Day 1 - Certification Requirements
Day 1 - Certification Requirements
Day 1 - Certification Requirements
Elisha Omuya
Regional Officer –AGA
Chicago Convention
State Obligations
Role and Responsibilities of Regulator
Why are we here???
Why to Certify?
• Article 15 of the Convention on International Civil
Aviation requires that all aerodromes open to public
use under the jurisdiction of a Contracting State
provide uniform conditions for the aircraft of all other
Contracting States.
Certification Requirements
Article 28 - Each State agrees to provide airports and
air traffic services in conformance with standards and
practices established under the Convention
Certification Requirements
Article 37 - Each State agrees to implement in their
national regulations the International Standards and
Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Procedures
adopted by ICAO in order to ensure the highest
practicable degree of uniformity.
Certification Requirements
National Law
Regional Requirements
ICAO SARPS (Annexes, Manuals,
Circulars, Procedures….)
Obligations of the State
An individual State’s responsibility for safety oversight
is the foundation upon which safe global aircraft
operations are built. „
Lack of appropriate safety oversight in one Contracting
State, therefore, threatens the health of international
civil aircraft operations.
A state therefore needs to put in place prerequisite
requirements to ensure effective Safety oversight of
the Operators.
Obligations of the State
Why Certify?
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Why certify?
• It is a tool to guarantee the safety, regularity and efficiency of operations
air transport.
• When a certificate is issued to the aerodrome, for aircraft operators and other
organizations operating on it means that, at the time of certification, it complies with
the specifications relating to the installation and its operation and which, in
accordance with certification authority, the ability to continue to meet those
specifications during the validity of the certificate.
• Establishes a benchmark for continuous monitoring of compliance with
Demands for States
• Standards and recommended practices (Annex 14)
• USOAP CMA Protocol (PQ's)
• Protocol (PQ) questions are the main instrument for assessing the level of
Implementation of a State safety oversight system, they are based on:
• SARPs, PANSs, documents and other guidance material of ICAO, taking
into account the Critical Elements.
Certification Requirements
Annex 14, Vol. I - 1.4.1 “ States shall certify aerodromes
used for international operations in accordance with the
specifications contained in this Annex as well as other
relevant ICAO specifications through an appropriate
regulatory framework"
Certification Requirements
Annex 14 Vol. I - 1.4.3 The regulatory framework
shall include the establishment of a criteria and
procedures for the certification of aerodromes.
Certification Requirements
• Annex 14 Vol. I -1.4.4 As part of the certification process, States shall
ensure that an aerodrome manual which will include all pertinent
information on the aerodrome site, facilities, services, equipment,
operating procedures, organization and management including a
safety management system, is submitted by the applicant for
approval/acceptance prior to granting the aerodrome certificate.
Scope of the initial Certification process?
Infrastructure, Compliance and SARPs
5. Promulgation 2. Document
of Status of Evaluation
4. Issue/Refusal 3. Facilities
to issue Evaluation
Aerodrome Certification Procedures
Grant of a certificate is subject to:
Application meeting all regulatory requirements
Compliance with all safety specifications including
development of appropriate standard operating procedures
On-site verification indicating adequacy of facilities and
Existence of a functional SMS, and
CAA being satisfied with operator’s competence to operate
the aerodrome in a safe manner
Aerodrome Certification Procedures
The aerodrome certificate may be refused or an existing certificate
suspended for any of the following reasons:
Any non-compliance with the CAA regulations and safety
Inadequate/unsafe operating procedures
Not following approved safety procedures and other risk
mitigation action in case of exemptions granted
SMS not functional, inactive and ineffective and
Any significant safety concern as assessed by the regulator
Chicago Convention.
Why Certification
Obligations of the State
Roles and Responsibilities of Regulator
Aerodrome Certification Process/ Procedures