will include
suggestions for improving productivity, addressing supply chain challenges, leveraging
government support, and prioritizing quality and safety in meat production. By unlocking the
secrets of success in the meat industry, this case aims to contribute to the growth and
development of the industry in Tanzania.



The meat industry in Tanzania is a significant contributor to the country's economy and plays an
important role in the livelihoods of many people, particularly in rural areas. The industry is
primarily based on the production and processing of beef, goat, and sheep meat, with some
poultry production as well.

The livestock sector is an essential component of the meat industry, with Tanzania having one of
the largest livestock populations in Africa. According to the Tanzania Livestock Master Plan, the
country has an estimated 25 million cattle, 16 million goats, and 5 million sheep. The majority of
livestock is owned by small-scale producers, who account for around 85% of the country's total
livestock population.

In terms of meat processing, there are several large and small-scale companies involved in the
industry, with the majority located in major cities such as Dar es Salaam, Arusha, and Mwanza.
The largest meat processing company in Tanzania is the state-owned Tanzania Meat Company
(TMC), which operates several processing plants across the country. However, there are also
several private companies involved in meat processing, including Tan Choice Limited, Quality
Meat Packers (QMP), Tan Meat, Tanzania Pride Meat Company, Arusha Meat Company,
Victory Meat Processing Limited, Dodoma Meat Company and Kiboko Cold Storage.

The industry faces several challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, limited access to
finance, low productivity, inconsistent supply of livestock, and quality and safety concerns.
Despite these challenges, the industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, with
increased investment in processing facilities, adoption of modern technologies, and increased
government support for small-scale producers.

Overall, the meat industry in Tanzania is an important contributor to the country's economy and
provides significant employment opportunities, particularly for small-scale producers. With the
right interventions and support, the industry has the potential to continue growing and
contributing to Tanzania's economic development.

Tan Choice Limited was found by well-experienced Directors in the red meat value chain in the
year 2018 and run by a management and technical team that is well conversant and passionate on
food safety and quality management systems. Tan Choice Limited is a new state of the art, ultra-
modern abattoir located in Soga Village, Kibaha district, Coast region and approximately 60kms
away from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania commercial hub. It is relatively large and one of its kind in
East Africa. Tan Choice Limited is an incorporation entity with company registration No 138207
in the United Republic of Tanzania. The company is also registered under Export Processing
Zones Authority (EPZA) with registration number 147. Construction of this modern facility was
commenced in August 2018 and the foundation stone was laid by the Hon. Minister for
Livestock and Fisheries Mr. Joelson Luhaga Mpina on 26 March 2019. Construction was
completed in June 2020.

Tan Choice Limited facility is the largest and most modern slaughterhouse and meat-processing
plant in Tanzania and it is one of its kind in East and Central Africa. The company goal and
objective is to produce meat and meat products from cattle, sheep and goats while ensuring that
the products produced are safe, of high quality, legal, organic and Halal compliant.

The company complies with Food Safety and Quality Management Systems (ISO 22000 and
ISO 9001) enabling it to be certified by relevant regulatory bodies in Tanzania, amongst them;
The Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS) in the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (MLF),
Tanzania Bureau of Standards(TBS), Tanzania Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture
(TCCIA), The National Muslim Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA), Export Processing Zone
Authority (EPZA), National Environmental Management Council (NEMC), Tanzania Meat
Board (TMB), Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA) and Tanzania Revenue
Authority (TRA).

Tan Choice Limited meets customer and market requirements at national and international levels
while offering attractive and competitive meat and meat product prices. The company has
positioned itself to be a leader in the export of fresh chilled and frozen red meat to major markets
around the world including Middle East countries, Central Africa, Far East Asia countries, and
The Peoples Republic of China.


The company vision is to become a market leader in red meat value chain in Africa.


The company mission is to ensure the best products and services to the customers and develop a
relationship of trust with the suppliers and be the best in all that it does.

Core values

The core values of the company include;

• Integrity: Morally and ethically upright in business

• Professionalism: Competent and skilled workforce in performing their duties

• Team work: Embrace team spirit with a common goal, objectives and expected results

• Innovation: Creative and results oriented

• Community participation: Involvement in community development activities


Tan Choice Limited is a registered company in Tanzania since 2018. The idea of establishing a
company came into force after revocation of import permit issued by UAE to what was then
called Tanzania Meat Company (TMC) slaughterhouse located in Dodoma Municipality where
contract slaughter services were rendered by the government. The company had no full
ownership on the facility simply because all the operations were undertaken by the government
and the company had to pay for all the services offered like slaughtering, processing and storage.

The parent company that gave birth to Tan Choice Limited was known as Jabaal Daalo General
Trading Co Limited. This company was found in 2013 with sister company in Dubai called Jabal
Daalo General Trading LLC. This company was the first to operate and was responsible for
overseeing all the operations and export activities under Tanzania Meat Company. It was then
changed to Tan Choice Limited in July 2018. Production rate was very small at that time and
there was scheduled production where by production days were only three in a week, Monday,
Wednesday and Saturday at a rate of 1000 to 1500 per day. All production activities were
managed by TMC. In addition, during that time, customers were very few and the running cost
were very high. This situation made Tan Choice carry out its activities in a very hard way.

Tan Choice Limited faced so many threats and obstacles that directly affected its productivity,
profitability and the ability to meet customer’s demands. These challenges include long distance
from production site to point of departure (JNIA), high operation cost, limited transport logistics,
limited authority over the production workforce and scheduled slaughter as the facility was
accommodating more companies for contract slaughter services. The following are the
challenges faced by Tan Choice Limited during its operations.

 Long distance from production site to point of departure (JNIA) The distance from
Dodoma to Julius Nyerere International Airport which was the point of departure is
approximated to be about 450 Km to 500 Km. Meat is a highly perishable product that
requires careful handling so as to maintain its quality and safety. During transportation,
meat must be kept at the appropriate temperature to prevent spoilage and the growth of
harmful bacteria. Long transportation distance from Dodoma to Dar es Salaam posed a
challenge to maintaining the required temperature conditions. Additionally, the longer the
transportation distance, the greater the risk of damage to the meat during transportation.

 High operation cost. The costs of production and operation of the company at that time
were very high compared to the income obtained. This was because all the processing
activities were under Tanzania Meat Company, so the company had to pay Tshs 7000 as
slaughtering fee for each animal. In addition to that, the costs of livestock purchases and
transportation were very high, but also customers were very few that led to lower export
level. When the operational costs of the slaughtering facility are high, it becomes more
difficult for meat processors and distributors to obtain profit. This can lead to
downsizing, closures, or consolidation of meat companies.

 Limited transport logistics. This relies heavily on the efficient and timely movement of
livestock and processed meat products. At the beginning, there were delays in the
transportation of products from Dodoma to Dar es Salaam due to traffic congestion of the
Morogoro road. This resulted into extended exposure to temperatures outside of the safe
zone, resulting in spoilage of the meat. Also Limited transport logistics resulted into
increased cost of transportation of product from Dodoma to Dar es Salaam. The increased
cost of transportation were ultimately passed on to customers that resulted into higher
meat prices.
 Limited authority over the production work force. The meat industry relies heavily on
the interaction and communication with the production workforce to ensure efficient and
effective production processes, simply because about 70% of the slaughtering activities
are carried out by them, therefore they have a direct impact on the quality of the meat
and its products. Limited interaction and communication with the production workforce
led to poor quality and standard of the meat.
 Scheduled slaughter as the facility was accommodating more companies for contract
slaughter services. At the beginning, all production activities were managed by TMC, so
they were the ones who planned the production days and the amount to produce
according to their capacity. This was a major hindrance to Tan Choice’s growth.

At the beginning of 2018, the Dodoma abattoirs, which was under Tanzania Meat Company,
were closed due to bad infrastructure and dirty environment. This does not make Tan Choice fail
to achieve its goals. After closure of the Dodoma slaughterhouse led to start the process of
building a modern factory for slaughtering, processing and storage of the meat products.
Construction of this modern facility was commenced in August 2018 located in Soga Village,
Kibaha district, Coast region and approximately 60kms away from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
commercial hub and the foundation stone was laid by the Hon. Minister for Livestock and
Fisheries Mr. Joelson Luhaga Mpina on 26 March 2019. Construction was completed in June

Tan Choice Limited facility is now the largest and most modern slaughterhouse and meat
processing plant in Tanzania and it is one of its kind in East and Central Africa. The company
goal and objective is to produce meat and meat products from cattle, sheep and goats while
ensuring that the products produced are safe, of high quality, legal, organic and Halal compliant.
Currently Tan Choice Limited is a big company that can produce 3000 to 4000 pcs of shoat per
day. It has increased its product varieties from fresh-based product only to frozen products like
cubes, six way cuts, four way cuts, boneless and dehared products. Also Tan Choice Limited has
expanded its business from three 3 customers to 100 customers from different places in the world
such as Oman, Qatar, Dubai, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, China and Libya. In addition, Tan
Choice contributes a very large amount to the Tanzanian economy as it pays taxes to the relevant
authorities and has managed to employ not less than 500 employees.



The meat industry in Tanzania faces several challenges that have been extensively studied in the
literature. This section will review some of the literature on the challenges faced by meat
companies in Tanzania.

1. Inadequate Infrastructure: The meat industry in Tanzania is hampered by inadequate

infrastructure, particularly in terms of transportation and storage facilities. According to a
study by Gavamukulya et al. (2020), the poor state of infrastructure in Tanzania's meat
industry leads to high transportation costs, delays in delivery, and product spoilage. The
study recommends that the government and private sector players should invest in
improving transportation and storage infrastructure, including the construction of modern
abattoirs, refrigeration facilities, and transportation networks.

2. Inconsistent Supply of Livestock: The meat industry in Tanzania is heavily reliant on

small-scale farmers for its supply of livestock, which can result in inconsistent quality
and quantity of livestock. According to a study by Shayo et al. (2019), the lack of access
to quality feed, veterinary services, and breeding stock for small-scale farmers in
Tanzania hinders their productivity and the quality of their livestock. The study
recommends that the government and private sector players should invest in improving
animal husbandry practices and provide training and support to small-scale farmers to
improve their productivity and the quality of their livestock.

3. Quality and Safety Concerns: The meat industry in Tanzania faces quality and safety
concerns, particularly in relation to the handling and processing of meat products.
According to a study by Mwemezi et al. (2017), the meat industry in Tanzania lacks
adequate quality control measures, which can lead to the contamination of meat products.
The study recommends that meat processing and distribution companies should
implement best practices in animal husbandry and meat processing, prioritize quality and
safety, and obtain international certifications to demonstrate their commitment to food
safety and quality.

4. Limited Access to Financing: Many meat processing and distribution companies in

Tanzania struggle to access financing, which limits their ability to invest in modern
processing facilities and expand their operations. According to a study by Komba et al.
(2018), the lack of access to financing is a significant challenge for small and medium-
sized enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania's meat industry. The study recommends that the
government and private sector players should work together to provide access to
financing and other forms of support, such as technical assistance and training, to help
companies in the industry to grow and remain competitive.

Overall, the literature review highlights the challenges faced by meat companies in Tanzania,
including inadequate infrastructure, inconsistent supply of livestock, quality and safety concerns,
and limited access to financing. The literature also provides recommendations for addressing
these challenges, which include investing in infrastructure, improving animal husbandry
practices, prioritizing quality and safety, and providing access to financing and other forms of


The methodology for this case study of Tan Choice Limited involved the collection of data
through in-depth interviews with The Managing director, the Operations Manager, and other key
personnels within the company, and analysis of secondary sources such as industry publications,
good manufacturing practices guidelines, checklists and financial reports. The primary data was
collected through in-depth interviews with key company personnel, such as management team
members and staff involved in the production, processing, and distribution of meat products. The
interviews focused on identifying challenges faced by TCL and the struggles towards its success,
strategies, and factors that contributed to the company's success in the meat processing and
export industry in Tanzania. The interview data was complemented by the analysis of secondary
sources, which was industry publications and financial reports, to provide a broader perspective
on the industry and the broader economy.

The data collected was analyzed using content analysis methods to identify key themes and
factors contributing to Tan Choice Limited's success. This method allowed for a systematic
analysis of the data, enabling the identification of factors that contributed to the success of the
company, including investment in modern facilities, prioritization of quality and safety,
understanding of the target market, and adoption of best practices in animal husbandry and meat
processing. This methodology provides a reliable and evidence-based approach to identifying the
key improvements that TCL has undergone after all the challenges they passed through. The
analysis was done to show the increased trends of production and dispatch, number of customers
increased, increased in number of product varieties, increased number of employees which are a
result of the strategies employed by TCL to ensure its growth and success. The application of the
strategies employed by TCL will provide insights that can support the growth and success of
other companies operating in the meat processing and export industry in Tanzania.



2013 TO 2023
number of animals

500000 production volume
400000 despatch volume

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023*

Graph 1. Showing the annual production volume and dispatch volume from 2013 to 2023.

nuber of employees





2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023*


Graph 2. Showing the annual number of employees from 2013 to 2023.


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Graph 3. Showing the number of customers from 2013 to 2023.


2013 fresh product

2014 fresh product

2015 fresh product

2016 fresh product

2017 fresh product

2018 No production

2019 No production

2020 fresh product beef product

2021 fresh product beef product frozen carcasses

dehaired cubes and six

2022 fresh product beef product frozen carcasses
goat way cut

dehaired cubes and six

2023 fresh product beef product frozen carcasses four way cuts
goat way cut

Table 1. Showing the product variations from 2013 to 2023.


Over the past five years, (2013-2017) production was very small, dispatch also was very small as
it is shown in the graph 1. During this period, the production activities were under the Tanzania
Meat Company (TMC). In early 2018 TMC was closed, this led to the process of building a new
facility owned by Tan Choice at kibaha, Pwani. It took two years to complete the construction
process and in 2020, production officially began at Tan Choice slaughterhouse.

Production and dispatch increased considerably soon after moving to Kibaha and implementing
the strategies set. The growth of Tan choice limited has been influenced by interplay of
production and dispatch rates. By maintaining high production and dispatch, rates enhance
customer satisfactions, market demand, and profitability. Producing goods at higher rate can lead
to economies of scale, reducing per unit production cost and increase in revenue. By reducing the
cost per unit of production potentially allowed Tan choice limited to offer competitive pricing,
leading to increased sales and market share.

During the first five years (2013-2017), all production activities were managed by the TMC. Tan
choice limited had to employ a few people for documentation and drivers for transportation from
Dodoma to Dar es salaam. After moving to Kibaha in 2020, Tan choice began to hiring new
staffs, both skilled and unskilled for all production activities, administration, procurement,
transportation and documentation. The number of employees have increased each year, reaching
nearly 500 employees in 2023 as it shown in the graph 2. An increase in the number of
employees had significant effect on the growth of Tan choice limited since they helped distribute
the workload and increase overall productivity, also allow for better customer service, as the
company can allocate more resources to handle customer inquiries, provide support and address
concerns promptly. This can lead to increased customer satisfactions and loyalty.

The number of customers were very small over the past five-years (2013-2017), as it shown in
the graph 3. During that period, production was very small since all production activities were
managed by Tanzania Meat Company (TMC). However, after moving to Kibaha and
implementing the new strategies set, production increased as days went on. This led to the
increase in the number of customers. The growth of Tan Choice was highly influenced by an
increase in the number of customers. Growth of customers resulted into growth of revenue,
economies of scale as well as data driven insight.

During the first five years (2013-2017), there was one type of product that was only fresh
products that was being dispatched as it shown in the table 1. However, after moving to Kibaha
and implementing the new strategies set, Tan choice expanded its market and added other
products like beef in 2020. Three years later, it increased its product varieties to frozen products
like frozen carcasses, cubes six way cuts, four way cuts which did not exist in the previous years.

Product diversification of Tan choice Limited contributed to meeting diverse customer needs. By
offering a wide range of products, Tan choice can cater to the diverse preferences and
requirements of its customers. In addition to that, product variations has enabled Tan choice to
reach new market segments.

The success of Tan choice Limited has been attributed to factors such as investment in modern
processing facilities, best practices in animal husbandry and meat processing, prioritization of
quality and safety, high-quality products or services, development of strong distribution
networks, effective management, market understanding, and financial stability.

1. Investment in Modern Processing Facilities: Tan Choice has invested heavily in

modern processing facilities, which has enabled the company to produce high-quality
meat products that meet both domestic and international standards. The company's
processing plant is equipped with the latest technology, including advanced refrigeration
systems, automated cutting machines, and hygienic processing areas.

2. Best Practices in Animal Husbandry and Meat Processing: Tan Choice places a
strong emphasis on animal welfare and meat quality, and adopts best practices in animal
husbandry and meat processing. The company sources its livestock from small-scale
farmers who are trained on best practices in animal care and management. In addition,
Tan Choice employs skilled butchers and meat processors who follow strict hygiene and
safety procedures to ensure that the meat products are of the highest quality.

3. Prioritization of Quality and Safety: Tan Choice places a high priority on quality and
safety, and has implemented robust quality control measures at every stage of the
production process. The company has a dedicated quality control team that conducts
regular inspections and tests to ensure that the meat products meet the required standards.
In addition, Tan Choice has obtained several international certifications, including ISO
22000 and HACCP, which demonstrate its commitment to food safety and quality.

4. Development of Strong Distribution Networks: Tan Choice has developed strong

distribution networks both domestically and internationally, which has enabled the
company to reach a wide customer base. The company has a fleet of refrigerated trucks
that deliver its products to various retail and wholesale outlets across Tanzania and
neighboring countries. In addition, Tan Choice has established partnerships with several
international distributors, which has enabled the company to expand its reach and tap into
new markets.

5. Effective management. The success of a company also depends on the skills and
expertise of its management team. Tan Choice Limited it has well-organized and efficient
management team can help the company to make informed decisions and implement
effective strategies.

6. Market understanding. Tan Choice Limited has been able to understand its target
market and customers' needs and their specifications. It has different products like fresh
chilled products and frozen products such as frozen whole carcass, cubes, six way cuts
and four way cuts. This enable them to meet customer demands and tailor their marketing
and sales strategies to appeal to their target audience.

7. Financial stability. A company's financial stability and resources are crucial to its
success. Tan Choice Limited has strong financial backing and good cash flow
management that enables it to withstand market fluctuations and invest in growth


The significance of studying Tan Choice Limited's success story lies in the fact that it provides
insights into the factors that have contributed to its rapid rise and consolidation as a leading meat
processing and export company in Tanzania. The company's success also has a wider impact on
the Tanzanian economy, as it contributes to job creation, local revenue generation, and export
earnings, which is crucial to the country's development. Moreover, the study of Tan Choice
Limited's growth and strategies can provide important lessons for other meat processing and
export companies in Tanzania, and other developing countries with similar industries.

The case study can also serve as a learning tool for entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts
interested in starting a meat processing and Export Company in Tanzania, and other African
countries with similar economic conditions. They can learn from Tan Choice Limited's best
practices, its innovative strategies, and its overcoming of early challenges to establish itself as a
competitive business entity in the market.
Finally, the study can contribute to a better understanding of the meat industry in Tanzania, as
the country has a huge potential to become a leading meat exporter in Africa. An analysis of Tan
Choice Limited's journey has revealed the opportunities and challenges in the sector, the
regulatory and operational issues, the dynamics of competition and collaboration, and the factors
that determine success or failure in the industry. Overall, the study of Tan Choice Limited's
success story can provide valuable insights for industry players, policymakers, academics, and
the public, and can contribute to the development of Tanzania's meat industry and its impact on
the economy.


In conclusion, Tan Choice Limited has established itself as a leading meat processing and export
company in Tanzania. Its success story provides valuable insights into the factors that have
contributed to its rapid growth and consolidation in the industry, which may be useful not only to
other meat processing and export companies in Tanzania but also to other developing countries
facing similar economic conditions. This study has highlighted various factors that have
contributed to Tan Choice Limited's success, including investments in modern facilities,
prioritizing quality, adopting best practices in animal husbandry and meat processing,
understanding the target market, and effective management. These factors illustrate the
importance of innovation, continuous improvement, and market responsiveness in the growth
and success of any business venture.

Overall, this study provides evidence that despite encountering numerous challenges, a
determined and innovative leadership team and investment in modern facilities can lead to
success in the meat processing and export industry. By documenting and sharing Tan Choice
Limited's story, we can learn from their experiences and inspire other businesses and
entrepreneurs in the industry to improve their operations, create job opportunities and contribute
positively to the Tanzanian economy.

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